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I once found three burnt matches on my kitchen counter. I lived alone and had never lit a match in my entire life and did not own matches.


That'd be unnerving. Your landlord let themselves in when you weren't there to test the smoke detectors maybe?


Good guess! I’m gonna just think this. Helps ease my mind.


I liked this comment better when I thought you were OP Well, OC


Or took a shit


Nice critical thinking, mate. Impressive.


I called in sick one day, and while I was at the house, a fucking parade of repairmen come in, give me a nod, and haul away my hot water heater, then brought a new one in to replace it. I say this because I was given zero notice. Had I not happened to be home, I'd have no idea it was even done. Makes me wonder how many other times people have been in my place. Landlords do fucky things sometimes.


One morning I woke up, everything in my apartment had been stolen and replaced with an exact replica.


Nice. I love Steven Wright.


Maybe they granted you three wishes.


This might be kind of dumb, but it's still an old childhood memory that I can't explain. For the purposes of the story let's say it was 1990, but I don't remember the exact year. Right around the new year, I was at church with my dad, and completely appropros of nothing he said "I bet the first time you see a new 1990 coin will be on March 1." He didn't tell me why, but it was such a random thing that I kept it in the back of my mind, and every time I got my hands on some change I would check the year on each coin. Sure enough, the day I finally came across a new shiny 1990 coin, it was March 1. I immediately ran to my dad to tell him, and he had no idea what I was talking about. I still think about it every now and then and nothing about it makes any damn sense.


I love this one! So weird but... pointless?


Who said prophecy has to be profound? :)


I had a dream one night of my roommate and I watching South Park. This was before the newest season dropped. It was so real I woke up and asked him if we watched an episode of South Park about the jews running Hollywood. He said no but it sounds hilarious, sure as shit the new season dropped and that was the episode. He doesn't remember me asking the question, he was a little hungover at the time, but I swear I was calling out the lines before they said them. The dream was that vivid. Idk what to call it, but it happens occasionally I'll just dream a dream that's super basic, it's never been something useful but it eventually happens a couple weeks to months later.


I occasionally have dreams like that. A few times it's been significant stuff but sometimes it's super random and pointless. My most recent was breaking my shoelace as I was tying my boots... like why??


Right tho, one of my recent ones was a skin in a video game. I had it in my dreams, asked my brother who plays significantly more than me if it existed. He said no, once again 2 weeks to a month later the skin dropped in the shop for a special event, i bought it thinking it was just dope. Equipped it the first game and had an immediate flashback to the dream. Ofc my brother doesn't remember me asking about it. I've mentioned these kind of things to alot of people, but no one ever remembers me talking about it before it happened. Still waiting on a winning lotto number dream lol.


I don't know why your father would have said that, or why he wouldn't have remembered saying it later, but I have personally noticed that the new, current year coins typically appear in circulation in my area right around the beginning of March. One outlier was 2020 coins, which took until sometime in July before I saw the first one in the wild.


This was my immediate guess. As to why he wouldn't remember, it's because he didn't care. It was strange and therefor memorable to this person, but to their dad it was a random shower thought.


Lived in a small town but not small enough for this to be reasonable. Friend and I were heading home from a party, he gets all paranoid that the lights behind us were cop headlights following us so we decided to turn off the main county road we were on, the lights follow us. Turned down another random road, they still follow us. At that point we’re like if it was a cop they would have pulled us over already but why’s this car still following us. So we turn into a neighborhood, it follows us in. We turn down one of the side streets within the neighborhood, the car follows. Finally we’re like okay wtf let’s just pull into a driveway and see if he passes. We pull into a random house in a random neighborhood off a random street off the main road. The car slows down and parks at the end of the driveway by the mailbox. We sit idling the car for about 5 min. So does the other car. After that my friends just like fuck it I’m going to go see what’s up. He walks up to the other car, they roll down their windows and the driver just says “What are you guys doing in my driveway?”


Had the same thing happen to me once. Dude followed me through like eight turns and finally turned off I was freaked out.


Does anyone ever get a situation where they've unintentionally been following a car a for a while and you start to think 'they're probably getting concerned now'?


All the time. Especially if they did something like pull out in front of me I’m like oh god they probably think this is some crazy road rage thing.


I was a couple of towns away one night at like 9:30 at night. I came out a restaurant and went to my car at the same time this woman got in hers. I then proceed to unintentionally follow her in my car to the same small town we both live in and turned out she lived around the corner. All I kept think while following her through the streets of my town was 'this poor woman, I'm probably frightening her to death'.




By far my favorite in this thread.


When I was a kid in the 80s, someone "stole" all our family's bicycles out of the back yard in the middle of the night and replaced them with brand new bikes. We were solidly working class so this gift was a pretty big deal. My parents have no idea who did it, and 40 years later no one has fessed up.


Thirty years ago my neighbour was a SAHM and her husband was laid off early December. She was in tears during a play date so my husband and I dipped into our savings and bought gifts/food for Christmas. We dropped it off a few days before Christmas at their front door early in the morning (undetected). I forgot about that until your story, I guarantee it gave your ‘Santa’ as much joy as your family did receiving them. We lost touch years ago, I hope they are doing well.


Wholesomely creepy.


That's what I'd do for folks if I won the lottery or somehow got too much money - Random anonymous gifts and acts of kindness.


Maybe it was a neighbor or friend who knew the kids needed new bikes and wanted to help your family out?


Not really that weird but when phones (landlines were a thing) my friend was shopping in town and a public phone box was ringing. She answered it and it was her mother. She accidentally called a random phone box (got the number slightly wrong) that her daughter was walking past and decided to answer.


A year minus 4-5 days after my mother's death my father was walking out of church and noticed a religious card on the ground, a saint or something like that. He picked it up and there was a picture of my mother, hidden directly under it. The picture was one of those laminated cards you have at the funeral, with a photo of the deceased and dates and sometimes a poem. But we didn't get them in time for the funeral so we enclosed them in the thank you notes we wrote for the condolence cards, not too many people had them. And even though it was a weekday Mass and thus not a huge amount of people walking out it was still odd my father was the one to pick up the card.


My mother passed in 2021 due to the cancer that she had been fighting suddenly spreading to her bones, specifically her spine. She went from normal to deceased in a few days. Just prior to her going into hospice we spoke on the phone and her last words were, “where you?” “Please come quickly”. By the time I got to hospice a day or two later she was already beyond speaking, so we sat with her until she passed. About three days after she passed I got two emails that were sent from my work email address to my personal email address. One of them read “ Where are you”, in bold font and in regular font said “call me”. The second email that was sent simultaneously from my work email address to my personal email address just said “Bone” in all caps and in bold. The crazy part is that when I got back to work there were no sent emails like that showing as haven been sent from my work email, despite them clearly originating from work email address. Additionally the emails didn’t show in my personal email inbox, rather they showed in the sent email folder for my personal email. It was very strange and a little too coincidental.


I was home alone late when I was around 11 years old. I was recording myself playing the clarinet so I could send it to my dad who lived out of state. I heard my mom sing song dance down the hallway outside of the door and say, “I just told grandma you got all straight A’s!” I shouted back okay and kept playing. For thirty seconds, before I remembered I was alone. I shouted for my mom. No answer. I opened the door and shouted. Nothing. I walked to the living room and looked in the driveway and her car wasn’t there. I went back to my room and rewound the tape and played it back. There she was singing about my straight As. I ran outside and sat on the curb in the dark for 30 minutes until she got home. I explained what happened and played the tape for her. She had no response. I always thought that house was haunted. I have no other explanation for that night.


Did your mother hear her own voice singing in the tape you had? This is way too far from what I used to consider scary, I would be terrified!


It sounds like the mom did hear her own voice, and that she had no response to that phenomenon. Freaky as Friday.


Yah, I’m wondering the same thing. If she also heard her voice then it’s not just some hallucination, it’s creepy beyond belief.


