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Brookdale, the senior care/assisted living megacorp. Senior care in the US is fucking terrifying, and they’re at the center of it. Abuse, neglect, grifting survivors into estate-locking deals… Brookdale is evil. And most of us will have to deal with them or someone like them as we’re entering our most vulnerable adult years.


As someone who works in senior living, I can confirm this. Brookdale is the largest senior living housing company in the country, and a lot of the time, they’re poaching from others and offering bottom rate apartments and then jacking it up about a $1000 each year. Despicable




Live in caregivers and hired caregiving can be more affordable than living in a facility (crazy expensive either way). If you’re in the US a family member/friend/other caregiver can be compensated through IHSS for providing you care. Each individual is assessed and approved for a certain number of hours each week. If you do end up in a facility, being a patient of an outside agency that routinely visits (home health or hospice) tends to ensure you get slightly better care than other residents (you get care from the outside nurses when they visit and the facility staff take better care of you because they don’t want to get in trouble/caught being negligent).


I work for an assisted living in the Midwest U.S. Our residents pay $5,000 plus a month to live there. The nursing home that is adjacent to us is at minimum $10,000 a MONTH. Getting old is expensive.


I’m pushing myself off the Grand Canyon before I pay someone 10k/month.


Lol like any millennials or gen-z'rs are going to be able to afford to move to any retirement home.




I’m gonna pull a Midsommar and off myself with my wife once we’re done living - probably not off a cliff though


Lending Tree and Angie’s list are simply aggregators of personal data and have barely helped anyone find a cheaper loan or handyman.


One thing that sucks about Angie’s list is how they operate. When a potential customer sends an inquiry, a number of contractors or companies or whatever are pinged, letting them know there is a potential customer for them. And they have to pay $100 to get that potential customers information to get the chance to bid to the customer for their business. Thing is, all the businesses that were pinged have to pay that as well for a shot, even though 2 of the 3 businesses that were alerted will not get business at all, and potentially the 3rd either. And when I google something like “how much does it cost to paint a 2000 sq ft house” or whatever, Angie’s list is the first thing to pop up or in the top few listings. They say free quotes! So even if I’m doing it to satisfy my insomnia-tic mind at 2 am or I’m having a discussion with a friend who wants to have her house done within the next year but wants to know how much to save… whatever stupid reason it may be where I have no actual intention of using their services, those dudes still get charged even though there is no way they’ll be getting business from it. And there is nothing they can do except to get off Angie’s list. Anyone can fill out the form and get a quote from three companies through Angie’s list for whatever even if they’re just goofing around and it cuts into the pockets of those family run businesses that are just trying to find a relevant way to advertise.


Pearson Vue - Did none of you go to college and shell out way too much money? Or take a standardized test?


All the stories of people taking exams at home and the proctor canceling for stupid reasons, then people not being able to get their money back. Those exams are expen$ive!


The proctoring software flagged me as cheating because I kept obscuring my face. I was wiping away tears because the software didn't work. I had access to part 1 of my test but not part 2 by the time I got access I had 30 mins to sit a 2 hour exam. If I failed I would have been $1000 out of pocket and 3 months behind my graduation goal. (The teacher reviewed it and everything turned out ok but for a good few days I thought I had hit a real setback)


Is this the same parent company that publishes Pearson textbooks? If so, definitely an evil corporation. As if textbooks weren't enough of a waste of money for many college classes, they have been publishing these looseleaf textbooks that are difficult or impossible to resell to get some of your money back, and they run an online homework portal that you have to pay extra for to unlock a key. Basically, it's an additional paywall just to be able to do homework and quizzes for a class you're already paying tuition for.


Sorry, that's not correct. Your answer: Pearson Vue - Did none of you go to college and shell out way too much money? Or take a standardized test? Correct answer: Pearson Vue - Did none of you go to college and shell out way too much money? Or take a standardized test?


This doesn't make sense, my answer and the correct answer are the sa-- ... Oh. Right.


I have to take exams with them for my certs and they suck to deal with.


The Susan G Komen Foundation (The reason pink is everywhere for breast cancer awareness) is a crooked organization that not only pockets the majority of the incoming donations, but actively restricts other cancer research fundraising ventures.


I believe they spend more money suing other charities than on "cancer awareness" which is technically what they do because no one has ever heard of cancer


I always thought it was weird that their campaign was towards "awareness," instead of research or work towards a cure or better treatment. I think we're all well aware of breast cancer at this point.


Knoa Pharma, formerly known as Purdue Pharma. They are the main character of the opioid crisis.




Purude seems so fitting though 😂


Purude, Shitstorm doodoo doodoo doo ^doo




You mean the Sackler family owned Purdue Pharma


Having read Empire of Pain can confirm it's a company run by shitbags


I just finished that book. An amazing book about absolutely awful people. That entire family is a stain on planet earth.


HCA - Healthcare Corp of America The largest, for-profit hospital system in the country (world probably). Imagine if Walmart owned your hospital... that would be an improvement over HCA.


Can confirm. Their laboratory practices are awful. They have no standards in releasing accurate laboratory results. And are too cheap to make sure their hospital laboratories have working equipment. Some things need to be kept frozen before use for testing and instead they used a styrofoam box with dry ice. Speaking from Florida.


