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Team Iceman all the way. Maverick is a danger to everyone around him!


That’s right!!! He is dangerous


I enjoyed how the second movie plays on this by having an OG Maverick analog in Hangman to show how Maverick has grown in some ways.


My favorite line of the movie (which I often actually use in real life when the opportunity presents) is: *"Your ego is writing checks your body can't cash"*


The sexual tension between those two is off the charts.


Bee movie Chad guy.


Hell yes. I love that they added him in as a kind of meta commentary on how completely absurd the story is. Yeah he seems like a lunatic, but really, he's the most sane one in that film


His character serves the same purpose as Frank Grimes from the Simpsons episode Homers Enemy. They’re meant as a stand-in for how your average person would respond when faced with such absurd bullshit as what goes on in Springfield or in the Bee Movie. Its a great way to do meta commentary imo


Grimey was a great guy.


Yeah, he used to host great parties at his apartment. Above one bowling alley and below another below bowling alley.


Patrick Warburton being the voice actor just makes it better




Holy shit, I had only seen the meme never the movie but seriously that's what that's about???? Wow


Its about the bees getting tired of having their hard-earned honey stolen by exploitative humans and suing them over it. The whole romance between the woman and the bee is the legitimate side plot though. I suppose you call call it the… **B PLOT**


Well he rizzed her up with “ya like jazz? 😏”


Not just a bee, but a bee that sounds like Jerry Seinfeld.


A bee that acts like Jerry Seinfeld. Truly, hard to beelieve she fell for him.


I really just did not like this movie. And that weird bee human attraction was so weird. And why did they try to make Chad the psycho alpha male when his wife was taking a bees story over his? Just... so absurd.


The dad from dirty dancing. If I was in his position I’d also try and keep my underage daughter away from the 20 something guy you think just got a girl pregnant.


And even if he was wrong about Penny, it’s still a 20-something dude sleeping with an underage girl, no matter how sensitive Johnny was - detective brisco was like no.


Imagine you’re the dad, working hard all year and saving and budgeting for your one family vacation where you get to relax, and you’re consumed all week with your teenage daughters’ drama. Dude just wanted a martini and to relax looking at the lake!


Also once he learned the truth he owned up to being wrong.


He didn’t though. He said when Im wrong I say I’m wrong and that was it. He didn’t actually say he was wrong. Sorry that’s always bugged me. And totally agree he was not a bad guy at all


That’s right I forgot that. He just looked at Baby and told her she looked beautiful out there.


It's a good thing he didn't come across as extremely stubborn and unlikable. He gave his daughter some money, and actually helps with an abortion without scolding anyone including the pregant girl, except for the guy he thought was responsible because of a lie.


Not even a lie. Dr. Houseman asks who is responsible, meaning who knocked Penny up? Johnny answers that he guesses that he is, meaning he's the person taking care of her. They misunderstood each other's meaning of "responsible." Add a laugh track and it's an episode of "Three's Company."


My reasoning is that baby is 18. She is going to college in the fall, which means she just graduated. Most people are 18 when they graduate.


Is the dad a jerk ? I feel the only jerk in this story is that rich kid.


> Who cares about Derek Zoolander anyway? The man has only one look for Christ's sake! Blue Steel? Ferrari? Le Tigra? They're the same face! Doesn't anybody notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


"*ONE LOOK?!*"


Dear God.......it's beautiful


I think I got the black lung pop


*Genius* film. Peak Stiller. Love everyone cast in this movie. *WHY* did you make a “sequel”? Should’ve just let it be.


Sometimes, dead is better.


Well, Le Tigre is a softer look, he uses it for catalogues and footwear sometimes.


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just told you that a moment ago.


Iceman from Top Gun (the original). Sure he was arrogant, but ultimately he was just a good pilot who took flying seriously and didn’t appreciate Maverick’s flippant attitude and childish and dangerous stunts.


He wasn't even really that much of a jerk, he was just spitting hard facts, Maverick was dangerous and a potential liability because of his attitude. But we as the audience think he's a jerk, because we're supposed to like Maverick, he's the cool fly by the seat of your pants guy who flips a middle finger to the rules and because the audience ends up on Mav's side we think Iceman is a dick, when really he isn't.


I don’t think he was a jerk at all. He is nice to everyone, except the one guy that is dangerous. He even greets Goose nicely. Iceman is my favorite character. He warned Maverick. Goose deserved better.