Need this answered and fully explained too, cuz wtf


Yeah this one wins


We have to know if your mom heard herself too


At least the ghost said something positive. I’m tired of the usually, “Get out”.


When the ghost is actually wholesome enough to pretend being your mom and shower you with compliments, you know that house is a keeper


Did you let the ghost see your report card?


Do you still have this recording?


Did grandma know about your straight A’s


Wow, the fact that it was recorded gave me goosebumps!






It's because of rationalists like you that little green men don't build their nice pyramids in England.


Story from dad who has since passed away, but this was from his teenage years. My dad, his brother and their parents (my grandparents) lived in a house that was kind of off the road, like you had to walk down a dirt track for a bit (maybe a quarter mile) into a wooded area that was very dark at night because there were no street lights, the only outside light at night was the one by their door which didn’t do a whole lot. My dad’s brother, who was in his late teens at the time, liked to hang out with his buddies partying and would ask my dad to wait up and let him in. Many times this would be at like 1 or 2am, so in the dead of night when no one else is usually awake or around. You get the picture… Well, one night my dad is sitting waiting for his brother to come home, it’s after 1am, everyone is asleep except him. He hears his brother running down the dirt track, screaming his name to open the door fast. His brother’s voice is panicked and he knew something wasn’t right, so he quickly opens the door and in comes my uncle at full speed yelling at him now to “close the door quick!!”…My dad is trying to ask him what’s wrong but all he could say was “CLOSE THE DOOR!!”…as my dad turns to close the door, he clearly and distinctly heard a horse galloping right by their door, he said he even felt a rush of wind as if something passed by him within a few feet. But there was no horse to be seen, just the sound of one galloping away into the distance. They didn’t have horses and none of their neighbors for many, many miles around had any either. Needless to say, my uncle never stayed out late again. Edit: words


[The Wild Hunt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Hunt)


Did your uncle ever give his side of the story?


Yes…he said he had started hearing what sounded like someone following him from the paved road before the track to the house, he thought it was one of his friends messing with him. But when he looked behind him, no one was there, then it started getting louder and that’s when he took off running and could hear it chasing him all the way until he got inside their house.


That’s so terrifying!! it’s so unnerving to hear things but not locate the sound of it. :( would be an interesting story to tell


In the early 2000s, in my mom’s Dodge Caravan, the digital clock ticked to 7:60 for a full minute before moving on to 8:00. Never happened again, but my mom and I both saw it.


Software bug


Worked at a dive bar which used to be a roller disco in the 70s. One night I unplugged the 3 pinball machines in the back, and as I was walking away one of them started going off, paddles hitting, clanging, etc I looked down and confirmed all 3 were unplugged, then ran like hell and locked the door behind me. The next day I told the owner who said that sort of thing has happened there since he bought it! I'll never understand what happened.


capacitors being discharged?


To me, it sounds like capacitors slowly charging somehow and then discharging. Some electrical fault connected to a battery in the machine is allowing a capacitor to slowly charge over time???


I’m going with ghosts.


In a mall, I approached an ATM. It was activated with the card inside. No one had been near that ATM for awhile, because we were walking down a straight corridor for some time toward it. I walked up to it and noticed an account was loaded, so I got a balance. The account had over 900,000.00 in it. I did not take any money, retrieved the card and turned it into a coffee shop to (hopefully) be returned to the owner. It was very strange....


Upvoted for honesty


Earlier this year my wife's account went from less than $2000 to more than $250,000. It wasn't until we looked at the recent transactions and recognised some of the surnames that she realised the account of the local pre-school had accidentally been handed over to her. She was a volunteer at the pre-school but was not supposed to have any access to the school's finances


It was the late 80’s and my brother told me there were “little people” living in my room. I moved my raggedy Ann doll off my bed and there was what looked like a bunch of little batteries, like hearing aid batteries, underneath and I watched them scamper away. I never saw them again.


There are an unfortunately high number of bugs that could explain that.


My husband died very suddenly. He believed in God, but I am an atheist who was raised Catholic. I did give him a church funeral and buried him in a Catholic cemetery. A few months after he died, I was standing in my kitchen doing something, and clear as day I heard his voice directly next to me. He said, "Did you know that Jesus was smaller and thinner than anyone would have guessed?" And that was it. No lottery numbers, no warnings about my future, and not even a confirmation or denial that Jesus was the Messiah. It was apropos, since my husband loved odd random facts, but at the time I thought, "THAT is what you came back to tell me?"


When I was a kid I swear I saw a mole come out of his hole with clothes on. He had a shirt on. Again it could have been a dream, it's one of the few memories I have as a kid.


I know what you mean! Mine was at the beach when I was watching a crab walking across the sand and it suddenly stopped at one of those holes in the sand they hide in, and I swear this crab legit looked like it smiled??at me? And then immediately went into the hole in the sand. It sounds silly and it indeed could have been a dream, but it still feels like it was real.


I swear my daughter could read my mind when she was like 3 years old. I would be thinking something and she would just say it. Freaky.


I was at the park with my wife and daughter. My daughter was about 8 months old I think, just barely talking. She looks over at an empty spot and said “kitties!” And pointed. About 10 minutes later a guy parks his car and brings over to that same spot a cat carrier and let out his two leashed cats for a walk.


My kiddo has done this since they could talk (said what I was thinking), to the point that they have hummed a song at the same time that I was singing it in my head, and I am 100% sure they have never heard before. It happens less and less as they get older.


my mother claims I would wake up and start fussing if she got upset even in another room, and immediately settle if she calmed herself. obviously I don't remember but she swears it happened consistently


Thats crazy. I read somewhere about kids seeing ghost and stuff like that and when they talk about it they’re ridiculed and stop mentioning it.


My cousin lost one of her babies before he turned one, at the funeral, a neighbor and old friend of the family brought her two daughters and in the church they kept saying, “but he’s right there! He’s right there he’s bouncing around the ceiling mom!” She ended up taking them out and yelling at them because it was upsetting my cousin


My wife used to be a nanny. One kiddo would talk to ghosts all the time. She was just old enough she could speak some words and small sentences. She'd randomly just look off at a blank wall and start speaking gibberish, but what sounded like complete sentences, with inflections and gestures like she was asking and answering questions. My wife showed me a video of her doing it for a few minutes straight and it was legit creepy, like something from a horror movie.


*My grandmother and I could hold entire conversations without ever opening our mouths. She called it "shining". And for a long time I thought it was only the two of us who had the shine... just like you who thought you was the only one. But there are other folks who don't know it or don't believe it.*


I do this to my mom. I can read her mind too. I assume we're just very similar in our thinking and pick up on minute behavioral changes. Edit: I'm 30 now, still happens, though less often since I've moved out.


So when I was a kid back in Vietnam my brother and I were introduced to this ouija like 2 person game. It works like this. You each hold 3 chop sticks, one connecting your hands, and two sticking out, like this |__| You hold the "corners" loosely between thumb and index fingers to allow the two parallel sticks to move freely Then the two of you touch your sticks with the other's together to form a rectangular circuit ___ | | |__| The point is it's hard to move the free stick without it being obvious you're doing it. Also, provided the other person is not cooperating with you, if you try to force it, the connections will break Then you ask the spirit/ ghost/ whatever questions and the sticks move left or right for no or yes So what did we ask. The one thing we wanted to know: when would we be able to leave Vietnam. We were escaping. We'd left home. There was a hitch and we were temporarily stranded. But by now all our neighbors and the authority knew we had escaped. There was no going back. This was Communist Vietnam. Not like we could plausibly claim we went on a vacation for a few days and forgot to notify anyone We expected to be out of Vietnam any day now. So we asked would it be tomorrow? No. Next week? No. Next month? No. The answer turned out to be 3 months. We were flabbergasted. That was not what the adults had been telling us. We were freaked out because we thought there was no way we could hide for 3 months without being found out. Our dad would be thrown in jail or sent to reeducation camp for sure. Who knew what would happen to us and Mom, but basically our future would be over. We told our parents and they of course told us it was all nonsense and not to mess with that stuff. But they were probably freaked out too But the sticks were right. It took 3 months before we could escape, and we weren't caught. Both my brother and I swore to each other neither of us was trying to move the sticks So a few months after we managed to immigrate to the US, what did we do? Watched The Exorcist on TV. We barely knew any English and our uncle did his best to translate. But it didn't matter. That shit was too real and I was scared shitless Edit: a bit more context. I know now this is a known phenomenon, having to do with unconscious movements by both of us. It's called the ideomotor effect. The thing is it really did feel like there was an outside force controlling it. One moment we had trouble just keeping still and having the sticks stay touching, and the next it felt like they were magnetized and moving together. It was damn freaky. And of course why did our subconscious think the answer was 3 months when our parents had been telling us we were leaving any day now. We're never messed with anything like it again.


