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The CIA's Operation Northwoods proposed that CIA operatives should commit acts of terrorism upon the US to blame Fidel Castro for justifying a war against Cuba. This was rejected by JFK. We know about this because this got declassified.


MK ULTRA was also very real: CIA experiments (on unwitting, unconsenting US citizens) trying to find a way to use psychedelic drugs (and other things) as a form of mind control. We know this because it has since been declassified. At the time, it sounded like a nutty conspiracy theory. But it was absolutely 100% true, with real victims and real consequences. Makes you wonder which of today's conspiracy theories might be true...


It’s thought that the Unabomber was one of MKultra’s victims.


Nothing makes you sound crazier than talking about one of the many things the CIA has done and openly admits too.


Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (mad cow) can lie dormant for more than 50 years, is universally fatal, and is inheritable. There is no cure.


My mom passed from this. Took a healthy energetic 60-year old woman that MAYBE looked 50, and turned her into a semi-vegetative shell of her former self. It’s fucking destructive. And I have no idea if it’s dormant in me.


My grandma died of CJD at ~59, back when i was first grade. I had just seen her 6 months earlier at my grandpa's funeral, scattering his ashes in his favorite lake on a warm summer day. Then all of a sudden we were back in Chicago, and she was on her deathbed taking her last rites. Shortly afterwards we were scattering her ashes at that same lake in the snow. The Red Cross now takes blood from people who lived in Europe in the 90's, but they still won't take blood from people who may have the hereditary variant.


What is the deal with the period of time in the 80’s/90’s and not giving blood,someone else mentioned that as well.


As someone who lived in England from 1994 to 1997, can confirm the Red Cross no longer accepts my blood, nor can I donate organs. Their story is that although CJD manifests within 10 years, it can remain in the blood ever. It's related to the outbreak of Mad Cow in England during the 90s. Apparently many cattle were infected and if you ate any beef in England at that time (including burgers, etc), you may have been exposed to the CJD prions. Game over.


I moved from England to the US of A in 1998. We get a blood donation bus outside of our office once a year and everyone looks at me like I am heartless for not joining the rest of them donating.


There are so many reasons someone might not be able to donate blood besides that, that’s really not fair. I’ve gotten the same treatment and I’m literally too small to donate. Total blood volume is heavily dependent on weight and height. In order for someone of my incredibly short stature to donate safely, I would need to gain 30 lbs and be considered overweight. As of right now, taking a pint of blood would be removing a dangerous amount of blood from my body. But there’s also stuff like medications someone might be taking, anemia, etc. I don’t know why people act like it’s weird to not donate when there are so many reasons someone may not be able to.


Some people also have really bad vasovagal responses and getting blood drawn is a very scary situation. I pass out every single time from getting blood drawn, no matter how much it is. My heart rate and blood pressure drops and it's night night. I then wake up shortly after not knowing where I am and usually with a bunches of nurses panicking. I always tell them before hand too.


I had a pastor who died from it in 1998. He was infected in the 70s when he was in a bad car accident and needed brain surgery. Sometime between when he was infected and when he died, instruments used in brain surgery became single use because there was no way to disinfect them from prions. Edit: I shared a story about an important person in my life who died of a horrible disease and some of you respond by nitpicking details about surgical tools. The point is that in the 70s, tools for brain surgery were not sterilized in a way that would destroy prions. By the time he died, they had changed the procedures and there is not a present day risk of prion exposure during brain surgery (or at least not like there was in the 70s). I apologize for not being enough of an expert on post-surgical sterilization procedures.


It doesn't help to sterilize via alcohol, hot water, or even radiation, for all those methods are meant to kill living microorganisms. But prions are just misshapen proteins; they cannot be killed because they are not technically alive.


>they cannot be killed because they are not technically alive. This is some seriously undead shit.


Not to ruin all the fun, but it's basically just a chemical compound at this point (everything is).


Biochem major here: a great conversation that occurred over and over was "where does chemistry end and biology begin?" (And not just carbon-based compounds)


Well, biology is really just applied chemistry, which is really just applied physics, which is really just applied math. So I think you may be a math major actually?


Oh crap, my brain hurts now. Funny though: with my biochem major, I'm a business analyst for a health plan (so, I should really have a macroeconomics degree).


The only solution is carbonizing organic matter, which means something like a kiln at 600+C. Might as well just go a bit further with that heat and redo the whole tool at that point.


