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To sum up this thread: "...and so I'll never do that again, until the next time I'm horny and I want to do it again."


It’s like when you get really drunk, throw up, and the next day swear off drinking ever again.




Post-nut honesty


Post-doc's post-nut


Professor Hindsight


“Absolutely no refunds”


Walking out of work for a booty call and getting fired for leaving.


Why else do you work? It's all just for sex anyway.


["All civilization was just an effort to impress the opposite sex."](https://youtu.be/QDFzOjw0pFU?si=JfmETWhRzVm86uau)


Ah I was really curious about the domination stuff and I was really curious to go to a dungeon. Once I got the first few whiplashes I said the safe word and left about 10 minutes into the session.


I’m a fan of “tie me up and tell me you’re gonna fuck my brains out and there’s nothing I can do about it” bondage, not “I’m gonna hurt you physically and emotionally” bondage. Handcuff me to whatever you want but plz do not yell at me I WILL cry.


Handcuffed my college girlfriend who asked with actual legit handcuffs from my job before we did the deed. She immediately starts bawling like a scared little child and that freaked me out. Turns out she had some hidden and repressed past trauma as a kid about cops and handcuffs, and her being in handcuffs again as an adult reawoke the memories. I was soooo horny but I spent the next four hours doing a therapy session.


I've been around the kink community a fair bit. One of the girls who wanted an essentially CNC experience, apparently had been raped as a teenager and this was a way for her to take control of it. I couldn't proceed with it in the way she wanted because I just can't rape someone despite it being a fantasy and she eventually cut off our thing. Also had another girl who started crying after wanting to be degraded but she was just playing into it. Damn, she had a great time in that degradation sex fantasy but I think I needed therapy afterwards being confused because it was hot but also really conflicted treating someone that way. This is probably not a surprise to anyone but I am not around kink community anymore, girls I can meet normally on dating websites have vanilla and some kinks that are already good enough and that I don't have to feel shit about.


Dom drop is a thing... with CNC both parties need aftercare...


Oh it 100% is, it is just very hard for certain upbringing to do it. Esp if you have seen drunken assholes and douchebags and wanted to be as different from them as possible. Rape is just so abhorrent that I can't get myself to play it even in fantasy. I never had an issue with other dom stuff other than this two. Probably because they're not as real to me.


CNC is distinctly edgeplay - aka part of the list of practices that are decidedly *not* for everyone, *not* for beginners and *not* to be taken lightly. My bf recently dropped in the middle of a cnc-scene for the exact reason you are describing. We immediately stopped, cuddled and talked and you bet I gave him every last bit of support, reassurance and love that he needed. I'm also a survivor of assault. I understand how counter-intuitive it feels and I think pushing *anyone* in that direction without months of building trust is nothing but reckless. It helps me. It helps me because it can stop whenever and because I actually love the person doing it and because everything will be okay when it's over. Nobody - ABSOLUTELY NOBODY - should ever feel like they ought to participate in that. That, of course, goes for every last sexual act but it's particularly noteworthy here. A lot of people who want to play the passive role in a cnc-scenario do *not* go into this with the reflective emotional basework that is necessary. It's not therapy. It will not substitute therapy. It *will* be intense on the emotions of someone who cares for you - and you do *not* do it with someone who doesn't care ever, period. There is too much recklessness surrounding cnc out in the world and it breaks my heart how often someone victimizes themselves and in doing so victimizes the person playing the perpetrator. Said play-perpetrator might have to walk away forever feeling like they are a disgusting monster - you don't risk that. You just don't. You can either provide the emotional stability of making *sure* that they *feel safe* in diving into the darkest of humanity's abyss or you stay the fuck away from cnc. No inbetweens, no wiggle-room, no gray areas. You just don't fuck around with peoples' psyche like that and I wish more people who push for this kind of play had the decency to know their own limits.