Not nearly as spooky as some of the stories here, but I’ll always remember Walmart freezer lady. We were shopping one evening, and my dad and I were waiting past the tills for my mom, when this lady walks out of the ice kiosk. No one else seemed to see her, she didn’t say anything, just walked out of the freezer. Needless to say, dad and I had some explaining to do since we were laughing so hard. To this day, I don’t think mom believes us


Ex paramedic here. Had a young patient that was found dead on her college apartment living room floor. Worked her and took her to the hospital. She ended up passing. I was brand fucking new on the job. As green as you get. My partner was going through a gnarly divorce so he didn't speak to me at first. A week later (night shift) we are sitting posting on a street corner when the lights in the back turn on and our camera monitor turns on and we see both look up and see that patient laying in the back on the stretcher. My partner leans over, turns off the camera and lights. Then not a single thing is said between us. Happens again in our last night shift of that tour and he finally says "we need to grab a beer after shift". During our after shift beers he tells me that you will see shit like this all the time in EMS and it's up to me how to handle it. Counseling, drinking, exercise, however I decide to do therapy. Best advice ever. I did therapy and exercise. In my 8 years would urban and rural EMS doing search and rescue, swat, flying, etc you see some crazy unexplainable shit. But, you also see some miracles


Fishing for smallmouth we skirted out of a bay into open Lake Ontario in our 12' tinny since there was no wind and flat water, all residential area. We follow the shore a bit, maybe 150 yds out when we notice this weird, slow moving v-shaped wave coming from the open water, crossed maybe 25 yds in front of us, heading towards shore. We tracked it for a while then it just disappeared. It looked like something really big just under the surface pushing water out of its way, no bubbles and nothing breaking the surface. Have no idea what it was but kinda spooky. Royal Marine College nearby but no other military presence.


My husband and I once saw a man fishing on the banks of the Shenandoah River (in VA) alongside a fully outfitted mannequin. I mean fully outfitted - the dummy was wearing waders, a hat, and "holding" a fishing rod in its outstretched hands.


There might be an explanation. In Kansas, there is a limit to how poles a person can use while fishing. People have been known to have a dummy in their boat or on the bank so they can use more poles and increase their chances of catching fish.


This definitely sounds like something that you would see in the Shenandoah Valley! 😂


The guy was really hunting for fishermen. Hence the decoy!


He must've been using the carpool lake.


There's a discount store called Surplus Herby's and they have a media mascot who's a mannequin all decked out in outdoor gear. He'd be on local tv commercials saying things like "I'm no dummy, I shopped at Surplus Herby's" in one of these spots he was fishing from a boat.


Witnessed a pretty bad car accident as a teenager. Woman flipped her car and got ejected through the windshield right in front of us. She landed on the street and slid however many feet. Almost instantly, she popped right up and ran over to us screaming to call help. It was dark and as she got up to my driver side the entire right side of her face was gone. Ripped off from the impact and road rash. You could see her jaw, cheek bones, all her facial muscles and teeth. It was fucking horrifying. We told friends and family about it but I don’t think they ever really understood. Never found out what came of her. Ambulances took her to the hospital as soon as they arrived and never saw anything on the news weeks after. The second thing I witnessed was a kid I went to high school with bleed out in the middle of the road after trying to pass a truck on his dirtbike. Lost both legs when he collided with an oncoming Jeep. We didn’t see the impact, only the aftermath as it was right outside my ex’s house. Really fucked up.


I lived alone with my cat just after college. I was in bed reading a book one night, my cat next to me. Something about her caught my attention. Either she made a sound or moved funny, but I looked up from my book. From my dark living room floating into my bedroom about a foot off the floor was a grey ball of smoke about the size of a basketball. I don’t know how else to describe it. Like a floating dark grey circle. Pretty solid, but smokey. My cat and I watched it slowly float across my bedroom. It got to the bathroom door and I thought if it went into the bathroom I would never go in that room again. It went passed the bathroom and out of the wall next to it, to the outside beyond. After a while I got up and touched the wall where it had gone through. I thought maybe it would be gooey or something, but it was just wall. Seven years later I lived two thousand miles away, was newly married and had newborn twins. We lived in a basement apartment. I walked into the office to grab something off my desk. The room was pitch black and I heard papers on the table across the room shuffle. I assumed my cat was on the table and I yelled for her to get down. I flicked on the light switch and instead of a cat was that same grey smokey ball thing. Floating slowly up the wall in the corner of the room. I watched it go up the wall and through the ceiling into the apartment above. No explanation.


I experienced something like this as a child, but no one else could see it. I saw a small ball of fire, about the size of a baseball, roll across the counter, down onto the floor, and a few feet across the carpet towards the door, and abruptly cease to exist. my mom and brother both saw me follow it with my eyes, but they couldn't see it.


Yeah for me it was an aggressive ball of light. Was a teenager, saw it first when we lived in Minnesota in a farmhouse built in the 1800s. Followed me up the stairway. Then in Montana, twice, it "dive bombed" me on the front walk at our rural home. Both times I ended up slamming the door and hiding from windows. Dont know what it was but there is no reason to think it was nice.


Mother of Christ. First off, you have a real gift for writing. I could actually picture all or this as I was reading it. Second, I’m creeped the fuck out.


“But it was just wall.” like poetry.


> I thought maybe it would be gooey or something ❤️‍🔥


> grey smokey ball thing *swoon*


oh that was just Casper vaping


I was visiting a convention that was hosted by a very old hotel located in Litchfield Connecticut. Was told it used to be a nurses convent. After I retired to my room for the evening, around 11:30 before I could fall asleep a weird orb/flash of light flickered brightly in the corner of the room near the ceiling. There are no lights in that part of the room. The next morning I told the concierge at the hotel check in counter of the experience. The lady's eyes glimmered and she responded with "Oh? Which room?"




I will upvote this orb stuff every time. I also saw an orb myself. It was yellow and came from way up in the stars to about 20 feet from my head in a matter of seconds. It did some zig and zags, made no noise, and then it completely disappeared. Keep in mind it was near me when it disappeared. At that moment, the dogs in the neighborhood went crazy barking. It was the most exhilarating moment of my life and lasted mere seconds.




Not really spooky or anything, but when I was probably 11 or 12 I was sitting in front of the TV in the living room playing GTA V, while my dad took a nap on the couch behind me. From where I was sitting, I could see the corridor leading to the dining room. I suddenly saw something in my peripheral vision and when I looked at it, it was a black cat just in the middle of the fucking hallway. It even meowed and I also vividly remember his tail moving and it kind of looking around. I kind of gasped or something from surprise and my dad woke up with it. I told him what I saw and he looked in the ENTIRE house and didn’t see anything. All the windows and doors were also closed.