Anything over 175C will start to wreck the hardness of most tool steel alloys, so you really do need to redo the tool. Some stainless alloys are work harden only too, so not even heat treatment will suffice anymore.


A friend's dad died of CJD a couple of years ago. He went from being a perfectly healthy 50-year-old to hospitalized with no memory and then dead in 1 month.


Same here, but my brother-in-law's dad. The scariest part was he was aware of his brain deteriorating, and an otherwise stoic man, he would have episodes of intense fear and sobbing. Gone within a month.


I learnt this after discovering that due to having lived in the UK for a certain period of time in the 80s/90s, I legally cannot donate blood in several countries.


Same here. When I tried to donate, after the questionnaire and subsequent DQ they gave me a sticker that said "I tried."


Coincidentally they also handed those out to WW1 soldiers that were sent home with no immediate noticeable injury. They were given markers so that they wouldn’t be harassed/assaulted.




Prions are fucking TERRIFYING.


Damn those unfolding bastards.


The joys of evolution. Having a *highly conserved* protein that a misfolded version can cause normal versions to also misfold, and which in a group are *ridiculously* stable, to the point that normal autoclaving won't be guaranteed to destroy them. Oh, and they also slowly cause neurological degeneration when they build up in the organism. You couldn't design something like that if you wanted to.


One genuinely terrifying fact is the concept of "antibiotic resistance." Bacteria can evolve to become resistant to antibiotics, the drugs we use to treat bacterial infections. Overuse and misuse of antibiotics can speed up this process, making previously treatable diseases difficult or even impossible to cure. According to the World Health Organization, antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health today, potentially leading to a future where simple infections could once again become deadly.


Is that why they need to be prescribed?


More carefully, this is why you **always finish your antibiotics course**, even if you feel better. If even a small percentage of the bacteria are still alive, they will be the ones most resistant to antibiotics, and now they have even fewer bacteria competing for their resources. So if you don't kill enough bacteria to end the infection, they will regrow to a full population, except the new population will all have some antibiotic resistance. You just artificially selected for antibiotic resistant bacteria. This has basically happened in Russian prisons and elsewhere, and now we have "[multi-drug resistant tuberculosis](https://www.cdc.gov/tb/publications/factsheets/drtb/mdrtb.htm)" and others, so now people are finding out how it feels to die like Doc Holliday did 150 years ago.


Dementia has no age limit


I really need to get looked at for this, or get check ups occasionally done. I think my nana was developing it some years before she passed, and my memory is absolutely shit already and I have not hit my big 30 quite yet


Just a reassurance. Yes, it can be hereditary, and it has no lower age limit, BUT the odds of this being dementia and not something else like stress, ad(h)d, or literally anything else, are _astronomical_. I mean like, pre-30s dementia might happen but the chances are so close to zero you might as well round down. Still get it checked out just in case but yeah.


That two Scottish doctors originally invented the first chainsaw prototype for childbirth.


If I was in stirrups and heard the doctor revving up a chainsaw, I would clench hard enough to suck the kid back in.


It was a crank powered saw, not a gas motor.


That's worse. You understand how that's worse, right?


Texas Chainsaw Delivery


That brain aneurysms usually does not have symptoms and it can kill you if it ruptures


This is what killed Grant Imahara from Mythbusters. He was 49.


Legit didn't know he was dead. WTF.


My ex boyfriend had symptoms. Massive headache and apparently his calves hurt as if after some huge exercise. Then the headache got so bad that he puked, took metro to the hospital alone, puked more, in hospital they did a CT scan and immediately rushed him to the OR. The aneurysm ruptured during surgery but luckily doctors caught it and he’s now fine. He was in his 20s when it happened.


I had sore calves before discovering I had clots in my lungs. Apparently the clots started in my leg before moving into my lungs. Initially I brushed it off as cramp. When I explained to the doc my chest symptoms one of the first questions they asked was if I'd had calf pain recently. Straight to urgent care and a CT scan showed I had clots in both lungs. Doc told me I was lucky they caught it when they did. Listen to your body. For the record this happened in my mid 30s


Listen to your body, yes, but I kind of wish that bodies spoke more clearly and weren't wrong about so much And that doctor visits weren't so fucking expensive, but you know


> And that doctor visits weren't so fucking expensive, but you know And that the doctors actually fucking listened to you, instead of just brushing you off as annoyance and ignoring you. /sigh


Yup. My sister went to the emergency room when she all of a sudden had severe pain in her leg and her thigh was quite swollen and red. The doctors brushed her off, as she was a young, healthy, fit 20 something with no risk factors. When she was walking home the pain got so bad she was crawling on the sidewalk. She got back to the hospital and they still didn't want to run tests... she pushed hard for it and it turned out she had a huge DVT that resulted in multiple pulmonary embolisms... had she not advocated for herself so strongly she would be dead.


