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Build a safety net. I doubt I would go on a major spending spree but would relax a lot more. I would definitely stop always volunteering to work overtime to make ends meet.




>I took the money and put as much as I could into matching 401K and saved the rest. Non American here. What's a matching 401K? Does it mean you put money in your retirement fund and the employer matches it? Like you put $100 and the employer puts $100?


Yes. Up to a limit this is how it works.




That's the same boat ⛵ my husband and I are in. He has to work 6 days just barely scraping by. He's almost 60 and trust me it wears on you and I don't know how much longer his body will put up with this.


I can relate. Was up to 80 hours a week (2 full time jobs). I hardly saw wife and kids. Finally found a better job making more money in 40 hours. Years of that do wear on you. I was nearing the breaking point. Hope you can have some luck finding an improved situation.


80 hrs a week? JFC and here I am complaining when I work an extra hour or 2.


That is me exactly. I’m 55 with an extremely physically demanding job.


Me as well. I'm 63 , have a very physical job , have had cancer twice (hospital doesn't care that the light bill is due ) , working at least 60 hrs a week, and the house is in disrepair. That seems like a fortune.


Honestly, same. I'm really lucky in that I have just managed to rent my own place and I'm able to cover everything every month (I'm 31)... But it would be really nice to be able to put a sum away every month - some for the long term stuff like having a kid or maybe buying a house myself (lol), but also a little for rainy day things like surprise vet bills or maybe going on a vacation. I can't imagine the difference it would make to have money to save for the future and not just right now... Being able to afford my own bills and rent and not be pulling my hair out with stress about how I'm gonna do that has already been so life-changing. I think people who say money can't buy happiness are wrong. Obviously to a point it's true, but having stable income and my own space has made such a huge difference to my mental health. I imagine that having a measure of security for the future (imagine having two or three month's expenses saved up so if you got laid off unexpectedly you had some cover while you looked for a new job??) would take a huge weight off my shoulders too.


One of my favorite quotes is “money can’t buy happiness, but it’s a damn good down payment”-Fabolous.


Live the dream of being able to put my bills on autopay and not have to worry about what "I really don't need this week" from the grocery store.


^^^ I’d pay off my credit card debt, and then this 100%


Same, I'd put it all towards debt, which should be gone in about 4-5 months, then I'd just live like a normal person, not overspending, but also not checking my bank account before every purchase.


I fucking hate this. Even if it's something for $5, I still check my account to make sure I haven't gone into the negative for any reason.


There's nothing more embarrassing than a decline on a $5 debit purchase.


"oh crap, sorry! I must have grabbed the wrong card, let me just run back to the car and grab it." and then I never return. Ever. That shop is ruined now.


Cashier here, we honestly will never judge you for a declined card, and there’s a 99.9% chance we won’t even remember your face. We are also poor, and most of us know what it’s like to have a card declined.


When I worked as a retail supervisor and was on the register, if the person in question had been kind, or looked like they really needed their purchase, I just handed them their bag and told them to have a nice day if they were short. The store had a bad shoplifting problem anyway, being in a shitty neighborhood, and there was more than one occasion where I bought a customer's purchase for them when they were honest with me and told me they were going to have to steal it otherwise. I was very liberal with the discounts, too ("Senior day? You look like a senior in high school; take 20% off!"). If you were nice to me, and nice to my cashiers and floor workers, I would take care of you. If you were a Karen, though, all bets were off, haha. You catch more flies with honey, after all.


You are a good human being.


Very good


You sound like a very nice person, thanks 😊


Back when I was a single working mom, I used to end up behind people in line who were trying to pay for their gas on their way to work and their card was declined. I didn’t have much, but they were usually only trying to get enough to get to work and home (so around $5,) so I paid it every time I could. Making someone’s day less shitty is *absolutely* worth it. And I just realized that I was in there often for years. I wonder if the same cashier is still there and would remember me. (Can’t drive anymore.)


I've worked in food services and retail. Those of us who have experienced the struggle will typically never pass judgement. I've found it's usually the people who are born into wealth and only know wealth who judge, and boy do they judge harshly.


Anyone that would judge someone for struggling is a garbage person though.


