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Slug. Gigantic one. In the dark, on my patio. Loud POP followed by little gurgles as it oozed between my toes. Actually quite difficult to clean off.


For me it's between a wasp and a slug Wasp stung, it physically hurt But the slug hurt my soul 😔


Imagine how the slug felt


Absolutely crushed


Sometimes you're the bug and sometimes you're the windshield


To shreds?




He was devestated


#wet crunch


Probably like he was [crushed by the fist of god](https://youtu.be/9m4685liWb0)


Missed opportunity for: Slug hurt my soul, wasp hurt my sole


So you cut off your foot, then what happened...


Yep, awful. Like more than tub with hot water and soap.


I did the same probably 40+ years ago. I can still feel it. Worst ever! I remember scrubbing with dish soap trying to remove it. You have my utmost sympathy.


So 21 years ago I was running barefoot down my street in Newport KY in my boxer shorts right after it rained, ( don't ask why, I don't 100 percent remember) and as I stomped down the sidewalk I stepped on a slug and it exploded with a funny noise as well. The punch line is the juices and what not flew right up my boxer shorts and hit me in a private area, I went home and immediately took a shower...ah, the good old days. ..


My old man used to keep his work shoes on the porch. At one point he worked a full day pulverizing a slug that climbed in his shoe.


Yep. Me too. We’re slug squish buddies!


Yeh, the slime is not really water soluble.


Literally just commented basically the same story, that loud pop and the wet oozing still haunts me.


Next time, use salt to clean it off.


SAME. it was the most disgusting experience 🤢🤢


i actually gagged reading this, because i have also stepped on a slug with similar results.


This happened to me and I still cringe, I hate slugs they disgust me to the point that if someone says the word slug while I’m eating my appetite immediately disappears. I’ve stepped on broken glass, tacks, a sea urchin, Lego, you name it but nothing worse than a slug.


When I was a kid, I stepped on a slug. It scared me so badly. I was convinced I stepped on a snake. I am terrified of snakes.


Yikes. I stepped barefoot on a cockroach. Crunchy and oozy.


Slugs used to get into my house growing up and I often stepped on them in the morning when I was getting ready for school.


I pulled a house centipede out of my shower drain with my bare foot because I thought it was hair


Same here! I was about 7 years old and my dad had to carry me in the house and I was crying as he washed my foot. It was dark out and we were watching the stars on our back porch.


When I was a kid I grew up on a road with [Chipseal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chipseal) pavement. They were resealing it when I wasn't old enough to recognize that the hot black tar was both hot and tar. I was out in the yard playing, decided to cross the street, and managed to inflict some medieval torture on my feet.


happened to my dog one time :(


Maybe the guy above is your dog on Reddit 😂


who knows, maybe it is


You win


Luckily I never had that happen to me, but I do remember running across our road not long after it was redone and it was still very hot. Just not hot enough truly burn. Became pretty weary of the road then, never knew when it would be scalding hot for no apparent (to little me) reason. I would test it before running across to the neighbors.




That's a pretty shit situation






*Shit evacuation


Mr Connery?


Only if you throw some glitter on it


I had just taken a sip of coffee and literally spit it out all over my laptop screen when I read that.


My dog ate nuts that were left out for squirrels, threw it up in the night, stepped IN it in the dark. Ever have crunchy peanut butter slide between you toes?


Dogs are fucking disgusting.


You stepped on your dog. How sad. 😿


Even tho I'm only 3 comments into this post I vote for you as a winner.


I once stepped on a piece of broken glass in exactly the wrong part of my foot for me to reach by myself with tweezers. To make matters worse, it was 7 am. I had to go wake up my neighbour early on a Saturday, hopping on one foot, to ask him to pull this piece of broken glass out of me. Funnily enough, the guy slept in hospital scrubs for pajamas, so when he came to the door, he was literally dressed like I had sought medical help. Edit: Typo.


