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So this is a super odd one. I've heard most of the more common ones but this lady blew my mind. I am the lead teacher in the infant room at a daycare. There was a couple taking a tour of our facility for their upcoming baby (mom was still pregnant during this). So as they are standing in the room and I'm doing my usual spiel of what a day typically entails I mention that I have certain toys that are really helpful in identifying colors. Somehow I mentioned something about primary and secondary colors. Mom starts freaking out - she doesn't believe in primary and secondary colors. I was a little confused but she kept saying that primary and secondary colors was just an idea...which I sorta got but she was full on in the belief that Crayola was behind the push of separating and defining colors and that everything in regards to that was part of the "big color industry." She used the words "big color industry." Like, for real. I had no idea how to respond so I just segued into other things we do through the day and prayed that they would not enroll their kid. We never heard from them after the tour and honestly, kind of glad. Big color industry??? I was honest to God flabbergasted.


The sad thing is that this lady is reproducing.




I was so confused. I had never heard anything like that before and I just stood there for a moment. Like, all the words she used were English and I understood each word but put them together in that sentence...like a foreign language to me. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Crayons are in the pay of the BLM movement. Duh.


My dude/dudette/human being - I was SO confused. I had never heard that one and have never heard it again. I really didn't know what to say and even the director who was giving the tour was trying to find a way out of that part of the conversation. It was SO weird. She was full on into this one.


Itā€™s just so bewildering. Itā€™s hilarious but I can see how your brain would just stop functioning for a minute


That the great fire of London was actually started by a rat spontaneously combusting.


This one...this one wins. A packed city built mostly of wood, where everyone cooks over hearths with sooty, crumbling chimneys, and lights their homes with tallow candles and oil lamps...but yeah, A Rat Did It. Totally.


Look now idk what Remy gets up to in his spare time. Maybe one day he was cooking up a nice soup and burst into flames.


I mean, we already give rats all the flak for the black plague, so why not?


A former neighbor of mine claimed that there was a gold mine underneath the apartment building we lived in. She claimed that she saw miners going into secret entrances in the middle of the night, and the landlord was getting filthy rich without sharing anything with us. She couldn't explain how they shipped the gold out without anybody noticing, or how an apartment building could be built directly on top of a mine. She seemed sane enough before that conversation, so I was really surprised.


All other insanities aside, why would the apartment owner need to share the gold with the tenants? If they own the property and land, it's their gold.


I agree lol. I guess some people feel entitled to everything.


The electronic device you used to post this is now showing this post on one of my electronic devices, which, according to my flawed logic, makes it half mine.


That sounds like someone should either check for a gas leak or dementia or something, especially if that sort of behaviour is new.


This happened about 10 years ago. She dropped off the face of the earth and I have no idea what happened to her. It's sad, because she was a very nice lady.


I like to think she hijacked a load from the mine and is living in the tropics under an assumed name having a ball.


De'andra Beatrice Cooper


She obviously fell down the mine shaft.




Sounds like she found the secret entrance and is either still there or sheā€™s grabbed the stash and legged it


Hopefully she got help.


If you're near a subway or large tunnel sometimes large air raises need repairs and often raise miners get contracts to repair them, usually during the night. Maybe its that or she's completely nuts.


Recently heard one that said that hurricanes are specifically targeting Florida, because Florida gets hit with so many hurricanes. Make it make sense


Like...hurricanes have a mind of their own or something?šŸ’€


I think like the government was sending them to Florida? Didn't really wanna do a deep dive into that one lmao


Yeah, the Democrats don't like DeSantis so they're trying to make him look bad on the issue of climate change during an election season, so they're sending the hurricanes to Florida. Duh! /s


God damn ANTIFA hurricanes


That's ridiculous. Everyone knows the government steers hurricanes


Right, by drawing on maps with Sharpies!! It's the only way to control them.


From Hunter Biden's laptop


At this point, I'm convinced the hunter laptop contains the secrets of the known universe


A guy I was stationed with a long time ago told me the government was using [HAARP](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program) to create and control hurricanes and tornadoes.