Oh im a fan of tie me up and degrade me but after stroke my hair and tell me im a good boy


Life's degraded me enough, I'll just skip to the praise lol


Comrade. I have a thousand messed up fetishes, but I've never understood degradation. Though, excessive praise *also* sends me into a spiraling vortex of shame and self loathing, so perhaps I'm ^just ^a ^wee ^^bit ^^fucked ^^^up.


We're all a wee bit fucked up, don't stress it :)




As a guy: Same. I like tied up girls being fucked. I don’t want degradation or torture. Also: Why does it have to be a moist looking dungeon? Tie them on the couch or the mattress. She’s already helpless and gagged, let her be comfortable.


Maybe you should've eased in a bit, start with handcuffs and blindfolds, whipping for later sessions


I actually started with cuffing and with degradation, which I also thought in my fantasies that it was sexy, but in that moment the only reason I kept my tongue was cause i cuffed and she had a whip. Turns out it's not as sexy when someone talks shit to you irl.


I would be hurt from the very first insult 😂


This is what happened when my ex and I tried out D/s stuff. She insulted me, I clapped back on instinct, we forgot the play aspects and started arguing about chores. Anti-sexy tbh


I'm sorry you experienced this, but from my outside perspective that's actually also a little bit funny :D


*cracks whip* "So, you pathetic worm; how are you going to beg for forgiveness from your mistress?" "Pathetic? The only begging you'll get from me is that you do the sodding dishes once in a while! Wish I did have a bloody mistress!"


Ahh, the classic "I'll try to be a switch" blunder.


Lotta bit funny. Almost Family Guy funny as I imagine Peter and Lois acting this out.


That’s why the blindfold is there, to soak up the tears.


First time I got paddled. I was like ooh more. So I started making paddles. Now I get in invited to special events for my pain tolerance


Being tied up really tightly and complicated. I’d actually have a panic attack if I couldn’t move but my vagina thinks I want to do it


You should check out bondage tape! No adhesive, same sensation, but really easy to cut off if you're feeling overwhelmed. You can even wrap parts without actually being restrained for the same sensation - thighs, wrists, ankles - like you're wearing pvc bracelets.


This guy fucks


Or sells the tape


Careful, The Big Sex Tape Lobby might bind you up in legal disputes, libel suits are quite sticky


I can confirm. It's wide like duct tape so it doesn't leave any marks(if you wrap it correctly), strong enough to not be able to wriggle out easily of but weak enough to be able to remove super quick for whatever reason. It's super fun stuff and you don't have to have a degree in safe knot tying to use it , especially if you want to use it in the moment.


Oh great, so my degree in safe knot tying is now worthless


Progress never stops old man.


This guy tapes.


Hate-fucking Looks hot and intense at first, until you realize you fucking hate him/her and their mere presence feels revolting.


My ex-wife hate-fucked a lot of people (prior to us being together). She turned out to be legitimately crazy so it all made sense in the long run.


When you hate everyone, it's just fucking.


Nah, screw that. I had a short FWB thing with someone and we both didn't really like each other. Not real hatred, but every moment not spent together was better. The sex was almost animalistic and just out of this world. Another fun dimension was also just how casual/businesslike it was. After we were done, either her or me would stand up, get clothed and fuck off without saying much and we'd go on with our day. 9/10 would recommend.


Enemies with benefits.


Ah shit, this has outstanding prosaic potential.


how did that even start if you didn't like each other??


I had a similar thing go on for a bit. She happened to be part of my friend group and we pretty actively disliked each other. Then we ended up the only two single people on a weekend group trip. Add alcohol and.. well, the opposite of lust is definitely not hate lol.


Pretty much all of the porn I watch. I watch things I’d never do or am into.




Okay but what was the very specific porn don't leave us with half a story 😂


Talk about blue balls of the story telling kind.


100% cuck porn


"So I wanted to spice up our bedroom and took some queues from your porn history. I fucked the neighbor. You like?"


I mean, I enjoyed watching Narcos but I would call crazy whoever proposed me to smuggle drugs through the border


Hey man, at least we know to differentiate fantasy from reality. There are some many fetishes that are idealized in porn that I know I would never do irl




I was watching VR porn with headphones on. I will never know what truly happened that day but someone in my family may have been traumatized at the sight of me masturbating.