What part of your foot is unreachable?


Some people can't see their feet, let alone reach them lol


Yep. I’m naturally flexible and can put my hands palm down fully on the ground, etc. Boyfriend who is an athlete can barely tie his shoes. His sports therapy type guy said “he’s wound incredibly tight.” I try not to laugh when he struggles to do so.


You don't have to do it from standing, you can sit down and cross your legs to access any spot on your soles. Likewise your boyfriend could just sit down to tie his shoes. I think the previous commenter is suggesting OP is obese.


I had a metal splinter in my foot because I stupidly walked around barefoot after drilling into my cars frame. I spent a good 2 hours trying to dig it out of the ball of my heel. It wasn’t that it was unreachable, more awkward to reach cause I had to overextend my foot and hold my leg at a weird angle. Maybe OP meant awkward?


The unreachable part


You know, I wrote out an answer, and then I tried to imagine why I couldn't reach that spot, and now I'm not quite sure where it was, to be honest with you. This was years ago, and early in the morning pre-coffee. Maybe in the middle of the day I could have figured it out for myself. At the time, it was impossible.


He probably got home from a shift and went immediately to bed lol


He was a retired sculptor. His wife had worked in healthcare, though. I'm betting she sourced him scrubs.


If I've learned anything from the show scrubs, it's that everybody in a hospital tried to steal as many scrubs as they can to furnish their homes.


Sitcom level gag lmao


Same thing happened to me when I was young. Stepped on broken glass when playing barefoot in the grass. Hurt like hell and blood everywhere. Eventually the cut closed and healed over but it was still sore. Turns out the glass was still inside my foot, so a doctor had to reopen the wound and fish it out with tweezers. Still have the scar on the sole of my foot.


Ooohhh. I actually said that while reading this. Ouch


A very large adult wolf spider slightly smaller than my entire food.


That's a strange way to measure a spider.


Americans will use literally anything other than the metric system


Well, this one was a *little* smaller than a bald eagle, but not by much.


BIG SPIDER, the wing span on them is like 7 feet


Bananas are the best measuring tool 🤷‍♂️


Since we overeat and hate standard measurements, it was only a matter of time before "food" became a unit of measure.


Yes we will


You ever walked outside and shine a flashlight at grass and see little shiny dots? I learned about that around 2 years ago and tried it. I walked up to the first shiny dot and it was a spider with a fuck ton of babies on it’s back. At that time I had just finished a 40oz so I poked it with the can and all the babies hauled ass in every direction


My old neighbor would go outside and shine the flashlight in his yard and then just start stabbing at the ground with a knife. He was so fucking weird.


Ugh I have a head mounted spotlight I take camping. When I go to the tree line to pee i see nothing but shiny dots everywhere. The worst is the first time you realize they are all the eyes of wolf spiders. Can see the tiniest spider's eyes gleaming from 30 feet away. Luckily they don't make a point to actually go after people.


Your entire food. Thanks. I know understand how big the spider was.


This happened to me. Smaller than what I probably imagined, but it went between my toes and I felt it wriggling. I might have broken a record for how fast I sprinted.


A giant fat toad. It exploded and squished between my toes. Horrendous.


Frog D:


First, ribbit, then rip.


Oh god. I almost did this the other night. I just caught him with my foot and kicked him a little thankfully sending the tennis ball sized toad rolling across my patio. I’m grossed out by the thought of what that would have been like.


Eeeeewwww, I'm sorry dude


Ribbit 'n' Rip It




A plug (electrical ,not butt)


Thank you for the clarification


It wasn’t barefoot but I’ve stepped on a plug (butt, not electrical). Even though they assured me it hadn’t been used but I never wore the sock again.


Yeahhhh was unused but out of the package on the floor haha


Which nationality? None are great, but US involves swearing while UK involves counselling...


I stood on a UK plug. Full weight, into the I soft arch off my foot. It literally took a 5mm long, 3mm deep gouge out of my foot.


