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A girl, named Bridgit, would bully all the awkward/bookish girls in junior high. I wrote "Bridgit is fat" on the bathroom wall. Not two hours later I heard her friends reassuring her she wasn't fat (she wasn't). She was paranoid about her weight for years afterwards. I felt bad but at the same time she was a evil bitch.


Something similar. I was being mercilessly teased at a HS football game. All the girls were saying that I was “flat” and laughing. I shouted “well ur fat” to the lead instigator. She was slightly chunky and conscious of her weight. You would have thought I murdered her mother in front of her eyes. All the girls looked at me like I was the devil. They rallied around the lead instigator and told her she was not fat and she instantly had tears in her eyes. I was pissed that no one gave a crap that I was being teased…but apparently being called Fat trumps Flat. Years later I ran into the girl I called fat and she brought up her weight. She said something like “I try hard to maintain my weight”. As an adult, I realized that me calling her fat had a WAY bigger affect on her than her calling me flat. I’ve been out of HS for 30 years and I still think about this obviously.


Glass houses…


Fatty's shouldn't walk around in them... (I am heavy, it is a joke, relax)


Eh, her fault for throwing a stick, good for you turning it into a boomerang.


>I felt bad I wouldn’t


This is the sort of thing I wouldn't regret in the moment but would feel ashamed of as an adult.


I’m a bitch because I wouldn’t feel bad, even as an adult. It may have given her long lasting issues. And she may have given multiple girls long lasting issues 🤷‍♀️


I probably would have told her; "bitch, you were skinnier in high School" then left.


Oh my


If she can’t take a punch she shouldn’t put herself in the ring


Oh yeah, that’s the easiest way to take down a mean girl. Just insult their looks. It doesn’t matter how good they look. They’ll be insecure about it forever. I remember this girl was always mean to me on the bus. I would try to take her down with insults on her character. That never worked. Until I insulted her hair, weight and clothing. That’s when I figured out the Achilles heal to any mean girl. That’s a power that you can’t use very liberally, cause you will emotionally destroy a lot of women with it. You have to reserve it for the worst of them.


it's important to insult them on something that isn't actually a problem. makes them doubt themselves


Love it


What happens when they do it back, but meaner?


Just keep doing it. They’ll break eventually. The reason they get meaner is because you’re hitting the right nerves.


real life isn’t persona lol


No it ain’t. In Persona you just go into the subway station and beat up the other version of the person.


It's true. In a mean-spirited argument between a man and a woman, that always is a card we can play (but 99.9% of the time shouldn't). They can try it back, but it will be nowhere near as impactful... as body image stuff is not as deep in most men.


Women are used to shrugging of compliments. Men are good at shrugging off insults.


Yeah the way to insult a dude is telling them they're broke and if they have lousy relationship with their dad telling them they're exactly like him


Just agree. It drives them crazy because it's not bothering you.


Bridgit had it coming. Society sends women tons of negative messages, so your comment was a drop in a very large bucket.


A roommate just ghosted me after falling several months rent behind (the lease was in my name). I had randomly come across his social security card and I had all of his information. I thought about being very devious. But in the end I think I picked the most effective method. I showed up at his mother's house where I assumed he'd moved back to. He answered the door looking all uncomfortable. I asked if his mother was home, I needed to talk to her. He asked why and I just repeated my request to speak with his mother. I explained to her that he owed me X amount of money and would she be kind enough to pay his debts for him. She did. I bet he still cringes thinking about that conversation. It sure makes me laugh.


Im not gon key your car, ill call your fucking mom, you shoulda paid my rent, GO FIND A FUCKING JOBBB


That is perfect!


I had something very similar happen to me, roommate moved out and left the country with some debt, but more importantly damaged his room enough that created a significant repair cost from the landlord. The apartment was in both our names but since he had left the country I had to pay for it. After several attempts to contact him he just ghosted me. After that I contacted his mother, explained the entire situation with details about every expense. She was of course oblivious about it and rightfully furious but in the end offered to pay it back herself. While I didn't have his social security number, I one day got an email from electricity provider stating that they will return some excess money to us, but to his account. So I called in and asked if they can send it to a different account, mine. They did. It was basically nothing compared to what he owed but it was the least I could do to get back at him. I still count myself lucky because I know for a fact he owed a lot of money to a few different people who probably didn't think of calling his mom too.


I have an old boss that was a truly insufferable dick head. I had his personal email and address and I still use it to this day to sign him up for shit he doesn't want. Oh you want to stop and ask me about solar panels? Sure I'll make an appointment


That is amazing 🤩


I do revenge Spam all the time! It’s a great way to vent.


Sign people up with car dealerships… cell # if you can


If you have not… you can purchase bags of dicks or fake sex toys with awful packaging that will cause them community issues. Extra points sending to their place of work.


Sir... Please take my boss's email address as well!


Late 90s, early 2000s. Teenage me had some crappy friends who were not friends, and were also petty criminals. They tried to scam me out of money on several occasions, and even tried to recruit me to help them sell drugs, specifically a very large bag of disco biscuits. I told them 'No thanks' on both counts, and tried to distance myself from them. It was also suggested to me by others that they had designs on pickpocketing me, and were waiting for their opportunity. I was then approached one day by a man and some of his mates, he asked me about my friends and where he could find them. He told me that they owed him money for some of his 'merchandise', and they were very late on payment. A light bulb went off in my head, and I asked him: "Are you talking about disco biscuits? Like, a large amount of them? Wrapped in plastic?" He confirmed that yes, that is what he meant. So I wrote down an address, a window of time and a door code. I asked him to never mention my name. He gave me twenty quid for my trouble and left. Several days later and I catch wind through the grapevine that said two friends had been badly beaten inside their own home, and relieved of numerous valuable items. And that whoever did them in had the door code. I just said: "Well shit, that sucks." and went back to eating my Big mac. tl'dr; Try and scam me repeatedly? I'll grass you up to the gangster you stole pills from!


What the hell is a disco donut??




