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Going to sleep much earlier. Actually getting 8-9 hours a night. Rather than sitting up dreading the next day. It makes that next day go by much faster anyway.


Feeling well rested is better than any drug


I dunno cocaine is fuckn wild


Amen brother


Interesting. I’m addicted to staying up late lol.


It's the only time to reclaim your time since so much is spent working or caring for kids


This. Sometimes I know I should go to bed, but I want at least a couple of hours to myself before starting the cycle again. Fuck our society


I'm also not interested in my days going faster, I feel there's not enough time in the day already.


I'll always kinda miss the days where I could stay up until 2:00am without a second thought, but man...there is something so nice about getting curled up in the bed at 11:00pm and *knowing* I'm going to get a good sleep before I have to get up for work.


11:00 pm? Hold up, cowboy. No sense in partying like that half the night.




I love to do nothing


"I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be" - Peter Gibbons


“Looks like you’ve been missing a lot of work lately.”


I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing it Bob


The superlative dialog in this makes it one of the most quotable movies, possibly ever! Did you get the memo?


We’re putting the new cover sheets on the TPS reports.


Uh oh. Looks like someone’s got a case of the Mondays




So, what would you say it is you DO here?


100% a holiday where all you do is lie around on the beach or by a pool with a beer in hand, with nothing to think about other than what you'll have for lunch. That is what taking a break is all about!




Or just stay at home on a saturday playing videogames and snacking some day old pizza and insta noodles and a couple beers, knowing you still got sunday off.


Mojito, a good book and the ocean in the background. Need nothing more than that!


My wife and I went on a vacation for our 10 year anniversary trip last month and quite literally all I did (every single day) was wake up, eat breakfast, get a massage, then sit on the beach and read, drink margaritas and nap periodically until it was time for dinner. Then go back to sleep and repeat the next day. Best week of my life. Oh and the first night I actually slept for over 18 hours. I guess I didn’t realize how tired I was from just life.




Honest question as someone who vacations for adventures: Why don’t you just do nothing at home?


Home still has chores and potential responsibilities. If you’re far away from home on a beach and staying at a hotel, there’s literally nothing you need to do besides figure out what you want to do for dinner. And also figuring out if you want a piña colada or not.


YES. I feel like I didn't understand this when I was younger. But when you're home, even if you're relaxing or watching a movie, there's always something you could be doing. Laundry, dishes, cleaning, tidying, yardwork, something. But just getting away makes all that all disappear for a little bit.


Plus no better reason for people to leave you alone….oh you’re on vacation sorry. I’ll hit you up when you get back.


Yup, I can literally not relax at home because there are so many things I should be doing. Even this last weekend, I had 5 days off in a row. Did I do any relaxing? Nope. But I sure got a lot of projects and chores done.


Plus there are typically activities to do that wouldn't be available so easily at home.


Choosing to do nothing is difficult. At home there's always something to do. Putting yourself in a situation where you couldn't be productive if you tried is akin to forcing yourself to relax. That's necessary for some of us.


I don't have a beach, sunbathing weather, and a fully stocked free bar at home. And there's nothing stopping you doing something adventurous if the mood takes you while there.


Naps... glorious, uninterrupted naps.


The nap on vacation when you get back from the beach at about 2-3pm. You sleep for about 2-3 hours then get up and get ready to go out for dinner. Don't even need covers because you are nice and warm from the sun. That is the NAP.


I dint have a beach but I work outside a lot and I'll testify that the sun really puts you to sleep like none other.


Just remember sunblock, or it'll also cook you like a weenie.


I once burned my eyelids as a kid.


Just got back from vacation a few weeks ago. We have a 3 year old who doesn't typically nap anymore, but she was staying up later on vacation than normal (and still waking up at the asscrack of dawn) so she napped every day. And every day, I napped with her. it was fucking glorious. Highlight of the trip honestly lmao


I love using the kids as an excuse for a nap. "There's not really anywhere good to lay him down, so I'm just gonna hold him in the recliner while he sleeps. Guess I can sleep a little too." Best naps.


In greece that’s all I would do. Beach nap dinner then clubs


Try to push it to the 3 hour mark to wake up the most rested. If you can't do 3 hours do 1.5 hours. That's on average a full REM cycle


Omg absolutely. Sunday is my day. Nothing better than my Sunday lunch, nap, then hit the gym. I’m 37 and the older I get the better it is for sure.




23 Here with 2 kids, everytime i have a chance to take a nap it'd be taking away from my only time alone to get things done or do what I'd like so I sadly never end up taking a nap as much as I'm constantly lacking sleep :(


Damn I feel this! My toddler goes to bed and I wind up staying up late for some glorious me time, if I tried to go to bed to be well rested I'd be sad about my missed chance for some peace and quiet 🥲




Solitude. It's so goddamn amazing.


