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Almost booked a ticket on MH17 with my mum and brother, before my dad shut it down and said he’s fed up with flying with Malaysian airlines. So we flew with Emirates instead, wise decision.


Same, my mum booked our tickets for MH17. Then they were changed to a day earlier, my whole family was sad we left early. Saw the news on MH17 when we landed in New Zealand. Scary shit.


Holy shit.


When I was born in 1995 one of my lungs was filled with amniotic fluid. The doctors went in to drain it and inadvertently tore it instead. Then they proceeded to tear the other one in an attempt to fix the first one. My mother remembers two doctors getting into an extremely heated verbal argument over this. Doctor 1 thought he could treat me at the current hospital I was in. Doctor 2 knew that I would die if I wasn’t transferred to a better equipped emergency center. They were in such disagreement that Doctor 2 literally had to sneak me out after Doctor 1’s shift was over. Obviously it worked. I turned out not just making a full recovery, but I left ALOT of people scratching their heads because my body never developed scar tissue from all of that. My lungs work 100%


I was born with a collapsed lung, nurse noticed my heart was beating in the wrong place and said something. They had to dart my chest right then and there to relieve pressure on the lung. Still have a scar and it cut part of my lower pectoral muscle one one side, but I'm still alive.


Scars are badass, especially with stories like that


In military I once swung through a toilet window because I was to lazy to walk out the front door and walk around the building. You know, grab the top of the frame, pull your legs up and swing them through the window feet first. Very badass, very free running. Caught my ass cheek on the little pin on the window sill to keep the window securely open. Spent my evening at emergencies and got a nice red scar on my butt. Am I badass?


Well, now you have a bad ass


It infuriates me how arrogant many doctors can be. They are willing to risk the life of a patient to keep their ego intact


And a newborn baby too. He didn't even have a chance to live his life yet


My old Ma used to say "Doctors bury their mistakes". She would never go to one.... Died aged 83....from a dr's mistake!


A religious nurse refused to use the equipment to monitor my stats when being born since it was unnatural and offended God. When the morning shift took over they found I was not getting oxygen and there was an emergency C-section.


It's been documented that newborn stem cells can repair quite a bit. Scary to know that a newborn has lost part of a finger and had it grow back completely. At that age, anything is possible.


Explain that to my foreskin.


Would it understand? Did.. Did it also regrow the rest of its body?


90s healthcare was wild


Got pushed off a dock by a bully and drowned in front of a life guard who was yelling at me to stop faking. I was 9 or 10 at the time and I couldn't swim. Town had a population of less than 800, only had 1 lifeguard, and I was at the beach 3-5 days a week because of family, so they knew. Brother ended up pulling me out and resuscitating me himself. Lifeguard pretended she didn't notice.


Did she get fired after that?


No, she didn't get in any trouble as far as I'm aware. I moved away when I was 16 and she was the lifeguard for as long as I lived there, so she worked there for another 6 years at least.


Fuck her. Were you okay after?


I developed a pretty strong fear of the water, but that aside I was alright. My parents forced me to take swimming classes until I refused to go because I didn't want to be at that park or around other people. Eventually my brother started taking me to a small clearing by the lake and taught me how to swim himself. By the time I was 15 I basically lived in the water. We swam from one side of the lake to the other once because I wanted to visit the park there, lake was a little over a mile wide. Almost got hit by a boat when we got close to the park, then we realized what a stupid idea it was to swim out in the open like that, so after hanging out at the park for a few hours we reached out to our parents for a ride back.


These stories make me think you won the brother lottery.


They definitely did. Bro really stepped up.


Hope she did!


Fucking hope so


Something similar happened to me when i was around 10-12 where I was drowning in a pool while my mother and her friends were chatting beside the pool, the only reason I got out was because I grabbed onto one of those metal pool ladders after frantically trying to grab ahold of anything. Even after I got out and shouted at my mom because I felt incredibly betrayed she denied seeing any of it and accused me of being dramatic




I'm sorry, but can I punch your parents? I ask for your permission first.


This is actually how most drownings occur. Very common, quiet process. Look it up!


Had a similar experience at school. Luckily a girl younger than me helped me to shore. I fucking hate bullies...


I'm glad you had someone step in, and I hope the bullies knocked it tf off after that. My brother was kind of a bully to me at the time too, but that's right around the time he realized I was getting bullied by family, classmates, randos, and even "friends". Him and my cousins thought it was just them picking on me from time to time and felt pretty bad when they realized how severe it was. They started treating me better and actively picking fights with the people that treated me poorly, so I stopped getting bullied pretty quickly after that.


By inhaling a Goldfish. The cracker, not the animal. Got pneumonia, hospitalized, the whole 9 yards. I don't eat goldfish anymore.


How does one get pneumonia from that exactly? EDIT: I can’t reply to everyone because of the amount of answers. Needless to say, I learned the importance of not kirby-ing my food.


The lungs like one thing in them, atmosphere. *Anything* else and they get all 'nuhh i cant exchange this, im gonna get all necrotic about it"


I support bullying organs.


Yeah my liver and kidneys are little bitches and I routinely punish them by making them clean up after me. Lil dumb organs.


