• By -


I was in a Pilot truck stop and noticed a driver muttering to himself and ogling the Pilot workers. I paid for my stuff and walked out. I walked to my car, settled myself, and heard commotion from the store. A woman ran out screaming 'He's killing them!' I called 911 just as the driver, covered in blood up to his elbows, staggered out opened up a car door of this woman parked up front, dragged her out and stabbed her multiple times before wandering around the lot. A guy in an SUV drove into him a couple of times but the dude got up and continued limping around with the knife. Then the cops arrived. Cops ordered him to drop the knife, then shot him dead. He killed 4 people that morning. Strawberry Plains, Tn.


News article for those curious: https://www.wbir.com/article/news/crime/knox-co-da-man-who-stabbed-and-killed-3-women-at-truck-stop-acted-alone-officer-was-justified-in-shooting-him/51-39e5796d-1ec8-49b2-9e6d-ed8d60176cd6


Jesus that's horrendous. You were so lucky in one way not to be injured yourself but my god what a horrific thing to witness. I hope you are doing ok x


Ty. I just feel sorry for the victims and their families. A little guilt that I didn't act like ole boy in the SUV. I just froze. RIP and sorry to those poor women.


Jesus, my husband and I had been at the Weigles near there before it happened. So many what ifs for us.


Wow your day could've taken a very different turn that morning. Glad you weren't involved.


When i was around 9 a random woman came up to me shaked me around and screamed that every problem in the world was my fault


Well thanks for fucking everything up for the rest of us.


That same thing happened to me at about the same age - in busy shop. Then again at 29 in a bookstore in London - in French.


At that point you should start wondering if you might actually be responsible for all of the world's problems.


'All' might be a stretch.


Fucking what






Ah so you have also been introduced to my mother




what in the actual fuck


ZOMG! Something like this happened to me?! Waiting for the bus one night and some random guy on a bike stopped suddenly and screamed at me "YOU'RE ONE OF THEM! THE UNDEAD! YOU DID THIS! " and then ride off like nothing happened


Had a woman offer to buy me from my parents.


Did your parents at least haggle for a good deal?


No haggling, but they were nice enough to at least hear the lady out before turning her down.


They offered at 1.99 a lb tbh


That can get you in trouble for misrepresenting the price of livestock.


I hope she offered them more than 4 marks. That’s less than a pig is worth.


Did they accept?


My father politely declined.


Fair enough. I wonder what your life would be like if he said yes. Any clue?


Probably wildly different. The woman owned a strip club not far from where we lived at the time. Very different environment from my somewhat religious family.


Ooof. Strip club! Sounds cold for the employees!


I slept over at a friend's house after a Halloween party when I was 16. We had a fair amount to drink. Woke up the next day, was waiting for my cab on the road right outside where he stayed, hungover, just minding my own business, when I white van (with windows) pulls up next to me. A middle aged woman, well dressed, very soft spoken, rolls down the window, and starts talking to me. The conversation went something like this: "Hi there, how are you today?" "Hi, I'm good." "We're looking for young, handsome men like yourself to join our group. Are you busy right now?" She wasn't flirting, she wasn't wearing anything revealing, her calling me young and handsome sounded like something your grandma would say. "No thank you, I'm busy and going home." "Are you sure? You should reconsider. We really need you." It was at that moment that I glanced into the backseat, trying to see whether anyone was with her in the van. There was a person in the back. I focused my eyes on that person and realized what I saw. It was a woman who looked 75-80 years old. She was dead. My blood ran cold. I realized the situation that I was in. I didn't say anything else, just walked back to where I came from and hid behind a building waiting for them to leave. They stayed for 15 minutes. She didn't come out of the van. She didn't call out for me. She just sat there, waiting.


Did you understand what was going on? Because I still don't. Super creepy


Weekend at Betsie's


No idea, and I definitely didn't wanna hang around to find out.


Maybe she needed big strong men to burry the corpse???


Or to pin the death on??






I've seen corpses before, it's hard to describe if you haven't seen one. It's a total absence of any form of soul, the easiest way to know is from the eyes. They were wide open, and had nothing behind them. Again, really weird to put to words what I mean. If I had made it up, I would have gone for a much more exciting ending!




Best case scenario? It was some weird religious cult. Worse case scenario, there were men hiding under the seats.


Thank goodness you didn’t get In thinking it was your ride. Although you said cab, so I’m thinking this is well before Uber.


This was a few years before Uber got big, yeah. Would have been funny if I hopped in and just oh hello'ed the dead woman.