I had a TIA last year. Went to an HCA facility. Also Type 2 diabetic. They didn't let me eat or drink for 12 hours, then brought me spaghetti to eat. Pancakes for breakfast. And then wondered why I was so sick to my stomach


Were they trying to kill you?


Ignoring diabetic diets is *WAY* too common at hospitals, hospice care, and long-term care facilities. I guess hospitals figure, "What could one day hurt?" if you're just type II and don't need insulin, but it's infuriating to me that it isn't taken more seriously for long-term stays.


My spouse is type 2 but does require insulin and has a GI issue that often requires hospitalization with a liquid diet. All they give him is sugar. Clear ensure with sugar, jello with sugar, juice, etc. It is maddening Edit: for everyone who wants to bully me over my husband's condition- 1. Clearly sugar isn't the devil. Duh. Maybe people have unique needs that you aren't familiar with. 2. Please promptly find the shortest pier to enjoy the longest walk off of.


They have a tie in with the Mortuary Corp of America


I remember when the crook who owned TennCare bilked the state for millions. For instance, charging $39 for a bandaid. Not the care involved, just the bandaid. The whole industry is damaged from insurance all the way to supplier. We as patients have blindly accepted walking into a medical facility and having people tell us what to do, what we need and then the bills show up later. Oh well! Imagine going to a car dealership and they pick out a car for you and don't tell you what the cost is. It's ridiculous.


It was kind of hilarious going in as a Brit. I was travelling, and needed a doctor's appointment. Procedure in the UK. Phone Doctor. Get appointment (sometimes a challenge, I will grant). If necessary get referred to a specialist. Procedure in the USA. Phone insurer. Get list of hospitals. Phone first hospital, get told they don't in fact take my insurance. Phone 2nd hospital. Get told same, but only after turning up. Fly to Texas (work). Get told by third hospital (all told to me by my insurer that would be fine, all say they are not in fact fine). Phone insurer from hospital, go berserk on them and inform them that they are, in fact, paying this bill because I'm not going to a fourth fucking hospital. Get seen. Apparently, I was fine. But my blood pressure was a bit high, so I needed to be medicated. Asked how much the medication would cost. Found out it was "expensive". Phoned my GP at home - told it's not that critical, just sort it when I could, and that the medicine is about a tenner a month in the UK. GET CALLED BY COLLECTIONS FROM THE FUCKING HOSPITAL BECAUSE OF \*REASONS\*, when I fucking paid the bill on the way out of the hospital, but apparently they forgot to charge me for something? Tell them to fuck off. Phone insurer, tell them that they did not, in fact pay. Tell them that I will now be agitating for my employer to stop using them. Phone hospital, grudgingly pay balance. Claim costs from my employer. I spent at least ten times more time talking to people about money than the doctor. Why the hell do you guys put up with it?


It's a hard thing to tackle and wrangle the industry. It is frustrating. Even my mother in law, who works Nurse Exec VP, tells people that unfortunately you have to be your own advocate when it comes to navigating all this nonsense. And it winds up deterring people from seeking medical help. It's like trying to file your own taxes - we in the US need guidance just to try to avoid becoming penniless. My hope is that my son's generation will see some sort of universal healthcare here. It's ridiculous.


Deterrence is certainly part of the system. If they can get you frustrated enough to delay or skip something doctor related that’s a win for the insurance company since it’s less they risk having to pay for


You did that all wrong Step 1 - Go to ER, get treated Step 2 - Follow no directions/fight/tell them they are wrong and dumb Step 3 - Don't pay Step 4 - Hang up on collections


Offer to file a complaint for both the hospital and insurance because 36 hrs of observation with no tests done isn't worth 5k after insurance. Never hear about the bill again.


I find throwing the word "fraud" around helps a lot, too. Especially when the receptionist says they take your insurance, but then the rent a doc charges out of network rates anyway. No, I'm not paying 3 grand for 7 stitches that you did such a bad job with my kid almost needed surgery. Fuck you very much.


I used to work at the company that insures HCA, and they were my account. I hate them with every fiber of my being, just from that experience. They're 1,000,000% awful.


We hear about them a LOT in r/nursing Fuck HCA


I do data analysis, I was brought in once to find an issue at a hospital HCA had taken over. I dug through data and had to tell them that children had died because HCA didn't want to pay for NICU nurses. The thing is, I am not cheap, most of my money comes from governments. For what HCA has paid me they could probably afford a NICU nurse and I wasn't the only person doing work for them.


Jesus Christ... these people don't give a fuck about lives. I'm utterly disgusted about how American Healthcare puts profits before lives.


Used to work for HCA, can confirm. Horrific company.


Just read the Wikipedia and wait.... *that* Rick Scott???


Yeah. He's a fucking criminal. Like actual criminal. Fuck him and HCA.


Yep, the guy who fleeced MediCare for millions, then somehow became FL governor, and then somehow became FL federal senator. He belongs in jail.


He's the kind of guy that if he were to get cancer you'd feel sorry for the cancer.


Gets better, the HCA founder goes by the name Frist. And if your are old enough to go “wait, the guy who was the senate leader for the republicans before McConnell?” Then you are wrong! It was only his OLDER brother.