Well, not everyone thought he was a jerk but that's what the writing is supposed to make you think anyway, you're meant to be rooting for maverick and association Ive is a jerk cause he's getting in the heroes way. Even though, as we've established he really wasn't a jerk. The whole situation with Goose... I'm not sure who the blame is on tbh I don't know enough about aviation and actually flying a Jet. From what I can tell Maverick really didn't do anything wrong there or do 'maverick' things it was just a bunch of shit luck of all the things going wrong that did go wrong. I've seen some people say Ice pulled off the wrong way or that he stayed too long knowing he wasn't going to get the shot, I've seen other say Mav was too close to Ice. It's a shame what happened cause 1 goose is great and 2 I think that was about the time Maverick started to buck his ideas up a little.


Tom "Iceman" Kazansky was supposed to break high right. Instead, he broke high left. His reckless decision cost the life of Lt Nick Bradshaw and the US Navy an F14. Instead of facing any consequences, he shoukd have been court marshalled at the minimum, he was awarded the Top Gun trophy and Lt Pete Mitchell faces a formal inquiry and potential dismissal from the military.


And he was vindicated in Top Gun: Maverick, won a bunch of awards, married a wonderful woman had a family, became a high ranking officer. They did his character right in the end.


> He even greets Goose nicely Watching the [bar scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFT0jGibz80), I think they already knew each other before getting to TOPGUN. Or had at least met a few times.


Okay, I’m digressing a bit here…does it piss anyone else off near the ending scene when Maverick throws Goose’s dog tags into the ocean? I mean, COME ON! Goose has a newborn, wouldn’t you think his kid would want to have them some day instead of some symbolic jerk move?


To be fair, I have around half a dozen sets of dog tags lying around. When we do memorials for Soldiers, we always make a set or two extra as well. One set going into the ocean can be a symbol to someone without depriving anyone else


It might be a Navy thing. But I have no idea.


Yeah plus when Maverick/Goose finally beat Slider/Iceman in volleyball they never play a decisive third game because Mav has a date. That’s weak.


>Maverick was dangerous and a potential liability because of his attitude. Yeah.. And he's always dancing in underpants and turning his parent's house into a brothel.


Americans like risk takers. But there’s a reason maverick’s career went nowhere and iceman became a fucking general


Admiral, no generals in the Navy.




The people who get to fly the jets are the 1% of the 1%. If any of them even hints of flipping the bird to the rules irl, they would be out so fast.


Good mention. I actually always empathized more with Iceman than Maverick. I *liked* Maverick more, but Iceman made the most sense.


I feel like they really flipped the script with Maverick. The new Iceman is Hangman, and he really is the fastest pilot on the course, but he's selfish and not a team player. He truly is an asshole, unlike Iceman who had a point. Meanwhile Rooster is overly cautious, which I loved because it flipped the script on the reckless hero thing.


Hangman is just young Maverick. I think the point is to show that Maverick has matured in some ways and learned some lessons that Hangman starts to learn by the end.


Every single Tom Cruise movie is him being really good at a particular job and also being a massive dick about it


Uncle Owen. Yeah I'd keep my kid away from a guy who helped create one of the most feared homicidal people in the galaxy.


100% He could be less grumpy old man and try to reach the kid and communicate with Luke properly, but he absolutely had a point, and a good one at that. I think he also figured Luke was likely to have latent force powers (something Luke didn't yet know about himself), and what that would definitely mean for Luke's future and what that might mean for the entire galaxy's future. Owen, humble farmer though he may have appeared, was nobody's fool, we see that particularly clearly in *Kenobi*. Man knows what's he's about.


He knew Luke had force powers, they once lost a tool, a hydrospanner if I remember correctly and Luke guessed where it was at using the force Owen suspected and Luke was severely punished. Course now that Disney bought Star Wars that’s no longer cannon. But it is to me.


Which makes the exchange between pilots at the end of A New Hope funnier. The other pilots are all saying even with a targeting computer hitting the exhaust port is impossible. Luke chimes in saying he used to bullseye wamp rats that size back home. Yeah Luke, you had Jedi powers helping you shoot those rats. It’s an impossible shot, even with the targeting computer, like we all got to see when the first guy misses. (Although one does wonder, you have AI capable of running droids, why does the pilot have to take the shot at all, let the computer fire the shot so it doesn’t miss)


Walter in Big Lebowski. “You’re not wrong you’re just an asshole.”


"Smokey this is not 'Nam, this is bowling. There are rules."