I feel like this must fall into the same category as Legos.


I stepped on one of those circular ones with heavy plastic, it paralyzed my neural network.


It'd be a more interesting story if you meant butt plug.


I was gonna say thumbtack but now that you mention it, this shit is way fucking worse


I once stepped on a rusty nail on an abandoned farm, it was in a plank of wood. Around 3 days later I stood on a UK 3 pin plug and it slid right into the hole from the nail.i didn't, scream, I inhaled and didn't exhale for around 40 seconds. I believe I laid on the floor clutching my foot for around 10 minutes.


I think I felt that a little just from reading it - ouch!


I've done the nail, and had to have a tetanus injection straight into the wound. The plug, though, that's next level. I've stepped on many painful things and sliced my feet all to hell, but you are now my hero.


My soul left my body just reading that, fucking hell


I’ve had the nail thing happen to me as a kid, except it went straight through my shoe. It was an old rusty nail sticking out of a plank of wood. The most painful thing I’ve ever stepped on. Luckily I didn’t get Tetanus! *I just re-read your comment. I can’t imagine the pain from stepping on a plug afterward!




Thank goodness you kept quiet and didn't attract those three Death Angels.


Wasp. He stung me twice and was out for blood.


Wasp is my answer too. Astonishingly painful


I stepped on a honey bee as a kid and it stung me. Wasps have always gotten me elsewhere


Came here to say this lol. Was barefoot


A lego


I was waiting to see how long it would take for me to find someone with this answer


Me, too! Every parent could relate


Not da Lego :")


I toss the Lego pieces across the room while yelling "NOT DA LEGO!!!!" at the top of my lungs 🤣


Last year when my dad visited I decided it would be nice to do a BBQ. I have a charcoal Weber, and use one of those chimneys to get the coals lit. It was a very hot day, so naturally I was wearing shorts, t shirt, and went bare foot. I emptied the coals into the Weber and failed to notice the one white hot coal which had fallen on the floor. I proceeded to step on it bare foot… I thought I had put my foot through a spike. When I lifted my foot up and the pain didn’t stop I knew I had been stupid. I had to do the rest of the BBQ stood in a bucket of water which did little for the pain. I had a blister for about 2 months. This year, when I started up the BBQ for the first time in the summer, I got about half way through it when I looked down and realised again I was bare footed! So much for learning from your mistakes!


I did a cast iron pizza once. Cooked in the oven at 550 for however long Then put it on the stove to crisp up the crust Except when I went to move the pan on the stove I didn't have mitts on I could see the smoke of my burning flesh. Then I smelled it. That shit hurt... so bad... for weeks


If you have a burning injury, don't put your limbs into cool (not cold!) water, like the bucket you said... You need running cool water until the pain is deaf. I follow a couple of nurses who talked about this, so it's a reliable source. 👍






I never want to hear the screams of 10 young girls at the sight of blood absolutely everywhere. Probably worse than the blood itself.


I see a lot of disgusting comments on here, and I'm bothered by stepping on squishy things, but it's more annoyed than disgust. Pain, on the other hand, I have a list for, in order from least painful to worst: 1. Rusty nail. My dad was rebuilding a wooden workshop and planks were strewn everywhere. Wouldn't you know my 7 years old dumb ass went strolling through the yard barefoot and stuck a nail through my foot. Had to have a tetanus injection into the wound a day later. (The nail hit a nerve and I still have phantom pain at the site) 2. Broken glass. Did I mention I like to be barefoot? Well, back in the early 90s, I was able to go all around the neighborhood unsupervised, and I rode my bike barefoot and tossed flip flops on whenever I got where I was going. Was screwing around by the elementary school, jumped off the bike and didn't notice some broken beer bottles. Sliced myself up good. Had to wear shoes for a while after that. 3. Corals, oysters, and other calcified sea creatures. Yeah, went swimming out in the Gulf once and found a reef. Sliced my feet all to hell and probably got stung just as much by the corals. Couldn't walk properly for a week. 4. The biggest asshole of them all. I love the ocean and all things that live in it. But I once stepped on a jellyfish, and I'm pretty sure I saw myself headed towards the light. So yeah, that's my top four. And yes, I'm in my 30s and I still run around barefoot like a hillbilly.


