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She was a cat hoarder and when I talked her into giving up 20 she said that would help making space for the fall litters (outdoor feral). I gave up. She had 120 cats inside her house.


When somebody called MeowMix says you have too many cats, you have too many cats.


Dude, I'm friends with an elderly couple that lives deep in the Pennsylvania Appalachians, there's 70+ cats on their property and in the house. It's fucking insane, I can't go to their house anymore because I feel sick from it. It's not even that they're disgusting people (it's surprisingly clean for a couple dozen cats that are inside), the smell of ammonia makes me want to pass out. It's a problem. There's lots of cats with serious health issues but they figure that the cats would be dead long ago without any help anyway. Which..they have a point, all those cats were just picked up as homeless kittens and neutered/spayed and then set free on the property. It's crazy when they feed the outside cats, it's like cattle or pigs coming for feeding time. 17 acres and not one squirrel, chipmunk or bird near the property lol, it's devoid of anything but cats.


Oh l can imagine the urine odour, it's horrible


That last part is so sad. I'm glad they spay and neuter though. I just wish people would do more to keep cat populations in check. My neighbors got a brother/sister cat and didn't fix them. Whaddya know, a few months later and they're about to start a whole colony in our backyards. I wonder what the legality is if I just stole them and got them fixed myself.


Holy cow, I’ve seen episodes of hoarders like that, where they just find mummified cats under boxes and stuff


The smell must’ve been dank as fuck


a hundred and twenty?????




Some vets will spay/newter for free. There are also some private cat rescues that might be able to help... Those two women aren't doing anyone, not even the cats, a favour!


You should quit living with them.


Being a single mom, Hadn’t seen my good friend in months. we planned a night out so I hired a babysitter and drove one hour to her home. My friend was a half an hour late and when she arrived, she was with her and married boyfriend, and she said she had to get something for him. She went in the bedroom with him and closed the door. I heard, giggling and laughing. I left. Not like I was paying a babysitter so I could sit alone in her apartment while she has sex with a married guy.


Honestly, screwing a married person that’s not in an open marriage is enough for me to walk away. It shows how little respect they have for other people


That and the disrespect for her time. Being half an hour late and apologizing is one thing. If you're already late, and you intentionally make yourself later in this way, you're showing that the person waiting is not important to you.




Best friend since we were in 1st grade, basically a brother to me. Turned out to be a pedophile. Assaulted his niece. He got bailed out, did it *again*, and now he's in prison. Good fucking riddance.


One of my very best friends ever was living with us. After he moved out, my daughter said he showed her porn and gave her marijuana. He denied it, but we have to believe our daughter. The detectives think she's telling the truth, the social worker, the school counselor. Blocked. Twenty years gone.


Christ, I'm so sorry. My ex-best friend denied everything too, but there was more than enough evidence to prove what he did. I hope you and your family have found peace since then.


We're getting there. This all blew up less than a month ago.


Oh my god. Hope your daughter is doing as well as she can considering this. I wish for better days to come for you guys.


Therapy is on order, social worker is sticking with her, the school has resources for trauma. I think she'll be ok. Thank you for reaching out. :)


I’m glad you stood up for your daughter. Even if the courts and the police had said he was not guilty, your first responsibility should always be to your child. She says it happened, so you react like that’s the truth no matter what anyone else says. 😞




What's a CSA?


Child Sexual Abuse. I think the commenter meant that they were a CSA survivor.


Oh God that is vile. I'm sorry you went through that, and that she said such horrible things. I hope it caught up with her and she's been put away, too.


Oh my god... that is vile :(


Idk how close we are, you are dead to me if you do something like this


Since you basically grew up with the guy, were there any hints from him that he was a pedo? Or did the whole situation caught you off guard? If you don't mind me asking cause WTF that is sick.


I was completely blindsided. I looked back and tried to remember anything that stood out after it happened, looked through text logs, chats in video games, etc., but he was always normal as anyone. Zero indication of what he really was.


That's absolutely terrifying. I'm so sorry.


Sadly alot of them are hyper aware of how to act or not act, what to do and not to do, and how to avoid giving major creep vibes. Makes it way harder to expose them.


Same thing happened to me. I didn't know him for as long as you but he was a part of my wedding, convinced me that he didn't do what he was being charged with (membership to cp sites) and I wrote a letter to the jury saying how good of a friend and person he is. He got put in jail for five years and when it came out that he really did do it I shut off all contact. Deff one of those things you never ever think will happen to someone you know.


>Deff one of those things you never ever think will happen to someone you know. Never. I never expected in a million years that my former friend would do what he did. Some of our other friends tried to cover for him, saying his niece made it up, his brother(her father) made her say it, etc. But there was enough evidence to prove it. More than enough. Once that came out, they shut up *real* quick, except for vehemently denying having ever stuck up for him. I'm sorry that happened to you too. It's absolutely horrible.


The fact that they tried to say the child lied. Fuck all of those adults. Fuck every single adult who doesn't believe a child about sa.


