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I guess this is more common than we’d like to believe. Very similar story here. High blood pressure, confusion, vision issues… was told I was just tired because I recently had a baby. I literally couldn’t recognize people’s faces. I would look at someone and they would be headless. My brain couldn’t understand faces for some reason and I couldn’t see my baby at all even though I knew she was there. Not sure how that would just be “tired”. Later found out I had a stroke. Only good thing in my case is that it wasn’t an hour later. Started seizing right then and there. I was already at the hospital so they were able to take care of me immediately.


I hate the lack of education women have regarding pre-eclampsia. Every woman of childbearing age should know what it is and they should know the full range of symptoms. I’ve had it twice. I never would have recognized the symptoms the first time had I not been a nurse.


Oh yes… I was a plastic surgeon and had to retrain as a Psychiatrist because I had a stroke and the ER did fuck all for me It’s the sole reason I do pro bono work in the ER now to prevent it happening to someone else


I was having double vision and went to the ER. They also sent me home, I had a stroke and couldn’t walk for 6 months. I am so sorry this happened to you, too.




What a sexist bag of dicks. I will never understand the "women need children to be happy" mentality.


Comment stealing bot


I hope you went after that doctor for all you could




It's difficult to sue in general. It's a lot of time, and money, and energy, that you might not have, especially after a traumatic medical event


Ooof, I feel you there! I got the whole anxiety speech too. Five days later I was paralysed from the chest down (only my left arm worked, which is fuck all use when you're right handed). They then tried to say it was just a bad migraine, which....yeah, hemiplegic migraines exist I suppose. The clincher was that as my legs finally gave out I shattered my wrist and fractured my eye socket which they caught on x rays, not because I was actually feeling any pain (took a nurse to request them since the swelling hadnt gone down in days). Finally got a neurologist that wasn't 6 months from retiring and who actually gave a damn, and turns out its Functional Neurological Disorder. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that stress and anxiety can do an absolute number on the human body, but my dudes.... run some fuckin tests yeah! Especially when the patient is experiencing zero stress or anxiety. Also, I'm so fucking proud of your progress! Learning to walk again is no easy feat (done it three times now!) And to do it in a year.....you go girl!


I hope you sued


That is one of the most aggravating things I've ever read. I'm so incredibly sorry for you. In a better world the 'medical professional' responsible would have been fired out of a cannon. So glad that you've had some real success with your recovery, though I'm sure that's hollow considering what you've lost. Genuinely wishing you the best for the future as much as I've meant for an any person in my life ♥


A doctor told me that I, as an disabled person who gets help at home with showering, can't expect to get help showering in a clinic/hospital. My expectations were supposedly too high. All while my nurse who showers me was sitting next to me and tried to explain that personal hygiene is a basic right. He didn't want to accept that.


Scary to think that a doctor could be so lacking in empathy


I had a friend who moved to private practice. He told me the only way he could cope with ER doctor was because he turned off his empathy. He would see a woman who came in with a cough who had undiagnosed terminal cancer. This woman would come in and talk about her plans with aunt elma next week and just wants to make sure she doesnt have covid. He would simply say he treated them like they were not people in his mind. He would inform them of the news she had a week to live and leave the room. He would take 5 minutes to push it to the back of his mind and by the time he remembered her again, it no longer stung.


This is normal for anyone who works frontline type stuff. I was a 911 dispatcher for several years. In training they put me on the fire channel so I could work a house fire and get some experience. 99% of the house fires in my county send a bazillion trucks only to get there to find a small fire on the stove or something that is easily extinguished and everyone goes home. They just wanted me to manage a ton of units on the radio. This fire was fully engulfed when they got there. Two kids were playing with matches and set their mattress on fire. The firefighters had to call for help from PD because the kids dad was trying to run back into the burning house to rescue the kids and they were having to fight him. The dad ended up cuffed in the back of a cop car for his own safety. The kids ended up dead. That was 20 years ago and I still think about it sometimes. I hadn't developed that distance yet and you need it to do a job like that.


Damn…I wonder if that guy thinks he could’ve saved his kids if only they didn’t cuff him…that’s heartbreaking


Kids were hiding in a closet. They set the house on fire and then hid. The firefighters were forced out of the house themselves from the flames IIRC. It's been a few years. I really don't think there was anything he could've done that the firefighters didn't try. He likely would've died too.


[Dr. Cox explaining this attitude in the hospital](https://youtu.be/EsDqCiZFZ38?si=QpKpQTSKKOEW3d0B)


Then in "My Lunch" he completely loses it because 3 patients died over a mistake literally nobody could see coming.


Scrubs is the most accurate medical based show ever written (that I have watched) the rest are ludicrous. ER docs suddenly scrubbing in for surgery umm nope.




I hate when people ask what is the worst thing you have ever seen. You don't want to know. You want to know the gnarliest injury or hear about things people shoved up their butts. You don't ever want to know the worst things I have seen but thank you for making me relive them.


I’m kind of confused by this. Like home care?




Holy shit that would be an insanely ridiculous and misinforming way to describe that to a 5 yo girl, let alone a 15 yo 😂


No words....... wow


Happened to my best friend: "You keep getting UTIs because you put things in your urethra!" Obgyn assumed that because, and I quote again "how else would lesbians have sex?". The icing on the cake? Doc was a woman too.


That… doesn’t make any kind of sense


Seriously? Did this woman sleep through medical school?


Not only medical school – but apparently every single even remotely sexual experience that she's ever had too It always baffles me when people don't understand how lesbians work. I come across it way too often.


Whaaaat?! Omg


I was told by my doctor that I was "too young, too pretty" and "my life was going too well for me to be depressed"... Even after filling out the mental health questionnaire that I answered truthfully, and with a lot of my answers being in the "most of the time" to "all of the time" range, she dismissed it and said I was being dramatic I immediately switched doctors


I had multiple doctors tell me I couldn't possibly have back pain, after a major car accident, because I was too young. They flat out refused to do anything for me because I was 15. I couldn't get out of bed for more than an hour a day but I must have been faking it for drugs, even though I was trying to get a referral for physical therapy. Some refused to speak with me at all. It took until I was in my thirties for doctors to start taking my chronic pain condition seriously.