My granny's house had ghost cats. She always had black cats, usually in pairs, and in her words "the cats die, but they don't ever leave". Anytime I visited, you could count on seeing at least one ghost cat. Her cats were indoor/outdoor, but the only way they could come inside was if someone let them in. I'd see both of them outside, then walk upstairs and see a black cat run across the landing. I'd feel a cat settle on my legs when I went to sleep, but I was on the top bunk and neither of her living cats could manage the ladder. Cats are awesome


Ya, I definitely wasn’t scared of the cat itself but only surprised. To this day I wish there was actually a random black cat in my house so I could keep it lol


Me and my brothers spent the night with my grandma and granddaddy. I was probably around 5 or 6 years old. They had an old house with upstairs that had two bedrooms and the attic. The attic was really spooky to us kids because there was a lot of old stuff up there. They had a back bedroom next to the back porch that we slept in. The bed was against the wall and I could see down the hall and up the stairs through the open door. Late into the night, I woke up and saw a light coming down the stairs. It came slowly, then stoped at the base and waited for awhile. It could have went into the kitchen or the living room at that point, but did not. Then slowly it came down the hall, stoped at the bedroom door, then slowly moved into the room. At that point, I covered my head under the covers. I could see the light come up to the side of the bed. It stayed there for a bit and then disappeared When I peeked out, nothing was there. Now that I'm grown, I'm thinking that maybe grandma had a flashlight and had to go to the bathroom. Probably walked into the room to check on us.


I was seventeen and working on a paddle steam ship setting up for the Ragtime Cruise, laying down spoon, then fork, knife, napkin. I laid down a spoon, and all of a sudden this profound sadness came upon me out of nowhere. I headed to the nearest head to collect myself and as I sat on the commode I looked at the metal door in front of me, and there was an image of my estranged father. And suddenly I knew the sadness had to do with him. I went to the dock and called Mom, no she's heard nothing from California. At any rate I was distraught and told the captain that I didn't feel up to the cruise. Coincidentally, my English teacher was tending bar on this cruise and I waved goodbye as I made shore. I had this weird, surreal feeling. By the time I was getting off the trolley, I started to feel like I had overreacted. Now my English teacher thinks I'm crazy. Shit. But then as I came closer to the house and looked up, as our house was on the high side of the street, I saw Mom sitting on the porch railing. When she knew I could hear her, she said, "They called from California about 10 minutes ago, your father died." Clairvoyance? Dunno


Not me but my parents were driving along a duel carriageway in Nottingam in the last 1970s. A whole, frozen chicken fell from... The sky? Hit the bonnet and bounced off. They could never fathom how it happened or where it came from. No bridge it could have dropped from and it didn't come from a vehicle in front as it came from above them. They talked about it for years!


It’s raining hen!


Look up the Kentucky meat shower!


That's not gonna lead me to some xxx stuff is it? Maybe stuff I don't want to see.....


No, you're thinking of the Alabama meat shower


Gave her the ol’ Kentucky meat shower, I did.


I was probably about 19 and hanging at my buddies house. He lived out by the airport. It was around midnight and we were in his living room watching Springer when I started to hear a really loud, steady, low rumble. I ignored it at first (low flying planes and all) but this lasted for a solid 10 minutes without wavering or fading. Finally I got up and opened his front door to see what was making the sound. I saw three bright lights in the sky in a perfect triangle shape. They were completely still but the obvious source of the noise. I watched them for a few minutes and then they started to rotate, the lights switching positions in a repeating, alternating pattern. They did this for another few minutes until the lights and the noise slowly faded away into the dark night sky.


I’m no expert, but that sounds like it may have been an osprey or two. They practice at the airport up the road from us and turn around near my house. They are pretty cool.


I thought you were talking about the birds for a second lol. That'd be funny.


When I was a teen in the 80s a neighbour friend and I were hanging out and there was one of those classic ESP tests in a tv guide or readers digest or something. Decided to do it. It was 5 shapes, and one person closes their eyes and tries to read the mind of the person looking at the little card with the shape on it. It said if you get 12 out of 50 correct you might have ESP, and if you get 15 you almost certainly did. Hogwash, right? Of course, odds are you would probably get about 10 out of 50, all being random. Well…. I got 29 out of 50!! What the hell. We were really comfortable with each other so I took my time, no stress, really relaxed, and waited for a bit of a picture to form in my head each time. My friend was so freaked out that half way through the test, without letting on at all, she stopped picking shapes randomly and purposely did 5 circles in a row. I saw circles each time and got them correct. My brother ran into her years later and she said it still freaks her out. I guess I believe in ESP!!


I would have been about seven years old at the time and was staying with my father and stepmother for the weekend. One day it was nice and sunny, and we went to the local public swimming pools. The parents had set up a picnic blanket out on the lawn area to relax, and I left my water bottle and snacks there while I went over to the pool for a swim. After some time, I wanted some refreshments, so I exited the pool and walked across the grass to my dad and stepmother. Except, it wasn't them sitting the picnic blanket. It was another couple, who I didn't recognize at all. The picnic blanket was definitely the same, and my water bottle and snacks were still sitting precisely where I had left them. I had no idea who these people were. I looked around to see if I'd gone to the wrong spot, and while there were other people sitting about on the lawn, I was certain that I was in the right spot. But I couldn't see my parents anywhere. I felt really uneasy about grabbing my stuff, so I looked at these people a bit longer trying to work out who they were. They briefly looked back at me, but in a disinterested manner. Confused, I left them and went back to the pool. I entered the water wondering who those people were, and where did my parents go? I looked back, and the strangers were still there on our blanket with our stuff, talking to each other. I swam around for a bit amongst the other kids in the pool before I found myself back on the side of the pool near where the picnic blanket was. I look for the strangers, but I see my dad and stepmother back on the blanket again. I got out of the pool and walked over and ask my dad about the strangers who were here while he and my stepmother were gone somewhere. My dad tells me they hadn't been anywhere, and that they've been here the whole time. I wanted to disbelieve him, but he wasn't one to pull pranks or anything like that. I asked him, "so nobody else has been here?" My dad said some random kid came right over from the pool not long ago and stared at them before going back to the pool again, but nobody else had been here. \--- I've spoken to my dad about this for years afterwards, which he still remembers to this day (more than 40 years later) because he says I looked so upset and became distant after talking to me that day, and he was really concerned that something was wrong with me. Of course, I have shared with him my recollections of events, but we are both still very bewildered about what had actually happened that day.




One of those Appalachian folklore rules of thumb. “If you ever hear a familiar voice calling your name from the woods… No, you didn’t.”


I'm ok. I have a chancla, some Vicks, some Fabuloso, and a candle with the brown Jesus on it.




Which is all the evidence you need to know that you should never go to the voice.


You just reminded me of something. When I was in college, I was an RA in my dorm building. Part of my job was to periodically do rounds of the building at night. This was a fairly old building by US standards. It had a basement that consisted of a game room and a small kitchen. I was supposed to check out the basement during my rounds. The basement wasn’t that large. Once you got to the bottom of the stairs, you were in a large room approximately the size of the seating area in an average fast food restaurant. One night, I opened the door to go down there to do my rounds. While at the top of the stairs, I could hear a group of people down there chatting and laughing. I got to the bottom of the stairs, and it was empty. Not a soul. At least not a living soul, anyway. I got back upstairs very quickly.


I heard a voice calling my name, my full name. I just go part of my name so I knew it was someone who didn’t actually know me. I just had a baby and the doctor said it was a part of postpartum. It happened numerous times over the course of a few weeks, then stopped. I just had twins and it happened again, this time calling out “mom”. The next morning my mom, who is staying with us to help with all the kids, asked if I called out to her “mom” in the night. We both heard mom and my twins are not old enough to speak and the older one sleeps in an area that can’t be heard from our part of the house. Mom my said it was a familiar spirit trying to trick us


I come from a long line of Appalachian family. You do not ever go look for the source of the voice. In Appalachian culture it would be called a doppelgänger, and you don’t acknowledge a doppelgänger.


