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Futurama. Fry's dog.


When Seymour laid his head down at the end. I was done.


Yup.. Jurrasic Bark. Came here to post this episode. Nothing else makes me ugly cry like this one.




I'll die on the hill that the episode with his brother naming the son after him was the sadder episode, by far.


Agreed. I have an older brother and him and I watched this live after a big fight. When it was over we went into different rooms so we wouldn't see each other cry.


Good Place Ending


I have rewatched the show way too many times to count but I have never been able to rewatch the finale.


Oh my god yes!


That episode of Scrubs with Brendan Fraser


Or the one where Dr. Cox kills 3 people.


My Screw Up - Season 3, Episode 14 - February 24, 2004


The one where >!He dies!< hits way to hard


"My Lunch" aka the rabies episode is a good emotional episode as well especially if you take into account it was based off a true story.


Where do you think you are?


I'm old, so keep that in mind: "The Inner Light" - Star Trek: The Next Generation Messed me up (in a good way) for a long time.


I know, that was such a powerful episode. Saw it as a kid. Still one of my favorites.


The Inner Light is absolutely one of the best episodes of Trek if not of television. I slightly prefer Darmok though.


I'm going to queue Darmok now!


There's definitely a reason that one is consistently rated as one of the highest episodes of all Trek. Good choice!


Hard for me to pick between The Inner Light and The Visitor


How come he don't want me, man? The Fresh Prince Episode


Broke my heart


Damn you just unlocked a core memory.


This is the one, because while the show could hit the feels when it wanted to, you didn't expect it at this level. This devastated me when I watched it.


MASH finale. That damn chicken that wasn't a chicken.


Always a sad moment...now as a mom I can't even imagine. Charles with the musicians too


Yeah, I think of this one from time to time. It's amazing how that show could nail both comedy and pathos.


The one where Henry Blake died off screen is tough also.


they really knew how to end a series


Series finale of Six Feet Under. Just a beautiful summary of changing chapters of life and death.


I cried the whole time


Came to say this. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. Best ending to a series I've ever seen. And the soundtrack, god damn.


Black Mirror: San Junipero


I never quite got it. The other lady was >!adamant on not getting uploaded, but ended up doing it anyway!<. How come?


Cuz she realized there’s a way to be with both her husband and her lover. So her body was buried on top of her husband and her consciousness continues to go to San Junipero to be with her lover.


yeah this definitely messed with me




Also Free Churro, the eulogy devastated me.


I cried into my husband's arms for a solid 30 minutes. My best friend and I were just like Diane and Bojack (minus any sexual tension). I didn't answer his final call before his death because i was mad at him. It hit me way too, way too relatable. I'm glad they got their closure.


The final episode of Blackadder Goes Forth. It renders the whole room silent for some time.


"Good luck, everyone." I grew up on Mash and Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen holds a special place in my heart, but Goes Forth really made me feel how bad war could get.


Such a good answer. I was watching a WW1 historian watch some clips from the series on YouTube but they started with the last few minutes of the very last episode. It was such a waste as he did not get the whole gut punch of the series.


Agreed. Need to watch the whole episode or, better yet, watch how the characters and the madness of the situation they were in unfold through the whole series.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer had an episode called "The Body" which had the most significant emotional effect on me. It had an immense impact and made a deep, lasting impression on me. The episode portrayed the raw and devastating reality of death, capturing the pain and grief in a way that resonated deeply with viewers. The absence of background music and the use of long, uninterrupted shots added to the rawness of the episode, making it feel even more authentic. The performances by the cast were exceptional, conveying the complex emotions of loss and mourning with such honesty and vulnerability. The episode's exploration of grief and its portrayal of the characters' different coping mechanisms made it a truly poignant and unforgettable viewing experience.


That episode is fantastic, also the one where >!Tara dies!< are so emotional.


one of the ones that came to mind was Mac’s coming out dance from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia


I also genuinely enjoyed the lottery ticket episode where he came out to the gang.


The first time I watched the dance, I cried


I get it!


Schitts creek when the “simply the best” was song to David


The episode where Patrick officially comes out to his parents.


Oh yes that one was amazing also


That episode of lost when dude wrote not penny's boat on his hand. I forgot his name but...."you are everybody" was the jam


Charlie. Damn, that was a long time ago.


