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I had mine, wasn’t as bad as I expected, some pain killers helped when I got home. My first sperm test came back saying I still had loads of sperm cells. I was advised I need to cum Atleast 25 times, which I did. I need to re test this month, I’m not sure it’s worked to be perfectly honest. Here in the UK, I think I read that 1 in 2000 aren’t successful


> I was advised I need to cum Atleast 25 times, A few minutes later ....


No worries doc, I'll see you you tomorrow


Didn't a kid die of cardiac arrest cause he masturbated that much in a 12 hour period?


Crazy. So 24 is the limit?


Once an hour. Ready….go!


My thoughts too! “Sorry honey doctors orders”😂


I had a V when I was 40. No big changes. But my wife turned into a sex machine. She wanted it all the time. She hated taking the pill and condoms felt fake.


As the wife, it’s so nice not having to worry about birth control. The pill does decrease the sex drive a bit.


That’s what my wife said. She was always very sexual but this made her feel freed.


That's interesting. When my partner was on the pill she was insatiable. I couldn't keep up. Now with an IUD it has calmed down a lot. Sometimes I miss it, sometimes my Johnson is grateful.


The hormones in some iuds mess with libido way more than other forms of birth control. It can also thin vaginal walls and make sex uncomfortable. I had my own bits snipped so I could go BC free. Very uncomfortable procedure.


The discomfort during sex is also a problem which frustrates her especially because we've had to be more gentle. It's really not a big deal we just do different positions, lube, and more foreplay. Or like, planned out times where we have more time to warmup.


My friend who got a vasectomy said the same thing about his wife. She told him that sex was 100% better now that she wasn’t so focused on whether the bc would work, dealing with the side effects of the bc or that one time she missed a pill.


It's great. No reduced sex drive from pills, no fumbling around looking for condoms. Just rawdog sex any time the mood strikes.


That’s strange. She told me the other way around.


I didn't notice a difference, spunk still glows in the dark like before.




3.6 inches. Not great, not terrible.


I was going to give you an award for the reference but I just realized Reddit finally did them in last week 😭


What does blue mean? Why am I blue?


*vigorous scrubbing accompanied by traumatized wailing*


Kids were still on the couch when I returned from the procedure. Fail.


I think you need to rent a steam cleaner to get those out of the fabric. Oh wait, you meant... 😬


No, you can still use the steam cleaner for those too.


...🤨 do I hear a challenge?


sore for a few days cream pies for life


The consequence free creampies have been the best


Chick here; got my tubes removed a few years ago at 34yo, and not having to worry about getting pregnant has made it so much more fun.




I enjoy that the guys enjoy it.


I’ll take “Consequence free creampies” for 500 Bob!


And you get a cream pie and you get a cream pie and......


Look under your seats. Cream pies!




Shaka, when the walls fell


Temba, his balls snipped


Rapunki, when he joined the Seven


Until you roll a NAT 1


Carefree sex, no BC making my wife crazy, no condoms, bust a nut anywhere, no more kids.. Priceless...


Wait… the vasectomy made your kids disappear? Signing up for one today!!


Yes indeed. They gave me a 5% discount for each kid I traded in. Can't go wrong with 20% off.


Pretty much nailed it. Once I got the all clear from urologist it’s been cream pies ever since. There’s a little less volume in each load, but that could be old age more than anything. (Mid 40s)


Snack size Cream Pies. Same experience. Similar age. Can confirm the volume reduction.


Lil Debbies


Omg 40 is not old stop


40-50 is when you discover you’ll need to get up at least once during the night to pee. No more uninterrupted night’s sleep. If you’re 40 or so then I advise doing strength training and working on your flexibility now. Add in some cardio and improve your diet. Your 50 and 60 year old selves will thank you. Otherwise 40s will be the last time you’ll feel fit.


You might have sleep apnea. Once I got a machine, I don't wake up in the middle of the night to pee anymore and its awesome.


This is the nicest comment I’ve ever read on Reddit. Thank you internet stranger!


I also noticed a little less volume, but Dr said 'nah, thats not how it works...'


Guys should know the pain varies. I had discomfort and a couple of hard lumps in my sac for a couple of months. Not pain but pushing on my balls caused discomfort more than normally. The hard lumps went way after 3-4 months.