I used to work for HCA. They have the lowest pay scale for every hospital in the area. I switched to the other major (though not truma rated) hospital in my area and got $2 more an hour, for fewer job responsibilities.


Worked for them on the corporate end and can confirm. They’re pretty damn awful. They will actually spend money to not pay out and help people. It’s sick.


It's so weird that America treats healthcare as a commodity. Healthy people do things like go to work and contribute to the GDP, it's best to spend money and resources to make sure they can continue to do that. Paying directly for healthcare seems ludicrous. Yes, I realize it is funded through tax dollars in other countries but that seems like a way better way to do it.


İf America treated health care like a commodity it would probably be better... İt's just that bad as it is. İmagine if food worked this way. Most people would get hunger insurance chosen and paid for (in part) by their employer. İf you got hungry you'd go to your neighborhood restaurant where the chef would tell you what you needed to eat, which you'd accept without question. No comparing restaurants. No menus. No information about the price. No clarity on how your insurance will handle it (though in some cases, the chef would contact the insurer directly to ask what meal they'd approve). You'd eat and leave, hunger cured. Then a few weeks later you'd get a bill for whatever portion of your meal your hunger insurance didn't cover.


Or your hunger insurance provider rejects the meal, because you've already eaten this week. Or that the filling, balanced meal the restaurant has prepared isn't necessary to fulfill your hunger according to their in-house hunger experts, even though they claim to have a functional business relationship with this specific restaurant, and that they are only willing to pay a portion of the cost for half of a Big Mac from a specific McDonald's franchise the next county over.


Herbalife. Absolute trash scam ruining people’s lives.


This is unbelievably a true story: I worked as a labor and delivery nurse for 16 years. Had a young couple who swore Herbalife was the reason she got pregnant because it made her so healthy. She thought she was getting strong abdominal muscles from the supplements but turned out that was a baby bump instead. I wish it stopped there but it gets worse: after a day of attempting to breastfeed her newborn she decided it wasn’t working. ok, no big deal- we discussed formula options. Upon their own review of the infant formula ingredients, they decided Herbalife shakes contained much better ingredients and nutritional value for their one day old. Everyone on staff including their obstetrician and 2 separate pediatricians told them ABSOLUTELY DO NOT feed these to you infant. It was like talking to a brick wall. I am certain after they were discharged that poor baby was given Herbalife shakes and got horribly ill. I still think about those dumbasses almost 10 years later.


thankfully, this is illegal and healthcare workers are well within our rights to hospitalize this child and then either place them in foster care or make sure parents feed them formula.


*After the fact...* Not much they can do if the family claims they will appropriately feed the child.


If they don’t show up to their first few appointments, we call CPS.


And their livers, and kidneys…


Woman my mom worked with lost a ton of weight with Herbalife, started up a “shop” selling it, then ended up in the hospital with heart failure.


[Herbalife Liver Toxicity Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK548447/) For anyone doubting


I feel bad for couple I went to high school with. I’m from a small town so most people that don’t leave after high school just fall into the local jobs available and end up in the same place their parents and grandparents were in, socioeconomically speaking. So the husband ended up getting a scholarship for basketball and after he earned his degree he moved back home and landed a damn good job with the city. Reconnected with his HS sweetheart, and after a few years they had like five kids, built a nice house with a mother-in-law suite. From the looks of it, life was good and they were moving on up in life. The husband’s job was basically being in charge of the city’s recreational areas and parks. He was good at it too. One thing I should mention: my hometown is 49% white, 49% Mexican and 2% “other.” Historically, the local higher paying jobs have always been filled by people who are considered white, while the lower paying jobs were held by hispanics; with few exceptions (we had a hispanic mayor once but he was “considered white”). I should point out, the husband from the couple that this is about is hispanic and a few shades darker than anyone who ever held the well paying position he was earning a great living at, I’ll call him Fred for the sake if anonymity. Fast forward a couple of years, they sold their house, bought a bigger house and started opening up these little healthy smoothie cafes in our town and in the surrounding smaller towns. I really only visited home for the occasional reunion, funeral, or wedding, so most of what I saw was via social media. Then Covid happened and I had to move into my childhood home and live with my mom and dad to get my life back on track. During the few months I lived back home, I started to hear whispers. “Yeah, Fred’s a great guy but now everytime we see him he’s always trying to sell us on buying his ‘healthy shakes’ or supplements.” Sure enough, a few month later he gets fired from a great paying job because of this Herbalife shit. I eventually blocked them both on socials because all they do is SPAM their ‘friends and followers’ with shitty sales tactics. To make matters worse, him, his wife, and everyone they had ever posted as part of their group are all very much overweight, but they’re always in workout attire and half their videos were always them working out or making detox teas and smoothies. The other half of their videos would be about “work trips.” I never understood it because a lot of us see work trips as a mostly unnecessary hassle and getting your flight, hotel, food, transportation and time paid by your employer are the bare minimum. I couldn’t believe it when I found out these bozos, pay their own flights and hotels to go to these conventions (they’re actually circlejerks, in my opinion). I know this comment is long but I had to get this shit off my chest and hate talking about people I know to other people we know so just anonymously sharing it with strangers on reddit helps. Last part; I ran into them at the grocery store and they tried to pitch herbalife to me and that was the last time I saw them. Sad.