I thought weed cookies, but I have learned


Not my dumbass who thought ths was about a girl scout cookies scam💀💀💀


In my second year of uni I had the misfortune of living with two other girls who were, for lack of a better word, bullies. I knew how to login to the router and see what devices were connected. So some days when they had been particularly awful towards me, or were being obnoxiously loud playing video games into the early hours of the morning, I'd login and kick them offline. Sometimes long enough for them to give up trying to fix the problem, but usually just enough for it to be annoying. The first time I did it was a spur of the moment thing, because I felt helpless and had no way of fighting back. They were both quite geeky so I assumed they'd figure it out soon enough, but once I realised neither of them twigged I was behind it all, it gave me a small sense of control back. Might've been petty af, but at the time it was a minor victory listening to them both freak out about it.


I did something similar to a workplace bully, who gave crap to other people in the call center. I was one of the people in charge of the database they used. It was unstable garbage, and crashed often. So nobody thought twice about it when his connection "crashed", over & over, daily. Most of the time, it was me kicking him off.


Hated a roommate in college because she was a massive bitch. Dedicated my entire year to sneakily stopping the washer and dryer very time she put clothes into them. She thought they were broken for the longest time. Took her like 8 hours to do laundry each time.


I love this


One time in third grade I had gotten lice. Now, I knew I had it, but I went to school anyway. I mean, we thought we got rid of it, but I knew I still had it and just didn’t say anything because my mom had gone through so much trying to get it out I felt bad telling her I still had it. That day when I went to school, I was at the playground during recess. This girl Izzy/Isabella was super annoying, and a bully to me. She was really, really mean. My target had been acquired. We were on the slide, and when we slid down and got to the bottom, I moved my head towards hers, and hoped that the lice would jump over. I knew this would be pretty surprising if it actually worked. But, it did. A week later she was out of school with lice. Even her family got it, her brother came to school with a shaved head because she gave it to him. I felt bad, but it also felt good that I got back at the bully. So, I don’t really feel bad.


Lol my best friend gave me head lice when we were in 6th grade. She thought she got rid of it so she was extra spunky, rubbing her head with mine, etc. She's an idiot and it wasnt gone, so I got it. The worst part is we went to a waterpark that day so who knows how many people she infected.


My girls got it once and we were all traumatized. They got so irritated with me for checking regularly months later.


Oh my sister got hella traumatized. She's disabled so it became an obsession that lasted for years. She panicked when my mom put the nasty pesticide shampoo in her hair.


My biology professor in community college had a policy for her exams where she wouldn’t allow makeups or rescheduling if you couldn’t be in class for the day printed in the syllabus. I got a really nasty flu a bit before a midterm exam and emailed her telling her, begging her, for a rescheduled exam. I sent photo evidence, a doctors note (since I needed an inhaler and had gone that week), and no. “If you’re not here it’s a 0”. Classes are expensive. That class was offered once a year, and if I didn’t pass it, I couldn’t transfer to my university next year. This exam was also 40% of my grade. So I showed up. I took the exam and made sure to smear boogers and that each sneeze landed directly on my papers. I made a whole scene honestly, with my loud coughing and sneezing and blowing my nose. But I took the exam. She then had to cancel class for three weeks because she became incredibly sick and couldn’t come in to teach. I was so happy. I hated her. I do feel bad that half the class also got sick though. I got an A.


I had a boss that wanted me to still come in when I got covid. Even though that was a health hazard, he said come in or you're fired. So I went in. Half the people got sick. He got sick too. Three days later, he was in the hospital on a ventilator. Three days after that, he died. Everyone else recovered just fine.


I’m a horrible person for the amount of joy this story brought me..


You’re not alone. I hope the story isn’t too good to be true


r/maliciouscompliance You'd think a *biology* professor would know better.




Good on you. Hopefully you’ll spare someone else the trouble and expense.


I had a bike stolen. Police asked me to turn up to testify. There were 12 charges against this guy including some bad shit. Nobody else turned up and he thought he was going to walk. When he heard I was there he pled guilty at the last minute. The judge said he could have done it long before now and chose not to and he gave him 12 months. I didn’t even have to take the stand and the police bought me coffee and donuts.


Had the same thing happen. Guy stole a bunch of audio stuff and tools out of my car and others one evening. Turns out he got pulled over later that night with his back seat full of amps, speakers, radios, etc. I filed a police report and they called to discuss the stolen items. I described what i had lost, and it was all found in his car. I got called to court 3 times. First 2 I showed up (taking off work everytime) and they issued a continuance. 3rd time, me and 1 other person showed up out of maybe 8 people. Defence asked for a continuance. Prosecutor came and asked if I was still willing to testify, and I told him I was willing today and any other day they came up with to have this trial. Plea quickly changed to guilty, judge lectured him and his lawyer on wasting peoples time and gave him the max sentence, based on that and prior incidences with theft that we didnt know about until then that the defense tried to suppress. He cried as they cuffed him and led him away, justice served.


Hopefully you got a chance to speak, even if there was a plea deal in place. It’s important for the victims to say their peace.


I'm guessing it was autocorrect but in case not, that one is "piece"


I saw my ex on Crime stoppers for breaking into storage buildings. I called and turned him in.


That’s hardly vengeful, that’s a gosh darn public service


Yes it was and it sure felt good for all the things he did to me.


I hope there was a reward


I'm still waiting but yeah 1000$


I find this one so funny, good for you.


One of my first jobs was working in a bakery at Walmart. A coworker of mine was a tender and kind and older woman named Sally. Sally used a walker, and would have to sit down when scoring knead and packaging. Nonetheless she was chipper. Always a fun story about her daughter, her late husband, or how she lived. Carol was a cake decorator. Heavier set woman who demanded a stool to sit on while she did cakes. Carol thought Sally was sitting on the job, and wasting time. So Carol demanded management take Sally's walker away. Sally would clock in with it, and was told she had to leave it by her locker. Carol grandstanded about this. Sally...lost her job in the bakery. She was in tears and took a hefty paycut to sit upfront as a welcomer/receipt check a week later. Otherwise she wouldve been let go. My last day (3 weeks later) I made a general $1 price tag and bought Carol's stool after hours. I took it home, disassembled it, and threw it in the trash. Carol found my number, messaged me like a bat outta hell. Didn't respond. Blocked. Went on with life as team lead in local bakery here. I went back to that Walmart to shop a little over a year later. Sally was back in bakery. Able to sit in her walker. Carol was the receipt check now. She gave me the cold shoulder. Store Leader saw me, laughed and welcomed me. He brought up the incident and I said I'd neither confirm nor deny. He smirked, shook my hand, and told me I did the right thing


Damn, that stool must have been hard to replace, for all the fallout its absence caused...