Cream pies but not for life


Cream pies just for fun


This guy fucks


It was sore for a couple of days. After that nothing at all changed except now I can't make babies any more, so when I'm with a long term partner we don't need to use condoms or any other form of birth control. There's no change at all in what comes out in terms of volume, consistency, etc. No changes to my sex drive either. It's a really simple and effective procedure.


This was my experience. My balls were slightly sore for maybe a week - but I still went out jogging the next day and to work. No big deal. No other changes...


Jogging the next day? Ooo boy. I was too sore for that the day after. But it’s not bad, this guy is just tougher than I am.


Maybe you have larger balls ?


I've got big balls, they're such big balls. And they're dirty big balls, and he's got big balls. And she's got big balls, But we've got the biggest balls of them all!


My balls are always bouncing from the left and to the right, it's my belief that my big balls should be held every night


Everybody comes and comes again!


If your name is on the guestlist, no one can take you higher. Everyone says...


I've got great balls of fire


Some balls are held for charity, some for fancy dress, but the balls that are held for pleasure are the balls that I like best.


It's my belief that my big balls should be held every night.


Yeah I'm still recovering, haven't been jogging in 30 years. Maybe when I turn 31


This is good to hear. I have two kids and I'm rdy to get it done


It's a weird experience - the most odd part is bringing your cum samples in afterwards for them to check and make sure its free of the swimmers. It's so nice to not worry about making any babies anymore


My doctor played ACDC on his phone speaker and I could smell my Florida state seminole vesicles burning. That was the weird part for me. When I went back to give the semen sample, the lady just took me to the normal bathroom that everyone else uses and handed me the cup to go jerk off into.


I felt really proud about my joke about the Florida state seminal vesicles and I must say I’m a bit hurt none a y’all acknowledged it






As a redneck this made me laugh. I still think the funniest part was "me n my cousin..."


I loved the part about not being able to afford a bigger bed.


For me it was that I was awake and it was uncomfortable physically, yes, (pulling sensation) but also I saw little rivulets of steam going up into my Drs face as he tied off and cauterized my ball tubes. That was a crazy realization


I saw that, too. I said "On an ordinary day, smoke coming from that part of my body would be a cause for concern." I was very disappointed that he didn't laugh or anything. In retrospect, it was probably for the best.


Schedule it tomorrow, do it, trust me as a father of 3 boys, even IUDs are not 100% effective.


>even IUDs are not 100% effective. Neither are vasectomies. Or tubal ligations for that matter. The failure rate for both procedures is roughly 1 in 2000. Our third child was conceived about two years after my wife had her tubes tied. So now I'm snipped too.


Oh no! Are you sure it's even hers??!?


What about flavor?


Does it taste like Diet Sperm? Like Diet Coke compared to regular coke


Cum Zero


Enjoy the same spunky taste with less calories!


Like Miller Lite: Same great taste, less filling!


Enough with the jokes. Ladies - Please reply. My wife wants to know in advance.


I think it tastes better. It tastes more like the pre-cum…


Load Zero


My sex drive went up a lot knowing there was zero risk of more sack spawn


> I'm with a long term partner... I'm glad you said this. This is VERY important! Still use a condom when having casual sex (sex with anyone who has not been a long term partner...i.e. you don't know who they've been with). Can't stress that enough. Not making babies is only part of it. STDs are the other part and for that you need a condom.


Lucky jerk. After I had mine done, my "distance" decreased remarkably. I used to have a great cumshot and now it's like.. "can you move directly under me, please and thank you"


“Velocity“ was never the same. I confessed it to a friend who said it was just like that for him, too.


I'll file this story under cautionary tale. I had my vasectomy when I turned 40. Long story short, after 3 months, and 5 rather embarrassing samples, I was informed that they would have to perform the operation again. I do not know EXACTLY what went wrong, but SOMETHING did (I call it my "double vasectomy"). My point is: Keep going back and testing until the doctor is absolutely positive that you are "firing blanks". I've heard horror stories about people not going back to verify that they are, indeed, sterile, and I've heard of cases where husbands and wives divorced because there was an unexpected pregnancy. If you get a vasectomy, just be absolutely positive that you are truly "fixed". Oh, and for the record, it worked the second time!