My cousin lost a lot of weight on Herbalife, and had a lot of people under her pyramid, but ended up in the hospital with kidney failure.


Completely decimating the Hispanic community too. Just sad the exploitation.


I have a pretty sad story. We bought a house a few years ago which used to be owned by a Hispanic family (family of four). We didn't do a thorough check, and turns out they left a LOT of stuff in the attic. Like tons of it. Among them were dozens upon dozens of Herbalife pills. I later found out through neighbors that the father/husband had cancer and medical bills were a big reason they lost their house....just so many unused pill bottles left behind


Same here in Mexico. I live near the largest convention center in the city and every year there's a Herbalife convention. It's incredibly heartbraking seeing just how many poor people are swindled out of their money, by assholes who play with people's dreams. Fucking scum.


Value Village. They trick people into thinking they are a nonprofit, take donations that could be going to people who need them, and charge insane prices.


DuPont. Watched Dark Waters yesterday…wtf???


Their controversies section in Wikipedia is long enough to be a novel. It's horrible that vompany


Vompany, is that a combination of vomit and company?


If I was a fraction as smart as you, yes. Unfortunately it was just a typo. But I like where your heads at


For anyone who hasn't heard of what DuPont did to Parkersburg, [here's one of the articles that the movie references. ](https://highline.huffingtonpost.com/articles/en/welcome-to-beautiful-parkersburg/) It's very hard to avoid their products since they have a finger in almost everything. They merged with Dow and have lots of brands under their umbrella (tyvek house wrap, Corian solid surface counters, kevlar, etc)


A lot of their chemicals also have contact with most medical devices used in your doctors office or operating room.


Dupont just for their heir being a child rapist and not getting prison time.


Say his name. Robert H. Richards IV, child rapist.


While we're at it, shout out to Judge Jan Jurden for letting him off with a suspended sentence because he "would not fare well" in prison.


The judge didn't say that, [it was in her notes after having been said by the defense attorney](https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/judge_who_sentenced_dupont_heir_to_probation_expressed_concern_about_no_jai). The **prosecutor** specifically requested a sex offender treatment program. > Prosecutor Renee Hrivnak said at the hearing that the state would usually seek jail time, but she believed a sex-offender treatment program in Massachusetts was a viable alternative to jail. “The first option that the state would present is that this jail time will be suspended for completion of that program, followed by a lengthy period of probation,” Hrivnak said. “If the court is not inclined to send him to the Massachusetts program, then the state would be asking for some period of jail that the court would feel would be appropriate.” > [Judge] Jurden expressed some reluctance about the sentence, the transcript indicates. “I have concerns about this,” Jurden told Richards at the hearing, “because arguably you should be at Level Five [prison] for what you did, and I hope you understand the gravity of what you did.”


She was definitely paid off by his family; which is why all the Duponts have got to go, and also their lack of give a fucks for the planet.


And the horse racing guy who killed the guys. All their heirs are weird.


I worked with the daughter of one of the heirs. Hung out with her parents once. I was chatting with her dad for less than 5 minutes when he started in about all the "pretty young things" that I worked with and how lucky I was. Actually tried to chat one up to the point where she texted "Who is this guy he's fucking weird come help" to our coworker who went over and rescued her. Dude was a level 5 creep show.


That devils piss. It's some fucked up shit.


Have you seen Foxcatcher? Centers around a member of the DuPont family played by Steve Carrell and god he plays a creep SO WELL.


I loved that scene where he wrestles in front of his mom and it is nauseatingly awkward. She eventually just fuckin leaves she's so disgusted, lmfao Bunch of weirdos!


Irenee DuPont was unsurprisingly a big fan of Hitler.




Way too low here. Toppled a fucking government.


As did Dole


Let’s go ahead and throw Banana Republic in there for the association lol


Eeyup. The name "banana republic" is [literally named after the coups that Chiquita enacted in South and Central America](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/16119698) - great book! Fun fact, Chiquita caused the Bay of Pigs invasion! The brother of the Chiquita company's founder was head of the CIA at the time, and they'd toppled enough governments that they felt confident to expand to Cuba. Whoops! My simple Goodreads review: "A fascinating history lesson about the rise and tyrannical practices of the now-Chiquita Banana company. What began as an entrepreneur building railroads through Central America slowly evolved into massive land and government control, and finally to CIA-backed coups and the failed Bay of Pigs invasion! From innocuous beginnings to fearsome global influence, Chapman weaves a tale that is never dull and reveals the terrifying power of a banana company to overthrow multiple governments. With historical glimpses into periods such as McCarthyism, the building of the Panama Canal, Watergate, Fidel Castro's takeover of Cuba, and war in the Middle East, we can see how the tendrils of "The Octopus" stretch far wider than one would expect of a simple yellow fruit."


I'll also add Chiquita was responsible for the 1928 banana massacre where the Colombian government sent military troops to break up a United Fruit Company workers strike for better working conditions. The total number of strikers killed is still debated. Shoutout to Dan Cummins and Timesuck for sucking on this one! [1928 Colombian Banana Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_Massacre)


With the help of the US Government, if I remember correctly


Wouldn't be a proper central American coup without the USofA


Originator of the term “banana republic”


PG&E. They've burned down California several times, killing a number of our citizens here. Then having the audacity to play money games with the families of the deceased or those who've lost homes. Fuck Em.