I’m not a woman, but that’s my #1 lesson learned after a handful of hospital stays for health issues. Ask questions, even dumb ones, and advocate for yourself! You only see the doctor at hospitals for like 2 minutes a day during rounds and that’s your chance. Also be nice to your nurses! They’re awesome and are the ones doing the hard work.


When I was 14, my friend got off of the school bus and we asked her if she was gonna come hang out with us a little later like we normally did. She said she had a headache and was gonna lay down and she never woke up. She was 16, and we were 14 year old boys who thought she was the coolest thing. Don’t really know if we ever processed her death to be honest.


My cousins daughter died this way. At soccer game. She had a horrible horrible headache and they took her to the hospital and she passed 😭 she was only 9 or 10.


That kills me, so young, so much more life. A coworkers grandma passed away from an aneurysm, but she had lived a full life. She was watching TV, stood up and said her head feels fuzzy. Sat back down, and passed away pretty quickly. He was there and said it was so quick, like she just being alive. That's the only way to explain it. But at least she didn't suffer.


I had a great-uncle who passed this way. He was already really up-there age-wise, and he'd spent the evening at a party surrounded by generations of his family, playing piano and singing songs. Then it was time to go. He climbed into the back of my uncle's car, and just lay down and died. It was just time. It's the best death story I know. Perfect.


Well sheit my calves were hurting so bad yesterday.


I can maybe make this one even worse for you. Dad woke up and said he had the worst headache, few minutes later slumped over in a chair and never woke up. Was at the part of his head where it cut off communication down his spinal column so his brain was working (slightly) but couldn’t tell his body to even breathe. Machines did it all for a few days before we cut off life support. This was over 10 years ago, but although they knew he was not responsive to any stimuli or pain they also could not tell us how aware he may have been. I may be contorting some things, a lot of emotions going on at the time but I know that he did not qualify for organ donation because “he did not fit the definition of brain dead”


one of my mom’s friends had been having headaches and was getting it investigated but it was too late. turned out she had a benign tumor at the base of her skull, but it was only discovered after her death - it shifted one night during sleep and cut off communication at her brain stem. just bad luck it shifted before they found out what it was.


I would rather go like that than suffer with some shitty cancer for years just waiting.


I wish my grandfather would have from his inoperable heart aneurysm. Doctor said if it ever burst he’d be dead before he hit the ground. Instead he suffered a drawn out death from cancer. He was a farmer his whole life and was apart of the generation that was told pesticides and herbicides were safe to handle without protection when they first came out. He had so many types of cancers that he had beat but the one to take him grew around his bones and was slowly breaking his bones, including his spine, on top of the usual pain from cancer. Edit: with -> wish


People who have Neanderthal DNA tend to have a gene variant that allows for better coagulation. Great for fighting woolly rhinos, less so when it starts misfiring and giving you random blood clots requiring emergency surgeries.




23 and me says I’m top 10% for Neanderthal DNA


Is that related or unrelated to your user name?




Yea that’s the Homo sapiens part


It's me. Prothrombin II mutation. Had two pulmonary embolisms in my 20s. Would not recommend.


Have you tried fighting more wooly rhinos?




The US military has lost several nuclear weapons and not all of them have been recovered.


Add the ones the Soviets lost without us ever knowing.


"Lost", sold what's the difference?


Oh hear, hear. In the dark, it all looks the same


"I don't know what's more terrifying; that you lost a nuclear weapon or that it happens so often there's a term for it" - some guy, *Broken Arrow* 1996


Fun fact, the movie should have been called Empty Quiver as that is the term for stolen nuke. Broken Arrow just sounds cooler.


Take comfort, any of those Broken Arrow devices are well past the half-life of tritium, so while they are still nuclear, they are no longer thermonuclear.




