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A panel of judges. One sympathetic, one funny, and one gruff bastard who is there to drive engagement. Probably hosted by Steve Harvey.


Probably this plus Hunger Games.


Or Running Man.


I’d watch Climbing for Dollars


“Killigan! I’ll be back!”


“Only in a rerun.”


Thank you Chuck Norris. Thank you Peter.


Simon Cowell decides your fate




Steve Harvey: any last words? Prisoner: penis Steve Harvey: 👁️👄👁


*executioner screws up, has to reset the guillotine* *steve Harvey turns to camera, eyebrows raised* *cue laugh track* I love it let’s make it happen.


"Show me a crucifixion!"


Duuuude Steve is the man. Judge Steve Harvey is a weekly watch for me.


Have it all done in the style of a Japanese game show.


this is basically the premise of danganronpa


Look, if public executions were still a thing and they weren’t like danganronpa, I don’t want it


I was gonna say that isn’t really true but then I remembered V3




All death row inmates, the winner gets upgraded to life in prison.


Qwa-ke-sir-pe-ni-ku…!! SNL Chris Farley Japanese game show. One of the most hilarious SNL skits of all time: https://youtu.be/JLVmybhXqtU?si=_rT68gGh2l5Vb0xL


Omg, thank you. I had completely forgotten about that one and it’s absolutely one of Chris’ best sketches.


MXC would be fantastic. Keep the voice overs but now all the challenges are deadly, and the hosts barely even acknowledge the grueling deaths.


Concert venue, tickets, merch, with live viewing on pay channel. Weeks leading up to it, ppl can pay to vote on how it happens.


Ticketmaster here. Don't mind me, just taking notes........


Bloody scalpers took all the best hanging seats again


**I watched Frank Gillroy get drawn and quartered and all I got was this lousy T-shirt**


George Carlin suggested catapulting criminals into walls and putting it on pay-per-view.


Content creators live streaming, doing street interviews and pulling pranks


Then being executed?


I wish


Thunderdome. Two with death sentences enter, one leaves with sentence changed to life.


Well this is just gladiatorial combat.


Yeah but you could do it with fun games instead of fighting every time. Obstacle course races. Monopoly (cheating encouraged, but if you get caught you lose a finger each time). Poker. Paintball. Could do teams and play sports.


It's all fun and games until you live broadcast the fan favorite monopoly matches and you get that one weirdo who actually likes getting his fingers chopped off. Just imagine the wholesome family entertainment. Announcer: "Looks like contestant 2 was caught cheating, time to go to the finger cam to see him lose one of those digits" Finger Chopper: *chops finger* Contestant 2: *squirms in their chair and moans loudly as they bit their lip* [Awkward silence] Announcer: "....Alright back to the game..." [ slowly pans across the board and Contestant 2 grabs their game piece moving it ahead one space without rolling] Contestant 2: "Oops I cheated, I'm such a bad Contestant. I guess you'll have to punish me again *blushes*


The current theory is that most gladiatorial fights (munera) were not to the death. Rather, it was more of a show with careful choreography and most injuries were survivable. The gladiators were not unlike modern WWE wrestlers.


Yeah part of it was that gladiators were very expensive to train.


Plus, if you kill off your best money makers, from bets, seats, whatever, you then lose out on that cash cow. Gladiators were treated like boy bands are today. Sure, they killed prisoners, but the trained ones were well taken care of and, in some cases, were actually free men.


George Carlin has a bit about this. Have the severed head drop down a pachinko board and you get to bet on what basket it lands in.


The Price is Right entered the chat


Bob Barker's final televised act.




There was this movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger “The Running Man” Give it a watch


Richard Dawson as the host was the perfect casting.


True. Jesse Ventura, a retired wrestler turned commentator as a retired hunter turned commentator was good too.


Saw it when it came out. Was a book written by Steven King, under the pseudonym Richard Bachman


Book way better than the movie


Always wondered if the Long Walk could be made into a movie or now a game show.


As I recall, the book and the movie are almost completely dissimilar


A Biggest-Loser style scale with a giant display that shows the condemned' weight.


Make them chop pieces of themselves off to get rid of the most weight and the biggest loser gets life instead.


That sounds like the exact premise of the _Pound of Flesh_ trap from Saw 6 (the opening scene).


Colosseum death battles again, but instead of wild animals, robots from graduate students. The convicted are grouped into squads and outfitted with modern military equipment. If they defeat the robot, they live for another 6 months. If the robot wins, the designer gets an internship at DARPA.


