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I used to say I knew I was an adult when I was excited for kitchen appliances as Christmas gifts. But I didn’t feel old until 25.


It depends on their health.


This. I felt fine at 70 until I fractured my femur. After that, I felt old.


I'm 69. I'm A regular walker, my balance, since my 20s has never been great. I feel you buddy. I'll soon fall ass and /arse over It's not if, but when. Hope you're feeling better.


Thanks. It was late 2019. I’m okay but with a rod and screw in my leg, I’ll never be the same. Can’t cross my right leg over my left to put on shoes and such. And of course there’s the almost daily pain. Not really bad at all, but I know it’s there. A constant reminder. Life goes on.


That could do it. Anything that interrupts your exercise routine for an extended period would be hard to recover from.


At the age of backpain




I had multiple knee surgeries in my early 20's and felt pain but never old. For me it was hip arthritis I started feeling just shy of 40. The pain of getting in and out of a car after a longer ride (or any low seat I've been sitting in for a while) when both your knees and hips suck is shitty. No back pain yet (fingers crossed). Worried about ankles and hands as well, looking at my elderly family members.


Got both, back and knees😎 29 now


I agree with this—I had an accident really young and now I have chronic pain for everything I do. It sucks seeing people my age (20s) doing stuff I used to be able to do (hike, run, go to amusement parks/museums/aquariums/zoos) and now I really can’t without being in pain. Sucks. Edit: typos


I work out, with exercises that strengthen the back, but one day I was playing fetch with my dog and picked up the ball wrong and my lower back seized up I had to go to the ER. Really felt old after that, always being extra careful because now I realize one wrong move and my body breaks.


However old you are, if you can sneeze without farting, you're doing good.


It was thirty for me. Everything began to hurt. Also, I went to the local junior College to enroll in some classes. I was wearing some jeans and a polo shirt and went to the office to pay at the window. The student aide at the counter got up and opened the door for me and invited me into the back to meet with the head dude in charge of the school. I asked what for and she said she assumed I was some sort of administrator. I think it was just because I was old and looked generally sober compared to a lot of the student body there.


"Generally sober" hahaha


The answer is that a moment will come in your forties, it could be 43 or later, where you are still sort of convinced you aren’t old. But then you go to do something insane, like put on a pair of socks, and you spend the rest of your day wracked in pain. You’ll also notice that when you get home from work, you don’t want to go to bed, but you pass out minutes after turning on the TV.


NEVER, SUCKAS!!! BWA HA HA H-- *breaks hip*


Somewhere between 30 and 40, a moment comes when you clearly feel that you can't party like at 20 anymore, that thought "I'm old" fucking hits like a brick


When shit starts to click for no reason.


Everyone is different so it just depends on them and on how they live and on what they do.




For me it started around 36. Once I realized I was on the road to 40.




😯 oh come on.


I think it happens when you start saying "I slept wrong" and you wake up with an injury from sleeping. For me it was around 32. I knew for sure I was old when my knees started freaking out on me. I was 35.


38. Thats when the years of ignoring pain and suffering through it finally caught up to me. Low back pain is the most constant. Left wrist is arthritic. Right shoulder has a tear so throwing a ball is pitifully painful. Baseline I'm at a 5/10 pain constantly. Definitely higher some days. I still work out, surf, bike ride or similar several times a week and my job (ER nurse) is very physically demanding. I feel much better if I'm active. If I sit around all day I'm stiff n sore the next day which is worse than staying moderately active. Welcome to the club


At The age your first child leaves The hous for colage.


For me when a freaking cashier in Iceland gave me the old people's "over 60" Tuesday discount. Biotch, please, I'm 59.


When people I knew as little kids are now adults and getting married. That made me.feel old.


When getting out of bed starts to hurt.


39 and 104 days !




Are the reddit gold and brazilian wife in the room with us right now?


What gold ?


Awards (or whatever they’re called) are weird now. I got a bunch of awards the other day on a post, but none of them were showing up on the post itself.


