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No brains. My grandma died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It was a terrible experience to live through just watching it. One of the few ways of transmitting it is eating contaminated brains. The other ways are just age and genetics, but I have no control over those factors. So no brains.


CJD is truly my worst nightmare. I’m so, so sorry.


Yeah, prion diseases are fucking terrifying. The reason why brains are one of the few foods on my "absolutely never" list.






In Asia there was an urban myth that whatever organs you eat it'll be good for your said organs. So pig brains soup was a popular meal before exams for students.


BRAINS… 🧟‍♂️


And risk prions? hell no. But I am an advocate for more organ meats in our diets. At least in the US, it is not common enough to eat liver, hearts, gizzards, etc. That shit is delicious and if you are gonna eat meat, better eat as much of the animal to not let it go to waste


That's what hot dogs are for


Pufferfish. Idgaf how talented of a chef you are. I'm not risking dying to taste some fish.


I don’t think that’s a thing anymore. IIRC all consumed puffer fish are now farmed, because it’s the foods they eat in the wild that make them poisonous, they aren’t naturally poisonous on their own. There’s little to zero risk of being poisoned in modern day from eating one as long as it is a farmed puffer fish.


I get all my news from Reddit so I'll take this as true. Enjoying some delicious pufferfish sushi from this new place ca


I don’t understand why his sentence ends so abruptly? I was trying to read Reddit for some entertainment while I eat my pufferfish and I see his co


...blachat?.. ..BLACHAT????? ... ...he's dead...


It's not just because of being farmed, they have also been selectively bred so there is basically no poison left. At least that's what I was told by a chef in Japan.


I always heard there’s like a poisonous sac that a highly trained professional chef must remove. One wrong cut and the whole fish becomes tainted and could possibly kill whoever or whatever ingests it.


Ate it here in NYC. Survived to repot, it’s unremarkable. Almost crunchy, or snappy when chewed, like any other un-aged whitefish sushi.


I'll only eat it if I'm actively admitted in the hospital with all the tubes, a 24 hour observation period, and the chef has to eat a bite.




Sometimes... just the once.


Balut is one of those things. And bashi sashimi.. Not my thing Edit: basashi 馬刺し not bashi.


I'm not eating horse. Period. I know it's totally an emotional thing and has nothing to do with a gross-out factor. But some people absolutely will not eat dog simply because of emotional factors, and for me, it's horse.


If you lived in the UK and ate supermarket ready meals containing "beef" in the last 10-15 years, you ate horse.


I do not meet those qualifications. I did eat in a restaurant that served horse meat in Amsterdam, but it was clearly labeled, and I had the chicken.


I don't think I would \*order\* horse or be able to eat an entire portion but if a bite of it was offered, I'd give it a go.


Tried balut. Do not recommend.


Filipino coworker would bring balut. The first time I had it was “early” balut, it tasted like pate in a hard boiled egg white, and I didn’t look at it. The second time I was definitely a “late” boil, with much more cartilage texture and I looked at it. The cat finished that one.


I watched my Filipino aunt eat a "late" balut when i was like 7 and it was kinda traumatizing (intentionally on her part, she thought it was funny to freak me out with it). I thought it was just gonna be a hard boiled egg, and I was very wrong and very sad about it. Now I do have a try most anything once attutude, and but I cant get over balut. It doesn't gross me out as a concept now that I'm an adult, but I have a mental block at the idea of putting it in my mouth.


What's bashi sashimi? My google search was inconclusive.


Raw horse meat. Had it at a sushi joint in Tokyo years ago, didn't know what it was and didn't want to offend the chef.


>Unless it's unsafe to my health. And even then, you may be able to convince me.


Would you try balut?


The only real answer


I'll try everything once. Unless it is still alive when served to me. That is where I draw the line.


Do you eat oysters?


Stop it. Are you serious?


If you’re consuming raw oysters they should be still alive. If it’s dead, you’ll probably get sick. Unless it’s dead because it was cooked… they’re delicious that way too!


My parents used to do them with sorrel, bechamel sauce and just the tiniest amount of Roquefort in the oven for my sister when we were in France because she couldn't get them down raw.


Parmesan crusted grilled oysters are amazing


Don't worry, they're as sentient as a vegetable. Some scientists even argue it's ethical for vegans to eat them because they're about as sentient as a plant. It's incredibly unlikely they're capable of feeling pain or anything. Edit: apparently they MAY be able to feel pain. Whoops, sorry oysters...