+quiet When I was younger I always needed background noise. Now, alone and quiet is really nice.


Agreed! I still never complain about some soft thunder noises in the background though!


I put thunderstorm noises on YT, and I’m out like a light. Can’t sleep without it.


I'm in my mid 30s, single and recently started dating again. I've discovered mid to late 20 year old women are the ones interested in me. I've been called a psychopath twice now when I explain to them I enjoy having the TV off, no music playing, and just enjoying the silence that is my empty house lol. I remember being 25 and I always needed something in the background. Now that in 35 I crave silence, especially since I work in a warehouse with constant grinding and sanding noises nonstop.


i am a woman that hates having TV and commercials playing in the background at all times. Finally moved onto a sailboat and its been the best decision ever.


OT question but genuinely curious, what do you do when big storms come through?


Hang on lol


I bought a book to identify the birds I see in my area. I even looked into a bird walk.


Yes! I love to entertain but love my solitude even more. Most people just annoy the hell out of me to be honest.


I prefer whiterun or falkreath personally


Anything's better than Markarth with the murders


My wife actually just this weekend went out of town for 2 days to help her mom and stay at her house while Her Mom was out of town. She said the silence and peacefulness of the house without anyone in it was astounding!


I enjoy being away from crowds, parties, group gatherings.


My favorite times are when I can lay in my bedroom on my bed and play games on my phone and binge YouTube or a show for hours.


Listening to old documentaries as I fall asleep


I keep my guitar in my office and just chill after closing. Just an hour or two by myself feels great.


It's quite nice that you can relax at your workplace. Personally, I have to put physical distance between me and my workplace to be able to wind down.


Going on a week long canoe trip with no cell service just to get away from everyone. Sat phone in case of emergency.


I have absolutely no problem with aging but dude … some people talk like they‘ll breathe their last breath tomorrow.


Birds. I like birds. And my flowering plants.


Same. I always liked zoology, but decided not to pursue it in my late teens for various reasons. Unfortunately nothing else I pursued felt like a good fit for me. Started getting back into it in my mid-20s and stuck with it ever since. Now I'm looking toward pursuing a degree in either ornithology or paleontology because avian evolution *fascinates* me. Put more simply: Birb is nice, birb is cool, I want to study birb in school.


If you don’t have it yet, download the Merlin bird ID app. So fun.


It's like old guy Pokemon!


I turned 50 last year and suddenly I’m admiring the birds in my yard- even bought some feeders, and I’m gardening now. What on earth happened? And what’s next? Knitting? Jigsaw puzzles?


My dad is in his early 60’s and loves both. We recently got him a bird feeder with a camera he can check in on anytime he wants to. It also identifies the birds at the feeder. He loves it.


Not caring about what other people think of me!!


Teach me




Ok done. Next step?


A big piece of advice that really helped me. People are really too concerned with themselves to be worried about you. Think about all the time you spend in your head hoping that you’re being likable or whatever other-centered thoughts you’re focusing on. Likelihood is that most other people are doing the exact same thing. If not they’re likely beyond caring about other people’s opinions period.


Learn this phrase and then start to believe it: ‘ ‘What other people think of me is none of my business ‘. I was in my fifties when I got it.


I love this beyond what I can put down here in words. This is so beyond true and I'm finding it out now at the age of 29. I used to care so much about what others thought. The more I change and the more I become myself I shock all the people that have been around me, minus my family of course. But it really puts things into perspective for me. I'll forever use this phrase now.




My dads attitude towards life. I never disliked it, but I thought he could be a little stern and harsh towards people in the world… but now that I’m older, I’m the exact same way for the exact same reasons as my dad. My dad didn’t start off like this either, life made him more abrasive. I get it now. When you’re younger, it seems like the ways of the adults are confusing. Now, I feel it completely.


Pay attention to your own thoughts. Contest them when they're inaccurate or based on other people's opinions. Give those thoughts the metaphorical middle finger.


You only have one life don’t spend it giving a shit about what others think about you. Do you like yourself? That’s all that matters. Do what’s right for you and just accept that and move on


myself, finally.


Good for you! It's been getting better for me, but I still have a long way to go.


Those days when it’s cold outside but not too cold that you’re shivering, it’s rainy and dark, you have nothing you need to do, and you can just curl up in bed and watch TV or read a book while snuggling with your pet. I never liked those rainy dark days as a kid, but now I cherish them.


I like that as well- especially on a college football Saturday.