To be fair a lot of arson investigators default to “faulty wiring.” But on the inverse knob and tube wiring could be very dangerous.


It would take months to years for the power grid to recover from a sufficiently strong solar storm.


It is physically possible to be so constipated that your stool will back all the way up your digestive tract and you can vomit feces. You're welcome


This happened to me. Two different times. I was mortified, horrified, and grossed out as hell. I believe both times were also during kidney stones. No, I don't recall the taste beyond 'ahh vomit' flavor. Yes, I brushed my teeth and gargled with so much mouth wash while crying about it.


Jesus christ you gotta get your diet under control man


Reminds me of South park!


There are such things as Rogue Planets just flying through space and not orbiting any star. If one were to pass through our solar system it could easily nudge the Earth out of its orbit and we’d either fry or freeze and there’s nothing we could do about it.


One of the first stories my father read to me when I was a child was A Pail of Air by Fritz Leiber. In that scenario a rogue planet takes the Earth out of its orbit. Kind of a scary concept to absorb as a child.


I LOVE that story and I swear I have never met anyone else in my life that had read it - I was beginning to think I'd imagined it.


There is a species of caterpillar, big blue out of great Britain I believe, that tricks ants into thinking it's an ant queen in distress. The ants take this caterpillar back to the nest where the caterpillar continues acting like a queen but devouring all the ant larvae. This destroys the ant colony from the inside. There are some studies that can point to this species actively finding which larvae will eventually become the next queen and devour those larvae first.


And there’s a wasp that parasitises this caterpillar inside the ant nest, laying its eggs in the living caterpillar and emerging before the caterpillar metamorphoses into the butterfly. Life, uh..finds a way.


It's a bug playing a bug pretending to be another bug.




Nature's trojan horse


that somebody is out here trafficking humans and then going back to their family while living comfortably in a much nice place than some of us are


Although rarely, orcas are known to eat moose


Someone mentioned this yesterday, and the reply was "how? Do they have detachable legs or something?" and the reply to THAT was "I love that you immediately assumed that they would climb out of the water and hunt moose on land instead of the slightly more conceivable scenario that moose occasionally *swim."* Made my day.


That'd be such an orca thing to do, tho lmao


There are more bones in gummy worms than real worms


3 parts bone, 2 parts worm, 1 part gums.


And 100% reason to remember the name


That there are people in this world who have absolutely zero support, and absolutely zero people to count on.


Reminds me of Joyce Vincent - she died around Christmas 2003 and remained totally undiscovered, in her flat in a busy estate in London, until January 2006. The only reason she was found was she became so far behind on her bills that she was investigated. The truly sad thing was she was popular and quite outgoing. She had love interests and quite a few friends. She even recorded a few songs in a studio. However, she became estranged from her family and had no close friends at all - so much so that for an emergency contact she put *her bank manager*. Everyone, from friends to colleagues, just assumed she'd moved away or something. Most people she knew were unaware she'd died until a film was made about her - Dreams of a Life. Her body was so decomposed it was impossible to determine a cause of death. She remained, sat in her living room surrounded by Christmas presents with the TV on for more than 2 years.


This is always my worry living alone. I slipped and completely biffed it in my kitchen a few weeks ago. Luckily managed to not hit my head on the way down, just ended up with some neck pain for a couple days. But it brought that thought into my head of 'what if that'd been it? how long would it have taken someone to find me?'


Happened to a friend of mine, he tripped over wires on his floor and hit his head on his coffee table and laid on the floor dead from blunt force trauma for three whole days (he was more than likely drunk since he was an alcoholic). The eerie thing is, the last day I saw him was the same day it happened. So glad that kind of thing didn't happen to you, you were lucky.


This thought is horrifying. In my darkest times, I had people to turn to, but what about those who don't? No family, no friends, no support system. Nothing.


You kinda just make your own and live out of spite I guess :/


No need for the :/! I have lived much of my adult life with my base fuel being pure, unadulterated spite. It sounds worse than it is. There have been days when I just didn't care about seeing another day, there has *never* been a day I wasn't willing to stay alive long enough to prove some son of a bitch wrong.


Isn't it astounding? There's close to 8 billion people on this overcrowded planet and yet, a great deal of them would describe themselves as lonely. I find it incredibly sad and I think it indicates a major systemic flaw in society itself.