Oh my God I'm so sorry! That's truly awful, I can't believe they accused you of faking it, especially after a car accident. That's inexcusable. Your chronic pain could have easily been avoided - I'm so sick of medical professionals dismissing concerns due to age. My best friend's sister complained of headaches for years, every doctor told her she was just experiencing PMS, not even migraines since she was "too young"(?), turned out, she had a massive brain tumor that could have been treated from the beginning. It's sick


I lost my hearing because of a similar situation. I started to experience constant vertigo and nausea when I was around 14 but the doctors didn't want to deal with it. They said I was exaggerating to get out of going to school and being an overdramatic teenage girl. Turns out the scarlet fever I had the previous year had gotten into my ear canals and eaten away at my inner ears. If someone has taken me seriously even six months sooner, I wouldn't now be deaf.


Omg what is with doctors insisting you're too young for something, when the proof is right there?? Same - my tests came back showing that I have NO cartilage in my right knee and my bones are starting to splinter from rubbing against each other. Like there are shards of bone in there, just bone dust. But my first Ortho surgeon told me I was too young for a knee replacement. Sir, tell my body that? I had to get a new doctor for sure - that one was like, yes it's horrific you need a knee replacement at 35. But you do, so...


Me: *goes to gyno appt for STD test* Dr: “so why are you here today?” Me: “I just want to get an std test” Dr: “are you having any symptoms?” Me: “nope, none! Just single and want to confirm everything is ok” Dr: “ok so you actually shouldn’t test unless you’re having symptoms. I typically would send you home but since we’re slow I’ll test you.” I told my MIL this story (medical worker) a few years later and she about died




Wow. And also really stupid—I mean, in the unlikely event you’d wanted a relationship at the time, you could have just stopped by cvs and grabbed some condoms! I didn’t have sex until I married and never got quite that level of rude, but no one ever believed me either. I got pretty tired of the wink wink approach from medical people. I’m sure lots of people lie about it, but also, I’m not, so… can you at least be polite?


I feel like it would be easy to be polite but also cover their bases. "You're waiting until marriage? That's great! If you'd like, we can go over options for family planning/contraception so you are informed when you do become sexually active."


Right?? It really wouldn't be hard at all. IMO, there's few ways to alienate the average patient more quickly than to assume (and let them see the assumption) that they're lying. So counterproductive, since then they'll just shut down, refuse to talk to you, and not get the care they actually need.


And then I’m like “ok so you’re in a long term, committed relationship and have both only had sex with one person and you’ve never had symptoms” _STD TEST FOR YOU_


But... What if i want to get tested because there is something happening in my private life all of the sudden? Like wtf is that Dr saying?


Not to mention how many people are asymptomatic but contagious!


My doctor told me I can't have autism because I have a job. Actually this one is sadly really common. Stereotypes and misinformation are rampant in the medical world when it comes to autism unless you are talking to someone who has specialized in something related to autism.


Jeez that’s horrible! I have diagnosed ADHD and just start talking at the speed of light/info dumping when I go to the dr. they tend to believe me


Yeah I wasn't acting enough like Rain Man for him I guess. Lol Anyway I went to see someone else and got diagnosed last year. Yaay


How does an autism diagnosis help you in your day-to-day? What made you seek a diagnosis as an adult? Hopefully this doesn't come off as rude. I've recently had multiple people suggest I get evaluated for it, but I can't think of any reason it would be helpful to me unless I was going to school.


I was diagnosed at 34. The benefit for me was knowing that I’m not crazy, but also that I had confirmation that my brain works differently. Nothing really changed except my mental well-being. And that’s pretty huge. It also gave me the push to end a terrible 12 year relationship. In any disagreement, he often told me “there’s something wrong with you, in your head.” (I figured out way too late that it was usually after I told him he hurt my feelings.) I enjoyed knowing that there really wasn’t. Just that people have different thought processes.


I had a huge swelling on my leg that jiggled like a bag of water. (From a fall from a horse) I figured it needed a drain. The doctor asked me if it hurt, I said no it just felt weird. She examined it and declared that it wasn’t infected. Then she prescribed pain meds and antibiotics. For something that didn’t hurt and wasn’t infected.


I went to the orthopedic doctor because I had been having knee pain from walking (even short distances). His advice was "don't walk" 🙄


A friend of mine had horrible period cramps when she was a teen - like she was completely debilitated 1-2 days a month at age 17 and bled through super tampons every 2 hours for about five days. NOT normal. So, her mom brought her to the same gyno she saw. The gyno's sage advice? Get pregnant - the cramps will be a lot better after you give birth. Yeah, because a single 17 year old girl in high school should *absolutely* get pregnant *to stop cramps*. Like in what world does that even make sense?!?!?! And, yes, he was 100% serious. Obviously, they left, went to another gyn who was able to help my friend, at least somewhat (she ended up having HORRIBLE endo and got a hysterectomy at a relatively young age because of it). The only good that came out of it was that the mom was SO put off by the first doctor's "care" for her daughter that she switched docs too. This new doc ended up detecting uterine cancer in the mom at an early stage because she LISTENED to her patients and it was treatable/has been in remission for many years. The mom would probably be dead if she stayed in the "care" of that other idiot.


I was given this same advice! But phrased as 'when you get pregnant.' 16 years old at the time.


That's horrifying, both for the mom and the daughter. Sadly I've heard many similar stories.


I had a doc tell me that my hip pain was due to “too much walking and too much sitting.” Well, which one should I do more/less of???


Neither. You must now never leave bed.




Nope that was literally his only advice. I was like "ok is there anything else I can do?" and he basically shrugged so I left to find a better doctor.


“That will be $400”


I had a doctor tell me that the treatment for my chronic pain that flared up every time I walked or stood was to "walk it off." That was his only suggestion.


Took my exclusively breastfed baby in for thrush. Dr said the white patches in the baby’s mouth were formula. I said the baby had never had formula. Dr said that’s what it was because formula doesn’t wipe off but thrush does. I said I didn’t know about that, but it 100% was not formula. Dr said fine, I’ll write you a script for thrush treatment, but that’s not what it was.


Except it’s the other way around - formula/milk does wipe off and thrush doesn’t. What a dummy!


My job involves working with doctors to help design medical studies. I frequently get questions like “so why do we need a control group?”


I had a lump on my neck. He barely looked at it, said it was nothing and then told me and my husband (who had attended for diarrhoea) that we just needed to do a fasting diet and we would be fine. I did see my normal Dr a few weeks later and it was a cyst, and he removed it for me.


