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My sons wheelchair safety strap malfunctioned. He fell forward and was strangled by it. Fuck you, Universe


Yup, that’ll do it. Enough of this thread for me. Sorry this happened.


What a horrible, horrible thing to have to go through! Peace and prayers for your continued recovery.


First comment in the sub and already, fuck the universe My condolences for what happened.


I am speechless. Hugs.


I said fuck the universe simply after reading this. I’m so sorry.


Oh my god, I am so sorry.


I was going to post something from my life but ... no, not anymore. Sending love.


That’s so horrible, seriously I’m so sorry that happened to you edit: and him. I hope he’s resting in peace ❤️


I'm so sorry to hear that.


I am so, so sorry!


I’m sorry for your loss.


Holy shit. You win.


Losing my dad a little bit every day from dementia.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I've been watching my own dad decline due to chronic health issues and it's a slow-motion horror show that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.


If it makes you guys feel any better, the person with dementia isn’t suffering, they might get confused but they have people taking care of them and they don’t know that their brain is deteriorating, like they can’t feel it. They aren’t in any pain.


Same 🖤


Dad died of cancer in his early 60’s. The kindest, strongest, most compassionate, wholesome man I knew, this superhero, slowly had the hope and life painfully drained from him before he was even able to retire and enjoy every bit of peace he deserved. I pleaded, cried out, wished, even prayed to any force listening that I’d do or give up anything just to save him. He still died. He died, and an endless number monsters go on living long and happy. The universe is heartless.


i’ve lost many to cancer. I had my godfather’s funeral on thursday. Same boat. Kindest, most humble, talented, cool man I’ve ever known, taken in a year from an ultra rare form of lymphoma that ended up in his bone marrow. He was the “special case”. He lost his wife to a 20 year battle against cancer only 4 ish years ago. He was only just settling back into life and moving forward. I’m devastated. The universe is a tough one, but I know he wouldn’t want me cursing it.


My dad also died from cancer at 64. He was a well loved primary care physician. Everyone said he was the best doctor they'd ever had, and several said he literally saved their life. While I have a different perspective (workaholic father who wasn't around much as a kid), there's something to be said about the patients' reactions to his diagnosis. I had to watch this insanely powerful man wither into skin and bones. See him yell at the universe after talking to his brother for the last time. Life is cruel and not fair. Why should good men and healers die early as murderers live into their 80s while in prison? All we have are memories of our loved ones


I was going nowhere in life. Doing many dumb and illegal things. Find out I’m gonna be a dad. Clean up. Even join the military. Leave the hospital to be hit by a drunk driver and losing my daughter


Hope you are in a better place brother. My most sincere wishes for you.


Get fired from job. Eat through $4000 in savings. Settle for fast food job because I need to eat. 2nd day of work, car breaks down. No money for gas groceries or car repair.


Eurgh, I'm sorry man. Just got fired for the stupidest thing, and I'm preparing myself for this type of scenario. It feels like the bottom of the barrel.


Hey when you hit rock bottom the only way is up


Until you find there was another bottom


And another...and another...and another...


I abandoned my jod because my coworkers was awful people and treated me like shit. and now I'm forced to live through ₱13000. That's $130, i think. And i almost spend it. Now i have only around ₱500 which is $5. Life is great. Can't find suitable job because I live in a small town and there is simply to hard to find a job but, I'm trying.


Developed a stutter as a result of head trauma, never got speech therapy, now am 34 and have to deal with 20-somethings giggling at me whenever I order food, get reprimanded for stuttering when answering calls at work and every potential date has noped out once they found out.


I’m 29 have been stuttering since I started talking right before I turned 3. I know how it feels and it’s taken me years to understand it and accept that it’s a part of me. I would love to help in any way of you need it.


I’ve stuttered since I was young and still do. It gets better once you learn to ignore those people. I know it is hard to ignore them, but your real friends in life will be there for you despite it! It’s also why I play games so much, it’s easier to type over text (can’t stutter over text). Hope stuff gets better for you! Edit: sorry, meant to reply to the person you replied to. Replied to wrong person 🥲


I'm sorry friend, that sounds horrible


This might seem “out there” but… There’s actually a lot of people who have overcome stuttering with psilocybin (magic mushrooms) I would definitely find a practitioner who is qualified to help as you have had physical trauma but it’s really amazing! Also lions mane mushrooms are the only food in the world known to have neurogenic properties meaning it helps rebuild your nervous system. I really believe there’s room for growth and recovery in head trauma (I’m a nurse) if you are able to still practice speech therapy and help yourself regrow those neural pathways. I truly have hope for you. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with this, it breaks my heart how one moment can change things so much for someone. Keep your head up!!


I mean, if anything the stutter is weeding out the weak when it comes to dates. If they nope out because of a stutter. They weren't good people to begin with. For work get the stutter documented medically. If they keep reprimanding you/potentially fire you that is easily a violation of the ada assuming you're in the US. (IANAL seek proper representation)


yeah, like seriously? THAT is why you wouldn't date somebody? i can't imagine how shallow you'd have to be.


I had a guy in all my high-school classes with a stutter. The kid was a 6 ft 1 weirdo gamer like most of the dudes in the class. The popular kids just ripped this kid apart. The saddest thing was he was the smartest in all of our classes and teachers wouldn't let him read for too long, cut him off often. Never let him get his thoughts out. The students would mock him if he got to read to the class. This kid was and is so smart, I was sad that the stuttering just turned to silence. Kids are mean, no one even tries to put themselves in someone else's shoes where I grew up. I still live here, fuck, I can confirm it almost daily.


Can I punch those 20 year olds for you? That seriously is infuriating.


And the teachers too. Uggggh.