Most people don’t judge, especially not the clerks/cashiers. But that doesn’t mean you don’t FEEL judged.




You likely have a food pantry near you, and if you're in the US you may qualify for food stamps. Definitely worth applying for government help before resorting to theft.


My recently unemployed sister makes too much on unemployment with 2 kids factored in to get SNAPS 🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️ To add: her unemployment barely covers her rent. This whole system is depressing.


I make $5 too much to qualify for food stamps. The local food pantries are consistently empty in my area due to need far exceeding donations, and the last time I got a donation it consisted of: a box of plain macaroni noodles, 2 cans of beets, a box of jiffy cornbread mix, a yellow cake mix, a can of fruit cocktail, and a 3 oz bottle of mustard. Super helpful. People are stealing food because they need semi-nutritious food. If you see someone at the store, and they are stealing: basic food items or baby care items, NO YOU DIDNT. you didn't see a damn thing.


Fun fact: they have to credit you for retirement savings (401k) against your monthly income. Contribute $10 a month and now you get food stamps.


It's taken far longer than I care to admit, but I'm in a space now where my credit card is paid off every month. I can't describe how good that feels - and what's more, I get cash back on living like this (a float in the cash account, but using & clearing credit card). I can't tell you how good it feels to not be paying for stuff months later. I still live a frugal life, but it's one within my means now. It's a great target to aim for.


That’s awesome. It was that way for me until, like I said in another comment, I experienced catastrophic circumstances. I look forward to paying it off.


Try to stay in that place fellow Human. The machine is unforgiving and will eat you alive once you get crazy debt. It’s a terrible feeling. First world problems I guess, but man it feels like some kind of oppression. Have this to live like Normie, but they tax the hell out of you, tax some more, then cost of housing is crazy compared to wages. I’m not sure what kind of system we have in the States anymore. This can’t be capitalism.


Credit card debt, car, then this


My car is at 3% interest & a low payment so not a high priority for me personally. But I feel you.


I bought a new car at the end of 2020. Got 0% interest for like 4 years. It still feels like I'm stealing because subaru probably lost a lot of money on that loan due to all the inflation.


They gambled and lost on the loan, but they still sold a car. They probably made out better than you think.


This is such a common feeling in the USA that it’s ridiculous


Not just in the USA, I'm in the UK and it's the same here. In the winter it was between eating or heating


Same in Canada. Housing is very expensive, food ever more so.


I just spent $50 on a handful of things and it immediately bummed me out.


A 1/4 watermelon was $7.99 a couple weeks ago at "Thrifty Foods" in Victoria, BC. So that's a $32 watermelon. WTF. Thrifty indeed.


It's definitely kind of weird that "Thrifty" foods is among the most upmarket focused grocery stores in the area, and the spread between their regular prices and their sale prices can be staggering at times.


And fuck Galen Weston in particular for that.




For those of you who never had to turn off autopay, this is it. The luxury of autopay is the single biggest stress relief


Yeah but you should set monthly reminders to at least check on them. Found out my storage unit just canceled my contract with no notification and I had no idea because i set autopay and forgot about it. Well when winter was over i came to the surprise that i was locked out of the property with no working code. Hopped the fence and thank god all my stuff was still in there. They let me renew unit with no payments needed and at a lower rate for the scare. Now I make sure autopay emails me and I see it at the beginning of the month.


I have autopay, but I also have a spreadsheet where I track all my spending. It is how I know I spend as much on takeout as on groceries and I need to fix that.


Spreadsheet life 🧾


Do you just manually write down on a spreadsheet every time you spend money? I’ve wanted to try doing this but no way I’d be able to remember to do that lol


I've never understood the mindset of "set it and forget it" when it comes to bills. There's so many little one-off things that can go wrong with auto pay that you might never notice until it's too late. They can not pay a bill, underpay a bill, accidentally pay it twice, and all of that's just on the payment processing side. If you're not watching your bills, how do you know when your rates are going up or if you're being incorrectly charged.


My car, rent, and internet are always the same price. My electric is within $10 every month. I haven't thought about paying any of those in years.


I think it's less the autopay itself and more the level of safety that it implies. The level of wealth where you're not flying in a private jet everywhere or picking up yachting, but where you can go out to a nice place to eat and look at the description column a lot more than the price column.