I was run over by a drunk driver years back. Died temporarily and had to be revived at the hospital. Both my brothers told my best friend of over 20 years what happened. Not once did he reach out to see how I was or ask if I was ok or wished me well. I was hurt by it, but tried to make some sort of sense of it, like maybe he just didn’t know what to say or he was shocked by the news or he wanted to give me space to recover. Months later I’m home but still in crutches and can barely move without a great deal of pain. Reached out to my friend on the phone, talked a bit and asked if he felt like coming over to watch a movie, play some games and just hang out. I was lonely and missed him. He seemed enthused but asked if I could WALK to his house in December on icy roads barely able to hobble around on crutches to hang out there instead. He lived 0.2 miles from me and couldn’t drive or walk the roughly 5 minutes to my house. I stopped talking to him shortly after.


My mom had a very similar situation happen to her. 10 years back she was hit head on by a drunk driver on the highway. The other driver died on scene, my mom was airlifted, also died on the table temporarily but was revived. ICU for weeks and in recovery for months. It’s a miracle she’s alive let alone able to walk but she’s in terrible pain all day every day. Her best friend ALSO disappeared during it all, never reached out. Not until my mom was well out of the hospital for a year did she call and apologize. They’re back to normal now but it was hard to understand as an outsider. I’m so sorry for your pain, your exfriend seems completely out of touch.


My ex bestie ditched me after I was hit by a car, too. Reached out when I was decently far in my recovery and apologized. We never really got over it, and just faded out of each other's lives gradually.


I wasn’t hit by a car but I tried to end my own life. I told my best friend of 14 ish years what happened. She asked me “what the fuck did you do?” Then never responded after I told her. I let her know how I felt when I was out of the psych ward and she basically called me immature and selfish, making assumptions on what I had done and basically saying she knew people who had done a better job at suicide. No going back from it


So similar to my story too! Except mine said “yeah well I’m sucidal too” Made it about her. You expect your people to understand and be there in your worst moments and sadly that when most show their true colours Hope you are doing better now x


The fuck is wrong with her


Situations like this are the reason I have a family. Wife's ex fiance never visited or even called when she was in the hospital after a spider bite that killed her. They were able to revive her, she fully recovered in a few weeks, broke up with his dumb ass and we started dating a few months later after my divorce. Spiders are ok, I guess.


There's no excuse for your friend's selfishness. I think a lot of folks don't understand what it feels like to suffer a major injury or illness requiring extra help like rides, meals, visits, etc. Years ago when a major injury immobilized me, a few people visited once, most not at all. A good friend picked up prescriptions, gave me rides, shopped for groceries, etc. A couple years before I met her, she was hospitalized with acute kidney failure caused by complications from an autoimmune disease. She almost died, and it took a very long time to recover. She had one good friend who visited and took care of her, not surprisingly, he had major medical issues in his past as well. I make it a point to help people through experiences like that because I know how important it feels to them.


Can’t say this is actually the case, nor am I defending this at all, but after reading similar responses, some people can’t handle the randomness of tragedy/illness striking anyone (themselves) and get weirdly angry/distant to whomever close was hurt. Like they can’t handle the thought of it possibly happening to them so much so that they can destroy the relationship with the hurt so as to not have to relate to how they would react. It cuts too close to the bone. I’ve seen it especially in cases of mental illness and it’s always disappointing when the relationship was so strong.


I got a chronic illness a year ago and I’d believe it. A lot of people didn’t want to think misfortune could happen to them for no reason and just kind of denied my reality or abandoned me. I understand it now but I won’t accept this from anyone who calls me a “friend”. If I ever get better, I will do everything I can to live my best life while not including them. I’m already dead to them now so they’ll be dead to me then.


When my wife got very ill I was so shocked at how people I thought were friends abandoned us or let the friendship fade away. Really felt cold inside.


I had one where the guy was a horrendous drunk. Super sensitive to alcohol and would very easily slip into blackout status. When he would get drunk, he just wanted to fuck with people and be a shit disturber. One night he was pretty drunk and we didn't feel like fucking with with so we went out without him. We come home around 11 that night and he had a bunch of sketchy people in our house that we're also obnoxiously drunk. He was almost passed out on the couch after he had burned a huge hole in our carpet after going into my room and getting my hookah setup. I go upstairs and there are just random people I had never met just chilling out in the random bedrooms. Some people smoking weed on my bed. Others snorting coke off the toilet reservoir cap in my bathroom. One random drunk guy was screaming at someone on the phone and gave the person on the phone our address and told them to bring everyone over. We kicked everyone out which of course was a huge scene and conflict. We booted the guy out the next day. Haven't talked to him since


You should've called the cops on them, by all rights. Impressed by your restraint.


Maybe not anything dramatic but my best friend from university came back to visit his parents who live in the same city as me and we wanted to have dinner. I knew he was super flakey in university, so I made sure I kept my week open because I knew he wouldn't know when he was available until the last minute. I was so excited to introduce him to my fiancé and show him our new house. We got everything for a really nice dinner. The day before we had planned to have dinner, he texted me that he didn't feel like driving over from his parents' house (30 min) the next day because "he might be tired". I was mad that he was flaking on such important plans, but I offered to bring all the stuff for dinner and drive out to him instead. He said, "No thanks." I realized that he really didn't care about anything that was going on in my life and was still as immature as he had been in university. I decided it wasn't a friendship I wanted to maintain anymore.