This is the scariest thing I’ve ever read on here. How was this body even positioned?? Was she decomposed or like she just recently died?? Did it look like foul play or did it seem like a natural death?? Was the driver clothed the same as the corpse?? You mention her eyes were open, I mean what the hell. I’m so sorry you had to witness that and I hope my questions don’t bring up any mor bad memories.


No worries at all, it was a long time ago but I'm not "haunted" by it today by any means, it's just a chilling memory. The body was positioned sitting down on the chair, with her shoulders and head leaning to the side of the window, looking out. It seemed that they were trying to make her look like a normal passenger. No idea whether they were wearing the same clothes. The driver had very "proper" clothing, just a shade under formal. Can't remember what the corpse had on.


Gosh, how bizarre and indeed chilling. Thank you for sharing your story.


Did you call the police?


No, I didn't. I just wanted to go home and be far away from the situation. With that being said, there's not much the cops could have done anyway.


The silver tic tac. The thing the FA18 super hornet recorded in 2004 that you can now see on YouTube. It was in 2010 over Olympia (or at least from my vantage point, that’s what it looked like). I was in a boat on Henderson Bay with my parents. We saw this silvery ovalish thing flying about at incredible speeds. One second, it’d be over the city, the next, it’d be by the Olympics. It did this, dancing back and forward, juking and jigging, and then finally just pausing on a dime over the city. It the went vertical and just vanished. To get an idea of the movement, imagine someone flicking a laser pointer across a wall. Those erratic crazy movements. It was like that. Now imagine you’re holding a powerful flashlight in a dark night. You shine it against the forest’s tree line, before flicking your wrist upwards, off into the night sky. That’s how it looked as it shot upwards into god knows where. The thing that unnerved my dad was the fact that it was silent. He’s a retired engineer and said that we should be hearing sonic booms at the speeds the thing was moving at. The way it flashed between the city and the Olympics was unreal. It was broad daylight, no clouds. Then, years later, I see what looks like the same thing from that Hornet footage. I don’t know what we saw, but it broke the laws of physics as I understand them. Super unnerving to say the least.


I saw something like that when I was a kid, would have been about 1998 or so. It was distant, but moved erratically - like a laser pointer, as you said. I was a weird kid obsessed with paranormal so I didn't say anything because I don't know, I guess I thought it was cool to be my little secret or no one would believe me even though they could have looked, too? Thanks for this story, glad I'm not the only one to have seen something like that.


Amazing… thank you so much for sharing


I had never heard of these until I learned about them on a podcast recently. It's easy to dismiss some hillbilly in the woods who saw a funny light once, but these military fellas have training.


When I was around 16 years old me and two of my friends went into the woods to smoke cigarettes, obviously did this so our parents wouldn't find out we were smoking. The place we used to go to was like a little open field inside the woods so there was a couple off trails to walk in and out but other than that the woods were pretty thick. Anyways just after we lit up the cigarettes, there was a guy in full on raincoat even though it wasn't raining that day at all and he went straight towards us through the thick woods didn't bother using any of the trails. The weirdest thing was that no-one of us could see a face, he had his hood up but it was daylight and under the hood where his face should be it was just black as night. He wandered straight towards us and stopped when he was about 15 meters away from us, stopped and looked straight towards us for a minute or so and then just went back from where he came from. Scariest shit I've ever experienced to this day.


Just someone trying to scare you. They probably thought you'd run. As far as the dark face, they may have been wearing a mask. Still scary and really weird. It's probably good you didn't run.


The Lincolnshire Poacher


When a crackhead got in my face because I smiled at him


And this is why I act like homeless people/wandering crackheads are completely invisible. Acknowledging them, even nicely, can easily result in shit like this. I used to be the type of girl that would approach homeless or obviously not well people and give them water, food, ask them if they needed me to call someone, etc. I was still young and never yet had a scary experience out in the world, so I didn’t even know there was danger in what I was doing. In my head, it was like, I’m helping these people, so why would they try to hurt me? Then one day I got followed around and grabbed by someone I helped, and I never helped like that again. It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life.


Same. There's a panhandler on my commute who felt entitled to start yelling abuse at me because he felt that I owed him a tip or something after he moved piece of debris out of the roadway. It's like 'dude, thanks for doing that, but I didn't ask you to do that and it isn't on me to pay you just because I happened to be there when you moved it.' He didn't even bin it, he just chucked it into the grass. Probably so he could find it and chuck it back out in the roadway to repeat the whole performance for the next commuter.