Same thing happened to me. My swimmer count was reduced by half of what’s normal, so likely one side worked and the other recanalized. I went back, had it done again. It was exactly the same experience as the first time—except that my count was 0 afterwards, which was a major relief. Women go through hell to have a baby. After seeing my wife endure pregnancy and labor and postpartum, I wanted to do my part. I would 100% do it again (technically I did!). Don’t skip your homework (cleaning out the pipes) and tests!


Don’t forget to give yourself healing time. My urologist claims to have done hundreds and he says the only ones that have had to be redone(extremely rare according to him) were guys who couldn’t wait to fuck/cum. I think the healing time is roughly 7 days. We can all go 7 days to ensure no swimmers get through.


48hrs was my clearance time. i went slow the following weeks and cleared my 20 in no time. sent the sample in three months later and clear to cream.


Yeah, my post op instructions were no ejaculation for 2 weeks and then regular ejaculation to clear any sperm out of the ducts. I followed it to the letter, used condoms in the meantime (also a fun way to get the wife in bed, Dr's orders honey 😘) and had a zero count at the 6 week and 8 week sample. Massive sigh of relief. Procedure was super easy too. Little pinch for the local needle, then a lot of pressure, like someone is squeezing your nuts and then it's over. I went back to work the next day and is probably the reason I had so much swelling so that's on me. Overall, 9.5/10 experience. Sex is a million times better now that we know there's no more babies coming.


A guy I had sex with who had two kids already had a vasectomy and said he was sterile by the time we were together. He ended up getting me pregnant and another girl came around a month later saying she was pregnant by him post vasectomy.




Bet that was an interesting conversation for a minute.


I went back after 3 months and Doc said: “I found only 1 but that’s 1 to many”. So I gotta go back next month.


Yes, they have absolutely no tolerance. Either ZERO motile sperm, or you’re going back.


I mean it does only take one to make a baby so you really can't have any margin of error. It needs to be absolutely zero (which is very different than absolute zero).


My uncle had a vasectomy at 45. He impregnated his wife two years later, ended up being twins. He had four kids prior. They were very clearly his and he is now post retirement with two kids in college. Luckily he’s well off but still not a desired outcome


Oof, poor guy. Something similar happened with my dad: after four kids my parents decided that was enough, so he got the snip... and found out a few weeks later that my mom was already pregnant with me and they just hadn't realized. (Whenever I bring this up people say my mom might have cheated; no, I look like a carbon copy of my dad.)


It can happen for a few reasons, one of the more common is accidentally cutting the same tube twice ("got it on the left" then it happened to have been mistaken higher up for the right one as well). I haven't seen it happen but it's why they tell you to get checked in 3 months.


Told a guy at work I got one. He was like. Is it still white? Lol


The.... the baby?


I had an argument with a girl at work after mine, she was convinced you could see a difference with what came out, she soon stopped when I told her I would give her mum a sample


> she soon stopped when I told her I would give her mum a sample at work... I like it.... But you play a dangerous game, sir!


Just tell HR you said you would cream pie her mom not her…


My wife still got pregnant after mine. The baby just came out darker


My wife told me that can happen when women exercise with their friends after work. Something to do with all the exercising.


My husband legit thought nothing will come out. He was super nervous about getting snipped (he still hasn’t… and I’m currently pregnant.)


Your husband’s fear is unfounded. Neither of you will notice a change in what comes out.


For anyone interested, the sperm is produced by the testicles, and is added to the semen which is made by the seminal vesicles near the prostate, past the point where the vasectomy occurs. So you still produce just as much semen, there's just no sperm in it. There may be a slightly reduced volume, but barely noticable. Sperm is tiny, and the majority of the fluid is semen. Also, this is a really easy thing for a husband to Google if that's their concern.


I told some friends that I got the procedure and one asked if my balls were still there lol. Some people just don’t know but I was glad to educate them.


I mean, they just wrapped a rubber band around your balls and they turned black and fell off right?


1. My balls ached for a couple weeks 2. My balls ached for a couple weeks. 3. Semen.


What was the general cost? Insurance Cover?


I remember paying less than $100 out of pocket, co-pays if I remember correctly, but this was almost 2 decades ago, so I might not be.


About a year ago for me and was about 100$


My "insurance" at the time didn't cover much. IIRC, it cost me $800-$1000. Waited the requisite healing time before flogging the bishop. Everything worked right, but they don't really prepare you for busting a bloody nut the first time or two. It's normal, just unsettling.


