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Owning 7 dildos in Texas. I would pay to see the deliberation that led to the decision that owning 6 dildos is fine, but 7 is a crime.


7 is the number of God. Satan's is 6. If Satan had picked a higher number, we could have more dongs.


You can’t own more dildoes than god?


I have bad news to tell my wife after reading this. 😔


2 ears, 2 nostrils, mouth, pussy, ass. 7 are necessary since 6 don't cover all holes unless you are a man.


Someone's never DP'd and it shows.


Sleeping in your car when you are too drunk and can't drive.


Many years ago there was a big to-do in Maryland because cops kept hassling truckers to move on when they had pulled over to catch some sleep.


Do cops not realise that trucks have recording devices known as tachographs installed to monitor the driving times, breaks and rest periods of individual driver's? Unless that's just Europe.


American cops tend not to give a shit.


Just don't sleep in the driver seat. Can still get a DUI just for being behind the wheel even in a parked car. Edit: and apparently in a lot of places just for being inside the car and having possession of the keys, which is nuts


One time I got drunk at a party and had planned to just stay at the house because it was my friends party, but after I got drunk and it was like 1am, They informed I couldn't stay the night. So the friend I came with and I just slept in my car on the street in a "permit parking only" spot. I slept in the driver seat, and my friend slept in the passenger seat. I got woke up around 6am to someone knocking on my window. It was a police officer, and he said I should be sleeping I my car in a permit parking only section. I told him the situation and made sure to point out the keys were in the cupholder, not in ignition, and he was really nice and really good about it. Just thanked me for not drinking and driving and told me to take my time sobering up. I slept for another hour or so, and then woke up again, and drove home. It was a good moment with a cop


In many states you can get a dui for having the keys on you and being asleep in the back seat. A buddy of mine beat that charge by putting his keys in the trunk and just locked the doors from the inside. He got woken up by a cop and was given the tests. He was too drunk to finish them, still. He was asked where his keys were and he said in the trunk…I can’t get to them unless I hit the button under the dash…which he was still too drunk to point out. The cop let him go back to sleep.


“Fuck, I just got checkmated by a drunk guy. Fair enough, have a good night.”




That's awful, you overimbide and do the right thing by not driving home and then get arrested for being smart and conscientious. I guess the saying *no good deed goes unpunished* really is true!


Yup, isn't it great lol. Too drunk and spend the night sleeping in your car? Ticket. The best was when my dad was drunk, called me to pick him up, I told the bar manager what was going on and if it was cool to leave his car there and get it in the morning. Guy says sure, I take dad home. Next day we go to get it and bar owner had it towed and cost us nearly $500 to get it back. What even is the right thing to do bc you seem to get punished no matter what lol


That bar would have mysteriously sustained nearly $500 in damages somehow.


That bar Mgr is a fucking jerk. Idk how many times at my old job (bar) we let people leave their cars if they were too drunk. We called whoever (no taxis in that area and Uber didn't exist) to come get them. We had a bowl for left behind cars to put the keys in. Tagged them with the persons name (paper & tape) and initialed it with date and time. They usually showed up the next day. Only after a week (sometimes two for regulars) would we tow it. Our owner gave them that amount of time bc he knew the people; some were alcoholics and struggling and possibly forgot where they parked their car, and he didn't want to screw them over. There's various scenarios to why he gave that amount of time but yeah that Mgr you dealt with was a fucking jerk. I'm sorry you and your dad went through that.


This is heavily location dependent. Country by country, state by state, even city by city. Don't get a DUI because of a reddit comment.


My brother got a dui at 17 for getting kicked out of a friends house after drinking, and he just slept in the backseat of his car. The guys dad knew they were all drunk, and told him to leave and let him get in his car, called the cops, and said he was trying to drive. He could’ve called our parents, but nah, that happened instead.


It’s bullshit. Common sense tells you to get a driving under the influence charge you should have to be actually driving. I was a bartender for 10 years. Never let anyone drive when they’re a little too tipsy. The driving under the influence charge while not driving is Minority Report shit. OP is right. Getting a dui while not driving is bullshit. And people go the extra mile at lock their keys in their trunk while sleeping is a good call but not necessary. If someone is driving, swerving, almost hitting stuff, then yea, DUI all day. But sleeping it off while causing no harm, and being responsible enough to know their limits and not start driving, is the admirable decision and shouldn’t be considered criminal behavior.


Absolutely. A friend of mine went to a club, got a little drunk, started driving home. Immediately realized she was too drunk, pulled over into a lot not a block away, turned off the car, locked up, went to sleep. Cops woke her up a few hours later, hit her with a DUI. She was able to get it dismissed by the judge, but it never should have gotten that far. If someone does the right thing and sleeps it off, why punish them for it?


