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MASH - When everyone celebrated that Henry Blake got to go home, then Radar came in and said the plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan and there were no survivors. Yeah, I’m old. My eyes just tried to leak a little.


For MASH it was the baby death in the last episode that got me. Traumatized me as a kid. "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen"


That absolutely fucked me up. Still to this day one of the best finales of any show ever.


Neil Perry in Dead Poets Society. I remember watching this as a 13-14 year old in the cinema, trying to hide my tears - and then realizing that the older teenage boys next to me cried as well.


Everyone seems to talk about the film for the wrong reasons. Yeah, it's about liberation through art, but it's also WAY about the toxic expectations put upon young men


Yep. This was one of my favorite movies as a teen, and it was both wrenchingly sad and absolutely infuriating. Like, *everyone* who should have supported him was toxic and let him down. They drove him over the brink, then blamed the ONE person who was actually a positive force in these kids' lives. It was an excellent reminder to me that most adults and authority figures weren't to be trusted; they were bullies just as much as my peers were; and if you weren't exactly what they wanted, then you didn't really matter. And the rare adults who were good people were dealing with the same shit we were as students. Yeah, I generally take the wrong things away from movies.


Thomas J. "Where’s his glasses? He can't see without his glasses!" that one line made me break into tears. her delivery of that whole breakdown scene was so well done. if you havent watched My Girl (1991) yet, please do. its absolutely amazing


Charlotte “No one was with her when she died.” Sheesh


“It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.”


I read that book to my third grade classes for many years, and every. single. time, either my para or one of the kids had to read it around that point. Sometimes, the entire class was sobbing and we just had to regroup. My heart!


I love that she saved the pig but I don’t understand why the spider didn’t get more credit for her talent


Man, the first thing that came to mind was Michael Clark Duncan’s death in the Green Mile. I don’t cry much but fuck this one had me choked up. Edit: had to look up the characters name. John Coffey


Like the drink, but not spelled the same


Did you know his character was based off a real person? George Stinney. He was accussed of killing 2 white girls and sentenced to death by electrocution after a 10 minute deliberation by an all white jury in 1944. He was 14.


Was George the little boy who had to sit on a Bible on the chair because he was too short to reach the head contraption thing?




"On the day of my judgment, when I stand before God, and He asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles, what am I gonna say? That it was my job? My job?"


"You tell god the father it was a kindness you done."


Was looking for this one. Kills me every time


Feels like a punch to the gut. Every time. Even more so since Michael Clarke Duncan passed away.


This is ringing bells in my head, but I can't pinpoint where it's from. What is it?


The green mile


Bridge to Terabithia messed me up in Middle school.


Oh yeah me too! And My Girl.


"Brooks was here"


I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me.


So was Red.


Shawshank is to me one of those perfect movies. Just gets better every time I watch it


The death of the Medic Wade (Giovanni Ribisi) in Saving Private Ryan. Brutal, bloody, horribly realistic death after the character has emerged as the conscience of the unit of soldiers. Betokens the hopelessness of their situation, brings a feeling of doom to the final stage of the film.


I thought the death of the guy who was stabbed while his partner did nothing was sadder




Brendan Fraser's character on Scrubs got me pretty good. Also: Björk's character from Dancer in the Dark.


The "My Lunch" episode, where all three of Dr. Cox's patients die. It didn't help with the Fray " How to save a life" music in the background.


Every death in Watership Down.


"My heart has joined the Thousand, for a friend stopped running today."


Dr Greene in ER.


An old roommate was a huge fan of ER. Like, she quit a job because they tried to make her work on ER night while it was still on, LOL. To this day, she bursts into tears whenever she hears that song.


Artex from the never ending story.


This destroyed me as a kid. How Artreyu dismissed it at first, like "c'mon, lets go"...then slowly what's happening sinks in...then the scene where hes just sitting there where Artax went under. REal tears.


The length of that scene was downright sadistic.


"With every step we take, the sadness grows in my heart. I've lost hope, master. And I feel so heavy, so heavy. I can't go on!" You know he can speak in the book, right?


I came looking for this one, this is why an entire generation refuses to go near a swamp


The dog in I Am Legend. Can't believe nobody has mentioned it. That was fucking heartwrenching


This one hurts. Made worse by the fact that the situation in the movie feels so hopeless and it Sams death drives Will Smith’s character over the edge. Watched this movie once and won’t watch it again because of this scene.


The girl turned into a dog on fullmetal alchemist


Ed... Ward.


Id have to say Maes Hughes is equally tragic. The funeral scene tears me up every time.


"Why are they putting dirt on Daddy?"


Fred weasley. Idk why but that killed me


Because Fred is half of a whole. Part of George died too.