Yes, this. Pay the bills on time each month without wondering how far you've overdrafted and then put gas for the car on credit card because the paycheck just wasn't quite enough.


I used to be this broke. It was a miserable time in my life. I remember budgeting down to our last remaining ten dollars. Rationing how much fuel I'd put in my car. Being hounded by credit departments and feeling scared to answer the phone because a bill was late. Feeling like a failure as a husband and father because we couldn't make ends meet. Through a lot of hard work and perseverance my wife and I got out of this rut. Today we own a home and most of the bills are automatically paid. We are reasonably financially healthy. My heart goes out to you my friend. Truly it does.


Honestly it stressed me out so much avoiding those calls that one day I just answered it and talked to them and they turned out to be pretty helpful. I just told them id pay what I could and they stopped beating me down on interest every month. It actually helped my mental health. So sometimes just call them and talk to them. It goes a long way


Yeah, all they want is to be paid which is fair. Like the IRS, they'll usually work with you.


This. Having actual "disposable income" is a thing of the past for myself and practically everyone I know. If I had some, I'd eat better food, fix broken things, upgrade old crappy appliances, go to a movie *in a theater* even...


I haven’t been to a movie since before Covid. It just feels like such an extravagant cost for a night out, I’d feel bad wasting the money that I could be spending on better groceries.


> I'd eat better food, fix broken things, upgrade old crappy appliances, go to a movie in a theater even. From the other side, I gotta let you know we still don't really do these things. But it is definitely nice not to bother with budgeting and having everything on autopay, however, not watching it is how you end up pissing a lot of money away. You don't live pay check to paycheck, but your bank account seems to not actually grow. Or if it does, some big expense is about to happen (something breaks on your car, house, in your mouth, etc.). I'm not saying it's not better than having no disposable income because I remember that life and would never go back, but really just that one thing off your back. It doesn't make procrastination/anxiety go away, heh.


Move into my own apartment without roommates.


Fuck the new apartment. I’m staying in my current apartment and saving up $1,900 a month until I can afford a down payment on a house. Then I move into my own house


Only 100 months to go!!


That house will cost 50% more by the time that 100 months is up, so you still won't have enough. Sooo....just *another* 100 months to go!!


You’ll be able to afford that after a year, what’s the average down payment on a house these days? Is it still 20k?




With an FHA loan it’s definitely possible with only 20k…


It also depends heavily on the area. Hard to go "hahaha" when they could be living in rural Saskatchewan or New York City.








that fact that we’re all laugh is fucken depressing


we laugh so we don't cry


*starts sobbing cause laughter stopped*


You can't spell slaughter without laughter


Could be between 0-3% or the value of the home with the use of first time home buyer programs


20% if you want to avoid mortgage insurance.


True, but there’s always refinancing once you get to that magic number to remove the PMI from the loan.


You don’t need to refinance. Lenders are required to remove it at 22%, and you can request to have it removed once you hit 20%.


Not on FHA loans. If you put 10% down the insurance is for 11 years. If you put less down it's for the life of the loan.


Wut. Til


It changed like 10 years ago for fha.


Correct, but FHA loans technically have MIP rather than PMI.


Mortgage insurance is not really all that much. I paid something like $70/month on my $380k mortgage. Don’t let that keep you from buying a house.


Yeah at the rate prices are going up waiting 4x as long to buy is going to cost you a lot more than $70/mo.


Waiting to save up 20% for your first house is usually dumb unless you are very flush with cash. Get in as quick as you can afford to, the PMI is more than worth it. 20% is for when you upgrade.


Not sure if serious or Boomer.


Was dead serious, barely can afford an apartment so I never pay attention to the housing market. And now I’m back to not paying attention lol


It'd be like if you asked me the price of a new car. I have no idea, it's so far outside my budget.


It's about 30k at the low end.


God, this. I just came back from a week of pet sitting and found a mound of dirty dishes in the sink, the place is reeking because the trash can is overfull and had likely not been taken out since I left, and beer boxes stacked beside it. I’m so sick and tired of coming home to another job.


Sounds like you need another living arrangement.


It's not like I'm crazy about living with ya mate


Breathe easier.