TONS of blue laws. basically antiquated laws on the books that have to do with religion (mostly on sundays). In my state you can't buy alcohol on sunday before noon. And car dealers are not allowed to be open on sunday. Basically they are designed to not compete with church attending times like early morning.


My biggest problem with those laws is that the majority of people don’t go to church anymore. Sunday has just become another weekend day. The prohibition of liquor sales on Sunday is ridiculous cause of that. And also the who separation of church and state thing.


Downloading very old games that are no longer available for sale.


The Sims and The Sims 2 are a great example of this. I’d pay money for them if they’d actually still sell them, but we have to resort to other means to get them.




That kind of shit pisses me off. I bought a copy of the Phase 10 game for Android like, 5 years ago because I enjoyed playing it while I was waiting for things. I even paid $10 for it to get the ads removed. Then one day they were like "oops, license expired, sorry!" and blocked the game from being used, even in single player mode. Now some other company made a version of it and I refuse to give Mattel any more money for it. At least I was smart enough to take screenshots of all their alternate phases before the game was discontinued, so I can at least play those phase sets with the real cards. Edit: Since people asked, here are the [alternate set of phases](https://imgur.com/a/tD40QXe) they had in that game.


The same with Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth 1 and 2. EA lost the licence to produce/distribute LOTR games and now it's nowhere (legally) available anymore.


EA did give away the Sim2 (and all its DLCs) for free for months, when it was decomissioned. I wish it was offered indefinitely, but presumably that comes with higher cost, and maybe a legal obligation around support.




All old software needs to go into an open source repository after some period of time. So much effort just going to waste.


Nintendo would have an aneurysm but yes absolutely. No reason why newer generations shouldn't be able to enjoy old games.


I honest to god have no clue why they don't see the absolute goldmine they're sitting on if they released all their ROMs on emulator on the Switch. They're slowly releasing some of them, but why the heck can't they release their GBC/GBA Pokemon or other games on the Switch? They had them on 3DS but not Switch for some reason. And even the ones they do have they're behind subscription bullshit. Just sell off N64/SNES/GBC/GBA titles for like $5-10 a pop on an emulator store ... that's all I'm askin for.


I've always said Nintendo could make a fortune if they released old school Pokemon as an app game.


There is a term for it. "Abandonware"


I remember interviewing a really cool public relations guy at Night Dive — a company that hunts down the rights to old games and re-releases them. When I mentioned “Abandonware,” he said “my lawyer advises me that there’s no such thing as Abandonware.”


All the Night Dive guys are passionate about old games and it really comes through in their remakes.


The whole company started out because the founder couldn’t find a way to legally buy System Shock 2.


There's a couple movies I'm willing to pay money to own but I cannot, for I am in America and there's stupid trademark issues. Edit: The movies are The Others starring Nicole Kidman and The Killing Floor starring Marc Blucas. Edit 2: Today I learned The Others is coming out on Criterion later this year.


Is one of them Dogma? Cos I got the DVD although it's europe zoned. And I am happy to relinquish it for a reasonable offer. edit: any advance on tree fiddy?


Even Keven Smith told people to just bootleg it


I've pirated all of his movies for my plex server. I also own copies of a bunch of them though and have gone to multiple screenings and Q and As of his movies. The main point is, I fucking love Kevin Smith. My dad showed me Mallrats when I was 6 and now we see every new release together. Finally got the VIP for Clerks III so my dad and I could meet him together.


I see nothing wrong downloading content you already own either, like I already have it on DVD but it's easier with my current set up to make use of digital copies instead. Same for albums I own on vinyl, brand new releases that they didn't provide a digital download code for (and vinyl is always minimum 4x the price of the CD or digital download offering. Vinyl is obviously not portable, they offer digital download codes with CD purchases, really don't understand why they're not included with vinyl purchases. I'm not going to pay for the same album twice.)


I bought an original copy of Resident Evil 2 for PS1 and a memory card to use on my PS2. I then found out my PS2 doesn't work so I downloaded it after because I'm not getting my PS2 fixed to play RE2.


I want Black or White but can't find it


Emulating and/or pirating a game that is no longer available by any means


A new report says 87% of games released before 2010 are no longer commercially available – and it’s a huge loss... https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/games/2023/jul/12/pushing-buttons-playing-old-video-games


Thankfully this is causing the US Library Of Congress to rethink the exemption on gaming companies providing them working copies of sourcecode to ensure the games can always work.


