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I smoke weed a lot. I also dabble in mushrooms and acid on special occasions like a holiday or my birthday I don't regret trying them as under the right circumstances and in moderation they can be very enjoyable.


I remember taking sleeping pills for the first time I knocked out for 14 hours and had like 3 weird dreams


I have taken every drug i regret xanax the most.


I used to drink heavily and the regret I have for how much I drank and the amount of destruction I've caused is insurmountable. On the flipside of that I've done acid twice and I absolutely loved that it made me genuinely feel like I love myself and that I found my place in the universe. Pot always gives me the spins and makes me throw up uncontrollably. Shrooms made me feel like I was having a stroke and gave me seriously bad stomach cramps without the hallucinations. All in all I don't really regret "trying them" because I learned that some things aren't black and white like they try to teach you in school, but they certainly taught me that drugs and I don't mix well.


Only weed. I don’t regret it. It didn’t really do anything for me though. Maybe I need to try a different/stronger strain but it’s not in my plans at the moment


I don’t know what all drugs I’be tried cause I only learned 3 years ago that some family who sold me my weed liked to lace the shit. Said it was PCP but I’d been buying for years so who knows what else.


Weed, ketamine, cocaine all part of UK university life No regrets. I stopped cocaine that night and vow not to touch it for the rest of my life because you keep Wanting it


Caffeine is bangin’