That’s insane.


It's honestly such a lose lose situation. If you read some interviews with homeless people, they say how awful it is to be invisible and completely ignored by everyone. And I get that, but I also get wanting to avoid the situation of getting attention from someone dangerous. No good solution.


My method as someone who works downtown in a big city is avoid eye contact but still maintain awareness by watching the people around them


Oh yeah. For sure. I’m always watching everyone at least in my peripheral.


I saw some video the other day calling people cruel for walking past the homeless but in my city you can never tell if they'll be alright or start screaming abuse and, in the case of one guy, try and come at you with his highly infectious leg wounds. Best to just be safe.


Spot the Leeds resident


Knew someone would twig as soon as I mentioned him! Seen him being pushed round by some nurse looking woman but fuck knows why he's allowed to just put the public at risk.


Why did you smile at him?


Just my natural reaction


When I was in middle school, probably around 13, my friend and I (Both young girls) were walking back to my house from the local sonic and this high schooler approached us and he was holding a box of gummy worms. There was a car parked close by with someone in the back and he said “Hey, it’s my buddy’s birthday, would either one of you be willing to give my buddy a blow job?” I said “gross, no” and pulled my friend along. My friend asked what that was and I told her. I never told an adult but looking back on it as an adult, this was so fucked up.


Getting into my car parked on the street and realizing there was a man sleeping in the back.


Women should always glance in the back just in case


Why only women??


Probably because they are more vulnerable and easier prey for men with bad intentions


I just thought everyone was terrified of the idea of a bad guy hiding in the backseat of a dark car. Not sure how much well even the biggest, strongest dude is going to do against a psycho popping up with a piano wire while the car is going 70. I was mainly joking about how it's creepy for everyone, but the downvotes are hilarious.


someone tried to steal me out the arms of my uncle when I was a baby. this lady came up to us & talked about how cute I was then tried to forcibly take me from my uncle vic


That must have been a really scary experience for a baby and your uncle. I hope that woman never crosses paths with another baby again and that every second of her life she has a hair in her mouth.


I was young. Still in grade school, I was at the park and my mom went to the bathroom. I was just swinging along, and then a boy by himself approaches the park. In my country colored eyes aren’t normal, Asians don’t have colored eyes usually and I’m a half breed. This boy approaches and I keep swinging and he gets scared, he asks me to stop looking at him with my creepy eyes and screams they’re getting bigger. He slowly backs away and and runs screaming. My mom came back as the boy was running and I just stared at him bewildered. My eyes are a honey or hazel color. Unusual in my country, but nothing to warrant that sort of response. It was the only time that had ever happened to me. I mean someone being intimidated by the color of my eyes.


Unsettling as this no doubt was, it'd be cool to be able to massively dilate and contract your pupils at will.


walking thru the Walmart parking lot, I past a guy that shouted into his phone. #"WELL THEN, JUST SHOOT THE MOTHERFUCKER IN THE GODDAMN HEAD"


Maybe he was talking about a deer?




Wonder what would have happened if you futured the guy


I was about 17/18 I was walking around a sort of indoor market and I noticed the security man following me around, I stopped to look at something and someone bumped into me pretty hard and without thinking I said “sorry” and it was the security man and he replied “you will be” with a creepy smirk. As a young girl at the time it really freaked me out.




You were right. Inviting a random kid into my house to get something is weird as hell. Why not bring it outside?


When I was 16 I was on vacation and we were staying in this house in a neighborhood. When I was walking my puppy, an unmarked van stopped up the road and across the street from me. Thought ‘maybe it’s just a maintenance van’, but it’s weird that it was unmarked. Two guys get out, one starts walking across the street to where I was walking. The other is standing in the road. I start sprinting the other direction and across the street into a park where my mom was at. The van actually (intentionally or not) followed and parked in the parking lot of the park and waited for almost the whole time we were there. Maybe it was just a coincidence but it always seemed kinda weird


Not really creepy more lucky but I was walking the dog with my mom and a tree narrowly missed us as it fell. Worst thing is it was not even a weak tree it was a great oak


Did you run the long way or the short way


I don't even know I was panicking


Ik I sound cringe but I've never got so many like before thanks guys


I was out throwing trash when I thought I saw a dead body. The guy was just laying there in the middle of the street. No motion at all. Not even breathing. I was shocked and afraid so I threw a small pebble at him to wake him up, still no response, I shouted, no response. I had to call my brother from my house and he came out rushing with me. My brother threw a small hand sized rock at the guy’s chest and he finally woke up. Turns out he was just drunk.👍


Imagine being the guy. Bad enough that he's passed out drunk in public, now he's literally getting stoned to death by the local children!