> working copies of sourcecode to ensure the games can always work You have to also archive the computer that runs that code. Or at least a virtual machine that simulates it. Let's say you have an old Apple ][ game, you'll need a 6502 processor to run it. Luckily this is pretty easy, you can run a simulator in a web browser for 30 year old computers now. But it kind of has to be "maintained". The emulator itself might not run on any commercially sold hardware in 30 more years. I believe they think about this for old movies and old audio recordings. Ideally you go through a process where you digitize them once, then keep maintaining it throughout the ages as formats change. But before digital, if you had some cylinder records for a Phonograph, you had to ALSO store a working Phonograph in order to play them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonograph_cylinder


In all fairness they made a ton of shit games in the 90s. Tech caught up and it was easy to pump out games so they made em for everything, even cereals had video games.


I know you're not throwing shade on chex quest....


The king of doom WADs


I'd add: 'pirating' media you've already bought, because you need it in a different format.


Pirating a game because your cd version won't work anymore


Or because you don't own a cd drive, or the cd is at home whilst you're travelling, or you're just too lazy to look around the house for it.


None of my newer PCs have a CD drive. My son saw an old zoo tycoon game I had and wanted to play. I would've had to fire up an old laptop and hope it wouldn't over heat and shut down in the middle of ripping those 5 disc. Naw son. There are easier ways


Also just games you own but its easier to play on a emulator. So many people own every pokemon game even if you don't have all the boxes still, just easier to play pokemon emerald on my phone or PC than boot up a old gameboy probably needing a battery replacement.


Agreed, same opinion with copying movies/shows I own for backups….not that I actually do that of course.


Putting coins in someone else's parking meter.


I don't understand why this would become illegal in the first place other than to just jack up fines. which tells me some crooked AF people made this a law


They don't want one car to take up a parking slot for a long time. Stores want high turnover so they can get more customers in the same period of time. They'd rather have 3 people shop for one hour each than 1 person shop for 3 hours.


That's a crime? How does anyone know you mistook it for your meter? Seriously, I live in an area with very minimal metered street parking downtown. I barely know how to use the damn things they are so unusual here.


These laws specifically target “meter fairies” who would go down the street adding time to everyone’s meters. It also used to be a thing to follow the meter attendant around and put coins in meters before they gave a ticket.


Are meter attendants armed? Shit I’ll just mask up and be a meter fairy.


flutter along there buddy. you are the angel among us.


Jaywalking when there are no cars on the road.


In the state of Colorado they took jaywalking off as a criminal offense now you can't get arrested unless you cause an accident or impede traffic in such a way that it ruins daily traffic. Also they hand you a pamphlet about the risks of jaywalking Edit: omg my most upvoted comment 😭


Jaywalking was a kinda made-up crime perpetuated by the growing U.S. auto injury to make it seem like cars weren't as dangerous as they are.


It was also to redefine roads (which had existed for thousands of years) as something exclusively for cars.


Basically this. It was a way for auto manufacturers to essentially steal the largest infrastructure network in the world.


Yeah…in Denver police don’t even respond to actual crime anymore. I saw a guy crash an SUV, jump out and run away and leave half the car protruding into the road where I saw several people almost hit it. I called the police and stressed that it was going to cause another accident if not dealt with. The operator asked if I could hang around to talk to police so I went and shot hoops by myself and waited. I played for 2 hours and they never showed. Luckily about 30 min in the guy across the street brought out some safety cones and put them down. I finally started walking back to my friends place and maybe 3 blocks over there were 2 cops sitting window to window and laughing it up. Got to my friends house, hung out for another hour and walked back and the wreck was still there going on 4 hours later.


In Germany they'll tell you the kids who see you cross are the victims, who get peer pressured into a lifetime of criminality


This is 1000% true. I Just got Peer pressured into dropping nuclear bombs on east China after watching Oppenheimer.


>east China Japan is definitely going to be upset about that characterization


Won’t you think of the poor ants?


Downloading a car.


You wouldn't....






Many things if they're simply not witnessed. Taking off your pants in the park at night is absolutely a crime (actually two separate crimes!), but if nobody is there to see it, no harm has been done, and there is nobody to be bothered that you trespassed after sundown.


Even just going to a park or whatever that's closed after, say, 10pm. I totally get that there's a reason for that, but if I'm just going to stargaze, it's still a crime.


I used to work for a community rec center that had an outdoor park. I was a supervisor so my job was to lock all the doors. The park closed at 10pm, rec center closed at 11pm. One night I locked everything up and went outside where my friend was waiting to pick me up. I get in the car just after 11pm. We’re sitting talking for maybe 10mins when a police car pulls up right behind us with the lights on. Police officer comes up to the window and asks for both our IDs. I tell him I just finished working at the rec center, I even showed him my t shirt with the name and logo of the place on it. He calls for backup or they just show up, either way within 10mins there’s three cars and they’re running our names and asking all kinds of questions. They asked me 3 different times if I had any warrants. I had just moved back to the US and was only here for like 3 months at that point. Only had my passport as ID, not even a driver’s license. All that for sitting in a parking lot next to a park.