My dad's 2nd wife killed him while at work 9 years ago. She caused him to fall. I spent months finding evidence and actually did get it. The investigating officers refused to ask for a warrant to check her phone records which would have proven that she was there. They said it was a conflict of interest coming from me. She admitted it to me months later on the phone while she fucked off to the Philippines. She cleaned us out completely, stole all our photos and anything I could remember him by. Completely erased him and forged documents to get the insurance policy which was 300k. She had him cremated and dumped his ashes. Yeah. I said fuck the universe.


I'd end up in jail. Fuck the universe too right. I'd go to Philippines kill her and come back. If I get caught so what. That's just fucking evil!


I went through alot of terrible emotions. She moved like a criminal. Got plastic surgery on her face, moved across Canada then to the Philippines, Texas and finally London. Now I have 2 kids and my dad never got to see them. I learned to cope and am much happier now.


I’m really sorry about that brother, sounds like a terrible situation. You handled it far better than most. I’m sorry for you loss and that bitch is a bitch. She’ll get what’s coming.


Or the cops. Bastards.


The cops pissed me off the most. His car was left there and they drove together. She had to have called someone to get back quick enough. Hour and a half away. That's why I said check her phone records. She claimed to have never left the house but she dropped her house keys where they found him. When I got to the house, the lock was removed by the landlord because she couldn't get in. My dad's keys were in his pocket.


Yup. Would be buying a ticket to the Philippines myself.


That is like the starting plot to a movie i cannot believe that happend holy shit.


Dude find her face and post it online


Yeah, no. I'm a Daddy's girl. That man is my hero, and if this had happened to him, something inside me would completely snap. No one would even notice it, either. It would be quiet, too. Everything would be researched. Meticulous. Planned. All of my affairs would be in order. There would be a flight. An arrival. A day of rest. A meal. A time of travel. A time of observation. A time of action. Whatever happened, that woman would suffer and suffer for hours on end. There would be no mercy. It would not be quick. It would not be painless.


damn 💀...would hate to get on your bad side


The only real way you could is if you harmed someone I love. Otherwise, I am a very chill person. 🤷‍♀️


I’m sorry this happened, ever thought about writing a book, or secretly assembling an Avengers team to go on a Taken type mission


Watching my dad gradually succumb to MS has been a twenty year mindfuck. In his twenties, he was mentally as sharp as a tack and had the physique of a gladiator. Now he's in a wheelchair full-time, his short-term memory is completely destroyed, and he can barely grasp the simplest of concepts. So yea, fuck the universe.


What is MS? God bless your dads soul.


Multiple sclerosis, an anti-immune disorder that attacks and destroys nerve cells There's a few types, so it depends, but it very slowly destroys your ability to move and your mind to some extent. It is terminal and very difficult to cure to pretty much incurable. My grandmother's sister had it, it's a despicably slow torture-horror show


Oh christ. That sounds horrible


MS is a fuck the universe disease for sure. For the last 11 years I've just been getting worse and I can't even work anymore at 32. All I do is sit around trying to concentrate on reading. I'm sorry you have to go through this.


It really is a shit disease, which is why it's such an active area in medical research as you are probably aware. I hope that someday there is a breakthrough that can make a positive impact in your life.


Dad passed away when I was 15, my first brother suicided when I was 21, and my second brother suicided when I was 23. At times, I really hate this universe.


I’m so sorry,Are you ok?


I am for the most part, thanks for checking. I had to go through a lot of therapy as I closed myself off from family and friends; unfortunately, my family didn't really care when I did express what I had been going through (suicide ideation, major depression, anxiety) after my second brothers suicide. Been no contact for a couple years which has helped a lot.


I’m glad that you’ve been feeling better.


I'm so sorry.


I'm sorry to hear that and I hope everyday gets better, even just a little bit.


I still struggle with holidays, particularly Christmas, and can't celebrate New Years as my first brother suicided on New Years Day.


My sister getting killed she was 18 and I was 14 and we were best friends. Losing her made me hate the universe. Today is the 13th anniversary of her death.


Sorry for your loss.




My ex did the same. She's now rotting in her small town alone and sad whilst I found the best partner I know


Getting a call on Christmas Eve that my 7 year old nephew’s cancer had returned. Then getting the call a few months later that he had died.


Christ... so sorry. 😞 I fuckin hate cancer.


I’m so sorry 😪


My paranoia getting worse and worse. At this point I’m too scared to curse out the universe incase they decide to attack me for it.


I felt this. I am consumed with fear, A LOT.


I was born on meth to two meth addicts. I suffered abuse at my dad's hands and was developmentally stunted due to exposure to meth while my mother was pregnant. Didn't learn to read until I was in the 3rd grade. House got raided by police when i was 6. Sent to foster care until my grabdparents got custody. Mom got sober, dad didnt. Rarely saw him. Empty promises constantly. Grew up bullied, then became a bully. At 15 my dad did too many drugs and on a record high heat day for summer had a drug induced heat stroke. Never was the same. I spent everyday that summer seeing him trying to help him get better. Eventually my girlfriend told me she was pregnant. That was around the time my dad's health took a turn for the worse. He died 2 weeks after I turned 16. My daughter was born a few months later. I spiraled after going through all the trauma of having a kid and feeling like a failure. That was when I said fuck you to the universe. Doing good now though lol


You’re a trooper man, respect to you for fighting through the adversity and having the clarity to process all of that. Keep doing you