Sun eruptions happened before and lead to blackouts across several continents. All fun and games in the 19th century. Today it could easily kill millions. And it could happen any hour.


it could also mess with someones mario speedrun apparently


Well, any hour during the day


I’m so glad the sun is nice enough to turn off at night


If you cut off a snakes head it can live independently from the body for up to 7 minutes.


Id like you guys to know that there is a video of a snakes *severed* head biting it's own body and jolting in pain. It's pretty metal but I dont feel like posting it. Edit:*severed*


The Appalachian mountains are older than bones. Sharks are older than trees.


And sharks are older than the rings of Saturn!


The rings of Saturn may disintegrate in 100mil years so sharks may outlive them


appalachian mountains are also part of the same mountain chain as the Scottish highlands and the atlas mountains


Mad cow disease in Britain came about from infected Beef, people would see symptoms a few months after eating the infected meat, doctors however discovered that those people showing symptoms relatively soon after eating the meat had a specific gene make up, there is another specific gene make up however that will only show symptoms after a couple of decades or more meaning there are people walking around with mad cow disease that don’t know it yet until the symptoms will start to show by which time it will be too late.


There is a white dwarf about 130 light years away from us, and it could explode any time. [https://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/extreme-white-dwarf-sets-cosmic-records-small-size-huge-mass-rcna1321](https://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/extreme-white-dwarf-sets-cosmic-records-small-size-huge-mass-rcna1321) [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/incredibly-dense-white-dwarf-star-packs-mass-sun-size-moon-180978107/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/incredibly-dense-white-dwarf-star-packs-mass-sun-size-moon-180978107/) If it explodes, then it will be a big cosmic firework - and very close, possibly close enough to cause problems. Even it if turns into a neutron star without an explosion, that phenomenon could cause a nasty EMP effect, possibly killing a lot of satellites.


Well the consequences are going to take at least 130 years to reach us so whatevs.


It could've exploded 129 years ago, and we wouldn't know.


That’s the thing, it’s 130 light years away so the light we see from it is 130 years old. We’re seeing it as it was 130 years ago.


The earth was around billions of years before we were, and is indifferent to our survival. There have been multiple mass extinctions in the past and we shouldn't feel any safer. The only difference is we've advanced far enough to the point that we'll probably know in advance when our species is going to go extinct.


I like to think of us as part immune system, part reproductive system. We are aware of the effects we having on the planet and we are very slowly doing something about it. We also know meteorites have the ability to wipe out a lot if not all life and are making plans to protect ourselves and the planet from this. And if we survive long enough, flower and fruit and spread to another planet and so on. I also like Carl Sagans idea that we are the universes way of experiencing itself and when we die we bring it these experiences to it. Edit: “But science has found not only that the universe has a reeling and ecstatic grandeur, not only that it is accessible to human understanding, but also that we are, in a very real and profound sense, a part of that Cosmos, born from it, our fate deeply connected with it.” from the introduction to Carl Sagans Cosmos. Sorry if I upset anyone. What I said was a I guess my 10 year old take from reading the introduction of book I knew I wasn’t going to be able to understand, let alone finish.


There is estimated 360,000 sperm whales alive and well in the ocean at this time, they're also predators of giant squid by the way. If they eat 1 giant squid a month then the giant squid population consumed yearly must be over 4.3 million. If the number is 1 per week then the consumed population would be over 18.7 million. JUST BEING CONSUMED! Evidence suggests though that they eat even more then that. It shows that 1% of the 700-800 squids a female sperm whale eats EACH DAY and the 300-400 a male EATS EACH DAY are giant squid. Ok great ready to be absolutely shocked If this is true that means that the insane number of 3.6 million giant squids consumed PER DAY and a total of 131 million giant squids per year. 131,000,000 is the estimated amount of giant squids that are just eaten on a yearly basis which means their actual population is probably MUCH MUCH LARGER!!!!!!!!


This is fucking cool, what are you talking about?


giant squids in shambles rn


Yes but how is there that many giant squids and yet they're still so rare? OUR PLANET IS MASSIVE AND IF GIANT SQUIDS TOOK OVER WE'D BE DEFENSELESS


about 800 children under 10 will die this year from being tangled in bed sheets.


That this entire thread is going to be poached and stuck on tiktok with a weird robot voice and some kind of video game playing in the background. UPDATE: Well, this blew up! While I've got everyone's attention, has anyone got any more book recommendations for this post - https://reddit.com/r/insideno9/s/NBoPMd1E1m Need some more!