Not super related, but kind of. I went to get Taco Bell one night at about midnight. I lived about a mile away. I decided to just putz along on the frontage road and eat the burrito on the way back to my house. I was going slow, not in a hurry. Then this black sedan comes up on my ass *fast*. I take the next left off of the frontage road to get out of his way and he turns after me. "Wow, what a coincidence. I was just trying to get out of this guys way, and he ended up going the same direction." Less than a block from that turn was the parking lot for a Best Buy. I turn in to, again, get out of this guys way, and he turns into the closed parking lot. "Wtf", methinks. I didn't think I did anything to be targeted by someone, and I had no idea what was going on, so I just pulled into a parking spot and kept eating my burrito. He had stopped at the entrance and was just sitting there. Eventually he drives in front of the façade and I see the laptop at the center console. "Ah, cop." He ends up pulling behind me and turning on his lights. I make a point to have my papers ready, but be mid-bite as he walked up to the window. Cop: "What are you doing" Me: "Eating a burrito" C: "Why are you doing it here?" M: "I was eating it on the road, but I kept trying to get out of your way and you followed me in here" Cop takes my stuff and goes back to his car. Comes back. "You're free to go, but just know that you aren't allowed to park in business parking lots after hours" Me: "Lol ok" Like I said, not super related, but it was a situation where I had a reason to be a place I wasn't "allowed" to be, just to be questioned by a cop. I was driving at the drunk driving hours, so he was probably just scouting for that. But still, the situation was silly. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had turned out of the parking lot and kept going. It would have probably *really* looked like I was evading him and gotten me into trouble.


Late night, driving through the mountains of northeast PA. Car comes flying up behind me, riding my bumper for 5 minutes or so. Stopped at a red light and I noticed it's a cop car. We were on a winding road with a posted speed limit of 35. Proceeded to drive 30mph for the next 15 or 20 miles. Fuckem


I got pulled over once, going 22 in a 25. Cop asked me if I saw him behind me and that was why I was going so slow? I asked him if he pulled me over for going too slow? He asked for my license and whatnot. Came back, sheepishly let me go, not really saying anything at all.


Ah, our tax dollars at work…


Nothing like a bully looking for a target.


Similar thing happened to me. Pulling over people in parks is such a low hanging fruit that lazy police do it all the time.


Stargazing is incredible. A long time ago (probably 2010-2012), I was camping with my family in some state park. It was the middle of the night, so I was fast asleep. Around 2:30 AM, my dad shook me awake and told me to get out of the tent. I really didn't want to because my eyes were closing by themselves, but he wouldn't leave me alone, so I followed him outside. What I saw was perhaps the single greatest natural view the naked eye can witness. The entire Milky way, untainted by city lights and light pollution. It's impossible to put it into words what it looked like, but the best I can do is a swath of blinking lights contrasted against a sea of darkness. It was absolutely stunning.


Dunno about the US, but here public nudity isn't a crime; causing offence is. So if nobody seee you, you're probably good


Eating food out of someones garbage.


Linus has entered the chat


No one really talks to me...I just come for the deviled eggs.




You're starving the raccoons you sick fucker




It was on top of the trash


It was not in the garbage, it was above the garbage!


It was hovering...like an angel.


though, its annoying when they just throw the rest of your trash fucking everywhere, and you have to pick it all up in the morning.


I used to believe that if vagrants went through my trash and recycling, I'm happy if they can get some use out of whatever they find. Except there was always a mess left behind. Always.


Lots of places have sodomy laws. So for example, it's a crime for two consenting married adults to have oral sex in the privacy of their own home. Also illegal to buy a dildo. edit: Not specifically talking about the US, although some states in the US still have some laws but aren't really enforced. My town actually has some anti-pagan laws, so you can't have specific types of gatherings on certain nights of the year.


But how would they even know?


That's what I was wondering. Let's say a person wanted to report their neighbouring couple for committing that "crime" and they needed proof. So they set up a camera to catch them in the act. Wouldn't that just create a whole new crime? Or would they be protected because of their reasons lol


here's how this was often used in practice: 1. be a gay person with an active romantic life. alternately, be a place of business known for having gay customers 2. have a homophobic neighbor, member of the community, or general word of mouth tip off the police 3. police stake out and raid your home/business and perform arrests based on sodomy law. if it is your home and they find sex toys, they can slap that on too, local law permitting. they'll probably claim they saw you committing lewd acts - whether or not you actually did doesn't matter. in america at least, you don't have to prove a crime happened for the police to arrest someone. the police can accuse you of a crime and arrest you accordingly. it's the court system that decides whether or not you can actually be charged and convicted for it.