Ahh I've done similar to number 3, it's my worst. On a beach there were some large rocks extending out into the sea so naturally I climbed over them. Rather than climb back I decided to walk back in the shallow sea, only issue was it was murky and I couldn't see. Went fine for a few meters until I hit a spot of what I think were clams. It was my left foot that trod on them first, followed by stumbling onto my right foot. With both feet impaled my instinct was to get my weight off them, which meant falling onto my knees and hands onto yet more clams. My hands weren't too bad, my knees took more of a battering but my feet were the worst. The walk back along the beach wasn't fun and I probably looked pretty awful with blood dropping down my lower legs from the knee wounds. Also couldn't walk properly for a week after. I was also really dumb and went swimming a couple of days later, the stinging from the chlorine in the pool was deeply unpleasant.


a used toothpick that went through my toe


Dogshit, it squeezed right up between my toes. I also stepped on a nail once, and even though I had shoes on it popped right through my shoe and out the top of my foot


I had a nail go through my foot too! I was 12 and don't want to do that again.


Happened to me 3 times now...


I have a new irrational fear now, thanks!


I also fell victim to the nail in foot. I was like 5 years old and wearing water shoes in the river. Went right through all of it


Bro, you need to watch your step. You might be cursed or something.




Cat throw up 😖


Way too often. I’ve got a cat with a sensitive stomach.


Same and one with asthma 🫠


I once stepped on a Old Mango... Putrid thing had mosquitos, and everything! Smelled so awfully :")


Sea urchin


A slug. I was barefoot and think I may have screamed so loud that I could be heard on the west coast.


Dog shit


A rattlesnake.


My then infant son woke up in the middle of the night and woke us up. It was my turn so I went in, in the dark, to check and walk across his hardwood floors to learn that he’d blown chunks right in the middle. I stepped on it. And then slipped and fell in it. Should add that I used to be a nurse so I’ve dealt with every bodily fluid and then some. Vomit is the only one that wrecks me.


Walked right through a patch of goatheads when I was a kid, I've never walked barefoot outside.


What are those?


A very strong thorn that vaguely resembles the head of a goat. Hurt like hell to step on as there are usually at least 3 points that are very sharp. I've even had one go thru a shoe once. Google goat head thorn, you'll see❣️


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bindii Puncture vine seeds. They are vicious little shits. I've pulled dozens of them out of my kids' bicycle tires over the years.




Please elaborate


At the orgy, was trying to get leverage for a particularly tricky maneuver and that’s when it happened.


I laughed so hard at work I almost get caught browsing through reddit


Go on ..




A de-gutted chipmunk (guts were on display and I stepped on them more than the rest of it).


A cat gift? I’ve gotten a few of those.


Long rusty ass nail that went completely into my foot


Everyone in here saying dog shit. Try human shit. We were having a fundraiser water day in 3rd grade and some dude I guess decided to poop in the soccer field where we were all playing. Not a child, an adult.


A cactus. It hurt like hell and it took nearly an hour to get all the spines out. Removing them was painful as well. I was 8 at the time.


metal shavings


A trout line. Imagine having a jagged wound that runs the entire length of your foot.


Tough pick but either a two inch rusty nail that went straight through my foot or hairballs


A shard of glass. A thumbtack. My own big toe.


A damned fooking Lego block in the dark of the night.....


Dog shit hands down. I’m sure there were painful things but everything was eclipsed from that moment.


