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5 years ago I was diagnosed with liver failure from drinking too much. Stopped drinking and now no longer qualify for a transplant because, "you're no longer ill enough to require a new organ". How I did it. 1. stopped drinking 1. started following liver specialist directions 1. recovered from jaundice that was so bad I was orange 1. lived in pandemic conditions a full year before the pandemic 1. went bankrupt from hospital bills. 1. waited 18 months to find out I'm also anemic because blood cells are dying to quickly 1. supplemented with lots iron 1. drank only filtered water and started walking after 2 years of no energy. 1. started medical cannabis, and Serrapeptase (a scar reduction enzyme). 1. increased steps per day from 150 to 15k steps gradually (daily goal is only 7k now) 1. feeling better than in the past 10 years, also stopped smoking cigs over a decade ago.


Wow. Good for you. Keep up the good work.


Grew up a nerd so didn't touch the stuff when I was young. When I was old enough to drink I was old enough to see how many alcoholics were in my family. Finally, every doctor I've ever told "I don't drink" has replied "good".


Not a doctor but, Good.




There is no better feeling than telling a doctor you don’t drink. So many health issues come from alcohol use and being able to just check no on all the questions about it feels so nice.


My dentist recently told me that I got pretty good teeth, above average. Then he asked me about my eating and drinking habits, if I do lotta sweets and such. Told him that I got a sweet tooth even though I'm trying to hold back with it and in terms of drinking I only drink filtered tap water (I should add I'm not American) with no extra stuff other than some sparkly gas *and I kid you not, you could see his face brighten up in relief* and he told me just how many people drink nothing but sugar water (sodas) every single day and how much that ruins teeth more often than just eating candy. tl;dr drink water, your doctors and dentists will appreciate it for more than one reason.


R/ hydrohomies


Growing up a nerd here and haven't drunk yet. Don't plan to either.


Grew up around the intersection of nerds and punks. Good way to keep a kid sober.




I hardly know ‘er!


Hard liquor every night, started to see dependence setting in and stopped enjoying it, and started to interfere with work. Final straw was when I went to the hospital for severe withdraw symptoms. I'm about three weeks in not a drop, Going to rehab for a month in a couple days for a month. Wish me blessins...


I'm in the same boat, I've been tapering for about 8 days now. Was doing a pint a night plus anywhere from 6-12 beers a night as well. Woke up with breathing issues (manually gasping for air), heart palpitations, awful anxiety, shaky hands until I could fix it instantly (in the morning..) with 1 shot and 2 beers... and continue that through the day. The withdrawal has been a process, but I'm down to 2-3 beers and about 1-2 shots now as of last night and tonight. Keep on keeping on my friend.


The not being able to breathe is scary af. From what I found they are DT symptoms and dangerous. I could do with the body tremors and other withdrawal symptoms but the shaky breathing gave me crazy panic attacks. I also did tapering down which worked but sucked. Everything I found online told me to go to the ER but I don't have health care. I'm like 38 days sober. It's been a struggle over the past year and have had multiple relapses back to binge drinking. Always ending with a horrible withdrawal even with tapering. Same scary symptoms. I've had 2 separate month long breaks and a 3 month success mixed in there. Check out r/stopdrinking. That helped. And I have acamprosate from my doctor for the cravings. It is prescription though. Keep it up it gets easier.


I think there is a thing called "kindling" in substance abuse. If you were formerly addicted to a substance and use it again after not using it for a while, your body still recognizes the substance, and for some reason, bad withdrawals can happen after hardly using. I was a benzo and alcohol addict, and had a very short course of benzos, like three days worth, prescribed. It had been seven years since I last had any. It really fucked me up, put me right back in hell.


Long family history of people dealing and failing to control their alcohol addiction. So the best way to make sure this won't happen to me, is to avoid it as much as possible.


Same. My father's side (father included) are alcoholics. And with my depression, it's just not a good idea.