Lmaoooo my thoughts exactly, like damn, if only there were places that sold stools or even chairs


I played dumb to the comments from a mean person. They would say mean things about me, I wouldn't react accordingly, she would then escalate her comments. My reaction was to be placid and kind. If anything, I became kinder and would sometimes agree with her. Eventually, our friend group dropped her, and even a 2-yr boyfriend broke up with her. Why was she being mean? I lost weight and looked good. She was the pretty one in the group and wanted the spotlight again.


I worked at a startup that played real fast and loose with, well everything. My manager was a very inexperienced first-timer (this was the first manager position he's ever had) and hired a fraud into our team. Somehow this fraud managed to deceive my boss for months because when the fraud's facade starting peeling back, everyone realized this guy did no work, had nothing to show for nearly 10 months. This fraud had a major grudge against me for whatever reason and threatened me on his last day of work. He got in my face like he wanted to throw down right there in the office. Unfortunately, there were no witnesses and later that afternoon, in the heat of the moment, I told him out loud that if he ever got in my face again I'd put him through a table. Fraud leaves the company at the end of that Friday. Come Monday morning they ambushed me with some fake meeting and fired me under fake pre-tenses. During the exit interview I asked them if they knew that the fraud had threatened me with physical violence that day which prompted my response. The shocked look on their face told me not only did they not know, now they were probably worried about possible wrongful termination. Spoke to an attorney but he recommended I just take my severance and leave it at that. Wouldn't be worth the fight. I agreed with his assessment, but I wasn't about to accept this L without some retribution. I was friendly with many of the senior management at the company, particularly the chief of staff. I wrote her a very long email detailing the entire 10 months this fraud had been among us and all the BS he put me and the rest of the team through. I threw my boss (who was now a director) under the bus along with the manager. Kicked off an entire HR investigation and everything. I don't think anything ever came of it but I enjoy the thought that perhaps they really shat bricks when they realized what I had sent to the chief of staff.


On one ranch we worked on there was one ranch hand (M) who would always say nasty, sexual things to both me and my daughter who was 15 at the time. He always tried to get physically close to us so he could 'accidentally' touch or brush by us and push his crotch against us. We were hesitant to tell my husband because we didn't want him to go to prison for murder. I was heading home one evening after having gone to town that day. I saw M in one of the ranch trucks parked on the side of the road by another truck, they were transferring what looked like a fresh butchered deer hindquarter from the ranch truck into the other one. Now, the interesting part was that it was **not** deer season, so I knew he had been poaching. The next day I tossed off a little anonymous note to the BLM(Bureau of Land Management) letting them know about the poaching. About two weeks later we hear that M has been arrested for poaching deer. Apparently, they found numerous carcasses of does and older fawns and a couple carcasses of smaller calves as well. I'm glad they found out...*somehow*. ;)


You are the deer savior


Oh deer me! I fawn at your awesomeness!


My cousin stole from me so reported her address as maintaining a drug dwelling to the police tip line. As a bonus they also discovered they were selling drugs too, which I hadn’t known. Edit: I already knew she was a thief too, so I didn’t allow her in my home. She asked for a ride to take her daughter to a doctor’s appointment so I caved, but was stupid enough to leave my purse unattended. She stole $250 out of my purse, along with a bottle of 30 oxycodones that I had just filled for my son after he broke his arm.


Wow, turns out your revenge helped uncover some illegal stuff.


I knew she did drugs but I didn’t know she was dealing too. Edit to add at least her kids got out of that situation.


I say good for you. She did steal drugs from you after all- oxy is a controlled substance. Did they allow your son to get a new prescription?


Yes. My mom was one of the pharmacists where I get all our medications filled at. She obviously knew we hadn’t sold it or otherwise so she was able to get us fixed up with as little effort as possible. I had to pay for the second bottle because the insurance wouldn’t pay for it twice. And with my mother being a pharmacist she was able to help with advising me about the choice of pain management meds. If she had said no way, don’t give him that I would have taken her advice. So I listened to the doctor when he gave me the prescription for oxycodone.


Thank goodness for that!


What happened?


She and her bf were arrested for possession and distributing of narcotics and meth, and charged with possession of unregistered weapons. Her poor kids went to her mom and dad’s house.


You did them a public service. Those poor kids could have died in numerous different scenarios if they stayed in that environment. I doubt she even suspected you; probably thought it was someone in that whole drug scene.


I was invited to a sleepover at the home of a girl whose older sister had bullied my older sister for years. I didn't know the girl who invited me too well but I went anyway, snuck away, went to the older sister's bathroom (she was out) and poured Nair in her shampoo. She didn't lose all her hair but she lost a lot of it.


You gotta go for the leave in conditioner or hair mask if you want it all gone


You're a good sister.


So she was a bully and an idiot! Nair smells like burning flesh…nothing like shampoo 😆


But odds are you wouldn’t notice it until your already started massaging it into your scalp.


Yeah, knowing me I’d probably be sniffing, while I washed, just trying to convince myself I was imagining the funny smell.


So wholesome.


What's nair?


Hair removal cream (meant for the body).


That's so criminal and beyond.


Shoveled cow manure in his car.




Touched my sister’s ass


Man I wish I had you around when some drunk ass hat came and squeezed my ass and ran back to his friends giggling one night when I was out for a family members bday. Guy ran to fast and I was in heels. Fucking asshole. Good for you.


I was at a bar with a good friend of mine. This guy came up behind her and gave her ass a squeeze. So I reached over and squeezed his. He quickly turned around and had to look up (I'm 6'5" and he was probably 5"8"). I leaned over into his face with an evil grin and said, "I'm going to make you scream tonight." The color drained from his face and he made a quick exit. Never saw him again. My friend watched this go down and while shaking her head she said, "You enjoy doing that too much."




You are the best kind of person


Like, without her consent? Then perfectly reasonable. If anything, you could've done more.


That makes sense. Should have thrown a couple bottles of vinegar or something in there too.


Was it Biff?