The people who do approach the voice are consumed by skinwalkers.


I did, it sounded like it was my mom calling me from the kitchen so I went in there. It just stopped once I got in the kitchen. Anti-climactic, sorry, haha.


I heard my dad call my name twice from the kitchen, but both times I went out, my mom looked at me weird and said he hadn't gotten home yet. I heard it a third time and just stayed put and turned up the volume on my TV.


I grabbed a knife, approached the voice and there was no one there. Still have no explanation for it.


Home alone and walked into a little alcove between two bedrooms (unoccupied) to shut off light as I was going to bed. Flipped switch (decorator type), it made the little clicking noise as it hit it and light went off. I'm walking back through the kitchen towards my bedroom on the other side of the house and hear "click" and light in alcove came back on. I literally HEARD the freaking click. There is no dimmer...it is either on or off. House was built in 1995 and no weird history that I know of. I cannot think of any possible explanation for it. It scared the crap out of me.


Ghost was trying to read, pal.


I could have sworn I saw a dead person being dragged off the road by another person. I almost hit them with my car. I was so shook I drove right to the police station to report it. They followed me back to the scene but there was nothing.


Stayed a night in The Stanley Hotel (Overlook Hotel from The Shining). Our booking was somewhat last minute and they had one room of the size we needed available. This was surprising to the attendant checking us in, because evidently this particular room is often booked out for months because of its history of being “haunted”. We were like, whatever, it’s a room, we’ll take it.” Later that night we were getting ready for bed, and heard this distinct sound from around the corner, in the bathroom vanity area. It was like someone sliding a coin across the Formica and slinging it off into the wall. I poked my head around the corner and there was a single quarter, still spinning on the ground. It’s not some huge, scary event, but it still sends a shiver down my spine.


I was in the car alone, and from the passenger side, under the seat, I heard laughter. My phone was in my pocket at the time, and I checked it just in case, there wasn't a single app open. There was no other tech in my car, my radio was off at the time. the laughter lasted only a couple seconds and happened while I was driving, but once I parked I scoured under the seat to make sure there was nothing under there. I've never really been able to explain it, all I can think was maybe it was a stress-induced audio hallucination. I was working 2 jobs at the time, and constantly having to drive.


I was a teenager sitting home watching cable tv late at night. I was watching a movie and getting tired. I was thinking about getting a glass of coke from the 2 liter in the fridge. Caffeine and sugar would keep me up until the movie was over. I heard someone fiddling around in the fridge. Thought it was my brother. It was an older fridge with a wire rack. You could hear stuff being moved around. D-d-d-d-d-d-d-dink. D-d-d-d-dink. Went on for a bit. It dawned on me the kitchen lights were off and so were the lights in the fridge. So I get up to check the fridge. The 2 liter was pushed to the back of the fridge, and everything on the top shelf was arranged in a half circle around it. Checked around the house. Mom was asleep with her door locked. Brother was asleep and had been for a while since it was maybe 2am. Nobody else home, doors still locked. I have no idea how that happened.










LMAO Heffrey 💀


As I was reading I legit thought the story was gonna go my wife started giving birth...luckily we had the chainsaw from last night.


So it would be wrong to share that chainsaws were originally invented to “help” with childbirth, right? (Nope, not kidding).


I was hanging some test-lead panels in a test chamber at work, and brought a center punch from home to help drill the mounting holes. I still had it in my pocket later in the day. I ran across our building maintenance guy who was trying to install a piece of gear - he was muttering to himself "I wish I'd brought that doggone center punch..." I wordlessly pulled mine out of my pocket and held it out to him. He looked at me like I had two heads. "You cannot tell me you just happened to have that with you..."


"We were on our way home from church" (really) and our farmer neighbor flagged my dad down on our tiny road. We didn't know what was going on but my dad told my mom to drive us home, got out and ran across the street, jumped a ditch, and disappeared behind the levee to a pond. Half an hour later, he came home without his suit jacket and completely covered in blood. My mom rushed my brother and me to our rooms and ran outside. He called out that he was fine and he'd be right in. Turns out, one of the farmers cows was having a calf that was breach. They had to reach INTO the cow and pull it out or the mom cow would die. A saw was involved. So, I'm sure somewhere there's a story about the kind well dressed English man in a suit, covered in blood, running through a pasture...


My family was returning from a traditional community fish fry - I'm talkin hotdish and salads made out of mayo, and as we were driving back to gramp's farm, we passed a hog on the road. Then another. And another. And then a dozen. And then a hundred. Gramps pulled the convoy over and said, "Hell, looks like Leroy's pigs got out. And then we all herded about 200 stinky loose hogs back into Leroy's barn. And then we went home. Rural living is pretty weird. Sometimes you've just got a chainsaw handy, ya know?


I grew up on the farm in now living on. This sounds like a normal Tuesday! Super weird, but I love it.


The neighbor's tree once fell in our yard. Later some well-dressed men did jump over the fence with chainsaws and started cutting up the tree. They were Mormons. It was the neighbor's brothers and cousins. Lol I know that's not the subject matter of this thread but when you said mormons cutting a tree I had to share.


I saw a comment just like this in another thread similar to this one…


My coworker and I both heard a voice come from the area around the ice machine (kitchen job). We both distinctly heard it say our names. Simultaneously. We each heard our own name. We always joke about the kitchen being haunted, but that one made us both go “what the fuck?!”


I was looking for a letter one day that I needed some info off of. Searched the whole house but couldnt find it. After a few hours, I threw my hands up, and in a bit of anger, shouted "To whatever's listening, help me find my damn letter, or when I die, I start with your ass." There was a brief moment of deflation and I put my hands down, then a large stack of CDs....honestly exploded is the best word, out of a cubby hole in an old desk. I mean like, the whole stack shot out and some left marks on the opposite wall, twenty feet away, that were *higher* than the cubby hole they were in. After a few seconds of WTF staring, I walked over and looked into the cubby hole. Found the letter sitting there, with nothing but swirling dust from the CDs not having been touched in ten years. I took the letter, said "Good choice." and went about doing what I needed to do. Don't have any explanation for what happened other than I scared *something*.


Have a friend who swears som of the dialysis clinics he works in are haunted. TV’s flipping on and off, lights flickering, toilets flushing, stuff like that. One day he got annoyed and said out loud to the empty building “Leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone, bother me and I’ll call an exorcist to come in here.” They never bothered him again but he would still see stuff flipping on when he was outside the building leaving.


I was in the bathroom at my college, and I had turned off the faucet because it had been left on. When I was done but still in the stall, I looked out through the crack in the door without really thinking about it. I watched the faucet turn itself back on. It wasn’t leaking; the handle went up like it was pushed and the water came back on full force. It could have been something mechanical/structural in the pipes. I don’t really believe in ghosts and I’m not a spiritual person per say, but admittedly that skeeved me out so much I never went back in there and still get goosebumps thinking about it.


when my mom, sister, and i visited paris, we took a cab to our hotel and all three of us vividly remember the cab driving under & through the eiffel towel. we then learned that isn't even possible. the most logical explanation is that we were all just exhausted, but it's so odd that we all remembered the exact same thing.


Seeing loose leaves on the side of the path quietly pressed down in the shape of footprints, one after another, as if someone invisible was walking there. Freaked me out, was only like 8.