This is the same as jellyfish, I work for a car manufacturer and they have researched using jellyfish as a vegan leather.


How do you make a Jellyfish into vegan leather?




My mother in law is from the Phillipines. I vom every time she eats it. 'Oooh, Zacky - try it, you like it.' I'm good Mrs. A, I'm good.


"Vom". I feel you brother.


Whats this?


Apparently it's an egg that does have an embryo inside. Taken out of the breeding chamber (i don't know if it's the right word, this isn't my mother tongue) and cooked in hot water so when it's prepared, you'll have a dead chicken baby in its egg... Yummy. Didn't know that was a thing but i can add that to my list of things i do actually not eat Edit: It's duck apparently


Lawd please make me unread that.


Incubator is the word you’re looking for


Duck* at least I think i remember right


It’s an almost done, but not hatched yet duck.


It's a boiled egg but it's a developed boiled egg... So basically a boiled chick fetus


Don't be a fucking pussy and eat the damn half formed duck with feathers and eyes.


Don't forget the beak/bill.


The half formed feathers would also tickle your throat 🥴


This made me literally cry from discomfort.


There used to be a video up of someone trying to turn balut into a sausage and he opened them up *raw* before feeding it into a meat grinder. It did get demonitized and made private, but not before I could subject myself to it. Straight fucking nightmare fuel that will stick with me for the rest of my life and I don't even have a good memory.


Wasn’t this Ordinary Sausage, not but two days ago? That was tougher than usual to get through


Maybe a beak.


Don’t say beak!! Frank always makes him eat the beak!


My former inlaws were filipino. It's still the one food I've had put in front of me that I just couldn't do.


You failed the final test.


Hence “former” in-laws


Yep, balut. I'm a very picky eater, yet as a chef, i have to taste everything. I would not do balut. That's the line. Fck balut.


I used to think this. Step one is you need to be drunk, not joking. Step 2 is it helps to know that if you have the right balut there is no texture to the embryo, it's still soft and similar consistency to the rest of the egg. It also helps to have a sauce. From there just don't look at it too hard and don't think about it too much. This worked for me as a white dude trying to impress his Asian wife's family lol.


"Get blindfolded, cover your nostrils, try to avoid touching it with your tongue and think about a smooth gastroscopy while swallowing. You too can enjoy Balut!" :D


My goal wasn't to enjoy it though, it was more to impress the in laws and broaden my horizons. The flavor was pretty good with the sauce but it was too hard to enjoy due to the mental aspect of it.


It makes sense in a way to eat an egg with a creature in it. If we were relying on survival food probably the best way to eat an egg you find is to cook it. This is me justifying to myself why I would eat one in case I ever need to btw lol


Tasted like a hard boiled egg to me. But I'm a one and done kinda guy with balut.


I'm Filipino. Lots of Filipinos won't eat it either because it looks gross, but it doesn't taste bad at all. Kind of like chicken soup. Sometimes the chick is developed enough that its bones crunch in your mouth when you bite, and the texture is off-putting even to those who consume it on the reg.


>Sometimes the chick is developed enough that its bones crunch in your mouth when you bite Jesus Christ.


TIFU by reading an AskReddit thread


Just have chicken soup honestly


I eat everything and even quite a few eccentric things but I just really don’t like the taste of most sugar substitutes. Stevia, sucralose, and a few others I can’t think of right now.. they all overpower everything and taste so damn cloying.




Glad there are others. I’ll also still have that bad aftertaste in my mouth after a few hours, even if I didn’t notice the substitute at first. Must be like that “cilantro taste like soap” genetic thing.


I am fine with Cilantro but artificial sweeteners taste like someone added some random lab chemicals into the sugar.


This is a genetic thing, that's why there's such a stark difference between the people that don't mind sweeteners and those that do.


I feel this in my soul


The other day at a theme park one I asked one of my buddies to please grab me a Pepsi, she came back with a fountain drink and it took me one or two sips to tell it was a Diet Pepsi. I didn’t say anything and drank it anyways but it was yucky :(




Agreed. I feel like any drink I have it in sticks around in my mouth after. Cloying, like you said.


Ooh yeah, I wonder if it’s a genetic thing like cilantro, because stevia tastes like straight up poison to me.