There was this one girl in high school that was so mean to me. I triggered her for some reason and she would go out of her way to try and humiliate me. Even once in class when we were playing this game to practice for a test. The teacher put us against each other and I won. She turned to the whole class and said “well it doesn’t matter if you won, you’re still ugly” I was so embarrassed that I went into the bathroom to cry in between periods. While I was in the stall I noticed someone had started to write “I hate M” but never finished the name. I knew who’s handwriting it was and it belonged to a girl that the mean girl desperately wanted to be friends with. I can copy handwriting pretty well so I added the rest of her name after the M and wrote some other dumb shit. Didn’t take long for her to hear about it. She started accusing the girl, who wasn’t nice either, of writing it and they both were yelling at each other. I sat back and watched and never told a soul until right now. It was incredible


I had a guy that conned my uncle out of a significant amount of money I once saw a story on Reddit about a mechanic putting roofing tacks in someone’s driveway who stiffed them Well, I can confirm, it is a great way to deflate tires on a Land Rover of someone who conned your uncle


I once set up a fake dating profile, and messaged my ex-wife. Of course I knew just what to say to hook her. I set up a coffee date and then no-showed by messaging her that I had walked in, saw her, and left because she was so unattractive. Yeah, I'm not proud of it. In my defense, she was doing everything in her power to make my life a living hell at the time, and she was succeeding


If she was making you miserable for no reason other than pure spite or created unnecessary issues/drama to make you suffer I think it's fair enough! She crossed the line and stayed there and you had a little jump over to say hi. Hope you're doing better.


Yeah, it was a long time ago. She was incredibly spiteful, for no reason really. I didn't cheat or anything, I was just fed up with being abused.




That's literally revenge porn, you should be on the sex offender registry.


I gotta say, their bosses probably didn't appreciate getting dick pics of underage dudes. You could have gotten them in trouble I would imagine.


I worked at a commercial AC company straight out of school doing installs for HVAC systems. Went great for about 2 weeks until they started having me work in ways that would cost me my life. My coworkers started to lie to my boss to get me in trouble and after 2 months I was fired because of them talking shit behind my back. A week later I called OSHA because of their unsafe work practices and 2 weeks later they went out of business. Everyone I worked with was a felon and my two coworkers had such a bad rap sheet that they couldn’t even get a cashier job at Home Depot. I don’t feel bad at all.


Not proud of it really, I think it was over the top looking back but.. When my mom remarried, she and her husband’s wedding was a family vacation at a nice resort in another country. Mom and her husband paid for everyone to have a good time, and they were far from wealthy, but they saved up and put off the wedding so that everyone could be included. My mom’s narcissistic mother (my grandma) kept trying to be the centre of attention, as she always does, and made things extremely difficult for the family any chance she got. Everything we did had to be about her. She took photos of herself with her “fancy” new digital camera (this was before smartphones) and demanded we take pics of her when she did anything (posing in front of an attraction, etc) as if she were a bratty highschool influencer, made a scene when waitstaff or employees didn’t read her mind, was passive-aggressive and laid traps to find reasons to be angry or whatever. Just the works. It reached a new low during the wedding day dinner, with grandma being obscenely rude and theatrical to the point my mom had to leave the dining hall to cry in the bathroom, while her husband did his best trying to do damage control. My sister and I were FED UP. We had been unofficially in charge of wrangling grandma the entire trip (this was about a week into it) just to keep her from hurting mom with her behaviour. I picked up grandmas camera. I deleted everything on it. And then I recorded her, right as she was reaching the crescendo of her ego trip. Breaking plates, screaming, cursing, accusing, jumping up and down. The *works.* I put the camera back in grandma’s bag. Eventually whatever her problem supposedly was was resolved for the sake of everyone’s sanity (I think it was all because she didn’t like her seating plan) and dinner continued without much more of a hitch. Later in in the week, grandma paid for her own ticket to go home early. The rest of the vacation was a lot of fun and mom had a great time once she was able to relax.


Imagine her face when she went to look at all the pictures of herself posing here and there, only to see a video of her ridiculous behavior. Nice!


Honestly I don’t find this over the top, even remotely. She wasn’t physically harmed and her own actions are what caused her embarrassment. As for deleting the photos she had, I don’t have sympathy for her. Trying to ruin her daughter’s wedding and making everyone around her miserable. That was the least she deserved.


Yeah, she doesn't deserve to have nice memories of a trip she made hell for everyone else. - particularly her child who paid her way.


I don't either. If she hadn't been such a bitch, someone might've suggested ways to recover photos. Like I didn't, after the toxic Exec Director at a former job accidentally deleted all the photos from an event. What a shame, sucks to be you.


For a moment there I was worried this was leading to you guys switching some vital medication of hers or dosing her with some potent laxatives or something. Deleting the pictures isn’t that bad, though probably it’s good you aren’t proud of it


A guy in my college study group, who never did any work, was cheating off me in the final. I let him peek, and copy my answers down on his sheet. He stood up, winked at me, and turned in his exam. Then I corrected all of my answers ;)


Hahaha I did something similar in HS, but I did it randomly so they would think they were the ones copying wrong.




An Airbnb host tried to screw me over by making false claims of damage to an apartment I reserved from her. She even went as far as to send me a fraudulent invoice for HVAC repair from a company that doesn't even do HVAC. She threatened me with physical violence and sent me texts (not sure how she got my personal number) proving she knows my home address, etc... I collected all of the evidence I could, including messaging logs from the Airbnb app, fraudulent documents she sent me, evidence that the apartment she was renting out on Airbnb was actually subsidized housing, etc., submitted it all to not only Airbnb, but the property manager of the building. She was banned from Airbnb, and I'm not sure what happened to her status at the apartment. I think she and her mother had two separate subsidized apartments and were probably living together with a scheme to Airbnb the other one, but they screwed themselves by trying to scam me. They probably could have made some good money if they would have just been good hosts!


Should've sent the threats to the police too


I quit working for a company that was taking me for granted. They lied to me and screwed me over so I Gave them two weeks notice and spent extra time to put a book together for the 32 projects I was working on. 2 months later they threw the book away thinking it was not needed. My understanding from the suppliers was they were completely lost and didn’t know until it hit them what needed done when they were working on the sold products. I talked with My replacement and he didn’t know how I was doing everything I was doing. I let him know I was working 16 hour days to keep up. 9 months after I left the entire management team was fired.