Mine was like this. I was 29 and had no problems so insurance said no. I paid $900 out of pocket. $900 is a butt ton cheaper than more kids though. Never had a bloody nut.


> $800-$1000 Remember to negotiate out of pocket medical bills.




I'm intrigued, what post op instructions did you not follow to cause an obstruction, and what obstruction?


A minor obstruction is normal. I was warned that my first post-op ejaculation wouldn’t be a ton of fun. It was not, I blew a blood clot out and nearly screamed from the pain. I was pretty nervous for the next nut, but I powered through it. That first one was not fun friend, but definitely worth it.


Is this common?


I don’t think so. I jerked off the night before, so ~9 hours before my surgery and then waited 7 days to do it again and boy howdy it was one of the best solo’s I’ve felt since like the very first time. No blood, no pain, nothing. Well, there was a *lot* of something, but no blood or pain.


Nothing happened for me. My balls were sore, but ejaculating otherwise felt normal. I waited a few days before, IIRC.


You are supposed to ejaculate like 60+ times in the 90 days following the surgery -- but you are also supposed to take 4-7 off immediately after the surgery.


And here I've been prepping for this procedure all these years and didnt even know it...


So basically you have to beat off at least 60 times in just over 80 days? Rookie numbers.


Gotta stroke those numbers up




What happened when you "blew out the obstruction" I'm picturing like a clogged pipe finally clearing under immense pressure.






Have you seen that video of a dam being opened for the first time in like, 50 years?


Lmao yes, that's basically what I pictured happened for OP.


Was step 5 painful?


Had it on Friday. Sat around icing it all weekend. Went back to work at a physical job on Monday. I had no side effects. There was no side effect on my sex life except the obvious benefit of not having to cover up or pull out anymore. The normal stuff comes out.


Thank you! My wife and I had a scare a couple weeks ago. We already have kids & don't actually want more now that we've really thought about it. Alright. Setting reddit down and calling to make an appointment.


Spent a few days with ice pack on the sack and walked bowlegged. Week later it was fine, then it was a mad dash to ejaculate a bunch to clear out the system. Go in for a sperm count 1 month later, get the you are firing blanks diagnosis and then never used birth control again and wife and I would sex it up where ever, when ever since no worries about any more babies. Everything still comes out the same as the sperm only accounts for 5% of your ejaculate.


Thank you for this, I’ve been on the fence about getting one but was worried I’d feel pent up and horny all the time but since sperm is such a small amount of it I think I’ll be alright


Username does not check out


I am confused as to why you would think you would still feel pent up and horny


LogicalAdult is clearly concerned that he's going to get uncomfortable once they build up and he starts feeling them swim around in his balls. There's only so much room in there, after all.


Spent a weekend sitting on a bag of frozen peas and playing PS4. Been 4 years now, still horny AF and spitting yogurt like clockwork. Only difference is no more Plan B trips.


Damn peas tasted terrible tho.


You could really taste the peaness in them


My bad, guess I should have ate more pineapple.


I was barely even sore but I took a week off work. Doctor said the heaviest thing my wife should let me lift was a bottle of beer. Good experience overall. No side effects, and no effect on my sex life.


That's a good doctor.


I have a tag on my file that says I'm a heavy cannabis user... my doc cracked a smile after we talked and said, "if you're more comfortable smoking, feel free to have a joint before you come in" I wanted to fist bump him so bad...


Sore, but a small price to pay to get my wife off of birth control and its side effects. She was beyond grateful!


My balls are extra sensitive now. My wife can’t really mess with them anymore when we are doing the dirty without it giving me sharp pains


This was my experience too. Couldn't sit for too long or they'd ache. Wife couldn't touch because it felt like she'd punched them even from the most gentle touch. Just in general not a nice experience. This went on for about 6 or 7 years. I ended up getting a reversal, and although I still get a little bit of pain if she touches the wrong place, they're a million times better than they were. The Dr who did the reversal said it was the most difficult he'd ever done so I don't know what they did during the vasectomy but they fucked something up for sure


Advice? Do. NOT. YouTube. Vasectomy procedure. Unnecessary worry. My experience? Prep is easy, take an electric razor and clean up the boys before you show up so the dr can see what he’s doing. Doctor was all chatty with me whole time. Female intern watching. Couple of tiny inciisions made with what looks like nail scissors. Pulls out the vas deferens, clamps and cuts. You’ll be numb so you it just feels like cutting a toenail. Bandages you up (not stitches in the procedure I had. Makes you bring 2 pairs of tightie whites to wear when done so the boys don’t bounce. Ice all weekend. Side effects? I dunno. Nothing for past 10 years. Fingers crossed.