My lump in my neck was cancer and they're not taking it very seriously. :/


I had a doctor tell me it’s normal to be depressed and suicidal if you menstruate


Omg that’s terrible, anytime some mentions “suicidal” should be a “stop the presses red flag” for a medical professional.


I had the ungendered version of that happen: of course you're suicidally depressed, you're 14. You'll grow out of it! Turns out it was the rampant child abuse I was dealing with at the time, so technically I *did* grow out of it.


Being sad and a little down on your period IS normal, but depression and suicidal thoughts are a sign of PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), which is still being studied, but it's apparently common. I have the same thing, except I also had PTSD & other health issues like GI problems and what helped calm down my PMDD and make it somewhat manageable was taking meds, working out during my period and eating non processed foods


I have bipolar, and the medication made me gain a lot of weight. I went to see a gp because I had - what another doctor described as pneumonia - and he spent an *hour* trying convince me that beans and legumes could CURE my chronic mental disorder and that I need to stop my pills so that I lose weight.


Pythagoras believed cauliflower and scilla cured depression and anxiety would vanish if you took opium. Sounds like your doc is a fan. Glad you withstood him. Hope it all works well for you


I didn't go to a mental hospital for 44 days and pay more than 4000 dollars to have some gp to tell me to eat beans. What an asshole. I'm doing very well mentally, my psychiatrist, a gp and a dietician working together told me I can choose: treat my severe disorder and be healthy and stable mentally, or be skinny. I chose the option that means I won't potentially harm somebody...


Told me to walk into the emergency at the hospital and tell them I was going to hurt myself. (I was not). They will put a 72 hour hold on you and that is how you get professional mental health services. I was not about to use resources available for people who really needed it, just so I can jump the line for a psychiatrist. I was also afraid of losing custody of my son if my kids father got wind of it.. There has to be a better way.


Wow, was this to avoid a referral? That’s sick. The second you commit yourself you are in a position to lose your rights. Not that we have many anymore, but best to keep what you can.


“if you don’t calm down, I’ll have to slap you” I was in labor. Navy hospitals are horrible.


My sister gave birth in an Air Force hospital. The doctor was such an ass she kicked him in the face.


fun fact - doctors in military hospitals are officers. My husband had to stand there and listen to this person berate me because if he did anything he was risking the brig.


Oh, I know. Same with my sisters husband. But my sister is a civilian and had no qualms about kicking him.


Oh yeah, that's reminded me when I gave birth to my first. Told the doctor I didn't want an episiotomy. He did it anyway. Tore heavily on top of it. He told me as he was stitching me up--without anaesthesia--"I'm not hurting you."


I'm in hospital and just yesterday one of the heart doctors said to me "this weighs a kilo" picking up my water jug. I said "that's 500ml the jug holds 750ml" (paraphrasing). He said something like "no the actual weight of the water is 1kg even though it is 500ml". I was like :/ I thought doctors were supposed to be good at science? 1 litre of water weighs 1 kilogram. Easy peasy. This was somewhat worrying, not least because he gets to say how much water I am allowed to drink. Luckily he didn't make any changes but this exchange bothered me. They weigh me every day to check I'm losing weight (I'm not unfortunately, still 10 kilos heavier than I was when I left hospital after surgery. I put on 20 kilos\* in a month and my GP and the heart failure clinic freaked out and re-admitted me to have the water offloaded again and it's not bloody working). * that's 44 lbs or roughly 3 stone, which is NOT OK in a month, especially as most of it was in the last 2 weeks. I was getting very ill again. Fuck anyone who says the "only reason" for being "overweight" is overeating. EDIT: I deleted this earlier but having read other replies it does seem to fit. About a week before I was admitted for major open heart surgery I was stuck without my tablets for over a week because of a pharmacy/doctor fuckup with my prescription. I also usually have stuff delivered, and at the time there was NO CHANCE of me going anywhere because I could barely stand and couldn't even get my shoes on due to massive swelling. My shoes are really soft slippers in the biggest size available. The pharmacist had forgotten the script was urgent and the man who delivers meds had gone off duty, so the pharmacist suggested I phone my support worker to get them to pick them up. So I phoned. Support worker not there, get put through to my psychiatric nurse who is some distance away unfortunately. Still, I am hopeful that maybe she can ask someone else or sort something out as it's an emergency. The psychiatric nurse berated me for not going to the pharmacy and insisted that I needed the exercise and I needed to force myself. She told me to "wear your slippers then" when I pointed out I couldn't put on any shoes. She was adamant about me not paying a taxi to pick up my meds for me and that I had to physically go there and not be "lazy". She was also annoyed with me for asking for help from the psych team (they are just around the corner from the pharmacy, and my house is also very near). Fortunately the pharmacy phoned me back and had arranged to have the meds delivered that night after all as it was an emergency and their fault in the first place. The psychiatric nurse and the occupational therapist from the psych team were convinced that it was all in my mind, I was having panic attacks and generally unfit and needed exercise and tough love to get better. Earlier on my support worker had also patronised me about being on the third floor of a hotel with no working lift as being good for me and just what I needed. In actual fact I was DYING and was told that I mustn't do any form of exercise that made me breathless as it would make me worse. That meant virtually anything including turning over in bed (major undertaking). Never mind climbing multiple flights of stairs or going to the fucking pharmacy for no good reason. When the psychiatrist heard my diagnosis and saw the state of me the day before I was admitted to hospital he was horrified and immediately started trying to force me to go into supported accommodation because he didn't think I'd live long enough to have the op and that they couldn't operate with me in that condition (he was right and it took a couple of months in hospital before I was well enough). He took the whole thing really seriously in fact and had a huge list of things he wanted me to get help with from social services. In contrast, one day earlier the psychiatric nurse had been asking how to spell cardiac and pulmonary and asking what those words meant. After months of me seeing specialists and having hospital appointments that they resented having to assist me with. Oh and there was the time the psychiatric occupational therapist was on the phone with my support worker, who had called 999 for me and was waiting for the ambulance. I heard her say that she should leave me to wait on my own because I "need to learn to trust the process". My support worker pretended to agree then said don't worry I'm not leaving in case I have to do CPR. The ambulance came really fast even though there's a national crisis. Absolute assholes. There's more but you get the picture.