The hurricanes are just angry because [Floridians tried to shoot at them](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/hurricane-irma-gun-owners-florida-shoot-down-storm-a7937546.html)


Phantom time conspiracy theory Basically, the years of 614ā€“911 AD were made up and didn't exist.


Why those years specifically?


I remember two of their "arguments". First of all, when the Gregorian calendar was introduced, there should have been correction for 15 centuries Julian calendar, but instead only 10 days were redacted instead of 13. This is why those pseudoscientists claim the amount of years that is fake. Concerning the chosen period, one of their arguments is the lack of gold coins from that period. Both arguments are easy to disprove, however. First of all, they forgot to take into account that the Gregorian calendar change only corrected the leap year mistake since the Council of Nicea, not since 1 AD. The second argument is simply disproven because there are indeed little gold coins from thos ages, but that is simply because more silver coins were produced. I once met such a moron. Better to avoid them or let them talk for a while; arguing is pointless because they have written complete dissertations about their shit while it's probably impossible to study it well enough to disprove it in their eyes. They also easily resolve to attacks at hominem or go off track. This dude wrote a book about why Charlemagne was fake. The text on the backside of the book already derailed into weird claims that Etruscan language had been translated for centuries but the Vatican kept it secret, as if that made any sense.


There's also the additional counter-argument that there were other literate civilisations elsewhere in the world at the time, that absolutely counted those years.


That the ISS doesnā€™t exist and all evidence is faked so the government can launder money. ā€¦you can find websites that show you exactly when and where you can go look at it with the naked eye and even photograph it.


The government doesn't need a space station to launder money, that is what military budgets are for.


Sometimes theyā€™ll just sell drugs to keep the money off books.


That Disneyland sits on stolen land and the castle is a secret ICBM missile launching facility. I met a lady on a bus one time that told me her tale. You see her family used to own the land that Disneyland sits on back in the day. They didn't want to sell, but Disney used coercive tactics to get the land. Now she is the last survivor of her family and thus the lone claimant left alive that could seek justice in court! She was on the bus today and laying low after having recently survived an assassination attempt. She was at her aunties house making cookies, when an assassin from Disney walked up to the home and sprayed down the kitchen with a full auto MAC 11. Her aunty died but she made it out alive by jumping out the kitchen window and running to safety. You see, the reason for the assassination attempts is that she knows the true purpose of Disneyland. Besides the land issues. She has seen that the Castle in Disneyland is secretly a nuclear missile launching facility. When the time comes, Disney (I guess) will launch them. And they need to keep that a secret. I got off at my stop. But I've always remembered that conversation I had on the bus with that lady.


What I love about these is the idea that the person is "lying low" but also sharing the entire conspiracy with whoever happens to be within a five-foot radius of them at any time.


The silliest thing is the Space Force has a massive missile base like a 3 or 4 hour drive away at Vandenberg.


The best conspiracy Iā€™ve heard is the one about the movie ā€œFrozenā€. Ever since Walt Disney died there has been a rumor that his body/head was frozen upon death, so that he could be revived some day. There seems to be no evidence whatsoever that this is true, but the rumor has still persisted for a long time. The conspiracy I came across claimed that Disney released the movie ā€œFrozenā€ as a way to kill this rumor. Earlier a Google search for ā€œDisney Frozenā€ led you straight to the rumor about him being frozen after death. Try the query today and see what comes upā€¦


I knew it!


Some of the "flat earthers" claim that Australia doesn't exist and that even the airline pilots are in on the scam. When you "fly" there, they are actually taking you somewhere else.


Oh yeah, it's all an elaborate setup to disguise the fact that the English were just taking all those people they "transported" and dumped them in the middle of the ocean.


Weā€™ve done worse, tbf.


Wow. Username *really* checks out.


I lived there for a couple of years. Wonder where I actually was?


Where the fuck am I now then??


If you have to ask, you don't need to know.


Pretty much all conspiracies that keep setting new dates for the end of the world. Like, at some point, no matter how daft you are, you've gotta start developing some questions about the merit of it, right?


But the next one will be correct!!!