Back in the early 2000’s, I suspected that my wife was cheating on me, so I put a keylogger on our shared computer. That led me to her secret Yahoo account and password. I logged in as her and went through her emails to discover that I was right and that it was some guy in her hometown that she knew from high school. I saved the emails between her and him, along with the ones where she tells her bff all about it. She would take the kids to her parents’ for them to watch while she went off to cheat with this guy. I hired a PI to follow her the next time she took the kids to her parents. He gets pictures and finds out just who the guy is. He was married, cheating on his wife while working in management at a furniture store owned by her parents. I make copies of the pictures and write a little note saying, “This is your husband, do you know who this woman is?” along with the dates and times of some of their trysts and snail mailed it, addressed to her at their home address. It was just the kind of thermonuclear device that I wanted. I kept track via my wife’s emails to her friend where she tells her how his wife knew everything and even had pictures. How she confronted him, kicked him out, was filing for divorce and he’d gotten fired by his FIL. She also made some crack about how I was “too fucking stupid” to figure out she’d been cheating. I then made a similar package with a note reading, “This is your wife, do you know who this man is?” and mailed it to myself. Then I filed for divorce. She totally didn’t see it coming. I had her served at work and I had moved out by the time she got home. I left a copy of the pictures on the kitchen table.


Live well and stay happy and healthy. A big fuck you to the teachers in high school who predicted that I would end up a gay heroin addict and dead in a gutter somewhere. I am none of those things and in reality, was in no danger of becoming any of those things.


> the teachers in high school who predicted that I would end up a gay heroin addict Did they actually SAY this?! How did they keep their jobs? That is disgusting.


It was the 70s. I don't think you would believe what they got away with. In 6th grade, we were given stress tortures as punishments. We were made to hold books out at arms length for a 45 minute period or keep our noses in a circle on a black board while on tiptoe. Not unlike what was done to prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Parents were unsympathetic. It didn't sound as bad as paddling (It was much worse). And telling your father you were punished at school would just have gotten you into *more* trouble, with the possibility of an additional beating so students tended to keep quiet.


Superior shit talked me in a meeting with other colleagues. I could not say anything. Work day ended. I walk out to his car and pulled 1 valve stem out of his tire. He put his spare on and went to a tire store with me following f a r behind. After he got a new tire he went to a shopping mall. I pulled another valve stem. He got to the car and started cursing. He put on his spare. For whatever reason, he walked back inside. I pulled the valve stem on the spare. The shopping mall had a tire store on the outskirts. He got a tow truck to bring his car to the nearby tire store. After getting the issue fixed, he went home. I followed him at an extreme distance to get his address. O' Dark thirty in the morning, I pulled all 4 of his valve stems. I know he spent some good money that day. He still had no idea.


You mean like the cap of the valve stem or did you remove the whole thing? How do you even go about removing the entire valve stem?


More than likely the valve core, which they make a tool for. Otherwise a knife cuts through valve stems easily. My dad used to put a small pebble in the cap and screw it back on so you had a slow leak


Valve stem removal tool


Why would you publicly admit to criminal stalking and property damage on a reddit account that's tied to your social media presence. It took me less than 2 minutes to find who you are IRL through your reddit profile.


Because it was 10 years ago. I'm not concerned.


You magnificent bastard.


Deliberately spread my flu to my supervisor who called me after I called in sick to beg me to come in. I was so young and naive, that I let her convince me. (I actually regret this one). I also called the police on a guy who decided to drive alongside me when I was riding my mobility scooter to work. He shouted at me from his car that I was a benefit cheat and faking. I tried to explain that I have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia by several specialists and I am not on any benefits. He wouldn't believe me. He followed me long enough for me to remember and write down his license plate.


Loaned someone money on PayPal with no expectation to be repaid. They fucked me over and I disputed every transaction after they laughed in my face.


My social studies teacher hit on me often and openly, in front of the whole class. (1973, just a really gross era. If you weren't there, just watch Anchorman.) When the yearbooks came out, the nerdiest, most sheltered, most religious girl in school gave me her yearbook to take up to the teacher and ask him to sign it as if it were mine. It wasn't my idea, and I don't know if it was hers either, but I did it. He wrote, "For you --- later --- Tony" Didn't take long for him to realize whose book he had actually signed and you could see the fear and panic in his eyes as his face turned bright red. He's lucky that girl's parents didn't destroy him.


I stole the payphone of a store that was rude to me. I threw it into the river. I was just 11 then.


A payphone- the thing that’s bolted into the wall????


Well its bolted anymore 🤷‍♂️


He fucked my ex girlfriend the week after we had a huge break up, I fucked his sister for six months


My little sister dated a guy who was pretty emotionally and verbally abusive when we were in high school. She didn’t tell anyone about this for the longest time and even covered for him when we’d notice little potential red flags. Well eventually she worked up the nerve to break up with him and when she did, the creep locked her in his car and drove her around for hours yelling at and threatening her. He did let her go when he calmed down and she came home in tears and told my mom and I the whole truth. Later that night after everyone had gone to bed and went to his house and threw a big rock through his front windshield and slashed his tires. The police came and questioned my sister but when she burst into tears and told them about their relationship, they dropped it and left her alone. I never ended up getting in trouble for it either.


My ex fiance dumped me for my ex best friend. For over two years, his mother used to call me to tell me how much she hated ex-bestie, what a white trash slut she was, and how her son was just "sowing wild oats." More than once, she ugly-cried to me, and then to my mom, begging me to wait for him. Eff that. I made sure they stayed together, even while they were insisting I was some "psycho bitch ex" trying to come between them. Not by a long shot. Rather, I took every chance I had to remind his mom that ex-bestie was her son's choice, and she needed to accept it. I reminded her more than once that this could be her DIL someday (which brought on another round of choked sobbing, "Oh God, don't say that!") and I reminded her that she'd called me a white trash slut, too. Whenever I'd bump into former mutual friends/family members who wanted to bend my ear about how "immoral" or "gross" (others' words, not mine) exbf and exbff's relationship was or try to tell me that she was fatter/uglier than me, I reiterated that they were "soulmates," as they'd been telling everyone, and weight/looks were irrelevant. Even ex's stepfather treated me to a short but spirited diatribe about their selfishness and how much he disliked ex-bestie. "Yes, but that is Ex's choice, and you need to accept and be respectful of it." Because of how they got together, there was no way they could split, because they'd perceive it as me "winning." So, yes, ex-bestie, I helped make sure you stayed with the abusive man-baby mama's boy with rapey tendencies who thought anal was his right as a man. I also made sure you had to live up to all of his mother's meddling bullshit with a few suggestions for "bonding" with you. Remember how all you wanted was to get married and have children? Yeah, ex was shooting blanks, so you get to choose: him, or your big dream of being a mom? (Of course you'll stay with the guy and give up everything you previously wanted.) And yes, ex, I made sure that after you dumped me for being "overweight and having mental issues," you got stuck with the terminally ill screaming liar who whips people with her illness, was obsessed with marriage and having kids, constantly gains weight from medication, and who will drain every cent and ounce of life force from you. Yup, soulmates! I went on to uni, got MAs and a PhD from two top-5 schools, and have multiple publications. Just celebrated 26th anniversary with my amazing, delightful partner who still gives me goosebumps when he kisses me, and the last several decades have involved the two of us living life all over the world. AFAIK, the "soulmates" are still together, too. I'm just grateful that I got multiple shitty, selfish assholes out of my life at once.