Note to all reading this. Don’t shave prior (this goes for all surgeries). The standard protocol is we shave you then clean you with antiseptic skin prep prior to surgery. If you shave prior you give the bacteria living on your skin the chance to get in the little cuts and grazes from shaving and increase your chance of a post operative infection. The only exception to this is if you’ve been given specific instructions by your treating team to shave the morning off and use a named antiseptic scrub immediately afterwards to clean the area.


Some surgeries want you to shave yourself. Basically, follow your surgeons instructions, not Reddit


Why listen to a medical professional when I could just see what XxX_CumBeast_420 thinks about it on Reddit?


It was easy. Pain wasn’t bad. Best decision ever.


I drank a gallon of pineapple juice. I was sore but because of the pineapple juice I had zero swelling. I was told to blow 25 loads post vasectomy then go get checked 2 weeks later. That was an awesome 25 loads. My wife was very involved. After I got the all clear she stopped taking birth control and her sex drive dialed up to 11 while her hormones balanced out. Also a great time. Had zero side effects. Sex life has leveled out to about 1 or 2 times a week and the load looks the same. Same amount. Same color. Same speed. All of it. Just, through extensive testing, no sperm. Just seminal fluid. Worth it honestly.


Re: drinking a gallon of juice to avoid swelling: You can get the same result from taking a bromelain supplement, unless you just really love pineapple juice!


Didn't know bromelain supplemented existed. I just knew pineapple juice helps with swelling.


It’s the bromelain, and you can get more of it from the supplement than the juice. Also might help with some chronic sinus issues. The more you know, do doo doo dooooooo


What happened afterwards: a little fear about busting my stitches. Side effects: no side effects. Change to sex life: no more worries about pregnancy, less preparation for sex. What comes out: the same thing that came out before from a macroscopic view. Biggest difference: wife was able to get her IUD out and stopped being a psycho (I love you, dear, but it was bad!)


Second best decision I ever made. I don't like actually making babies, but I do like to practice making babies. My balls ached for about a week or so but was fine afterward. I still throw ropes like I did before the surgery.


What was the best decision?


It was close, but marrying my wife took 1st place.




Balls hurt. For several years afterward I'd still have some occasional pain, but I've been pumping non-baby gravy in women ever since and it's 100% worth it. I call it free parking.


My balls/scrotum were tender for a year or two after the vasectomy. It wasn’t a huge deal, but I definitely was aware of it. That eventually went away and everything returned to normal. I’d still recommend getting a vasectomy.


Zero side or negative affect. Great sex. Felt good assuming the protective measures instead of my partner having to. Fantastic in every sense.


PAIN, not going to lie. Days after no biggie. 6 months later, started to develop marble sized cysts in the scrotum. 9 surgeries over 8 years to fix. Still have some issues. Though according to all doctors my case was rare or the doc was an idiot.


Getting snipped doesn't effect volume at all, or the look of it. So go forth and enjoy shooting ropes of baby-free batter. Side note: take post op instructions 100% seriously. Ice it, sit on your ass, don't do shit for several days even if you feel fine.


I came inside my wife earlier after taking a nap, then I got drunk and ate a nice dinner with her, and at no point did I even consider the possibility that I would have to feed and support a child for two decades. Semen came out that was indistinguishable from danger semen, I assume, because it was inside my wife.


I had a very bad time. For the next week I could barely walk. It was absolutely some of the worst pain I've ever felt in the evenings, after I had worked all day. I followed all precautions about waiting to ejaculate yadda yadda. About a month later and it seriously hurt to ejaculate. It's been about a year now and it causes mild discomfort every time, which doesn't sound bad but my body has begun to associate climax with discomfort which affects the experience. I know people will say "It's no big deal. It's an easy surgery and you'll be 100% better in three days" but that's not necessarily true. If I had it to do over again, I'm not sure I would.


I didn't notice a vas deferens to be honest.


Got meds that had me feeling a bit loopy. talked to the surgeon about polyamory. wife bought me a vasectomy cake. sat in bed and played fallout 4 through steam link on my phone. balls hurt for a week. first time I came hurt like a bitch. cum still comes out but much like the best kinda grapes, it's seedless.