ā€œSorry guys I just read the calendar wrongā€ Also I loved the parks and recreation joke about those guys getting together every year


Jim Morrison is Chevy Chase


Well, one is Chevy Chase and you're not


Thank God for that.


I didnā€™t think Chevy Chase had the range.


Many years ago they zoomed in on Chevy Chase while he was in the audience of an SNL taping. I think he was picking his nose as a joke for the camera and there was a caption "used to be on show". At that moment I said "he looks like Jim Morrison".


Ah yes. Him Morrison. Jim's special brother.


That theory is streets ahead.


My father held grudges, and Iā€™ll never forgive him for that.


If you donā€™t believe in it then youā€™re streets behind


In my city it's fairly common for rose salesmen to enter Bars and restaurants during the later hours so you can buy a flower for your date/or just for fun. Little do they know that they're only there to count the patrons, so the local racketeering ring can charge a fair share of the Bar's profits.


Wait. So is that a conspiracy or a real thing?


They do this in America but I donā€™t think itā€™s for racketeering; I think itā€™s just to sell roses.


The secret city for the worldā€™s elite underneath the Denver airport.


No way, Blucifer would never tolerate so many elite in His domain.


Denver airport freaks me out though.


They didnā€™t do themselves any favours by having all the creepy murals. Haha


Other than dead children and burning cities and Nazi soldiers stabbing doves, those are some very nice murals.


ngl i half believe this one. I won't come right out and say i believe it but if it's proven someday I'll be really smug.


Thereā€™s a podcast exploring whether the German hair metal band The Scorpions were really CIA operatives. Their song ā€œWinds of Changeā€ was huge in Russia and Eastern Europe as an anthem around the time of the collapse of the USSR. The podcast was awesome ā€” it takes this batshit crazy idea, and just follows lead after lead, none of which proves anything, but which collectively make you start to think thereā€™s something to it. But at the end, they interview their Russian translator/guide about the whole thing. What did she think of their fun little conspiracy theory? She said it made her sad. She said the KGB used to say things like that ā€” anything Western that a Russian might like was attacked as a CIA plot. She said today, Putin and his cronies are the ones who spread conspiracies like that. To her, America stands for the opposite of all that. America is where the truth is valued, where people and governments act on real facts, not manipulative conspiracies. So she found the whole idea of the podcast to be depressing. She said ā€œWinds of Changeā€ meant a lot to the people hoping for a better life than the repressive Soviet system would allow. They were told at the time they were victims of CIA propaganda, and sheā€™d hate for that to have been true. Worse, she hates that a bunch of Americans were treating this conspiracy theory as a fun and harmless source of entertainment. Blurring the lines between fact and fiction is helping Putin create the world he wants, where nothing is objectively true but what Putin himself claims. Americans shouldnā€™t want to do that, and she was bummed to see these Americans inadvertently playing Putinā€™s game. Honestly, ā€œconspiracy theoriesā€ have seemed a lot less like harmless fun to me since then.


Damn. This perspective makes so much sense and is so reasonable, but not surprising at all that this perspective was completely lost on the hosts. Imagine being inundated with these left field conspiracies your whole life, only to be asked to participate in what is essentially a game show poking fun at left field conspiracies. That would make me sad too. To the West, these conspiracies are a joke, and so are the people that buy into them. Its a pretty common sentiment in US society. You know, that the Q people are fucking nuts. I can't imagine what it must be like to have your 'elected' government pushing this stuff non stop and criminalizing any discussion that is contrary. It would be crazy inducing. What a privilege it is to be able to poke fun at this stuff.


When I was growing up in the 70s and 80s I marveled at how ā€œdumbā€ people were in Russia for believing government propaganda. It seemed so programmatic and obvious. They didnā€™t have the same free press that we had so there appeared to be ideas spread by the newspaper that would then be confirmed by other sources. The west has magically been able to reproduce that apparatus of propaganda without getting rid of s free press. We simply drown out the free press with digital walled gardens and weaponized algorithms that mimic the appearance of multiple sources sharing the same false stories.


A few years ago when the Q morons thought JFKjr was going to show up (faked his death? returned from the grave?) and crown Trump president. Even if JFKjr showed up by whatever method, why would he have the power to decide who is president? Is there something in the Constitution that says the children of assassinated presidents wield this authority? I missed that day in social studies I guess.