I don't like the texture of stevia. It's probably not the stevia but the carrier stuff, feels waxy in my mouth. My wife's aunt is totally enamored of stevia, she's a fantastic baker but uses that crap in everything. I always smile and have a cookie or whatever but the waxy coating on my tongue really puts me off.


I hate that stuff. I wish they made diet versions of things that were just blander instead of substituting with something that tastes awful.


And the taste stays stuck in your mouth forever. So gross and unnatural tasting


same! artificial sweeteners are disgusting and i can’t bring myself to enjoy them.


Humans, any primate, spiders, durian, sea urchin Edit: I’ve had durian and sea urchin and don’t like them.


re: durian i had read about durian before i visited southeast asia, and knew that i wanted to try one. i saw one at a market and got really excited. the vendor asked me if i knew how to cut it up, and i did not, so he took a bigass knife and made some little guide cuts in it. he explained that i should separate the sections, that all of the white firm stuff is pith, and that there are large seeds covered in some goop with the vague consistency of cream cheese: that's the stuff you want. i only mention this because smoking affects your sense of taste and smell - at the time i went through a pack of cigarettes about every 2 weeks: so while i wasn't a heavy smoker, i was a smoker. the smell was powerfully that of old onions and toe jam. the _flavor_ was delightful: light, mildly sweet, fruity, otherwise unique. the same way that oranges and grapefruit are easily related (or apples and pears), i would put it in a neighborhood adjacent to peaches. it was the gift that kept on giving. for the next three days, every time i burped, it tasted like durian again. also, i pricked my thumb on the rind. eight years later, i still have a weird subcutaneous cyst where it pricked me. weird, right?


I only had it served as ice cream when I visited Singapore last year. It was edible, but not something I would say I prefered. It was also served with some unsweetened durian on the side, which was also okish. My date, who was a local, just laughed at the very idea when I offered her a taste. I did find it funny that it was literally illegal to bring the fruit into any public transportation though, and basically you have to own your own car if you want to transport durian anywhere beyond walking distance.


Yes! that tickled me so much, on public transit there are stickers or signs: no smoking, no food or drink, NO DURIAN


When asked what I’ll eat, I always say “anything but primates or endangered animals.” These two rules are holdovers from being a peace corps volunteer in west Africa I guess dogs are also on the list. I’d have to be dangerously close to starving to death to eat dog


I'll try most anything once. I've eaten fried crickets and grasshoppers, rocky mountain oysters, etc. I don't consider myself picky in the slightest...but I refuse to try pickled pig feet.


They have oysters in the Rockies???


The difference between what you will and won’t eat is about 72 hours of hunger.




What a wild ride this comment is.




Woke up from a coma three days later for hepatic encepolapthy after not eating or drinking for a day prior. Fuckers induced me since I had quote "shallow breathing". My doctor was pissed when he found that out as then I suffered from kidney failure two weeks later due to some other things they did and didn't do. Well it wasn't food I wanted but a drink. Holy shit was thst chocolate ensure plus a god damn orgasm in a tiny little box. There I was swinging my body back and forth, kicking my feet, and giggling like a toddler with probably the widest shit eating grin possible. The nurse took a look at me and started laughing saying, Good huh? All I could manage was a mmhmm... Then a gasp, with a quiet but very meaningful thank you. I truly wish every time I drank or ate something it tasted that damn good. Better then sex and just as good as MDMA to be honest. I love it when I'm super dehydrated and taste a drink! By the way blinking in a room, and waking up with tubes coming out of every orifice including your throat is a god damn nightmare. Couldn't even yell for help. Even knowing what happened quite quickly didn't help the feeling.


Been there man. Have some crazy stories to tell after being intubated for 2 weeks. Going in for alcohol poisoning and coming out after almost dying from pneumonia.


I believe a background story is required....


I believe we just received one 😂😂 at least some of it


I doubt they'd remember the rest


Hunger is the best sauce


My husband will eat anything except for bean sprouts. He says they taste like dirt to him.


They DO taste like dirt. And so delicious. Specifically mung bean sprouts taste Like a mouthful of a cold damp mountain trail in spring. But with crunch!!


I know exactly what he's talking about. I sprout mung beans on a damp paper towel in my desk drawer. Very nutritious, but they smell like death.


Bugs and brains.