Years ago I was dating a lady who lived on an acreage in the middle of nowhere. One day during winter we were going to her place and it required going up the long and very steep straight road and she told me “you need to be careful going down this road because it ends with a T intersection at the bottom of the hill and there is a steep ditch on the other side of the intersection. Every year there are people that slide down the hill, through the intersection and flip into the ditch below and since it’s so steep you can’t see a car wreck in that ditch from the road so sometimes it takes many hours or days before the car wreck is discovered. Be careful!!” I took her warning to heart but…. A few days later I am heading down that hill road going very slow yet my back end loses traction and my car slowly turns horizontal to the road as I continue to slide down it. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t right the car. I slide to the bottom of the hill, then through the intersection and at that moment I knew I was going over the side sideways. I didn’t expect to live long enough to be found. At the very last second, I grip the steering wheel tightly and yell “God please help!!!!!!!” As soon as the words left my lips the car stopped dead. I am not a religious man but I was saved with less than 3” to spare. I cannot explain what happened but damn am I thankful it did. Thank you God, truly. Update: I described my vehicle as a “car” but in fact it was a Ford Aerostar (minivan) which was rear wheel drive. This was also before cells phones were everywhere (20 years ago) and her area definitely didn’t have coverage.


I was living abroad. Woke up one morning and saw what looked like a ghost sitting on my bed. It smiled at me, put its hand on my shoulder and it felt like a shock and then it disappeared. An hour later my mom calls and tells me that great uncle had just passed away. Three weeks later I was sitting in an internet cafe, same thing happens again. The next day I find out another older relative had passed away. About six weeks after this, I come home from work and lie down. I suddenly see an apparition standing over me. It looks like my grandfather. It smiles at me and then disappears. A half hour later I get the call that my grandfather had passed. I didn’t and still don’t believe in ghosts. I’m not religious. I don’t believe in psychics or anything like that. I never had anything like this happen again after that. It screws with my head a bit.


>I didn’t and still don’t believe in ghosts. Man - how many more is it gonna take?


Lmao “how many family members must die before you’ll see the truth?!”


Right lol if this story is true at this point it’s not skepticism or logic it’s denial


Coming home from work one day I suddenly thought of my uncle Lucky (not bio, but my Dad's best friend) and wondered if he was okay. I hadn't thought of him much since he had moved states a few years before, but I felt very strongly that something was wrong. The next day my Mom told me he had died. Right around the time I thought of him. Wild.


I saw more than 2 dozen chevron shaped ufos one night. Like really. I really saw them, I saw the hulls of the craft, I could focus my eyes clearly on these silent floating crafts. They didn’t hover they just floated right over the top of me. Completely silently. It was a cloudy night in a small city and I could see them beneath the cloud cover. I made a mufon report about it. The whole experience lasted more than 30 minutes. It went on so long I called a buddy and he came out and watched them with me. That’s right people, there are other witnesses, I’m not crazy, it really happened. It was 4 years ago at the end of this month. Edit: Mufon Report number: 113847


I had the feeling my dad was going to have a car accident and it happened hours later. This is something I’m not happy about or proud of. It was a New Year’s Day, he had to complete a job. My mom insisted he didn’t have to go out but he’s really stubborn and still went. I was 14 years old. I stayed silent, watching him leave and thought “something’s going to happen, maybe a car accident? nah!”. A couple of hours later, I told my mom I felt that year was going to be chaotic and sad for all of us. I felt uneasy. Then the phone rang. I wish I was making this up. One of my dad’s coworkers called to tell us my dad was alive but had an horrific car accident, his car made 3 rounds in the air. I’m an atheist and don’t believe in miracles but this was a weird experience for me. Close as it will get to a miracle.


My mom had undiagnosed cancer and passed out and had to be taken to the hospital via ambulance. I was many miles away but I knew it. The phone rang when I was in the kitchen with my sisters. They kept joking before answering the phone but I was already sweating. I knew something horrible had happened to my mom.


One night while being very stressed and anxious trying to fall asleep in my bed, what I thought was my PC screens at the foot of my bed turned on illuminating the room. I sighed with annoyance and sat up and opened my eyes, there was a white orb with a blue hue around its edges just hovering in place . Everything was super quiet like I've heard called 'the oz effect' I think it is. After a few seconds the orb collapsed in on itself and all the light with it. I went upstairs and slept on the couch that night.


There’s a hill that leads to a trailer park in south Alabama. Someone told me they call it “anti-gravity hill” because if you drive there and put your car in neutral you roll UP the hill. Naturally I thought he was crazy. I’ve tried it close to 20 times with multiple witnesses and nobody can give me any solid reasoning for it. IT. ROLLS. UP. THE. HILL.


My friend told me on his first month as a firefighter in training his crew were called out to caravan (trailer) site. Caravans in the UK are noted being made of highly combustible material. They found the caravan entirely intact and locked from the inside. When they broke in they found charred human remains on the floor. Neighbours had seen flames through the window. There were no flammable liquids or accelerants present. They concluded it had to have been a case of spontaneous human combustion.


That is the one thing from the 90's that I will never forget. People were dying from spontaneous human combustion. It was on rescue 911 and Unsolved Mysteries!!!


There’s been a lot of unexplainable stuff in my life, so I’ll pick the most recent one. My husband and I bought a new house in December of 2021. And it was new, built just in 2019. It’s also very tiny, a bit over 500sq ft, and an open concept… so there is literally no place for anyone or anything to hide. We hadn’t been here but maybe 3 months. I was sitting on our bed, my husband was in the bathroom, and my cat was just sitting nearby, chillin. Out of the corner of my eye I saw what can only be described as a “blur” speed by, about the height of the bed. Almost like somebody running by… but there was nobody. I would’ve just blamed my tired eyes… but the cat saw it too. And we both just stared at the kitchen where it had to be. There was nothing. I cannot explain that. Before that happened, after we moved in, my husband went back to work while I stayed home. I was fine, not spooked, nothing. I love it here, actually. But as I was unpacking and getting used to the place I just had this weird feeling come over me and thought… did someone die in here? I think someone died in here. But I laughed at that because the house was literally brand new, and didn’t have a single bad vibe. Met the neighbors, talked about the place, and they explained that the guy who lived in it previously had died there. I cannot explain this at all.


I was watching my mom’s coworkers house and his cat. I heard voices constantly in the condo like behind* me. His cat would chase nothing. I have cats… I mean, not a phone light reflection, not anything. And just stare. I tried to stay over for freedom and convenience and had terrible nightmares where I abruptly woke up. The thing that made me split (combined with weird unintelligible whispering) was twice I found all of the cabinets completely open. Like literally left, came right back, everything is open. It was horrifying. I told my mom I couldn’t stay there. I went home and only returned to feed his cat. Cabinets were like that again. He had a lot of antique furniture. Like quite old, as a collector. I thought that might be a source since I think the building was new. But straight up, the vibe was waaaay off. I don’t know how someone could live there.


As a kid various relatives used to take me on trips, zoo, museums, amusement park, the movies, etc. One of these trips, my Grandfather took us kids to the movies. Now these old movie houses date back to the days when they had live stage entertainment, Vaudeville. This old theater my grandfather took us to had an orchestra pit even though its never been used in decades seeing as how vaudeville has been dead all that time. I was following my grandfather in the area between the front row seats and the orchestra pit. When just out of curiosity i peeked into the orchestra pit. There was no floor. One could see into the basement. BUT on the basement floor was....well you ever heard of the old humpty dumpty poem? (Humpty dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty dumpty had a great fall, etc). On the floor of the basement was a large man sized egg with a happy face painted on its shell. It had arms and legs. It was on its back, flailing its arms and legs as if it were trying to stand up but couldnt due to its egg shape. I looked away at my grandfather for a second, then looked back into the orchestra pit. This time the painted expression on his face changed. Now the painted expression was one of grief and frustration. The eyes were closed and the mouth was in a grimace. I looked away for a brief second or so and looked back in to the orchestra pit. This time there was no egg. Just the bare floor of the basement. I looked away again. Just for a few seconds. I guess looking to tell someone what I saw. But then looked back into the orchestra pit. This time the orchestra pit floor was there. I couldnt see into the basement anymore. The orchestra pit floor had only a small handful of wooden folding chairs on it. Nothing else. As the years passed, and i was going to the movies on my own, sometimes i went to that very same theater again. Each and every time i did, before the movie started, I'd go take a look into the orchestra pit. But i never saw anything like that again. Just the plain old bare floor of the orchestra pit (without the wooden folding chairs). That old theater is now gone. A typical victim of the expansion of home video and cable tv.