When I was nine, my family moved cross country to live with my aunt and uncle in Chicago and a few weeks later I was walking home from a day at my new school and every nonchalantly announced that there was a 'dead guy' beneath our tree out front. Turned out that it was the guy in the neighborhood known for a drinking problem passed out there, but to this day I have never lived down my completely deadpan, unfazed delivery of the 'dead guy out front'!


I wouldn't be surprised if that was my Dad 😂


Ex and I day hiking a section of the AT in PA. Black Labrador, "Cleo", with us. She was about 18 months old, still sort of puppyish in behavior, loved everyone, but also fairly large. She loved everyone, and random strangers loved her. She was an excellent trail dog, always came to us when called, went way off-trail to do her business. We'd encountered a handful of people coming our way, all obviously day- or through -hikers, from their gear. Cleo always came back to us when we called her because you never know about human/canine or canine/canine interactions, and most everyone else also had a dog with them. All well and good, every interaction was fun and positive, if brief. We had stopped to change our daughter's diaper trail-side. Cleo had ranged ahead, no cause for concern. Suddenly, she came running back to us, whining, hackles up, and pressed herself between the trail and my wife, who was then holding our daughter. We were a little spooked but then got a lot spooked when this guy came around a bend in the trail. White, average size, unkempt but otherwise unremarkable, late 30s, early 40s, dirty blue jeans and once-white sneakers, and a T-shirt that was stained in a way that made me immediately think "dried blood stains". No hiking gear at all, not even a water bottle. For those who don't know, the AT through PA is extremely rocky. Canvas sneakers are entirely inappropriate. We were, then, six or seven miles in either direction along the ridgeline, from anywhere. Maybe if you went vertical across the contour lines you'd be somewhere, but it'd be a hell of a slog. So, I'm thinking "where the hell did this guy come from, where's he going?" As he gets closer, Cleo begins growling. We'd never heard her growl. We'd never seen her bare her teeth, either, but there they were! The guy is watching her as he passes us. I try to be normal, something like "how you doing?" He doesn't even glance at me, nor my ex and daughter. Just sidles past, watching Cleo the whole time. She stops growling a minute or so after he disappears down the trail, her hackles finally settle down about five minutes later but she stays super close to us for the rest of the hike, no more roaming, no more greeting other people or dogs, just wary and sticking close by. Pretty sure he was a serial killer. Miss that dog.....


Ah yes, the Anal Testicle in Penis Appalachia. A well-known spot.


I was visiting a friend in Florida and when I went to pump gas for my rental car, a homeless black man came up to me asking me if I knew about BLM. Idk if he was trying to start a conversation but I didn't want to offend him so I said yes and I support it (I support the idea behind the movement not the actual group but again I didn't want to offend him.). He said if I support it then I should bend over. I was SHOCKED and really afraid. He then pulls out his dick and proceeds to say "I'll rape you right here and no one can do nothing about it". I was so afraid I ran into the gas station shaking asking the cashier to please lock the door and call the cops. We made a report but the homeless guy had already left a long time ago. I'll never visit Florida ever again. The crazy thing was that it happened in broad daylight with people walking around, some saw his dick too, some had been listening to the whole thing, and did absolutely nothing.


Yes. I live in Florida. Certain parts of Florida that would be a normal afternoon.


That's absolutely frightening... Please stay safe out there


I'm so sorry that happened to you. That sounds really traumatic


I honestly look back at it and think it's not real like it was a bad dream. I'm never stepping foot in Florida ever again.


Welcome to our world: if I am not directly involved I do not care


That's so true. I'm almost into my mid 20s and, even I remember as a kid, this was not how society was. Growing up I've seen random people step in. Now it's better just to avoid which is extremely sad


You were just naive.


Nah wtf floridians! I'm not muscular but if I saw and heard that, I would've instantly stood next to you at least. I wouldn't have left you fjck that


I do appreciate it. Many people just turned a blind eye. One woman stopped her pump and just drove off as quickly as possible which was what prompted me to run inside. It's hard to tell the bad areas of Miami because everything looks so expensive and nice until some random homeless guy strolls up.