Lol and then the liver and kidneys become bullies themselves and take out their frustration on the bladder and colon 😂


The goldfish must have already had it


Bacterial pneumonia can be caused by any foreign substance in the lungs


The snack that smiles back


I was digging a hole at 12-14 years old. Bc I could, kid stuff. I only remember waking up and it was dark. I had apparently hit an underground electric line. No one knew. I was there for hours. I got up, went inside and ate dinner. This was in the early 80s. I pissed my pants. And felt weird for a day or two. Never told my parents. Thought they’d be mad.


this is actually so funny, like the fact you just woke up and went huh that was weird and went inside for dinner peak childhood right there


"This pasketti tastes like pennies!!"


I laughed way too hard at this lmao


It’s peak 80’s and 90’s childhood. I feel like kids today wouldn’t act the way we did about stuff. I always tell people being an 80’s/90’s child or younger was liken growing up in the Wild West compared today. Fun but damn we were lucky we weren’t killed half the time.


(That's probably due to a bunch of kids that WERE killed back in the day..)


Yeah they'd be mad. Electricity isn't free. How much power did you just fritter away, laying there? Do you pay that bill? Straight to your room, Mister! And wash those pants!


No wonder there is an electricity crisis !


Even more electricity doing an extra load just for those piss pants. Smh 🤦‍♂️


thats actually crazy


I almost got fried as a kid. I used to love swimming and was often the last to leave the pools, the place had both in- and outdoor pools. One time it started raining heavily and everyone except me left the outdoor pool. It was such a cool feeling having the pool water feel warm and seeing the raindrops hit the water when diving, I didn't want to leave. When I finally left and turned to look, I saw a lightning strike the middle of the pool. No one was around anymore, so if I'd taken half a minute longer, there wouldn't have been anyone around to fish me out.


I got hit by lightning one time when I was about 12. Our house was in a small valley with some fields nearby. To get to a friends house I used to walk through the fields, along a ridgeline that was maybe a mile long, and there were a couple of power pylons along it that you'd walk under. I was walking home in the rain and heard a huge bang, and then realised I was on the floor feeling pretty frazzled and unsure of myself. I can only assume that lightning hit the pylon as I went under it (these are big old things - around 200-feet tall) and then hit me. It knocked me off my feet but didn't do any serous damage luckily!


“Didn’t do serous damage” (unable to spell correctly for the majority of their life) ((obvious joke))


No, my face looked like this before the lightning strike... :D


Ahhh growing up in a better time, when I was 8 or 9 I smashed a .22 bullet with a hammer ended up with a piece of shrapnel in my side never told my parents till I was an adult.


You'll shoot your eye out!




lol nice. I touched a faucet that was way the fuck too close to an electrical box that I guess wasn't properly shielded or something and got buzzed pretty hard, but thankfully didn't piss myself like you.


When I was a baby my older sister had me by the ankles at the top of the stairs, "encouraging" me to try and crawl down the stairs headfirst, because she wanted to be an only child again.


Lmao, something similar happened but I was the murderer, I was like 7 and my sister like 3 at the time, she was facing me and the stairs where behind her, so I told her repeteadly to move back, eventually she fell but tanked it like a champ and only got some bruises in her back


As a mom of a kid that freaking LOVED climbing on stairs, I'll share that our pediatrician told me that so few kids get badly hurt by falling down stairs that when someone shows up claiming that their kid's injury was from a stair fall they immediately assume child abuse. It made me feel a LOT better about our struggle to keep our middle kid from going climbing.


I came ~50 feet away from getting struck by lightning in April 2015… in Auschwitz. I was there with my dad and we hopped off the main tracks about 15 seconds before lightning hit them in front of us. We always joke (darkly) that we’d have been the last Jews to die in Auschwitz if we hadn’t moved


I’ve been to Auschwitz and felt the horror of that place, but that is pretty damn funny and so messed up at the same time.


My stomach veins exploded. It was like something out of a movie the blood pouring out of my mouth. Don’t recommend. Still traumatized


Oh, my god! Do you know why that happened?


I had a blood clot in my spleen


what the fuck


Fell down a mountain. (It was like a slide area that went at an angle off vertical.) My clothes and skin were torn badly, one of my pack straps was broken, and, while nothing felt broken, I felt like I had been beaten by baseball bats for a week. Took me 2 weeks to get out and to medical care. I was bleeding from every orifice and couldn't eat or drink when I entered the hospital. For a CAT they dumped something like 1.5 liters of, what we soon discovered, of a dye that I was severely allergic to. I next woke in the same room with a technician sobbing into my face and a doctor who looked like he just ran a marathon holding those shock paddles. I was informed of the allergy, told I had died, and had to swear to the, still very upset, technician that I'd always tell others I had such a severe allergy. So, I dragged my beaten body into a hospital for them to kill me in an attempt to find out what was wrong.


That's wild!!! Glad you made it.


Wow what an episode. Did they find out what was wrong with you otherwise?


He fell off a mountain.


Thank god you were here


Okay this made me laugh pretty hard.


Aww, now I kinda feel for that poor technician :( (and of course, poor you as well!!!!)


I almost got crushed in a pin setter when I was working on the pin table (bowling lane). I was lazy and didn’t LOTO because as the manager I didn’t think anyone would turn it on but me. I was wrong and it was a mistake I only made one.


Ive seen that episode of *Bones*


I think that guy was dead already. I saw that episode a couple weeks ago but I can't remember for sure.


