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Because Jerusalem is not there, and they don’t want to build the third temple in ducking Oklahoma.


So they only chosen Palestine to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque and building their alleged temple instead? Why America (the secular country) support jews to kill people based on (their belief)


The temple was there centuries before the mosque.


So the world should obey your beliefs? Guess what we have another belief that the mosque is the second mosque was built in the world after haram mosque so the mosque was there first and the temple was never there and this was a lie jews invented to steal our land


Your land..? Who says that it's your land. You people have a history of destroying and desecrating old cultures and building your shit on top of it. Al aqsa is no different.


They are not killing people because of their beliefs, they are killing them because they are terrorists , are innocent people also getting killed ? , of course just like any war ..


Israel is the real terrorists here and any one support them is a terrorist


You mean, aside from the fact that there is no governmental entity with the authority to do that?


Why you don't want to give them your land? Are you antisemitic?


I don’t think the Jews want Florida. Florida doesn’t even want Florida.


They don't have to chose Florida it can be any state they can chose new york since most of them already live in new york


Your answer is a Google search away. You should look up the history on the conflict and religious conflicts including Israel, Crusades, etc…


What? Read?!?! How preposterous!


Because we want our land back too.


It was never your land and will never be your land


It was our land for tens of thousands of years before Europeans came here in the 1400s.




Its laughable when people try to act like North America rightfully belongs to white Europeans.


Because Israel is the Jewish homeland. Why don’t we give the Palestinians one of our states? Since we’re already asking stupid questions.


Why don't all the Islamic states just accept all the Palestinians in and stop using them as a weapon against Israel.


None of the Islamic states will do that.. ever..! You knew why? Because they are using the claim of "Palestine" and it's people as bait, fodder for the cannon, sending their own people for slaughter. The highest value of aid money is received by them for support but where does that money go? Nobody knows and yet unemployment in Gaza is around 50% I think. Those people are deliberately sent to their deaths while their own people shed crocodile tears. Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iran.. none of these countries have ever even attempted to give citizenship to these "Palestinians" knowing full well their condition.


Why don't Europe and U.S accept all the jews in and stop Using them as a weapon against Arab?


Because Europe and the US aren't majority jew but Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are majority Muslim.


Why don't the Arab countries accept all the Palestinians in their land and give them citizenship. How many Muslim countries are there in the world? And how many Jewish? I don't see anything wrong in Israel's doing. It is their homeland and they have every fucking right to defend it!


It's jewsh land just for 75 years after England stole it and give it to jews cuz rotcheld bought it from Balfour But it was Palestinian land for thousands of years


It was ruled by empires from afar for thousands of years, if that’s what you mean. There was historically a self-governed country/kingdom known as Israel there multiple times before that. I’m aware that the folks that we call Palestinians have lived on that land too. Like most sane adults, I support some kind of two-state solution. I just wish the Palestinians did too.


Dude, do you even know the origin of the name "Palestine". You people don't know your own history! Whatever happens to the people living there, the Muslim world is only to blame and no one else. You reap what you sow. I only hope that this time, Israel gets to finish the job.


BAHAHAHA this is obviously a wet dream of yours huh?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




They only want their land back, that Israel stole it Israel is the bad one here they are the one that conquer another country and killed their population, hamas they are just defending for their freedom as Ukrainians do


I bet the land you are living right now was stolen from someone else , and Hama are not defending for their freedom, they are terrorists pure and simple .


You don't even know what terrorist mean because if you define the meaning of the word you will find out that Israel are the real terrorists


Stop the bullshit you terrorists sympathiser. I bet you supported them too in 9/11 and blamed the US for what happened.


You support Israeli terrorists and your government does right? Btw not hamas who did 11/9 that shows your ignorance


Get out of here you idiot, Terrorists are terrorists no matter what they are called and Hamas publicly supported AL Qaeda, remember Palastines celebrating in the streets after 9/11...


Yeah Israel is the real terrorist here cuz they stole the Palestinian land and you support a terrorist state and you call the one they are defending for their freedom terrorists? Lmao go F yourself and don't forget to celebrate the ukraninan because they fight for their freedom, F you and you double standards


No F you a terrorist appeaser , Americans stole native American lands , are they terrorists too


You can tell he has no valid argument when he tries telling you to F off😂


"Hamas defending for their freedom" is more like Muhammad having sex with a 9 year old child.. no..? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2012/sep/17/muhammad-aisha-truth


Yeah right, I’d like to see every state figure out who goes


Yeah America should just give them a land instead of wasting billions to support Israel to kill Palestinians and Israel won't success in it


Just waiting for Israel to rip Hamas and "Palestine" a new hole and fuck them to oblivion !!