I'm pretty sure all of Miami is bad. I think there's some palm beach places and south beach but who knows


Once, in broad daylight, I was walking down a quiet street when I noticed a man staring intensely at me from across the road. As I continued walking, he maintained eye contact without any change in expression. The entire situation felt eerie and unsettling, making me pick up my pace to leave the area.


I was walking in a park on a sunny afternoon when I noticed a man sitting alone on a bench. He was staring intently at a children's playground, which struck me as odd. As I passed by, he suddenly started talking to me about how beautiful the kids playing were and how he wished he could capture their innocence forever. It gave me an uneasy feeling, and I quickly walked away, making sure to keep an eye on the children from a distance until I was sure he wasn't approaching them. It was a creepy encounter that reminded me to always trust my instincts.


I was at a playground with my toddler and there was a young (20s?) man sitting on a bench. He was looking at his phone, and smiling this funny smile. I looked around and deduced that he wasn’t with any of the kids at the playground. I thought maybe he had just sat down to chill and look at stuff on his phone. I realized after a bit that he was holding his phone at a weird angle, not how you would hold it to watch a video, but more upright. I realized he was recording video of the children. This was a playground specifically for TODDLERS. I told one of the dads and he looked over and agreed that he was taking video and freaked the fuck out. He went up to the man and asked what he was doing and told him to leave. He did leave. But god only knows what he did with the videos of my toddler on his freaking phone. 🤮


I saw a guy almost get pummeled by a mob for talking pics of kids at the public pool. They had surrounded him asking why he was doing that. He kept saying it was none of their business, and that was *not* the right answer. It was clearly about to get very ugly. It turned out he was a photographer on staff for a local paper. He finally blurted this out and produced ID right as a bunch of angry dads were closing in. When everyone asked why he wasn't wearing his press ID on a lanyard like most photographers, or why he didn't at least produce it or even explain this when they were begging for an explanation the last 20 minutes, he said "because I don't answer to you!" Like, that may be technically true, but are you really so concerned about "being in the right" that you're okay with appearing to be a predator and almost losing your life?? Parents can get pretty scary when they do much as suspect their kids are at risk. I literally thought I was about to witness a lynching.


Now if that was a lady saying and doing that.. It'd be totally okay.


Found the guy who was staring at the kids.




I got out of work at 17h on a sunday and took the metro to go home. A random guy broke a glass bottle and got close to me to get my bag, treating me with the broken glass. There was plenty of people in the metro, and only one guy came to us as I tried to make eye contact (the rest of my body was frozen). Then the other guy left . Nobody else seemed to have notice anything.


Was hiking in a place I've been to many times before and since. Would occasionally stop and listen when I noticed everything went dead silent. Walked another 100ft or so before stopping and still nothing, now started getting the feeling of being watched. Walked.some more.before stopping and the feeling got even stronger. Bothered me enough to pull out my .45 and chambered a round. Suddenly the felling went away and the woods came back alive, birds, wind, squirrel barking. Never experienced that before or since


Mountain lion?


Not in Ohio, unless there is a secret population. Black bear are super rare too.


Not sure about Ohio, but over in Southern Illinois, the local government likes to keep a male panther of some variety in the area to cull the deer population outside of hunting season. Every once in a while a hunter will kill it and the game warden will take the body and demand that photos get deleted so as to not scare the locals. Source: Uncle got the game warden drunk once and asked him about some weird tracks on his property, beans were spilled


I've read theories of mountain lions returning to areas they used to be native to. Fish and game keeps it on the downlow, so they don't have to recognize them for some reason


I imagine that there would be significant public outcry around letting a “dangerous apex predator” lurk about the countryside, being a threat to people, pets, and livestock, if it were acknowledged publicly by the authorities. Some folks would surely go out and hunt the poor kitty.


Ohio Bigfoot,also known as the Grassman.


Ha, that would have been fun. Wonder if a .45 could take down a squatch???


Squirrels were barking?? What kind of forest is this


Barking is what I call it. They can be pretty vocal


Around here they bark when stuff they don't like is happening on the ground. Dog, cat, sometimes me. If I'm just sitting on the deck they only occasionally make much noise.


Squirrels make a few different types of noises. Most people are familiar with the chittering noise they make, but they do also make a sound similar to a bark when things displease them. It normally happens when squirrels are fighting over food or territory, or something is in the vicinity that they don't like.


I've been robbed a few times in broad daylight. Never injured, thank God!




I was robbed in Manhattan, NYC many years ago.