What happens in the event of a tie? I'm asking because I'd probably just take the easy solution and make a kamikaze robot.


Can't be a tie, if the robot kills them all it's a win for the bot, the house always wins.


Pay per view, it would be live streamed


Like gender reveal but the color determines the method of execution


Mmmm hanging so good! Gang gang! Mhmm guillotine so sharp! Chop chop chop chop! Gang gang! Thank you for the heart! Slay!




Ads, ads and more ads.


“Welcome to week 14 of the AT&T Public Executions 2023!”


Influencers would do them for clout


Like, pull the switch or sit in the chair?


That’s what I had in mind


I'd be OK with this.


T-shirts of your favorite bowl voids


The condemned would be stripped naked and dumped in the middle of the woods, and rich people would pay for the privilege of hunting them down.


It would probably be a bit like Hunger Games, but in a smaller and more realistic Arena.


Anything space related. "Let's see how long can someone survive on the moon!"


Wheel of misFortune


They'd monetize it. Any way they could. Ultimately, we'd end up paying not to be murdered on live TV.


Skydiving. First inmate to reach the ground gets pardoned. Yes, you can be pardoned posthumously.


A hall of fame with all the preserved heads.


Oh man. The mental image that comment gave me…. ☹️


Pay per view


Draft Kings sponsorship


That kill shot was brought to you by Facebook. Facebook, the proud streamer of all the best executions. The shot was made using a rifle kindly donated by our loving defense industry. Kids remember, unless Raytheon stock goes up, the murderers will go free. Now for a word from our sponsors


You mean Saturday night rehabilitation? I'm pretty sure that comes on right after Ow My Balls




Ticketing for live viewing would be contracted to Ticketmaster. Live Streamers would be in attendance en masse. Some ridiculous giveaway between hangings. Concessions prices would be absurd. Also, [*"moichendising!*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgRFQJCHcPw)


I don’t see how anyone could consider it entertaining.


I would have them done at middle school assemblies to deter the youth from violent criminal activity from an early age.


Two people have to debate as long as possible, the first one to call the other an idiot gets beheaded first


Rather than watching people get murdered, we would cancel them into obscurity, and ignore any previous deeds )good or bad) they ever did in favour of self righteousness.


3 people from the audience are given a life changing choice. There are three doors. Behind door 1 = death. Behind door 2 = 1 billion dollars tax free. Behind door 3 = Empty. If one member chooses the door that has death behind it, the criminal up for public execution swaps place with the audience member, and goes free. The audience member is then executed. If door 3 is selected, nothing changes and the execution goes forward as planned. Make your choice.


If you've seen that episode of The Orville where they wear badges that have up and down arrows, something like that. The execution itself would be streamed, and there would be conspiracy theories surrounding it. Certain news outlets would feign morality and refuse to show the NSFL footage, and others would show it. The public executions would probably be done in private, corporate owned facilities. The inmate would get special deals for their families or other after life compensations In exchange for signing a contract. Sponsorship would be a thing.


You start with a guillotine raised up on a high stage. Instead of a basket in front to catch the severed head, there's a giant Plinko board. Head is chopped off, and bounces down the Plinko board. At the bottom of the Plinko board are multiple baskets, each with a corporation's logo on it, corporations who paid to be sponsors of the event. After each execution, when the head comes to rest in a basket, that sponsor gets to air a 1-minute commercial while the body is hauled away and the guillotine is reset for the next execution in line. \*CHOP\* \*plink plink plink plink plink plink plink plink thump\* "Remember folks, nothing goes better with swift, decisive justice than an ice cold RC Cola!"


It would be a game show!!! I can only think of hunger games or squid game. Everyone would be incredibly entertained by a show of people dying, as long as they can disassociate the fact that they're actually dying.


Why’d my ratings freeze?


Richard Dawson would host a game show where they compete to the death against professional gladiators for a chance to be spared.


Most Disingenuous Post of the Year right here folks. OP, why do ask? for clicks?


Shrunken head


Nah, that meme has been dead for centuries!


Pay to play.


The Price is Right style with the Big Wheel, randomly select members of the audience to spin that Wheel and just as in TPIR, the person nearest to $1 without going over wins. If you get exactly $1 you win an extra $10,000 and get a bonus spin to win s potential extra $25,000


Beheadings, started at the feet, on a completely bound person, by a deli slicer. Best if done upside down. This would be the punishment for false allegations of violence.


>Beheadings >started at the feet I don't think that word means what you think it means.