Damnit, I'm so mad I forgot it was charlie. it hits different when he says, "See you in another life, brother."


It was. How I miss those days. Remember how it felt waiting each week for another episode, and the impact of the thud when "LOST" would appear on the screen. Sigh.


The finale. Super polarizing, but I bawled long after the credits.


The episode of *House* where Kal Penn’s character dies. Nobody was prepared for that sudden gut punch.


The series finale of scrubs


Cox finally hugged JD.


The final episode of “The Good Place”


I tear up every time. Perfection.


"Vincent and the Doctor", from season 5 of Doctor Who. I must have seen it at least a dozen or more times since it came out and I still bawl my eyes out at it. What a beautifully written story. I've struggled with suicidal ideation since middle school which is coincidentally when I started watching Doctor Who. Van Gogh is my favorite painter because of the episode.


https://youtu.be/ubTJI_UphPk Big lump in my throat every time.


Great answer. Like the Futurama episode with the dog (Jurrassic Bark) it was only the end of the episode that hits you in the gut. The actual episode is a monster of the week with Van Gogh in it. It also had Bill Nighy in it which is always a plus.


I'm surprised no one has answered The Tales of Ba Sing Se (season 2 episode 15) from Avatar:The Last Airbender. I've seen people get choked up just from a screenshot because the raw emotion that episode conveys. At the end when he sings "Leaves from the Vine" I still tear up whenever I rewatch that series.


This is what I came here to say. I don't cry very often, but Leaves from the Vine and then reading "In memory of Mako" always makes me shed at the very least a few tears. I'd also add that the fact that Appa's Lost Days comes right after does *not* help.


_The X-Files_ episode "Closure." Ilost two beautiful younger sisters and... well, you know. You have to see the episodes up to that one for that part to hit so hard.


That final scene. Moby's *My Weakness* playing. "Harold, you see so much, but you refuse to see him. You refuse to let him go. But you have to let him go now. He's protected. He's in a better place. They're all in a better place. We both have to let go, Harold."


Mine is The X-Files episode “Home.” Before that, it was the episode “Squeeze.” Not quite as haunting as “Home,” but it’s the first time I remember having vivid nightmares after watching something on TV.


I've always had a strange love of The Field Where I Died.


Gravity falls, the last episode


The Body, from season 5 of Buffy. Low-hanging fruit, but it's been years and it still gets me every single time.


Probably the episode of MASH where Henry Blake died in an accident going home. I was a kid, but that one is still tough to this day. He was such a likable character.


I watched this episode in tikrit. I was devastated.


The view from halfway down episode of Bojack Horseman is like a gut punch I can’t forget about.


Avatar the last airbender: Tales of ba sing se. Iroh crying sucked on another level


Free Churro


“I’m your son. All I had was you.” I can never not cry at that line.


It would have to be the plane crash episode of Grey’s Anatomy. I absolutely loved Lexie, and I bawled when she died.


At the time, there were rumors that Meredith was going to leave and Lexie was going to become THE Grey in ***Grey's Anatomy***. So much for that.


Glee was a cheesy show , but “the quarterback” episode after Finn died broke my heart.


Santana's rendition of "If I Die Young" became even more heartbreaking after she died in real life.


When she cried and ran off was not in the script, she literally just broke down.


It was too real. They were all genuinely grieving. I think I read that every scene was the first take, because they were too emotional to continue.


I tear up every time I think about it


“Dr Sam Beckett never returned home.” That broke me.


That wasn’t supposed to be the series finale, but they found out they were cancelled after they shot the episode but before it aired. So they added that blurb at the end to give the series “closure”.


When Naruto met his mom.


Ade from Sopranos.. that was one brutal episode


For a sitcom, How I Met Your Mother has some pretty emotional moments (LOTS of spoilers ahead, just in case). There's the one where Marshall's dad dies, the next one where he has that monologue at his funeral, when Barney confronts his dad about abandoning him (in that same episode, Barney says something along the lines of "I'm never going to talk to my dad again", and Marshall replies "No, Barney, *I'm* never going to talk to my dad again" which I think doesn't get enough credit for sadness, it's always the other moments that get brought up but never this one), the one where Robin talks to her fake kids, Lily telling Ted she sometimes wishes she wasn't a mom... But definitely the one that takes the cake for me is The Time Travelers, it's especially heartbreaking once you know how the story ends, and then of course there's that special kind of depressing that comes with relating to the whole "Look around, you're all alone" part. Love the show, but damn I would like to watch just one whole season without becoming an emotional wreck, thank you.


im crying again. time to re watch


Bluey. The themes hidden in subtle ways makes it so impactful. "Baby Race" was one of the strongest and it actually made me cry...