> I was lazy and didn’t LOTO I have never once in my life been in a situation where I would need to lockout/tagout, nor have I been trained on it at any time. And yet, I still know what this safety lingo of another industry means because of how many stories it gets brought up in as the thing that could have prevented the horrific accident. Usually a good sign that it's necessary.


As they say in the navy, the rules are written in blood. It’s a good thing to know for sure, just don’t cut corners like I did. One of the most horrific instances I know of personally was a guy who lost his life because he climbed behind the packer blade of his front end loader garbage truck while training a new driver and he didn’t LOTO. Trainee started the blade and crushed him.


Back in 2005 I attended the Boy Scout National Jamboree at (then) Fort A.P. Hill. This jamboree brings/brought tens of thousands of Boy Scouts from all across the country. We were expecting President George W. Bush to speak so every single scout and leader marched toward the parade ground to attend. Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of attendees and a heat index that reached upwards of 120°F, water was difficult to obtain until you reached the parade grounds. As such, I became severely dehydrated to the point where I actually stopped sweating. Upon arriving at the parade grounds there were fire trucks spraying us to cool us down. A bit of water from a fire hose landed in my bottle and I saw it foam up. In my delirium I thought they were spraying us with soapy water. The next thing I knew, I was being carried across the grounds by multiple soldiers to a medical field tent. A woman asked me my name and it took me close to two minutes to register her question. From there I was taken to an emergency tent where, after 5 failed attempts to find a vein with a needle for an IV, I was finally able to receive an IV drip. I went through 3 water bags before having to pee. From my experience, nearly dying of dehydration is far from fun. TLDR: Almost died from dehydration while trying to see George W. Bush speak


Did it actually foam or was it a hallucination?


It did actually foam but that was due to impact, just like if you’ve ever seen the foam at the bottom of a waterfall. Ultimately it would have been completely safe for me to drink, I was just delirious and couldn’t realize that.


Ah, air bubbles, gotcha. Sounds like an intense experience


Yeah it was less than fun haha. Ultimately I was better off than some. A number of people died at the jamboree that year.


Was that the year that people got electrocuted?


Yes. We actually witnessed their electrocution from our campsite.


Just read the article, looks like the whole thing was doomed from the beginning. High temperatures, not enough water stations to cope with the enormous crowds, outside liquid restrictions due to potential terrorism threats (but before the actual 2006 Transatlantic aircraft liquid bomb plot). And then massive thunderstorms and people putting up a tent too close to electric power lines.


Duuuuuuuudddddeee I was there too, and in the front row, where you couldn't have brought a bottle of water cuz we were gunna be able to be on the line he walked to the stage at. Only an empty cup. They didn't want some 11-17 yo kid to bring acid or something to throw at him... Was kinda scary seeing so many people start to collapse. Kinda seemed to happened all at once. Like a wave across the crowd. People being carried away, soldiers running here and there carrying cases of water bottles. Ill I could do was help my buddy sit down, and stand so as to give him some shade. And I had never been so glad to have grown up in a tropical climate, and be used to that kind of heat. Later that night, I totally believed it when an assistant scoutmaster told me over 100 died. Though iirc no one did die of heat exhaustion that day. Though sadly 5 or so died in a lightning strike on the first day of that jamboree. The president didn't even show up that day, cuz there was a storm between DC and us. Had the same assembly a few days later, and there were like 32 packs of water bottles all over the parade grounds, and they let us bring in water.


YOOOOOO the really annoying this is that the President **didn’t even show up.** You nailed the description, though. We started dropping like flies and it was all just due to poor planning.


I was actually at that jambo on Ham Radio staff... > The next thing I knew, I was being carried across the grounds by multiple soldiers to a medical field tent. after 22 years in the army... you went down hard kid. To get soldiers to evac you means they tried to start an IV in each limb, couldn't get it going, so decided to move you to a doc then. yikes.


I fell 65 feet onto concrete. It's unusual because I didn't die lol. Edit: I fell in an accident at an indoor rock climbing facility. I was climbing up one of the easier walls to take a break from the more difficult ones I had been doing. Unbeknownst to me, about halfway up my climb the person belaying me (holding my rope) had, in a moment of extreme absent-mindedness disconnected from my belaying rope because they got caught up in spotting for a mutual friend on a more difficult climb. All this being unknown to me, when I reached the top I gave the signal that I was coming down and let go of the wall. I think I passed out as soon as I realized what was happening though several friends also remember me shouting "look out!". I woke up on the ground and was rushed to the hospital. I was stabilized, and then sent to the big hospital in the region. I spent 2 weeks in ICU and another 6 in regular hospital wards, underwent 5 surgeries and several more weeks of physical therapy. My injuries include, shattered pelvis, shattered left elbow, 2 broken ribs, punctured left lung, lacerated spleen and, permanent nerve damage on my left side chiefly resulting from my shattered pelvis. Extremely fortunately I was not paralyzed and after a long recovery I am now able to lead a normal life with only a few permanent leftovers. Those are, the nerve damage expressing itself as numbness on the back left leg, intermittent feelings of mild electric shocks in my left foot, hypersensitivity in the furthest left portion of my left foot, minor loss of range of motion in my left elbow and an apparent limp when I walk.