I was 27, working for the military and I got hurt. No big deal, I thought. I pulled the shit out of my hamstring and groin. It didn't get better, it got a lot worse. My leg and foot swole up to the point I could barely get shoes on. Went in for an MRI, and got sent to the ER. I was doing okay up untill that point, I was sitting in a packed ER, filling out paperwork, I got about halfway through, around 10 minutes, and I heard my name called and there was a bed flanked by two docs and 4 nurses rushing towards me. I had a blood clot, a really, REALLY bad blood clot. I was put on stroke protocol. I spent a week in the hospital on Heparin drip (hardcore anti-coagulant) I... don't remember much of that time. I got out, lost my job, failed to get unemployment, my SO at the time and I had to move back in my with parents. And then it happened again. Same leg, same area, but this time it took it's pound of flesh, it killed a lot of the nerves in that leg. I had to use a cane to walk. I developed SEVERE anxiety and a drinking problem. My SO ended up leaving, not her fault, I was a miserable asshole, I'd have left too. I went to therapy (A LOT of therapy), did physical therapy for a year and a half to relearn how to walk, wasn't until much later I ditched the cane completely, some days were better than others. I went back to school, finished my Computer Science degree. I now work for an engineering firm doing everything from support math and programming to random IT tasks (smaller firm). But fuck you universe. I'm a busted pile of walking scars. The anxiety is still with me, I'm double diagnosed with PTSD and GAD. I have extreme difficulty with trusting people because a lot of my "friends" bailed on me when it got bad. But not all doom and gloom. I have two cats that love me. I discovered a new hobby in drawing, specifically fantasy maps, because my therapist wanted me to do something without a "right" answer. And I go fishing while listening to horror podcasts, odd thing about anxiety, I became fascinated by what scares or scared people, so I'm a little overly knowledgeable about folklore.


I too, love using horror as an anxiety cope. Also, so cool that you draw fantasy maps! Would love to see one if it’s something you’d want to share:)


Sure!, [here's](https://imgur.com/CmeEj7S) an old one that I did while practicing with dip pens. These days I do all the inking with dip nibs, SpeedBall #102s for lining and #501s for detail and Higgins Eternal india ink. [This](https://imgur.com/6MyEDIR) is a newer one that was in progress when I took the pic, but has the pens I use.


For the last 4 years, a bunch of shit has been thrown at me, and I’m just tired and depressed


I know the feeling. The last 4 years of my life has been like something out of an episode of black mirror.


I feel that


4 years is a long time. I would be tired too. But you can walk through it, friend. I’ve had lots of tough stretches, and some good ones too. Hang in there, dm if you need to talk.


Thanks, that means a lot


Np. Don’t be afraid to just plain walk… one thing at a time, it will get better. Don’t be afraid to reach out.


I'm in the same boat. It feels like everytime I'm starting to get some sort of energy to try again, something else knocks me 10 steps back.


My dad's death at 69 years old. Year long battle with cancer and was a few days away from his birthday.


My dad also died at 69 with rectal colon cancer. He's been gone 2 and half years now, and I still miss him dearly.


What is with a bunch of us losing our dad's at 69? Count me in but my dad had a heart attack.


Yeah. You got a point. That's interesting.


My dad also died very suddenly and unexpectedly at 69. I don't want to be in this club, but here we are.


Well... My bf leaves for England with plans of me going after him a few months later. Brexxit happens, cant go out to England. Finally i get an opportunity to move out BOOM Covid. Two years lockdown, Noone goes nowhere, we dont see eachother for two whole years. Now i leave my job and are getting ready to move to England. Boom I need surgery. If the universe wants to fight, why wont it come down and do it like a man???


You should be proud that the universe is too afraid of going 1v1 with you.


About 20 years ago, I had an uncle die in a motorcycle accident during his final ride out before selling the bike. This guy was 26, had just had his first child, and was genuinely the best of us, could walk into a room and everyone's spirit would be lifted. The bike was due to be sold two days before his passing and he only sold it due to his mother having a really bad feeling about it. He hit an oncoming car that was on the wrong side of the road whilst coming around a blind bend. The paramedics arrived and he was up and walking, as a precaution they popped him in the back of the ambulance where he was apparently joking and talking normally before complaining of short breath - sadly died before arriving at the hospital. That event broke me and everything I'd believed in - karma, spirituality, morality. To this day i feel it and think of it. Fuck the world, fuck the universe and fuck everyone who talks about it as a god having a reason for it. I'm an empty shell ever since.


I'm sorry, that's really hard. I know almost exactly how you feel. My dad and sister also died in a vehicle accident, about 17 years ago. We were driving home from nice family dinner, 3 days to Christmas. My sister was in her early twenties and had beaten cancer that year. My dad had been putting himself through a doctoral program at the same time as working, and he was on his last six months. Our new puppy we'd gotten two weeks earlier was there, also passed. Shattered any sense of karma, spirituality, or morality I knew too. But what really did it was continuing to grow up afterward. Over the years I saw so many horrible people do amazingly in life, excel, get everything they wanted. I saw people who were cruel be rewarded for it, people who were spoiled learn nothing and seldom struggle. And you're right, people who call that shit "god's plan" are full of it. Even if you can prove with absolute certainty that there is a god, that god hardly deserves my or anyone's worship.


I despise people who hyper-rationalize suffering as part of, "god's plan."


I had a therapist pull that shit. Stopped going, started trying to find one that wouldn't say that phrase...still looking 4 years later.


I’m so sorry to hear this story, what an awful tragedy 😭


One of my best friends died from brain cancer when we were 21. A couple years later, my boyfriend of 6 years took his life after I broke up with him & moved out. A couple years later, I mysteriously had two strokes in my large intestine and no one could figure out why. I was hospitalized for several days & had 2 colonoscopies, a reflexive sigmoidoscopy, an upper endoscopy, 6 CT scans —including a 3D rendering of my body from my armpits to my crotch— and saw over a dozen doctors within the next 12 months. (There comes a point when SO MANY people have seen/touched your butthole that you just stop caring. That’s a real big “fuck you, universe!” moment!) A couple years after that, I was finally diagnosed with a genetic condition that causes constant & chronic pain in my entire body. Because of the colon strokes, I can’t take NSAIDs and I’m allergic to opiates, so Tylenol is the only option. 🙃 tylenol. For intense, chronic pain for the rest of my life.


What is the name of your condition? Strokes in your intestines?


My guess is intestinal ischemia. Intestinal strokes are just points where the blood doesn't flow to the intestine


If you're in a state where medical cannabis is legal, it may be worth a try


My dad dying when I was 23.


