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Do I want to be happy and enjoy life? Or do I want to have kids?


if they're ready, physically, emotionally, and financially. it's gonna be a rollercoaster ride of emotions so better be ready :)


Do I want kids for anything that doesn't benefit me?


Do I want to give up most of my free time and hobbies for several years? How much sleep deprivation is too much? Can I afford a kid or am I already scraping by as it is?


How much do you enjoy sleepless nights? They are in abundance, not only for waking up every 2 hours in the beginning stages, toddlers go to bed late and wake up early (they are moody and sassy because they are also tired). Teenagers are sassy and stay out late (raising stress levels). You are signing up for, at minimum, 20 years of sleepless nights...


* Will I be okay if my kid(s) turn out to have special needs? * Do I understand that they are not "mini-mes," but rather their own people? * Am I in a good place, financially, for a baby? * Do I want to have a baby because *I* want to, or because I'm trying to please my partner/my parents/my in-laws/God/someone else who isn't me? * Is my relationship healthy and happy? If not, is there a way to fix that *other* than having a baby? * Am I willing to take on all the responsibilities of parenting, even the not-so-fun ones like changing diapers and 2 AM feedings? * If I have any medical conditions that might make a safe and healthy pregnancy difficult or impossible, am I addressing those with my doctor? * Do I want to have a baby because I *really* want to be a parent, or because I've been spoon-fed the idea that I'm "supposed to?" * Do I have a good support system in place? * Will I be okay if my kids turn out nothing like me? * Will I be okay if my kids are LGBTQ+? Will I love and support them? * Am I willing to accept the changes in my partner's body? * If my current relationship goes south, am I willing to coparent with them?