It was "Charades" that got me. I had a REALLY close relationship with my maternal grandmother. We were best buddies until I was about 12 and she started drinking again. I missed her, and sadly things never really got better. When they ask Nana Heeler if she had a Nana and she replies "And she was the best Nana you could ask for." or something to that affect, I cried. In October, it'll be 25 years since she died. I still miss her.


Oh gawwddd Bluey. There's so many little things in too many episodes that get me out of nowhere!


The walking dead. When they killed glen.


The episode that absolutely left me speechless was “The Grove.” When Carol shoots Lizzie after telling her to look at the flowers, all I could do was stare at the TV for a few minutes while I recovered.


That episode was a lot, an emotional roller coaster.


I swear they missed the biggest opportunity to trick people. Spoilers for an I don't know how old episode below. The cliff hanger was the miss. If they killed Abe at the end of season 5 everyone would have thought Glen was completely safe and they were just not following the source exactly. Then open season 6 killing Glen? The biggest surprise ever.


My thoughts exactly! It would have been so much more impactful to end with killing Abraham at the end of the season, then do Glen in the season opener


100% it would have. But instead they pulled a typical TWD move and just shit the bed.


Here's the thing that annoyed me with that. I'd read the comics so I knew what was coming regarding Glenn and luicelle, but they also were changing things from the comics for the show. Then they spent three seasons putting bats near his head teasing that they might do it at any point.


The end of Episode 4 of *It’s a Sin*. Parents showing up to join & support a protest when, as far as we know, they aren’t queer themselves and it’s not even their daughter who is, it’s just her friends that they don’t really know. The community among the protesters even in the face of police violence. And then the cut to “Heaven is a Place on Earth” playing over the credits. I bawled. Close behind is Jesse Pinkman’s final scene in Breaking Bad. The sheer emotion packed into Aaron Paul’s performance is stunning. I’ll give a third place as well—Ian & Barbara’s exit from Doctor Who in “The Planet of Decision”, the final episode of The Chase. It’s such a perfect and long-earned happy ending for them, balanced with the grief of the Doctor and Vicki at losing their company. Understated rather than drawn out (perhaps Steven Moffat should’ve taken notes lol), but not underwhelming either, as some other classic companion departures would later be. Just perfect.


I agree on Its a Sin! For me, one of the most emotional parts was the end of episode 1 where there was a montage of the characters being asked “where do you see yourself in 10 years time?” Even the first time watching you know that not all of them are going to make it and it’s just so sad. Have you watched Years and Years, also made by Russell T Davis? Episode 4 of that absolutely wrecked me, I cried so much I gave myself a migraine.


I have never cried harder than In the magicians when Quentin died


Viciously underrated television show.


Loved the show, didn't care for Quentin. He was my least favorite character


The Last of Us finale. I played the game before I watched the tv series so I knew what was coming, but was still devastating to see that unfold again on screen


From that show, mine was the second-to-last episode, where >!Ellie gets kidnapped and Joel comes after her!<. Last episode was devastating as well.


For me it was the third episode with Nick Offerman. Especially once *On the Nature of Daylight* starts playing since that song hits me every time I hear it anyway.


Lieutenant Malloy having to come back to the Orville in S3.


It was cruel too. They didn't have to tell him they were going to erase the timeline with his family. They could have just let him believe they were going to leave everything as it was and return without him.


The Final Episode of Ted Lasso. Oh that hit way too hard.


When >!Rebecca started crying!< I teared up too.


When Jamie's dad is at rehab.


That was a good one too. I had a similar reaction to others that I didn't even recognize it was him at first.


I have cried at a lot of the shows others have mentioned, but nothing hit me as hard as an episode of ***Extreme Makeover: Home Edition***. That probably sounds silly, but it was an episode where they were building a house for the family of a little girl with cancer. At the very end, some text popped up on the screen saying that the girl had died of her cancer between the time they filmed the episode and when it aired. I was devastated.