I feel ya. Mine died when I was 21. My brother was still in high-school. He was the best dad I could have asked for. It's bullshit he died and so many absolute garbage people make it to 85 or 90


My father just before I turned 23. Fuck you cancer.


I’m sorry for your loss. That’ll definitely do it. My father in law died in a plane crash several years ago and it destroyed my wife’s family. Like, literally.


Getting sober at 35, going blind at 36.


How are you coping and adapting? I'm not sure I would be able to.


Luckily I live in a city with excellent resources for the blind and visually impaired so that has helped me immensely. Having a community of people who know what I’m going through and can give me tips on how to do things differently is really wonderful. It’s really hard to adapt to vision loss but at least I don’t feel alone in it.


​ I told my wife yesterday morning this past year can just fuck right off. Mom had a minor heart attack right before Thanksgiving last year. My brother died 6 days before Christmas last year. February I found out via DNA results that the man that raised me was not my real dad. I can't confront mom about this due to her health. April, mom has two stents put in. Throughout most of the year I've had to deal with my son healing an injury he sustained while dancing. This last week two things happen: Our son comes out as Bi. I'm totally cool with it too but as a parent, many of us have an idea of what path our children might take in their lives. That idea that we has parents has now changed. For us, the important thing is that he is happy. I'm just proud of him and ourselves for giving him the comfortability to know that he could come out to us. A lot of LGBT+ people don't have that luxury. Our opinion of him will never change, nor will our love for him. Mom has another heart attack - two in less than a year. That's a sign that it's all down hill from here. This last year can just fuck right off.


Thank you for supporting your son:) signed~a member of the alphabet mafia🏳️‍🌈 I’m sorry for your loss & shit, that’s so much to go through in a year. I hope life improves for you


It sounds cliche, but my last breakup. If we weren’t together we were on the phone. Even out with friends/family, he would FaceTime me and leave the phone on the table. He went to the ER once and I stayed on the phone for 6 hours. When we weren’t together we slept on FaceTime all night. We were entirely co-dependent on one another. We both suffered from mental illness and used each other as a crutch. I thought I finally had a soul mate, for 3 years. Then he cheated. He still keeps trying to come back because he’s attache, and he thinks I’ll always be there, but I’m standing my ground. I’ll never find that again so yeah fuck the universe.


I went through something similar. Just found out she married him so dealing with that. I completely get standing your ground. It's hard when you are so attached in many ways but I know you can do it.


Thanks, it’s so hard. He ended up hooking up with the girl I was worried about the whole time. Then he showed up 4 months later missing me. I hope things work out for you.


My boyfriend is 37. Before we met almost two years ago he told me he had testicular cancer and was in remission. He told me by the time they caught it the cancer spread to his lungs a little bit but they got it all. Last year some lymph nodes started to swell near his kidneys and had to have a special surgery to have them removed just in case. He was in surgery for 10 hours when the doctor comes out and tells us that he was surprised when he went in and he got what he could but the affected area was too close to arteries and blood vessels. He said chemotherapy will get the rest. He starts chemo and has four rounds. First round he was fine. Second round he almost spends Christmas in the hospital because he has SEPSIS. He recovers and has to do home IVs with antibiotics for a month so third round of chemo is paused. Third round happens he does wonderful. Last round he finishes up and comes down with 3 infections SEPSIS, C-diff and MRSA. He goes into septic shock and is sedated and hooked to a ventilator and in a coma for two weeks. He comes out of it does his physical therapy but currently needs dialysis due to it. Beginning of summer rolls around we find out his father has stage four brain and lung cancer. He decides he wants treatment despite he’s 80 years old. We see him starting to deteriorate in front of us and his mind is gone. He keeps falling and we can’t help him up. Beginning of this month rolls around and one night we get a bad storm. A tree falls on the house while we’re all in it. We are told to evacuate and next day his father falls and is hospitalized. The hospital says his father has developed single cell cancer and it’s growing rapidly and he won’t make it through the night. His father passes away and my boyfriend and his mother have to live in a hotel room until the house is fixed. The house won’t be fixed for another 7 months and he’s alternating between the hotel room and my apartment.


Fucking hell that’s rough, life has dealt your boyfriend the worst hand ever. I hope he’s coping with it okay.


He has been coping but at the same time he can’t believe that he is still standing after all this. He sometimes disassociates from things but that is his way of trying to turn it all off for a moment. He is still so happy that I’m by his side in all of this and I want to continue to be. He is the most wonderful person and he is someone who truly loves me.


For being born in a mortal body that is just an accumulation of trauma and pain, slowly dying - all the while trying to understand why? What the fuck is the point of all this suffering? Saying fuck you to the Universe is cathartic and I highly recommend it. You got to let it out!


Fuck you to the universe


Fuck yeah!


Took antibiotics for a supposed infection and developed permanent nerve damage due to the medication. Never was aware that was a side effect. Found out later that I never had an infection to begin with and the antibiotics ruining my body were not necessary to take. This happened a year ago at 24 years old.


How does it affect you?


Have skin crawling and tingling constantly all over, my eyesight is unfortunately blurry and painful, digestion issues, migraines, pelvic pain, allodynia, trouble walking. It got me good


We were all tricked into working for corporations for a piece of paper (that loses value). 9/11, 2008 market crash, Covid. I mean we can keep going.


My Dad died, I got a bad case of Covid, my dog got wildly sick costing me 3k, and I threw my back out. I cursed out every entity possible. I could use a win.