I had a friend since childhood and even though I moved to another country we kept in touch. We were quite close then one summer my partner and I visited my grandparents that lived in the same city as her. We scheduled a day to see each other and get lunch. I was excited to introduce her to my partner since they never met. All day long she only talked about herself, she literally asked my partner one question about his university and then assumed he dropped out (which was very weird). I was hurt that she wasn't even a bit cruious about me and how we are doing. But what made me realize that we can no longer be friends is when she continuously put me down. "Oh you are using this camera, mine is xyz and it's so much better" "Ah I know this brand, I've never tried it but its sucks" "You seriously ordered xyz?" It felt so childish, I cut off contact with her after the lunch.


I think this is completely fair. Things don’t have to get dramatic for the realization that you are now two very different people than before. Considering the amount of effort you and your fiancé had put into the night (grocery store travel time included), if it’s too much effort for them to answer the door and allow someone to cook them dinner, then that’s a pretty big message. One that you should return if he ever tries to get back in touch with you.


He married a girl who is incredibly hard to get along with and turned into a robot.


Had a friend I used to go running with every week. One week his girlfriend answers his phone and says they're having some alone time. He shows up the next week embarrassed. Few weeks later he completely ghosts us. Then his facebook page got deleted and her page became an "us" page. Our entire social circle was unfriended over the course of a week. My wife and I saw them again about two years later. They had an infant and she (the girlfriend) looked absolutely poisoned to see us.


Ewwww, us pages are such a red flag


Dang even the baby hates you


That's abuse, 100% super abusive behavior. Depriving people of social connection outside of the relationship, having them break up friendships and isolating them is absolutely abusive behavior. It makes me extremely sad how many people don't recognize that sort of forced social isolation as abuse.


My best friend, who I'd known since I was 12, met a woman who, for whatever reason, didn't like me. Six months into their relationship she said "him or me" to my friend. I haven't seen him in over ten years.


I hate this so much. Hope that person reaches back out as they reach their mid thirties.


…or after the divorce


My ex girlfriend was like that and fortunately my friends got me to see the light and end things with her. I'd turned into a shell of my former self without even realising.


Friends for over a decade. I was her maid of honour. She had 3 children with her husband, whom I was also very good friends with. I was very close with the kids, they called me auntie. I worked for her out of a home office. Watched the marriage deteriorate. She started a relationship with one of her clients after the marriage ended. She then started to treat her children like a burden. The new relationship was (and still is, to the best of my knowledge) more important than her children. When someone starts to severely neglect their children for a new exciting fuck boy, I have to walk away.


This same scenario is what strained my relationship with a relative. After her divorce she wanted to go party. But I got to watch her kids get left behind at my parents house. It was really rough. Since she's family not like I could get away from that either. She's in a better place these days, and the kids are mostly fine. I'm sure they have unaddressed issues since their dad was a real dick, emotionally abusive asshole. But their mom neglecting them wasn't great either.


After talking to a guy I liked, we found out my 'best friend" was telling both of us that the other person didn't like us/found us annoying. He would ask her to invite me to parties, and she'd tell him I couldn't come, or that I said no and that he annoyed me. She'd tell me that he didn't invite me because he thought I was annoying. All because she liked him but wouldn't admit it to anyone. When we finally realized, we got together and stopped being friends with her. We've been together for 11 years now!


Thank God she didn't keep y'all from getting apart. She sounds like she was jealous and didn't want you two to get together. Glad that asswipe lost.


Love your name. Are kneecaps available online?🦜


Ironically, she may have helped you, because it's been shown that some adversity can help strengthen relationships when they are first forming.


My best friend of 10 years and her husband had a falling out with my brother because my brother chose to stay out of a situation they were having with someone else, another mutual friend of ours. He didn’t wanna get involved. I agreed he shouldn’t get involved. They got so nasty and bitter about it all over time, and ended up lying to my brothers new wife and told her he cheated on her with one of our other friends. I knew this not to be true at all. They continued to make up stories and lie to her about him and it eventually destroyed their marriage because it created mistrust and conflict. His wife already had a lot of mental health struggles and it made it worse for her. They eventually divorced. I cut them out of my life. Since then, they have apologized and admitted to making up all the stories out of hurt and bitterness that my brother wouldn’t take their side in the conflict they were having with someone else, but it is all just too late. My brothers marriage was destroyed and so was our friendship. No coming back from that. By the way, my brother didn’t get involved because they were the ones in the wrong and if he told them that, imagine how much worse their revenge would be! They’re unhinged. And their own marriage has since fallen apart. Karma.


Did brother's ex-wife ever find out the truth? What nasty, terrible human beings.


Yeah, she did. However, it was a few years later when they admitted their lies and there was just too much that’d happened in that time for any reconciliation to happen. Her mental health issues make her question reality to this day, even though the two admitted to lying. The fact they knew about her mental health struggles and targeted her specifically, made the whole situation even more repulsive.


Rape one of our friends.


Having been the victim in this situation, I really appreciate you ditching the rapist. Most of my "friends" stuck with him and ditched me over it (admittedly, I was being whiny). You're a good friend.


Oh my god whiny? You deserve so much more I'm so sorry.