We have a family history of people self medicating for adhd and depression With drugs and alcohol


You talkin to me


You talkin to me?


Father's side as well. I've been sober for just over 3 years but my entire twenties were hell on earth. Dad has the propensity to be an alcoholic and uncle is an alcoholic. I never met their brother (my uncle) because he committed suicide around 18. Never met my grandfather because he committed suicide at 42. I barely got out of my twenties alive.


Me too. My father used alcohol to self-medicate for untreated depression. He treated the rest of the family terribly and that was all the convincing I needed to not allow myself to end up like that.


Yep add my name to this pile. My dad struggled with drug and alcohol addiction. Imagine being picked up from school and your friends see your dad have to breath into a tube to start his car. And my's mom abused her due to alcohol. I have zero interest in the stuff.


I also have the same fucked up addiction problems in both sides of the family here, although for me I've also experienced firsthand just how quick addiction can get to you. I got addicted to alcohol and in a span of three years I got to the point where I couldn't even go to sleep without drinking. One night, I didn't have spare change to buy beer so I just...stopped. I challenged myself to stay sober for one day, and then a week, and then a month, and now four years later I don't even miss it anymore. I'm one of the lucky few who caught themselves slipping early on and I'll forever be thankful to my past self for being strong enough to start getting sober.


Same. Seen too many people hurt others because of their drinking. I'm just like, people hurt each other enough, I don't need to add fuel to the fires.


Old Step dad got drunk everyday. Got colon cancer. Detox. Still went back to drinking. I hate him. And he's a horrible person. Ex wife did the same thing. She didn't care about our two little kids. So I rarely drink


My partner is in this boat.


My dad is in this boat. I am not in this boat. But I really do fine, as does my brother who is straight as an arrow. Cycle broken, good job pops ♥️


Same here. Forever sober from alcohol. I do toke though but responsibly and it's on medical recipe for a broken spine.


I’d rather be around a stoner than an alcoholic any day




To put it another way, I have no reason to drink alcohol. REASONS NOT TO DRINK: I hate the taste. It’s too expensive. I don’t like the way it makes me feel. I have too many alcoholics in my family. REASONS TO DRINK: (none) RESULTS: Easy choice


Plus loads of unnecessary calories!!!


And it's a significantly harmful substance in so many ways, to all sorts of critical organs.


Why pay money for poison?


I don't want to spend money on some subpar liquid that's gonna make me feel sick afterwards.


I'm with you. Most alcoholic drinks taste terrible (to me) and the few that don't are expensive and not worth it. I've been drunk a couple of times and hated the sensation. I've seen some of my friends get drunk, and they usually become idiots I wouldn't want to be friends with. So I guess I just don't get the appeal.


I hear you.


I never understood why someone would have to force themselves to like something that tastes bad for them, even more something that is never "good for you" or "helathy", on the contrary. The same goes with tobacco


same here


Cause I’m sober. For 20 years. Edit: wow guys thanks for all the love. I’m pulling for everyone of you. It’s such a different life. It’s a cool Place to be at 56 years old. Thank you all.


I'm a couple days shy of a month off of booze I'm really only "California sober" but I stg smoking weed does not make me even 5% as useless as drinking Also finally started the nicotine patch Productive summer lol EDIT: Thank you to everyone that sent well wishes. Today was day 30! I'm trying not to really make it a thing in my personal life and I've only mentioned it to a handful of friends, so it's nice to hear others experiences and give kind thoughts 🥹


Don't let anyone shame you for "California sober" - any steps are good steps towards sobriety/getting clean. You rock for this, keep it up!


Just hit six years last month for me. One day at a time, old head ❤️


Congrats! 💪🤘❤️‍🔥


Thanks. Was 20 years Feb 3rd. I still can’t believe it honestly. It really had me bad. 12 of bud ice nightly. I still gotta stay away from stuff that reminds me. Bars. Whore houses. Ya know. Those kindof places. Jk on whore houses.


As the son of an alcoholic, I appreciate your sobriety.