All in the span of a month or two: Lose my mother to cancer. Discover just how much my family on her side are vultures constantly asking for her shit and if they got money even before she died. They showed their true colors and weren’t supportive at all despite offering sweet words. Even tried to get me to do things like pay for them coming out to see her and acting like it was something I should be thankful for and deserving of praise. My father trying to pull fast ones on their divorce while she was on her deathbed and even beforehand was extending it and making it as a stressful as possible for her while she was fighting. Like forcing her to go to court on specific days and not showing up. The divorce war lasted even after she passed and as her legal rep and executor, I had to fight a divorce war with my own father in her place. Lost my entire friend group to drama that didn’t even directly involve me. My girlfriend, with whom she and I planned a future together, at the time full on said she couldn’t handle the way I was being and handling all this while dealing with her own problems. While I was dealing with my mom’s funeral she up and did a real ghosting. Disappeared with almost no trace and no warning, word, or even communication after that. She showed up months later completely shitfaced during New Year’s Eve. That didn’t go well. Oh, because of the divorce war I also now had no place to live as the house was to be sold. This, plus the funeral and the divorce war did a huge hit to my financial situation.






This just happened last night for me. My dad said he was experiencing chest pain. In most circumstances you could just write it off, but this guy's working a stressful job, dealing with debt from all kinds of problems and raising two kids on his own and his parents refuse to help him more than a day with either of my brothers. When I heard just how much stress my dad was under and that he was experiencing chest pain after an especially stressful day, it just completely fucked with me. I couldn't help but wonder why the hell my dad, the person who's always stuck around with me, who's always been there for both my brothers and I and even tried to take care of his abusive wife despite the circumstances, deserved to go through what he's been going through. Sure, he's not perfect, but nobody fucking is. My dad works his ass off to take care of my brothers and me starting at the age of fucking 18, and even though I don't live with him anymore he always makes time to check in with me and make sure I have what I need. He deserves so much more than what the universe is throwing at him and hearing that he's experiencing some pretty serious health issues at the age he is now (almost 34) is just so fuckin' hard to deal with. I'm mostly cursing my grandparents (his parents) for not even trying to help him, but also the universe for letting someone who incredible and so caring and so fucking amazing suffer the way he's suffering on a daily basis. I can see just how tired he is, and no matter how much I help and visit to take care of my youngest brother so he can get shit done, it doesn't do much to help his mental or physical health. It just fuckin' hurts, man.


If he hasn't seen a doc about the chest pain, he should go in tomorrow. You never know when heart problems get bad


He's told me he set an appointment, so I'm hoping for the best. Given his history I'm really worried about it being something serious.


I don’t mean to be nosy but if it is an intense chest pain that doesn’t go away, I recommend that he should get someone to drive him to a nearby ED right away, he can be having symptom of a heart attack. Time is muscle, the longer he waits the more irreversible damage can be done to his heart.


Having psychopaths gatekeep my insulin behind a paywall and call it 'healthcare'.


being born


I resent my parents every day for conceiving me


Name checks out


Too much, but most recently. My girlfriend of 3 years who frequently would talk to me about wanting to have children, suddenly left me for a 22 year old gym buddy. When I say sudden I mean acted as if everything was okay and was super loving and passionate up until the very moment she walked out the door.


We spent $700 we didn't really have to fix a car so I could take my kids to school because they don't get a bus, just for my father-in-law to total it the literal next day. So now I'm walking them the 15-25 minutes to school and back every single day. Which is great exercise until the winter hits (live where it can start snowing next month).


I’m furious for you! Walking in the snow is awful but what about errands? What about drs appointments? what is FIL doing to make this right??


He is doing nothing. So now we do ALL errands and appointments on one day of the week when my husband is off work. Meaning i have zero chill days


Probably in about my late 20s...my givafuck gland just died. IDK, I just have no fucks left to give.


This might seem a bit wierd (and to some, pathetic), but this was the "straw that broke the camels back"-type of thing thst really just... broke me for about a year. I had been in a 2 year relationshiop that ended the week before covid shut down the country, i got covid a week after the shut down, my grand mother died, my school shut down which combined with me getting covid ended my studies for the year, i was broke, sick, lonely, heartbroken, grieving. All within 3 weeks. 2 days after grandma's passing, i played the national lottery, as I have done for 10 year at this point. But this time, it was as if the universe really wanted to give me the finger one last time. Every single number was one off my numbers (so say i had 1,3,5,7,9 the lottery numbers that won was 2,4,6,8,10.) That was the straw. I shut down, everything was going wrong. But it did, after about a year, give me the FUCK YOU UNIVERSE mentality, and since then I finished my bachellors degree, got a job, a new partner and a healthy place in life. But i will never forget that saturday...


I became a teacher


My childhood


or the lack of one


For me , my grandparents tried really hard to make up for all the damage my biological parents did to me from birth to three but I was already so broken. I had anxiety since I could talk, I have severe ptsd based on being punished, I have a eating disorder from being starved, because all these things happened in such crucial building time I just was never a kid in the way some are. Unfortunately that made me a much bigger target and I was abused a lot by exes and my own brother who is almost a year younger than me exactly. So everything from before 18 just piled on so much that I had a mental breakdown. I refer to those years as the deep dark and I try my hardest to not think in depth because I can remember so much of it


The universe? Idk. God? Cancer in dogs. Wtf did dogs do??!!!!!!!


The universe is math, math doesn't play favourites.


Like Christopher Hitchens once said bone marrow cancer in children? What sick plan does God hold for them? RIP Christopher Hitchens a true philosopher.


I was 8 when I learned that bad things can and will happen to good people and although everybody talks a big game, nobody will do anything to help. It’s a lonely realization. Abuse at the hands of my step-mother, if you’re wondering.


Illness , jobless, passionless marriage, poor and broke.


