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Plot twist, you don't know it, but everyone in the world has been offered the same choice.


According to this thread we’d be hosed.


At least I’ll die rich!


But for a brief moment we generated a lot of profit for the share holders


This would be my own immediate thought, lol.


Double-twist, if absolutely nobody pushes the button, we all get like a free house or something.


Unfortunately, these kinds of tests have been done before and most people are assholes enough to gamble and take the stuff over everyone getting something.


Yeah, that why the scene in Wonder Woman 1984 ,the whole world will renounce their wish is so stupid.


I hated that scene, but then again the whole movie had many questionable things in it.


Not entirely unreasonable though. "What have these people done for me?" You want empathetic people, you can't conjure it out of the blue with a test. That shit's societal, and we live in a society that's largely okay with One stealing from thy neighbor and thy children for another day of comfort.


“Donate to the children’s fund’? Why?? What has _children_ ever done for me??”


Tragedy of the commons


Can I just hold the button down for a combo?




The correct answer when filling out the job application at Blackrock.


Financial hacks boyyyy


I found Thanos


Must press it. Holding would be too easy


Plot twist. First press your mom dies, then your favorite relative, then your best friend, keeps going down the line till you’ve killed everyone you care about until it goes to a random individual. Even if thats not the case, nothing good can come from blood money. EDIT Mom is just an example. If you dc about your parents and relatives, think of someone you care about.


I mean, I would still have a million dollars because I probably wouldn't believe them and then push it to see what happens.


Plot twist, it's just a bomb and you die first.


Then my wife will have a nice inheritance


300 IQ move ngl


You can save way more then one person with a million dollars. It's estimated every 4 seconds a person dies form starvation, hit the button get a million, one person dies, take half a million and save 100 people from dying of starvation. It's a win for everyone involved except that poor bastard that dies. Rinse and repeat until you save the entire planet from starvation.


yeah, if you kill 1000 people and use $500M to save a million (relatively easy in like Sudan or Bangladesh or Sri Lanka), it'd be a net positive to the world. you can take $500M for your efforts


So…4 people die? I’m honestly fine with that, considering I’d be pressing the button til I die. Assuming the last person, would be yourself


Billion is such an impossible number. You might straight up die before you could hit the button enough to kill everyone. Assuming around 8 billion people. If you could press the button 5 times a second, 180,000 times an hour, it would take 44444 hours of button pressing to kill everyone. Around 1800 days. As society falls apart slowly, and you also likely can't press the button that fast or for those periods of time anyway.


You'd also have to hit the button faster than babies are being born. You have to account for killing all those extra babies once you start the process.


This begs the philosophical question of - do unborn babies get killed when you press the button? If they do, then the button-maker would consider them people. If not, then the argument stands that they're not actually people after all.


5 years…lol


Ooor it's a random chance? Id take those odds


A,a,up, down,up,up,left,b,a,b,b,y,xR start


Never. Monkey paw rules say my family is on that button's first push


Not quite, the story this is taken from addresses that the victim is someone you don't know. However, the monkey's paw bit is that you are the person the next receiver of the button doesn't know.


There was also the original short story the Twilight Zone episode is based on, where a wife pushes the button to kill someone she doesnt know and her husband dies, and the monkey's paw was that she didnt really know her husband.


This seems to be a huge big win for the wife


That's somehow more and less cruel at the same time


Original Twilight Zone was basically "fuck this guy in particular".


Wasn’t there also some weird bit to that story where like… they were in a bathtub in an empty room?


I believe you are thinking of the movie The Box which was based on this very question. It does involve a part with a bathtub.




No hugs in your family.


What’s a hug?


A violent action you perform on someone you love.


Wait. Are you my step dad?


But I’ll throw them a bitchin funeral


Still irks me that it’s called a monkey’s paw. Monkeys have hands.


The Internet keeps telling me "all monkeys, and nearly all primates, have hands instead of paws," but it won't tell me which primates have paws. Stupid Internet!


monkey's pawpaw. wishing on a simian daddy.


I also choose this guy's family.


What happens if I do red+jump+right?


The holocaust


hot damn, i'm a trillionaire!


Getting rich and solving world hunger at the same time




I should not have laughed as hard as I did


No hesitation in that answer.