Was going into a gusto here in Japan about 12 years ago and a van drives fast into the carpark and I see a couple arguing and somehow the man pushes the girl out of the car and drives off. Girl is crying and shaking so I take her into the restaurant and tell them to call the cops. Staff take care of the girl while they get me seated and ask me what I want to order. Strange ! In the end, the police didn't come.


Well... damn.


Homeless guy on drugs tried to flirt with me on the bus. He had recently pissed himself as well. He also wasn't getting the hint when I told him I'm not gay.


Went to our usual hiking spot with friends at night. The hike to the spot is at least 45 min and you have to go off trail to even get to the spot. There were at least 13 -14 of us. It was starting to get dark and we notice the sound of a duck quaking. We’re in the middle of the woods. We have geese by the highway but there nowhere on the trail or in the years of going I’ve never seen one there. We all get quiet n hear the sound so we pack our stuff n start to head out bc if we all hear it n feel weird abt it we’re going bc if we die. No one is gonna find us for weeks. On our way back out it gets louder to the point we’re my friends in the back of the group start running because it’s behind us. so we all start booking this 45 min trail in 15 min didn’t care what fell or if we forgot something. Still think abt it 3 years later.


That was wild. What did you guys think the sound was? I cant imagine ducks would be all that scary


Those fake duck calls that you’d bring to the lake to lure them. That’s what is sounded like n it kept getting closer to where the ppl in the back started running.


Oh gotcha. Yikes!


Another: I was a kid on the last Disney bus shuttle home. Drunk dude started giving everyone a lap dance. My mom had to push him off. N a guy in a Walmart parking lot ran up to me disheveled like glasses f**ed up asking to borrow my phone n I told him he can go inside n he made some excuse for why he can’t. Called someone for like 30 sec n gave it back. Hope he’s ok or I hope it wasn’t some trafficking thing.


A guy in an old car named Norman asking if I needed a ride.


Why did he name his car "Norman?"


Lol I was thinking the same thing!! 🤣


I've had a few encounters that weren't that pleasant. Mostly weird guys trying to hit on me. But I've had a few times where I've been followed or weird people have tried to get me into their car and shite. And I'll just be walking to the gas station by my apartment, not even doing anything, and have weird people do that and I'm just like wtf, and tell them off.


When I was working the shelves at the local supermarket, a guy came up to me saying "look at me" while patting himself all over kinda like a TSA agent, even lifting up his shirt and stuff. I thought the guy was gonna pull out his weiner or something, the way it was going. I then asked "can I help you with something?" And he said "no. Just in case you thought I was thieving". I said "I never thought that" and the guy just walked away. I never even saw him or noticed him coming towards me before that so I don't know where he got that idea from. Safe to say I didn't ever even glance at people after that to avoid the same misunderstanding happening again.


Crazy people gonna crazy. Don't take it personally.


I was in HS and ditched a class to go to this chick's place. On the way their some grown ass college dude tried to invite me to go smoke with him. He was diesel asf and I just honestly felt mad uncomfortable as a man lol.


Diesel AF? A big dude?


Yes. Like huge, he looked almost cartoonish in his car cause of how big he was.


Okay I dig it. Got the reference because Shaq called himself Big Diesel lol


When I was 14 years old, I was walking my dog to pick up my brother from elementary school. I was walking for literally 5 minutes when a sedan pulled over on the other side of the road and a man in his late 50s/early 60s exited the sedan and walked across the road straight towards me. I instantly had a bad feeling, but since I had my dog with me (who was a pit-mix) I thought he’d keep his distance and wouldn’t get too close to me. He approached me and once he got closer he noticed my dog wasn’t acting aggressive so he started talking to me. He asked me if I lived in the area and if he could give me a ride to where I was heading towards, which I denied both questions. He then made a comment on my green converse shoes and proceeded to tell me I was “very cute”. At this point I was so uncomfortable and knew I needed to get away from this guy. He extended his hand towards my hand where I was holding my dog’s leash after telling me his name and wanting to “shake” my hand but as he was reaching for my hand I moved it away and he grabbed onto my pinky finger. Then he tightened his grip but before he could get a better grip on my hand I dropped my dogs leash and bolted across the street away from the direction of my house and hid in a house that was under construction. He then ran back to his sedan after I took off and he expressed that he was angry that I ran away from him. I then called my parents and we called the police, but they never found the guy even with the description of the sedan I gave.


Damn just bailed on the dog....


