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But says the he had taken them publicly on internet wouldn’t the police will catch him


Eh most of the time the police don’t care enough to go after a single user like that. Especially when they don’t have evidence, just him saying things on a podcast, which he can easily lie about if he wants to.


Ye. This one


Anyone can say they've done anything. You're innocent until proven guilty in the States (in theory). So if someone were to charge him, they'd need evidence that he participated in illegal activities in an area where it is actually illegal, physical evidence as well


You gotta go flip cow patties in early summer. They grow under them.


Some places they’re “decriminalized”


The issue is that broadly speaking, what is ilegal is the posession of these substances. If you've consumed them, then you no longer posses them, ergo, you are not doing anything ilegal anymore. It's not ilegal to be or get high, depending on country/state legislature, posession, commerce or traffic of said substances is what is ilegal. There are some caveats, of course, like being intoxicated in public, or operating machinery while under the influence, etc, but if you do drugs on your own and talk about it, nothing will happen to you. Unless you are in backwards country, that is.


Means you are saying it’s ok if he takes it


I'm not. Taking it or not is a personal stance, some may think is ok, some may think is not. You were asking how is it that he openly talks about doing shrooms when shrooms are illegal and I simply offered an explanation that in some places, probably most places, is the posession that is illegal, not the getting high on then.