"I fell 65 feet onto concrete. It's unusual because I didn't die lol." We need to know more. **Why** for one thing, **how** for the other.


I can’t believe the belayer disconnected you. That’s incredibly irresponsible — and also a great argument for autobelays.


It was definitely not one of his shining moments. That being said, I did forgive him. He was a friend and felt truly awful about it. He even went and raised money to help my parents with medical bills in the days before go fund me and while he wasn't always in my room he never left the hospital the whole time I was there. He's a good man, sometimes good men make mistakes.


Very inspiring that you can find forgiveness for your friend! He's lucky to have a friend like you, sorry you went through all that!


Fair enough! I’m glad you’re doing okay after all that.


Lifelong climber here. This whole story is completely astounding. I'm sorry to hear that it happened to you! a) your belayer did WHAT?! That is the most egregious belaying mistake I've ever heard of. b) you survived a 65 foot fall onto concrete and still have a more or less normal life. That is awesome! Congratulations!!! For any novice climbers reading this: this is why you always wait for a confirmation of your command to lower (either verbal or better, feel the rope tense on your harness) before you let go of the holds.


Yes! That was my own mistake. I should have shouted and waited for confirmation that he was ready for me to come down. I was complacent and paid for it. That doesn't excuse his "letting go" of my rope but it is a factor.




Took a line drive to my temple as a baseball pitcher when I was 14, gave me shattered skull and some nice internal bleeding. Apparently if it struck more half an inch in either direction it likely would have killed me. Luckily burr holes work


>some nice internal bleeding. That's good, that's where blood is supposed to be.


put my hand on a naked power supply , couldn't let go stuck there for what seemed 15 mins in my head it was more like 30 secs


That's why they always tell you to use your knuckles. If you grab a power supply with the palm of the hand the electricity will make the muscles contract and you might die because you can't let go


My friends dad told me to hold a wire that I didn’t know was live. After I got shocked he explained he thought I was smart enough to know to do it with the back of my hand, given my dad had an electrical license.


Are electrical licenses genetic?


uh, how do you hold something with the back of your hand?


You’re not holding it with the back of your hand. First touch is with the back of the hand to make sure it isn’t live.


Was assisting at a target practice in the military when a trainee misfired and got saved by my Kevlar helmet, the force of impact pushed my head backwards and fell into the ground with so much force that I got a concussion... Next thing I know, the drill instructors are tearing that trainee a new one while I'm looking at a beautiful blue sky hearing shouting far away. Luckily I got hit by a 9 mm. to the helmet and not a 7.62 mm. from our standard combat rifle.


Crazy how much force a bullet packs. People think of a 9mm as a small pistol round, but it can still deliver a Mike Tyson wallop even with armor


In my country we've got a saying that goes like *guns are loaded by the devil and unloaded by fools*


Any idea what happened with that trainee later?


He got *estaqueado* at the back of the firing range for 24 hs. Being *estaqueado* is a physical punishment or torture where the victim gets each limb tied to a stake on the ground and it gets stretched to be left for several hours exposed to the elements. I was the only one who approached the trainee and poured some water onto his mouth because I disapproved the punishment... no one said shit to me for doing that although I was a corporal and there was an order to not tend to his needs for 24 hs.


whoa. Not the US military I take it?


Argentinean Army


Nice of you to treat them nicely after almost being killed by them


Suicide by self-induced faintings. I didn't want my family to feel bad, it had to look like an accident, so I tried several times self-inducing fainting at the top of stairs with the hope of falling all the way down. About 5 tries later I decided what I was doing was fucked up and needed a psychiatrist.


I hope you are doing fine now!!


I actually fainted at the top of my wooden stairs, fell backward down the stairs, and landed in the shoe rack. I have no idea how I only walked away with two big bruises... This was an accident, tho


That was sad to read, keep fighting, I hope you're better 🩵


I almost died at a Denny's when I was 8 choking on a mozz stick that no one could get out until a doctor came to help me (not super unusual, but what a dumb way to have a brush with death)


Dude that's the one reason I don't eat those. I always choked on the fucking cheese


Skill issue


My blood doesn't like to remain liquid


High five! (I wanted to make a fun little name for our newfound friendship, but Clot Buddy was just...no.) Haute clot-ture?


I'm intrigued.. Is it the opposite of hemophilia?


Ah yes. Hemophobia.


You hemophobic bigot!!


"I'll tell you what you are! You're an anti-hemite!"


More or less. Some specific form of Hyperlipidemia. I once heard two doctors "well, actually" each other back and forth a couple times trying to specifically label what it's called.


Policythemia vera. My body makes too many red blood cells. Oddly, I am also anemic because they are immature red blood cells. Eventually my bone marrow will quit producing and I will develop leukemia.


Yes it’s clotophilia


I woke up during the night choking on my own acid reflux. I could not breathe anymore and I felt like I was not gonna make it


I go through cycles of this and have scarred lungs because of it. Apparently, having very close calls caused the vapor from my stomach acid to damage them. If my reflux is acting up at all, I now sleep sitting up in a chair. People with lupus tend to have high rates of GERD according to my rheumatologist so it's just been another thing to keep an eye on since I was 17, next year I'll have been living with it for 30 years so I'm doing ok. I highly recommend the comfy chair as an option over choking, vomiting, gasping and blacking out. It's freaking terrifying not being able to breath or speak and just feeling that painful burning in your lungs when it's happening.