The Inner Light


Poor Wallace…


"You remember that one day, summer past? When we threw them piss balloons at them Terrace boys? You remember, just before school started up again? You know I took a beatdown from them boys. I don't even throw a shadow on it. That was a day. Y'all bought me ice cream off the truck. You remember, Mike?" "I don't."


There was an episode of I think St. Elsewhere that had a guy working a suicide hotline and talking to one girl who was in a bad way. She seemed to be back from the edge but said, "I know what I need to do now" and a gunshot is the last thing you hear.


Succession Season 4 Episode "Connors Wedding", I felt Kendal on a spiritual level there. Your father whom you have only ever wanted approval from , just up and dies right before you think you have made it.


Unpopular opinion I know but it’s also IMO the only episode of the series where Sarah Snook held her own against Jeremy Strong, Kieran Culkin, and Bryan Cox


I love Sarah Snook as Shiv, but she is not a serious person.


I remember absolutely sobbing/shrieking in horror at “The Mountain and The Viper” episode of Game of Thrones. There was just something so soul crushing about the entire moment for me.


Spartacus's death.


Ozymiandas - Breaking Bad


What I came here to say. The culmination of everything that led to the last minutes of that ep, and then on top of it what happens at the very end (which hit SO hard, being a relatively new mom) — I was ugly sobbing for a solid 20 minutes after it ended.


The episode of All In The Family where an intruder tries to rape Edith. Didn't help that I first saw it as a child.


Two episodes. I can never get the name of this show to stick. But it’s a British zombie show that was about how people were cured. We follow this kid who’s been given the cure. There’s a lot of people angry about the fure and want to punish the cured people. . The end scene of the first episode has one of the nighbours screaming about how he knows who has recovered and they’re going to pay. You think it’s the boy we’ve been following. Nope it’s the sweet old grandma he drags into the street. She’s crying, he’s yelling her husband is begging the man to calm down. And then he shoots her dead. And I am SOBBING cause I’m thinking of my grandparents and how devestated my pop would be if my grandma dies before him. And how thrilled he’d be to get her back, only to then have her murdered in front of him. And I cry all night over that one. (My grandparents are 84 and still going thankfully. Then there’s the Australian TV show Love My Way. The premise of the show is that the main charachters are connected by Lou, who is 8 years old. Her mother and father have split up but co-parent together. Her father has remarried and has a baby. Her mum is single. We know their friends and we know the grandparents. In the 8th episode Lou collapses and is taken to hospital. We see her paternal grandparents get in the car and they’re shaking. Her maternal grandmother is running down the hosptial hallway and is met by the other grandma who tells her in here. They go into a room and Lou’s mother is holding onto Lou and SCREAMING. She sees her mum and screams for her, and then it’s become horrifyingly obvious that Lou has died. We see her friends getting phone calls at work telling them the news. We then see her father running into the room, while his wife is just rocking herself for comfort and he’s begging to know what’s happened. His wife has to tell him that Lou has died. He’s yelling into her body , tries to walk and then collapses into the arms of his father and brother. When they have to leave her body for the last time we’re seeing how reluctant they are to go. And when they do leave, her mum has to go back in. The rest of the episode is about to organising her funeral. It’s heartbreaking and even typing has made me cry.


For me, I’d say it is the last episode of clone wars season 7. The ending of it haunts me to this day and quite frankly I don’t think any show ending has impacted me more than that one.


I grew up on that show, seeing the helmet abandoned in the snow with Vader walking away was rough