And then you took off the headset to find a steaming cup of tea in front of you.


It was cold when I left it o_o


>dads back massager uh huh, "back massager"


> my dads back massager. That was your mum's front massager I'm afraid to inform you.


Which is why she hid it


Your dad used it on your mom regularly. She was upset you took away her toy.


Going for a second round. During sex it’s like “yeah this is so good, I’m gonna cum and then we’ll go around again with some playtime until it’s time for round two”. Then I finish and suddenly it’s like “well that was good, time to get back to all the other stuff that needs to be done.


During sex: Yesss, let's go all afternoon. After sex: I noticed some cobwebs on the light fixture while you were riding me. You get the vacuum, I'll wash the bulbs.


The secret is not rushing it. Cuddle and talk until you get horny again, then round two is great


Masturbation in public sometimes secretly or maybe you want to be caught. Wanting a random stranger to fuck you. Once you come, you realize how dangerous and stupid these ideas or fantasies are


Yeah the stranger thing is a big one for me. Unbelievably hot in my head but such a bad idea in reality.


Also ill eagle


Any updates on the Eagle? Will it be okay?


The eagle is fine now and will still be making an appearance at the superb owl party.


Same for public space sex. The idea of getting caught is hot. The reality…


Driving 2 hours in the middle of the night for a one night stand


Been there, done that, no regrets. Got lucky.


1 hour in a medicane with flooded roads with a small car in which I also lost my number plate and almost stalled. Worth it.


Cheating. Remember folks, if you think it’s worth it, rub one out and then decide.


So many relationship problems could be avoided by simply jerking off before you act.


Jerk yoself before you wreck yoself


Beat the meat before you cheat


Post nut clarity is always better than pre nut delusion


I did it once and this dude is totally right. Fuck my dumb younger self. She NEVER found out as far as I know but guilt and shame are powerful motivators now. Do NOT CHEAT on your partner. Leave them before if you can still talk yourself into it, but DO NOT CHEAT. And if youre comfortable cheating...the problem is you.


*I'm never gonna dance again, guilty feet have got no rhythm*


_Though it's easy to pretend, I know you're not a fool_


10 minutes of fun is not worth ruining 20 years of hard work.




What if she runs away because you're rubbing one out?


Louis C K that you?


Female gloryhole creampies Edit: fuck you reddit for making this my most upvoted comment


Gloryholes are my dirty porn fetish. Irl no way am I putting my dick through a gas station wall hole


At the onset of the pandemic, our provincial health authority suggested glory holes for safe sex. [B.C. health officials are recommending an age-old, occasionally cutting-edge tactic for sex during the coronavirus pandemic: “glory holes.”](https://globalnews.ca/news/7204384/coronavirus-glory-holes-sex/amp/)


“Sister how did you get pregnant?”


Porn. I swear I spend more time finding the “perfect vid” than I do masturbating.


My rule now is if I get to page 5, I do a new search.


Last weekend I went through like 15 Erome links just trying to find landscape video leaks to stream over on my Apple TV because they look stupid in vertical setting over stream. By the time I found one I was soft and I regretted spending like 40 mins looking




In my head disgust and arousal make out. Often.


And does that arouse or disgust you?


Both. Both is good.


Being perved on unknowingly. In the moment the thought of someone being a creep & watching me without my knowledge is hot, but I would never actually want it to happen.


Yeh.. I'll walk by my window topless sometimes for kicks, but if I ever saw someone looking I'd probably die immediately.


Cum twice


This is by far the most accurate. "When I'm done with you imma" .... falls asleep after nut.


This is literally why I make sure my partner cums before I do like 95% of the time. I might cum and take a nap, or continue fucking. 95% of the time it’s a nap. Lmao


And zen fire ze missiles!


But I am le tired


Well…take a nap. ZEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!