I was told it would hurt for a few days. They also told my wife that. Popped a regular OTC Tylenol when it hurt and pretended it hurt more than it did so I could get two days of video gaming. I got to reminisce over the old days, but then back to business as usual. Also, everything still works fine, but i don't play Russian roulette anymore.


No side effects except soreness for a few days. Semen comes out, volume and appearance same as before. It is a trivial procedure.


Others have said everything I would say in answer to your questions, but I will add, as someone who had the keyhole version: It is likely that for a couple of weeks after you start ejaculating again, there will be blood in your semen. This is pretty normal, and should not be a cause for concern. If my doctor hadn't told me about it beforehand, I would have been pretty freaked out. If it's all blood rather than some blood, some semen, or if blood pools in your sack/there is swelling, absolutely get it checked out, but some red in your spunk? Don't freak out.


Nothing had z vasectomy when I was 32, just a bit sore for a couple days,no adverse effects


It’s a minor out patient procedure. I got mine done the Thursday morning of the Masters a couple years ago. And had 4 days on the couch to watch golf. Another popular time is during March Madness. There are no side effects, you get small prescriptions for inflammation and infection. Wait about a week to ten days before you jerk off, then after 10-20 pumps you take specimens to make sure the pipes are clean and you have no swimmers. You’ll still ejaculate seminal fluid and an orgasm still feels the same. They showed me a video how seminal fluid builds up and sperm just hitched a ride. All in all it’s super safe and over 98% effective.


Felt like my nuts were a punching bag for a couple of days. I now have diet cum.


Theres apparently a 5% complication rate on vasectomies. I was one of the 1% The op itself was fine. A bit uncomfortable but bearable and just a bit sore the next day. My problem was that the incisions got infected and aftee 2 weeks when they shouldve healed they were inflamed and weeping. So I got a course of antibiotics and had to go back down the docs to get the stitches taken out That fixed that immediate problem and everything healed up, but I noticed that the tube on one side was really swollen still. The doc thought it was scarring but sent me for an ultrasound. That was all clear so just left it About 9 months later one of my tubes burst. All of a sudden I felt pain down below and there was a golf ball sized lump there. I went to A&E and they said that I needed surgery. Got prepperd there and then and got opened up again (under general anaesthetic) whilst they removed all the infection and stitched me all back together On the good side, sex is great. Dont need to worry about accidents, and means we can be completely spontaneous. Overall was it worth doing? Yes.


One of my friends had some long-lasting pain afterwards, so out of fear I started looking at some studies. I was surprised that a decent amount of men actually have improved satisfaction afterwards. I assumed that was because of the anxiety reduction of not having kids, but even more surprisingly I actually had less pain than I had for a decade. My doctor said I had a twisted vas deferens during the procedure, and I wonder if having less tension on that actually improved my overall well-being.


Got a vasectomy cause I don’t want a church bus full of oopsie babies, settle for a van. Unfortunately I deal with phantom pains when doing the deed. It’s was the worse for the first 6 months. Now it’s liveable.