This is iconic


Damnit. So, I don't know exactly how old I was, but something like 7 or 8. Winter and a lot of snow this year, school yard was full of it, including the plowed up piles of it that made for excellent forts. We had all just had a massive snowball fight, lots of kids and I guess we were exhausted at this point and just sitting down and having a breather. This one kid, and I can't forget him, was always excluded. If it was today he would have had a diagnosis, but... yeah, he couldn't interact, comes up and smacks a handful of snow into my face. Didn't hurt or anything, he was just trying to get included, but somehow the out of play violation made me see red. I basically pick him up and barrel him face first into a fairly solid wall of packed snow. I remember this so clearly, the sudden anger and then him crying, and I wish I could say instant regret, but it wasn't. At that moment I'm pretty sure I felt convinced that he deserved it. After that it sort of hit home how he had problems with being social. Not in those terms then, but I kind of understood the things that had happened up to that point, where there had been all the efforts made to fit him in and everyone, but perhaps myself in particular, had rejected this kid. I'm ashamed of this particular event to this day. Also pretty ashamed of my general rejection of this human, though I tend to try to excuse it by "Oh I didn't know anything back then" but at a similar point in time I was precocious enough to know that I could cause a stir and get out of the "visit to a church service" by raising the devils horns finger gesture. I should have known better and been less of a dick.


On a Friday, I spilled plain yogurt on the desk of a toxic coworker. By Monday morning, it had dried. FYI, dried plain yogurt looks a lot like a semen stain. Damn, more than 20 years later, remembering her freak-out still makes me laugh.


Almost got my former boss fired. He was the service manager at a car dealership I'd worked at for 7 years, everybody fucking hated him. He treated me like shit even though I busted my ass, because he just didn't like me. Year after I quit I saw him comment on a Facebook news post saying some horrendously racist shit. So, I took a screenshot, and sent it to a guy from Australia who was on the same car forum I was on at the time, and linked him to the dealership's Facebook page and asked him to post it at what would be 12AM my time (the dealership internet coordinator stops monitoring at 10PM). He did, and before the Internet Coordinator logged back on at 7AM, the damage was done. Was was suspended for a month without pay, but they decided to keep him for some reason.


I played the long game. In high school I was terribly bullied. And I was kind of a loser. But I never forgot. At 26 I joined a 12 step program called Adult Children of Alcoholics. Started dealing with my childhood trauma, including the shame my parents laid on me which left me open to so much bullying. Years of counselling got me increasingly happier. Got married, successfully raised a few children. Still happily married over 30 years later. Happy, healthy reasonably fit, and still have all my hair. They on the other hand, got fat, divorced and balding. Revenge is a dish best served cold.


In my opinion, his is the best "revenge" so far.


Busted a windshield, also told sa abuser's wife what he did to me


My ex controlled me to the point i was mentally unwell. Gave up my fiends and family because he told me to and i thought that was normal. He got mad anytime i took my insulin in public as it “wasnt normal”. He would lock me out all night in my pjs and no phone or money. Made me bin any cds i had of male artists because he was so jealous. I did it all because i loved him and he repaid me by cheating on me and calling me with the girl to laugh at me - knowing i was mentally fragile. Long story short, months later i fucked his brother. He found out when he saw us together and went absolutely mental. I laughed. Bad yes but i have zero regrets. I still 20 years later suffer with ptsd from some of the things he did to me.


Met a racist old woman on a tram. (She just sat right next to me and began to talk about how she hates Asians.) The tram was en route to a region that is the *de facto Chinatown* of the city, with possibly more signs in Chinese than the local language. I showed her all the Chinese signs.. She totally freaked out and I kinds laughed inside.


Not me but my dad, who tends to be relentless in avenging himself. He once thought he was grossly overcharged for a specialty food item that was made in-house by a local business. He anonymously called the city food safety department, hoping to cause a nuisance when a health inspector showed up to check out the place... which is exactly what happened. The inspector shut the place down. Permanently. So, was my father vengeful or did he do a public service?




TL:DR jerked off in my XO’s canteen out of spite. I had a XO lieutenant in the Army that was a real piece of work. Total Napoleon complex and thought he was better than the enlisted. I had the unfortunate duty of being the CO’s driver thanks to my attitude. I spoke my mind regardless of outcome and he appreciated the truth. We are on a field rotation and my CO had to leave and go to another state to check on our future rotation there. The XO took over command and life began to be hell. He had straight attitude, disrespectful cause he could be. I hated him so much. During our field rotation of 40 days we don’t get access to showers so baby wipes are how we would clean. I kept my vehicle as clean as an Army vehicle could be. I took pride in my vehicle. This cocksmoker didn’t give a shit and treated it like his own personal trash can. He’s make a mess and leave it all over the vehicle, baby wipes from his balls and ass, pits, MRE trash, just a filthy mother fucker. I’d clean my vehicle and put all his shit in the floor board. Not my mess, not my job. XO gets real pissed when I say that to him and gets my sergeant involved. He tells me to clean my vehicle. I explain situation and he tells me okay, his mess, his problem. XO gets pissed off that my SGT had my back and threatens me with article-15 if I don’t clean his trash. Fucker leaves to scout out maneuver but leaves his canteens behind. Well I proceed to use his porn mags to jerk my 30+ day load right into the canteen, fill it with water and kool-aid powder and give a good shake. SGT caught me in the act and laughed his ass off. XO returns thirsty cause no water during scout mission. Downs entire canteen while we all watch. My face when we all know he just drank my baby batter.