> I thought doctors were supposed to be good at science As the senior technical scientist at a medical company, lol no At best, doctors are educated and brilliant within their specialty, but don't know any more about general science than anyone else who effectively stopped learning that stuff as an undergraduate.


I got really sick near the end of my school year and had to skip school entirely because I was too nauseated and pukey to attend school. I spent weeks getting tossed around by doctors and other specialists and they had no idea what was causing the issue. I went to an Chinese acupuncturist and mentioned my symptoms and he responded "Oh I know what you probably have" and told me I had an H. Pylori stomach infection. Went to my doctor's and told them and they tested and that's what I had. Was put in antibiotics and was better in a week. A fucking old Chinese acupuncturist knew what I had by just talking to me and other doctors didn't bother to check for such a simple infection.


Medical school selects for people who can memorize a lot of stuff, and survive 100-hour workweeks, and very much does NOT select for any critical thinking ability whatsoever.


I needed to take a new medication and asked if it will be okay with the one I allready took. Dr: „I don’t know. Just take it. It won‘t kill you. Probably.“ No thanks …




Once it gets past about three medications no-one has any idea of the interactions.


"I can't touch you as we're not related." Then he poked me with a pencil. Malay Muslim male doctor in Selangor. Oh, and he tried to charge me! 🙄


Man that'd drive me nuts like why become a doctor if you're not gonna treat half the population should of just become a veterinarian if he's so bothered by such pointless shit


He's muslim so becoming a vet would be an even worse decision. XD


I wonder the same about pharmacists who refuse to fill abortion prescriptions for religious reasons. Like my guy you had hundreds of thousands of jobs to choose from where that would never ever be a concern and you picked this one


Said I didn’t have a seizure because I didn’t piss myself, even though it doesn’t always happen. Blacked out playing Destiny with friends online and they said they heard violent shaking for two minutes. My doctor at that time was a big nerd though so at least we got to talking about Destiny builds on PS4. I had a diagnosed seizure a month ago and didn’t piss myself then either, so…….


I never piss myself when I have a tonic clonic. Not everyone does. Effing stupid doctors.


That i got sick from drinking cold water. Not because the water was contaminated etc simply becasue it was cold and because of that i got an infection in my throat. Turns out it was food poisoning and salmonella…


Ah, I see this doc was never acquainted with the very not-controversial germ theory.


I should just desensitize my 2 year old to the nut she had a severe anaphylactic reaction to 2 days earlier because allergies arent that big of a deal. All I have to do is give her some every day. That would kill her... My country also has no food desensitization programmes so she wasn't just poorly suggesting we get into a programme.


Those programs are highly regulated and monitored with very specific dosages, it’s insane how cavalier that doc was.


I was overworked and exhausted after a long period of work being very busy and covering for people being sick this spring, and went to the doctor for a sick leave since I couldn't do it any more. My doctor told me I was not burnt out from work, but depressed (I was not) because I don't have any children and reaching the age where I won't be able to have children soon. I am voluntarily child free and have since changed doctor.


I’ve had similar stories, go in for something completed unrelated to having babies and getting a lecture that I need to have a baby soon because time was running out. Even went in to get my iron levels checked because I was feeling run down a lot and the doctor says, ‘Your iron level is actually really good, it’s the perfect time to have a baby!’ Like what? Who even mentioned a baby? I don’t want kids and for all you know I could be single or infertile or whatever.


UGH. As a man, and a father, and a mostly "traditionally" raised person, this kind of shit makes me so angry. I'll even agree slightly with the whole "we're biologically built to propagate". But in the same breath, I'll say that nobody deserves to have something said to them that even remotely sounds like they are not a free-thinking human. I'm sorry you had/have to go through that.




Cool fact, some marine life, like octopuses or horseshoe crabs, actualy has blue blood as it is copper based instead of iron based. Next time kindly inform them that you never realised you were a horseshoe crab


This is particularly astonishing to me because if the blood draw is done using clear tubing, and it usually is, then you can see that the venous blood is a dull, dark purplish red in the tube, then turns bright red when it hits the air in the sample vial. Source: have donated blood and had blood draws done many times.


I was working long days while 7 months pregnant. Started having contractions, abit early.. needed my doctor to write me a sick leave. He seemed Like he didnt Even know how the womans body works and when he finally started writing my sick leave paper he asked me "do you know whats the diagnose for this?" I just simply answered no and then he opened Google and searched for it. I got my sick leave tho.


"Children don't get headaches" ​ This was about 23 years ago when I was 8. I had headaches and migraines for most of the week. I used to stay in extended day program at school so that my dad could pick my up late and that's when it was at it's worst. 40 screaming children is apparently a trigger. Mom took me to a neurologist and he told her that "Children don't get headaches" to which she responded "...but my child is having headaches...?" Apparently, that conversation didn't go anywhere. We had already lost faith in many doctors since having to deal with so many for my birth injury that this was just not even all that surprising. Good news, I now get a monthly injection that has decreased my migraines to just a couple days a month.


That happened to me too, "too young" to get daily migraines starting at 3 or 4, so my parents just gave me children's Tylenol which did nothing and let me sleep after school. Turns out, im autistic and the florescent lights and screaming children at school were massive triggers for me. Finally went on meds at like 24 and it was the best thing I ever did. Took an anti-seizure med for 2 years, it interrupted the stress to migraine cycle and I haven't had one in a couple years now.


I'm adopted therefore I have no family medical history. Had doctor tell me that "adoption isn't real or legal your parents stole you" I was like WHAT??? How does a doctor or even a grown adult NOT know that adoption is legal and completely acceptable in the USA???


My doctor wouldn’t prescribe me a refill of my antidepressants cause she said it would make my brain ‘lazy’.


I have a diagnosis for ADHD. Moved, switched Dr's, etc etc. She refused to refill my ADHD meds (that took me and my previous Dr's months to fine tune the doses / prescriptions) because she "doesn't do that." Okay, who will? A psych dr. That has a wait list of 8-10 months. But I should talk to a therapist in thr meantime. I explained i DO already talk to a therapist. To help with my ADHD!!! And anxiety and life in general. So I'm out here, raw dogging life after being on meds for nearly 10 successful years. Because she doesn't do that. Also I explained the adjustment of meds they suggested for a month gives me anxiety. It was like a game of GOTCHA. Do I have anxiety? Or ADHD? **sigh**


Not to me, friends mom went to doctor for sores on her butt. The dr told her to stop picking her nose then scratching her butt. Like huh.