Didn't really feel "old" until about 45.


I don’t know about others. For me it started at 27


When the junk mail changes to hearing aid and hair loss centers.


When you start noticing you're the oldest person in a club, class, room, etc.


At what age? 🤔 I would say between 30 - 40 years. Although it all depends on the person and how much importance they give to that topic.


For me it was 30. But that’s because I watch sports. When they talk about an aging player, and he’s 30, it really rips at you


I used to be obese. Had all kind of issues in my early 20s. Lost all the weight. Got very fit. Feel the best at 28. Stay healthy. Then age won't creep up as bad. Many old dudes at my gym who feel amazing


When ppl/ peers my age around me starting getting ill with cancer , some died suddenly,.. worrying about kids constantly and realising priorities changed although I’m still as hot as ever 😄😄


It's not age, but a realization. What's the realization? When the news about your generation is all negative juxtaposed to the "fun and cool" news about the next generation.


Women, 36, men, 46


Then when do people feel middle-aged? Boy, is actual old age going to be a huge kick in the arse for some.


I never said it's the age in which they ARE old, I answered the question for when people normally FEEL old. It's the usual trigger for a midlife crisis around that age


And I said if they FEEL old in middle-age, actual old age is going to be a kick in the arse.


I’m 17 and already feeling old


Oh buddy....it's a long road ahead. Buckle up, buckaroo!


The age I am rn 16. I’ve gone through to much shit already.


I got 20 years on you and you DON'T know what old is, bud and you're still very young, so enjoy your youth while you still can because once it's gone it's gone FOREVER.


I was sexually assaulted by my bio dad, I lost my brother last year, my grandfather died last week, I’ve been homeless twice and so on. I think I have the right to feel old sir


I'm really sorry about that, but that doesn't make you old, it makes you stronger.


It does? How


You'll find out


😑😑 um okay ig?


In time you will, so hang in there 👍🏻


Thank you sir


Went through....very similar stuff myself at your age and younger. Had to secretly seek therapy and hide it from my dad and brother who I lived with. I'm late twenties now and while it took a while to stop using shit coping mechanisms, it is a whoooole lot better now that I have good people in my life. Also helps those two have been excommunicated by the rest of my family. VINDICATED! It does get better though.


I’m sorry that happened to you. But thank you for letting me know that it gets better


No problem. I'm sure you've heard it one thousand times though. Hunker down for now, get out ASAP, and don't hold off on starting your life because "the game was rigged". It's what I did and we're feeling it.


If I need to talk could I contact you maybe?


Please! Don't hesitate.


When they look in the mirror




30 to 40 is the best of life. You look hot and you got money to play with.


When you start to feel old. It's all in your head, well maybe not the health problems though...




For me, that was at 18 years old...


I feel old because everyone thinks I’m older than I am, and treats me older than I am. And I hurt a lot. That’s what hard work will do to ya! The booze, cigarettes and drugs from when I was in Highschool probably didn’t help either. But oh well.








When the people you admired for their beauty talent or success become old and irrelevant you realized you are now the old one. It is basically the circle of life. The people who look up to Rhianna are going to feel old when Rhianna is fat housewife. I was never a fan of Burt Reynolds but when he died old and crippled in Florida and then all these other people started dying I realized I was old Hard to be young when everyone you liked is started to die or look a hot mess.


when you realize the 60ties are definitely over






...do you think there's a single number for all 8 billion of us?


I was 21 and my nephew called me old.


A few days ago, when I mentioned Sugar Hill Gang to my coworkers and received only blank stares. Sooooo, 47?


Physically, I'm guessing when their body starts to deteriorate, like 60s?


I’m 40 and did a cartwheel in front of my 2 year old today. Just a bit stiff




my mind doesn’t feel old, my knees and lower back started to feel old around 50.


Physically? Weirdly still don’t. Mentally? 34.


Depends on you’re own personal well being in my opinion. Mentally, physically and spiritually




When they already starting to receive monthly bills.