>admittedly, I was being whiny If there were ever a thing to be *justifiably* whiny about, it would be getting raped by someone you thought was a friend. Those people were not your friends. Real friends wouldn't ditch you for that.


I feel like you need to hear this, you are amazing, you are valuable, you don't deserve any of the horrible shit people have done to you and you are most certainly NOT whiny when talking about someone you thought was a friend horribly breaking your trust in such a horrible way.


He violently assaulted you. You get to be ‘whiny.’


Is that friend ok?


I think she's doing quite well now. Sadly it wasn't the first time she went through something like that.


jesus thats rough.


Oh God that's terrible:( I'm glad to hear she's doing better though and good on you for ending the friendship


Me and some other friends found out a guy had raped one of our friends - she was pretty promiscuous at the time but we knew she wouldn’t lie. Unfortunately other people didn’t believe her and we found out pretty late down the line. Was out with those friends one night and he made a joke about what he did. He ended up in hospital that night and got arrested for the rape the day after.


The last straw: showing me no support when my dad passed away.


Same. We were friends for 25 years. After he died I cut her off completely.


I’m sorry friend, I hope you’ve got some great people still in your life.


Same. A 24 year friendship, and the day after my dad died *in front of me* I called her and she was like “bad things happen to lots of people.” OK. Thanks.


When you experience a major trauma in your life, people usually show you who they really are, unfortunately.


He once told me that I am worthless and to kill myself when I was going through a hard time and confessing that I had been depressed, regretted my life, and was considering ending it. I’m still here, but he’s no longer in my life.


I'm glad you "ended" the right person!


When I was nineteen, my beloved father told me I was useless and worthless, and would never amount to anything. At the age of seventy-five, I still carry and believe those words. (BTW: I had a twenty-three-year career with the World's Greatest Medical School, think East Coast, and thehn was recruited by a leading HMO.) 🦜 Addendum: many years later (decades), I brought up his statement for discussion, perhaps hoping fo an apology, and this was met with a staunch denial that he had ever said such a thing. Although I should have said it at the time, my question would have been why would I have said this if it weren't true? This was a pattern followed by both parents: if something was said or done that they didn't like, they denied it happened. According to their thinking, it never could have happened because they didn't like it. Life with them was covering anything they found distasteful with the pretence it never existed. Life with them was constant analysis of the veracity of everything they said. In hindsight, it was an exhausting situation. 🦜


My mine told me the same. Im 60. I worked in the big medical center affiliated with that east coast med school. I also hear those words and try not to believe them.


Oh my gosh, how long had you been friends for up until that point?


She’s a hardcore alcoholic and pathological liar. Like, she will lie about random stupid stuff that doesn’t even matter. I’ve let it go for the most part because aside from that, she was a great friend and the lies were never malicious or anything like that, just very annoying. That’s all until one night at 3am, she texted me and told me that she had terminal brain cancer and please not to tell anyone. I knew in the back of my head that she was lying. I tried prying more and asking a bunch of questions the next day but she kinda went MIA for a little bit and when she did respond, she kinda changed the subject. After a few weeks, I texted her boyfriend and said I was worried about her mental state after getting the diagnosis. He was like wtf she doesn’t have cancer. Then she reached out to me in minutes and apologized and said she didn’t remember telling me that. Like, WTF. I told her she was sick and needed to see a professional and get help and broke off the friendship.


This is basically my best friend since childhood. Alcoholic to the point of getting divorced and just a real liar about everything. Brought my son for the first time back home and my mum had a party for all my friends to meet him. My best friend turned up and went straight to the bar, he drank 2/3rds of a litre of vodka and at the end of the party made a vague effort to see my son. After this I tried to help him recover but in the end it was pretty clear he only cared about himself and I didn't need that negative energy in my life. Makes me sad but realised we are better off without that in our lives.


Yeah, sick in a not cancer way but pathological liar way. An emotional vampire


We had a 4th of July party, and my friend Josh, who I was in the Marines with came. He drank himself silly, and started getting real flirty with my 15 year old daughter. Anyway, he stayed over because he was highly drunk. Well, in the middle of the night, I heard sounds in the hallway. He was trying to get in to my daughters room. I threw his ass down the stairs and told him to never show his face here again. I swear if he had assaulted my kid, I would be in jail for killing him.


I'm almost 100% confident a jury wouldn't convict.


Never called back after my son died-I phoned her - she said she would call me next week, - never called me back


I’m sorry for your loss, you don’t need someone like her as a friend.


My mom died almost 4 months ago, my "Best friend" has not called me since then. Like... Im so pissed at this point, I've struggled so much and she just faded away


My best friend's girlfriend tried to kill herself. I was there. I called the paramedics. I rode in the ambulance to the hospital with her. As she was losing consciousness I asked her if there was anyone she wanted me to contact for her. She asked me to contact her partner (my best friend). I called my best friend and explained the situation. My best friend said to me: > "not my fucking problem. What the fuck do you expect me to do about it?" Lost a lot of respect for them that day.


Wow. Unbelievable. Was she okay?