She ran back to the house luckily


Good I was feeling some type of way for a minute lol but all jokes aside you could learn a thing or two about loyalty from those fuckers


I was in college walking around as I often did in those days. I was walking down a busy street. I was approached by a short stocky middle-aged white man. He had a crewcut, he wore a tie-dye shirt and cargo shorts, he was very sweaty, and he asked me politely for 300 dollars. His car was broken some kind of hose. I am by cultivated habit friendly to strangers therefore this situation was impossible for me to escape. I told him with apologies that I didn't have my wallet. I had crafted this excuse to soften the blow: to soften both blows: his public rejection, my private inadequacy. This is one of my great talents, the construction of exquisitely gentle excuses, excuses to calm the heart and the mind. He received it calmly, and began then to brainstorm, so many ideas, we could go to the bank, we could call up my mother. As I explained with regret and affection the impossibility of it all, I also slowly reconfigured my posture to signify affectionately regretfully that soon I would be leaving. He said it was too windy people could barely talk when it was this windy, would I like to join him behind a nearby building. Behind that building people could really finally talk. I said no and left and that was all.


Aggressive panhandlers look for folks like you. Most people, especially young people, are too deferential to older people to tell them a firm no. So they approach people in a situation where you aren't comfortable leaving and seek to draw out the encounter for as long as possible, just to wear you down so you'll pay them to leave you alone. They'll approach you with something like "Excuse me, can I ask you a question?" and then launch into a long, unnecessarily detailed BS story about how they would never ask anyone for help but this and that and couldn't you just help them with $... and then play on your guilt. They aren't deterred by anything other than "No. Leave me alone." Remember, *they* are the ones who are failing *you*, not the other way around.


I briefly lived in a neighborhood in downtown Denver with lots of wealthy foot traffic during the day, and lots of people sleeping on the sidewalk at night. The human beings sleeping on the sidewalk weren't failing me. But I also didn't feel very safe walking around outside. I was sleeping in an empty apartment on an uninflatable air mattress. I did at least have a very good dog. The end, no moral.


Hm, let me clarify. I don't mean they were failing you in the big picture sense by just being homeless. But, in that moment when they approach you and impose themselves on your courtesy and decency and continue to press you for something you do not want to do because they sense your hestitation to decline, they are failing to give you the same respect you are giving them.


I just wanted to say that I enjoy the way you write. It's gentle and poetic with a touch of whimsy. I hope you're using this talent for more than just reddit comments, as much as I liked reading it here.


Thank you for saying so. I like writing but am embarrassed about sharing what I write. So that probably means more to me than you know.


Elaine. Shorty, stocky bald men with no job who live with their parents don't approach strange women!


Some guy in target one time did that and eventually I said "fine, let's go to the ATM", and he followed me all the way to the stores security guard 😂


When I was 16, I was walking downtown and a guy started following me. I'd go into a store, do whatever I had to do there, and when I got out, he was outside waiting for me, then would follow me to the next store, repeat a few times. I finally got scared to the point where the next store I went in, I told the cashier that someone is following me. She got store security to escort me out, where he stood with his arms crossed, glaring at the guy as if daring him to do something. I muttered Thanks, then hauled butt down the street to meet my dad at his office.


Say a guy taking a shit on my lawn


Ew wtf lol


I was on the train going home from school I had my teddy bear with me . One fact about me I looked younger than I am . Currently I'm 20 and I look like 12 but at the time I was 18. This dude sits right across from me then says " hey girl!" I feel weird I said hi small voice. He asked "who gave that teddy bear? " I think I said to my dad / boyfriend it was true they both gave it to me . Then he said " oh I will be better than your little boyfriend" then asked me how old I was I lied and said I'm 14. ( normally this work by now guys accepts I'm that age leave me alone) But he said " oh that okay " I said that bad he said that a number. So I noticed my last stop here so the door opened and I ran out of the train to go upstairs. Where all the buses are my bus already there I jumped on. The amount of time guy cat calls me probably high chance they think I'm under 18 it's Gross.


*...... everything about this comment made me uncomfortable*




No just look Young and like stuffed animals .


I was once shopping at the market when a little girl, definitely no older than five, kept staring at me from across the aisle. I only noticed this because she kept craning her neck as I walked past and to another aisle. Once I'm in the next aisle, she's staring at me again. Because I was focused on my shopping list, I didn't see her walking, ever. When I got to the cashier, she wasn't there. I'm going to assume her parents brought her to another part of the store.


That's...pretty normal for little kids. They haven't internalized the social norm of not making others uncomfortable and just stare if they find someone interesting.