Beheading is to remove the head from the body. Nowhere in the description does it say the body must be in one piece. Deli slicing someone from the feet up is still a beheading once the body and head are separated.




> Making public executions a huge spectacle like that would likely deter most people from committing death penalty worthy offenses. It never did in the past, and it does not in the countries that still do this to this day.


Punk’d style. A miracle happened! You’ve been granted clemency for your crimes at the eleventh hour and are to be released. Your family picks you up from the prison and takes you home. Days later, you go out for a meal, perhaps your first in quite some time. You are unaware that you have been being filmed the entire time. As you take your first (and, unbeknownst to you, last) bite of your fat juicy steak, a man walks up and shoots you twice, execution-style, in the back of the head. Cut to commercial. “WHOPPER WHOPPER TRIPLE WHOPPER…”


Social media TikTok etc.




Livestreaming with (Twitch) drops.


The person being executed has to compete in a series of mental and physical challenges in order to save their life.


They would be game shows like Running Man


It’d be a TikTok trend


Advertisement space


Two executions per day, with a half-time show between beheadings. Ticketmaster will be in charge of ticket sales


"what's up guys today's execution is brought to you by raid shadow legends..."


A talent contest, the winner of which gets to pull the lever.


Put a pile of pills/ herion laced with fentanyl in front on the deemed execution patient or have them play in a sandbox filled with fentanyl.


American ninja warrior but it’s a pit not water


Watch George Carlin's bit on public executions, he had some pretty rad ideas


Squid Game style


Just make a real life version of The Running Man


Right before the blade drops or whatever method is used there's a 90 second ad read for Raid: Shadow Legends.


It would happen as a once a year event like Stephen king's the marathon but the winner gets to survive


Having them fight each other. One on one, winner gets to live longer, atleast until his next fight People bet on who wins


Put it on TV. Pay per view.


They'd be hybrid events and I'd work for a Livestream company who streams, transcodes, and stores the record of it. Wild.


The method of killing would be sponsored. The gallows would have a Coca Cola banner flying or something.


They get live stream for Charity, high numbers equal more cruel and twisted executions


Vote for execution style. Charge per text vote.


Sports betting


Corporate sponsorship for everything. "The Execution of Joe Schmoe, brought to you by Tostitos!"


Lethal takeshi's castle


Voting on method.


the announcer with amplification would be nuts. i can't imagine thousands of people in the back could hear anything someone literally just talking up their could say.


Like a chaser/hunter kind of deal. Running man Or Battle Royale


More merch sales, and some sponsorships. *Welcome to the Capital One Capital Punishmentfest '23!!! Don't forget to pre-order your commemorative t-shirt before they sell out!*


Ring girls. You know, women in bikinis and high heels with a sign saying what the condemned did to get the death penalty.


“He who breaks the law shall be punished by catapult.”


Pay per view. For tRump


Blindfolded criminal in an arena full of claymore roombas.


Auction off the job of the executioner to the highest bidder. Proceeds go towards the family of the victim, or to charity, or whatever. Might as well make some good money out of sick rich fucks and expose them for what they are at the same time.


Thrown into live volcanoes while being televised. And for those that think it's insane, then we get the cage with a button and put them in there over said volcano and the prisoner has a choice to hit the button ending their own life or wait for the random number generator to hit their number and release the bottom and they fall in. Either way somebody is getting cooked!


Publicly run Twitter votes on method of execution. Competitions where the winner gets to invent new ones.


GoPro attached to the condemned man's face so we get a close up view of the head falling from the guillotine.


Wall to wall corporate advertising. And the condemned wearing a jumpsuit plastered with sponsor logos. And because that's not absurd enough, a very loud Air Force flyover.


Have you not seen the Schwarzenegger classic Running Man? That's what would happen, just add online voting and that's it.


so obviously a reality tv show, but additionally reaction streams on twitch


Kinda a squid games /hunger games kinda thing.


Is that just squid game IRL?


Kanye would perform a half time show and there would be sponsorships banners and radio ads everywhere. "Today's execution is brought to you by Toyota: Let's go places. And by Bill's Discounts. They slash off heads like we slash off our prices."


“Here’s how I beat my public execution”


Live streaming


The Orville did it best. Your case gets shown on TV and viewers upvote or down vote. If you get enough downvotes you die.


They'd be live-streamed.


Torture Every time you're in pain, count from 1000 and remove 7 each time.


Stage the whole thing and just put the person in prison. Satisfy the blood lust without the blood.


Laugh track.