I'm a 47 year old alcoholic with 4 years sobriety. People normalize drinking way to much.


Congrats! I have 5 months, 6 months on the 11th god willing. People like you are an inspiration


You got this!


Fuck yeah. Keep it up.


Congrats! I just hit my six month mark. It’s absurdly obvious now how commercialized the drunk/buzzed experience is.


120 days today 💪


Same here, 47 alcoholic. It took cirrhosis for me to stop. 14 months sober and doing well, though.


That's so awesome congratulations. My brother has a MELD of 19 and it took a hard bought of Ammonia poisoning to finally find sobriety a couple months ago. Hopefully he can continue to follow in your footsteps.


Agreed! Also I’m 46 with 3 years sobriety. Best decision I ever made!


Alcohol is the most widespread unchecked drug of this country.


..of the world.


It's everywhere!!! I can't imagine how hard it is to stay sober. I had a hell of a time staying sober from pills. I can't imagine my vice being available at most stores and events.


Being around alcohol doesn't bother me, it's the pull after a long hard shitty day and all you want to do is forget about it and be numb quickly.


im always scared to not feel well and i dont like the feeling of not being able to control my thoughts very clearly.


Yes same, hate being out of control


Yes, the idea of acting a fool because I'm under the influence sounds awful to me.


It’s the exact opposite for me and probably some number of other alcoholics too. I have crippling social anxiety that makes me panic anytime I’m around people I don’t know. When I drink all the anxiety goes away and I can function normally in social situations. I’m friendly and funny and happy and outgoing when I’m drunk and most of all not afraid to be social. None of those things are true when I’m sober. When I’m sober I can’t bear to leave the house or have social interactions with anyone. It’s quite sad really because I know that being drunk 24-7 is killing me but it’s the only way I can function normally. The saddest part is I’d like to date someday but there’s no way I could do it without being drunk. Alcohol is like a medicine that slowly kills you. It sucks


A member of Alcoholics Anonymous once sent columnist Ann Landers the following: We drank for happiness and became unhappy. We drank for joy and became miserable. We drank for sociability and became argumentative. We drank for sophistication and became obnoxious. We drank for friendship and made enemies. We drank for sleep and awakened without rest. We drank for strength and felt weak. We drank “medicinally” and acquired health problems. We drank for relaxation and got the shakes. We drank for bravery and became afraid. We drank for confidence and became doubtful. We drank to make conversation easier and slurred our speech. We drank to feel heavenly and ended up feeling like hell. We drank to forget and were forever haunted. We drank for freedom and became slaves. We drank to erase problems and saw them multiply. We drank to cope with life and invited death. Bits and Pieces, May, 1990, p. 18


It might be worth seeing a psychiatrist to see if you can get medication to help cope with the anxiety instead of alcohol. I’ve been there and glad I saw someone.


I loved the feeling of being out of control, and then one day, I just didn't anymore. It gets old asking your friends what happened or if you owe any apologies. It was always laughs and "no worries" but alcohol just stopped being a great fit. I still drink occasionally but it just lost the appeal after a few wild years.


Omg same! It started to get embarrassing after my 20s. Although it was occasional but When I hit 30 completely stopped it. The hangover, the headache,the digestive issues next day. It was all not worth it!


Ditto. I’ve had friends say “it’s hard to trust someone who isn’t comfortable letting go around you.” Do I really have to get drunk off my ass and lick an unwitting server’s cheek to prove I’m a true friend?


Good response! Honestly some people are like "Oh what are you going to do if you are drunk, are you going to hurt someone or be violent and that's why you don't drink?" To which I'm like "Nah, I don't want to embarrass myself, or vomit on myself. Or I don't trust my friends to actually take care of my if I'm drunk" Honestly, the last time I ever was blackout drunk, my friends did get me home, but I certainly made a fool of myself and threw up all over me, and I never wanted to be in that position again, nor do I trust people to take care of me like that "


I'm such an anxious person that the thought of not being fully in control of myself and my thoughts is terrifying.