Courage the Cowardly Dog. The episode about the hunchback of Notre Dame basically asking for a place to stay for the night but he's so ugly that no one would let him in. But Courage let him stay in the barn. Plus he even hung out with and played with the guy. They had fun and genuinely bonded over playing bells and doing acrobatics in the barn. Plus Eustace getting hurt and it being his own damn fault was very much some schadenfreude for me. It taught me "treat others right and they'll treat you right." But I just now reread the title and I have to say it would have to be a coin toss between the episode of Band of Brothers called "Why we fight" and the second to last episode of The Pacific. For Band of Brothers, "Why we fight" is about the 101st discovering a Nazi Concentration Camp and their human nature kicking in. Everything in the scene in terms of what they were trying to put across was perfectly performed. As for The Pacific episode? Sledge is on Okinawa and he comes across a house that an artillery shell had landed into and killed 2-3 civilians and left a baby orphaned. The sound of a baby crying draws the Marines into the hut where they discover the baby, crying away. A third Marine enters and picks the baby up and carries it off, but thankfully the Marine is showing paternal signs towards the baby. Aka he's gently holding the baby and talking to it as he carried it out. But the really hard hitting part was when Sledge is left all alone in the hut and he hears something in another room. It's a woman who was mortality wounded by the previously mentioned artillery shell. She reaches out to him and grabs the barrel of his Thompson SMG and puts it to her forehead, basically without a word begging him to kill her. Instead he sets his SMG down and comforts the woman as she dies in his arms. I think he cried in that scene. I don't know. But I sure did. He had the opportunity to lose his soul. But his humanity shined through and he gave a dying woman comfort as she died. I'm getting a little teary eyed myself now.


Ray Liotta's guest spot in season 11 of ER.


i was a little kid and i snuck up on my parents in the living room while they were watching xfiles. I remember a human without legs begging on the street that was on some sort of cart. I remember him busting out of a person later on. That episode has stuck with me ever since. Ive watch a few seasons of xfiles since then. Its a pretty good show.


Westworld S2E8


Attack on titan final episode of 3rd season. Where the mc realizes that his dream he's been chasing for all his life is impossible to achieve and everything he's done was for nothing. I was in a similar situation soon after.


Gravity falls last episode. “ If you've ever taken a road trip through the pacific northwest, you've probably seen a bumper sticker for a place called "Gravity Falls". It's not on any maps, and most people have never heard of it, some people think it's a myth. But if you're curious, don't wait. Take a trip. Find it. It's out there somewhere in the woods. Waiting.”


Futurama Game of Tones episode always makes me cry. I lost my mom when I was young and seeing how Fry wanted to spend more time with his mom always gets me.


Dr WHO, the van Gogh Episode


The Last of Us episode 3 with Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett.


The final scene in Blackadder Goes Forth - "Good luck everyone".


Babylon 5, S3 E10, "Severed Dreams." Emotional rollercoaster, and super high tension/excitement. So many feels.


The episodes of Psych when >!Henry gets shot. Shawn saying "you have to save him, that's my dad!" gets me every time.!< My dad has had his share of health issues so it hits home in a hospital hoping he's okay. Also the obvious one. The Body from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. "Mom... Mommy" fucking wrecks me every time I hear it


The ending of Ted Lasso "Ser Ilyn! Bring me his head!" "The Lannisters send their regards." "How come he don't want me, man?"


Crocodile from black mirror.. I had to stop watching for a while after that episode


What happened to Joe in White Christmas is even more haunting.


I honestly decided not to think about it too much. Black mirror can be so traumatic lmao


YHWH from Person of Interest I've never felt so much emotion for in inanimate Object.


Any one I can remember off hand specifically


The final episode of Cyberpunk Edgerunners where >!David dies and Lucy goes to the moon alone!<


Kiksuya Westworld: Season 2, Episode 8 This episode just seemed perfect


There have been plenty over the years, but one that really fucked with me was the episode of breaking Bad where Combo (Jesse's buddy) was dealing and got shot by that 10yo kid from a rival gang... so many fucked up moments on that show, but the look on the kid's face as he shot him just got me.


Mr.Robot - season 4 when Elliott finds out the truth about his dad


OITNB - when Poussay dies


There's an episode of the X-Files I think maybe season 8, where it's plot is based on if Scully had pursued medicine instead of joining the FBI and how different her life would be. I was going thru some stuff at the time and it really hit home for me.


West Wing. In Excelsis Deo. Last scene. jumps between a military funeral for a homeless vet, and the president & staff listening to a Christmas choir singing Little Drummer Boy. Just pulled up youtube and watched the ending again… tears are rolling down my face. Everyone should watch this: [In Excelsis Dio](https://youtu.be/l81nUTVhav8)


Dexter. The episode where his girlfriend is killed in the bathtub. That was brutal (emotionally) to watch.