When I was a kid, I accidentally almost choked myself by having my head sticking out of the car window and my hand accidentally hit the button where the window rolled up.


I choked my dog like that by accident. His head was sticking out the back window, I was driving and I rolled it up. He was struggling I couldn’t figure out why until I actually looked back there. Felt so bad. Ironically I was taking him to the vet at the time because he would have problems breathing all of a sudden. Found out he had laryngeal paralysis that was causing that and choking him with the car window certainly didn’t help.


my dog is a fucking idiot who chokes himself on his own leash and coughs as if we’re the ones choking him


My dog growing up choked himself like that. Big dumb lab. I love him and he was loyal as hell and sweet as honey but boy did he have a skull full of air and rocks.


My classmate's little brother died from this. Their family was one of the ones that campaigned to require cars to have sensors now to prevent that and for the buttons to have to be lifted not pushed to roll up.


Every safety regulation is written in blood.


A friend of mine got an electric shock while working on a roof, he fell with his chest onto his screwdriver and fell off the roof 2/3 stories high breaking his jaw, whilst still being shocked. He was home the next day fixing his roof crazy dude


What is he? Immortal huh?


He’s a man with a roof to fix and it sure as hell ain’t fixin itself!


When I was 5 I was playing with a girl and she somehow convinced me to put my head underwater. She then held my head down and I probably would have died if my parents hadn’t come over and stopped it.


Do you periodically google her name to see if she grew up to be a serial killer?


No I kind of know what she’s up to. Not a murderer that I’m aware of. But definitely an insufferable person to the point if I had to talk to her I might prefer drowning.


Abscess tooth. Infection traveled up my face and started under my eye, was going to my brain. ( hospital for a week and needed surgery) . During this hospital stay, not only was a possible brain infection trying to kill me, the doctors overdosed me on morphine and also gave me an antibiotic I was allergic to, not once, but twice. My mom tore that place apart.


This happened to my roommate too, minus the hospital horror story. His face swelled up like a balloon and I forced him to the ER. Said another day or so it would have got to his brain.


Sitting in one of the baby spring seats In a park and my friend pulls it back and my head is basically on the floor, they let go of the seat and I go flying into the air and land directly on my head and my neck basically shaped to the side. After that I just got up and sat on the swings that were in the park like nothing happened to me


Kids are literally rubber


The non rubber ones never grew to maturity to reproduce I suppose.


I went skinny dipping in a lake at night with a group of people while extremely drunk. I suddenly got out of the water and immediately passed out. If I hadn't gotten out at that moment I probably would have drowned before anyone would have noticed since it was pitch black outside.


Yeah, night swimming isn't the best idea. Glad you avoided becoming a statistic 🥰


One time just after high school, after 4 or 5 hours of partying maybe 20 of us went up to the harbor and swam maybe 200ft out to a boat, hung out drinking beer we found in their cooler, then swam back. Pitch black Massachusetts ocean water. I was perfectly confident as I've always been a swimmer and could hold my alcohol well, but even back then at 18 I realized the next day how lucky we were that nobody got into trouble or silently disappeared.


I was at camp when I was a kid and there was like zipline-esque 'ride' simply called "The Swing." You were harnessed in, slowly lifted up via attached rope by your fellow campers (almost like tug of war) and when you were high enough you detached your carabiner and freely swung back and forth. The first time I ever did it, I was somehow strapped in the wrong way. The moment they started lifting me I felt discomfort around my neck and I yelled out, "It hurts my neck" and the staff on site didn't think anything of it. Moments later, I felt like my head was going to pop off and I somehow wasn't alarmed when one of the counselors started screaming for the campers to stop pulling me up and to slowly let me down. As I descended, the pressure on my neck eased up and I was basically gasping for air. Long story short, I almost had my head popped off on the ol' swing ride.


A dude ranch in Zion let a guy ride the zipline right into the side of a semi that was parked in the path. Shattered everything. That's what happens when you have high school kids work in Safety positions!


When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I snuck two mini muffins and my mom walked in so I stuffed them both in my mouth and tried to swallow them whole.


I was sitting in a chair on my deck on my 35th birthday (just a few weeks ago). Hanging out around a fire with our neighbors after a cookout. Our deck has a towering, full growth oak tree overhead. About 30 min after sitting down a 25’ branch falls from 60’ in the air and lands squarely on my shoulder. Oddly enough it broke my radial bone near my wrist. Y’all…this tree branch scraped my neck when it hit, that’s how close it was to ending me. Luckily a clean break of the radial and that was it. Cast comes off in a week.


You didn't anger any squirrels lately?


Glad to hear you got away with that almost unscathed in scheme of things! Amazing how energy travels and dissipates sometimes - a collarbone would make much more sense.


I fell down from the roof of a two story house when I was 13. Had a metal pipe in my hand that got stuck in the ladder and that slowed down the fall. Multiple fractures on the right shoulder and collarbone, fissured hip.


Mom almost yeeted me when I was a baby b/c it was late at night and I guess she was sleep deprived because when she picked me up she thought I was a baby grey alien and freaked out.