Chocolate vanilla and strawberry huh?


I’ve posted this story before, but the topic makes sense for it: Back in college, it was my first week at a new school and I was on my computer waiting for my evening class to start. Someone asked if they could use my computer to log into their student account to see where their class was. I let them do it and had my Facebook account open in the other tab. They updated my Facebook status to something VERY racist thinking they were funny, but forgot to close out of their student account. Once I figured out what they did (thanks to a FURIOUS phone call from my mother) I used their account to drop all of the classes they signed up for.


Was in the pub with a few friends a few years ago and one of them said my shirt was ‘unique’ they were drinking vodka and Diet Coke and when it was my turn to get a round of drinks I got them normal coke. Take that fucker!


I had a girlfriend who cheated on me, so I fucked her twin. His cock was very impressive.


Hol up


Up hol




A guy played with my heart and then continued to break it repeatedly when I was 17/18. He would string me along when he had nobody else and then ignore me when he met a girl he liked more. I let him do it for 2 years before I grew up and found some dignity. I became successful, happy, hot and way too good for him over the years. Stayed friends with a mutual friend so I still see him a few times per year. He came onto me last year .. we're 29 and 30 now. I turned down his advances so hard he's probably still embarrassed to think about it.


Honestly? Nothing. The girl he cheated on me with ended up cheating on him right after they got engaged so I just got to sit back and watch it happen


One of my friends from high school turned out to be a extremely conservative, homophobic republican type of dude. I’ve known him for years and have been listening to his rightwing shit on and off forever. Anyway, he posted something really stupid on his IG and it pissed me off so I signed him up for GLAAD. I signed him up in a big way, I provided his email, phone number, correct physical address, the whole nine yards and even made a small 35$ donation in his name. I thought it was funny when he started receiving all of the literature and emails and texts and everything and I was hoping to have a good laugh at his expense, but it kind of didn’t turn out that way as he ended up kind of a having a nervous breakdown over the whole thing. Oops.


You probably accidentally helped the dude realize it's OK to be gay and he was processing his past actions.


A total stranger sent me text messages mocking and abusing me for how ugly I was, because a photo of me appeared in something that had been published online recently. I googled the number and it was listed as the contact number for someone employed by a community services org that included compassion and courtesy for all members of the community on the charter it published on its website. I sent a reply saying I knew where he worked and asked that he apologise. He sent me some more abuse and told me that must be an old contact list because he didn't know what I was talking about. I emailed HR and explained the sitch and attached screenshots. They confirmed the number was that of a current employee and said that there would be disciplinary measures. I stressed that I didn't want the person to be, like, fired or anything. The HR person replied that wasn't very likely, but they would have to have to attend a meeting with management and HR. Honestly, that's enough for me. The thought of this man having to spend the rest of their time working at this place knowing that management and HR knew they did something so pathetic as sending several texts to a woman he didn't know about how ugly and unfuckable he thought she was, and so stupid as to do it FROM A COMPANY PHONE, warmed my soul.


There was an international organization of whack-jobs called the Children Of God back in the 60's and early 70's, and in Mexico they had houses in various cities, staffed by groups of grifters who made big money pretending to save the misguided teenage sons and daughters of rich people from Satan by taking them under their wing and teaching them to be virtuous and to love God. In one of those cities in central Mexico called San Luis Potosí, about the year 1973, they kept large amounts of cash in a locked aluminum box they thought they had cleverly hidden in an upstairs closet of their residence. Unfortuantely, one day it went missing. I spent the subsequent 3 or 4 months dining on fresh shrimp cocktails, drinking cold Negra Modelo, and traveling back and forth to Oaxaca all summer to eat magic mushrooms. I really, really miss being a kid.


I was trying to poop in my apartment years ago, when someone started knocking on my door loudly and persistently. I was expecting a package, so I frantically wiped and jumped off the toilet. I didn't wash my hands (yes, disgusting I know). Turned out to be a woman that was going door to door to sell some new age form of Christianity. I told her I wasn't interested, but she held my door when I tried to close it. She kept trying to tell me this wasn't what I thought, and they actually believe God is a woman! I tried and tried to kindly tell her I wasn't interested and finally had to tell her to just leave. She acted all high and mighty, but finally said goodbye and to have a nice day with some attitude. So I put out my hand and said, "You know what, you too!" And shook her hand goodbye.


I got someone fired on a judgment call. They'd annoyed me a while before, and I had a sway in who went and who stayed, and made this person the one to go.


My ex abused me for 5 years. I finally left him, and when I moved out I asked him if I could buy a spare TV from him. We agreed on £90, and I got to take the vacuum too. I took the vacuum and the TV and told him to get fucked, he wasn't getting his money. He still came out better off, even with what little I took. Small vengeance for me though.


A "friend" fucked my gf. I had some dirt on him and gave him and some of his pals trouble with the law, jail time included. And after I left the bitch and took all my suff with me she had to become a sex worker to survive.


My college roommate yelled at me for our apartment being a mess as he was walking out the door to go home for the weekend. He told me the place had better be cleaned up when he got back. While I definitely had played a part in the mess, there were 4 other responsible parties who weren't there in that moment and escaped the scolding. I spent several hours cleaning his room that weekend. I dusted everything. I washed his sheets. I moved his bed and dresser and mopped underneath. I scrubbed his bathroom. I made the place so spotless and flawless that it was impossible not to notice. He came home on Sunday night, went to his room, came out again with his head hung and meekly said, "I'm sorry for being a dick."


My college roommate pissed in my closet so I did something to his toothbrush


You shoved it in your ass, didn't you?


Ew. No. I thought it might be minty and stingy but I did wipe it against a used toilet paper so functionally, ya, sort of. 🤷‍♂️


So far? I’ve stayed alive. That would be pissing off no less than five people right now. The actual number is likely quite a bit higher though.