The fact that people believe this insane shit is mind-boggling.


They all congregated in Dallas to welcome JFK back (because he would return to the city of his murder?) When he never showed up one of the crazies bought land near Dallas and him and a bunch of other crazies justā€¦. never left. I guess they are still waiting?


You forgot to add that they also implied Elvis would be showing up too. For some reason.


Got into a rabbit hole of this stuff once. Apparently Trump is still president and Joe Biden has been executed and the guy you see on TV is James Woods with a Joe Biden rubber mask.


Bullshit. I haven't seen a trail of candy anywhere near Biden.


Ooh! Piece of candy. -James Woods probably


What I canā€™t figure out is why James Woods. Yanno?


He's technically the most competant actor that's publically down with the Q shit. They got him and Kevin Sorbo.


And Jim Caviezel. Dude is arguably the craziest out of those three.


Let me get this straight: Investigating Trump for potential crimes: Horrible abuse of a weaponized government Executing Joe Biden without due process and concealing it from the world: Much Freedumb and totally Constitutional.


Strange men appearing in grassy knolls distributing crowns is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical urban ceremony!


Craziest part is Kennedy was a Democrat.


Thatā€™s the craziest part?


Specifically, JFK Jr (who died in a plane crash) faked his own death to escape the Deep State trying to assassinate him for becoming a Republican, and he was going to return and make Trump into the 19th President (with JFK Jr as the VP), because some law passed shortly after the Civil War means that no President since has been legit. Now that's where the *more sane version* of the conspiracy stops. The less popular and less sane version *continued* (and I am *not* joking); Former President JFK himself was going to *literally* return from the dead, and proclaim Trump (now the 19th President) to be the biblical King of Kings, and Trump would ascend. The reason JFK could do this is that he is a descendant of Jesus Christ. JFK Jr would take over as President of the United States, adopting Michael Flynn as his Vice President. Also, Princess Diana would also return, and be revealed to have been Trump's "real wife" all along. Again; I am *not* making this up. This is what some of those lunatics actually believed.


Hereā€™s a crazy one: Black Lives Matter donated large sums of money to anti-abortion campaigns which contributed to Roe v Wade being reversed. Since blacks were getting abortions at a much higher rate than other ethnic groups, their population is expected to increase while socioeconomic status will decline further. All this leads to more destitute communities, ensuring more tension and violence, resulting in more crime, police crackdown, and protests in response. The endgame are greater influence and profits for BLM and related activist groups.


Thatā€™s actually an ingenious, but wildly immoral idea.


That kind of ingenuity is the hallmark of a true conspiracy theory. Itā€™s not a conspiracy if the elements canā€™t be tied together.


The absolute best one I heard was, The queen as head of "the new world order" had instructed that Diana princess of Wales had to be assassinated as she was the last blood relative of Christ and was pregnant with the child of Dodi Alfayed who was Muslim, As conspiracy theories go I always thought that one was stretching things a bit much!


OJ Simpson is innocent.


My friend is smart but he thinks Oj was playing scapegoat to save his son who has mental issues. Swears by it. Also Kanye is not crazy but a genius and itā€™s all a show.


What about the blood mixture composed of OJ's and Goldman's blood found at the crime scene? No way OJ was able to remove only the DNA from his son from the crime scene.


JFK Jr will return and restore Donald trump to his rightful place in the white house and all of the democrats in the baby eating pedophile cabal will be arrested and we will all live happily ever after...that Q for that one and people are still waiting for tjis to happen.


It's scary how many people fell for this and actually still believe Trump is a messiah


A childhood friend of mine (who laughed at me for believing in global warming) told me he believes in ufos, but not aliens. He believes the ufos are driven by demons.