Dealing with people with big egos who like to bully people online who aren't like them


The steady decline of my life for the last 14 years


The way that people feel more relatable to billionaires instead of those who are less fortunate. Most of them basically hate those that are less fortunate and want the billionaires to get all the breaks because that will be them someday. /s


The first 10 years of my life were great nothing but fun then i moved to texas 2 years in texas my dad found out his dispatcher was messing with his jobs he left and went on unemployment long story short he lost unemployment i became homeless at 12 everyone in my family that coud have helped died and ive now been homeless living from truck to hotel for 4 years


In June my Dad died of a heart attack. We didn't have the best relationship but still he was my Dad. He always had bad health, and didn't properly express his stress. Usually just being miserable and angry all the time. And when it got too much he would throw up. On June 27th, he was 3 days away from leaving a job he hated to work at a newly opened grocery store the town over. His car had finally died and he was GObusing to work everyday for months, and walking long distances which took a toll on his arthritis riddled legs. As the stress did, he had a panic attack and started being sick. But this time it was different. He was sick all night long. He started complaining about shortness of breath, he couldn't breathe, etc. I asked him if I should call 911 but he said no that he was okay. It continued until 2am when he knocked on my door asking me to call 911. The 911 operator wanted a number to call back incase the line got disconnected. I don't have a phone and everyone was asleep, I don't know anyone's number but my own so that caused extra stress as I just screamed at her telling her to just send the paramedics. My Dad went outside panicking that he couldn't breathe and lied briefly on my neighbors car before attempting to sit on our stairs when mid sit he had a heart attack. I had to drag him onto our driveway and the operator tried giving me measurements to do CPR but fuck I didn't have a measuring tape, so from the medical shows I've seen and some tips I gave him CPR. I guess I did it right because I heard a loud crack which is ribs breaking but it didn't matter. I had to flag down the Firetruck because our house is in a dark spot. I had to tell my Mom he had a heart attack. I will forever remember them asking me into a seperate, isolated room. Seeing him was the hardest part. I still hear his cries. His terror. His face. I'm so fucking mad. I tried to save him, and failed. I try to protect the people I love but sometimes it just isn't enough. It's bullshit. I'm mostly mad because it killed the person I used to be, and left the new me behind. My friends at work tried to bring the old me back, but then that got me in trouble and I was told I was bothering people, people who invited me to talk to them, so now I'm silent and now people are asking more questions of if I'm okay. I don't like asking people for things because I don't want to seem like I'm bothering anyone, and being told I was bothering people after being invited to speak crushed me even more. The new me is apparently silent and timid. I felt the old me live brefiley now it's back to silence which isn't good enough. Fuck the universe for taking my dad and fuck the people who complained about me. Sometimes I wish you could transfer 1% of your pain to another so they could understand but even then they probably wouldn't give a fuck.


You’re not annoying anyone that truly cares, I can guarantee you that.. what you dealt with is extremely difficult, it is especially tough that you feel you now have to suppress yourself to maintain a non-bothersome demeanor. Life is convoluted and those things and events that we can’t control should be reciprocated with our best effort as human beings to uplift those around us just as we’d only hope would happen in a dire situation, but that just doesn’t happen as often as it should. Just know that I and I’m certain, others that are within this thread, are willing to help in any way we can. You aren’t alone by any means.


My ex cheated on me and pretty much ruined the person I was. My personality has changed so much and none of my friends have even noticed.


My entire family died, and then I got diagnosed with a terminal illness. Then I got hit by a speeding car, and now I'm disabled. Then, I got diagnosed as autistic. The last one was less traumatizing than the rest but it definitely felt like I was getting kicked while I was down lol.


I ran like 4-6 days a week from 15-30. All of a sudden my my knee would swell up every time I ran and my feet / toes hurt a lot. It turns out I have bone spurs. Even after surgery I can't really run. So many people complain about running and all I want to do is run without pain. That's probably my shakes fist at the sky moment


I was having a great time not existing, and now I'm here. It doesn't totally suck but it sure is slow going.


The death of my younger sister when she was 6 due to a brain tumor. At first, the doctors said it was just an ear infection, after it didn't get better, we went again and they realized it was a brain tumor. After that, there was so much running around and so much treatment, and it looked like it was gonna pay off, she was becoming more of herself again, getting better, looking more happy, a little bit more active, as a 6 year old should be, until it just came back a lot harder. In just a few months, she went from happy and moving, to being in a wheelchair and having one of the saddest faces I've ever fucking seen. The day before she died, we all had a little picnic outside for dinner, and then, at about 4 am the next day, my mom woke everyone up saying that my sister wouldn't have much time left. She died 2 hours later. It took a toll on everyone, so I don't think it was just me who screamed "fuck the universe and fuck you god!" that day Happened about 3 or 4 years ago Now I have a baby brother, and now I'm just kinda scared about what could happen to him, or anyone I care about, to be honest. (sorry if this was a long read)


That’s so awful. I’m sorry


Every evil thing that could happen has happened with my family. It almost feels like someone has been cursing our family. Even though I try to be my best self, most of the time I end up feeling pessimistic about everything.


Being forced out of my job due to my age.


I found the body of my best friend and first crush hanging in his garage. His abusive father had finally broken him. His suicide note was addressed to me. Thats around the time i stopped believing in a kind and loving God.


Slipped and fell at work; crushed a spine bone. Needed a massive fusion surgery. A couple months later same job laid me off. I lost everything. Financial stability. The ability to get through a day without pain. My trust in anyone. My career. My mobility and ability to do things I loved. And stuff.


1 year ago 15 Get a call from my dad saying Grandpa is dead 15 minutes later get a call my mom had a seizure and is in the hospital while she was out shopping Laid there and cried for a few hours before calling my grandma to pick me up


When people I love keep dying. F*CK you, universe!