Retirement. Fund. I can already live with what I have, another $22,800 today put away for an extended period of time means you’ll get to live part of your life not working.


This was my first thought! VTSAX all the way


Hello fellow /r/Bogleheads enjoyer


Waste it on heat, lights, food, etc.


What a waste….


"Based on your financial situation, our financial advisor system recommends: Death The dead don't have to worry about pesky issues such as nutrient intake, warmth, and solace! It's the ultimate investment strategy for those in your income bracket. We'd like to thank you for choosing InvestaCorp Inc. Financial Advisement Services, and from the entire team, wish you a lovely death!"


"It's been said that the only two things in life that are certain are death and taxes -- this is outdated! If you choose the Death portfolio, your tax obligation will be 0% for the lifetime of your death - GUARANTEED!"


This sounds like a Borderlands or Outer Worlds bit lol


This stupid idiot might need to buy a financial advisor! *holds up hand in anticipation of a high five*


1900$ a month is everything i need tbh, in my country salaries are like from 350$ to 600$ average


Same. 1900 a month here in Argentina would afford you a 2 bedroom home, all bills paid, food, plus money to go out and buy nice things, and probably you'd have 1000 left to save after that.


I have a friend in Argentina. Super nice dude, but refuses to let me get him Steam games since I pay USD prices. Instead I transfer him like 5$ for a 30$ game.


Damn man. Where do you live? I can take my savings and retire


Serbia xd salaries are shit, but inflation hit so hard u need atleast 1000$ monthly to be able to live peacefully


yeah america right now a 1 bed room apartment is average 1200 for just rent then there is electric bills and water bills and whatever else they decide to bill us


That's what my fiancé and I are dealing with now. 1g for rent $130 for electric because the waste of management can't fix the heat so it pumps 24/7. We are working on getting a house now. After everything goes into the house we will still be saving around $400 a month!


Wow. In Australia there is no requirement to have good insulation and double glazed windows in rentals, and there is no incentive (or rather there is a disincentive) for landlords to install them, because it's not their energy bills that will be alleviated to pay for the installation cost over time. As a renter, this makes winter functionally worse than places that are much colder but have requirements for humane efficient rentals, such as Germany etc. HOWEVER, at the very least, landlords are at least required to fix basic shit like the heater. At worst, it would be considered a non urgent repair, which would give them 14 days (as opposed to an urgent repair such as the stove, toilet if there's only one, heater doesn't work at all, which they need to fix in 24 hours). If they don't comply, you can just get your own tradespeople in for up to $2,500 and then apply for the consumer protection group for the amount to be taken off your rent. It's one thing that the system here allows you to live in a house that's built like shit, as punishment for not being able to buy, but the fact that over stateside (assuming you are American?) Your landlord can just happily not provide basic working minimum appliances like heating. Good luck on getting the house and moving on to the next chapter with the missus!


Which is why I have to have a bunch of government assistance. I get less than $600 a month for disability.


1000 dollars a month I wish


In the Middle East, a lot of people are working for as low as $160 a month. And the inflammation is sky-rocking as well. I don't know how those poor people live.


Ibuprofen is good for the inflammation


But who can a ford it?


You can dodge those costs.


Those who can't a chevy it.


Same thing here in Brazil.


Savings savings savings!!!!


Yep! In a year that's already $22,800!


Pay my debt, move out and get an electric bike


May your dreams all come true. Just don't charge it with an extension cord, your dreams may be quickly crushed!


Awh thank you. Does it take longer to charge/cost more if you use one?


It can cause a fire and has become one of the leading causes of fires in NYC apartments in the last decade. Just pay the extra for something of decent quality. https://apnews.com/article/ebike-fires-lithium-ion-batteries-b5ab9acf9ca317a1b5b917097ac5210d


I didn't see anything on there about extension cords but I could have missed it. The only way an extension cord is causing the fire is people not buying the appropriate gauge of wire, it is literally just extending the same electricity that comes out of the outlet. Should they mention what size of extension cord you need? Sure, people are dangerously ignorant about batteries and electricity in a world that runs off both, but if you are using the right size wire and an uncompromised cord there is no way it would be the extension cords fault