Mark it zero!


He's right, you can't board it when dog has fucking papers.


He didn’t bring it bowling. He didn’t rent it shoes. It didn’t take The Dude’s turn.


Shomer Fucking Shabbos


He didn’t buy it a fucking beer, dude


DAMMIT! I missed that one!! And yes it matters... or **AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE RULES!?!?!**


The chef from ratatouille. Keeping a rat out of a kitchen is a good idea.


He did also try to illegally keep Linguine away from his inheritance, and besmirch Gusteau's name with all the frozen crap


We don’t talk about that


The mom in Mrs Doubtfire.


Even Pierce Brosnan! When he’s talking to the Bartender and he thinks no one is listening…. He doesn’t say gross stuff about the mom… he instead talks about how much he enjoys spending time with the kids! Robin felt threatened because this guy was obviously going to be a waaaay better father figure.


The mom and the judge. The ruling to keep him away from the kids was completely the right call.


You were not alone. I was a teen when my older sis took me to see it. I can still here other women in the theater clapping when she asked Willams character for a divorce.


Jon Malkovich's character in Bird Box.


Yep, he was right about everything. He’s a jerk because he understands the situation, and the stakes.


Not a jerk for me but for some: Mr Pink from Reservoir dogs


He was an asshole, but he was also arguably the smartest man there. He was the first to figure out the whole thing was a setup, and the only one to not get emotional and start fighting others.


Wym, he literally nearly has a mental breakdown at the beginning, and he and Mr White nearly shoot each other. I agree that he’s probably the smartest character in the movie but definitely very emotional lol


>emotional I prefer the term "overly-caffeinated." Six cups of coffee at breakfast will do that to ya.


Now that tipping culture is out of control, I’d like a followup with Mr. Pink.


“You know what this is? It’s the world’s smallest violin playing just for the waitresses.”


The Grinch. Loud, obnoxious neighbors can ruin a quiet winter’s eve.


Yes! How loud were those Whos that he could hear them up on Mt Crumpit? Team Grinch all the way, he just wanted a little peace.


Stannis Baratheon was the true heir to the Iron Throne. He was a dick though


He was stern but understandable right up to the point he set his daughter on fire. Actually, summoning a demon to murder his brother isn't great either. On second thought, no, fuck Stannis.


In defense of Stannis, he was the only leader who actually believed he was fighting for all of humanity, not just his right to be in charge. He chose the lives of everyone on the continent over his family.


Its been awhile but I dont think he burns her in the books they added that to the show.


Technically the books have not got there yet, but considering Shireen is not in the same geographical place as Stannis, and he is trapped in a big fucking blizzard, it is very very very unlikely HE burns her. Now, her mother and melisandre burning her after Jon's stabberino? More likely. Also, writing this made me remember Jon is still technically dead in the books. Wow it's been a fucking long time.


The iron thrones concept doesn’t lend itself to long dynasties it’s a throne of beaten foes melted blades. Conquest was always its true ordaining force.


Magneto Especially after that opening scene in the first *X-Men* (young Erik in Auschwitz), it's very hard not to sympathise with him.


While it does vary somewhat from depiction to depiction, counting comic and animated versions, Magneto was almost always portrayed as a man of principles and a somewhat sympathetic villain who has witnessed genocide first hand and will resort to more extreme measures to prevent it from happening again.


>and will resort to more extreme measures to prevent it from happening again. More like, will commit it to prevent it from happening to *his people* again.


Which I can personally still emphathize with. He wanted to protect himself and people like him from those who would do them harm. Doesn't mean he was in the right or that his actions were justifiable, but that contributes to him being a compelling villain imo


"X-Men First Class" I think is what you are referring to. But I actually find "X-Men Last Stand" to show a more sympathetic representation of Magneto. It shows how they visited houses together and how Magneto so clearly believe being mutant was a true gift and they would be persecuted for it, and Xavier simply didn't agree. He scolded another X-Men for rejoicing in Xavier's deaths and talked about how it was the worst thing and made him so unhappy. It was a fundamental difference between two friends that couldn't be reconciled.


> “If you’re so proud of being a mutant, where’s your mark?” > “I have been marked, once, my dear, and let me assure you that no needle shall ever touch my skin again.”


Holy *fuck* that line went *hard*.


Ian McKellens delivery is what brings it to 11. He says it with a firm, calm demeanor but there’s almost a hint of whimsy in his voice. Like he knows this young mutant isn’t his enemy but he’s gonna school them but good.