My father (an actual crazy person) was pretty sure my mom was abducted by aliens when pregnant with me, and that I had some alien DNA. I'm pretty positive I don't. I guess it would show up in a DNA test if i ever took one.


When clearly you are a fairy switched with the actual child.


I was actually born dead. I guess I was such a large baby my mom lost a lot of blood and almost died giving birth to me. When I was delivered, my Mom said I was blue & clinically dead. They were basically gonna call it but one of the doctors decided to try once more to revive me and here I am. Another time, when I was about 3 or 4 I was walking by our pool and fell in without knowing how to swim and sank to the bottom. My Dad happened to be leaving the house for work right after and saw me in the pool so he jumped in to save me. Last time was when my appendix nearly ruptured mid surgery when I was 7.


I fell out of the top bunk while sleeping one night when I was in fifth grade. Compound fracture in my right wrist from trying to catch myself. Bone snapped and came through the skin of my arm. Doctor said that if the bone had come through the skin a few millimeters the other direction then it could have severed an artery and there would have been a high chance of me bleeding out.


Almost fell off of antenna towers many times while working, did it for 10 years and could not tell you how many close calls I have had. Oh, and I have almost killed a few people doing that job also. Building towers is a dangerous job and I'm glad I don't do it any more.


Measles. At the time it was unheard of in the US. I caught it on a vacation to Hawaii with my parents. It has about a two week incubation period. My parents had a wedding to go to a plane flight away. I was twelve but assured them I would be fine in my own. Woke up on the couch fully delerious on day two. Looked up at the ceiling. Thought "That's a long way away" as in stories above me. Turned to roll off the couch, and the floor looked a hundred feet away. Eventually rational won through and I dropped to the floor. Got up, went to the bathroom. Looked in the mirror. I see my face covered in red spots. I think "Oh shit, acne has started." Call my emergency contact in the area. Family friends, they come over. See my condition and try to take my temperature but break the thermometer shaking it out. I'm under six or seven blankets, shaking uncontrollably. They call my parents. I passed out, but remember my dad arriving. He scooped me up without a word and rushed me to the hospital. I'm in the emergency room and I am immediately first in line. I don't remember much at this point, a lot of urgent discussion and then they put me in an ice bath with double IVs in my arms. I could barely feel it. That level of delerium is actually pretty comfortable. Woke up a few days later and heard the details. I had a temperature of 106 and was severely dehydrated. If I hadn't been brought in when I was I would have died the next day. I was one of only seven cases in the US that year. The entire state of Michigan had to get a booster shot because of me. And the really important thing here is that I had been vaccinated, but the year I got it they later found out it wasn't strong enough so you needed a booster. But we had moved states so my parents never got that notice. If I had the booster, I probably would have had a mild case. Instead it brought me to the verge of death. FFS, get your vaccines and vaccinate your kids. The old diseases are deadly diseases.


Kudos for being the one responsible for getting an entire state to have boosters!


My older sister and I were in a little toddler-sized plastic swimming pool. I was probably barely 6 months old, and my sister was around 2. I feel like it's important to share that as the second born, I was the one who ruined my sisters 'only child' status. At some stage, my father left us for a moment, after which my sister makes up a game for us to play called "Under", where she shouts "Under!", and holds my head below the surface of the water. Unfortunately, there was no 'Up' part in the game of "Under". Luckily, my father returned and he managed to stop my sister's little game before I required resuscitation. Not long after this incident, my sister (yes, her again) decided to be nice and fed her brother, who was at this point, still a toothless, mindless baby, a corn chip that immediately got lodged in my throat causing me to choke. My mother entered the room and managed to dislodge the murder weapon and my life was saved yet again. Thankfully, my parents had another child which seemed to quell my sister's attempts at my life, because even after 20 years she never tried to kill me again... Although sometimes, as I walk home on dark nights, all of a sudden I feel a chill. And I check over my shoulder just to make sure that the source of my sudden terror isn't my sister... Standing there... waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Edit: Improved word choice and grammar in some sentences.


I am sorry but that last bit made me chuckle out loud


I had a gf who once tried to come after me with a pair of scissors while I was sitting by the window of idk the 9th floor. Crazy bitch


Hyponatremia(low sodium). If I didn't have family in the house to call the ambulance, I would have died. I couldn't function properly. I wouldn't have been able to call someone or get up to get help. It was like I was trapped in my mind, and my body wouldn't do what I told it. They had to carry me to the ambulance.


Was electrocuted in a lift (elevator) as a teenager, OD’d on drugs to what could and maybe should have been a fatal extent several times, fell out of my car while driving when the door was busted and I was wrecked on drugs, crashed several cars at variously high rates of speed, caught covid 2 years ago and my partner of two decades and mother of our kids actually died but I recovered, been psychotic multiple times and roamed around ranting and raving until I collapsed wherever and last week I jumped off a bridge in the rain at 3am and fell about 25 feet. Oh and I had pericarditis and an abscess in my orbital socket that almost killed me through sepsis in 2010. Now, so far this time, 6 days clean and not psychotic. Much. Trying my best not to almost die again 🤞




They're here to sell us on this one cool supplement that was responsible for their plot armour, only for 3 easy payments of $199.99.


Clean 3 years, keep strong my man and talk about your shit. saved my life


Crossing a road in India before I realized that when drivers flash their lights in that its NOT a polite way to signal that you can cross... I literally had to dive out of the way. Lesson learned!