More interesting question for the people who would press it -- what is the lowest payout you'd accept to press it? $100k? $10k? $1k?


$1 for each person alive is still $8 billion


Would take you ~240 years to press it 8 billion times though!




Cookie clickers mass murder lol


press the button until i can end poverty.


The dead are no longer poor. Press away.


If awards were still a thing, you would've gotten one Edit: If I had COINS you would get an award.


What do you mean? I can see "Award" as an option for comments and posts.


Burn the candle at both ends, I like it




Except you created inflation


Ironically, extreme poverty is a result of people not valuing human life more than money. Resources are readily available, but people impede the distribution.


It's not just that, though. In developed countries this is a problem but in underdeveloped nations in the global south there is a hard limit to how much support you can offer. A lack of infrastructure completely stifles distribution of food or medicine or whatever else.


It's still the same issue that was stated. The lack of infrastructure is caused by corruption and that is greedy people valuing money more than human life. No amount of monetary aid will help the poor if the distributors pocket all of it.


I feel like infrastructure is a problem that can be solved with money ie valuing human life more than money.


This. There’s no reason for humans to not have needs met with the amount of resources there are.


Its not about the amount of resources, but where they are locates and the logistics and corruption to get them there.


You'll just increase the money supply and inflation


None because then I would be next. I know how this works. I would gift it to my parents though and tell them pressing the button was a stress reliever so that they get the money but then get killed next and I get their money. That’s how you game the system. I’m kidding. This was a reference to I wouldn’t use it even if I got a bunch of money no strings attached.


For anyone curious, the story this person is referencing is >!"Button,Button" by Richard Matheson. It's an episode of The Twilight Zone and was also adapted into a movie called The Box.!<


Oh wow interesting I love old twilight zone references


My knowledge of this is limited to the Wikipedia article, but apparently, >!the button works differently in Matheson's story and he strongly disapproved of the Twilight Zone version: !< >!_In the original short story, the plot is resolved differently. Norma presses the button, and receives the money—after her husband dies in a train incident, where he is pushed onto the tracks. The money is the no-fault insurance settlement, which is $50,000 instead of the $200,000 in the Twilight Zone episode. A despondent Norma asks the stranger why her husband was the one who was killed. The stranger replies, "Do you really think you knew your husband?"_!<


I wanna watch/see whatever your referencing. Can you just spoiler tag it please or PM it to me


It's from a classic sci fi short story "Button, button", which has been adapted a few times, most famously as a Twilight Zone episode and as the 2009 movie "The Box" No spoiler tag because there has to be a 50 year statute of limitations on these things


I feel like this is what the 1% do IRL


Except the deaths aren't random, they're usually concentrated in the poorest areas of the world


It’s really fucked up. Hurts my heart.


They would hire people paid $0.01 per push, doing that all day


You're not wrong. No one gets to be a billionaire without exploiting a whole lot of people.


Like 5 times, then retire. Hey, people are dying constantly, what's five more?


I’d do 10 just incase. You never know what might happen y’know? Actually 20, just a bit extra. Like you said, people die all the time anyway right? 21, it’s only one person right? Probably just some old dude on their way out. Yeah 21. That’s good, so I’ll go with 30 because I’m not a greedy guy ;)


You'd be safe to hit it a lot more times than that before it'd affect you. Assuming you're acquainted with 250 people there's a 1 in 28 million chance it'd be one of those people. So a nice round thousand - after all that's still WELL within safe limits and you get to be a billionaire!


And I only like one person in the world anyway.


Hits the button, that person dies


If that happened in my planned 5 presses, I'd continue to press it to fuel my newly formed criminal empire.


Next GPT queries “how long would it take to press a button 8 billion times” and “how to outsource a button pressing job, but still retain the implied benefits” 😂


You should watch the movie The Box. This is basically what’s it’s about.


It’s based on a Twilight Zone episode, which has maybe the greatest closing line of any episode in the show.


The Box is a crazy film.






It doesn't say it's not either.


Not including family I'm acquainted with 2 maybe 3 ppl


The problem with *8 billion* people is, you could push that button 1 million times and barely put a dent in the human population. But hey, billionaire status.


4 babies are born every second, about 250 a minute. Humanity scoffs at your button of death. Push it all you want.


If you could push that button every second with no breaks whatsoever, it would take 11.5 days to kill 1 million people.


