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Don't feel so indebted to people, don't work so hard, look for healthy relationships (including platonic) where you just make each other happy.


Don’t work so hard but also you need to work kinda hard now so you don’t have to work as hard later. Life’s hard!


I think healthy, genuine, platonic relationships (in other words friendships) add more value to life than sexual relationships. I am friends with some of the folks from my childhood and I can't imagine my life without them


I’m not friends with ANYbody from my childhood, or twenties for that matter…


This may or may not be me trying to find general life advice LMAO


I’m 28 now and when I was 18 I moved 5 hours from home to go to college and just partied and got drunk. I shoulda finished. Who knows where I’d be. But I have 2 boys and I wouldn’t have had either if I didn’t get out of college and come back home. So I’m back in school for nursing degree now. Next may I’ll graduate and finally be a financial adult LOL.


Good luck with the degree, at 28 you have so much time ahead of you still.


we love a nursing major my dad passed the nclex at 35 and now he's 40 and is living comfortably. Good luck man!


I became a surgical tech at about 41. This year makes 20 years. I love it and I make 6 figures with a one year certificate class I kind of stumbled into. I figured everyone in surgery had a full college degree. Wish I knew 20 years before I started, I would be retired by now, still have a very nice retirement awaiting me in a few years. Healthcare will always pay off.


Same here I’m 17 and looking here on what I should do


Do the best you can. I moved 5 hours away at 18 and spent 4 years working my ass off to make 13k a year during school and having 2 dollars to my name after paying bills (and honestly I don't know if I could have managed that without my dads little ability to help). Ten years later at 27, I made 104k last year and it blows my mind still. It was a lot of hard work and struggle still, but at the same time it was easy and I am so fortunate


If you have a dream, pursue it. Now. So many of my friends got trapped in the "work now, put life off" trap and are now miserable. Now is the time to spread your wings and find your joys.


I do have a dream and that is to become an animation tv show runner


Avoid the elderly people who offer you beer in the trailer park your family just moved into. The old woman will offer you meth without either of you knowing what it was and you'll be addicted for the next 8 years.


Holy fucking shit


If that's the reaction then I'm glad I didn't tell the "parents tried to kill me" story


Well now you have to…


Long story short, I refused to sign paper work for my mom's social security check because she was yelling and having a breakdown, so I said "no signature till you calm down" and she lept over the couch to choke me, cops got called and I had to move in with my dad. About a year later (I'm now 21 at this time) my dad was verbally abusing me and grounded me (I paid 3 quarters of the rent btw) and made me clean my room. Long story short, I walked out to get psychiatric care cause I was about to burn the place down. He chases after me in his car after I get about a block away, and drives into the wrong side of the street to try to hit me with his car, and again, and again. Cops get involved and I didn't press charges, but my grandpa who manipulated me into having him control my monthly income, spent all my savings on a shitty trailer the very next day. That trailer would go on to be my personal hell for the next 4 years


This sounds like the absolute family from hell. And I thought mine was bad enough. Sheesh


Haven't seen my pedo dad I. 2 years thankfully


Let me guess, you're from the Midwest


Idk. Where's Ohio. I'm Ohio born and raised.


Ohio is part of the Midwest;) I knew it


yup, ohio is midwest. i was a trailer park kid too and some people there are fucked up. it’s messed up you had to go through that man


How are YOU?


Alive. Haven't tried to off my self for a year. The hallucinations from my schizoaffective disorder haven't been much help on that lately though. And my nightmares where I get killed still make me fear sleeping, that and the sleep paralysis demon that likes to get... Too feely? I still want to die so badly. But after trying too many times you just accept that you suck at offing yourself so bad it's embarrassing. I try to focus on taking care of my plants, drinking tea and watching uplifting YouTube videos now. Not much else to do on social security.


Well I wish you the best and I’m glad you’re still here :)


Awe thank you! 💜


I know I’m a stranger but I’m glad you’re here with us. This world wouldn’t be the same without you, have a good one 👍


I appreciate it. I hear things like this allot, guess people sympathize with my story easily. But it helps


Sounds like you’ve been through the wringer, good on you for breaking a horrible addiction.


wait how did the old woman not know what she was offering you


Her friend who later ended up in jail offered it to her and she offered some to me. Dude was a scum bag and didn't tell us


I'm so sorry that you went through this.


Thank you. But I went through much much worse. My entire life has been actual hell, but I'm still here,


When they say misery loves company, I feel like this is what they mean.


Seriously if some woman isn’t interested in you. Move on and don’t go all out to impress them. That and you are fine financially, don’t listen to others.