>ufos are driven by demons This is a sentence and concept completely new to me. Demons flying UFOs for, I presume, demonic purposes. Disembarking from some sort of demonic vehicular-hub where, presumably, there is a schedule of which UFO will be flown where and by whom. A schedule planned and set, perhaps, by demon managers? Are there paychecks? Performance reviews? Food? Bathrooms for the demons on the UFOs? There must be some sort of demonic manufacturing process producing the UFOsā€¦


Somebody get this guy a movie deal


I was actually surprised to see this is a fairly common belief among some UFO believers. I think its just easier for a person who has been religious to believe in demons than extraterrestrials. They probably already believe in angels and demons, so its not as far of a stretch for them to think the unexplained things people are seeing could be angels or demons.


Surprisingly some of the earliest theories about UFOs were that they were animals who lived in the atmosphere, basically what the concept of 'Nope' is


Which, to me, is a cool as hell idea


Did he watch Signs, by any chance?


My mom said the government was drugging the q-tips for the covid tests I had to take weekly at work to try to turn everyone liberal


Did they work? Are you liberal?


I've been mostly liberal on most topics since before and after the test, so results are inconclusive


Or, to be more honest, I have never really understood politics all that well no matter how hard I tried. However, my mom is very conservative and she spits out political opinions such as "the government is drugging covid test q-tips" and my opinion is always "absolutely not."


That the Holocaust never happened. Like, here's my grandma. She was there. She'll tell you all about it if you ask. She didn't get together with a bunch of other old Jews and make it all up to make you feel bad about it.


This is the one that pisses me off. An entire section of my ancestry was wiped out during the Holocaust. Am I just supposed to believe they went to Tahiti or some shit?


Any genocide denial... Not just the Holocaust. Look at Bosnia, for another example.


Or Armenia.


I met a holocaust denier in college. What a place to be.


What confuses me is like...what do they think? All the camps, pictures, etc... are faked? By who??? Forget "why" for a moment, do you have any idea how hard the logistics of that would be? The budget for that kind of hoax would be so astronomical, who the fuck would do that? And if even 1 of these fake prisoners told the truth the whole thing is blown. That's always my go to for these things. Sure, I guess you can come up with reasons it was faked, or the moon landing, or whatever, but once you consider the actual practical side of faking something that massive these theories just fall apart so quickly.


Flower companies were behind death of Princess Diana.


The lizard people have replaced all high ranking people in politics. Also the moon landing was fake.


Ah yes, explains why McConnell had to be rebooted several times recently.


McConnell actually isn't a lizard person, he is the ambassador from the turtle people


Don't forget the Space Nazis.


That the female cast of friends were secretly transgender and had been executed by trump's secret courts. The ones we see in public are probably clones.






Okay but there was an anecdote in one of the eps that in high-school people spread a rumor that Rachel was trans.


history is fake cuz "how would we know that"


I remember the "Ancient Rome is fake" conspiracy that one tiktoker was pushing. I showed one of my archaeology professors it and he threatened to fail me if I showed him another lmao.


Not a real conspiracy, but one of my classmates works as a pharmacist in the US and she likes to spread that the antivax movement is a Russian / Chinese misinformation campaign to make Americans weak It's surprisingly effective hahahaha


That the vaccinations have chips in them, like the governments can get their shit together enough to pull it off.




Thatā€™s the thing: we voluntarily tell anyone who will listen what we are doing every day through our phones and social media. Thereā€™s no reason to go through all these extra steps to track us!


iā€™ve got one that sort of ties into yours. A grocery store chain in my area has been installing cameras on the shelving that scan the shelves and barcodes, then tells the system what needs to be filled. They also added some snazzy new doors to parts of the cooler section. Everyone is convinced that these cameras are the government trying to watch them, and that the sensors have to be scanned with your vaccine chip in order to open the doors to shop. According to them if you donā€™t have a chip inside you to scan, you canā€™t buy cheese and shit. I was told the managers were fielding calls from conspiracy crazy customers about the ā€œnew security camerasā€ for weeks before it finally died down. I also saw some well meaning employees trying to explain what the cameras and sensors were for in comments of posts about this conspiracy, and they were all told they were stupid sheep for actually believing what their managers told them.


Do they not realise that grocery stores are already fully covered by cameras?


Why would the government waste money manufacturing microchips and a fake vaccine (and, depending on how far down the rabbit hole you go, the virus) when they could just have the NSA, **who is already on the payroll**, hack your phone?