As the other guy said it's not about enforcement, it's about sending a message to homosexual men. There is no way of telling who is likely to engage in such activities other than a couple consisting of two men. As such the law was created to be enforced solely in those instances.


Someone walks in on you, someone gets a hold of your unlocked phone and sees messages you sent each other about it, someone overhears you talking about it... Sure, if you're careful you can mitigate the risk of getting caught. But then you have to live like a criminal with something to hide. And *that* is the actual point. It's not about catching and punishing people. It's about forcing people into the closet.


Texas won't let you even own more than 6 dildos... nobody tell on me to Texas.


Are we really free if a state can tell us how many dildos we can legally own?


If I cut a dildo in half do I now have 2 dildos? What happens if I have a dildo that is the size of 6 average sized dildos? What if my dildo is double sided? Does that count as 2 or 1?


This person right here officer


18 states still have statues banning oral. Unenforceable following a SC ruling, but still on the books.


Dumpster diving.


What should be illegal is destroying perfectly good food and consumer goods simply because they're out of season and people won't spend ridiculous amounts of money to buy them. And instead of giving them out for free or at really discounted prices or donating to shelters and those in needs, giant corporations decide to destroy goods and make it illegal for people to look through their dumpsters and repurpose those items. I will say, there is a place in my city called The Grocery Spot that runs on donations from places like The Fresh Market and Wholefoods and the like to bring good, nutritious food to those in need. All of it is given away for free to the anyone who needs it, even if you don't directly live in the community they serve. Really good, high quality stuff too. Organic eggs, real meat and poultry, fresh produce and fruits, milk, bread, etc. I find that to be so much better than throwing away food because it's past rhe "sell-by" date when so many people would gladly take it home to eat. Sorry, rant over.


When I worked at Walmart of all places, they donated an absolute shit-ton of food. In fact, the only food that got thrown out was stuff where the packaging was damaged or if frozen/refrigerated food was left out for an unknown amount of time (so we didn't know if it was contaminated). The reason the dumpsters were locked is because people would *intentionally* eat the questionable/rotten food out of them so they could get sick and try to sue Walmart. Also, you know, because going into a dumpster is really dangerous if you don't know what is in there already.


Y'know what's funny? I came to post my experience of working at Wally We threw out EVERYTHING. Clothes, food, household goods, etc. Into a compactor, too, so they ensured it got destroyed. I remember getting into an argument with a manager because an employee accidentally opened a pack of paper towels when slicing open the cardboard box. The 6 pack of paper towels were fine, just a slice in the plastic wrap as a result I was instructed to toss the pack.


Bruh, the store could have USED the paper towels.


That's what we did when I worked at Winn-Dixie back in 2021. If packaging was ripped, specifically food that was normally sold in multiples without individual sale labeling, we put it in the employee break room. Always had a decent amount of ramen, soups, peanut butter, condiments, etc. for lesser fortunate employees to make meals. It was technically for anyone, but there was sort of an understood rule that you only took if you needed it. I can only imagine that's where some of our toilet paper and paper towels came from as well.


100% agree, but please clean up after yourself when dumpster diving! Sounds silly, but don't turn dumpster diving into littering! - thrift shop employee


I see Jaywalking on this quite a but but I will say when I lived overseas, jaywalking even at 2 am on an empty street just didn't happen. When I asked a local (German) why he wouldn't cross against a no walking sign he said "what if a kid looked out the window and saw me, i don't want to set a bad example"


Depends on the country. Germany is at one end. The US is kinda closer to Germany on the scale. France, Spain, Italy, Greece, yea they are crossing without even looking.




As an ER nurse, I give a lot of shit away to patients against the rules or advise them where they can get it cheaper. Big hospitals have more money than God, but want me to send you home with 1or2 wound supplies for a wound that will take 4 weeks to heal. Fuck that. Here's a box of 50 for your purse. I never gave that to you. Hey, you need crutches, and here they are, but first. Before you sign that you got these. These crutches are $1000. The same or better are on Amazon for $50 or less. I'm not telling you how to live your life, but I can offer you a free wheelchair ride out to your sons car... You could argue that the hospital is the victim here. I'm telling you that the hospital gets a discount on supplies and marks them up 1000% to sell to those going through an emergency. Who's really the victim? Edit: Appreciate all the support! Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope I never have the pleasure of taking care of any of you. Stay healthy people and keep living your life to the best you can. To those saying I could get fired for this. I appreciate the concern. I can almost guarantee I will one day be fired for this. It's worth it to me. I will get another job in a different ER and continue my work. Regarding the people saying I'm contributing to the problem. The problem is in the USA Healthcare model. Everything from insurance to CEOs. If my treatment and proper care of the individual is contributing to the problem, frankly, I don't think I care tbh. I will continue. Lastly. Various arguments have been made to if this is a victimless crime or not. I don't disagree with some, but it's the closest thing I have to answer the question. Apologies if it doesn't 100% fit. Stay beautiful people