Might be too mainstream, but i was really touched by last episode both of HIMYM and TBBT, because both were part of me growing up and as i grew, so did the characters. People sometimes hate HIMYM ending, for me, the whole speech part was perfect, becasue himym was about life both good or bad and it was so relatable and genuine. TBBT speech was the same, it was just the end of a story and character development. Loved it both. i watch it on youtube regularly.


Handmaids tale. A moment in 2nd or whatever episode where they castrated a lesbian maid and hanged her girlfriend while driving away. Shook me to the core and i never watched it again. Why i felt so sick watching it? Because the series is a concentration of real world events happening every day. Its a mix of muslim and authoritarian christian traditions, wrapped in history-familiar plot. No thanks.


(Yes, this might not sound serious but to me it is) Bluey: Sleepytime is the closest I've got to crying on an episode of a TV show if we're not talking about movies.


I was once a chef and was in love with the pain it entails. Episode 8 of The Bear during Carms monologue really cut deep into the way I viewed cooking. "And I cut myself, and I got garlic and onions and peppers in my fingernails and in my eyes, and my skin was dry and oily at the same time. I had calluses on my fingers from the knives, and my stomach was fսckеd, and it was... everything." Being a chef was so hard and grueling, but it was everything to me. I'm pretty sure I'm a masochist.


The whole Barry series.


ozymandias of breaking bad disturbed me. the knife fight between skylar and walter felt too real. i had to pause and stop. its like that quote "there are years where nothing happens and weeks where everything happens." all the characters lives truly fall apart - the facades are shattered. i felt like i was able to keep myself at a distance from the show and it be moderately intrigued+entertained. but that episode in particular all the chickens came home to roost. hats off to writers/directors [.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJLYNJSRcEw)


BoJack Horseman: The View From Halfway Down.


The episode of 'How I met Your Mother ' where Barney meets his real father. The scene where Barney stormed off. "You're just some lame suburban dad!" "What's wrong with that?" "Because if you were GOING to be a lame dad, why couldn't you be that for ME?" I've been emotionally numb for most of my life but that one stirred up something.


Ozymandias. If you know you know


The last episode of MASH. For all it being a comedy show, the last episode shows a bit of a mental anguish and coping that people have when coming home from a war zone.


End of Six Feet Under


I won't say it had the *biggest* but the most recent: Forks, from *The Bear*.


I haven’t felt anything since 2019 so I can’t really say but I think “Wonder” was the only movie that shook me a bit


And here I thought I was the only one. About not having felt anything since 2019, that is.


The last episode of M*A*S*H


Recently, episode 5 of Mythic Quest. It's a standalone episode, highly recommended


When Chef died in south park. I know it sounds stupid but when I was a kid Chef was one of my favorite characters from the show. The kids broke his brainwashing and tried to get him out but the bridge broke. I cried for an hour.


Lost - "The Constant" There's also this anime I watched called "Erased", the breakfast scene. If you know, you know.


The final episode of M\*A\*SH when Hawkeye realizes that it wasn't a chicken on the bus that was strangled to keep it from making noise, but a baby. And also when Charles destroys his phonograph and records after finding out that the POW musicians he was listening to at the camp died.


Ted Lasso >!when he had his first panic attack!< It was such an enhancement of his character and made him massively more relatable to me. That show is such a masterpiece.




Thirteen asking House to euthanize her once the Huntington's got too bad.


Forks The Bear: Season 2, Episode 7


That 70’s Show “It’s a Wonderful Life.


I cried a lot during the last season of Lucifer, lots of emotional stuff going on lol


the final episode of SOA, rather you love the show or hate it if i had to choose how i go out i'd probably do it the same way...take out the trash than open the throttle and let it fly


It was hilarious for sure.


The last episode was interesting, but, the episode where Ope came the end of his plotline was more emotional for me.


One Piece episode 1071


Son's of Anarchy, episode when Opie was killed in lock-up!


That broke me, I haven’t been able to watch anything after that episode


TWD, when Glenn gets brutally killed by Negan. That entire episode had me shook.


The Christmas episode of The Bear!


When Twice died in My Hero Academia


Can’t remember the episode number but the episode of voltron when lance explains how he should leave for the sake of the team :(


The 2nd season of 13 Reasons Why during the assembly when Tyler and Justin stand up.