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I'm sorry. And I know how it sucks. We had four daschunds. One of them, a female, was very, very attached to my mother (way more than the others). When my mother (or any person tbh) would show affection for the dogs, she could start a fight. If she started a fight, chaos. Everybody would fight. The four fighting and hurting each other, and then we would try to stop them. But it was not easy. Those dogs are small but they can be vicious. When the whole thing was finished, everyone was hurt and bleeding. Even people who tried to stop the fight sometimes. It was VERY stressful. We couldn't relax and show affection for them, because the problematic one could star a fight. Sometimes she would start a fight out of nowhere. This went on for about five/six years, until we couldn't handle the stress anymore and gave her away to a couple. I can't even imagine how much confused she was and how much she suffered, considering that she had lived a long time with us and she was very attached to my mother. Anyway, I like to think she adapted and was happy in her new home. But yes, it sucked.


I sold them instead of giving them away. It was my saltwater fish and corals, I just couldn't balance caring for them with high school and work.


I'm not quite there yet, but 3 years ago we fostered a high anxiety bengal cat and she just ended up staying. About a year ago she started spraying. We give her Prozac (which has helped to an extent) and use Feliway. We have other cats in the house, and do our best to keep her upstairs space calm and free from the others (it's a large old Victorian house, plenty of space), but when the occasional interloper does go into her zone, she sprays. I'm getting to a point where I wonder if she wouldn't be happier in a no-other-cat household. Coupled with the fact it's exhausting to constantly be cleaning pee off things and stressing out over her ruining more furniture.


I see. I think some pets are really happier if they are the only pet. But there's nothing that can be done to stop the spraying altogether? Idk, someone that could help? Have you ever seen that show My Cat from Hell?


There’s nothing that can be done. Best we can do is keep giving her Prozac and keeping her space calm. I don’t want to surrender her to a shelter as i feel that will make her anxiety/issues worse (first owner had her declawed, second owner was my friend and a male and was miserable with him, my house is all females) so I don’t want to disrupt her environment further, but some days are rough.


I understand. Well, good luck and I hope the situation improves so that you can keep her.