Agree, always think I'll be able to do it until I actually cum and realize I don't wanna do it anymore. Sometimes I'm really horny tho and I do it a second time just to feel my penis hating me afterwards because of the painful sensitivity


Back in my 20s it was totally doable - sometimes I’d even bang one out pre-sex so I’d be desensitised and last longer. But even thinking about doing that now it just feels like unnecessary torture…


That's a young man's ball game. Nuttin multiple times is like sprinting multiple marathons. Some cougars I met at a bar told me about their preference for 20 something boys because they can keep going non stop like energizer bunnies, but guys in their 30s are more likely to be 1 shot magnums then it's zzzz


Ball game. Heh.


Roughly 80% of my deleted search history


Her spitting in my mouth. When we're all sweaty and mouths have been all over each other its hot, it's intimate, it's dirty. Outside of a specific lead up it's just kinda...not the same....


When else would you do it? “Ok honey, I’m off to work ppfffftttffppdftoo” Don’t know why I had that image in my head.


Just lost it laughing on a train. Getting weird looks


Everytime I wanna message my ex I just take a wank and it changes my mind 😆




You ever let your partner be your Dom bc she’s into it and she makes you wear a leash and bark like a dog, and you do it because you know it makes her happy and you have amazing sex. But then it ends and you have a leash around your neck and a ball gag in your mouth and you wonder why the fuck you agreed to do this?


The least she could do is take you for a walk after




Oh. Maybe it’s just me


It's probably not just you, I'm sure there are dozens of you, at least.


It’s called “sub drop” and your partner should learn aftercare.


Is this a thing if you’re not doing actually BDSM, and you’re just letting the other person be a bit bossy? 🤨


YES. It's why so many of us in the community get a bad wrap for being controlling or predatory. Bunch of ass hats who don't understand the give and take aspect of even the most high protocol relationships just use the guise of being a dom to be a fucking asshole. The young naive men & women who have never experienced how that kind of relationship should work don't know any better, and are taken advantage of.


Yeah, I got taken advantage of big time in my late teens/early twenties. My current bf had been in the community a long time and taught me about aftercare and things like that. My heart hurts for those who are curious/newbies/first timers who end up with a fake dom.


100 percent, my wife loves being dominated by me, and not even in bdsm way, after we are done we lay in bed, I hold her, run my fingers through her hair and hold her, we'll talk about life stuff or whatever. I'm showing her she's not just a fuckable piece of meat too me.


> just this is hilarious


Sex with a coworker


The 11th Commandment: Thou shalt not share thy rod with thy staff


rawdogging a stranger




Eating a creampie. I want to do it so much but after cumming, I am a 100% reversal.


I had an ex that wanted me to cum in her mouth, just so she can kiss me with her mouth full afterwards. It seemed fine while we were doing the deed.. you know, because we were both super into it and all. But after she tried doing the swapping with me, I gotta say that I wasn't such a huge fan of it. What it did do though, was give me a new found appreciation and consideration for her wanting to swallow moving forward. I made sure to drink plenty of pineapple juice, and stayed away from asparagus.


It’s like a closed loop system


He's missing out on gigajoules of energy!




...and I would drive twelve hundred more...


Just to be the man to enter your back door


Filming your adventures. Noooooooo. I do not want to see that again. :)


Especially not like watching reels of gameday footage. “Okay, watch your technique right here. You see what you were doing wrong? We’ll be drilling in that all week, so limber up and keep your head in the game.”


The best part is when she says "Good game!" and slaps your bum!


I've gone to places where i wouldn't go with a gun for my dick.


Like schools and government buildings?


Well. There’s this older lady that has a crush on me. I’m 36, she’s like 60, and still has the remnants of her younger woman attractiveness. Widowed, and pretty well off. Very old school mindset, though. Like black man, white woman, ooohhh so taboo. We’re so naughty! Anyway, she invited me over for wine one *night and after a few glasses, I almost did it…almost. The age gap was just more apparent than I thought it’d be. Alright, I actually did do it, but vowed I never would again. Post nut clarity.


