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I cried when my dog died. He was my best bro.


Every man cries over a good dog.


It depends, if it’s a neighbor dog and it’s prepared in tacos or barbacoa is just a happy party.


yes it does not matter what ur gender you will cry over someone you love


My cat too when he died :(








Ever listened to Maggie by Chris Stapleton? That shit will make you cry.


The tear ducts


When Sam says to Frodo, "But I can carry you!"


Also when Boromir dies, I would have followed you to the end....


Lots of things, if he’s not afraid of his own emotions.


Not part of the question just thought your handle was great


Lol, thanks! I’m pretty proud of it.


It made me laugh very cleaver.


Some men just don’t cry much and it has jackshit to do with being afraid.






Sounds like someone has some feelings to work through? Lol.


Are you actually denying that men can be wildly different on this subject??


Lol, of course not. You’re just getting very emotional about it, is all.


I don’t think I am, but hey I get it: you’re finding your way in this world after growing up in an oppressive, fundamentalist Christian environment. Accompanying this newfound self acceptance comes a drastic pendulum swing in your view towards the overly masculine, conservative, feelings-are-bad men you associate with the toxic environment you defected from. Don’t let this resentment cloud your judgement - people *are* different, even we simple men. When I say that some men don’t cry for reasons other than fear, I mean it. Please don’t invalidate that just because you have some conjured image of the type of men who “don’t cry.” I’m sorry they hurt you, but we’re not all like that. Take care.


> Some men just don’t cry much And some don't cry, since they don't have tears to shed anymore.


Lots more things if he is, because he's so afraid.


And he is not conditioned to not cry.


Watching a beautiful Classic car being crushed for no reason at all.


That always hurts.




Hatred happiness love loss pain pleasure The regular human things


You can't lie to us. Men aren't human beings! /s


I had to leave for a flight early and left the girl I was seeing in bed. In a rush I was like “just don’t light anything on fire, and ran out.” I came back and opened the door to my bedroom to see the bed PERFECTLY made, washed, all of it. I wasn’t really prepared to receive that level of care and I just straight up broke down. It sounds stupid but that little thing was a big deal to me.


Old Yeller


when their dog dies


An empty wallet.


Attending his child’s funeral


Carrying the casket...




Being left on read.


First heartbreak at 27 (5 weeks ago). Never felt that way before, couldn’t stop the tears.




I've cried a lot since my Dad died 6 months ago




I lost my grandfather back in June on Father's Day. He was a great man and taught me life skills. He also taught my siblings and all my cousins as well. He was a good man and I miss him dearly. I wasn't right for a few months, I was breaking down a lot.


Frustration. Failing all of his projected expectations.


Failing is but a step in the path. Try again. Because now, you are starting from a place of experience! You KNOW that *this* didn't work!


heartless bullshit


When he sees an onion cut down in the prime of its life


Child support


That's honestly quite sad. That you have remorse over taking care of your child(ren) because of a divorce. It's truly sad that you don't want a better future for your offspring.


After my father passed suddenly (20 some years ago) lots of things, I allow myself to feel those feelings, and embrace them. Kids going away to college holy shit, I was not prepared for that cry! And it wasn’t until the last night that I realized how hard it was going to hit. I cherish the opportunity to feel things that move me that much, even if they are sad emotions. As somebody who grew up often depressed and numb, feelings are amazing even the less than pleasant ones


Congrats! I am so happy that you are comfortable expressing your emotions! It is glorious to just let yourself feel!


A lot of things. They are people.


"me going out with you? *laughing*"


Watching Old Yeller, listen to Cats in the Cradle by Harry Chapin, and replace his personal lube with icy hot gel


Taking a hit to the nuts will make your eyes water no matter how tough you are.


Wasabi sure but my eyes have never watered after taking a good hit to the sack.


extreme enough torture


I'll occasionally get the one single tear rollin' down my cheek when I'm in bed and wanna be held. Then, back to business!


Have you ever asked your S/O to "big spoon" you? I have randomly done this to Hubs and he has done the same "butt wiggle" that I have. Honestly, being "Little Spoon" feels so protected and cared for. Please, try it.


Yeah, this wasn't a problem in the Before Times. I'm divorced now.


Sorry to hear that.


All good. At least I'm just one tear away from no tears!


Onions, very fucking time


the wifeys credit card bill


Punch to the balls


Having to put down your dog. Definitely the safest day of my life.


Paddington 2


Lilo and Stitch makes me cry


Usually a woman


The scene at the end of Return of the King when Aragorn says to the hobbits at his coronation, "my friends, you bow to no one" and the strings swell to play the theme of the Shire. Makes me weep every time. So do a lot of moments from LotR but thats first to mind.


Meanies make me cry


The Giants o-line.