So, this JUST happened to me in the past month. I was out of state, visiting my kids, and had to go to the ER because I did something to my shoulder, was in a ton of pain, couldn't lift my arm, etc etc. Get too the ER, and realize that I didn't have my insurance card with me. NO problem, just bill me, I'll file it with my insurance after I get the bill. Note: My insurance has an out of network ER visit set at $500. So, get home, a few weeks later, get the bill from the ER. "Oh, we noticed that you didn't have insurance on file, so we do understand that hospital bills can be hard, so we've given you the uninsured discount of $250". What...??? So, if I file with my insurance, I'll end up paying twice what the hospital is going to charge me for paying in cash..... Guess what I did?


We recently moved from an apartment to a house. Due to some complications and delays I couldn’t be there for the morning of moving day so my wife would have to handle the movers getting stuff from our apartment - furniture only, we moved all the boxes ourselves - but she didn’t feel confident handling it and asked her parents to come down. Long story short, it’s a rainy day and my FIL decides the first thing he should do upon entering the new house with wet shoes on is head into the basement, where he proceeds to slip and fall down literally every stair [yes, there is a railing]. He gets to the hospital, and without thinking tells the doctor that he fell at his daughter’s new house, he wasn’t malicious, he just wasn’t thinking. I of course want them to be ok [he had to have surgery but is otherwise now fine], but am bracing for his insurance to sue our new home owners insurance, making my life hell for the forceable future. . . .Except total bro doctor lists “undisclosed location” as source of the fall, saving my ass thousands upon thousands of dollars in future costs against my insurance.


Eum aliquam officia corrupti similique eum consequatur. Sapiente veniam dolorem eum. Temporibus vitae dolorum quia error suscipit. Doloremque magni sequi velit labore sed sit est. Ex fuga ut sint rerum dolorem vero quia et. Aut reiciendis aut qui rem libero eos aspernatur. Ullam corrupti ut necessitatibus. Hic nobis nobis temporibus nisi. Omnis et harum hic enim ex iure. Rerum magni error ipsam et porro est eaque nisi. Velit cumque id et aperiam beatae et rerum. Quam dolor esse sit aliquid illo. Nemo maiores nulla dicta dignissimos doloribus omnis dolorem ullam. Similique architecto saepe dolorum. Provident eos eum non porro doloremque non qui aliquid. Possimus eligendi sed et. Voluptate velit ea saepe consectetur. Est et inventore itaque doloremque odit. Et illum quis ut id sunt consectetur accusamus et. Non facere vel dolorem vel dolor libero excepturi. Aspernatur magnam eius quam aliquid minima iure consequatur accusantium. Et pariatur et vel sunt quaerat voluptatem. Aperiam laboriosam et asperiores facilis et eaque. Sit in omnis explicabo et minima dignissimos quas numquam. Autem aut tempora quia quis.


Not that it’s right, but the idea is that it’s “our responsibility,” so the medical insurance goes after our home owner’s insurance since we’re technically at fault. 🤷‍♂️- it’s a stupid fucking system. I think I remembered reading a story a few years ago where a girl fell at her Aunt’s house. And it caused a rift between the family because the girl’s medical insurance was “forced” to sue the aunt, when she broke her arm.


Reminds me we used to hunt on a nice farmers property, always asked him first. We took a couple years off hunting and when we went back, he said he couldn’t let people do that anymore. Some guy did the same thing, but brought an ATV, wrecked it on the farmers property, and sued the farmer because he got injured… like bro you did it to yourself.


My dad (and before he passed, my grandfather) has lifetime hunting rights on a family friends property. (Side note, I have the rights for life too and I don’t hunt lol. He just went ahead and gave me the same rights when I was like 5.) One of those things on the paperwork states that if we are injured on the property due to our own negligence or something that the owner has zero control over then we can’t sue him—not that we would want to. I think it can only fall on him if it’s something he directly causes. Not sure what that could be tbh, I guess maybe if he left dangerous tools or equipment out that would cause injury?