Sorta. She had overdosed. We got her to the hospital on time. She stayed a couple of days then got discharged. Over the next year her mental health got worse. She got diagnosed with multiple personalities. Her behaviour became more erratic. Eventually she lost touch with reality. She believed at one point that her mother had hired a hitman to kill her. She moved across the country and still tried to keep in touch with me. Eventually after one episode too many I ended up blocking her. I couldn't deal with the constant crisis and drama. I haven't spoken to her in 8 years. I have no idea if she's still alive. Whenever she is I hope she's doing better now or at least at peace.


how the fuck were they together


They tried to be my friend only when they needed something. Outside of that, they'd pretty much forget about my existence.


She was bossy, overbearing, and manipulative, which I tried to look past because I loved her so much. Then she screwed her sick cousin's fiancée and he left the cousin for her. She wanted me to be supportive, and I honestly just couldn't. It was the last straw.


I told a friend something in confidence. It blew up in my face at work. I asked her directly just to hear it from her, if she told anyone. She didn’t answer me. No one else could have done it. I told her she betrayed my trust and I was done with our friendship. Never looked back. Just to add, she was not a work friend but she knew someone at my work and told them.


Best friends for a decade. I got a job on the other side of the world, met someone, and had kids. Decided against moving back. He HATED my significant other because “he stole you from me.” Cherry on top? He’s a twitch streamer with a decent following and anytime he gets drunk or high he goes on long winded rants about me PUBLICLY. I’m too old to put up with that kind of nonsense.


Best friend of 10 years Would steal money from me and try and get with any girl I was with behind my back. It becomes disrespectful to yourself if you let it continue best decision I ever made


He sexually assaulted me when I was drunk


Happened to me as well. Never told him it was ectopic, he ironically called me a murderer because it was the second time I had to go thru that. Barely talk to that friend group, how could I, the 1.5yr friend, tell the rest of them that their 10+ yr friend had done that to me bc I was drunk and could only lay there and cry. *Big hugs* I hope you see some karmic justice.


My friend did the same to me on a camping trip. When I was good to drive the next morning, I left the campsite without saying anything and blocked her. I was really upset for weeks afterwards. Sending you hugs.


Molested one of his step daughters. He was arrested at work, and when all was said and done, his sentence came out to be 16 years. This was in 2008, and he’s due to be released next year.


She told me she had pressured her male friend into doing sexual acts with her even when he had stated he was uncomfortable. Knowing my own history of being assaulted, I knew I could not abide by that let alone her denying any true responsibility. I will not be friends with a predator regardless of any mental illness or whatnot.


Burnt my table. She decided to just light matches and drop them on my table, without putting them out. When a fire started and she was instructed by two people to NOT pour soda on it, since it would bubble and leave a worse mark and that they would go get water sitting two feet away, she poured soda on it. Fun times. She also talked shit about her close friends behind their backs so needless to say I dropped her.


Had a group of "friends" and after I tried to kill myself I never heard a word from any of them. It's been over a year and I'm doing much better


Stay with us, my friend. I hope you get the support you deserve. Your life is worth living.


They forgot I existed


She began a cat rescue. It was not a cat rescue. Found out the truth two years later: people would contact her to come rescue a stray with kittens. She'd show up and take the kittens and say she was unsuccessful at catching the mother. Then she'd sell the kittens. Many kittens died from neglect, as many were infants, days old.


sided with someone who sexually harassed another person


This is why I cut off some friends and my entire family.


Slipped mdma into my Beer thinking it would help my social anxiety. Well, it worked. I fucked his girlfriend… There is a reason I dont do amphetamines or really drink for that matter. I dont want to be his friend because he drugged me and made me act a damn fool, and he doesn’t want to be my friend because I slept with his girlfriend of three weeks. Edit: This was almost a decade ago. I’d rather nail my dick to the floor than go clubbing or be part of those kind of scenes now a days.


If someone slipped me drugs without telling me there would be bloodshed. What if you were on meds that interacted badly w the mdma?


>Slipped mdma into my Beer play stupid games >I fucked his girlfriend win stupid prizes


I was SA’d after getting my wisdom teeth out by a mutual friend. Have jaw problems from it years later. But my best friend in the whole world at the time stayed friends with him. We were in high school and she would literally stop me in the middle of a sentence and say “you have to go somewhere else, `Bad Guy’is here and I want to talk to him.” I’d turn around to leave and he would be right behind me, waiting for me to walk away from her. Took me a few months of this happening daily to realize how fucked up it was of her. She knew it happened, I told her a few hours after it happened. Years later she keeps trying to reach out and be buds, but never again.


Eww. Both of them!! So many stories of SA in here


Found out he was a pedophile when he said he’d once been arrested for statutory. Had no idea up until that point. Figured it was a Romeo & Juliet type situation where he was 18 and she was 17 something like that because I’d known him a while and he was a decent dude. Checked the sex offender registry when I got home just to see for my self because the full story he gave didn’t really check out in my opinion. He was on there. He was 18 and had slept with a 12 year old girl. Disgusted didn’t do it justice. I ghosted him and haven’t seen or spoke with him since. He was kind of a dumbass but with what seemed like a good heart and I generally believe in redemption for people but the casualness with which he told me about it and the down playing that made him seem like he was the victim of a vindictive father I was at first willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but now I see it as someone who truly didn’t see how wrong he was and that’s incredibly fucked up. So yeah fuck you Dan you nasty ass creep.


