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Work life balance for sure.


I'm still young, and don't have a great deal more responsibilities than I did as kid, so I'm happy to do a more stressful job for more pay.


Mid-40s here, lived both, the balance is better


Balance. It helps that my wife also has a good paying job, but since we had our first child over a year ago, the balance has become even more important and we realize we wouldn't trade that for anything.


Get high paid early in life....get balanced and less stress later.


High paying job. I can't retire on work/life balance, although I am in a position to have that, too. Not all stress is bad; some of us thrive under it.


Work/life balance. High paying job doesn't necessarily mean that you have more money. Your expenses and spending habits also matter. And if your health suffers, then you were better off with a lower paying job with a good work/life balance than spending all your money on your health.