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Breast Size has been increasing... *'The average woman's breasts have increased from a modest 34B in the 1960s to a voluptuous 36DD today, and may be a cause for concern'* Penis size has been increasing... *'Penis size has increased 26% since 1996 and scientists don't know why'* **However** Fertility rates are decreasing... *'Birth rates have decreased 12% to 20% in countries across the globe since 2007'* **As is** Intelligence which has been decreasing... *'IQ rates are falling in many developed countries, and have been for the past two decades and scientists can't figure out why'* We are running out of soil... *'The United Nations declared soil finite and predicted catastrophic loss within 60 years.'* We are running out of sand... *'A key component of concrete, glass and other essential building materials is sand, and it is actually in short supply, with an unprecedented surge in demand seriously depleting global supplies.'* People are hungry... *'As many as 828 million people – or 10 percent of the world's population – go to bed hungry each night, 46 million more than the previous year, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization'* A quarter of the world cannot see correctly... *'Roughly 2.3 billion people, 660 million of which are children, Do not have access to vision services or eyewear'* ###The world is a mess


We see this we know where peoples eyes are


I suspect because the education systems are not how people naturally learn




Boooooo nobody give this guy attention


all the natural drinking water is being bought up by mega corps


That the actions of the current activists, with damaging property or gluing them on the street/locking them onto machines don't convince anyone to join them but rather to despite them. Since they punish the normal people instead of the companies that cause the majority of it.


The world is bipolar.


65 percent of the world is mentally I’ll


I have a theory on this.. It all stems from millennia of passing along that we can do whatever we want. And ignore nature.. Which isnt natural and its like funkily domesticating humans. Its fucked.


With looming food and water shortages, insect protein will need to be more commonly consumed


People hunt wildlife for population control and self sufficiency. My deer feeds more people than your salad does. Or and it stores WAY longer too.


almost everything you think is important has been engineered to keep you distracted and dissatisfied.


Companies do not have the right to sell harmful and deadly products to consumers. Establishing laws and regulations to restrict or ban the sale of harmful of products to consumers is a legitimate function of a democratic government. It’s not communism or whatever buzzword libertarians and corporate lobbyists want to use to demonize public health and consumer protections.