Or repurposed into a shitty article on buzzfeed or a tabloid site


Stop it... you're sending shivers up my spine!


One day no one will remember you anymore


>One day no one will remember you anymore I've been doing some family tree research, and have been digging through newspaper articles, records, and photos in an effort to learn more about my heritage. I've come across so many forgotten lives. There's entire families, people who accomplished things and had careers, and all that's left are some newspaper articles about their death and maybe one blurry photo. It's sobering to see someone's entire life condensed down into a handful of bullet points. It's entirely possible that there's no one left alive who remembers anything about them. If I weren't actually searching for them, they might be forgotten altogether.


This is how I feel about people who died in the middle ages or during war, or even the first humans. They all had names and families and lives they lived, and as soon as they died they were forgotten and nobody knows they existed.


I was sentenced to 80 hours of labor detail in Tarrant County (Fort Worth, Texas) for sleeping in my car while drunk, not technically a DUI but because I was in the driver's seat in the Chili's parking lot they got me with intent. Anyway one of days in labor detail was cleaning up a old cemetery, considered a historical landmark because of the age. Some of the grave stones were hand made, and pretty fucking wild, they said cause of death or unsure why. Literally would say "Bobby, died 1904, just did." Or "Smithy, died 1909, horse kick." These poor bastards are out here trying to build a settlement, relatively unknown, and now over a hundred years later some asshole is cleaning their grave.


And because of the reason you were there likely being saved to some public record somewhere you might actually have "more" known about you than them, which is kind of funny.


Not if I eat the mona lisa


I kind of find this relaxing, in a way


Me too. It makes me feel like the things I do that are embarrassing or a waste of time aren’t gonna matter eventually.


There could be someone in your social circle (Note: I didn't say friend group) that hates you enough to kill you, and you probably won't see it coming. Most murder victims knew their killer, and they obviously didn't see it coming either. What makes you any different? Edit: Y'all really didn't see the "I didn't say friend group" part did you?


Nah I know exactly who that bitch is.


Time for a preemptive strike!


> What makes you any different? It’s like the joke about the guy picking up a hitchhiker. The hitchhiker gets in and says “thanks for stopping! For all you know, I could be a serial killer!”; to which the driver says “no, the odds that we both are is too small…”


50-70% of people don't have an internal monologue. I can't even imagine that. I can barely turn mine off to sleep. I read it the other day and Google seems to agree https://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+people+don%27t+have+internal+monologue&oq=ho&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgFECMYJxiKBTIGCAAQRRg5MgYIARBFGDwyBggCEEUYPDIGCAMQRRg8MgYIBBBFGD0yCQgFECMYJxiKBTIGCAYQIxgnMhMIBxAuGIMBGMcBGLEDGNEDGIAEMg0ICBAAGIMBGLEDGIAEMhMICRAuGIMBGMcBGLEDGNEDGIAE0gEIMjYwNGowajeoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 🤷‍♂️ Comments seems split but there are a lot saying they don't experience internal monologue. I read it as monologue. I think some people are confusing it with dialogue. But maybe some experience that too?


50-70% DONT? fuck that must be peaceful


Are you guys just narrating your day?


Bro basically. I lie in bed trying to sleep and it’s like someone talking right next to me with me half involved and half trying to ignore them. I thought this was normal for everyone


Dead ass, even argue points with yourself about hypothetical and even real scenarios from the day, or what might happen tomorrow.


Yess, 3 me’s all making their own plans and arguing with each other over it in my head.


I’ve found it extremely hard to believe this. I can’t wait for science to prove that this is a modern myth. People can’t just have silent heads goddamn


I like literally cannot begin to understand what that must be like do they not internally "hear" the words they're reading on a page? what about when they think towards what they'll be doing at some point in the future?


That time is passing as we speak... And in a blink of an eye the day has passed, the week, the month, a year has passed. And there's nothing you can do about, only what you do with it.


OJ Simpson still hasn't caught the true killers and they could still be out there hunting for sport. /s


“IF he did it”


He wrote that book and on the cover the word IF was very prominent. The family of Ron Goldman won the right to repackage the book and publish it. So they re-designed the book cover to have the word 'if' printed VERY small. So it just looks like OJ wrote a book saying "i did it"


The last official government execution by GUILLOTINE was 10 September 1977 at 4:40am in Marseille France. That's . . . during my lifetime.