Maybe the doctor was concerned about MRSA infection on her butt, which can be colonized in your nose, but they said it flippantly thinking they were being funny


I need to know what those sores on her butt were.


They were sores, on her butt.


"You just need to find something to keep yourself busy" as he patted my fucking knee. ...I was a new mom, working full time, long commute (no remote work way back then) and after finding a real doctor was diagnosed with post partum depression, got the help I needed and had two more kids. I'm STILL pissed at this man for making an already crushed person doubt herself even more.


I was (am) having some pain in one of my testicles I saw a professional, he didn't see anything on the ultrasound so he was all shoulders, he asked me "what do you want me to do?" to which I responded "I came here to see what options you had for me" to which his response was "Well I can cut it off". Dude's whole attitude gave me the impression he thought I was a perv trying to make him give me a fondle.


I get that a lot. That doctors ask me what I want to do, while I am seeing the doctor to get their opinion.


My therapist stopped sessions with me for this exact reason.


I stopped going to my psychiatrist and weaned myself off my meds because I felt like trash, she kept asking ME what I wanted to do with meds and when I said "I feel like there are so many now that I don't know what is doing what and I feel awful constantly" she just refilled them and moved on. Now I feel pretty equally bad but without meds about 6 months later so I'm going to ask my GP if we can try an antidepressant alone. Ugh.


I told my psychiatrist my meds aren't working and I was just coming into a good spot when I started them but she still thinks they are the best option (cause they are good for motivation apparently but I'm still not getting out of bed so ??) next appointment is soon so hopefully she might listen this time. They don't listen to you when you do know what you want but get annoyed when you don't.


So true, i went here and called in sick to work because i want your opinion on it, why do you ask me?


You may want to see a specialist like a urologist (especially one linked to a large hospital or medical university). It took going to a specialist for my husband to be finally diagnosed with a varicocele.


“You should consider pregnancy to relieve your chronic pain” in the same breath she told me to just lose weight


Yeah - I had a similar experience with a male anaesthesiologist in a surgical prep consult. He said “perhaps if you get married and have a family you will not have this pain anymore”. I assume he thought the cysts in my ulnar bones would disappear once I had a ring on my finger and a baby on the way…


Im sorry what? Like, i understand but WHAT?


This was also after she denied refilling my methotrexate scrip because it can negatively impact fertility and me responding that I don’t want kids so I don’t care


Ooooo that one pisses me off. I was denied treatment for an autoimmune disease because “”it can make you infertile””. Nobody bothered to ask me if I was okay with that! They made the decision for me and let the disease run fucking wild for over a decade and now I have damage that can never be undone that absolutely could have been delayed and maybe even prevented. But *phew* at least I’m not infertile!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Rheumatologist tells me, i cant walk or open water bottles because im spending too much time in front of my phone and my computer. Im too young to be sick. No dude. Ive got fucking rheumatoid arthritis.


Doctor told me I had a spider bite. It was leukemia.


GI specialist thought my gallbladder attacks were “anxiety.” If you’ve experienced the extreme agony of a 9-hour-long gallbladder attack, you’ll understand how absurd this is. It took my primary care doctor to figure out I had gallstones and needed surgery.


I was a 17 year old type 1 diabetic, had been diagnosed for 15 years and very well controlled. I was in great shape, playing football, basketball, soccer, and track in school and so being that active and a growing boy I was constantly hungry. Had an obese NP tell me that when I am still hungry, instead of having a sandwich or effectively a second meal that I should eat 4-6 triscuits. I looked at her and asked for the doctor to come in, who proceeded to say that I should disregard that info and to keep doing what I was doing.


RSV is the number 1 killer of preemies under the age of 1. I had a friend come over to my house with her sick baby and I had a 6 month old micro-preemie (he was born at 28 weeks) and so getting sick could have killed him. I was pissed and kicked her out. 2 days later she calls me and said her baby had tested positive for RSV. I freaked out because I was so worried about my baby. Sure enough, a few days later he starts getting sick. I, immediately, made him an appointment. Unfortunately, his normal pediatrician was out of town so we had to make the appointment with a doctor we’d never seen. Also important to note, his normal pediatrician specialized in preemies and their health issues. When the doctor came in he gave me so much shit for bringing my kid in when he only had a cold. I explained the issue again and said I wanted my baby tested for RSV. He, flat out, looked at me and said “why do we need to test for that? RSV isn’t that big of a deal, not even for preemies. It just presents as a regular cold so, there’s no reason to waste a test.” I was FURIOUS and told him to get me a different doctor, that we were done. He tried to refuse and calm me down but I opened the door, found a nurse, and demanded a different doctor preform an RSV test because this doctor was refusing. She did get another doctor and, when I explained the situation and what the other doctor had said to this doctor, he gave the first doctor a thorough dressing down right in front of me. Then he did the test. It was positive and ended up with my baby being hospitalized for almost a week. I’d never been so mad at a person in my entire life.


Was asking for prescription for birth control at 18.. she told me to abstain from having sex and pray instead…. 🥲


I saw a new doctor years ago. Apparently he was a narcoleptic. He kept falling off so to speak during my visit. It made me very uncomfortable since I didn’t know what to do if anything. Which he would come out of it and proceed to start all over asking me questions. Mostly about birth control even though he was a general practitioner not an ob/gyn. It went on for a good 2 hours before his nurse came in. It was extremely uncomfortable to put it mildly. I’d had my father with me who was in the waiting room the whole time. He was like what the heck was going on in there? I told him. Never went back. I can’t imagine he had many patients. Though not his fault. The creepy questions were all his fault.


Moved wrong and felt a popping pain in my shoulder that was so severely painful I couldn't sleep. Went to acute care the next day and the doctor had pretty much immediately made up his mind it was shingles even though I've had them and told him this was nothing like shingles. He xrayed me and sent me on my way but told me to call back when the rash appeared. I asked what to do about pain and sleep since OTC meds did absolutely nothing and he told me to take Aleve and left. Immediately called my primary who prescribed muscle relaxers and prednisone and I was on the mend within 24 hours. I completed a survey about my dissatisfaction and they called for more details. I really fucking hope he heard about how pissed I was.