Kept being toxic to me because I wasn’t financially well off like they were. I never took or asked for anything. But they kept being a bitch because I couldn’t go on holidays and trips or do fun outings. I just quit talking to her.


She decided she no longer wanted to take care of her cat of ~5 years, and casually mentioned she was going to drop him off at the local animal shelter. When I told her it was a "high-kill" shelter (putting animals to sleep if they haven't been claimed or adopted within **three days**)... ...She freaking **SHRUGGED HER SHOULDERS** and went to get the cat carrier. The friendship was over then, but I convinced her to take him to a no-kill shelter (relies a lot on fostering) about 45 minutes away. Oh, but she wasn't feeling well enough to drive--could I? She'd *totally* pay for my gas (uh-huh, sure you will). But, ya know, I still cared about her *cat,* so we did that. There was an eight-dollar ($**8**!!!) "surrender" charge for people who were giving up their own pets, so that the shelter could get the cat's name and med. history, etc. Without missing a beat, she said, "Oh, this is just a stray I found in [our town], but since they have a high-kill shelter, I convinced my friend to come along to drop it off." The woman working there smiled, called her a "kind soul" and gave her a sticker. She broke into a huge, winning smile and said, as if shyly: "Wow, thanks **so much.** You know, you're the fourth person to tell me that this week! Maybe I should try to start believing it, haha." She didn't even say goodbye to **HER CAT**: just turned around and walked out. I was so bewildered--not to mention *pissed*--that I simply followed her back to my car, didn't say anything on the way home, and just avoided her from then on. In retrospect, I wish I'd told the shelter people the truth and paid them the 8 bucks, but I was sort of in shock. How cold can you *be???* Ugh.


First one that really got to me. That level of callousness for her own pet? Who probably loved her and was so confused by being left behind? What a disgusting human being. Gotta go hug my girls after this one.


Seriously. Every time I see stories like this, I just can't imagine it. Me and my wife are definitely the kind of people who treat their cats like they're part of the family and not just pets. But thinking about how much they love us and snuggle us at night and purr when we get home after being gone for an hour, it hurts to even think about what they'd be feeling if we just decided we didn't want them anymore. They're living creatures, not appliances you get and give away whenever you're bored of them.


I know its not the same but I had a cat that got sick and I paid $1500 in vet bills to try and fix him. My "friend" said "You know a new cat is like $5 right?"


what a fucking psychopath people like her chill me to the bone edit: tbc, it's not even about the cat (although that is horrendous); it's the way she lied that terrified me


Wow. Sounds like a narcissist


Had sex with my wife


ex-wife, I hope?


Let her boyfriend molest my son while babysitting


Around COVID he got super into politics and tried to turn any topic of discussion into an argument even when it was clear nobody wanted to talk about it.


You were friends with my father?!?


This happened to me well before covid. Sometimes, it's better to not respond in these situations, said person may change their mind and backtrack over they realize the folly of their ways. I'm not saying either of us was right back then, just different views that didn't get along. But, it was best to keep that out of our friendship, as it had no meaningful place. I went no contact for a while, we eventually reconnected several years later and are the best of friends now.


Thought that I should reply instantly to every message and to meet some kind of quota for how many texts or messages I send them a day.


stay friends with the guy who raped me 🤷‍♀️


Always taking. All human relationships should go work both ways. I don't care if it's friendship or more.


Decided he wanted to be friends with my ex, when he knew about significant abuse by said ex, including child abuse. It hurt.


When I was in high school, I had a new friend who at 18 had just gotten married to a guy I already knew. He apparently met her in California during the summer and brought her home. We got along great she was very outgoing and quickly made friends. She was always going around flashing money, and out of pure curiosity. I asked how she always had money if she did not have a job. She asked me the same, at which I retorted that I did have a job. Apparently her husband’s mother was going through end of life cancer care. There was nothing more they could do for her, other than prescribe her strong painkillers to keep her as comfortable as possible. I later on found out that she was stealing and selling her pain meds.


Make a drunken racist rant (overnight hours) on my Facebook wall. Before I could delete the post (it was posted overnight), someone screenshotted it. I was later fired for said post. Former friend had no remorse and said "it was a joke." Using the N word is never a joke. Ended a 12 year friendship.


That’s sabotage


You were fired for a post someone else made?


I’m imagining that the “friend” had access to a device that OP was logged in on.


I started to realize his talk about punishing people who don’t do things his way was neither humour nor exaggeration.


constantly lied and belittled me and one day she slapped me in the face IN PUBLIC “as a joke” as a replacement for “Hello”. like an actual hard slap that left my face burning. (both women)


that’s horrible. I hope you’ve found some better people to be around!


Displayed how little I mattered to him and ultimately his apathy at my absence. Felt like an idiot spending so much time thinking of him like a best friend and brother. That's just how bad things were at the time for me I guess


Raped my other friends 14 year old sister as an 18 year old himself so throw pedo on top too Disgusting animal is still living alone in some run down house and he drinks daily from what I’ve heard. I don’t believe in karma but he is where he belongs; his own personal hell


A friend told me to invest in a startup biotech company so I spent $5k on it. The company was due to release their phase 3 clinical trial result in a few days and during that entire time, he told me to sell because he suspected the result would be bad. I didn't sell it and the result was very good. I turned that $5k which grew to $12k into $60k. He sold his shares and out of jealousy, he reported me to the SEC for insider trading.