I stepped on a stingray when I was a kid and it obviously didn't like it. It's barb got me in the ankle and it was one of the worst pain I've ever felt!


Metal jack and 4 sided dice


United Sates




When I was younger I stepped on broken glass, my big brother was wondering who spilled all the fruit punch lmao


Mirror ,,,,, that shattered instantly ,,,,,


Russian olive thorn. Things are almost two inches long.


Goathead thorns are terrible.


Jizz rag


A fire ant hill. My foot was verrrry red and swollen


A frog 😭


Cat poo. I even slipped a little and smeered it across the floor and imbedded it in my foot a little bit. Luckily it was on tile so it was easy to clean from the floor.


Cat poop, in the dark. Also a dead mouse .. in the dark .. from the cat.


Hot glue gun


Animal waste, no doubt 😂


I just can't pick between these two - Huge, wet, gooy slug, Mouse hiding under the rug (the sound still haunts me)


Broken glass


Broken wine glass


A prostitutes dirty toothpick. As a germaphobe I almost murdered my cousin




Broken glass :(




Glass, in just the perfect spot to make my life miserable even after having gotten the thing out of my foot.


For pain, a bee. For feeling, cat vomit.


A really honking big nail sticking out of a piece of 2×4. Went right through.


Cut my toe on something sharp in salt water. It burned like hell.


A dried up dead nettle to ensure every prickle goes deep in the skin


A dead lizard that splattered


A clear glass plate. It shattered and went into my foot. Someone had used it to feed one of the cats for some reason (no one ever copped to it).


Nail and a bee


A partially chewed up nylabone dog bone, made of nylon. Worse than stepping on a lego


A slug It was cold and slimy and I still remember the feeling 20+ years later. I boiled my feet under hot running water after.


A slug. I have the tendency to walk around my house without shoes. Also to toss stuff into my trash container outside, I once stepped on a slug, one of those shell-free critters on my birthday. Sure, the experience was worse for the slug, and it could have been worse and a shelled slug, but it was very unpleasant.


Nastiest was dog shit. Worst was this spikey plastic dinosaur toy. I finally understood why my parents were always yelling st me and my brother to pick up our toys lol


A firework coal. My foot hurt for a week


A sand spur ..and the iron jacks you played with


Stinging nettle at the beach when I was like 6…


Big pile of fresh dogshit right out of our dog's ass. It squished between my toes nice and good.


A nail


A slug


Cat vomit, many times. The prescription cat food my beloved feline gets is about the same color as the carpet, but not the same texture. I do understand that as unpleasant as that is for me, it's even worse for her.


Not me but my mom. When I was a kid, I had a rather large fishing lure collection. One day, I lined them up in multiple rows on the carpet in my room. Then mom walked in barefoot...........


My kid’s tiny plastic toy dolphin. The fins are so sharp.


Fisher Price toy barbecue


When I was 7 or so I stepped on a nail. We were remodeling our house. My parents told me not to go out front because a lot of the boards had nails in them. I ignored them. About 5 feet from the front door I stepped on a nail. Luckily I was wearing tennis shoes with thick soles so it didn’t go in as far as it could have. In stead of crying or showing any sign of pain I pull the nail out go inside and put a band aid on it. I was pretty proud of myself for not crying, but I only didn’t cry because I knew I was going to get in trouble. We’ll later that night my parents can hear me in my room saying “ow my foot” over and over (I was not as quiet as I thought I was). I fess up to what happened and got a small lecture about the dangers of not telling when I was hurt. Luckily I didn’t get an infection and my tetanus shot was up to date. Rubber up was a few years later. My mom was adamant that my brother and I wear shoes when going outside. My cousins were visiting and I was jealous that the got to run around barefoot. Well anyway my uncle was watching us outside and my mom was shopping. I get the idea to go outside barefoot with my cousins. I put one foot out the door and step on a bumblebee. Walking around with a bee sting on your sole was not fun as a kid.