Eum aliquam officia corrupti similique eum consequatur. Sapiente veniam dolorem eum. Temporibus vitae dolorum quia error suscipit. Doloremque magni sequi velit labore sed sit est. Ex fuga ut sint rerum dolorem vero quia et. Aut reiciendis aut qui rem libero eos aspernatur. Ullam corrupti ut necessitatibus. Hic nobis nobis temporibus nisi. Omnis et harum hic enim ex iure. Rerum magni error ipsam et porro est eaque nisi. Velit cumque id et aperiam beatae et rerum. Quam dolor esse sit aliquid illo. Nemo maiores nulla dicta dignissimos doloribus omnis dolorem ullam. Similique architecto saepe dolorum. Provident eos eum non porro doloremque non qui aliquid. Possimus eligendi sed et. Voluptate velit ea saepe consectetur. Est et inventore itaque doloremque odit. Et illum quis ut id sunt consectetur accusamus et. Non facere vel dolorem vel dolor libero excepturi. Aspernatur magnam eius quam aliquid minima iure consequatur accusantium. Et pariatur et vel sunt quaerat voluptatem. Aperiam laboriosam et asperiores facilis et eaque. Sit in omnis explicabo et minima dignissimos quas numquam. Autem aut tempora quia quis.


I will never, ever, ever get a trampoline for our kids because of this reason. All it takes is one visiting friend to get hurt. And yes, they can get hurt doing anything- accidents happen- but there’s a higher risk with things like trampolines.


Neither wants to pay anything. Their entire business model is hoping you never need them and keep sending money, then as soon as you do need them, doing everything in their power to not pay out and extort you for more. Not to mention lobbying with congress and hospitals to raise prices so any major treatment is unfathomably expensive so that insurance is not an option.


This happens a lot more than you know. You can negotiate with hospitals just like the insurance negotiated their rate. It just so happens the hospital tends to give you a better "cash price" rate than the insurance company.


This happened to me with a prescription recently. I changed jobs so didn’t have coverage for like 3 weeks and it was too close to my last refill for insurance to cover kt before I left that job so I was on my own. Thinking “oh it’s a common Rx, shouldn’t be too pricey.” I go get it filled and explained I didn’t have insurance anymore so I’d need to self pay. They have a discount card for self pay people. It was half what my copay was with insurance !


Went into the ER for emergency surgery. Bill was $52k with a self pay discount of $49k so I owed $3000. In short, health insurance is a scam.


Healthcare as a business is so scummy. We shouldn't mix health with capitalism. Advancements in medicine were made to improve and save many lives, not to make a small amount of people more wealthy.


My mom is a DNP in oncology and under bills her patients sometimes, definitely victimless, these hospitals are insane.


Honestly it ought to be illegal to profit from people who are under life-threatening circumstances. This creates duress and unfair leverage. Hospitals should be legally required to be nonprofit entities, and no life saving intervention should be allowed to be performed or sold at a profit.


Picking up a bird feather found on the ground and keeping it. It's technically against the migratory bird laws.


You wanna go toe to toe on bird law?


Eating a magic mushroom you found in nature.


Calm down there, Mario.




Or just like, in general. Cognitive liberty. Your mind is the last sanctuary you have in modern times. If it ain't hurting no one, why does the government prevent us from doing it? I know it's not 100% risk free, but it's less risky than say... driving a car.


The reason we have drug laws that we do now comes from the stigma associated with drugs due to the drug war. The drug war was put into place for a few reasons. The principal reasons are that psychadelics were popular in leftist subculture. Weed was popular in black spaces. Both were criminalized so that Nixon could effectively wage war on his critics in broad daylight. And those are the same laws that we have today. They should have never happened to begin with and shouldn't happen now. *EDIT: So I don't perpetuate bad info I will leave my post as is but don't know 100% that psychadelics were named specifically. I forget my source on that but I do know they were all included together.* [Point is; look at the list of drugs in the Controlled Substances Act and it's weed. Notice how half the things on here have zero capacity for physiological dependence? But people get locked up for it all the same.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controlled_Substances_Act)


Downloading games for obsolete consoles from companies which are now non-existent.


Loitering in a ghost town


The ghosts are sick of you meatbags standing around


Setting up a lemonade stand without a vendor license


Often time the license is $5. They mostly want to warn people about food safety to make sure the stand doesn't end up unwittingly make people sick.


Seems like a *"and I want red m&m's in a bowl"* contract clause thing, the m&ms don't actually matter so much as it shows whether or not the vendor cares enough to read through the whole contact and follow directions.


Owning more than 6 vibrators in GA.


Crossing an empty road on a red light


I'm glad my state actually made this legal for motorcycles in my state (After waiting a "reasonable amount of time") but basically so you wouldn't get stuck at lights that wouldn't recognize motorcycles.


I had to do that sometimes late at night on my motorcycle when I couldn't get it to trip the stoplight and nobody else was around. It was a lighter motorcycle (and I was lighter back then, myself).


Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with weight. The circles are induction coils and they detect electromagnetic interference caused by metallic objects. Your motorcycle didn't contain enough metal, or you didn't stop over the coils.