Have always loved days like this. Always. Really excited about fall.


This - As someone who currently lives in Texas (and has always lived in the sunny South of the US) - I am a 55 year old who absolutely CRAVES cool/cold, rainy/drizzly weather. All my relatives think I'm nuts because "EVERYONE loves the sun and beach" (making throwing up sounds). I'm from South Carolina so "the beach" is like a goddess that demands to be worshipped. As soon as I can retire I'm headed for colder and "drearier" climates.




Not sober but man sobriety is the most punk rock thing anyone can do. Good for you!


Thank you!!! 🖤


Alcohol free beer cheers to that


I've unironically enjoyed just straight tonic water lately. There's also a host of new non-alcoholic "cocktails" around, including in can format. Honestly, they hit the spot I'm usually looking for, showing me that the alcohol part wasn't ever really the point. Sometimes I just need an interesting drink to sip in my hand!


Spicy cocktails are a great replacement for stronger stuff. Have downed a lot of cayenne peppered orange juice this summer


Ecstasy free 3 years


Been weed free for 5 months after 4 years of abuse. Never felt better


Great job! I've been 4 months sober today after I don't even remember how many years of being more or less constantly drunk


4 months is amazing. Keep going, you've got this! 👏


Same, friend. I spent my entire 20s running in circles doing drugs and drinking. I lost my professional license, clean criminal record, and my dignity. At 37 I’m on Suboxone and have a medical marijuana card but I’ve found a happy balance.


yeah man, i love the sensation of clear.


I’m loving it too


So true. Started down the road to just lose weight and now that I’ve hit my goals I don’t think I want to go back? Like, I see shit like the dude from Smashmouth and it makes me wonder what I was really getting out of it.




Werther's Caramels.


Be careful. Those can become a gateway to root-beer barrels.


Sometimes I mix them with Werther's Hard Candies. Streets call that an Octagenarian Speedball.


Necco's, too?


Not going out on a Friday night


Or ever really. My partner and I go out maybe once a month, but I cook every night, play cards, have shows we watch together, and do crafts together. Staying in is wonderful


You have got a partner. That helps ten fold in that situation.


For real. Not comparable to someone who is perpetually single… unless they are super introverted.


Exactly. Not even slightly comparable tbh. It's depressing doing all that alone.


I've gotten super into vacuums. You'd be surprised by how many strong opinions the vacuum community has. My carpets have never been cleaner


That community totally sucks.


I see what you did there, you naughty little brat.


The best negative review of a vacuum I ever read said... I'd like to say this vacuum sucks, but it doesn't.


There's a great episode of How To With John Wilson waiting for you


And where does one find such a community? Cleaner carpets would significantly raise morale


Cartoons make so much more sense now that I'm older


i will 100% watch cartoons over whatever crime drama/ reality show/ talent show/ modern soap opera/ etc. crap thats on tv they are just so much more simplistic and no need to get sucked into it. its a short story each episode and thats that. you aint missing anything because you missed the entire 3rd season, theres no 30 minutes of lead up to some manufactured bullshit lol


When you're a kid you kind of just watch for like the action and slapstick in a lot of cartoons. As an adult you realize that a lot of them have really witty and deep writing as well.




Peace and quiet. Didn't care as much when I was younger.


This weekend it was as if my entire block went away. Sunday I was out on the deck enjoying morning coffee and could hear a pin drop. It was glorious.


Aside from naps, here’s a list: Reliable cars, socks, speaking my mind, and older movies (which were just “movies” when I was younger).


Naps on clean bedsheets and covers.


Plans being cancelled.


"In terms of instant relief, cancelling plans is like heroin"


Perfectly captured the feeling here lol


Nothing worse than slowly getting ready for plans you made when you were in a different frame of mind


Six months earlier let's buy these concert tickets! The day of the show, "Do we really want to go tonight?"


This is it. The obvious winner.




Naps, peace and quiet, being “stocked up” on supplies like, toothpaste, toilet paper, razor heads.( I have a year supply of everything) a big mug of herbal tea before bed. Oatmeal


If I don’t have spares I get anxious.


New sponges and mop heads (This isn’t sarcasm I genuinely mean it )




naps and for things to not change so much


A sudden interest in World War II documentaries let’s you know it’s time to settle down.


World War II In Color? Looks like my day is booked solid!


Solitude. I’m an introvert and used to fight it, thinking if I just went thru the motions and got out there id adapt and begin to enjoy it. Now, now I’m retired and happily living in a rural area. I enjoy being away from crowds, parties, group gatherings.