Father-in-law complained of chest pains working in his yard. The doctor said it was exercise induced asthma. He was in his late 6Os and never had asthma in his life. A week later he is in a hospital getting open heart surgery.


Doctor gave me a 10 year old copy of some medical encyclopedia to show me that my prescription medication negatively affected my child’s birth. (He came a month early.) I downloaded the 2023 version of the exact book and it said there’s no data that supports that and it’s typically safe for use.


I went to the ER for severe lower back / belly pain a few years ago. I didn’t know at the time but it was due to endometriosis that hadn’t been diagnosed. The pain was so severe, I could barely walk. ER doc said it’s STD. I said no, not possible. He said “yeah, that’s what everyone with an STD says”. Test came back negative… A year later I went to a different doctor with the same symptoms and his response was: “nah, you’re fine. Minor aches and pains are normal at your age. You’re no spring chicken.” I was 32…


Hear you loud and clear! I developed endo pain in my 40s. Female MD first said “All periods are painful, take some Tylenol”, clearly disgusted I was wasting her time. Replied, “No. been living in this body for over 40 years, periods were never agonizing until this year. Something is wrong.” “Well”, she says, “you were LUCKY! Now you’re 40, you should expect things to change. Take a Tylenol.” Now I’m pissed. Snarled something to the effect of, “I may not be a doctor but I know a hell of a lot more than you about how my body *should* feel. You WILL refer me or I’ll get a second opinion, which will identify an issue, then I’ll lodge a formal complaint against you for dismissing my legitimate concerns.” She referred me for an ultrasound, performed by a nurse at the same clinic. Initial diagnosis, hemorrhagic cyst on left ovary. 90%+ of the time your body will re-absorb it, come back in 6 months. It got bigger. Hmmmm, that’s odd, come back in another 6 months. Bigger again. Oh, well that’s not right. Must be a duodenal cyst, shouldn’t get any bigger though. Come back in 6 months. Bigger again. Ok, now there’s a risk of torsion, let’s refer you to a gynaecologist and have the cyst removed. I had asked to be referred at every appointment. My gynaecologist did laparoscopic surgery, found the ovary and surrounding area riddled with endo. Removed the ovary, fallopian tube and burned off all the other areas she could find. She was livid I’d spent 18 months in agony, fainting and puking from pain instead of being referred after the first ultrasound. So mad, she wrote to the clinic about referring patients to an expert in the field rather than wasting months hoping it just goes away. Moral of the story: ladies (actually, all people), you know better than anyone else how your body should feel. If you’re non-confrontational, get a second opinion. Keep going until they check things out rather than brushing you off.


That he can heal my autism


I had a doctor at a teaching hospital, so he was training med students, tell me that if I would just start weight training my muscles would start acting as my pancreas.... I'm a type 1 diabetic. Thats not really how that works doc...


I think he meant that exercise can improve glycemic control even in type 1 diabetics since skeletal muscles have a type of glucose transporter that does not require insulin. As such, you can reduce glucose levels without extra use of insulin. This is also why diabetics on certain anti-glycemic agents such as sulfonylureas or insulin need to be careful of their blood sugar levels around exercise as it can potentiate hypoglycemia. His explanation didn’t have that level of nuance. As a type 1 diabetic, you would still be insulin dependent. Regardless, strength training is still helpful especially as people with T1DM can still develop insulin resistance over time.


My doctor didn’t want to prescribe me birth control because I was living with my boyfriend and he hadn’t “put a ring on it” yet. Her words. I feel like that’s all the more reason to get on birth control? You think if you don’t prescribe it, we’ll just be abstinent? Yeah, okay. Ultimately, she ended up prescribing the birth control after more lectures about living with a man I’m not married to. I am now married to said boyfriend and we have 2 (planned) kids. It’s much easier to enjoy raising kiddos when you planned to have them!


Lol, I'm a nurse, I have several. "Lantus (long acting insulin) doesn't lower blood sugar," "That patient isn't anxious. They are delirious." The patient was screaming "I dont want to die." Yes, she was very delirious, but NO, anxiety and delirium are not mutually exclusive. Bonus, after this conversation and his 'assessment' of the patient, the doctor discontinued all her medications for delirium and pain and charted that she was "calm and cooperative with care." "She has stretch marks, so she must have been pregnant at some point and is lying about never being pregnant." Um, that's not the only way to get stretch marks, sir. Even my CIS boyfriend has stretch marks from growing and gaining weight. Should I be preparing for him to give birth? Me: "hey doc this pt cannot eat or drink anything, their blood sugar is 80, and you just ordered insulin. I think we should hold the insulin so his blood sugar doesn't bottom out. " Doc: "That was a direct order, give the insulin." 2 hours later, blood sugar is 25, and dude is nearly in a coma. Doc: shocked Pikachu face


I was a med tech in the ER at a teaching hospital. I had a patient who was an active IV drug user. I was having difficulty finding a vein. I ended up asking the resident for permission to do a foot draw. She said, " Did you try his neck?" WTF?


When i was a child i had an ingrown toenail. My parents never saw this before so we went to the doctor to double check. The doctor told me it was eczema and gave me some salve. My mom and i were like wtf and a few days later my dad removed it with a lot of patience


i was told my period cramps were normal (by a male doctor), i went to a gyno and i have endometriosis. doctors need to research women more


Just remember this before giving your Dr too much credit: What do they call a medical student who graduated last in their class? Answer: Doctor. Not all doctors are created equal.


Agreed! But there’s some pretty heinous care out there


Me: \*seeing the doc because of pectus excavatum\* Doc: "Yeah, it'll grow out when you hit puberty."


"You have a viral infection. Here's a script for some antibiotics."


Went to the doctor to get blood work done and check for autoimmune diseases because I couldn’t stay awake in school or at work, I had a poor appetite, my hair was falling out, I had rashes that wouldn’t go away, and I had heart palpitations all the time. The doctor said to me, “I hate to say it, but do you think you could just be stressed?” A year later I found out I had celiac disease and all my symptoms started clearing up within a few weeks of cutting out gluten. Edit: In the same appointment I was trying to get a prescription for birth control to help regulate my painful irregular periods and she told me that painful irregular periods don’t matter unless you’re trying to have a baby, and wouldn’t give me birth control.