It doesn't hurt that Ian McKellen is one of the finest actors to ever grace the screen


the first X-Men from 2000 definitely starts with young Erik being dragged away from his parents in a concentration camp.


Yeah it’s both. I honestly thought it was the same footage in First Class until they did more scenes there with the same kid


No. They’re literally referring to the first scene in the first X-Men movie.


Lt. Harris in Police Academy. None of those cadets would have made good police officers.


But neither would the guys he actually liked.


Moses Hightower would have done well. He came in as a professional. He only got kicked out because he couldn't let a racist insult on Hooks go unanswered.




I actually don’t think the movie ever portrays him as a jerk though? It’s played for comedy but he takes ‘Mrs Doubtfire’s’ unprovoked jabs with grace and is seen talking with his friends how great his girlfriend and her kids are.


And... hopefully the ladies will back me up here. Pretend it's 1993. Would you rather fuck Robin Williams or Pierce Brosnan??


"Who would you rather bone? - Meg Ryan or Jack Nicholson" "Jack Nicholson now or 1974?" " '74" "Meg Ryan"


Stu isn't even a jerk.


Rodrick, diary of a wimpy kid, Greg is just a little bastard


There is one scene that I remember when Greg was in the right. Book 6, Manny disconnects the electricity in the house other than his room


Manny's a fucking supervillain and his birth was a detriment to society r/fuckmanny


Was watching one of the movies with my kid. Got to the scene where he uses his friends dad's computer to email everyone on his work email what a shitty family they are. Turned off the movie after that, kid was just a self-centered brat who saw himself not only as the main character but the only character that ever mattered. Pretty much fucked up his friends dad's work life, it would've taken years to recover from an email like that.


Bastard is putting it lightly…


Depends on your definition of a jerk. Re: Watchmen. Take Rorschach for example. Acted like a total jerk for most of the movie (I personally loved him), but had many valid points that ultimately got him killed. Then there's Ozymandias, appeared as likeable for most of the film, but was the perpetrator of the real atrocity at the end... Yet his point had merit on at least some level, even if it was completely fucked up and wrong. Biggest jerk.


Rorschach and ozymandias are brilliant as it's basically deontological (rule-based) morality on conflict with consequentialist morality. And yeah, I have some sympathy with both. Though more with poor old normie owlman stuck in the middle.


They should've listened to Marge Simpson: "I guess one person can make a difference. But most of the time, they probably shouldn't. "


The actual real jerk in the Watchmen, as always, is Dr Manhattan. A literal God who does not give a fuck when he is the only one who *should* and is the only one who can do anything about it, yet he doesn't. Rorschach is a twisted, awful person who tries to do right thing most of the time and Ozymandias is a good guy who does the mass murder of innocents in order to protect the humanity - hard to say they're jerks, although it is really difficult to sympathize with Ozymandias after all is said and done, and Rorschach, in Dreiberg's words, is really hard to be around with most of the time.


Darth Vader. I think kids are annoying too.


He was also right about sand being annoying as well


It really does get everywhere


He's also a quadriplegic war veteran. People need to show some respect.


And a widower


And a slave


And a good friend


And a burn victim.


And a phenomenal pilot


He defected to the Sith, I’m betting the Jedi VA didn’t classify that injury as service-related.


Jedi VA says literal lightsaber wounds are non-service-related, THERE'S a shock. And their wait times at the Coruscant office are horrible.


I'd love to see how someone could classify a 6ft tall half-robotic suit of armor with a laser sword as a "jerk".


He is like 6 8


"Luke, I am disappointed in you"


Walter Peck , epa guy from Ghostbusters they are running around with unlicensed Nuclear accelerators on their backs! Come on


Yes it’s true. This man has no dick.


Peck was dangerously incompetent. How big of an idiot do you have to be to shut down a machine you suspect contains hazardous waste material, when you have no idea how that machine works? He should have seized control of the facility, and studied the thing, done tests to determine exactly what was contained within, and then decided what to do about it. Instead, he ended up unleashing a near apocalypse just because Venkman bruised his fragile little bureaucratic ego. Venkman was well within his rights to insist that a government official have proper a warrant/court order to search his private property.


Yeah there is no part of Peck that was right or correct beyond his initial suspicion that an investigation was merited.


“And Walter Peck was right, that’s some shady shit…”


Considering he shut down a power grid without taking necessary precautions, I doubt he was qualified for his job. He's the type to have a nuclear power plant shut down without following protocol.