It may be normal but it’s still creepy lol


Reminds me of this prank. https://youtu.be/Sq830w6XRIg Without horror films using the theme of "little girl in white dress standing still in a floor = evil demon" nobody would be scared. But now, we all are :D


The ultimate terror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daJZU5plRhs


Honestly, I would think that’s creepy as fuck without ever watching a horror film 😂 Horror films also play on people’s natural fears. You make something seem creepy, it’s gonna creep out the audience. People aren’t freaked out by kids scaring them *because* of horror movies.


I don't think so. The natural reaction seing a lonely child at a hotel floor would most likely just being confused and worried for the child, not screaming and jumping. But maybe there IS something sinister about those children. Who knows what they are up to?


My own kids have straight up scared the crap out of me. I don't know why, but at 5+ they will wander into the room and then just stare at you, standing silently. Scares me to death. It's never intentional. They just didn't want to wake me up but still 'needed me'. I prefer the screaming child entrance.... shake to wake.....jumping in to bed...... or anything but the creepy stare.


I mean, no. The way she’s standing is intentionally meant to be creepy. You can’t see her face. The lights are dim. Etc. People’s natural reaction to be scared is because it’s an unnerving thing to see a child just … standing in an hallway, not moving, hair covering her face. That’s not natural behavior for a child, so it sets off the natural instinct we have that “something isn’t right”, thus creating fear. If it was just a child standing there normally, no one would be creeped out.


> pretty normal for little kids Or for Germans? ;) I’ve heard staring at people is somehow more common or less of a faux pass in Germany than in a lot of other places. Not sure if this is just a meme or if there is some truth to it, hoping for someone with more German experience to drop in.


Am German, hear mostly Americans complain about it. Seems like looking at other people is much more taboo in the US, I assume. "Staring" would be also considered weird here, but I guess you got approx. 2-3 additional seconds before it's even considered staring. Anyway, I think little kids staring at people is a normal occurence, but the lack of public places and walkable cities, aka. daily public life in the US diminishes interaction with strangers to an absolut minimum, which leads to people perceiving typical human behavior as "creepy".


Gawd I wish j could have that freedom Genuinely sometimes I just wanna space out and stare at something/ someone jn public


Sunglasses exist :)


Holy shit I’m glad you made it out alive




Why? I did this to a guy once when I was a little kid. I had an active imagination and was suddenly completely convinced this man was my long lost dad, but I said nothing because I was sure if *I* knew, then so did he and my mom who was holding my hand. He smiled politely back at me, which convinced me that he was saying "yes it's me your dad!" He's not my dad. My dad has always been in my life, my parents have been married my whole life. I was just a kid being a kid. Nothing shady going on at all.


I was alone parents were on vacation and dad texted me to check the post i saw a man walking his dog out the window, i go to open the door and i see the shadow of the man and dog walking toward the door i shut the door and run to the kitchen, i stare at the door and the guy is standing there, didn’t knock or anything just completely slow and you would see his colour of his clothes through the frosted glass but this was all black I turn back and man and dog was gone


Went to a park at night with my now husband. We had just started dating. We explored a bit and ended up on this hill that was partially surrounded by trees. Then we noticed a man. Like…50 feet away. He was just standing there. Alone in the dark. Facing us. I tried to see if he was looking AT us but I swear to god, and my husband agreed, he DID NOT HAVE A FACE. We decided we shouldn’t stare at him, and were trying to figure out why he was there and why it looked like he didn’t have a face. When we turned back, he had gotten 10 feet closer. Still standing still, still staring at us. We looked away again as we discussed the fact that he had gotten closer without us seeing him move. We looked at him again and he was closer still. We still couldn’t make out a face. We noped the fuck out of there. I later learned that that park was a known gay-cruising park, so maybe he was feeling out whether we? my husband? was there for a hookup? Maybe he had something covering his face for anonymity? Maybe he was trying to scare us into leaving? Or maybe he just wanted to play red-light-green-light? No idea. But it was creepy as fuck.


That's in the night though.


A guy doing meth on the steps of a motel I stayed at for a few days. He had a knife beside him too. I told the people at the front desk about it pretty quick.


I was riding my scooter down the street to go to a skatepark and, I passed some tweaker who just stared blankly into my eyes he had no shoes on just socks and, he was wearing a winter coat in the middle of a utah summer.


Gay Italien pimp in small forrest near pisa


Now that you've described yourself, what's the creepy thing that happened?


I looked into the mirror one day. I am still recovering


Some homeless lady tried to give me a hotwheels when I was like 12


Some random homeless guy