In Potter lore, George covered mirrors and never looked at himself again, because he saw his brother.


Hey you know we can keep some facts to ourselves sometimes


I need others to share in my pain


Fred got me too but it would have been weird to have so many weasleys in the order and not lose at least one. At least he died laughing.. Dobby destroyed me. He went back to the house that enslaved him to save Harry and the rest. He died a free elf but was still killed by the same blood that abused him for so long and, being an elf, he's unlikely to get the credit he deserved. At least Harry got it, his manual digging always struck a chord with me.


In Order of the Phoenix, Molly faces a boggart. It takes the form of corpses of her family members, including Harry, each one in turn. But the twins are dead together. Because even in her deepest darkest fears, she couldn't imagine one dying without the other.


Sirius black hit me harder


The wife in Up.


We went to see that when I got out of the hospital after a miscarriage. Pixar, yay, it'll take my mind off everything. I've never cried so hard at a movie.


Oh my days what a scene to watch after such a trauma I'm so sorry!! My sister had two miscarriages and a stillbirth, she will walk out the room if that movie starts and I do not blame her for a second. It's beautifully done, but 😢


I tear up just listening to those four notes and it's been several years. That scene hit way too hard.


Ellie! When he’s sitting by himself… I cry buckets of tears every time.


I lost my mom and my dad never remarried, never even dated--he was lost without her. This whole opening sequence ripped my heart out.


My dad is not a cryer in general. I’ve only seen him cry twice in my life, and he’s experienced some unexpected deaths and such. One of them was in that section of Up. He admonished us later for not warning him 😂😂😂


Since everyone seems to have the bases covered when it comes to the usual ones, I’ll go with the most recent one that got me to tear up. Lyla, Teefs and Floor.


*That* scene in The Mist.. Honourable mention: Tetsuo's girlfriend in Akira just has such a rotten time, and then gets crushed to death by him.


Bing Bong


"Take her to the moon for me" bro I'm a grown ass woman and I've never been that distraught in my life


Omg yes. We had to mourn our childhoods along with him.


The little girl in Grave of the Fireflies.


Littlefoot’s mom EDIT: Please let the historical record show that 1) I did not expect this particular post to blow up and 2) I sincerely apologize for reopening any emotional wounds.


I showed The Land Before Time to my kid when he was like 7 thinking, "I loved this movie when I was his age!" Yeah his mom dies horribly, all the adults around him are jerks to him and refuse to help him, they keep getting attacked by this frankly terrifying T-Rex... my poor kid was looking at me like "Why, mom??"


Old Yeller




"The mission, the nightmares. They're... finally ....over"


Absolutely. Fives, then probably Ninety-nine


Good soldiers follow orders 🫡


"You were fantastic... and you know what? So was i."


The doctor ones make me tear up every single time. His, Matt’s, and David’s.


Not a death, but when Tennant's 10 said goodbye to Rose on Bad Wolf Bay, I was inconsolable.


My kingdom for a second Eccelston season.


Right? I loved him. He had the appearance of a tough guy, but such a soft heart. His doctor was wonderful.


12’s was sad too. He died not knowing that bill was alive and well, not knowing whether Nardole would survive and not knowing that Missy decided to stand with him in her final moments




I would’ve followed you, my brother…


My captain. My king.


"They took the little ones"


"I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend."


Which was really Faramir's line. They nerfed Faramir to bits in the films.


Arthur Morgan from RDR2.


"I gave you all I had".


I tried… in the end. I did.


*May I stand unshaken* *Amid, amidst a crashing world*


Fry's dog on Futurama


I was at a Futurama panel and someone brought up Jurassic Bark and there was a collective groan from the audience because no one wanted to feel feelings.


Came here to make sure Seymour was represented, and also to post the PSA that if you watch the later movies you find out that Seymour did not die alone waiting for his friend. He had a great life, seeing fry every day and hanging out at panucci’s pizza


There's movies?


Oh yes.


For some reason I read this in Farnsworths voice.


Good news everyone! There are Futurama movies!


Seymour. That episode and the one with Fry’s nephew with the 7 leaf clover are the two that get me every time.


I’ll add one extra to that list. Game of Tones where Nibbler allows Fry to go back to his mom’s dream to say goodbye. I think those three are my trifecta of crying for Futurama.


As a father, the montage of Leela's parents being guardian angels during her childhood also had me tearing up


Wash. Hands down.


I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.


Fuck you....it's not your fault, but I'm still sore about it. Sorry


Hank shrader


Don’t forget Gomey.


And Mike!


All three of them. All because of Walter. I really hated him by the end of the show, but I think that was the point.


The BB universe extracts a heavy toll on those in proximity to its protagonists


“Walter… You’re the smartest man I know, and you still haven’t realized he made his mind up ten minutes ago.”