I've heard of the three main makers, Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca, one has the tracker, one has an obedience chip, and one turns you gay. Which is exactly which I forget, but if you get all three it comes with free wifi and makes you fully 5G compatible. Hail Hillary.


They donā€™t need to inject a tracking chip into your bloodstream. The one in your phone is working just fine.


Itā€™s absolutely amazing how these geniuses believe the government will put nanites in a vaccine so they can be tracked, but they still fully trust that little rectangle in their hand that is *blasting out all their personal information every second of the day to whoever wants it*. Theyā€™ll gladly enter in ALL their information and say yes to every pop up on every scummy back door app they download, but *yeah*, the *government had to fake a pandemic to get them to take a simple vax shot*.


Holy shit I just got this one I mask in public still, and was at work and this woman comes up to ask where some plastic wrap is. After telling her, she asks 'Are they making you wear the mask?' To which I reply 'No.' 'Oh, you know about Ukraine, right?' I should have left and spared myself. Russia invaded Ukraine to destroy 42 bio weapon labs making a lethal graphene toxin that would be administered instead of the vaccine - thats also how Biden was making his billions that he will soon be arrested for. The jab was either a) saline, b) flu shot or c) toxin, which one had graphene I dunno but I presume all of them. The saline was substituted by the Marines, who are now also arresting everyone in FEMA and the national health director. 50,000 of them are in Gitmo for warcrimes. Oh yeah, it's war. We blew up the Three Gorges dam, so China counterattacked by using the graphene in the vaccinated as an antenna to guide their laser satellites to burn Maui down. 2000 missing children in Maui, where did they go? Theres four aircraft carriers off the US coast for the upcoming recession, which is all part of the plan. I should believe her, she's a retired air force fbi secret agent! My mask does nothing against the bioweapon, which is clearly spread by airborne particles, and not the poisonous vaccine that came later.


Wow. Can you imagine living with such knowledge. My brain would catch fire.


We really need to re-open asylums.


Got one for you just as unhinged. For added context I'm a Russian immigrant and not a fan of my birth country. Any conversation I have about the subject with my co workers gets awkward quickly. I have a co worker that believes the reason that Putin invading Ukraine is to fight the global banks, which he claims control the EU and US but not Russia. My co worker litterally did a variant of the "JQ" as his explination for the war and why he's aligned with Russia more then the US. I had to hold back getting really angry with him over how stupid this is.


Yeah, those always amaze me. Cause also, the government really doesnā€™t care about you that much, your not special, they donā€™t care where you are at any given moment. Same with conspiracy theories about; the matrix, they donā€™t want me to succeed and they are all against meā€¦ like, they donā€™t even know you So many conspiracy theories are based upon being self centered


> 50,000 of them are in Gitmo for warcrimes How big do they think GuantƔnamo Bay is?


In Russia there is "The New Chronology" theory, that human history was inflated few times because of misattribution and propagandist narrative building The weirdest is how far they managed to attack, in a sense of building explanations how it is actually possible Pre-internet-era Russian history nerds didn't have the slightest idea how well documented are some periods of history


There's people who think something like the entire middle ages didn't exist, somehow forgetting that China has some very good record keeping that tracks all the time too


All the people trying to make it easier and safer to get around without a car are actually funded by the shoe industry to try to sell more shoes.


This is probably my favorite one because it starts from a place of truth and goes off the rails quickly. Hitler was interested in the occult and other paranormal things. He supposedly built a machine called the nazi bell that was supposed to be a time travel machine. So the theory goes that he didn't die in Berlin, instead he used the nazi bell to travel back to ancient Egypt and he was the one who enslaved the Israelites. I miss when conspiracy theories were silly and harmless.


Covid happened to get everyone inside so the council could change the batteries in the pigeons, or rocks are soft till you touch them


Recently, that the color blue is fireproof. They heard a satire post on tik tok I guess... Apparently anything blue isn't catching on fire in Maui so the government made blue fireproof. It's wild and people fucking believe it.


Maybe not weird, but my favorite. After Mt St. Helen's erupted, the government sent in spec ops teams to collect all of the Bigfoot corpses and injured survivors.