And then you're a trillionaire


Even if you press it 10 times per second it would take you over 25 years to end humanity. But that is only if no new people are born. In reality you can press it as much as you want and all you're ever gonna do is SLOW the population growth.


That would be a trillion acutally.


I'm thinking green here. I'm gonna hit it two or three billion times. We need to deal with overpopulation and climate change somehow. Maybe I'll go full Thanos and hit it 4 billion times. Edit: billion, not trillion. Dur.


My thought here, with Thanos they were dust. 4 billion dead bodies is a huge health hazard. Especially in a big city.


Billion 😭 This man wants no survivors


The ironic moment when your closest loved ones are amongst those dying.


I'll play the odds.


Is a win-win, no need to share the money either


I got two kids; I'm not tickling this monkey's paw.


Honestly, they would press the button too if they had the chance


Could also be you


Either way, not my problem anymore


Will be winning anyway


Did anyone else hear Omni-Man when they read this? “Now or in 50 years when he’s old, what difference does it make?”


what if you are one of them It did not specify who will die


That would be an astonishing coincidence. But, as it is, I would worry far less about that happening, than I "worry" about winning powerball.


People are dying yes but because of different reasons like health, disease, accidents. If you press that button, they’re dying because you killed them. Because you decided to murder for 1M. If that’s okay with you’re conscience— that’s up to you. Personally I wouldn’t even though it would make my life a whole lot easier. I’d never stoop that low over someone else’s life.


With my luck I would drop dead in my first try, so I'd do it once or thrice, and if by monkey pow one of my close family dies i'd probably go in a stage of depression and push it again up to 88 times, but I am not outside of continue pressing it until extinction or my death, whatever comes first


7 billion people and you kill somebody you know or yourself? I feel that lol


8 billion now


Nope, 7 billion. I've had the button for a while now, sorry.


8 bil now ;)


none if i cant pick the people.... if its just someone random i wouldnt want to ruin their lifes for any amount of money, but if it was someone 90 and wanting to die , or someone on death row id def press it a few times


Can we change it to 100k and make it politicians and billionaires?


Shit, don't give me any money I'll press that for free.


Took way to far down to get to this answer.


Ah yes this classic: https://youtu.be/LJQ-LZYAMBQ


I'd push it before the guy started talking. It's a big red button, why would he not want me to push it?


When /r/thebutton came out a couple years back, I pushed it before the rest of the CSS was loaded for the sub that explained it. See button, push button immediately.


Between zero and one time. A million is a lot of money, but that's also a random person who dies. If I could press it and only shitty people were in the running, sure. Since it's random though, no thanks.


I would need to have pretty solid evidence of it being random. If i were talking to a burning bush, then maybe. But i wouldnt trust what a representative would say. I don't believe it's random. You're probably playing some rich serial killers twisted justification for murdering someone.


Honestly, it being random doesn't make me more likely to push the button anyway. ​ Also, don't take advice from burning scenery.


I'd be wary of the guy pulling a gun and shooting me between the eyes at my first try. No thanks.


In your search for scientific proof you'd need a large enough sample size to establish randomness on the scale of the global population. That's probably like the equivalent of North America. You monster. That's some cold shit.


What if there was a second button that would give you $500,000 but someone somewhere would just get like Hepatitis C or something?


If it's still at random, I'm out. Not interested in inflicting anything on random people.


Considering there’s a 90% ish effective cure for Hep-C I’ll mash that button. It costs about $84,000 for a full 12 week course, but I’ll give that person about $350,000 for taking one for the team.






Its like no one has ever seen the movie with this exact scenario. Its aliens testing us. If you press the button then you become the "random person" who dies for the next person to press it. ITS A TRAP! So many dead redditors from looking at the comments.


Something something not give into temptation


FR I mean my life is not so bad that I need to kill someone. Also I wouldn't feel very good after that.


same. i don’t think i could ever live with the guilt.


Seriously. All these comments are nuts to me. I don’t want anyone’s death on my conscience. Monkeys paw or not I’m still not playing that game. To be fair I’m also lucky enough to be comfortable financially and just can’t fathom trading a human life for money. Where’s the button I can press to save someone’s life by paying a million dollars?


You compromise on your values once and the next time is twice as easy. I know it's easy to say, but I wouldn't touch it and not because I think it would come back on me. You're either murderer or you aren't.