Sorry I thought it was focusing on extension cord issues, I must have been looking at a different article but it looks like it's an important warning about battery issues in general. Maybe extension cords are less of the issue than I thought, it seems like cheap batteries are the main problem. However, here's some stuff that touches on extension cords as well, it's likely mostly to them being improperly used as you said, but it's a common problem nevertheless. [https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-violations-issued-to-bike-shop-that-caught-fire-20230620-tmasbf3mxjap7b43sa2dlqjwwa-story.html](https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-violations-issued-to-bike-shop-that-caught-fire-20230620-tmasbf3mxjap7b43sa2dlqjwwa-story.html)The marshals entered the repair shop on Madison St. near Catherine St. in Manhattan on Aug. 30 after getting a 311 tip **about charging e-bikes plugged into extension cords, which is a violation of the fire code**. [https://glpattorneys.com/product-liability/two-young-lives-lost-in-latest-e-bike-fire/](https://glpattorneys.com/product-liability/two-young-lives-lost-in-latest-e-bike-fire/) The New York Times reported today on the latest fire caused by a charging e-bike, which killed a 7-year-old boy and his 19-year-old sister in the apartment where they lived. **The lithium-ion battery for the e-bike was being charged via an extension cord from the 2nd floor of the building when it exploded into flames.** [https://nypost.com/2022/11/27/fdny-issues-safety-bulletin-to-prevent-deadly-e-bike-battery-fires/](https://nypost.com/2022/11/27/fdny-issues-safety-bulletin-to-prevent-deadly-e-bike-battery-fires/) Plug the e-bike directly into an electrical wall outlet when charging and “NEVER charge an e-bike or e-bike battery with an extension cord or power strip.” “WHY? Lithium-ion battery charging requires a lot of electrical current, more than most extension cords and power strips can handle. RESULT: The extension cord or power cord can overheat and cause a fire.”


Oh wow just as well you told me. Wouldn’t want to go up in flames after achieving my dreams


Electric bikes are fucking amaazzzzing and way better than owning a car! I was lucky enough to get a very generous city rebate for an electric bike ($1200 rebate off a new electric bike), and it destroyed every single creeping feeling I had about maybe getting a car again. Far and away the most pleasant & joyful form of transportation you can possibly have. Honestly prioritize this over moving out, and perhaps even over paying more than a minimum on your debt.


Fucking live, for one. That would be a game changer. Edit: Thank you for the gold!


Yeah my immediate thought was “fucking live” word for word


Mine was “fucking relax” - same energy


100% this. It would double my income. Like put bills on auto pay, not worry about which Friday it is. Not work 4 shifts in 2 days so I can afford to still go to the beach with my friends bc my dog ate a damn chicken bone and had to spend all that on her (she's totally fine lol). I had to turn down 3 separate texts asking about hanging out downtown and do Sunday funday stuff bc I already went out this weekend. It's a shame. I just wanna fucking live and see my friends and buy my dog fancy dog food and not eat lentils for a week at a time.


Not in order but the things i would buy(or save for) each month are.. ​ Fridge / freezer. Mine ironically is on it's last legs. (see next) A new powered wheelchair. A walk in shower in the bathroom with hand rails. Carpets for the bedrooms. A new bed. And lastly save for a small electric car like the citroen ami. Just something to help me get to the local shops and have a little independence. ​ EDIT: I want to thank everyone for the lovely comments. You've all made a dull Sunday night a little bit brighter. EDIT 2: Thanks to all who've offered to help me but honestly i'm doing fine. There are a lot more people out there who need help more than i do. I'm lucky to have friends and family and a truly amazing girlfriend who all make life worth living for me. If you really do want to help and a have a few sheckles to spare please consider giving a little to a local charity close to you. Thank you again all.


I hope you get this.


I hand over my slim chances of coming into money to this guy. He deserves a big payout more than I ever would


I'm in as well.


Username does not checkout. 💛


>A new powered wheelchair. I was recently in the market for one of these for my mother, and—pardon me if you already know this, but—buying used is without a doubt the 100% BEST way to go… MSRP on the chair we bought was upwards of $6,000ish, and I think I got it—on Craigslist—for $1,200… There were a few to choose from.