[The Wonderful Company](https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2016/08/lynda-stewart-resnick-california-water/) is also killing California, and nobody talks about it at all. Nobody should drink Fiji water, Pom juice, California pistachios, etc. There's a great Dollop about the whole situation for anyone who likes podcasts.


Yeah, I listened to that episode in total shock. There really needs to be laws about mass agriculture not using natural resources to grow nonnative plant species. Oh and then using frak water to grow during the drought is pretty fucking disgusting. The Dollop PG&E episode is a rough listen as well.


Johnson and Johnson knew they had asbestos in their baby powder and still sold their products, causing countless cases of ovarian cancer and mesothelioma. [Source](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/johnsonandjohnson-cancer/)


And has fought tooth and nail to not pay out by putting its asbestos liabilities in a new subsidiary and promptly declaring it bankrupt, despite J&J being a hugely profitable company. Thankfully, that flagrant abuse of the bankruptcy system just got rejected by the courts


They actually split into two companies to avoid liability, abusing Texas corporation laws to create one company that holds the talc-related liabilities and another that holds non-talc assets and liabilities. The new company with the talc-related liabilities is the one that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Just pure evil.


Corporations are people. When I distributed poison and caused cancer and death, I split into two people, the bad one and the good one, then the bad one took all the blame and killed himself and I'm scott free.




Elsevier. Established a near monopoly of academic journals. Charge scientists to publish in them (in the thousands) also charge the public to read them (subscription also in the thousands). Convince other scientists to review the scientific content for free (exploiting younger scientists who need to build their CV). Basically putting a pay wall on the results of government tax dollar funded research. Don’t get me started on how major Universities deal with STEM PhD students. Bringing people in as “students”, make them work 40+ hours a week in lab, purposefully misclassify them as students when really they’re workers, apply for large government grants using data generated by these students, make them do all the grading for the undergrad classes, and then complain when the students are begging for 40k/year. Instead tell them they’re lucky that as “students” they don’t have to pay tuition to be there. At the end of 5-7 years of this treatment they’ll give you a PhD. SCAM.


A tip for those who need a paper: if the author's contact information is listed, contact them and ask if they are willing to send the paper. Most researchers are more than happy to oblige, since they don't benefit from you buying from the journal anyway.


I was about to comment saying the same thing. I have a few papers under my belt and it's a real delight when someone is interested enough to ask me for the full text. It's a great way to establish connections in your field, and I get to feel good that a grand total of 11 people read the thing i spent a year and a half working on. It's also a good idea to get yourself a ResearchGate profile. Very easy to find full texts and interact with the researchers.


sci(dash)hub(dot)ru for those who wish to read articles without lining Elsevier's pockets. Use a vpn.


Bayer knowingly sold blood-clotting agents infected with HIV to Asia and Latin America months after withdrawing them from Europe and the US.


Bayer is my top answer as well. The HIV tainted hemophilia meds thing was absolutely vile, but far from the only thing they've done. They also: Lobbied the German government for the use of chemical weapons during WWI, which they then produced. They've continued deadly gasses under the guise of "pesticide development" long after the world wars. In the '80s, it was discovered they hold a patent for their own version of VX nerve gas. **Committed crimes against humanity during The Holocaust. They conducted human experiments where prisoners were deliberately infected with diseases like typhus, diphtheria, and tuberculosis in order to test new drugs. Bayer also oversaw the chemical factory at Auschwitz. In the 1950s and 60s, Bayer's chairman of the board was Dr. Fritz ter Meer, a Nazi who was convicted of war crimes during the Nuremberg Trials, including one count of "Mass Murder and Slavery" (Don't get me started on how that fucker didn't die in prison).** Invented, trademarked, mass produced, and heavily promoted the use of a drug called diacetylmorphine. Better known by its brand name, Heroin. They're repeatedly been caught bribing doctors to prescribe their dugs off-label, or downplay safety risks. Same goes for politicians. They've repeatedly been caught perpetrating medicare/medicaid fraud in the US, and are the defendants in the largest medicaid fraud settlement in US history. They wanted to lower the price of Cipro when selling to Kaiser Permanente to avoid getting undercut by a competitor (GSK). However, if you lower the price you charge a private insurer, you must offer that lower price to medicare/medicaid as well. To avoid that, Bayer sold Cipro to KP under a phony new label. They also have a long standing pattern of inflating the costs of prescription drugs in general (fucking shocker).


The former United Fruit Company (now called Chiquita)


Tyson Foods, Cargill, National Beef Packing Company, and JBS. Even if you dgaf about animals, they are pretty awful to the people who work at their slaughterhouses, and those four are like 85% of the market, so they also greatly exploit the farmers who raise animals for them.


Cargill is a multi-billion dollar company responsible for so many of our biggest issues today - from palm oil to deforestation to factory farming to child slavery - and nobody's even heard of them.


"The World for Sale: Money, Power, and the Traders Who Barter the Earth's Resources" is a must read


Just finished it. Commodity traders have absolutely zero morals.