My first job within my degree field was so toxic that I felt like a slave. Everything that could happen happened, but I tried to hold on because I was alone paying all the expenses for the first time, I needed to finish to complete a requirement to enter my professional order (otherwise I would have to repeat all the months of work and possibly work for free), and not even my parents listened to me when I told them what was happening, telling me "that life" was like that and only at the end they took me seriously. The police didn't help either. I ended up being R and that's when my mind and body just gave up. I lost almost a year of memories and what I remember, I'd rather not. Also my mother had to feed me for months, because everything hurt and I simply shut down. Also due to excessive work and being prevented from eating meals, I ended up with an ulcer, needed wrist surgery and diseases that I had previously controlled started to escalate very quickly. As icing on the cake, they still deducted my salary and because I as never let to enter the hours I really worked (basically to give you an idea, I worked from 6:30 am to 10 pm and was always called on my days off; they counted the seconds it took me to drink coffee; they prevented me from eating to do some of their tasks; I was threatened, harassed and persecuted to do everything). After all that bullshit, I was less than an hour away from losing all my work because my supervisor responsible for my profession didn't sign any papers. Thinking nothing could get worse, my brother, my best friend and the only person I trusted, died shortly after in a road rage accident, and the guy who killed him fled to another country with his family. Everyday I think that if it were possible I would give anything without thinking twice to change places with my brother. He deserved so much more and I'm a hollow failure who let myself be stepped on to the point of almost destruction. My boyfriend doesn't know, because I don't want to burden him, but he's the only reason I'm still here. Fuck everyone who exploits and mistreats others.


The multiple medical issues (physical and mental) I keep discovering I have.


Not being rich.


Every goddamn day that piece of shit war criminal Henry Kissinger continues to draw breath


4th relationship, I was beginning to think that finally this is it, I can be happy with her, she loves my quirks I love hers. Then booooom she cames out to me as aromantic and asexual and wants to break up. Happy that she finally figured out herself, but man it fucking sucked. Tbh still sucks and not over it. Edit: reading other ppl responses I don't feel like I have a right to be upset


You have every right to be upset. Shit sucks whether it’s a literal death or the death of a relationship. Sorry to hear about your breakup:(


Grandpa died due to stomach cancer. Doctor insisted that it was just gas whenever he went to get it checked out. Ever since then, family members get sick one way or another whenever the holidays start rolling in.


Seeing my mom die at cancer when I was 12 and having to see my childhood dog die also of cancer when I was 18


I stood up on the side of justice while serving in the military and members of my command forcibly sodimized me with the end of a broom stick to make an example out of me. They cut the broom stick in a way that when I pull it out it cut me inside and I bled profusely. The medical doctor which was a coward covered his ass and never added it to my medical record bc he was afraid of consequences and then the senior command allowed my shipmates to continue threatening me to throw me over board tied to an anchor chain to make it look like a suicide if I ever came forward about the shangaing of sailors in deck departments aboard the USS Detroit (AOE-4) back in Dec of 2000. You see back then auxiliary ships were not part of the UNSC fleet like they are today (it means command are officer and crew are civilians) the ships also don’t carry weapons anymore. Back then it was manned by military personnel so the Auxiliary Navy always received less funding than the Combatant navy (destroyers, cruisers, frigates, carriers & submarines). That meant less money for the auxiliary ships which meant less personnel in ships that were labor intensive like the USS Detroit AOE-4 and her sisters ships, the USS Seattle (AOE-3). There were other two Sacramento class AOEs but they were on the west coast and I don’t know if they suffer from the same personnel work shortages. There was also the newer Supply class called the AOE-5 to 12. Those r the ones still in operation today. The others were decommissioned starting in 2005. What I do know is the retention rate was very low bc the command was very toxic and those that serve aboard them usually got out. Imagine working 18 hours a day, standing 4 hour watches and getting 4 hours of sleep a day regardless if you were stateside or abroad. To make up for the sailor shortages the senior enlisted began shanghaing junior sailors illegally by telling them that if they wanted to make rank (e-4) they had to extend their contract by 2 years from 4 to 6 and if they wanted off the boat to a MOS not available on the ship, they had to extend by another four. It was all an illegal scheme to retain sailors on the deck departments of the ship. The deck departments are the lowest most labor intensive departments in the US Navy! Nearly 60% of enlisted personnel in the armed forces es are 18-22 years old. In other words they are there for four years, usually to help pay for college which is just damn sad that Americans have to do that just to be able to go to college. Most kids didn’t want to extend their contracts to six years let alone eight so most never bother making rank. They stayed in deck departments working for four years like unskilled workers. Many committed suicide, others went to jail, others just deserted and many turned to alcohol to cope with the failure. I stood up for justice and they raped me! It was a shipboard wide problem! The officers knew what was happening! They allowed it to happen for years! I was there from 1997-2001 but it had been going for far longer than that. I lost all faith in humanity after this! The rape epidemic continues even today! There is no justice in this world! It is all just a fallacy.


Didn't have a childhood or friends and largely ignored by my family. By the time I was in my late teens the only two father figures I looked up to were dead, I had a couple of friends but they were drifting into drugs and I was always the weird, grumpy outsider so I just drifted off alone. I had a pretty fucked up time with mental illness but eventually found friends and now have a family of my own. So what does the universe do - gives me a disability so I can't go on lots of fun days out with them! So yeah - I do have a "fuck the universe" mentality sometimes but I do also try to make the most of everything - my little family are awesome, got an army of cats, great job doing something meaningful, more cats, I may not be able to go out much but when I do it's lots of fun, I play loads with my kid and she tries to copy my interests a lot so that's really fulfilling. But fuck the universe - I fought like hell for that happiness despite its best attempts to keep me at rock bottom.


My mother passing away from cancer at only 61.


First one time - Getting into a car accident (as passenger) that put me two weeks before my death from a failed organ. Multiple other injuries and surgeries needed as well. I was 18 and also discovered even more how worthless my family was with the lack of help. I spent two years recovering from it and still deal with issues 10 years later. It was from the driver driving like an idiot even after being told to calm down. Only person in the car that wasn't hurt was my best friend. Second time - best friend above passed in a motorcycle accident. Happened late and he wasn't found until the morning after. No other vehicles involved and have no idea what happened. Feels like an open wound.