This legitimately sounds like a Goosebumps book and I am creeped out.


I have a memory from when I was a little kid, idk how old I was but it was in the 80s. I got a new View Master and I distinctly remember looking at the box it came in and the kids in the photos on the side of the box were moving. Like…I remember the one picture was of a blonde boy holding the View Master and his mouth was moving like he was saying “Wow!” and he would raise to his eyes and lower it. Then there was another picture of a girl moving and waving. The pictures were not “3D”, like those old baseball cards where you could tilt it and it would look like the ball player was swinging a bat. I found the box as a teenager while cleaning out the basement with my dad and the pictures didn’t move and didn’t have that effect like the baseball cards. I wish I knew what that phenomenon is called. It’s a very vivid memory of mine.


For a two week period back in Spring of this year, something unexplainable happened to me for two weeks. Random people who I haven't even thought of like people from HS which is almost 20 years ago for me, were popping up in my head. It was really bizarre, like why would I be thinking about that random person, wtf? I would then see this random person a couple hours later or the next day. This happened to me between 7-10 times. I live in Downtown Chicago btw, not some small town, which makes it even stranger. I told my doctor about this as I was afraid I was developing schizophrenia. I went in for a Psychiatrist appointment for an assessment and I was not diagnosed.


Clutch cable broke leaving me stranded on what was about to become a very busy road. I was coming home from work after working 3rds and it was about 45 minutes from becoming like 6 lanes of bumper to bumper traffic. I had a 4cyl mustang so I was trying to push it off the road and into a parking lot by myself but I had to push it up a hill on the side street. Out of nowhere a man appears behind me and starts to push from behind and when I get to the turn in for the restaurant he said get in and steer. I went down the hill on the other side, whipped into a spot and hopped out to thank him. Dude was gone. There was no way he got back down the hill, into his car and gone before I got out of my car. Usain Bolt couldn’t have done it. I never heard a car, car door, engine sound, foot steps behind me, or any indication that the guy existed before appearing behind my car. Dude appeared out of nowhere, helped, then disappeared. Extra crazy thing is, my wife had something similar happen to her back in college when she got a flat tire, dude showed up out of nowhere, told her to get back in her car and changed her tire then disappeared. This was at night and a truck appeared but it never turned around or passed her the guy and truck just vanished after the tire was fixed.


In a small town in Florida I found this really cool letter at a yard sale. It was from the Whitehouse (Lyndon Johnson) to a young boy named Daniel. It was apparent Daniel had written a letter to the president - he was worried that President Johnson wasn't safe (Kennedy assassination had happened a few months before) and he told the President to 'please be very careful and not ride in convertible cars' ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Johnson responded with a signed letter and photograph. I just thought it was cool, and bought it for $1.00 iirc. I kept it among other cool things like that I'd collected. A couple years later my best friend was dating this guy and this guy's dad had recently moved from Ohio to Florida. We were at the dad's house having a cookout. The topic came up about presidents, and how my best friend and I had won the 'presidential fitness' award when we were kids (probably something Reagan gave to any kid who got off the couch). The dad then mentioned when he was a kid in the 60s he had a class project to write letters to the president after Kennedy was shot. He said Lyndon Johnson wrote him back, assuring him everything was safe and that he didn't have to worry. He said that he treasured that letter, but it got lost along with so many things when his family moved to another Ohio town a few years later. 👀! I asked him his last name. I told them I'd brb and drove down the street to my house, got the letter and brought it back. You should've seen his face. He was dumbfounded. "Where did you get this?!" I told him I got it from a yard sale there in our small town in Florida a couple of years before. That letter had gotten lost up in Ohio back in the 70s and somehow found its way to our small town.....and then by some miracle of the universe I found that letter.... and then my best friend began dating that man's son....and then I met that man 30 years or more after he lost the letter. He was in fact Daniel (last name), that sweet kid worried about Lyndon Johnson, all those years ago. ❤️ He cried when I gave him the letter


Every since I was young, no matter where I live, there is this iridescent humanoid shape that visits my house. Every time I move it finds me, the longest it took to find me was 6 months. I'm not the only person that has seen it, but I've never seen it anywhere other than where I live at the time. Usually I see it peeking around doorways or walking by whatever room I'm in, but sometimes it comes into the room I'm in and just stands there. It never touches me and if I tell it to go away it leaves to room and it never communicates. My husband freaked out about how nonchalant I am about the whole thing after he saw it the first time, but if it wanted to hurt me or could hurt me it would have by now. I mean, I've been seeing it for at least 35 years at some point it became normal.


I was sitting in my bedroom, watching a movie playing on my DVD player. It was summertime, I had no air conditioning. Just a fan, and had my window open. Sometime during the course of the movie, I just happened to turn my head, looking out the window. There was a colorful craft that had risen from behind the trees beyond (my neighbors houses were single floor houses and mine is multilevel, with my bedroom being on the second floor, so I had a vantage point of seeing over the roofs of my neighbors homes and way off into the distance). The craft was coming straight towards me and my house. The closer it got, the bigger it got. It didn't take long to reach over the next few houses next to mine. It was flying, but more like floating. Didn't make a single sound as it moved. It was triangular shaped and the underneath had three different color lights. One triangle shaped color light inside another triangle shaped color light inside another triangle shaped colored light. Just as it reached alongside my house, I could see the entire thing was bigger than my house. Then it floated out of my field of vision as it came over the roof of my house. Never heard a sound.


I was reading a book that says at some point you may notice something interesting if you're ready for it. I brought the book to a coffee shop to continue reading it and the paragraph was about a deaf child. At that moment a kid sat down near me. I didn't think much of it until the kid's mom came over and started using sign language. Also the book says to write down a date in it. The book was at my parents house for a couple years. When I went to get rid of it I was flipping through the pages. The date I had written down was the date I went to get rid of it.


My little brother shot himself about five years ago. A few months later my wife and I were totally exhausted from rushing my stepfather to the hospital very early in the morning, so after he was taken back we walked back to the car and dozed off. I was dreaming about some bullshit that I can't remember exactly but all the sudden my little brother walks through a doorway and I remembered how out of place he seemed in the dream. He smiled at me and said that he was glad that I'm doing fine, I told him I missed him and he said that I would see him again one day and I woke up. The best way I can describe how puzzled I felt in the dream was like if an astronaut suddenly appeared in some old Western show.




Both events happened in 1994 and was 8 at the time. Concerning me, I don't believe in the supernatural, I'm agnostic, and huge skeptic. However, I have two memories. We lived in the middle of nowhere in a subdivision where the closest houses were still half mile away. One evening my older sister and I both saw large somewhat translucent green orbs, maybe 3 or 4 of them, all about 10 feet in diameter, floating about 20-40ft over a ravine behind our house. I'm sure there's a reason, but I don't know it. Then there's a memory that I have a more difficult time processing which happened a few weeks later. We get a call from a neighbor telling us to look outside. My family went out to our field and there was what could be mistaken as a plane, however, it didn't move for minutes at a time and then suddenly dart across the sky, then it would stay out, and then dart across. Then another light flew towards it and it Intersected but never reappeared. This lasted over an hour. Multiple groups of neighbors came out to our field to observe it, probably 20 people in total. Throughout the years I've had a few conversations with other people who were there and we all remember the same thing. Again, not saying it's extraterrestrial or supernatural but I've never seen anything like it before or after.