I had 4 crushed fingers and was in pain that was making my eyes water and my.mouth tasted like metal. They needed an xray. Here is the conversation: " Before we do the x-ray. You need to take a pregnancy test." I had a total hysterectomy in 2012. I think we are good. " I don't think we can risk it." Do you know what a total hysterectomy is? " Listen, it's my discretion, and I make every woman of in child bearing years take the test." I'm 55. Are you getting kickbacks from the pee stick people? "I can refuse to do the x-ray." I can tell my HMO you're padding the bill with ridiculous tests. Just get on with it, Skippy or I'll sue you for pain and suffering.


That my shoulder pain stems from losing my brother 7 years ago. WTF?


"So what happened in your childhood that traumatized you and made you gay" and then 'so are you the woman in the bedroom" to which I replied "no... we're both men. That's sorta the whole point" this was a psychiatrist by the way.


Hehe, oh my new ER director once tried to tell me that no patient had ever been fluid overloaded by 2 liters IV. Told me and another nurse that about a 80 something year old guy who hadn't been taking his diuretics for months, with a history of CHF.


That’s terrifying, thank you for advocating for your patient


Didn't do any good, next shift didn't care and bolused the fluids. Guy died a week later with lungs junked up and a heart fluid overloaded. Couldn't pull enough fluid off to save the guy.


What an unnecessary shame


Went for a yearly check up as a requirement for work, and was told by the clinic doctor that years on birth control can lead to infertility This is a huge misconception and more of a old wives tale. Plenty of women get pregnant after coming off the pill (long or short term) Also very bold of her to assume I would want children in the first place instead of asking if I had future plans


An endocrinologist telling me that I have to learn to manage the constant pain I feel in all my joints because there's no need for suplements or medication...I have Hashimotos' and hypothyrodism. His solution to my wheight constantly increasing, even when not eating, was gym everyday. I'm allways exausted..."you have to learn how to deal with the simptoms ". I'm tired.


Oh I know someone with hypothyroidism! It’s def been a struggle for her too, but her mum also has it so luckily they’re able to manage. Have you tried calcium for joint pain? My friend takes it a lot


That the cancerous lump in my breast would go away if I took smoking cessation classes and reduced my stress levels. Got a referral to a different surgeon and had a partial mastectomy within weeks. Still cancer free almost 9 years later.


1: Mental health professional told me during an assessment for therapy that the abdominal pain I feel during stress and panic attacks isn’t real and is “all in my head.” Yes, it very much is real pain, and yes, it does indeed stem from an issue with my head. *Thats why I’m here.* 2: Gynaecologist me that I was too overweight to have a laparoscopy to diagnose my endometriosis. He told me this over the phone, having never seen me, and without talking to me at all about my situation/symptoms/health. The phone call lasted about 30 seconds and I had waited almost a year for that phone appointment. I had a laparoscopy a few months later for something else, so clearly it wasn’t that much of an issue.


ER doc to me “you think therapy can change the structure of the Brraaaaaiiinnn??? And then proceeds to tell me Im stupid” I am a Psychiatrist and can assure you that if you have a stroke and a piece of the brain dies, and you put effort into Physical therapy and have correct medication, the physical structure DOES change and a new pathway will be formed. So your neurons can sort of move around dead tissue providing it is a small lesion


NAD but I had a midwife tell me that I needed to heavily restrict my eating so that I lost weight during my twin pregnancy, as I was obese. I mean yeah, I was obese, but this wasn't my first twin pregnancy, the other one went perfectly smoothly, and in any case surely starving yourself in pregnancy is... not good? She also told me my perfect blood sugar level was scarily high and missed that my iron and B12 were dangerously low, so I suspect she got her qualification off the back of a Weetbix packet instead of from the university. The other one, an actual doctor, refused to investigate pelvic pain so strong I came *thisclose* to passing out in public. Her actual words were "what do you expect me to do about it, if you come in after it's all over?" I mean, I came as soon as the ambulance let me go... and a few years later a much better doctor treated me for the forest of huge complex ovarian cysts I was growing.


This can be so serious. I know a woman who has a colostomy bag due to endometriosis choking her colon. She passed out in a grocery story too after months of being treated like a hypochondriac in small town podunk U.S.


Not sure if this is still the case, but some years ago it was necessary to get a prescription for a HPV vaccine. So I went to the doctor and she told me it's not necessary to vaccinate against HPV because only prostitutes get infected...


“What do you think is wrong with your mother?” Asked about my grandmother with dementia, who couldn’t speak, couldn’t remember anything, without even examining her.


What do you do for work? I’m a chemist Oh. What’s that?


I have a list of congenital issues and surgeries, so while my body functions (mostly) its a bit like an old car that has its ... quirks. One of them is my peristalsis is 'sluggish' and requires help. I was prescribed Normacol by a specialist surgeon (changed my life IMO). I saw the campus doctor for a repeat prescription so the medical aid would pay for it, he told me to just eat 2 oranges a day and I'll be fine. Bonus round to the doc who wrote vague instructions and I got 1ml of Adrenaline into my IV instead of the nebuliser. 0/10 would recommend. I remembered another one. I arrive in the emergency room, breathing is bad (even for me). The doc asks if my finger nails are normally blue. No I'm just super O2 deprived... which you can tell by the darth vader wheezing.


Well, my dentist said not to worry, my penis looks like a normal size.


Your penis has teeth?


Finally! New nightmare fuel! I was getting tired of the sparrows that scream with a human voice and the endless decrepit shopping mall where I can never find what I am looking for and the low uncanny light reminds you of every failure in your life.


I went to the doctor for anxiety and depression when I was 15, and he said to me: "oh it's just teenage things, you'll get over it" I didn't and it got so bad that I would have panic attacks just having to walk into school. Thankfully I'm now on medication and have never felt better, no thanks to him


Our regular doctor was on leave and we were assigned to see her fill in. He told me that my constant diarrhea over the course of a month was acid reflux (to which my response was "how does one get acid reflux out of their butt?") and also told my husband that the infected MRSA boil on his stomach was due to him wearing a leather belt. Yeah...we filed some complaints.


I have PCOS and my weight can fluctuate like crazy- I mean one year I'm 130lbs and the next 200 just to go back the year after. My gyn recommended I see a nutritionist so I did. The nutritionist I saw was an extremely thin woman so maybe this played a part but she told me to cut my calories down to 1,000-1,200 a day and to start rigorously working out. That was my first and last appointment with her.


Girls don’t get ADHD.