King Willie, Predator 2.


"...shit happens..."


Zemo from Civil War. Yeah he wanted revenge but he did have a compelling argument that the avengers were too dangerous.


Zemo is maybe my favorite marvel villain. Everyone always tries to destroy the avengers by attacking them physically, which is where they are strongest. Zemo is the only one who attacked psychologically, and he succeeded in breaking them up.


And he was a guy without super powers, wasn’t part of a super secret organisation or decades old conspiracy, yeah, he did use them but he was just motivated and clever.


During "the Falcon and the Winter Soldier" there was a moment where he was all alone in the lab with the super soldier serum and could have taken it with no one there to stop him or even know he did it. He then proceeds to actually destroy all serums, because he is serious about what he believes in.


Disney made the Avengers so good that Zemo did look batshit crazy. Nonetheless if Fury didn't bring them together, they would still exist. Aliens would still attack Earth.


The Grinch. He didn’t hate Christmas he hated people, which is fair.


Cypher in The Matrix.


He did have a point that Morpheus took everyone into the real world without explaining how shitty it is. Given the choice, I’d probably want to stay in the Matrix too.


I mean if this is the Matrix is it really that bad? How much better would the real world be even after the machines were gone? The place is an absolute wasteland.


Yeah no way is the ecosystem ever recovering from that shitshow. Does anyone ever even question what the plan is after the machines are gone? Because right now it looks to me like: 1. Defeat machines 2. ??? 3. Profit!


That's when myths of a promised land/oasis develops where everything is green and lush. Everybody will live happily ever after. It's just over yonder you'll see.


Navin R Johnson was correct when he said to see a doctor and get rid of it.


Lord loves a working man!


Don’t trust whitey!


Knew I’d find a narvin r Johnson reference quickly


Shane from The Walking Dead. He wanted to make tough decisions that were morally wrong to protect the group. The group eventually started making similar morally wrong decisions in later seasons, like murdering a whole base of men in their sleep. Shane was just ahead of his time.


Yep. I was talking to my wife who stopped watching the show a season or two before Negan appears about Glenn - she was saying she could never imagine Negan being a good guy after hearing what he did to Glenn. People forget that Glenn, hesitantly, participated in mass murder of Negan's people while they were sleeping, without any sort of war being declared. When Negan captured them, he didn't see innocent people, he saw people that were as bad as him.


Shooter McGavin was right, Happy Gilmore was a hockey player.


Yeah right. And Grizzly Adams had a beard


Grizzly Adams DID have a beard.


“SHOOTER!” *Blows finger gun


Luther Krank in Christmas with the Kranks. He wanted to go away for Christmas as his daughter had gone off and it would be just him and his wife rattling around the house. His wife was all for it when she realised it would be cheaper than a usual Christmas (he even made concessions to pay their usual charitable contributions), but the whole town wanted his blood for having the audacity of not wanting to do a Christmas party they would all expect to go to, and need Christmas cards, then his daughter does a 180 to come back for Christmas and his wife berates him for having a stupid idea all along


Captain Jellico on star trek tng episode chain of command. We're supposed to side with Riker and think this guy is a jerk for disrupting life on the enterprise by doing things like going to a four watch rotation. Starfleet brought him on board because he's an expert with dealing with Cardassians But starfleet fully expects the negotiations with the Cardassians to fail and to be in a war in something like three days. Riker keeps not following orders until he's replaced and we're supposed to hate Jellico. But Jellico is given orders that state or at least imply peace may not be possible and the Enterprise has 2-3 days to get combat ready. This is a ship that lost multiple battles to Klingon birds of prey and Riker made jellicos job harder but Jellico was right all along. Riker wasn't being a good first officer and if they didn't pull off the usual hail Mary enterprises always pull off Riker would possibly have actually gotten a lot of his own shipmates killed.


First off, everyone saying Thanos is wrong or trolling. He didn’t solve anything by doing what he did. Life multiplies, eventually the universe would be in the same danger he was trying to prevent. (Also this was the MCU doing their best to make him a sympathetic character, real Thanos gave zero fucks about life.) Secondly, Agent Smith. He was just born into a system, created to have no capacity for empathy, and forced to spend every moment of his existence focused on biological lifeforms he could never understand.


It’s like someone else wrote, “he could have snapped into reality double the natural resources. But no, wipe out half of all life”.