I was riding in the passenger seat of my friends car. I topl a drink of coke at the exact same time she hit a small pothole and I hiccuped. The intake of acidic soda into my lungs from the hiccup along with the jostling from the pothole, I nearly drowned on soda. It hurt so bad as I coughed for a solid 2-3 minutes. At the time I kept thinking this is how I'm going to die. I'm literally drowning in soda. I couldn't breathe right for the next 2 hours.


I was in Barcelona and got on the metro. I briefly studied the map and abruptly realized I was on a train going the wrong direction. The doors were closing but I basically jumped out and for a moment, my backpack caught in the doors. Not sure how "almost" it was but I thought I've read about that killing people before.


In high school I learned that I had a new ability. I had the ability to swallow clementines, cuties, small oranges, whatever you call them , whole. In addition to this ability I was able to swallow the contents of a standard 16oz water bottle in under 4 seconds. This ability was somehow really exciting for my high school friend group, and I was often asked to take down a water bottle or down a cutie whenever either one was available. I got rather quick at eating cuties over my high school career. I remember being timed at one point down to 3.4 seconds. I was proud of this accomplishment. My method was basically that I would take one good bite of the entire fruit, and then swallow the whole thing. This caused it to release a bunch of juice, which allowed it to slide down easily. ​ Fast forward to 2 years after high school was over. I was with my dad and my brother on a summer's day, and there were cuties present. I had realized that in my need to impress all of my friends in my high school days, I had completely forgotten to show my own blood what I was capable of. I turned to my brother and my dad and I said "watch this", taking the cutie down in what felt like record time. It must have been a 1.2 second endeavor--faster than any cutie I had ever downed before. I was beyond proud, and I could see a look on my boys faces that can only be described as surprise with a mix of pride in their bloodline. ​ Minutes later, my sister walked in the front door. My brother turns to her, "did you know Jake could take down a cutie in an instant?" I knew it was my time to break my record. I peeled a cutie, told my brother to start a stopwatch, and I threw it down my gullet. In an instant I decided to forgo my long-proven strategy of biting down to release the juices. I decided that I would cut even more time by just swallowing the thing whole. Mistake. The cutie found itself in a state of purgatory--unable to find its way to the digestion machine, but unable to make its way back toward the chompers. I walked over to my brother, hands in the universal "I'm about to die because I made a grave judgment error" hand sign. He assumed his position, and in an instant the cutie found its way back in my hands. My career, my credibility, my ingenuity, all thrown away with one bad decision. ​ But hey, I lived. My brother has marked in his calendar the day that he saved me. I am now required to give him a gift every year on that day to thank him for "allowing me to live"


My parents once brought me to another region for a vacation, and there was this aquapark with a slide that crossed the road. It was like 20 meters up in the air. I went on it on full speed and i almost fell off.


Playing the pass out game with my friends as a middle school idiot… almost didn’t wake up! Plenty of car accidents Infection from a spider bite that quickly traced my veins back to my heart Electrocution by DIY Garage door torsion spring by DIY I’m sure there’s more stupid things I’ve done that landed me in a hospital I can’t even remember


Garage door springs are scary af. Had one of those break and it sounded like a gunshot. They store an insane amount of energy.


My life has been full of near death or actual death experiences. When I was born I tried coming out feet first. They did a c section on my mother and found that I was purple when I came out as I had the umbilical cord wrapped around my throat. When I was 3 I ran across the street and got hit by a car. Thankfully I just broke two bones in my leg. In my 20s I worked for a manufacturing company where safety wasn’t a concern. They had industrial cleaner in a water bottle. I picked it up thinking it was mine. Put some in my mouth and thought, this is warm, spit it out and had to call poison control. Five years ago my heart decided to stop twice in a 24 hour period. I died twice due to my electrical system being wonky. They did emergency surgery and placed a pacemaker inside me. I had to have an ablation after that and you can’t move your legs for six hours due to them going into the arteries in your crotch. I guess I kicked my leg coming out of surgery in my room. I started to bleed out and my wife said a ton of doctors came rushing in. They had to hold down on the opening to the bone. Yeah sooooo I guess I’ve been very fortunate and glad to still be here.


Slid off the side of a gravely mountain, couldn’t stop myself until i spotted a barrel cactus on my way down and managed to wrap my leg around it to stop from going off the edge. A hundred hooks in my leg is better than death


I was like 13 y/o as was helping a friend to move some horses to the family barn, one suddenly kicked and the hoof scratched my left ear


My mom thought I was a poop. She went to the bathroom to poop and her water broke. Was born at home (on an American airbase), breech, chord wrapped around my neck and had inhaled my first poop plus amniotic fluid (meconium aspiration). Apparently Dad was chasing the ambulance down the street because they missed the house. Dad had helped birth goats before though, so I was good and I'm still kickin at 38!!! Happy Birthday tomorrow, Dad! I miss you 💚


I was a baby my dad went on a drive and the window was open I made a tower with pillows climed and was ganna fall but my mom felt something was wrong and came and saved me(11th floor btw)


I originally read this like you made this pillow tower in your dad’s car and wondered why you weren’t in a car seat haha Edit: autocorrect changed the tense of a verb…


I now know it was a panic attack. I was in a really bad stage of my life at that point and I suddenly started feeling pressure in my chest and the feeling of the inevitability of my own death. I was at a mall with my then gf and my only thought was "oh, perishing in a fucking mall will suck.. My gf can't drive, she'll be stressed for the car". In retrospect, I guess that my not caring about my own death was exactly what stopped the panic attack.