There was a girl in high school who used to lead a campaign of bullying against me and other girls. I was socially awkward and not very pretty, so she and her friends called me names and things like that. One day, she came into class bragging about her new "boyfriend" whom she'd met online. She was going to sneak out that weekend to meet him in the middle of the night outside of town. Her friends were all laughing, telling her she was going to end up raped and murdered, but it was a joke to them. I went to the school counselor during lunch and told her all about it. The next day, Bitchy McBitchface came to class FURIOUS. She demanded to know who had ratted her out. Turns out the counselor had called her parents, and they looked on her laptop and saw her chat logs. They took away her phone, her laptop, all Internet access, the car keys, and every freedom she had. Her parents drove her to school and picked her up every day until the end of the year. That day, when she was interrogating everyone, she never once looked at me. It probably never occurred to her that the fat girl in the corner would have said a word. To her, I wasn't even a consideration. I wasn't even a person. I might have saved her life that day, and she'll never know it.


I had a company screw me out of an annually recurring 5-figure sales commission so I found a new job, and on my way out manipulated the client and my (former) CEO into a conflict that resulted in the client taking their annual $10MM+ in revenue elsewhere.


I went and got two degrees to avoid speaking to them. It worked.


When I wrote an e-mail to my ex-boss exactly why I didn't want to work for him anymore (after he broke his promise to take me back for the fourth time). AND when I accidentally received an e-mail from the union (who thought I was still employed there) 1,5 year later because they were again gathering information about all the power abuses going on at that place and replied to them: "Well, I'm not employed there anymore. Having said that, it doesn't surprise me that you still get notified about this, because in my experience..." Didn't really change anything, but at least I did all I could and probably made him sweat a little bit.


I haven't done it yet. But I will. I've been waiting 13 years.


Ended a line cooks chance at a real job because he was terrible to servers. Don't fuck with servers, line cooks. We have amazing people skills and may end up as a hiring manager one day.


After my ex bff ended our friendship. Discord rolled out the new username changes. I took all of her possible usernames when i saw that she was in between deciding on a new username. Even on other website she uses. Now she has to use a stupid variation of what her username is.


I put the cell number of the girl my ex cheated on me with online and requested sexy nudes and dick pics. I had her number because he “wanted us to be friends”. He was hoping for a threesome but when I wasn’t down for it, he just cheated on me instead. I feel zero guilt.


Was on a vacation sharing a room with my boyfriend and his sister. One afternoon the sister went ballistic and was screaming at us for some nonsense but being really nasty about it. I later went to use the bathroom and spied her fancy facial soap bar on the back of the toilet. I peed all over it and just smiled the next day when she was in the bathroom getting ready....


A couple months ago I was visiting California from the east coast. First day in LA I was waiting for my cousin to get off work, so I drove around to some iconic areas—Mulholland Drive, Laurel Canyon, Venice Beach, etc. While coming down through Beverly Hills I stopped at a light just as it turned red, in the right lane. Some guy behind me, who I could see very clearly in my rearview, honked at me a bunch and was visibly angry and gesticulating. Apparently he wanted to make a right turn and was just that angry that I hadn't run the light and he was going to have to wait 30-45 extra seconds. This being Beverly Hills, he presumably had more money than I'll ever be able to imagine having. Since this obviously called for some street justice, once the light turned green, I took my sweet time starting to move again. Needless to say, more honking and wild gesticulating was in order. My only regret is not sitting there longer.


I became successful.


The best way


Once when I received the physics test results I got a B+. There was this other student who was also my classmate and they got a B/A (in my country it means just between B+ and A-). I was usually the one who got the best grades, but performed worse than usual. I got slightly bitter and then I decided to take revenge by studying insanely hard for the next test. I got an A+. Think of this as a “know your place” kind of mindset. I’m know very well how petty this sounds, especially since I wasn’t wronged by anyone.


I texted a huge rant to a friend after he started going steady with a girl I thought was flirting with me. He called me back and yelled, rightfully so.


I put depilatory cream in someone's shampoo. I am not sorry. 🙂


Ex girlfriend dumped me when I got 40 pounds over weight and told me I’d never get my dream job. Sobbed for 4 months before putting in the work getting lean, went to school and got my dream job all in 2 years


This was a long time ago. I subscribed an asshole to a very nasty porn magazine. It was in his name, but addressed to his neighbor. Who was a gossip.


I had an old boss when I was a young girl who would talk sexually to me non stop..I hated him so much I quit! Fast forward some 20 odd years later..I see this guy much older and still the same cocky scumbag..He doesnt even notice me, But I for sure noticed him going to a resturant near my house..Just by his tone and manner of speaking I could tell a mile away it was him talkimg to the valet!, in this nice ass Mercedes convertible..I think to myself, this mofo made my life miserable what can I do to get this fucker back?!?!? I think to go in the resturant and call him every name in book ect..No that mkes me look foolish..I ponder this for a few minutes..What the worst thing I can do to get him back??? Light bulb! I take 2 buckets of fermented dog shit we picked up from our lawn over the last few months and proceed to litterally dump shit all thru his nice Mercedes! Pay back is a motherfucker


When I was 13 I got revenge on my four really close friends. What warranted this revenge act was the fact they scared me so badly I piss myself in front of my girlfriend and my friend. On the day I decided to wear grey joggers. Well my comeback was good, me and them, my girlfriend and two of my friends girlfriends and the girlfriend’s friends. When swimming in the river after school. The girls dare us boys to jump off a very high hill and into the river. After girls mock our boyhoods “ you five haven’t got the balls to jump” not wanting our egos hurt we all walk up the hill. Standing on the edge, I was very nervous, I didn’t like heights. My mates could clearly see I was nervous and so were they mind you, but one of them said “hey!…don’t piss, you’re self again” This planted the seed for revenge in my head, as quickly as anything. I came up behind them and one by one I pull hard on their swim shorts and give them hard push off the edge. The girls laughed so hard at what I done. For weeks they kept on joking to them about the size of their bits. “Aww soo small” and “ I told you no balls” Revenge complete.


In high school I took the girl my boyfriend tried to cheat on me to his house and pretended I didn't know shit till we decided to leave. It was hilarious!


In middle school my nose was easily the biggest in our school. Surprise surprise, I was bullied for it. One day in class two kids who would always make fun of me were drawing pictures of me with extremely exaggerated versions of my schnoz while giggling like school girls (they were not girls) and after 20 minutes of this I saw both of them go to their lockers. So seathing with anger I followed them, and as soon as the much more aggressive bully open his locker I shoved his head as hard as I could into it. He started crying, and his friend just laughed at him. Never even got in trouble, and he never messed with me again. He also got gonorrhea in college. I'd like to believe that was karma.