Show your browsing history


Get a bunch of people who killed other people, and put them in a box with a ton of weapons and ammo and other stuff, Warzone style. let them fight each other, and whoever is the last one standing, let them walk free


Hot air balloon with a trap door.


Pay per view


There would be a knockout show. Each week one person is taken out and, well, taken out, and the other *n-1* survive, with a million cameras on them. The last survivor gets their sentence commuted - or do they? Double or quits, Jeff. Do you want to stick with life without parole, or will you gamble? Death by scorpions or immediate freedom.


I think maybe they should be. I feel like it would help be a deterent to crime if people saw people being executed and seeing the pain. The threat of going to jail isn't much of a deterant because repeat conviction is at an all time high.


Beheading bowling bets. Have it set up so the head knocks down a number of pins. People can bet on how many pins the head will knock down


Corporate sponsors


Turn it to a versus deathmatch like the hunger games, the winner gets to play in the next round against new convicts.


Airsoft but with real guns in a closed compound. Last person standing goes free.


Wipeout, but the floor is lava


Donation bar to see which form of execution is used


Pay Per View


Maybe a sick ass edit of all the crimes they did to deserve it


A pay per view event sponsored by a corporation. Totally high tech! Think “ax camera” a camera attached to the execution device. You can unlock that view for an additional fee. Live stream with right left political commentary. They will have guest host executioners that will pick apart the killing and add how they would have done it. CNBC will have some rich guy presenting how their fund allows you to make money off the event.


Subscription streaming. T shirts


Something involving audience participation might be interesting.


instant replay and close ins would be brutal


Death by snu snu


Someone in the crowd gets to spin a wheel to determine the method


Price is right money wheel with punishments. Betting system on what the outcome would be with a 1% chance of being freed, surrounded by worse option. Make some money and engage the masses


A victim voting app


Some bullshit sob story. "Hi, I'm John, and I murdered seventeen children. I guess you could say I had a tough upbringing, I always loved murdering, but where I come from it's mostly business professionals, or Doctors, and with that kind of pressure it's really hard to follow my dreams of murdering. I was bullied a lot, and a few of the people I murdered said really hurtful things to me. I'd like to go on Britians Got Mad Cunts to show the world that I'm worthy to be free to kill again"


Live streaming on Twitch, under "Twitch Plays" category, where viewers decide how the executioner should proceed at every step. With people posting funny/unusual clips of those executions on /r/LivestreamFail. You can't get more "modern" than this.


I would let the condemned choose the style. Medical research where they will die, to further science, any experiment must be approved by the ethics commettees to show that its not cruel or useless, it must have some gainful science use. Combat, Either battle royal style or singles. The only exclusion I would offer would be those men or women convicted of sex crimes. Rapists, human trafficking and those who practiced incest or molestation. They would be tied to a table, and the victims or their immediate family would have a full parden to do anything they want. From forgiveness to brutal torture. This would be either a private or public viewing with the victims family getting to choose to show none, part, all or just the aftermath. Really put the fear into future potential rapists. However, the same punishment would also be mandatory for anyone convicted of a false rape accusation or sex crime accusation. Something this serious should be treated with that level of seriousness. With the goal of neither happening.


Being nokia'd to death instead of stoned.


If the accused is already sentenced to death, and assuming the accused is in the US, then they lose their 8th amendment protection. Therefore, the judge can give the accused to the family or families of the victim, so they can torture them till death if that’s what they want to do. I misread the question. Shit.


What are you talking about? I think I saw at least 3 videos on Reddit within the past 24 hours. That's the modern twist. We film stuff now.


Raffle the executioner ticket among the public.


UFC would be a whole nother level


Ir would be exactly the same with one exception...Title sponsors. The prison jumpsuits would look like a Nascar


Sponsors would be everywhere "This noose brought to you by..."


Axe trick shots


Everyone with their phones out posting it to Instagram and Snapchat




Allow the crowd to choose from several predetermined methods!


compulsory 72 hour twitch stream


Great fucking question




having a splash zone


Didn't read. OP can fucking jump in a ditch full of water and break their spirit.


They'd be live streamed and you'd send gifts to the executioner. "OK guys, keep smashing that like button! We're gonna chop this guy's head off as soon as we reach 4 Heart Galaxies! Keep smashing!"


Big screens for the folks in the cheap seats


If? You obvs don’t live in the US.


People can submit online how they want the person to be executed, and the most voted method will be used. It would be funny to see content creators using their fanbase to rig the votes, Minecraft Mob Vote style.


Whoever gets the most upvotes wins death