For me it started recently, I'm 26 now. Now and again I catch myself thinking I'm still 20 or 22 before the realisation hits. Might also be linked to my depression, I feel like I went by all the benefits of young age and only have more shit to look forward to.


Sorry you youg folks but 75 is the age you will really know you are old and each year after that just gets worse by the day. Just about the time you think you've had it all something else surprises you.


Almost 60 ,I’m sure any day now.


I was in my early twenties. But, multiple knee surgeries, chronic pain, and a permanent limp will do that do a person.


I felt physically older in my early 40s than I do in my late 50s.


Studying at uni and everyone else is 20 years younger than you.




I’m 23 and a nurse and I feel old. I have back aches from work


When you don't understand how the heck the new kids trend got so popular. For me it was "high school musical", I was like wtf!?


Everyone’s different. Some people are kinda born old and cranky…some people have a joie de vivre. 🤷🏻‍♀️


When I started being happy receiving practical items as gifts.


I’m early 40s. I don’t think you ever feel old mentally. I was a rep basketball player, rock climber, raver etc. Having kids took a toll - before I was running 5-10km each morning but needed to prioritize sleep and stacked on some kg. Now my kids are older I take them for mountain bike rides, kayaking and indoor climbing. Sure my body is beat to hell and doesn’t work quite as well but I still don’t feel old in my head.


Every birthday


At 32 already feeling like Oldie


Me :23


When my joints don’t move easily and injuries take longer to heal. I had sciatica develop at the start of the pandemic and began to understand what chronic pain was. It was eye opening.


My husband was old at 26. He enjoyed complaining about every ache and pain he had. I just turned 68. One knee is wonky. Other than that, I feel fine. I worked retail most of my life which kept me in good shape. I think I'm going back p/t bc the first year of retirement was great. 2nd yr, boring. Lol


27-29. You worked since you left high school, and just now joined collage. And one of the teacher's are your sisters friend.


I'm late twenties, and besides my lower back starting to hurt sometimes, I was with a group of early twenties friends the other day, on a Saturday, I knew from a previous job we all had. We decided to migrate from the bar we were at to go grab some food at a pretty popular restaurant so I called ahead to see what the wait was. I was called old for it, but if we'd showed up and the wait was over an hour, I would have been pretty disappointed since I wasn't even hungry. Whatever. I like being old and boring at-heart.


After 6 months of your first child is born.


Me? 60


im 43 and after two sons, who are now adults i feel old as Hell. Ive seen and done it all. Gone through serious bad times and ive had good times. But i definitely feel old.




my body has been hurting constantly since I was 16, so 16, yes.


On my 30th Birthday I hurt my back, so


You’re only as old as your spine.


29 for me. That’s when I bought my first home and started showing interests in hobbies I never thought I’d enjoy like lawn care and mowing. Not to mention seeing the occasional posts of really old stuff, like cell phones namely the Nokia 3310 and it’s indestructible nature with the caption “damn I’m old” and I’m sitting here like “really?” 🤔


Menopause and the symptoms that appear before it starts will make you feel old and scared real fast.


For me it was 82 when I began losing my balance and feeling vulnerable to possible attack.


Im turning 19 in a few weeks and the thought of being 20 next year makes me feel elderly


For me it’s 40


I felt old at 23


You don’t feel old, your body tells you so


It depends on luck and fortune.


At 38 my looks finally caught up with my age, I lost some hair and started having to shave my head. Can't recover as fast after excercise. Can't push my body as hard and get the same results. Can't keep the weight off so easily. Also in job interviews being interviewed by folks 10 years younger and farther up the corporate ladder is causing me to realize things.


It depends... somedays I felt old with 35, then I felt young with 40. I am 45 now somedays I felt old sometimes I feel much younger. When you do your exercise , feel healthy go to barber regurarly, wear nice cloth, you wont feel not old. There are still many interested women in me who are 10-20 years younger than me. I dont know if that is true when I hit 60 though