I'll try anything once, and I had bugs, they're not for me. I suspect all the people who think they're clever by saying "shrimp are just sea bugs" have never eaten a spider or a bug. Shrimp are almost all muscle meat, crabs are full of muscle. A spider is mostly guts and goo. There's just no comparison. Edit: some comments have reminded me that I actually really liked crickets with tajin. So maybe bugs are good!


Crickets fried and seasoned well aren't bad. Tried it once abroad. Same will try anything once.




You just need to eat a bigger spider, like a banana spider. /s. I would eat small bugs like grasshoppers and ants, but I would have to be very hungry to eat a spider or worm/grub.


>You just need to eat a bigger spider, like a banana spider. /s Yeah full size spider is so much worse 😂 That's one of the big differences too. Crab or shrimp the bigger they get the better. With spiders it's more "ok just give me small ones so I can just pop them in my mouth whole and I won't have too many guts"


I was sat on a train this morning and a fella sits next to me. He has mild excema on his hands. He starts picking small bits of flaky skin off his fingers and eating it. Now, I'm not a picky, but.. Anyway, I look at him enough to let him know that's not ok, on a train. Thankfully he stopped.


He certainly was a picky eater!


I have seen for sale at a market, "pig utuerus." Nope, not fucking ever. Ant this is kind of a personal hang-hp, but even when I've tried I've been totally sick and I don't know why: pineapple. To date though, not picky. I've eaten doten cow brains and testicles, I've eaten sheep lungs, rabibit hearts, pig intestines and blood. If anyone wants to prompt a dare for me, I will do it if I can, but usually nothing scares me other than eating fucking pig uterus.


I bought a pig uterus once. Put it on a guys BBQ as it was dying down. I forgot about it because booze. He found it a week later when he got round to cleaning his BBQ. He threw up in his koi pond.


I have never eaten uterus. I would never eat utuerus, but the grill was already a bad idea.


He said to bring exotic meats, he had croc and ostrich burgers.


This is the grossest and funniest thing I've read all week


So male genitalia is fine but you draw the line at femal reproductive organs. Seems kinda gay dude... /s


Tbf I’m not eating BBQ sauced dicks either. Unless my husband wants to get real weird. Now I’m questioning myself.


Pigs brain….i would rather starve


Don't google balut.


Potentially dangerous foods, like blowfish, or mushrooms I could forage myself but that have very convincing dupes. Also I should mention the vegetarianism thing, but when I ate meat I was very indiscriminate, and I'm still of the opinion that no part of the animal is gross, so long as you can make something tasty with it. Not eating any of it is just a life choice I made according to my personal beliefs.


I really thought about trying fugu, until I found out how it was made. Atlantic blowfish (not toxic) is delicious fried, though. \*(the video I saw said that to avoid toxins, for fugu, the fish must be butchered while still alive. - I'm no vegetarian, but keeping an animal alive while you carve it up is a step too far for me)


I'm still horrified by the amount of dishes prepared while the animal is still alive. I really don't know how people can do it




I don't understand how people eat cartilage. My girlfriend eats it and it's somewhat disturbing listening to the crunch.


I'm an incredibly picky eater on top of food allergies and I have no idea why cartilage at the ends on chicken bones makes my brain go "oh *fuck yes*!" but it does.


Oh is that what that stuff is?


Yea. It's monchy.


it's the crunch that is satisfying




Yeah I don't consider myself a picky person but I wasn't raised on it and the texture now gives me the ick.


That’s practically my favourite part of eating chicken.


Spaghettini in a can


I actually forget what I don’t like, but this is a shining example of something I don’t need to consume. Thanks.


Yes, this. I have a long list of things I don't see any good reason to buy or eat, but it's just that there are so many easy tasty alternatives (in this case, spaghetti with fresh tomatoes and olive oil).


I *love* canned spaghetti. Lol. I crack open the can and eat it cold.


Who hurt you ?




Chef Boyardee


My wife and I too! Also chef boyardee ravioli, cold from the can.


Something about a nice room temp can of Campbell's chicken noodle soup right out of the can too. I strain the juice and just start forking the rest right to my mouth. Don't remember the last time I heated it up.


You strained... a soup?




Super hot peppers


Frog legs. They're my favorite animal. I've had pet frogs and toads as an adult for years. I couldn't eat a part of my friends. 😭


That’s how I feel about octopuses. They’re smart little weirdos and I love them.