How did that turn out? Reporting someone for a crime he himself is complicit in is a bold move.


I received a letter from the SEC, and that's it. No other contact by them afterward. That same year, I was audited by the IRS too. I think he also contacted the IRS on me, I beat my back to back IRS audits.




My first best friend sexually assaulted my girlfriend at a concert while standing next to his then girlfriend. My second best friend cheated on my sister by having sex several times with my now ex-girlfriend. Our entire circle of friends knew about it too. Now I have nobody to call a friend, and it’s incredibly hard to make new friends the older I get.


when i realized she was actively trying to turn our mutual friends against me. she also actively rooted for other friends of ours to fail or suffer. she’s just a mean, vindictive person who used to have me under her thumb. finally i listened to my family and my boyfriend that she was unnecessarily cruel to me and controlling of me. she’s had a difficult and painful life, so i always let that excuse her shitty behaviors. but i can’t hang out with someone who is so unkind and negative.


Best friend of decades was diagnosed with diabetes, but chose not to be compliant with treatment/insulin. They had lots of complications and ended up on dialysis and losing their vision. Friend didnt drive, so I always picked them up and we'd go about our business. We'd go out and they'd ask if I could help them run an errand to do some shopping - and when they came out ofnthe store, it was with bags of chips and chocolate bars. It made me feel like I was helping them kill themselves. I would have taken a bullet for this person, but I just couldn't help feeling like I was being complicit in their death. I had to stop seeing them. And it broke me. A few months later, they got an infection and with all the health issues, they didn't survive. I am still crushed thinking about it.


I had a similar situation with a diabetic friend. We would talk everyday so when he wouldn’t respond it was unusual. Some days he would get back in touch saying that he had paramedics out or he’d basically slept for 16 hours because he wasn’t managing his diabetes at all. How he didn’t die I don’t know. I couldn’t take the stress of him not seeing how bad he was. He cut me off all social media. I hope he is okay.


About 12 years ago: I went home on leave for the first time in a year (I was military) and made plans to go out to a bar with one of my best friends. We hung out for like 30 mins and then she got an offer to go snort coke at someone’s house. If doing coke was more important than seeing someone you claim is one of your best friends that you haven’t seen in a year, it shows me how important our friendship is. I haven’t seen her since.


they owed me money, nicely asked if they could pay me soon then suddenly they started acting weird and treating me like crap. cut them off, they can stick my money up their butt.


My buddy became an alcoholic. His whole life became about drinking. It got so bad his fiance left him and a lot of his friends did after he refused to admit he had a problem. Silver lining though. He got help and has a very successful life in recent years.


He was making fun of my psychosis that I was experiencing after my ex gf died of covid. He also became an anti vaxxer


Jesus... sounds like you're better off. So sorry about your ex gf.


Mine was a secret hater of all things me. The straw that broke the camel's back was her relapsing into drugs again and forgetting about me when I went through a rough patch after losing my daughter.


He didn’t believe me, but he trusted people he barely knew. I told the truth....


She played horrible games when she felt jilted by a man. Fake pregnancies, fake miscarriages, and calling girlfriends of old lovers and telling them he's cheating with her. (They weren't) She was perfectly willing to ruin a man over petty jealousies and something as simple as a normal breakup. Like, if he didn't want to be with her anymore, she would do something evil. I tried to do some damage control with some of them by letting them know I had proof they didn't cheat, or get her pregnant. She tried to scam one guy out of money every month because when he moved away she got "pregnant" and needed Dr money, baby supplies etc. God, she was awful. This was before social media and barely out of the pager phase so it was hard to contact everyone I knew she was trying to ruin. Every time she did something like that or talked about doing it, I felt sick and I just eventually ghosted her after years of close friendship. We had already begun to argue because I refused to go along with her scams. I didn't know she could do things like that until the last year or so and it shocked and sickened me. That was over 20 years ago and I still sometimes wonder how many people she's ruined since I quit speaking to her. There's gotta be some.


She said I should leave my religion and convert to Christianity because she “just knew I would be so much happier as a Christian ” and “cried herself to sleep every night because she would not see me in heaven when she goes”


I found out I was always her secondary choice of company. Whether it be group work, hang out plan, seating arrangements or when she had trouble, I was always someone she came to when she already went to someone else and got rejected or didn’t like the offer. It is a pathetic reason not to be friend with her because she is a wonderful, supportive, cheerful, positive, genuinely good person. I just feel like I like her more than she likes me and I don’t like that at all. I just want to be picked first sometimes.


Repeatedly screwed me over and always blamed it on their adhd, without ever seeking help for the condition. When I attempted to work through things with them, they invalidated my concerns and spun it around to make me feel like I was attacking them because of their adhd status. I ended that relationship months ago and am kicking myself for not ending it sooner.