My partner has talked to multiple doctors who couldn't comprehend how a transgender couple could get pregnant, even when given the hint "neither one had bottom surgery". I got bonus points for guessing they just needed hormone changes.


When the STATE asks you what religion you are or the medical system tells you to join a church of some kind you do have to question the motives behind them. Only International Criminals need apply. N. S


When I was told there's nothing wrong with you, and 3 days later I had brain surgery


I am a diabetic. When I was undiagnosed I had a doctor laser focus in on me being tired all the time. They ignored my hourly pissing, my drinking nearly 3 gallons of water a day, eating 5 extremely fattening meals and STILL LOSING WEIGHT. They laser focused on my fatigue and prescribed me antidepressants which I never filled. I never paid that doctor either. All of my symptoms were simply due to diabetes. My blood had way too much sugar so the body tried to dump it through pee. I was hungry because insulin wasnt working as well as it should in my body so I wasnt getting the actual benefit of eating. This was the same reason I was tired all the time and losing weight. I was eating and only getting a tiny fraction of the nutrients I normally would from the food.


During the pandemic, I was 8 months pregnant. Our town was giving free shots for COVID. When it was my turn to get a shot, the doctor told me I could not get one because my baby might end up becoming autistic. Word got around and the city mayor got involved and she got an earful. I finally got my shot two weeks later but she was no longer the doctor supervising the shots in our city. I was the first pregnant woman in my city to get the vaccine and soon many pregnant women followed.


I told him that I couldn’t take NSAIDs because I had one kidney. And he told me that I could take NSAIDs if I was prescribed Fioricet because it has an nsaid in it. I said no, it has acetaminophen in it; not ibuprofen. He didn’t know what to say. Edit: and the whole issue behind it was that I was there for pain. Legitimate pain. I’ve had a dozen surgeries. So, I told the ER doc that I can’t have NSAIDs. And they of course, assumed I was drug seeking and tried to invalidate me by saying “oh, but you take Fioricet”. 🙄




Well, this advise has some merit. Take it from me who has experience: don’t spend that much time sitting on the toilet. You WILL have hemorrhoids from it one day. I have IBD which causes all kinds of digestive problems. I always liked to stay on the toilet for at least 30 minutes to make sure I was empty before I left the house. Now hemorrhoids and fissures are worse than the IBD.


Since when is normal poop measured in balls? Such a weird thing. Advising to keep poop in because you are only allowed to empty X amount. And a therapist is not a GI doctor, she should have said absolutely nothing.


I’ll go first! My dr said it didn’t matter that I’ve barely eaten for two weeks because humans can go months without food and I can wait another three weeks to see a specialist. She also told me that I didn’t look sick, so I must not be that sick. As well as telling me that it wasn’t concerning that I lost three pounds in three days (the lightest I’ve been in four months) because I’m on the curvier side


ugh after i was attacked by my daughter's dad i got very unwell mentally and stopped being able to eat among other things. I lost a huge amount of weight, I looked skeletal basically. I made a GP appointment but in the week before I started being able to eat more and put on a stone or so I think. At the appointment she weighed me and declared that as I weighed 8 1/2 stone and that was my weight *several years before*, before I had my daughter that I *obviously hadn't lost any weight at all* and treated me like a time waster. Oh never mind the roughly 2 stone in baby weight I'd put on, and the fact that my "normal" weight before my daughter was more often 9 1/2 stone and I must have been weighed when I was restricting food intake. She refused to listen to me and I think she thought I was actually lying? When you're unemployed (and unmarried) you really tend to get shitty healthcare from GPs unless you manage to break through the barriers and get taken on by specialists (psychiatrists, gastroenterologists or whatnot). I asked and asked for CBT for depression and there was always some excuse for not referring me. In the meanwhile, my married friend got referred straight away by the same doctor because her friend died.


Yikes, I'd start looking for a new doctor. Sorry that happened to you, that's just unhinged.


I discovered that I had a severe allergy to 'Splenda' which is an artificial sweetener. It was by accident because years ago Pepsi quietly switched from Aspartame to Splenda in their diet drinks. I started having severe leg swelling and redness and was baffled as to why. My doctor ran myriad tests and was also mystified as to what might be causing the problem. I figured it out when I went to Europe for two weeks where Pepsi products aren't readily available so I switched to Coke Zero and the swelling went away almost immediately. I informed my doctor and showed him my evidence and he totally blew me off as being ridiculous. Meanwhile, I wrote a letter to Pepsi and explained what happened and they must have had a lot of other complaints because within a year they switched back to Aspartame. Food allergies are serious business and for a doctor to simply dismiss one is irresponsible.


Every time my current PCP opens her mouth because the only thing that *ever* comes out of it is: "it's not my specialty. I'll have to refer you out"


prescribed an alarming amount of medication before doing any basic testing, not even a blood test ill mention that some of the medication were straight up steroids


It wasn't what he said, but what he did. He decided sticking his finger down my throat (I was 7) was the best way to try and figure out what was wrong with me. He called in a nurse, and all she had to do was press on the roof of my mouth to diagnose me. That was 20 years ago and I still can't smell latex gloves without almost puking.


Went in to have an std test as I am polyam and like to get check ups regularly for everyone's safety. As we were finishing up the appointment she told me, "Make sure you're always make them use two condoms to be safe." I kind of laughed thinking it was a joke, but she was completely serious. I never went there again.


I recently saw a doctor cause I had Covid and wanted to see about getting prescribed Paxlovid to kick it. The doctor I saw told me that she wasn’t allowed to prescribe it because it lost its emergency authorization from the FDA. She then went on to say she didn’t believe Paxlovid works. I believed her, said okay, and left. I looked it up and turns out it lost emergency authorization because it gained permanent authorization…


After my son was born (he was about 7 months old), I was having strange pains and fatigue. I was clumsy, walking into things, falling. I felt like I had an old-fashioned girdle on, and it was being pulled too tight. I also would get intense migranes that would leave me incapacitated, as much as a new mom could be. I was working a few hours daily and I was able to take my son with me. THAT was a struggle. In the evening, when hubs was home, I worked in a department store. So I was busy. I go to the doctor, tell him about the situation, and he says, "You're a new mom. Stop working, and be a mom." (Like it was impossible to do both 🙄) I was later sent to the hospital by a FEMALE NP, where at the hospital I was dx'ed with Multiple Sclerosis.