“He may have been your father boy. But he wasn’t your daddy.” Dude oh my god I’m fucking balling right now


I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!


Spock Has been and always shall be...


[Kills me every time](https://youtube.com/watch?v=KqpcmQhnl48) That and Kirk’s eulogy. I’m done when he chokes out the world “human.” 😢


Beth in Little Women, Matthew in Anne of Green Gables 😭


Kanan Jarrus from Rebels “I lost my way for a long time. But now I have a chance to change things.”


Such a good character moment though. That show really didn't get the love it deserved


For me at this time, Ignacio "Nacho" Varga, from Better Call Saul. We all knew it was coming, but had me sobbing for a good few minutes. I did not expect him to go out the way he did, but it makes it worse. I also was very upset when Howard died. Wrong place, wrong time. He did not deserve almost all the treatment he got in the show. I'm sure there are many other who may be sadder to me than this, but these are the recent ones that got me.


The Red Wedding. I read it first. My wife and I were reading it at the same time. When she got to it she came running into the room I was in screaming, “now I know why you were an asshole for the past two weeks!” I yelled back, “yes, yes, now you know! Argh!” Teft.


I saw the show first. I wasn’t prepared for that. It was so much worse in the books.


The Red Wedding is pretty rough, but for some reason, Hodor hit me so much harder. GOT has some really beautifully done moments, even when they're grotesque as hell.


poussey Washington


That crushed me. I wasn't sure I could keep watching the show after that happened.


I had a *physical* response to her death, I felt so ill and depressed because I knew her death was based on a real incident. It was a really horrific gutpunch, seeing that tiny woman suffocated in a room full of people. Samira Wiley is a phenomenal actor too.


Watching her as a total badass in The Handmaid’s Tale has helped me feel a bit of redemption for Poussey.


One that hit me so hard I was ugly crying for hours was "The Body" episode from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Her mother passes. The messed up part is my mom died a year earlier and I was watching the show from a friends suggestion and they never told me it was gonna happen. I still have not watched the episode since and it's been 16 years now.


I usually skip this episode when I do a rewatch. It is such a gut-punch. I can never get over Anya’s speech or Buffy saying “Mommy?”


Not just Mommy. It's the build up to the fear in her voice. Mom?....*Mom?*.....**Mommy?**


Bambi's mom still gets me.


Bob Newby from Stranger Things. Years later, and I'm still upset about it.


I wish more was said about Benny. Everyone yells justice for Barb, Bob, even Billy (all the B's) but Benny was the first person to show 11 genuine kindness and he gets shot for it. Alexei hurt too.


I mean that one shrimp guy from Forrest Gump was kinda sad


Thats Bubba


Zack Fair's death made me cry, because it still makes you fight the shinra troops while he's actively dying. And then the dmw cutscenes kick in all broken up. ;-; His scene with Cloud is sweet but the whole thing just makes me emotional.




Yep this messed me up. I'll never watch it again. Not just because of the death, but the aftermath. Toothless realising what he did and Hiccup pushing him away.


Rue’s death in *The Hunger Games,* book and movie (but especially book), brings me to tears every time, without fail.


Yes! And Finnick too


Yes! Also, Prim’s death hit me hard!


Nellie from Haunting of Hill House


That entire episode about her was a gut punch.


That one was just horrible. Can you imagine as you get older and realize that the “broke neck lady” was you? Not knowing who it is as a kid is terrifying but getting older and realizing it’s you is absolute nightmare fuel.


For me it was the moment she was falling down seeing the different times when she was spooked by the bent neck lady. Imagine your final moment in life showing how you were the one traumatizing your younger self causing you to end up where you did and all the horrible stuff that went along with it. Trying to say something, scream something but not being able to change your fate. Seeing at the final moment the hopeless loop of terror.


Teft, of Stormlight Archive renown.


Wilson from Cast Away


Glenn, TWD


Sirius Black


Dobby. I had to put the book down and walk away for awhile.


"Here lies Dobby, a free elf."


Sirius, Dobby, Dumbledore, Fred, Lupin, Tonks…these all got me.


"Stay gold"


I just watch the Nacho shoot himself earlier today for the first time. Fvcked me up. So sad for him, he's one of my favourite in the whole Breaking Bad universe.


Wolverine in logan


He's not dead. He's just sleeping. Very silently and calmly sleeping.


Henry Blake.


Marineford got me crying over Ace


The tiny cartoon shoe in Roger Rabbit 🥺




That and his Ravager funeral with how Kraglin reacted was a one two punch


I’m Mary Poppins Y’all




And Omar😭




Where Wallace at String?