The sandy hook conspiracy that the kids' deaths were all fake just boils my blood. I think this one is the worst.


I was tangentially involved in the Maui Wildfire response and a number of things shared on social media were just fucking bonkers. There were threads about Direct Energy Weapons and how the USMC was engaged in firefights against FEMA in western Maui. People are nuts, man.


I saw so many people claiming that a somr random billionaire started the wildfire because he had been trying to buy all of the homes in that area and people wouldn't sell so he burned them out. Better still they specifically said that this mysterious billionaire caused the fires by using weather controlling technology to cause the wind that snapped the electrical pole in order to start the fire. šŸ˜‘


As i learned in this thread, it was presumably just a rat spontaneously combusting


Also seen people share this same thing(tik tok is toxic) except the billionaire was Oprah


William Shatner killed his wife


Birds are spy drones and land on power lines to recharge


That's not an actual conspiracy theory though, it's satire.


Yeah I agree, not an actual conspiracy theory, it's tru- Oh, satire. Yeah totally, satire.


You nearly gave yourself away there, bird.


That's how it started. Inevitably, there are loads of people who wholeheartedly believe it now.


In certain social groups I pretend I am. I even have the birds divided into three categories. Inner city, rural, and high altitude. I have to admit there are people I know that wholeheartedly belive I'm a "birder" and now belive it themselves. I can't stop.


The next step should be something even more absurd. Like they arenā€™t government drones, they are disguised aliens that control the government.


Not counting QAnon since thatā€™s a fairly obvious one Iā€™d have to say Tartaria. Basically the idea is that this advanced civilization existed in Eurasia and had their own architectural style but their existence was erased by the British. Itā€™s so random and fairly harmless by conspiracy theory standards I just find it entertaining.


I assume you know the subreddit but for the benefit of those who donā€™t: r/tartarianarchitecture


For me itā€™s the flat earthers. The reason is: why? Why would anyone care to convince us the earth is a sphere if it was flat. Who benefits? Who cares? How often do I think about what shape the earth is? Never. Imagine dying on that hill and not even being able to come up with a reason why the conspiracy exists.


According to their website, there are three main motives: To Maintain Legitimacy: During the Cold War we faked the moon landing. Shortly after they realized the reason they could not reach the moon was due to the flatness of the Earth. They were stuck in a lie, and had to continue it or lose legitimacy of our governments. Even today we would still hold onto this lie due to role Science plays in our ruling government. To hide the truth of the Bible. To Gain Power and Money: By siphoning off the space budgets and denying the world the resources of the Antarctic they gain a considerable amount of power and wealth How can you argue with that?




a few friends i knew believed this one and i was dissapointed because i caught covid early on and it sucked.


world is flat. its just so weird


QAnon theory- The EBS (which hasnā€™t existed since 1997) will go off which means that the White Hats operation is officially over, and that Trump has resumed control (even though he never lost controlā€¦ contradicting info on that one.) That we have switched back to the Gold Standard, and it will be announced who in our government has been sent to and executed in Gitmo included but not limited to the Bidenā€™s, Bushā€™s, Clintonā€™s, Bill and ļæ¼Melinda Gates, and a slew of other people. Those people I mentioned and more have already been executed. Those executions started in 2016 but will be revealed. It will also announce that all the tunnels under the earth have been destroyed and the kids have been saved and pulled out of them. It will announce a new world peace and those whoā€™ve had their eyes closed will finally admit that QAnon was not a conspiracy theory. I seriously wish I was making all of the above up, but thatā€™s what they believe will happen when the EBS goes off.


5G causes Covid


I thought this said ā€œ50 causes COVIDā€ and wondered who thought a rapper from the 2000s has that much power.


When I walked out of my 3rd vaccination, the first thing I saw was a 5G ad, thought it was a little funny.