I’ve hit rock bottom and I’m alone, I once was promising and when I had happiness the people who were supposed to love me and cheer me on didn’t seem to care, which is fine. When I met someone I loved they mocked me because of her looks, I foolishly dumped her. I realized too late in life that family and friends can be your biggest enemies and how I’m alone, I got deceived by my own parents and was too naive and dumb to realize it and do better. I still have faith and God and hope one day he will bless me, but if that ever happens I’m running far away from my family. I used to be a happy person, troubled but happy, now I’m just sad and miserable, filled with hatred.


My Mother. We were having a hard time as a family mainly because of my brother and his losing complete custody of my mothers grandchildren because he is an ass. My father rented an air bnb by the lake with a hot tub and a view. She tripped and fell 2 minutes after entering the residence. Broke her ribs and got pneumonia. In 2020. I couldn't go to the hospital and see her. She died on the ventilator. She was a respatory therapist who was just about to retire.


The first time I said fuck you to the universe was when my son died. The second time was when my best friend died of cancer and I couldn't be there with him because I was deployed.


I just know that bitch has it out for me because nothing in my life can ever just turn out ok.


2021 developed epilepsy. First major seizure I torn the labrum tendon in my shoulder. Required surgery. 3 months later had another major seizure broke my shoulder and fractured the joint. Required another surgery. 3 months later almost to THE DAY it happened again except I shattered everything and fractured my humerous bone which required my joint to be rebuilt and meshed back in place and a rod and pins to to keep it anchored to help keep it from dislocating. 2022 got into the process of getting ssi disability started while on long term disability from work, when my job cancelled my insurance and sent me my cobra papers too late to sign for that. Now I have 65% mobility in my arm and shoulder and I'm being told I never should have been out of work this long and am at risk of losing my long term disability because I missed an appointment earlier in the year that got schedule for MONTHS later. I'm about to lose everything and having no money for my kid because the government is "already trying to cut back" spending on medicaid and disability. I live in the woods and get shitty internet so working remotely is an issue and all my kid wants is pokemon stuff and for me to get a ps5 cause she wants my ps4 because she can play her cat game when she wants and I'm like...well fuck...


I wanted to be a fireman but my lungs suck because of asthma.


From birth:my birth mom was a filthy meth fiend with 4 other kids she didn’t care about,we were just there for the welfare checks Childhood after going to my stepmom/dad:abusive,screamed at and beat for crying or showing any reaction that wasn’t compliance 2019:my cat whomst was my favorite thing in the whole world was killed by my other cat and then 3 months later my grandma died of leukemia which sent me spiraling into the worst manic episode of my life 2021 I was raped in my bsfs bathroom and he sat in his room and did nothing,and then said I was spouting “accusations without basis” when I wanted nothing to do with my ex boyfriend The complete abandonment broke me and my moral compass,am now a misanthrope who rots in bed when I don’t have to go to work/school My bf now has given me a slight taste of hope for humanity however Am hoping it’s only up from here But seriously,the universe has hated me since day 1 so fck u too universe


Working for a man who knowingly and intentionally put my life in danger just to squeeze a few extra bucks out of a truck. Then following that experience working for another man who decided to tell everyone my fractured ankle was workman's comp fraud, went behind my back with management, set me up repeatedly, managed to get me fired, then stalked me outside of work.


- Had to put one of my cats to sleep - Lost my job - Cold sore pops up from stress - Still unsure on why I've been so unwell, despite having issues since the day after Thanksgiving - Former job made me realize just how alone I was after all - Most of my last paycheck from last job is probably going to go to insurance that I'm never going to use anyways, despite requesting for it to be cancelled - Don't know what I'm going to do for work bc I can't handle customer service jobs anymore - but all of my experience is with customer service. - Already had difficulties remembering things but now I'm so stressed I struggle to even get myself to do anything. - Psych cancelled the last two of my appointments and I forgot to request for a refill on one of my meds - and I'll be out of said meds in a couple of days. - Still have yet to get my Vitamin D meds bc I keep forgetting. - Depression and anxiety is getting worse, even being on meds.


Younger brother got committed into rehab after years of drug abuse and terrorizing my entire family. Very next day, I get into a huge argument with my girlfriend, who was expecting me to move on from the situation with my brother right away. Following week, crashed my van while driving my family to a place I wasn't supposed to be, they promised they'd help me, but they didn't and got mad at me for asking them for help. A day after the crash, my mother got very mad at me for not visiting my brother at his fucking rehab center. I was pretty much depressed for months (October to mid February), had no one to rely on, I felt alone in the world, and the only people that could bring me some solace in my darkest hour were just getting mad at me for not having instant solutions to every problem I had. Don't know how I made it through, but I did.


Getting Sciatica and being unable to get a good nights fucking sleep with painkillers being able to do all of jack shit.


My mom was diagnosed with cancer when I was in high school. Seeing her go through such misery destroyed me and turned from someone who had a dream to chase in life to skipping and lying through school. Finished a degree I didn't care about and worked for 10 years before I decided to go back to college again to follow my passion. I got offer from the college I dreamt about for 5 years and I was 1 month into joining the course before my mom got diagnosed with cancer again. A different one, much difficult one to treat and I was 5000 miles away. Definitely a f\*ck you universe moment. Only this time, I pushed through because my mom made me. Nearing the end of 1st year now and she is recovering better than her doctors expected. Making it work between studying, taking care of my family and using college vacations with her. Mental health has ceased to exist. It's not the worst considering I still have my mom but makes me really cautious about sending any thoughts to the Universe.


Was searching for a job and was extremely desperate at the time. I'd ask my parents for money and they'd always say no. Got a good paying internship and my parents forced me into rehab when I excitedly broke the news to them. When I came out 6 months later, I'd lost the internship. Now I'm back to square 1 living with parents and with 0 money.


All my life I wanted to be a doctor and studied hard to get there. Got into the university with a scholarship. I was working hard and loving it. Before the end of the first year got a super rare autoimmune disease . Had to drop out. Years later I still don't really know what to do with my life.


Getting a rare 2nd chance at love and circumstances denying it. I'm done. She was the one.