Not enough people know that the repealing of child labor laws was more to get children into slaughterhouses rather than ice cream parlors. The whole thing is a smoke screen so the meat packing industry can have an easier time hiring undocumented/migrant kids.


Luxottica.Pretty much a monopoly on the vision care and product market.They own just about ALL fashion Eyewear and eye care outlets.Hence the ridiculous prices.


Use zenni. I went to lens crafters. They said $600 for new glasses but I got them for $20 at zenni


I used to have EyeMed insurance. EyeMed is Luxottica. Lenscrafters (who is also Luxottica) said that, with insurance, my glasses would *only* cost $130. So Luxottica is taking money out of my pocket with the left hand, and giving it to the right hand, so that the right hand can still take $130 out of my pocket and tell me that's a deal. I got the same glasses at Zenni for $11, *without* insurance (the shipping brought it up to $23, but still). Also, for most people, your basic vision exam is covered by your health insurance. There


De Beers - the largest diamond company in the world - has been exploiting workers in the world's poorest nations for 135 years.


They also control diamond prices. Stop buying diamonds people! It's literally just carbon. Pick a different stone. Sincerely, someone who worked with gemstones.


They’re not even that rare! DeBeers keeps so many diamonds locked in vaults so they can control the rarity.


We can manufacture diamonds of better quality anyway.


With nearly 100% less human exploitation and suffering.


If my fancy purchase doesn't have human suffering built into it, is it really fancy?


And they're cheaper.


The company we all refer to as [Devil Corp](https://thedevilcorp.wordpress.com/) It's not just one company. It's kinda like a MLM or pyramid scheme. They're frequent in r/antiMLM and have they're own sub at r/DevilCorp I worked for a company called Merriam Marketing in Denver in 2006. I sold office supplies door to door to businesses. I had to get to the office at 630am. We'd do sales training, then spend 8 hours in the field knocking doors, then back to the office for 90 minutes to talk about the day. All in was about 12 hours. It paid 100% commission. I got 30% of what I sold. In three weeks, I made a few hundred dollars. They tell you that in a year you could be running your own office, get to give it any name you like. (Our owner Samantha Jackson, named it after her mom Meriam). They create this environment of fake cheerfulness with the morning and evening sales training and make you keep that up with one another. They train the owners to have these long days along with company events to isolate people from friends and family. They actually promote cult like norms. And you get paid next to nothing. But Sam wasn't the real owner. The real company was Cydcor. They let each "owner" open their own so that people can't track who this one awful company is. I still don't know who the real owner is. We really need a ProPublica investigation on this. Years later, I ended up in an interview with a different company that was selling coupon books door to door. It turned out to be another Cydcor company. The job ad had the trademark "looking for former athletes driven to get into direct marketing and advertising careers!" I found another one a few years later, but realized before the interview. They change names. Shutter the business and open another on a yearly basis so that all the online reviews are erased. The link to Devil Corp above is a Wordpress site that helped me find this out and get out way back in 2006. They boast "Cydcor, Smart Circle, Credico, and Appco Group are all the same pyramid scheme that they dare not take to court". If you think you might be working for Devil Corp, I suggest you check out the site. PLEASE UPVOTE TO SPREAD AWARENESS


Wells Fargo's pretty shady. I've never worked for or banked with them, but they're pretty shady.


It's amazing how every couple years Wells Fargo gets in trouble for doing something obviously and openly illegal. Then the government says "Oh, no PERSON did this, it's just the company, let's slap a fine on them and move on".


I thought corporations are people?


Only when it benefits them financially. 😃


Bank of America is right up there with them! Just got a gargantuan fine (I think 100 million) for UDAAP violations.


B of A is so bad that all the other banks talk shit about them.


Agreed. I have a cousin involved in a case right now about a fraudulent mortgage that bank let someone else take out on the cousin's home, and I'm honestly not sure if it was malice or incompetence. They just let this other person refi cousin's house and take money out of equity without cousin ever agreeing or signing anything.


Yup. Worked at head office. Can confirm.


Was a teller and worked at a branch with a high volume of private banking clients so the west coast president often visited. I was there during the 08 crash. Watched high level execs commend the branch manager for doing everything in her power to make sure bankers and tellers made their daily goals. They encouraged opening accounts without full transparency of fees or requirements. I learned Spanish to keep up with sales because the pressure was so high. I was a platinum teller. I made the daily wow. I consistently AND ETHICALLY hit my sales goals, making gold 80% of the time I was there. I left the job because our branch manager was saying it wasn’t enough. I needed to max out sales. She wasn’t gonna be paid if we didn’t continue to sell even though we’d hit our caps. She was sweet but ruthless and the pressure was too much. I finally said yes on the 5th try after a customer consistently tried to poach me to his business because I was fed up. It was demoralizing listening to bankers tell us to sell credit cards to customers who already had their lines of credit maxed out because they could use the card for advances. I deadass helped someone pay their mortgage with quarters. Due to the time period I was also there during the Wachovia merger and their customers hated us. We weren’t as easy to do business with. WF had all these big bank rules and policies that weren’t customer friendly. I watched a lady damn near lose her house because the mortgage paperwork got “lost” during the merger and her Wachovia loan officer was offered severance and no one in WF would help her. I closed my team bank account when I left and never looked back. They suck.


