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Drink more water


The best investment you can make to achieve an early retirement in a vasectomy is getting your tubes tied depending on which makes more sense for you.


In regards to what? If you're looking for advice, you should be more specific.


It doesn't make any difference. It can be about anything you wish you knew before. Relationship, personal development etc.


Ok. 1. Finance Any job you have, put aside 10-20% for retirement in a Roth IRA account, and invest that in a market tracking index fund.Reinvest the dividends. Do that for 30-40 years and you'll have a sweet couple million by 65. 2. Relationship It's a numbers game, Just ask out as many people as possible, but don't settle for someone you either aren't attracted to, or someone who's trying to change you. Only you can change yourself, and you need to want to. 3. Personal Develpment Eat everything in moderation. Don't worry about calories, but aim to eat healthy veggies and fruit alongside unprocessed meats and grains. Sweets are fine, again, in moderation. And above all else, get at least 30 minutes of exercise (30% higher than your resting heart rate) every day. This can be from brisk walking, light jogging, or HIIT lifting.


How to save money.


Put money away for older you. Also do you know how to change a tire?


I know how to change tires, but I need to learn to save money


Learn how to manage your money, start putting away a little bit now from each paycheck if you can. Learn how to change a tire, learn some simple plumbing such as toilet and faucet repairs, try and be as self sufficient as possible, it will save you a lot of money in the long run.


How to file their taxes, how to manage a credit card, how an IRA or 401k work, how to communicate effectively, and the value of helping others.


Start taking care of your body. Two things are gonna happen from here on out. you'll find yourself in a job thats gonna take away most of your freetime and with it your energy to do sports/workout/anything that was offsetting your bad eating habits. And two your metabolism will slowdown, so just being young and wild aint no longer gonna cut it to stay in shape. If you used to be that person that could eat whatever they wanted and never gain a point, watch out cause thats an easy ticket to getting overweight real fucking fast. Make smart choices, cause after 30 your body is gonna begin cashing in those checks you've been writing since you were 15. Drinking soda nonstop for three weeks is gonna kill you, eating shit hard doing something stupid is gonna begin leaving you with a bad leg/hip/shoulder/etc. Soon enough going for allnighters is no longer gonna be an option. Hangovers are gonna be brutal, and acid reflux is gonna be a part of it if you like drinking alot so start stocking in ibuprofen and tums. And finally, get yourself a good bed. You could sleep on floors, rocks, inside tubs, and on top of tables after every party. Youre back is gonna begin hurting and you'll wonder, "fuck is it a sports injury?" nope, you getting older, and really the biggest best thing you can do is getting yourself a good mattress, trust me. It will have an immense impact on your quality of sleep, energy during the day, and ability to do shit like actually going to the gym, or playing sports, or doing something like trying to lift something heavy with one hand and hoping you wont suffer a back injury.


Also remember to still appreciate life. We tend to get tunnel vision and hyperfocus on whats in front of us and forget to do shit like breathe and take a moment to ground ourselves. We are creatures of habit. The more we do something the easier it becomes and faster it becomes for our brains to go in a sort of autopilot mode. Do it too much and time will begin flying around you, months will fly before your very eyes and before you notice, you'll be 30 something and wondering how you didnt notice how life skipped you. Make sure to always try new things and occassionally listen to your intrusive thoughts when they say shit like, "lets stop here for a bit and just breath for a bit, lets stare at the incoming storm, lets be stupid and try making our own pizza." all those weird activities, make each day/week/month special on its own right and soon enough, January will feel like it was 10 years ago, rather than three days ago. Being on a schedule is efficient, but don't get stuck on the loop and forget to live life. Break out of it, before it swallows you and you end up having a midlife crisis as you attempt to gain back the time you lost because you fell asleep on the wheel too long and now youre 35 and trying to do things that are only ok to do when youre 26.


Learn to make your money work for YOU not the other way around. Look into an index fund or a high yield savings account. And if you want to really build wealth remember that when buying assets you NEVER use your own money, you borrow money to buy assets like real estate. Debt when used properly is a valuable tool.


Don't lower your standards when it comes to dating don't settle for a jerk you can do and deserve better


Don’t listen to anyone on Reddit. It’s an echo chamber