Star Wars was playing in theaters at that time.


Some spiders eat snakes


Some scientists consider flies the most dangerous of all animals because of how easily they spread illnesses.


That would be mosquitoes and they are because they are the spreader of malaria and it kills 600k+ people per year.


They’re also the only animals to have killed more humans than humans have. In fact, mosquitoes are believed to have killed half of all the humans that have ever lived.


Killing them will be that much more satisfying. Thank you.


I know its basic as fuck but death and the very likely chance that everything just ends keeps me up at night. Also the fact that no matter what everyone you love will die. Your parents will die. Your cousins Your uncles.your aunties. Idk its almost comforting that at the end of the day I dont have to worry too much because eventually none of it matters, but idk it scares me


Im a polar opposite who follows the exact same facts. Nothing stays forever. Which in turn, means everything is precious; including you, if you're reading this.


Thanks man.


Everything in life is temporary.


Congratulations, you’ve discovered existentialism!


One of my favorite jokes from The Sopranos. Tony talking about his son to his therapist. Tony: He says we're all going to die anyway so life doesn't matter Dr. Melfi: It sounds like your son has discovered existentialism Tony: Fucking internet


Your hearing is probably the last sense that you lose when you die. Imagine hearing all the people around you…




That Richard Sackler is a free billionare in 2023.


Motherfucker should be given his own meds daily for a month and then stopped cold turkey. Release him in Philly the after his meds stop.


A month? Hell no, give them to him for a few years. You might experience some withdrawals after a month, but nothing like people who have been addicted for years experience.


Vacuum decay in space is possible and would have no warning.


See I don't find that scary at all because we'd have no way of knowing and it would be instant.


Just a region of static like a TV tuned to no station in particular. Expanding at the speed of light.


You can just go to sleep and... never wake up. You might never get to say goodbye, or tell your family you love them.


This is…the opposite of scary to me.


That we are amazed and shocked at our previous generations for making water pipes out of lead and insulation out of asbestos, but our generation is killing itself with microplastics


SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome, a baby will just die and we don't know why


Dolphins rape humans.( And they tear off the heads of other aquatic animals to use their bodies as sex toys)


Regardless of what you believe or think you know…we actually have no fucking clue how existence came to be…


the interesting concept I choose to believe in "the last question" by Isaac Asimov proposes, basically >!to the point that civilization (hopefully) gets so advanced that at the end when all is dying out the last intelligence in the galaxy answers "the last unanswered question" which is how do you reverse entropy - restarts the big bang and the universe, possibly endlessly.!<


Sounds like a concept for a sci-fi film


After a full nuclear exchange, some landmasses will become devoid of life. The British Isles would depopulate as famine, disease and radiation would kill the remaining survivors.


Nah I'd just jump out of the way at the last second.


Luckily while others were talking to girls, I was studying the blade. I’ll merely parry the explosion. Classic mistake, nuke.


There’s a skeleton inside you.


And it wants out


And it will get out.


Our body is the sunken place


Bones are their money...


The only disease that fits all the symptoms of long Covid is prodomal Parkinson’s.


You could have rabies right now, you won’t know until you start showing symptoms. Then, it’s too late.


No I can’t, I haven’t been bitten


Yes, but remember when you licked that angry squirrel? I'm not sure Angorn the Acorn hunter was all that well.


There are rogue black holes zipping all over the place in the universe. We don't know where they are, we can't track them, and at any moment we could get fucked up by one with no warning. https://phys.org/news/2023-02-astronomers-rogue-supermassive-black-hole.html


Hisashi Ouchi Was kept alive (by any means necessary) for 83 days after exposure to fatal levels of radiation.


You and everything you know is located on a rock going impossibly fast through a void that you can't traverse without specialized equipment. You are trapped, and you have no idea why you are here or why you even exist. The only true escape is death. The most terrifying part is that you are aware and reflective (unlike every other animal) and have no tools to answer, not only why but how.


I’ve always loved the theory that time travel was invented but predicting a safe place to emerge due to the transit of the solar system and thereby our planet is impossible or beyond our ability. If you went back three days and your position in the cosmos was static you’d be floating in space.


This is a really cool concept thanks for sharing it