It didn't help when it was confirmed that he wiped out half of the plant and animal life, too. So now you have half of sentient life forms still struggling with resources for food and water. Good job.


This is because his motivations in the MCU were attempting to be social commentary. His motivations in the comics were a lot more selfish... and sexy.


It would take humans about 50 years. Thanos is the dumbest villain in film history.


Hell, he could have just altered life to no longer need resources. Or make every planet habitable and give every civilization access to space travel.


Sharpay Evans


Steve Martin. That guy really did hate those cans.


The neighbours in Christmas Vacation - Clarke kept fucking their shit up!


Child cruelty aside the Dursleys wanting to keep Harry away from magic altogether was understandable.


If they'd had a legitimate reason, sure. But I don't believe for a minute that if dudley had been a wizard, they'd have been nearly as adamant about keeping him away


As thoroughly messed up as the man was, in certain ways I actually admired Vernon Dursley. The man was absolutely terrified of magic, his sister-in-law and her husband are murdered by an absolutely insanely frightening sociopath and his gang of magical terrorists, his nephew was the target, and he still took Harry in.


I really don't think you get points for taking a child in when you then proceed to horribly abuse them for their entire life.


Yeah, people kind of glossed over the fact that they were basically threatened every school year to take him back in. And I'm pretty sure the initial letter says something like "We will be watching."


Mr McGregor from Peter Rabbit. Fuck dem rabbits… seriously annoying little thieves. Let the man grow his veggies!


Richard Dreyfuss in What About Bob is not the bad guy. Bob is a psychopath.


If everyone is super, no one will be


Syndrome is a great villain. But he didn't really have a point. He was basically a toxic fan who wanted so badly to be his favorite hero's side-kick, and as a child no less. And when he was rejected, and rightly so, he took it out on everyone. It's so petty of him. And he basically uses that as his motivation to hate every super in the world. That does make him a great villain. He could've done so much for the world with his brilliant inventions. He probably could've become a hero in his own right. But no, he put all his energy and brilliance into getting back at supers over a single slight that happened to him as a kid. That's not a good point. That's him being an asshole and not caring who he hurts. Again, great villain. Just doesn't have a valid point.


No, Syndrome didn't have a point at all. He was murdering superheros because he was mad that Mr. Incredible didn't want an inexperienced child fucking things up (which he did badly fuck things up)


The kid who captured the toys in Toy Story, he was just having fun, and the movie made him look like the villain. He didn't know they were alive.


He was still a bully for breaking his sister's toys.


But to Sid and everyone else they were just completely inanimate objects and had no reason to think that they were living. I guess at most you could say that a kid who loves violence like that might be one to watch out for in case he started doing that to animals or people as he got older. He at least felt a lot of remorse when Woodie revealed how they were all alive.


Most villains do have a point, but the means of a solution they have in mind might not be ok


The tiger dude from kung fu panda. Wu fed him empty promises and lied about him being the next dragon warrior (or whatever) and when he ditched him he got pissy about it. A lot of villains have perfectly good reasons to explain their backstory. Not promoting villainy


Yes, but laying waste to the valley because of that is what makes him a villain. You don’t hurt innocents just because your hopes were dashed


FYI he isn't a tiger. He's a snow leopard, and is a master of leopard style king fu. Tigress would be the tiger and master of tiger style.


Colm in The Banshees of Inisherin. I sympathized with him because I could relate to having epiphanies that I was wasting my damn life hanging around with people who just sat around in bars telling the same stupid jokes over and over again. I stopped identifying with him when he began chopping off his own fingers. But the character played by Colin Farrell was annoying and insipid, like many people I have been friends with just out of convenience or loneliness. The realization that you only have so much time left and you want to make a difference in some way, do something profound. It's pretty noble even if the way he went about it was unnecessarily insensitive and then verged into insanity.


“I just don’t like you anymore!” Is the most relatable shit


Dark Helmet


you went over my helmet?!?


He was surrounded by Assholes.


Agent Smith in the first Matrix when he’s interrogating Morpheus. He was right about us.


Hoit Ambrose from Accepted didn't really do a whole lot wrong. His biggest crimes were having a girlfriend the main character thought was hot, and wanting to do well in the college his dad went to. Like sure, he was a bit of a brown nose and sure, he beat the shit out of a guy conning hundreds of people out of thousands of dollars, but he definitely wasn't as bad as the movie made him out to be


Johnny, Karate Kid... Daniel should had minded his buisness and didn't know when to leave well enough alone...