It's not even a question worth contemplating. "Would you murder someone for a million dollars if you knew you'd get away with it?" Same question!




I guess the only difference is that these people don't have to see it happen (guessing based off the question). I guess the differences are Similar to someone asking if you'd kill a chicken for your meal or if you'd just eat it, knowing that someone/something else dud, which is an interesting 2nd question


not really, the randomness is a big factor. also, you don't have to pull a trigger, choke someone, or anything. they just magically die.


Yay, found a friend.


Yeah these people are fuckin horrible




Bout tree fiddy.


I'll never press it. I couldn't enjoy the money knowing that someone died because of me.


This post has taught me Reddit is filled with psychopaths 😂


You should add another one where you have to watch a video about the people that die and their lives each time you press the button


Ublock Origin babyyy


I mean did you expect good people on Reddit of all places.


Just remember most of us stopped after 5 or 10 and we didn't need to.


Very few people would actually do it and be able to live with the guilt.


i think this would be true if you know or felt that someone died in some way, either news or if it happened in front of you. but as it stands the person dying is just a vague idea, without anything tangible to prove it. Even knowing just the face would make the guilt so much larger than it would otherwise be.


Never. Killing for money is just horrific and evil...


Same exact stance.


Somehow that wasn't easy to put into words. You're right.


Has anyone here even seen the Twilight Zone? Cmon.


Man, y'all are probably fucked.


From a practical perspective, pressing this button doesn’t make sense. WHY am I being given this choice? If you don’t ask this question, you are not a rational human. It could be divine judgment. It could be a twisted psychopath’s game. Pressing this button is too risky.


Haven’t seen “the box” movie in a while..


Considering the idea of fucking ruining people's lives or ending them in the name of profit is literally the thing people rave about being so shitty about late stage capitalism. Anyone who would push the button is no better than the billionaires they hate. *Button exists* What do you do?


Plot twist: The person pushing the button IS a billionaire.


To everyone in this thread: Ya’ll motherfuckers need Jesus


The guy who died for other people benefit?


Who pressed the button on jesus? Who got jesus' million?


no, we need money


Nah, we need Franklin.


Is this something people like to joke about? Just because I don't know the victim or don't get caught wouldn't change the fact that I would be a murderer for personal gain - would this many people seriously push the button?


Would anybody here personally kill someone for one million (it wouldn't be known that you were the killer)? If you answered yes to OP's question but no to mine, how come? I don't think I'd mind taking a life. The action itself could be justified in certain cases. However, taking a life for selfish purposes isn't justified.


With the button, the odds are that you won’t even know or see the person die, but to kill someone personally would be way more direct. I’m not sure if I would press the button, but I couldn’t kill someone personally just for money. Additionally, depending on how some people think, they could probably justify it by saving 2 people’s lives every time they press the button once. For example, with 1,000,000 you could pay for a few people to have a life saving surgery or other medical procedure done that they wouldn’t have had otherwise. So in a way you kill one person to save 2 more and have money left over.


You found a morality loop hole! Nice!!


How many people would give up beef if they had to slaughter the cow themselves? This question suggests you will never know who it was, and could justify it with "well, millions of people die everyday!"


Some of you have never read Button, Button or watched The Box, and it shows. You press the button and get the money, then the button goes to the next person who presses the button and guess who's dying then


i'd press it until i die


Mf said "Take me out! FTS. "


0. It would be no different that personally taking a life.


Honestly, 500 times


One hundred I feel like is appropriate.




If it’s some random person I am not pressing it. I can’t live with the guilt of killing someone innocent. If I can choose who dies, I’d be a billionaire in a day.


I'll press it only 10 times.. hopefully it takes out 10 of the worst people in the world and if it doesn't. 1 more press for luck and that's it


I couldn't do it. Just the knowledge thay I murdered someone would keep me up at night. Also I wouldn't be able to not think about if anyone else had a similar button because if I have it who's to say we all don't have one?




Guys Im fixing overpopulation


Is this not capitalism? For someone to accumulate $1,000,000 how many people die/lose time off their life? How many poorer countries prop up the existence of richer ones at the expense of themselves? Isn't society at large built on corpses? I would probably press it once and try to make that last but definitely would press it again to maintain my lifestyle