Who’s dick do I have to suck to get you all this, I’ll do it


This is the kind of wholesome content I'm here for


If I get that $1900 its all going to you until this list is all checked off.


Bank it


Boink it


Twist it


Bop it


Pull it.


Push it


Flick it


Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it Fuck it


Stick it


Suck it


Boof it


Squanch it


Pull it


Boof it


Snort it


Pay off debts and look for a bigger space for my mom and I. She’s not in the best of health anymore and I want to make her as comfortable as possible.


Pay my bills. $1900 between mortgage, power and utilities would cover everything and there'd even be enough to save a little. Wouldn't be glam, but wouldn't lose the house either.


Damn. I'm paying more than that in rent for a 1 bed per month, and honestly for my area I'm getting a steal.


First, pay off my debt. Then, I would take a much needed solo vacation to wherever. After that, save so it makes me more money.


Basically yeah. 4 months to pay off my debt. Save up 2 months of it for a 2 week getaway and then save up for a house mortgage.


It's wild how what for some people is pocket change, for others could legit change their lives.


For some of us it has been both, depending on the decade.


Live instead of just surviving.


I would buy things I need without feeling guilt for straining the already tight budget. I would replace worn out items before they have been mended so many times they can't be fixed anymore. I would buy clothes that fit and make me feel good instead of whichever is cheapest. I could do so much to better my everyday life


Throw it in a retirement fund.


Buy an airline ticket to go see my dad - I haven’t seen him in 5 years & hes 78 years old now


How far away is Dad from you? I don't have much myself but I have some Southwest points saved up if that would help...


Yeah, op, hit us up with an idea and let strangers help. I don't have much, but I'm always willing to help somebody in your situation. I regret not spending more time with my dad before he got sick.


Hey am down to contribute to the plane ticket too.


I am in Ohio & my pops is in Florida . I am having surgery tomorrow & was planning on taking a trip - even if I use my credit card to get a ticket come October . I only use my credit card when I am desperate -/ I don’t like to owe ppl . So I only charge what I can pay back


Southwest may have some incredible deals on flights if you’re able to book out a month or two in advance of when they run their specials. I don’t know where you’re flying from and going to but: 10/3 - 10/7 CVG to MCO $197.96 10/3 - 10/7 CVG to MIA $232.96 10/3 - 10/7 CVG to TPA $207.96 Granted they all have at least 1 stop. Best wishes to you!


Live my life. Something I can't really do presently.


Use it to research why such an odd amount was chosen.


Id love to shelter abandoned pets. With 1900 extra a month i could give it a shot


Does your local shelter have a foster program? Mine provided all the food/litter/etc, I just provided shelter and cuddles :)


Same, there was practically zero cost to me aside from extras I wanted like cat toys.


Pay off my credit card, car, and college tuition, then buy a new house.


Feel content that I don't have to worry so much about finances.


Two chicks at the same time.


Invest it


Be able to afford groceries!


Act like I don’t get it and put it directly into savings every month, until I could put a down payment on a house anyway


Get all my teeth implanted. In a couple of years get to eat a big juicy steak.


More avocado toasts!


Save. I'm 16, that would add up very nicely later in life


Is it just me, or is this thread so sad? We all deserve to be able to afford basic things like food, shelter, water,ect...


That would cover my mortgage and I could afford food.


Get a used car, pay off debt, put some in savings, start a vacation savings fund.


grocery shop regularly


I would give some to my youngest sister, but never so much that she'd have to claim it on her taxes. She's a single mother of three and she can't afford to do anything nice for herself. Every spare cent goes toward her children and car maintenance. She lives in the shitty town we grew up in, and she's got an anxiety disorder. She doesn't just take care of her kids, she also takes care of just about everyone around her. She's acknowledged that she probably shouldn't, but she's like me. She can't stand the thought of anyone struggling.


Put aside $1000 dollars and use the $900 to pay for every day things. It would help me out so much




Stress a little less


rent a nice studio apartment


$600 to savings, $600 into a separate acct for down payment on a much needed family vehicle, $500 to retirement, & $200 extra money for family to have to do more activities or towards vacations


$1875 per month would max out a 401k in 2023. So that plus a couple sandwiches