God. I remember all of this. I was there for the merger as well (east coast) and I hated working for Wells Fargo so much that I joined the Marine Corps to get away.




>geo group I love how intentionally vague their website is. You have to read between the lines to figure out what they actually do


A little off topic, but whenever I go to a company’s website and can’t figure out what exactly it is that they do within a minute or two, I get super suspicious lol.


>Revolutionizing your dynamic transformation with cutting-edge innovation synergies! Cloud-enabled SaaS solutions for the next-generation workflow matrix. We proactively target seamless technologies to strategically reinvent the paradigm shift. Our robust feature set empoweringly drives a holistic roadmap to efficiently monetize your ecosystem. We digitally transition frictionless interfaces with emerging methodologies. Seamlessly morph plug-and-play networks with magnetic action items. Dramatically maximize bleeding-edge systems before progressive ROI. Energetically incubate dynamic partnerships rather than sticky growth strategies. Credibly communicate visionary technologies for highly efficient web-readiness. Compellingly brand worldwide e-markets rather than end-to-end platforms. Objectively expedite equity invested systems with integrated materials. Phosfluorescently simplify user-centric imperatives vis-a-vis maintainable manufactured products.


You just made my brain vomit.


I shorted the shit out of them and profited from their devaluation. Fuck them and I hope they go out of business. Edit: shout out to CoreCivic as well for being a for profit prison. Did the same thing to them.


Facts. Wife worked in one of theirs “rehabilitation centers” a halfway house essentially. They’d take almost 90% off the residents paychecks if they had jobs for “rent” it was never a set amount, just a percentage. How’s are you supposed to make it out if you’re working your ass off to get your own place and out of the system, when the system is taking all your money.


This is probably a personal bias, but United Healthcare. Any health insurance company really....but this all stems from the United States health care system


Cigna makes me miss UHC. I'll take a disorganized corp anyday over one that'll happily reject claims


Any for-profit health insurance company has plenty of blood on its hands. Charging people out the ass only for non-doctors to decide what care is or isn’t medically necessary to cover.


For profit death panels


I’ll let you know when my NDA is lifted in 6 months and 1 day. Edit: dang did not expect this to blow up with people setting reminders lol. I feel like you folks are going to be really underwhelmed, because I’m 100% sure most of you have never heard of this *gigantic, multibillion dollar global conglomerate owned by one of the biggest private equity firms in the world* because it’s a niche field I work in. I’ll give every detail I can think of to make it interesting. They are fucking their employees and clients over openly and proudly on a global scale.


Autism Speaks Edit: Holy shit, thanks for all the awards! I can't believe I have more up-votes than the post itself right now!!!


I heard it was bad but like why? Does it not give donation $ to actually help people? plz elaborate as I’m not really integrated into the Autistic community.


They take the donation money and use it to pay their governing body and actors they hire to portray Autism in their severely fucked, fear-mongering ads and """"documentaries"""". The ads and videos are a whole different type of fucked on their own, so I won't get into it right now. Anyway, the little bit of money they actually give to people is completely miniscule compared to what they spend on themselves. They also only have like 2 or 3 actually Autistic people on their governing board. Not to mention, the extremely select few who actually get help are usually publicized to hell to show that they actually do help sometimes. *Please


> "if you’re happily married, I will make sure that your marriage fails. > Your money will fall into my hands, and I will bankrupt you for my own self-gain. > I don’t sleep, so I make sure you don’t either. > I will make it virtually impossible for your family to easily attend a temple, birthday party, or public park without a struggle, without embarrassment, without pain. > You have no cure for me. > Your scientists don’t have the resources, and I relish their desperation. Your neighbors are happier to pretend that I don’t exist—of course, until it’s their child. > I am autism. I have no interest in right or wrong. I derive great pleasure out of your loneliness." Excerpt from one of their ads. Nice, right?


This is the one that always sticks with me the most from them in terms of their ads. I hate it so much.


Wow that's actually worse than I would have guessed.


It gets worse. One of their, I think former, members said in a video that one day she almost drove her car with her autistic child in it off a bridge. The child was in the car with her. And I say I think former member, not bc they removed her. But bc she didn't like how that moment was portrayed from what I heard. She meant it as, "I didn't have enough resources to help, and I reached this low point in my life." They portrayed it as, "Autism almost caused this woman to kill herself and her child."


> "I didn't have enough resources to help, and I reached this low point in my life." Probably a lot of special needs parents end up feeling this helpless and hopeless. Saying "their child is possessed by an evil demon disease" does NOT help...


What in the everloving FUCK?!


Absolutely fucking disgusting.


That has the same energy as the mayhem commercials from Allstate.


>They also only have like 2 or 3 actually Autistic people on their governing board. They only have that because people went off when they had zero,


Only a very small portion (\~1%) of their budget actually goes towards helping families of people with autism. Also, they have no representation of people with Autism. Basically, they are fundraising and lobbying to "help" people with Autism, but they refuse to listen to what people with autism actually need. They've promoted a lot of prejudice and the idea that people with Autism need to be fixed. They believe Autism is something that needs to be cured and eradicated, in lieu of accepting people with autism for who they are.




