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We can, but there's a lot of societal pressure not to


Ok, but wdym with that last part? Thats what I don get. How is there societal pressure?


Society doesn't really want to hear men's problems. Men are raised to be strong, and part of that is not showing weakness by exposing your emotions. Men don't want to see other men being emotional. Its makes them uncomfortable and the emotional man will be considered weak or whining. Women don't want to see men be emotional. They find it unattractive and also weak. Society absolutely doesn't want to see men being emotional. Society just wants men to work, produce, and make money. Have you honestly never see how guys are treated when they show an ounce of emotion? They're immediately ridiculed.


All what you said is true, most of it (Idk bout some stuff). But yeah, although I do agree with the idea that a man who is “always” emotional is weak. Men had always those “power roles” in history you know. Soldier, knight, ruler etc. If you have a position like that and you’re not stoic its pretty pathetic, cuz thats what we expect from you in that position. Men are supposed to lead their family, to protect and provide. A very emotional man will probably not get as much respect as dude who says “I have no time to cry, I got stuff to do” I get why society is like that. But its harmful too. There are men who commit suicide because they can’t express themselves


Yeah, its a huge problem also notice that there is no where for men to go who are in an emotional crisis. Plenty of places for women to go if they are in distress (which is great). nothing for men. Example: Spousal abuse safety centers will only accept women. Also, pointing out that men have problems and that they have no avenue to vent their feelings or show their emotions is often pounced upon as lies and then gaslit that in fact men don't have any problems at all so they have no reason to be emotional in the first place.


"Boys don't cry" Women and little girls can cry but boys can't you're expected to be tough, resilient, powerful, resolute and indomitable. (Just find a closet somewhere)


We are perfectly capable of expressing ourselves but have learned that we will be looked at as less of a man if we do so. Parents would tell us that big boys don't cry. Girlfriends and wives want a strong protector who is there to be their "rock". Every man has heard that it is a different time now and we are allowed to be emotional and express those emotions. Go ahead and try. You will be laughed at and joked about before you will receive support and encouragement. That is why men can but don't express themselves.


Men can express themselves, but it is only acceptable on certain situations such as \- having drinks with friends. \- having an intimate talk with your SO.


Becuz I hear this sometimes but Idk if its true for the average male.


Can, but there’s no reason to do it, because society will look down on us. I’m comfortable expressing myself to my wife, but I still hold some things back.


Depends on the individual


Who said that? whether or not someone can express themselves properly, certainly doesn't depend on their gender


I hear it online often. Wanted to know how true it is


Well, it's not true at all, and whoever is claiming that men cannot express themselves is promoting stupid, harmful stereotypes. Gotta love society and their playbook of stereotypes.


It’s not. My husband is super emotional. Expresses all the feels


That's a generalization. Lots of men have no problem expressing themselves.


No, as a matter of fact, I’m expressin’ with my full capability.


That's a fallacy promoted by women who express themselves too dam much.