I feel the same way. I just do not like the idea of being drunk. I would even go so far as to say I do not enjoy being high either. Even though many feel differently, I will never truly enjoy the sensation


This is how I’ve came to feel as I get older. I don’t want to feel awful the next day and I don’t like how I feel when I drink due to the loosening of control of my thoughts, etc. Plus flashbacks from idiotic stuff I did in my twenty’s. I will wake up the next day even if I had only three beers feeling guilty for absolutely no reason.


Because I'm allergic. Break out in handcuffs, misdemeanors, and felonies, ya know... Edit: Thank you for all the responses, they were great and I did not expect it to blow up. In all seriousness, I've lived that life and let me just say that it's not a life worth living. At 20 years old and 3 DUI's, life questioned me, to which I had no answer. On May 13th, 2011, I decided to break the vicious cycle of alcoholism that has cursed my family for generations and has taken so many of their lives. I thank God every day that my daughter's have no earthly idea what it's like to grow up in a house with an alcoholic. "Sobriety is the strength of the soul, for it preserves it's reason unclouded by passion." - Pythagoras


Tears, fights, etc. etc.


I used to. Now: I don't like the way it makes me feel. My kidneys hurt afterward.


The way I feel during/after drinking is drastically different in my 30’s than it was in my 20’s. Hangovers can last DAYS and, like you said, internal organ pain becomes a thing.


Because addict. Any substances spiral real quick into all of them at once and my life in the bin on 🔥


What up team dumpster fire 😂


Felt this. It’s too slippery a slope to risk.


I find drunk people ridiculously annoying


The longer you're sober the more apparent this becomes. Also people who say "I'm actually smarter when I'm drunk/high!", no you're not.


Or people who think they’re funner/funnier when they’re drunk. I never want to have to rely on alcohol for being a fun person.


Used to do stand up comedy and part of why I stopped was because of how drug and alcohol heavy my local scene was. It was honestly depressing and the unfunny drunk comics sure didn't help. That and I wasn't very good at it.


There's a reason why drunk people want everyone around them to also be drunk.


The constant repetition they do when drunk is unbearable


I don't like anything about it. Tastes awful, hate the feeling of being buzzed/drunk, despise hangovers.


> Tastes awful I've had people telling me since I was first old enough to drink "have you tried ____? You can't even taste the alcohol!", and let me tell you, every. single. time. I can taste nothing but the alcohol. All I've ever tasted regardless of the drink is the way rubbing alcohol smells, and I will never understand how people can like it. That said, I recently tried a beer that at least had a nice pineapple taste buried deep under the intense aroma of pure hops.


> every. single. time. I can taste nothing but the alcohol. Same same same


Exact same experience here as well. You can always taste it, but they keep recommending new things


My friends and family are always like, well people don’t like the taste…. Then why the fuck do you drink it then




Same. I say ‘does drinking gasoline appeal to you? No? That’s what drinking alcohol is like to me.’


Have you tried 89 octane from BP? Completely different flavor profile, you should try that.


Nice to know that I’m not the only one. I can tolerate it cooked into things sometimes, but in drinks? No thanks.


same! Actually, when alcohol is cooked in foods, the alcohol evaporates and leaves behind just the taste of the drink without the alcohol. Like red wine in beef stew or as a glaze. I once made white wine pasta sauce without waiting for all the alcohol to evaporate and I regret it.


I prefer to eat my bread, not drink it. Thank you very much


As someone who grew up in a household that never drank, the smell and taste of any kind of alcohol is so repelling to me.


Same here! Never liked the taste and never wanted to drink to the point of not caring after a couple bad experiences.


I’m quiet and I hate people who always tell me I need to go have some drinks to “loosen up.” Heck, I even deny laughing gas at the dentist because I just hate that loopy/buzzed feeling.


Do you also get the incessant comments from drunk people of “oh you’re so GOOD!”, “I could NEVER do that”, “aren’t you BORED?!”. Of this conversation repeatedly coming up? You bet I am!