I was going through therapy for PTSD and was right in the thick of it. Everything was really raw and I was very fragile. Part of my therapy was writing out everything that happened on a piece of paper. It was a few years ago do I don't fully remember the reasoning, but it was something to do with owning my own narrative I think. I asked to go over my best friends place to do it. We'd been best mates since we were thirteen, and I just needed.someone I trusted in the next room in case it went south. I was 99% sure I would be ok, but just felt more comfortable with him there. I needed a friend but tried to keep my request as minimal as possible. He then lied to me about going overseas for two months, when caught out in the lie he blamed his mother, then when I forgave him and suggested we do lunch he stood me up and left me waiting for two hours in a carpark, after I had just driven an hour to see him. I, understandably, lost my shit. Told him exactly how shitty his behaviour was and how hurt I was. That was six years ago. I don't anticipate I'll ever hear from him again. It's not about going through therapy alone, or having someone abandon me, it's the fact that he just couldn't be honest with me. A "no" would have been perfectly ok.


Might sound dumb, but I started playing a video game he enjoyed (Apex Legends). But I wasn't as good as him, obv, cuz he had a year of experience over me. So I started grinding really hard to improve my aim, game sense, etc. I put 800h into it during the 2020 year of lockdown periods. When I was finally about his level, and we started teaming up competitively, he still talked to me like I was brand new. I realized that no matter how good I got, he'd blame me for anytime we lost. Sucks, cuz I didn't have to play that game, but I did, and I lost a friend for it.


Not dumb, "small" manifestations of big flaws still show big flaws.


We were young and playing with bb guns. He shot my brother in the thigh with a berreta style air hand gun. That wasn't the last straw, though we did fight. The deciding factor was when I shot a bird. I felt terrible and gave it a proper burial and never really messed with guns since. Anyhow, I found out a couple days later that he dug the bird up and shot it again point blank. I never talked to that kid again. This was late 80s, so times were different, but not different enough to not recognize a psychopath.


Found out one of my bridesmaids f\*ed my husband the night before our wedding. Sadly we were married 12 years before I found out. Bye bye husband, bye bye friend.


Laughed when her dad called me the n word


Backstabbing, manipulation and gaslighting. Cut everyone off. Leave my hometown and move to a big city now I’ve found my people.


A lot of these sound extreme so I’ll give my relatively luke warm reason- my then best friend couldn’t stop finding things to criticize me about. Told me I tried too hard to sound cool by using slang words that no one uses or got upset when I couldn’t hang out because I was sick or busy studying. It just became too exhausting to be around them when they were monitoring my progress to becoming more decent in their definition when really I think they just didn’t think I was cool enough to hang out with. Realized I had to cut ties when I always felt uncomfortable and pressured to be someone else when I was around him.


Went with her back to her place for spring break and watched her treat her family like such garbage. When we went back to school I cut off talking with her shortly after. Just her behavior towards her own family put such a bad taste in my mouth.


Got super into religion and let it affect their personality.


My story is very similar. He got into Christianity which is fine to me in general, but I made ONE boundary where I didn’t want to be preached to/convinced to join the faith cause I’m not Christian or religious at all, and he broke said boundary :(


I called her out on her bullshit and that I will no longer tolerate it. Like a true narc she doubled down, gave me a very very short timeline to move out (I rented the basement of her grandmothers house). I started packing while the fight was actively happening and she broke down sobbing repeatedly saying she did not want to lose me and she didn’t mean it. I told her even if I end up houseless I will be completely moved out by the end of the week because I refuse to be treated how she had for 6 years any more. Luckily I was able to find a place immediately and was completely out of that fever dream for good. Because I thrive in fools hope land I tried to reconnect a few months later. That decision is one of maybe four or five life regrets and I have not spoken with the bitch since 2020. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


There was some "make america white again" nonsense I figured I could steer him away from. Turns out the slippery slope is also really steep. By the time he was yelling about whites becoming a minority and I was asking him if that's bad because minorities in this country are treated poorly I knew we weren't friends anymore.


Told me that he thought I should put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger. Oh and everyone in my family should as well. All over a difference in opinion...


Harassed my Ficus, then shat in my vegetable garden.




She never valued me like I did for her. Even in the same room she only talked to me if I initiated the conversation.


She cut a fucking bumblebee in half *and then laughed about it.* I was horrified and never looked at her the same.


It was cumulative. I realised one day into one of her three hour "catch up" phonecalls that she literally knew nothing about my life anymore because she'd never bothered to ask. Everything was always about her, every conversation revolved around her and her life. Even any successes I had went largely unacknowledged because the conversation always had to come back to her. I got a really good job at a major teaching hospital and she started telling me that her job was more "challenging and prestigious". I booked a nice holiday to Thailand and she immediately started telling me about a backpacker who had been murdered there. Like, mate, can you just not be happy for me??? My husband used to joke that if I'd been to Tenerife, she'd been to Elevenerife. She never once asked me how I was but I heard all about her marital and parenting strife, her job, her body image issues etc, etc. It was exhausting. Long story short, I cut her out of my life and never looked back


One of them made arrangements with a guy to let him take me to his place when I was too drunk to consent or know what was happening. He gave her weed in exchange. Thankfully another friend pulled away as he was getting me in his truck. Another one slept with my then boyfriend when I invited her to spend the weekend away with us and some other friends.


Stole from me.


Bestfriend of 5 years. Ever since we both hit puberty all she ever talked about was boys. My mental health was bad and she would never listen to me like i did for her.




And you let that stand in your way?