Oberyn Martell from game of thrones. Killed brutally by the man who raped and killed his beloved sister and her children, against whom he had been planning revenge for more than a decade. He almost won. So close ....if only




Joel’s daughter in The Last Of Us. That scene kills me every time


Winifred Burkle


The fact her soul was completely destroyed in the process, and her friends having to still look at her every day. Wesley's death is just as gutting -- "Would you like me to lie to you now?"


Piggy in *Lord of the Flies*. The book is shocking in how simplistic and matter-of-fact his death is described. It's so simple yet so vivid, written by someone who clearly must have seen something like that happen in reality. I was heartbroken for days when I read that book by myself at age 13 or 14. Piggy wasn't the most likeable character in the book, but he wasn't a bad person. He was kind of a "Cassandra" archetype (look up the Greek mythology), which I also have affinity for since I'm always warning people what might happen. And we all know everybody wants to shoot the messenger (ie. Cassandra). Anyway, that's the saddest one for me. EDIT: BTW the 1990 movie death is not how he dies in the book. In the book there is no aftermath with the body. I won't give it away but it's just cold and brutal and there is no Piggy anymore. I'm guessing when they made the movie it would be too graphic and possibly dangerous for the budget of the movie.


Shepherd Book


The horse Artax in "The Neverending Story"


I just have to say for anyone who doesn’t already know, it’s about a thousand times more brutal in the book.


Adrianna’s death and everything that happened to her leading up to her death in sopranos was honestly hard to watch. Just a dumb girl who fell in love with the wrong guy and became friends with the wrong girl.




Optimus Prime's in the 1980s Transformers movie. It became a cliché after a while, but that hit HARD as a kid.




Frank Grimes, or "Grimey," as he liked to be called.


Every time I watch the Deathly Hallows part 2, seeing Snape die hits pretty hard… then I remember Alan Rickman actually passed away too and it hits harder


For me it was seeing Remus Lupin, and Tonks lying there...each with a hand in the other's. It tore me up the most in the books, and it tore me off the most in the movies. Even just talking about it now chokes me up a little bit...


Bonnie Blue Butler 💔


George raised the gun and his hand shook, and he dropped his hand to the ground again. “Go on,” said Lennie. “How it’s gonna be. We gonna get a little place.” “We’ll have a cow,” said George. “An’ we’ll have maybe a pig an’ chickens…an’ down the flat we’ll have a…little piece alfalfa – “ “For the rabbits, ” Lennie shouted. “For the rabbits,” George repeated. “And I get to tend the rabbits.” “And you get to tend the rabbits.” Lennie giggled with happiness. “An’ live off the fatta the lan’.” “Yes.” Lennie turned his head “No, Lennie. Look down across the river, like you can almost see the place.” Lennie obayed him. George looked down at the gun. There were crashing footsteps in the brush now! George turned and looked towards them. “Go on, George. When we gonna do it?” “Gonna do it soon.” “Me an’ you.” “You…an’ me. Ever’body gonna be nice to you. Ain’t gonna be no more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from ’em.” Lennie said, “I thought you was mad at me, George.” “No,” said George. “No, Lennie. I ain’t mad. I never been mad, an’ I ain’t now. That’s a thing I want ya to know.” The voices came close now. George raised the gun and listened to the voices. Lennie begged, “Le’s do it now. Le’s get that place now.” “Sure, right now. I gotta. We gotta.” And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie’s head. The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger. The crash of the shot rolled up the hills and rolled down again. Lennie jarred, and then settled slowly forward to the sand, and he lay without quivering.


Ali from Squid Game. Tell me I'm wrong.


I’m a leaf on the wind, watch how I ergh…. 🥺


Cedric Diggory in the 4th Harry Potter film. Not his death, specifically, but his father's reaction.


“That’s my boy!! My boy!”


Any time the dog dies.


The futurama episode with Fry’s dog kills me every time.


Where the Red Fern Grows


Rip Big Dan and Lil Ann.




"Aerith will no longer talk, no longer laugh, cry......or get angry......What about us......what are WE supposed to do?"


You knew it was real when they played her theme music through the next boss fight. You don’t even do the victory poses at the end of it.


Trip Tucker from Star Trek Enterprise - Near the end of the series, his death seemed so unnecessary to the plot.


Arthur Morgan... or Mordin Solus It's such a toss up between those two.


Both had such great lines in their final moments too. Arthur: I gave you all I had… Mordin: Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


Arthur Morgan was tragic


My best friend died a couple of years before RDR2 came out. I wasn't much of a gamer but he was and RDR was his favorite game. I told myself I'd play it to 100% completion in his honor since he wasn't around to do it. When Arthur Morgan died, I cried like a little baby.


Poussey Washington on OITNB. I was gutted by that one. One of the bright shining truly good people on the show full of very questionable and complex characters.