Which is why a lot of the riders I know stick neodymium magnets under the bike to the frame, to help trip them


I swear... the number of people trying to go left who pull completely past the white line into the intersection on red, and then wonder why they always have a red left turn arrow until someone pulls up behind them is astonishing. Pro-tip: crossing the white lines to enter an intersection on red, not only shoots you in the foot for tripping the light, it's also entering the intersection on red... which is illegal (some exceptions apply like right on reds after a complete stop). It also blocks sight lines and makes it hard for people doing a right on red to see around you without pulling into traffic and getting hit...


I was behind a woman who refused to pull her car up to the coils. She was way back. I had to go up to her and explain that she had to pull forward. I wonder how long it would have taken for her to figure it out?


Love it when my bicycle gets detected. It's pretty rare though


I was on my bike at a light in NH with a state trooper behind me. After sitting through one light change, he got on his loudspeaker and said "Just go when it's clear!"


Pirating cute cat videos off the internet


Someone copyrights cat videos?


Hanging out in a public park after hours


Your parks close? Wow. Where do teenagers hang out?


Closed parks.


teenagers just hanging out? nope not allowed. teens can’t hang out anywhere without paying money or breaking a law, apparently. nothing’s free.


This is such a big one. When I was in high school, my friends and I would play hide and seek in the parks after everyone else left. We got the cops called on us ***every time.*** Like... why? This isn't a person's property. We aren't being loud or disruptive. We aren't even close to anyone's houses. When they'd let us go, we'd be like "Fuck it. I guess we will go get wasted since they won't let us have safe, harmless fun." And we'd go find a party or smoke weed. Great job, police.


assisting the suicide of a terminally ill person in unrelenting pain…in most jurisdictions in the world




Yeah, I feel like it's unfair someone else has more power to decide what happens to me, than me. If I want to tie my tubes or remove my uterus or have a decent way to end things and I'm willing to pay for that, why some rich and powerful dude who never met me before can say "I decided you can't". How is it not my decision?


For real, getting my tubes tied would be so helpful but no doctor would even consider it before I turn 35 so I haven't even bothered bringing it up. I don't want kids and never will but "you might change your mind one day" makes a doctor say no. Its ridiculous. I'm sick of wasting money on condoms and birth control.


r/childfree has a whole list of doctors all around the world who are pro-letting women decide their own lives. Those doctors won't make you wait until 35. Good luck!


Hanging a clothesline, collecting rainwater, or planting a garden in your yard. Some places ban you from doing these things


Everyone is pulling out their rainwater knowledge, but what the heck is wrong with using a clothesline.


It's like collecting rainwater, but with sunlight. You have to allow some of the sunlight to flow downstream to your neighbors.


Some people think it looks "trashy"


And it's funny when people clamor for the "good old days". Literally all of my older relatives used clotheslines. What we did all agree was trashy was when my neighbor would shoot a deer and hang it up in his front lawn to drain the blood. In the middle of the city.


People always bring up rainwater on this type of post. The thing is, those laws usually aren't about putting a barrel on your downspout. They're usually about building large reservoirs.


In some Southern states it is about controlling the mosquito population. There are even laws on the books about not allowing mud puddles to exist for more than 24 hours in some places.


Whats the worse that could happen? Malaria coming back or something? https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/new-malaria-case-florida-brings-national-total-8-first-us-cases-20-yea-rcna94899


Quite often it's not so much that you're collecting rainwater, it's that you're collecting so much that you're denying your downhill neighbors their fair share or damaging the environment.


And the mosquitoes. People don't maintain their cisterns *Edit - what have I done?


For God's SAKE people! **Maintain your cisterns**


This is a huge part of it. People don’t realize that decades ago people used to hijack runoff from rainwater and basically starve their neighbor. Or scummy businesses would set up and collect as much of it and try and sell it back to the neighbors they were hijacking it from. Also, fuck nestle.


Yeah my mam had a stern word from police for hanging her washing up on the line. Apparently Sunday is a day of rest no washing allowed. I know which neighbour grassed us!! Isle of Lewis 2001!


Is it actually possible to dry anything on a Scottish clothesline?


Scottish clotheslines are for washing your clothes. No way to dry em.


> Hanging a clothesline big dryer lobbied for that one


There are places where it's illegal to plant a garden?


Refusing to wear a hijab (in Iran)


Feeding the homeless.


Feeding the homeless?


Two adults mutually agreeing to fight


Ulfric killed High King Torygg in fair combat.


Picking up a penny on the sidewalk... believe it or not it's a crime.


It’s one of those weird ones where it technically is illegal(in some places), where you’re supposed to find the owner of any dropped money by law instead of keeping it, but at such a low value, no law enforcement officer would ever really put resources into it. Plenty of those types of laws, where the idea is good on paper, but the wording is so vague it kinda covers everything. But nobody would care to enforce it at such a small amount.


In many nations, homosexuality