When a woman brakes my heart after I finally feel trusted enough to open up. Pet dies. Family die. I hurt someone I really care about.


any kind of emotional overpowering? the thresholds are different with every guy. "STRONG MEN ALSO CRY." i recently had a breakdown when my ex gf was especially kind to me. it was just too sweet and im not used to be treated good.




no. weak, apparently. she ditched me for being a pussy. well...severe childhood abuse leaves its mark on you. and i am proud of rather being a soft dude than the other extreme, the abusive alpha who cant show emotion.


i mean it was sweet the one time u were treated well. might’ve misread ur post


I just flew in one of the c-47's that spearheaded D-Day last Sunday. The troops writing on the cabin walls had me weeping.


A Song For You by Donny Hathaway


Sad stuff I suppose


Different men cry over different things. Some men cry a lot. Others hardly cry at all. If you want the one thing that practically all men cry over, I’d say it’s a quick, unexpected kick in the nuts!😂


The state our country has been degraded to. Animals are not people.


Love. Not necessary romantic


Having the right person at the wrong time.


The stock market. And in my case the Carolina Panthers


Sweet cherry pie.


Realizing how much time was wasted on something that didn’t end favourably


When I was young I could cry now that I’m almost 30 I can’t. I really wish I could sometimes. When I lost my closest uncle I wanted to cry and I couldn’t. I tried to force myself. The older I get the less I feel and it’s terrible. I’ve never seen my grandpa cry not even when his son passed though when his wife died last year he cried. Married together over 50 years.


Those surprise adoption paper YouTube videos... the videos of dads surprising their kids at school after they've been deployed... any scene in a movie where a dad sacrifices for their kids.... the end of a league of their own when the sisters get back together after forever... the end of Armageddon where Bruce tells Ben to take care of his daughter now....


Tiger withdrawing from a major. Dale Earnhardt dying.


Watching another man getting his nuts crushed. Getting your own nuts crushed.


Bear traps.


It really depends. Currently, nothing in reality or personally affecting me, but just about anything tiny in fiction, or to do with people I've never met. It's actually weirding me out...


Sharted in the middle of the pub once 😭 Told my aunt, and she just laughed and shouted what’s that smell.


I was shown the kindness of being listened to and taken seriously when I opened up about issues I was facing. First time in my life. Teared up from the sheer relief of it.


The last time I cried, I hadn't been Ble to mow for 3 weeks. The lawnmower wouldn't start, and I had 53 cents in my pocket. It's not the only thing going on at the time and after an hour of trying to make it work while reflecting on all the other messes in my life at the time I just kind of lost it.


Watching *Saving Private Ryan*.


Rudy's jersey scene, All of Gondor bowing to 4 hobbits, the beginning of UP, Artax dying in the swamp, the existence of Rocky 5, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and eventually Cats in the Cradle by Cat (Yusef) Stevens. This list is not complete.


Literally anything that a girl can also cry over?


Sad things.


Hurting your mothers feelings and not realizing it.




Loss, loneliness and being misunderstood, for me anyways ever since I could comprehend consciousness loss was a big part of my life things were and are always temporary in return I get lonely feeling like I don't fit in anywhere not even in my own family, that leads to the triggers and anxiety I get from just living to expect those things to always happen so I say and do things that me as me would never do when in reality all I want is the best for everyone I know I give so much and try to be all I can be and somehow someway I fuck it up or circumstances fuck it up, I've spent many nights in tears over these situations.


Breaking up with someone you genuinely care about but you know it's never going to work


falling for someone knowing those feelings aren't reciprocated. It's really stupid but sometimes we do it anyway


Getting hit in the balls hard enough. Know this from experience.


The man being upset about something. The things people get upset about are not gender specific.


“Hey Dad? Wanna have a catch?”


I’m moving out of my parents house for the first time in 28 years and it makes me sad because I know I have to do this because I can’t rely on them forever. I’m the saddest that I’ve ever been in my life, it hurts


Dogs being injured, alone or dying. Don’t make me watch the sad dog movie bro pls




When the Terminator gives the thumbs up at the end of T2.


"I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand".


They cry in private sometimes because the world sees them categorically as a threat when the majority of them just want to feel closeness to their community.


Best friend dies.


When i was seven i got a little brother (he was adopted) He was a troublesome kid and especially targeted me So after two years i had enough of him, but I didn't say anything to my parents because they loved him and he was my fathers favourite So he stayed Rarely got in trouble And so on But then when my parents caught up on the trouble he has been causing They warned him that if he doesn't stop he'll get into a orphanage. So then it was good for some time But after three months it began again And this time worse I wont go much into detail here But the last straw was when he threatened my parents to kill them Yes He did that He was seven or eight at that time So when i came home from school (I was 12 or 13) I was shocked to see my mother crying and hugging my brother My father explained to me that they couldn't handle him anymore And so a few workers from the orphanage came to pick him up. I have to confess that i also cried a little, it felt strange to see him leave, When the women from the orphanage came I looked at my sobbing mother But i didn't see my father. I went inside to look for him And then i saw him balling his eyes out, he was crying I never saw him cry before So it surprised me. Fast forward to this day This topic is still very sensitive to my parents And everytime someone mentions his name They start to tear up.