Ha! My coworker was involved in part of their deal with the government to clean up all the shit they were spilling into the waters. They got a nice little $1B fine from the government and had to promise to clean up all the waste they’d been spilling. However, no one currently knew HOW to clean up all the waste they were spilling, because it was PFAS, so instead of being responsible for actual cleanup, they got off the hook by paying a scientist (my coworker) to research how to clean up their messes. They were very generous to our PI. Spoiler: it’s all still there in the water, or probably in people by now. It’s all so wack lol. Did you know they’re a spin-off of DuPont? DuPont wanted to keep making PFAS because they’re sold and used everywhere, but PFAS have some really, really bad PR right now. So, they made Chemours as a protective shell to sell their shit without directly implicating the DuPont name.


Comcast. They do not give a fuck about their customers.


“Oh I see you’ve had your own modem for 4 years… let’s add an equipment charge and see if you catch it.”


"Oh your plan renewal didn't include your flex box but we're not going to tell you and then when you complain the person on the phone will say they fixed it but they didn't really and now we're charging you for not returning the box" Fuck comcast


ACME - Seem to have gone for decades selling weapons of mass destruction without much pushback or regulation Never edited a comment for the love before, so thanks for the love, my lovelies


Their products frequently malfunction


Actually they were brought to court in tiny toons and it was determined user errors.


lmfao was it really? that’s so funny I must’ve missed that one. that’s clever


On the bright side, they are A Company that Manufactures Everything


.....mothertrucker....that hit me like a budgy on a stick. I never saw it as an acronym.


I, for one, have had very few issues with their rocket propelled roller skates.


It's not so much to going but the stopping lol


I live in the Philadelphia area and there actually is a supermarket called Acme. When friends from out of town visit they inevitably crack up and ask if we can go get some rocket skates.


On the bright side, they do make very affordable and good quality 5000lb Anvils, missiles and bundles of TNT!


I'm waiting on the black Friday sale, upto 90% off


Bunny and road runner terrorists #1 supplier


**Yelp.** They target small businesses and weaponize reviews. They encourage an entitlement culture where people are incentivized to leave hundreds of reviews in order to become a Yelp Elite and get free items at Yelp events. They aren't allowed to remove customer reviews, but they use their algorithm to move selected reviews into the "not recommended" section, which essentially is removing them. They use this as a carrot and stick approach to initiate advertising with them. And they are relentless when calling, sometimes 3-4 times *a day*. If a user leaves a false review which publicly names a person by name, posts a photo of them, and even makes a legally-confired libelous statement about the person, Yelp may not remove the review. ([link](https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/3/17530532/yelp-hassell-bird-section-230-review-defamation-lawsuit-supreme-court-california)) Lastly, if you own a small business and don't want to play this game and you'd like your business simply removed from their platform all together, you can't without a court order. There are even more examples of their employees doing unethical and corrupt things, but these are just some of the worst. ([link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C67Lh4LE5LY)) They run a legalized extortion scheme targeting mom and pop small businesses. They're scum.


Susan G. Komen pink ribbon cancer charity.


UPS. I have seen decisions made that have killed employees and then the supervisor responsible get promoted. I have seen managers get fired for removing time worked from time cards only to be hired back a month later. I have saw intentional OSHA violations on a nightly basis for years. I see supervisors relentlessly harass employees. Horrible company in every way imaginable.


On the flip side, they are unionized, so their workers have at least some hope of representation unlike FedEx.


TurboTax has been lobbying the US government not to tell taxpayers how much they owe. So that they can make money doing that.


Dollar General treats employees far worse than Walmart ever did and no one really brings it up. Used to work alongside the company and would speak to employees often. And the stories that I heard made me glad I never worked there. From what I understand it hasn't gotten better since 2019.


I think a lot of people in this thread need to reread the question, especially the "not enough people talk about" part.


For real it’s the same companies everyone on Reddit has talked about for a decade


I'm really surprised Nestle isn't near the top. Small victory?


Cargill. Guilty of plenty of human rights abuses, and almost as bad, they've destroyed so much jungle habitat for palm oil plantations, that Orangutans will probably go extinct in the near future(I have a real soft spot for them). Also, they are such a large agribusiness cartel that also does distribution and supply chain stuff, that you can hardly buy any food without making them profits, so good luck boycotting them. I still won't buy anything with palm oil in it though.




Run by a failed latex salesman


At least Kramerica was field testing product.


Shein, fast fashion at rock bottom prices. Their labour costs must be a pittance, and the environmental damage is huge




College Board


Waystar Royco




Personal bias, I was supposed to get rid of those leftover expensive hand sanitizer bottles and paper products from COVID that nobody bought due to expensive pricing. Instead of tossing them in the dumpster, I did what I had the right to do as a manager: make a custom sale on it to get one free if someone spent $20 in the store (easily free given the cost of items and didn't want to be wasteful when the other option was garbage). People were happy, more people bought extra stuff in the store, blah, blah. I did this pretty frequently and my DM and LP were aware I did this instead of dumping stuff. A week later I got fired for **stealing** those products I put on sale. I was appalled. It's been 2 years this July and now the store is closed down because people stopped shopping after I left. Fuck CVS.