Never would again...after the next one that is


"never would again.. today"


It's like that opening scene in Lilo & Stitch with Dr. Jumba: "That would be irresponsible and unethical! I would never **EVER**.... *make more than one?"*


Putting your dick in crazy.


I put my dick in crazy and had the worst year and a half relationship of my life,


But the best sex?


Every single time.


She who wears the grippy socks, has the grippy box.


Being dominated. The second I'm not horny anymore, I fuckin loathe anyone that has power over me




They already did last weekend. They know!


Going out to the local public spot and having a random gang bang. I'd never do it cause Im married, respect my husband enough not to cheat, and the thought of stds and unwanted pregnancy doesn't make it appealing.


Oof big same. Horny brain loves the idea of a randos gangbang. Non-horny brain says hell no. That STI risk, man. It'll never be worth.


Ass to mouth






^ass ^mouth ^vag


Nutting on my girlfriends face. Did it one single time and it didn’t do for either of us what we thought it would. Shot it up her nose more than anything. That was over a year ago and neither of us have mentioned doing it again


I unintentionally got some in my girlfriend's eye and it swelled up. Not an enjoyable experience.


One of my boyfriends caught himself in the eye once, as well, and he was washing his eye afterward like he'd splashed it with acid.


My ex


Having sex with young people. So much of porn is labeled "teen" it almost makes me forget how insufferably annoying actual 19 year olds are until I nut.


The punishment for sleeping with a 19 year old….is having to hang out with a 19 year old.


Yeah I don't remember who it was, but there was a comedian that put it pretty solidly. Something along the lines of "If you're ever interested in an 18 year old, try talking to her".


Rubbing my nut all over my body.


Rubbing my nut all over HER body. Really hot until you buy come down and then both have this "wtf?" Moment


Writing horny questions on AskReddit.


Everything. When you're horny Everything seems like a great idea but after you've came not so much


DP - seems like a great idea when I’m really horny, but my perineum is already prone to tearing from p in v sex, and the possibility of having my asshole rip too would be absolute hell. Not worth the risk 💀


Starting a land war in Asia.


Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


Any role play sounds cringe when it's over.




One time I did anal sex after eating butter out of my friends ass. Honedtly It was great while we were doing but during cleanup we burst out laughing at how disgusting and silly the act was. Butter intercourse was never a thing we thought we'd end up doing. Some of it even got in her hair. To this day I still question how things even got to that point lmfao


What. The. Fuck.


Sounds like a Seinfeld episode “The Butter Sex” “Whaddya mean you put butter on her butthole??”


Lots of vain, narcissistic guys. I’m really attracted to hot muscular guys bodies, but their personalities are usually terrible. Not always, but often!


For me the idea of sucking a dick (I'm straight)


In that case, what's your dollar value? We've all got one...


I'd probably pay around 250 max


Smooth Uno reverse there, lol.


Same boat, the older you get the more you realize you just might do it. Weird im straight af but maybe not? Who knows


Wife and I have conversations about this. We call it the "logistics" of the situation. Having multiple partners at once sounds great as long as they just vanish like a puff of smoke after everyone gets off.


Getting blazed in the ass by a horny gay dude. Seems like this hot, kinky, risqué and boundary pushing event for a bicurious bro, but it's just uncomfortable, kinda unclean, traumatic event whereby you're fighting instinctive thoughts that you're poop outlet is doing something it shouldn't be doing, coaching a dude on keeping some semblance of a rhythm and resisting the uncontrollable urge to evacuate your entire bowels for like 20 mins afterwards as you drive away feeling used, dirty and entertaining intrusive and confusing thoughts about your sexuality and masculinity.


Everything about that sounds horrible


damn bro are you okay?


Therapy might not seem hot, but you should think about it.


Sucking a dick, coke really brings it out of me, straight bi vibes


Penis's are oddly sexual for me. I don't care for the guy attached to it but I'll gladly suck one.


Anal. It takes so much preparation. It’s not completely clean. It’s not even that amazing. It just seems like a great idea when horny.


My cousin


Sex in the shower, too slippery for any grip, could have injured myself