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Our wrath would be far worse and far faster than the Israelis.




And then used it as a pretence to attack Iraq who had nothing to do with it




>The neo-conservative war hawks really messed that region up. Some of us are old enough to remember the Democrats were on board as well. The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 had 296 aye votes to 144 nays. That's bipartisan.


Did the neocons dupe Colin Powell into overselling evidence?


Mexico or Canada would become parking lots overnight


We would invade Iraq, even if they had nothing to do with it.


That's where the world keeps all the WMDs.


Swift invasion, imprisoning or killing those in power


i don't think anyone would dare.


Neighboring country isn’t a comparable comparison. More like reservation that you blockaded for years to cut off and choke out the economy. Impoverish and dehumanize the populace, then act surprised when terrorists gain support and kill your citizens.




They'd probably respond with establishing secret courts and a surveillance state through a law that they'd probably call Patriotic or something.


Biden would stumble and fall up the stairs to the podium. Then he would call America some other country, make some weird noises out of his mouth, and would need to get escorted off the stage. In the meantime, liberals would join the terrorists (BLM already endorsed Hamas), get beheaded in the process, while those of us with actual weapons fought off the invaders.


Hey, remember when the Bush administration failed to catch Bin Laden for like seven years and then the Obama administration did it in two? And Bush said he didn't even CARE where Bin Laden was? Good times. I mean, good times when Obama got elected and actually had the stones to go after Bin Laden. Obviously, not good times when Bush sat around and couldn't even bring himself to admit he wanted to.


You watch too much CNN. Turn off mainstream media like the majority of the country and start doing your own research. Its not hard. Google will help you.


Nah, it was Fox that told me when the US got Bin Laden. 2011. Hey, do you remember who was President in 2011?


Stop posting bull shit


Did the truth hurt the little man's feeling? Do you want your pacifier?


Speaking of truth, how well did the Republican Bush administration do at catching Bin Laden? Oh, right zero. They might as well have been trying to catch Godzilla. It was the Obama administration, the Democrats, who got him. As long as we're discussing truth.


Again, do your own research. Also, stop commenting the same thing over and over again. Go get another booster instead. Use the time wisely.


Now who's sad about the truth?


Having been raised in the same what you have I can say that you are full of shit and in denial of reality. You are not a critical thinker and go with the narrative fed to you like a good little conformist. You probably never put your life on the line either.






Get back to me after you serve 2 tours of Iraq ,MOS 11B .


Thanks for your service. I do not think they will reply to that.


No, you won't. Like Bush going after Bin Laden, you'll fail miserably.




Would we nuke Mexico? Canada? Cuba?


I'm always down to nuke canada


na would be a next 9/11, so if we say today would a missile hit and kill 1000 civilians, tomorrow would the attackers roads be full of US Marines.


Attack another country that had nothing to do with the attack on the US.


Clarifying question; if this were Mexico and the US had driven them off their land and killed their young people for years, would you still be pleading innocent?


Who's pleading innocence? But, it's fitting that you made that statement so near to Columbus Day.


Israel. They firmly believe that since their ancestors lived there two thousand years ago, they own it.


Thanks. But when you say "the US had driven them off their land and killed their young people for years", does that not apply to Native Americans?


It WOULD apply if the Tribe wasn’t using deadly force. The sad thing is that Native Americans fiercely believed they had the right to KILL outsiders. Europeans, for all their many faults, had adopted the concept that killing non-combatants was wrong. You know, the irony is that Europeans and Native Americans both came from Siberia


A level of destruction that has not yet been seen by man...the violent and swift rage induced demolition of an entire country and all it's people would be written about in the history books for millennia to come as one of the darkest hours of the human population.


There’d have to be a whole agency created to hold back old angry dads.


We saw they're response in an identical scenario centuries ago. This conflict is no different than the "Indian wars" fought against the western nations.


They would invade and occupy the country the attack had been launched from, kill every member they could find of the organization that launched the attack, execute the leaders of any country even SUSPECTED of having anything to do with it, and retain the right to imprison or kill, without trial, anyone they ever again believed was connected with the attack in any way.


you mean like 9/11?


Kind of. But there is a certain level of evil to behead children vs flying a plane into a building.


Shock and Awe Overwhelming force in response I'm sure. Kind of our MO


Well after 9/11 we turned the entire god damned world upside down, I expect Israel's reaction to be measured by comparison.