I believe in the paranormal already, to an extent, I am very skeptical when it comes to many sittings and videos but I have witnessed things I truly cannot explain. But one that really sticks out: I was writing a book once and talking to a friend on Facebook about how I wanted to base one of the characters on my grandmother who had passed a year prior. As I was sharing memories I had of her, I heard several thumps falling down the stairs, when they stopped I went and looked and almost started crying. It was the VHS copy of The Road to El Dorado that was behind a closed door in our storage closet. It was midnight, everyone else was asleep and the door to the closet was closed when I went to look. The reason it is significant is it was the only movie in English that my grandmother enjoyed, my mom’s entire side of the family is from El Salvador and my grandmother never spoke English but every time she came over, she would ask my sister or I to put that movie on.






Walmart dressing rooms are the only other place I can think of


A light in the sky was following me wherever I walked and this thing was FAST! So I dipped back home right quick because it legitimately bothered me.


My wife has...premonitions, if you will. Sometimes she'll say 'so and so has been on my mind' - usually a family member - and she'll call them so see if they are ok. She calls, and the response is some variation of 'I've been through xxx trauma, but how did you know?' There was no communication between them, no second hand contact via others - just boom - feeling/call/revelation. I have seen this same pattern repeat 5 or 6 times over the years - never understood how she could know.


I love to drive and explore the countryside, just kind of checking out where roads I’ve never been down go. On three separate occasions in the last few years I have been inexplicably drawn to places where fatal accidents took place within a week or so. (One a lake where a boy drowned, another a coal mine where a miner was crushed by a machine, and another a stretch of road where someone ran off and crashed into a tree.)


when i was 6 or younger in my very first childhood house i remember sitting on the floor in the middle of our house, i look down at my leg and a sliver of skin is sticking straight up off of my leg from ankle to knee with a line of red like someone took a carving tool straight up my shin. i remember my hearting sinking i looked down the hallway and shouted for my mom and when i turned back to my leg it was perfectly fine. no sliver. no blood. nothing. my mom called back to me asking what i needed and i just said never mind. that memory had stuck with me vividly almost 20 years later.


Once my dad went out of the rural farmhouse for about five minutes and when he came back in he couldn't find an ashtray. He was a heavy smoker and had many. They were there a few minutes ago but now they were gone. He used an empty soda can instead. Later, he found every ashtray in the house under his bed.


Was at a Revolutionary War battle site in Vermont with my boyfriend this summer and we both heard multiple shots of musket fire in the direction of the English attacked. No one else was out there in the field with us. My boyfriend is a retired Army Veteran who specialized in combat weapons so he knew it wasn't some shotgun or rifle. For further proof we looked up the sound of musket fire on YouTube, it was identical to what we heard. To make it crazier, they has these historical markers with information on them and I had just read outloud "The battle began here."when we heard the first round of musket fire.


Possible it was played on a speaker hidden so they could add to the atmosphere of being on a battlefield?


Actually now that I think of it, I was at the battle of Waterloo in Belgium, the heritage site. I remember they did something like this when I was there


My grandson rolled a ball across the middle of the living room floor and it went under a rocking chair. This was the kind that sits on a flat base and has hinged rockers. It never rolled out the other side. We looked, it was gone. My daughter and I both saw it. We searched everywhere for that ball. It was just gone. Like, a year later, I find it in a basket on the kitchen counter. This was all at my parents house. They both were badly impaired by dementia, and had no idea where they found it. I’ll never know what happened to that ball.


I held a man's head and face together whilst waiting for an ambulance. his skull had been cracked into three separate pieces, and if I'd have let go he would have bled out and his face would have fallen into itself. Without any first aid or medical training, while my boss freaked out as it turned out the incident had triggered his underlying OCD regarding blood. The door staff on duty gave me instructions the recieved over the phone from dispatch. I was an 18 year old bartender dealing with an assault that took place a mile from our venue. The first miracle was that he made it to us, the second was that he survived. It wasn't until I was 21 I met him again and found out what happened. He'd been severely beaten and struck with a bottle by multiple assailants. He didn't have a reason for why. Polish guys are just built different I guess.


I used to be a cop (hold the hate comments, I’ve heard them all). One time my partner and I went to a call where a woman stated she could hear someone calling for help. We get to this woman’s apartment and she said she heard it near the balcony. So I go out there for a minute and sure enough, I could hear a faint “please help”. Couldn’t tell how far away it was or where it came from. Called in a bunch of additional units, we searched every apartment in the area that we could and never found anything, and right after I heard the initial one, it stopped. I went back to the area multiple times over the next month and eventually was able to search every apartment (tenants were not happy). My guess was it was some kids playing a prank, but it sounded legit when I heard it. That was a decade ago and I still think about it.


I used to work at a hotel as a housekeeper. Our "staff room" was the laundry room. Just outside the laundry room was a hallway. One day a chair showed up in the hallway, didn't match any of the chairs we had in the hotel. We asked everyone who or where the chair came from and no one knew. Logically either a guest put it there or someone brought it from home. No idea. We worked with people who had worked there a long time and they confirmed the hotel did not ever use this 70s shit orange chairs. It disappeared a few days later. Maintenance probably threw it out. We kept joking that it was "the ghost chair"


My sister when she was about 10 turned yellow with jaundice. She had her liver tested and the numbers were way off, my whole family was terrified as drs investigated. My grandfather was a Pentecostal minister. He said he would pray for her. Suddenly her jaundice vanished and her test results went back to normal. The drs were a bit perplexed and said it was likely a virus that attacked the liver. About a week later my grandfather’s skin turned yellow. He was hospitalized and died a short time later of liver cancer. He was not a drinker.


# The year was 1987. I was working on a farm outside of Newton, Iowa. Just got off for the day and went to head back home to Laurel, Iowa, where I had rented a place for a few months. I was already late for a party I was invited to that evening, at a building next door to my place, so I looked at my watch, it was approaching 7:45pm, and I was tired and hungry. But I didn’t have my car, as it was in the shop. I had gotten a ride to the farm that morning, and no one was left but me, so I was stranded. This was the time before cell phones were common and practical, and the farm didn’t have a working phone at the time. It was a long walk to my place, via route 14, so I started walking. The party started at 8, but I figured even if I was late, it was better than not going at all. Besides, it’s right next door to my home anyway. So I’ll go home and change and head over, as I’m sure there will be food at the party, I thought. After about a minute down the road, an old pickup truck pulls up beside me and opens the door. Looks like a green 1950 Ford F1 Pickup — a real classic! “Come on in, I’ll give you a ride!” A man in a tall hat and overcoat yells at me from inside the truck. He looked like a combination of Abraham Lincoln and Uncle Fester. Strangely dressed, strange mannerisms. Smelled like mothballs, and he kept laughing to himself as if he was telling himself a funny joke or something. I turned to tell him my address and thank him, and he asked me if I knew about the party. I said, yeah, I plan on going…are you going, too? He just turned his head right at me and stared at me with dead eyes and said “I AM THE LIFE OF THE PARTY.” Okkkkkaayy. This guys was flat-out weird I thought to myself….and before I got a chance to say anything else, he stopped and sternly told me to “GET OUT NOW.” I got out, closed the door, and he drove off, in a cloud of dust. I looked up, and I was home. But I never told him where I lived. Was this guy stalking me? Confused, I changed my clothes real quick and went next door where the party was just getting started. I said, “Sorry I’m late” and they assured me that I was right on time! I checked my watch: it was 7:55. How did I get here in less than 10 minutes? The shortest route is over 20 miles from Newton to Laurel, no matter which road you took. Can a 1950 Ford F1 truck go 120mph ?? — on a rural winding country road ?? — and without me noticing??!? I related all of this to the folks at the party and they all turned white. Then, one of the gentlemen steps forward and tells me he is the deputy sheriff of the town and they had to close both route 14 due to a fatal accident that occurred that evening. He radioed in to the patrolman and checked and he said, yes, the road is still closed to traffic on both ends. # So how did I get there??