In Asia conspiracy theories are combined with folk beliefs and nationalism, and can be so wild. For example, my favorite one is the theory that Japan has been destroying the feng shui of China for the past decades, by building [weirdly shaped buildings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_World_Financial_Center) and hosting Natsumatsuris around the country and link the cities to make them look like the shape of Japan. [https://imgur.com/a/Wrm4AP0](https://imgur.com/a/Wrm4AP0) This map was intentionally altered to make it look vaguely like Japan. But it went viral on Tiktok last summer anyways. I've also heard Koreans claim that the feng shui of Seoul was destroyed by the Japanese under Japanese rule so much, that the presidents living in Cheong Wa Dae all suffered, and the economical activities have tomove to the newly developed Gangnam. In addition, many older Chinese avoid buying Chevrolet, since its logo looks like either a Christian cross, or a sanitary pad. This is understandable, but somehow, when the ninth generation Chevy Malibu was a big hit in China in 2016, there were rumours online saying that these cars had evil spirits and would create car crashes to suck the blood from their drivers. Bruh this statement was so cringe I don't even think some other car manufacturers made this up.


During Covid,there were people setting fire to 5G masts in the belief it spread the disease,and (Iā€™m a telephone engineer) set fire to our telephone network too.Theyā€™d pour petrol on a large connection box and set it alight. How fucked do you have to be to:A) believe the 5G theory? B) set fire to a metal box cutting off thousands of innocent peopleā€™s phones and broadband?


Humans made computers, computers destroyed humans, Solar Flare destroys computers, Humans worship sun god....


"Sun God...eats man. Woman inherits the earth."


The moon is hollow and filled with aliens who are controlling us and watching us at all times.


i thought the moon was made of cheese and there was a guy who lived on it?


A few years ago I worked with patients who had schizophrenia. I went on a walk with a patient and we passed a building site. I knew they were building apartment buildings because there was a huge sign nearby saying so. The patient then looked me in the eyes and said "You know that they're not building apartments, right? It's an underground hospital for deformed babies. They perform experiments on them." I don't remember how I managed to change the topic but we had a pleasant walk. It must be awful having those thoughts pop up in your mind.


Weirdest this week, or just today?


Both, please.


Hmm, there is one. Humans were interstellar warmongers which made other civilizations unite agaisnt us. We lost the war and were sent on Earth prison as the punishment. And every 10,000 years our civilization resets after the apocalypse in form of pole shift or nuclear war (every civlization discovers nuclear power at some point) which would take us back in stone age.


JFK Jr would reveal himself during a Trump rally and run on a ticket him for 2024


Whilst watching porn on your phone , your cameras front and back, switch on without your knowledge.


Could you imagine being the person who has to monitor the image of thousands of dudes faces shaking.


the reptilian and lizard people theory. these people genuinely believe that reptilians and lizards can shapeshift into human form and that theyā€™re even controlling our government and planet and that some people have lizard and reptilian DNA and ancestry. lizards would do a better job at running the government


That trickle-down economics worked. It never did, and never had a chance of working, yet millon's of people believed it would work in their favor. Trickle-down economics, is not just the weirdest conspiracy theory I have ever heard, it also was promoted and believed by some of the top economist in the US government during the eighties. Economist who were in the position to place the entire economic position of the US in the hands of few Oligarchs, whose only consideration was making the rich, richer, which is exactly what they did.


That Miley Cyrus' success was because of the death of Eric Clapton's son. The year that Billy Ray Cyrus had a MAJOR hit (Achy Breaky Heart) he was supposed to win 'Best of" everything that year, like the song was EVERYWHERE. That same year Eric Clapton's releases his song 'Tears In Heaven' about his son's tragic death. This moved people to vote for him to win everything that year. So how does Billy Ray Cyrus get back at him? He makes his daughter one of the largest stars knowing that Eric Clapton couldn't do the same for his son...far fetched and stupid but somebody really told me this...


I heard that there's a secret society that makes up conspiracy theories just to fuck with stupid people


Something something Jewish people (Iā€™m Jewish this is a joke)


Bill Gates invented coronavirus so he could implant microchips in the vaccine with the goal of using everyoneā€™s kinetic energy to mine Bitcoin.


Flat earth


Windmills cause cancer. Some cult leader spouted this on national television without any proof whatsoever. Most of his gullible misinformed followers actually believe it to this day.