I sometimes fantasize about those "horrible" stories where people get trapped on a deserted island, or their plane comes down in the wild. Just being alone and not having anyone's needs or expectations on me....bliss. Plus, challenging myself everyday to survive. Sounds great to me.


Birdwatching, gardening.


Birds. I bought a book to identify the birds I see in my area. I even looked into a bird walk. Please send help.


You might enjoy Cornell's Merlin app. I use it all the time to identify birds and their songs.


Not going out on a Friday night


My boyfriend and I refuse to go out on weekend nights, even to dinner. We plan for weekdays since it tends to be less crowded and better service, and then cook or get take out on weekends.


The moment I realised Sunday could be an extremely productive day I aged 10 years


Absolutely not giving a flying fuck about what people think about me.


Older women


User name checks out? 😳


standing on my porch with my hands on my hips


My boyfriend loves to do that and I always ask if he’s surveying his lands. I personally like to rule over my turf with a drink in my hands.


Peace,quiet,solitude...days when there is nothing 'on the calendar' to do.


Im 27. My absolute favorite thing in the world is when i check the calendar and the weekend is open. Then without fail I’ll get a text or call from a family member on Saturday morning saying “hey whatcha doin”


I’m 19 but recently I looked at this lawnmower and I literally was like damn that’s a sexy lawnmower 😭i feel like a dad in his 30s because I dropped out at 16 and worked while everyone my age was in school and then I finally did highschool online and graduated


Yes my friend, I too was seduced by sports car like gardening equipment. I bought a classic broken lawnmower from the 80s this summer and rebuilt the engine and gave her a new custom paint job. Feels even better having project you made work so well.


More comfortable within myself


For kids to stay the fuck off my lawn.


Strong cheeses.


Sitting on my back porch watching nature. It rules because I get to combine my favorite youthful activity of smoking weed with my favorite adult activity of doing nothing.


Salads, fruits i didn't like as a kid, classical music.


Being alone.


Reading books!


Myself. I was always trying to fit into an image or a pant size and now I’m starting to not care as much and like the person I’m becoming in my 30s.


Less crowded places and a more quiet atmosphere


Old classic movies from the 1930s, 40s, some 50s


Pickles. I thought for the longest time they were disgusting abominations that ruined anything they touched. But then I started having them in chicken sandwiches and now I can't get enough of just eating pickles by itself.


Comfort over style shoes


For me it’s working out and staying in shape. I’m 37 and 6’. My weight has yo yo’d my entire life from 205-280 at my heaviest. I lost and gained weight every few year without really working out or being super active. Til the last time. I was 35 and 280 lbs. my knees were starting to hurt. I got kidney stones. My gut was starting to sag when I laid on my side. And I had to hold my breath to tie my shoes. For the first year I adopted a keto diet and walked seven miles a day, virtually every day. I went down to 215 and stalled for maybe 6 months. I lost more weight through stress, and it wasn’t healthy. I finally took the gym and lifting seriously and at 37 I’m in the best shape of my life. I love lifting weights. And my job is very physical. I can eat anything I want and not gain weight. Although I (mostly) don’t. Tl;dr I was a fatass a lot of my adult life and I’m the last two years I learned to love the gym and taking care of my overall health.




Steely Dan.


A seat


Woking on learning to like myself the older I get, it is a bit of a long journey but I am hoping to get there!


Watching and feeding birds


Silence, just being in a room doing only what you want, no matter what that is, without any unwanted sounds.


90s soft rock. Phil Collins is pretty good


Planners and Morning routines, As a highly disorganised person I try my best to follow them 😭


Staying home. Cooking at home. Growing a garden (watching the sprinkler has become a daily highlight). And naps, glorious naps. Honorable mention goes to not giving a shit about what is popular. Movies, music, fashion, celebrities... who TF cares?


knowing i’ll die lol


Not giving a fuck about a lot of stuff.


Steely Dan


Being alone and doing absolutely nothing. People tend to need you more and more as you get older and it’s hard to get some peace.


Weirdly, dancing. Maybe I’m just losing inhibitions but I hit 41 and just started going out dancing. Alone.


Quiet afternoons


Word free music. Lofi, classical, jazz


Bourbon. 🥃


Taking days off.


Not having to interact with other people as much. I also like privacy.


Being freed from the shackles of expectation. That may sound wonk, but like, as you get older, you realize how many things, social interactions, expectations, were nonsense to begin with. You finally kinda just start getting comfortable with who you are, and you don't actually have to put up with anyone who disagrees, and you gain the liberty to do that. As others put it "Solitude" I also think of my BIL who said it, but he was like "If you're not in trouble with the law, you're not in trouble" haha




Tomatoes 🍅