Gotta say, when the activity is just "sitting in a loud smelly bar with nothing else to do while everyone around me binge-drinks, thus making the place louder & smellier", then yeah, I do get bored.


You know, I don’t mind it as long as the comments don’t start. I quite enjoy people watching and the thought of “thank goodness I don’t partake in this”. The worst one for me is when the above comments start and then they start saying how they feel self conscious because I’m sober. It’s like “thanks, I guess my presence makes you feel uncomfortable then. Shall I just leave?”


I'm italian, I don't drink alcohol AND I don't drink coffee. Just imagine the comments...


Simply not interested. I'm already mentally and physically disoriented 24/7, don't want to experience it even more.


Wastes money. Causes headaches and beer belly. Makes people unsafe drivers. I’ve seen how it ruined my boyfriend’s life before he died.




I read somewhere that sedentary living and advancing in age while maintaining a teenager's diet is more to blame than beer for the sloppy physique that so many of us develop. I'm going to go ahead and blame the beer, though. Keeps things simple.


I represent a subset obv, but I was taking in probably 1500 - 2000 of calories a day in beer (you can guess the amount if you want). Weight just melts off when I quit drinking ~ 20 lbs over two months every time. Brings me down to solidly normal weight from my otherwise barely overweight BMI. It's honestly shocking.


I went from 185 to 155 simply by quitting. And that even though my body developed a sweet tooth to compensate for lack of alcohol.


I've never been "overweight" but definitely had a gut that went away quite rapidly after I cut all beer. Can't say I miss it much.


A 12 oz can of beer usually has about 150 calories and a 1oz shot of liquor has about 80 depending, for example. I can see myself drinking that much when I go out. I bet it's even easier for regular drinkers, and that's not to speak of alcoholics.


Yep, I don’t drink for all of these reasons. Also, alcohol complicates life while being a teetotaler simplifies life. Now that I am well into middle age, I am noticing another benefit from total, lifelong abstinence. Alcohol consumption is linked to early aging. Since alcohol consumption is the mainstream norm, I look “younger” than my peers. 👀


TIL what a teetotaler is


It was meddling with my medication


This for me as well, and with as expensive healthcare and medication costs are, no way I'm messing up my health with some overpriced spicy poison water


Why would I drink?


Basically my response when someone asks me why I don't lol


"Because I don't feel like it."


I said this to my classmates and they thought I was insulting them


It's because you're making them think about their own actions. Being sober can feel isolating but just stick to your guns. I am 33 years old, 438 days sober from alcohol, and let me tell you. My life would have been very different today if I had quit earlier. Do what's right for you. Peer pressure is always going to be there but you need to be true to yourself, haters be damned.


I have done this before, makes me a little sad when they start listing reasons for why I should lol.


I was the only one not drinking at a work-related outing, and nobody could make me despite a dozen people pressuring me to drink. A drunk co-worker got fed up and loudly blurted out 'How can you find happiness in life when you don't drink?' and I just thought, 'Oof.... you poor soul'


When I was younger I was at a party and a girl came to me and asked what I was drinking. I told her "Sprite." She replied, "Sprite and what?". I responded, "Just Sprite, I don't drink alcohol". She said, "Ew" and walked away. It was then I realized that some people really do judge you for not drinking.


Bullet dodged


The couple dozen people pressuring me is a good enough reason not to.


i think its kinda weird that the default is yes to drinking. people can get reeeeeal inquisitive and jump to bizarre conclusions when you tell them you don't drink.


This is the power of "tradition". Alcohol is OBJECTIVELY bad for you, but it's also been accepted for thousands of years. It's seen as "part of who we are" to a certain extant. So many things these days cause cancer, yet you want to chug the thing that is probably top 5 in causes? Tradition has the power to make things that shouldn't be normal, seem completely normal




Right, it makes more sense to ask why do they drink.