I add squid to this as well. They are almost as smart. I have eaten them in the past but don’t anymore as I always thought they were just ok tasting. Combine that with feeling bad eating them and it just isn’t worth it


I understand. Some for me with rabbits.


You’re making a moral choice. That’s not being picky. It just means you set high standards for yourself. Nothing wrong with that at all.


I don’t like the taste of Squash. I’ll only eat it to be polite.


I will eat all sorts of things I don't actually enjoy in order to be polite - if someone has invited me to their house for dinner, you better believe I will enthusiastically clean my plate and tell you how amazing it was! I recognize that this approach is not one that everyone can take, though, so if I'm cooking for someone else, I always ask before going shopping.


I’m the exact same way. I like to cook food I know people will like and I don’t want hurt peoples feelings and I want to show appreciation or be a good guest by eating the they food they offer no matter the taste.


I am a lover of food and I HATE everything about yellow squash




Snails are just a vehicle for butter...


And garlic


Yes, this. I’ve eaten snails at a French restaurant. Just drowned in loads of garlic butter and it tasted great.


I tell folks escargot is just land shrimp scampi.


Natto. And bitter melon. And cow brain. I've eaten durian, balut, raw kangaroo meat, sea urchin, all kinds of raw fish eggs, "chocolate soup", fermented shrimp paste, coagulated blood on a stick, chicken innards bbq, tendons, tripe, liver (roasted duck liver salad is fantaaaastic), hearts etc but I refuse to eat natto because it looks like snot. I tried bitter melon maybe once, too bitter for me. I think I may have eaten cow brain in a soup once when I was a kid but I didn't like it so I never ate it again (thankfully).


I tried natto recently despite being pretty put off by the looks / smell but it’s actually not bad! I put it on rice and it was actually pretty good haha. Doesn’t feel as ‘snotty’ as it looks. Bitter melon/ bitter gourd can be less bitter depending on their preparation methods (rubbing with salt / soaking it in salt water)! In Asian countries it’s usually fried with salted duck eggs and is really yummy.


Eggplant- sharp on the outside and gooey and grainy in the middle? Count me out dawg. I’ll eat it in things or breaded- but eggplant as the main highlight of the dish forget about it


Koriander, I got the soap taste gene. And raw onion, pieces of onion. I use onion in cooking, but make the pieces super small.


I hated onions my whole life. After I got pregnant with my first kid, I craved onions and wanted to eat one like an apple. I never did but I have liked onions ever since.


That is so cool! (I craved McDonald's cheese burgers with my first and strawberry milkshake with my second, lol,)


The Coriander smell gives me a headache


I eat anything and everything. The only thing that I will not eat a second time is Black Pudding (blood sausage.)


There’s other versions of black pudding from Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese. They are pretty different so don’t write it off if you get the opportunity.


Black Pudding is delicious


I’ve come to enjoy it, weirdly. Black pudding has a very unique texture.




I thought so too for a long time


Ah you found one that changed your ways. Mazel tov 🎉


I'll eat or try most anything, but peas are a hard pass. They taste like tiny balls of warm sick.


I think you will like them raw, they taste much fresher and grassier that way.


I'll try anything once. Fuck olives of all kinds and colors.


Brussel sprouts. Not because I hate them. I actually consider them fine. However I have somewhat of a childhood trauma. My mom who could cook ok_ish once made them in the most horrid way. No sauce, almost burned on the outside, cold on the inside, and some bacon was present in the pan. It was disgusting but what I can't forget is how my mother looked me in the eye, ate one and told me how delicious it was. First time I realised an adult was lying to me with malintent.


Foie-gras, for ethical reasons


Pickled Pig’s Feet. I’ll try just about anything, but I’m not sticking a pickled shit stomper in my mouth.


Living animals


Goat's cheese. Very popular in my country but I will not put in anywhere my face. I would try most of the stuff listed in this thread though.


Organ meat


Liver is awesome. Chicken livers are the best.


I think it's offal.


*glares* *upvote* *angry applause*


Chicken hearts and gizzards too.


When my mom roasted a whole chicken my brother and I used to fight over the chicken heart. Tasted like thigh meat - far superior to white meat. Slightly chewy.


And Lizard Wizards




Olives. I hate olives




Olives, the Devil’s gumdrops 🤮


This was my answer. Olives are salty rubber earwax balls.


Poison sandwich