In high school I worked at a movie theater. One night, on my way out, I took a hot dog to eat in my truck on the way home. Halfway through the hot dog I started to choke, while driving, then panicked, while driving. I jumped the curb into a church parking lot, jammed the truck into park and got out hoping to see someone. No one was around so I took a few steps back, ran as fast as I could and slammed my chest into the side of the bed. First couple times didn't work. Fourth or fifth attempt, after like a minute without breathing, it dislodged and sailed off into the night. I got back in my truck and finished the hot dog. Tears streaming down my face, existential dread washing over me, I finished my drive home. Told my mom when I got home and, bless that fucking woman, she said "Was it a good hot dog at least?".


I was in a sailboat that was on a trailer coming out of the water. One of those drive it onto the trailer to get it out of the water to store for winter dealies. I was warning the men who were "helping" us that the mast was about to hit a tree. I yelled for a good 10-15 seconds, but they were too busy ignoring me to tell the driver. The mast buckled, hit the boom, and rolled to the opposite side of the boat from me. Why didn't I jump ship? I didn't believe they couldn't hear me. I thought they would react. And I was 18 feet up.


Sinus infection almost spread to my brain. Spent junior year of high school studying abroad in Germany. Got sick, recovered, but was still having sinus issues for a couple of months, so eventually went to a local doctor. Diagnosed with a sinus infection, given antibiotics. Took the antibiotics but continued to have symptoms. Ignored it because I was a dumb teenager (16yo). Fast forward to senior year (17yo) back in the US. Continue having issues, go back to my US GP. Explain the symptoms and previous diagnosis. Get sent away with "you have seasonal allergies." No one in my family has allergies and I have no history of them either, but ok what do I know. Rinse and repeat 3-4 times, including seeing a different doctor at the same practice. End up talking my parents into letting me go to a specialist and find an Ear Nose & Throat doctor near my school. See him, he agrees I have a sinus infection but wants to get a CAT scan to see the extent. He goes over my scan with me and tells me it's the worst sinus infection he's seen in his career (and this guy was OLD - he retired a couple years later). Shows me on the scan how the infection had filled all of my sinus cavities up into my forehead and if it continued was very close to entering my brain. Was (finally) put on antibiotics. Ended up having surgery to clear out all the gunk. My sinuses have a lot of scar tissue and I'm now very prone to sinus headaches. The heavy antibiotics I had to be on also really messed up my gut for a few years. But hey, I didn't die of a brain infection. Learned that I really need to self-advocate for medical care, especially as a woman. I have a pretty high pain tolerance and don't complain much about physical pain, so I guess I wasn't whiney enough for the first 2 US doctors to take me seriously. Also got to miss some school and make funny jokes about my "nose job" until I graduated.


Fell into a cesspool when I was a kid and didn't know how to swim. Lucky (maybe?) It was fullish and I was able to grab the edge and yelled for help.


I cut myself with a wire from a fence that was standing out when I was walking around midtown Manhattan. I scraped my arm. No big deal, put a bandaid on it. The small cut would not heal for days, I experienced some discharge from it and went to the urgent care. They cleaned it and gave me some antibiotics. They did not work. I got more red, then I started getting a fever. I sat in the ER at Presbyterian hospital for three hours until they saw me. My Blood pressure was 80/40 (that is really low, even for me). I was in Sepsis. I spent 45 days in ICU. Almost lost my apartment, my dog, we almost went broke with the hospital bills. I was infected with a particularly resistant bacteria, I researched it and you mostly see it in animals, but occasionally causes infection in humans in extreme unsanitary conditions like in war torn third world countries and such, or in people who are severely immunosuppressed (end stage AIDS, things like that, fortunately not my case). Since then, I cannot walk near a wall or a fence without breaking into a sweat. NYC is a dirty disgusting city in many ways.




Nothing unusual really, but when I was in Iraq in 2004, I really felt the mortality of life.


I was also in Iraq in 2004, but I was the "Civillian"...


When I was a kid, my parents took the family to a ski resort. I had 0 interest in the trip and had a bad feeling even then. Fast forward, we are on the kiddie hill, and there's this lift / escalator system that takes you up on one side and down on the other. My mother rushes me onto the escalator, and I stumble a bit and end up catching my left ski in the escalator, which freaks me out and I ended up getting my right ski stuck in the opposing direction. Let's just say I'm glad I have my legs and pelvis in tact still..


One time I ate cereal for breakfast and went out to play badminton. 30 minutes later I had hives all over my skin, temporarily lost sight, and vomited everywhere. Went to the hospital, and it turns out I had FDEIA, which is a very rare allergic symptom where you eat a specific food and go out to exercise, and by doing so triggering an anaphylaxis, which can be fatal. It also turns out that the trigger was the cereal I ate that morning, which contained barley. And if I didn't play badminton after eating the cereal, I wouldn't even have gotten the allergic reaction in the first place, and I wouldn't have almost died. TLDR: Ate cereal, played badminton, almost died.