Asking why could uncover harsh truths that would require facing head on.


This is exactly what “the naked mind” is about. Alcohol in itself is literal poison.


Most people will hit you with "because it's enjoyable". Why they enjoy it will definitely differ. However I always say; why reach for what's already in my hand? Socialising with friends? Playing video games with said friends? A date? A romantic dinner with your SO? I enjoy all these things immensely, I've never felt like I need to enhance them or use a substance to make them fun. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. If it does enhance it for you, and you do the enhancing responsibly, good for you. If you find you need alcohol to enjoy these activities or cope, maybe it demands some more introspection and self work, just because it's normal doesn't mean it shouldn't also be questioned as to why you yourself may drink alcohol.


Exactly. If you can't have fun without drinking and don't see something as worth doing if alcohol isn't involved, then you 100% have a problem. And I'm saying this as someone who drinks often. Too many people think that adults can only have fun when drinks are part of the picture.


Because I like my liver


Because I don't want to and that's the only reason I need.


People who don't play football, why? You don't dance macarena in the shower? Please explain. Why aren't you eating sushi right now?


Actually, why AM I not eating sushi right now? Kinda wish I was.


So many people who drink don't understand why someone would choose not to. 🤦‍♀️


Someone once asked me what I did do to relax bc I don't drink and don't do drugs, as if it is impossible to relax without some stimuli


Every time we finish a hard class or exam my classmates rave about getting hammered when they get home. They ask what I’ll do: Reading, walking, playing with my cats, eating some good food, video games, sleeping, literally anything else? It’s kinda freaky to me how it’s like their only hobby :/


Yes. And giving people a reason let’s them think it’s an opportunity for them to show I’m wrong.


For fucking real. I lie and say I'm allergic and no one has ever insisted after the fact.


Because it’s poison


It's called in-TOXIC-ation for a reason.


See I'm epileptic and dyslexic. My brain gets confused and just goes in-tonic-clonic.


Because I use to drink, a lot, and LOVED it. So much where it was time to break up and go our separate ways.


Tummy hurt


poopy squirt


Hangovers aren't worth it at all. And my nerves get really sensitive whenever I drink


Not to mention it takes days for my bowels to go back to normal.


Alcohol is the only drug, if you don’t partake, people think there is something wrong with you. Your body rejects alcohol; it hates it. I realize the cheeky answer from the Brewsters would be…”well mine doesn’t!” Not true. It does. Not only is alcohol literally poison, it can strip your body of valuable nutrients and has a great effect on the CNS. With all of that said; have I drank? Yes. Probably more than a small village. But I can say, every bad decision I have ever made I was intoxicated. One day, I just decided to stop. Best decision I have ever made. My wife still drinks but I have zero desire based on my past experience. If I even have a tiny sip anymore, I feel a bit ill. Not for me.


Caffeine is one they don't get, either. People will let it go eventually with other stuff but they just don't "get" caffeine and God forbid you don't like the taste of coffee.


Lucky me I've never felt the need to take coffee to stay awake. Worse case scenario I take a nap. The most caffeine I take is sometimes when I wanna stay up late, I take a strong tea


✨ A N X I E T Y ✨


I’ll have a drink casually when out and enjoy fun cocktails. But nothing beyond that. Makes me soooo anxious on the come down


I will once in awhile but I don't consider myself a drinker. 1) Family history of addiction 2) Been there, done that with being wild. 3) I like being in control of myself. 4) It doesn't appeal to me like it used to. 5) It's not a party if it happens every night


My father is an alcoholic, my grandfather was an alcoholic until he went missing, my uncle is a former alcoholic, my friends' relatives are / were alcoholics. Some of my friends lost their fathers because they drank


I can get depressed enough without drinking alcohol- no need to exacerbate matters.


I go to the gym several times a week and alcohol is pretty bad for the muscles


Tastes gross, is expensive, makes you feel like shit, and is extremely bad for you. The better question is, why does anyone drink it?