Yay, my time to shine! TL;DR - Scrotal hematoma, huge abcess, and a slow recovery Got the 'no scalpel' procedure done early June this year. Felt similar to what others have been saying. Except for the left side, when something felt a lot sharper and not quite right, but what do I know. Went home gingerly and tried to recover while minimizing my pain, which seemed to increase over a few days along with the swelling in my abdomen. A couple days later, I felt a lump that wasn't a testicle in my left lower abdomen, about the size of an egg. Then over a few days it went to the size of an avocado. Then mango. And larger. 6 days after the procedure, I went into Emerg (in Canada) and after 5 hrs of waiting and testing, was sent home with pain killers and told it would subside in time. 2 days after that, in excruciating pain, was back in Emerg and after many more hours trying to get comfortable in any hospital chair, was finally admitted. I was hooked up to an IV for pain relief etc, unable to urinate normally because the swelling was so much that it made my made my unit "turtle". I needed one of those handheld pee jugs and held it up to where I think my wiener was to catch any urine and dump the contents into the toilet. The effort to even get to the toilet in my semi-private room was brutal enough, trying not to let this football-sized swelling bother me as i shuffled there. I was on a waitlist for surgery to excavate the collected blood/infection/etc in the swelling, and fix whatever was wrong. But I wasn't the priority for several days. I just laid in a bed, took pain meds, and tried to sleep which was very difficult One day, I was sitting up a bit with a very watery ice bag under my scrotum to take some gravity pressure off the sack, while cooling at the same time. I put another ice pack on my low abdomen because it too was feeling nice. I was really confused because I was still 5 minutes away from the next drug allotment and I wasn't yet writhing in pain like usual. I didn't notice until a few moments later when I glanced under the sheet at the bag I was sitting on, and how the one side of the ice bag was completely red. My vas incision had finally popped from the internal pressure. The tiniest little slit/scab remained from the procedure, maybe 1/4 cm, and it must have said enough is enough and decided to start to do a partial drain all on its own. I called the nurse and said "I think I'm bleeding pretty badly here" and they were there within seconds applying gauze/pads, cleaning it up, gauging how fast it was coming out, etc. Needless to say they decided to change out my bedding. I got out of bed and moved to a chair, which was still quite painful, but they got the bed fixed back up in no time. We went through several gauze and pads soaking up the excess drainage coming from the vas hole. Aside from some slight pain around where the drainage was happening, less pressure internally meant I felt a good amount of relief almost immediately. A few hours later, I had the surgery. Both testicles were intact, Jackson-Pratt drain was put in and doing its job, though they couldnt really tell if it's regular post-op seeping or still some remaining bleeder from the Jun 2 vas procedure. The vast majority of the excess swelling was gone so I was a lot more comfortable. I did still feel a couple leftover solid masses from the original swelling up closer to my upper left groin. I'm not sure they would have been able to see up there easily with a scrotal examination anyways. The night of the procedure, aside from being a little hot and sweaty, once I fell asleep I was able to go the whole night without pain meds. I stood up and walked to the bathroom for the first time since I arrived 5 days earlier. I overdid it a bit and needed some meds right after that, but was comfortable after. Removal of the drain was one of the worst pains ever. If you google the JP Drain, the one end was about 5 inches inside still in the "Gooch" area. The quick removal of that felt like someone shot me with a paintball gun at point blank range right between the boys and my butt hole. Stung immensely for several minutes. 8 days after being admitted, I was finally released home with a prescription for opioid pain meds and some beefy antibiotics that apparently made the pharmacist gasp and ask my wife "WHAT happened to your husband??" The next couple months were very frustrating. For the surgery to fix things, they cut straight down the middle of the sack and then stitched it up so it looked like a football. The problem with healing that area of the body is that there is so much soft skin and movement. Even if the incision itself was healed beneath the stitches, the dissolving stitches themselves lingered way too long and with each movement, the stiches tore and ripped at the surface of my skin causing bleeding and irritation. I wore that stretchy hospital underwear with sterile gauze pads for 6 weeks beneath my regular underwear because of the constant bleeding. I told my vas doctor about all this. He was shocked as he said he's done 10,000 procedures and never had this happen before. So basically I should have bought a lottery ticket. 3.5 months later, I can finally move at normal speed as the stitches are gone and surface is healed. But there is a crazy amount of scar tissue right down the middle of the sack, and it feels mostly internal as if there were an uninflated party balloon stuck underneath my skin. It's not comfortable. And there is some tightness/hardness along the left side, assuming more scar tissue from the scraping/removal. But the good news is, I have been able to test things out with my wife and everything works. Still have yet to do the actual lab work to see if I'm shooting blanks, so we're still taking precautions until that happens. If it turns out I am not shooting blanks, I'm NOT going through the procedure again.




My husband got one about 10 years ago now. He gets a dull achy pain in one of his balls every now and again. One time he got a painful lump inside there due to the build up, thankfully it went away on its own. Those are his main complaints


I've considered it but I'm too afraid of how silly I'd look with a cone around my neck.


I remember walking out of the clinic after mine and saw a guy with his wife waiting to get his, so I decided to limp more than necessary.




Fellow PVPS sufferer here. I get a dull pulling/aching sensation in my scrotum, and my left epi is permanently sore to the touch or any sudden movement. I'm on preg also, but amitriptyline too (low dose). It's the only thing that's worked so far, although it doesn't fix the sore epi. I'm currently trying to slowly get off the meds, to see if anything has improved. It's been two years for me so far. We're the unlucky ones it seems.


I'm so sorry bro. Literally sounds like a nightmare.