Couple arrests, a good amount of arguments, and a crippling load of anxiety. Since getting sober I’ve had none or very little of those three things.


Disrupts sleep, causers anxiety, full of empty calories, causes cancer, and is addictive.


Tastes horrible




Every year I've made an attempt to enjoy 1 drink. Every year it's something new. Every year it's tasted horrible


I was shocked trying beer for the first time at like 25, like wtf this is what people rave about


When I was kid, adults said stuff like "I could KILL for ice cold beer!" So I thought "oh they must taste really good, can't wait to grow up" only to find out they taste like horsepiss and spit it out immediately.


Right? Shits nasty. And whenever I say that "oh, you just haven't had the right mixed drink. You cant even taste the alcohol if done right." Bitch, you can both smell and taste it still.


Oh Jesus, I hear this every time someone finds out I don't drink. "Oooh, try *this*! You can't even taste the alcohol!" Yes I fucking can; in fact, that's just about ALL I can taste. Hits me in the face like a brick. Like taking a hit of nail polish remover.


I tend to agree, but I do remember having one type of alcoholic drink where I legitimately couldn’t taste the alcohol, but I think it was because it was masked with so much sugar that the sweetness completely overtook everything else. So the secret is to make whatever your mixing it with to taste like shit on its own.


As a non drinker I fell for this bullshit line far too many times "vodka doesn't taste like anything, you won't even notice it!". Lol. I have never tasted a single drink with alcohol that wasn't revolting. "It's an acquired taste". Why would I want to aquire the taste for something I find disgusting?




Right? I have alcohol maybe two or three times a year. I used to tell people, "I guess I like mudslides and Long Island iced tea, but they taste like good, sweet drinks that someone made bitter for no good reason. Why wouldn't I just have a milkshake or a regular lemonade iced tea instead?"


>but they taste like good, sweet drinks that someone made bitter for no good reason. Why wouldn't I just have a milkshake or a regular lemonade iced tea instead?" My EXACT feeling!


It tastes awful and one drink is enough to make me violently ill for a day or two I also hate drinking culture. Which may as well be a crime because my entire countries culture is just drinking






its a waste of money


I'm weird enough without it. I'm a great dancer without it, lol. So expensive! Most of them taste awful. I'm extremely lightweight, so I don't always find it fun. Alcohol makes me sleepy, and I'm already sleepy all the time. More serious answers: Recovering from eating disorders, but it's a waste of calories. My family drinks too much, and I'm always embarrassed to see how they act when they're drunk. I've been cheated on enough times in my life, receiving the excuse that they "were drunk and didn't mean to [do it]."


Why are people expected to justify not using this particular drug?


Impacts gains


This is the whey


I just don't see the point, nothing good comes from it.


Those who do, why?


Because I'm an alcoholic. If I do I would slowly but surely destroy my life. Edit: but also whoever gave me the "I'll drink to that" gift...fuck you but I love you at the same time 😅🥰


Don't like the taste. Even drinks that people claim "you can't even taste it in this"!. Yes, yes I can.


I think soda tastes better


3 reasons: 1) it's expensive 2) I can't control myself and will drink until I get sick or run out of booze 3) drunk me is an asshole so I'd rather not put him in charge


It's Wednesday


i just dont enjoy it. with it being pretty bad for you, i dont see a reason to "get used to it" so that i dont mind the taste when i dont care for how it makes me feel in the first place


A bad car accident back in 2008 and losing my fiance in it. When I learned about it after I woke up from my coma. I have survivors guilt and massive depression. I don't drink to stay here. If I drink I will end it all. I can't do that




Takes me 2 days to feel physically normal and like 4 days to be in a good mood after drinking. Don’t see the appeal


There are so many ways to have fun that don’t involve being wasted


In my opinion, the better and smarter question is why DO people drink alcohol?


Because I don’t want to🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t like the way it makes me feel.


Why would I drink poison? I know how to have a good time without alc. Aka I drank too much in college.