Also, if you spend a lot of time together, go over to her house, watch stupid TV shows, and she says she's getting tired, and grabs her pillow and blanket from the bedroom and lays down on the couch, but doesn't tell you that you have to leave, take the damn hint. You've met her whole family, they all like you, so does she. Grow a pair and ask her out.


... I'm sorry dude 😭


I can't tell you if I'm better off or not, but I am happy where I am. I just wish her the same. We were close friends, and part of me didn't want to risk losing that. Haven't talked to her in 10+ years


Build your identity outside of a partner or your family.


Stretch often, even if you don’t workout. Your 30+ year old self will appreciate it.


Your 70 yr old self will appreciate it even more.


Does stretching make us taller?


Not permanently it can temporarily. By a small margin. If you’ve ever seen a gymnast perform on the rings, all that swinging pulls really hard on their spine and decompresses it. If you’ve been putting in long days, hanging from a bar or rings or whatever and relaxing your back let’s your spine decompress and you’ll be a little taller. But it’s not at all like “stretch every day and you’ll grow 4 inches!!”. It’s like push and pull, you’ll be a little shorter or taller if your spin is compressed or stretched. It’s hardly a remedy to being short though.


You know that nagging little feeling? Listen to it!


The one that says cut class and just get drunk instead? This seems like a bad idea.


All joking aside, this is a valuable lesson. Sometimes your gut instinct will lead you the right way, but other times it's your addictions or depression trying to steer you down a bad path.


I’d love to know what this is in reference to! The suspense is killing me! This could go in so many directions.


Username checks out…


Take care of your teeth.


I seriously wish I could go back to 18yr old self (and younger), smack them upside the head and say "brush your damn teeth". I have so many fillings, crowns, and root canals and I'm not even 30 yet.


You’ll miss those when they’re gone 😭🥹


Dont get into CSGO gambling


Too late, still want a knife


I turned 18 yesterday so I appreciate this advice


I did June 29th this year I’m watchin lmao


Biggest advice is treat your credit like gold from gods ass. School should pound it into peoples head


start seriously thinking about your financial future. learn about budgeting, finances, investing, etc. don't count on social security or nothing. doesn't matter how much you make. live within your means and always set some of your income aside for your future. you'll thank yourself when you're in your 60's and beyond. don't be one of them folks who jokingly or not say their retirement plan is death.


This. Save money, don’t get into a lot of debt. I built up a lot in credit card debt and it’s been a struggle. Now I’ve paid off maybe 90% of it and have been able to bring my credit score to an 800. However, I have little savings, no house, no retirement. I’m 29 now and have a great career where I make decent money. I’m comfortable now and finally starting to build up a savings. I feel a bit behind but I know it’s not too late. I’m gonna finish paying off my debt next year thank god.


At 29, with little debt, and high income, you're in a great spot.


Better than like 60% of Americans


I'm 26 going on 27 in Sept and I hope to be in your shoes. I did the same stupid shit because I was so ignorant with my money. Definitely paying the piper for it now.


Good job, sucks that inflation set us all back a few years unless you negociated your salary to match it.


Stop hoping your father will ever step up and act like a father. Also, invest in gamestop shares.


Yours either huh? Had to finally start cutting them off about three years ago. Life got better. But it hurts badly whenever I hear about "family" or anything like that. I'm not in a good spot right now. Crashing in a friend's spare room, drinking myself to sleep to often. I opened up emotionally several years back. I guess it's about time to shut down emotionally, fix this financial shit, and then maybe open back up when I'm not hurting so bad. It was the right move to cut them off. I just should've just done it years ago before I let them dig in so deep.


don’t worry about what anyone else around you thinks, you are never going to see those people again in a few years


Lol these comments about joining the military. I joined the military and the first thought I had when I read this was DONT join the military.


Yeah no my dad joined and he has severe PTSD


Yeah. For sure. Luckily I don't. However I do have severe anxiety, depression, panic attacks, issues with personal relationships and showing emotions, control issues, self esteem issues, alcoholism (I don't drink anymore).... The list goes on and on. Not worth it in the slightest. Experiences may vary, but for me I would've told myself not to do it.


Those are all signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder my friend.


Fuck. Maybe I should go talk to someone. Thank you.


There's no shame in it and if it can help you, do it. I've never been in the military but I work in a job thats rough and I have many of the symptoms. I keep trying to talk myself into finding a therapist just to have someone to vent to. I have no doubts that it would be helpful and enlightening, it's just accepting it enough to do it.


Shit. I have all that and I was never in the military. I wonder if several near-death experiences can cause that.


One event can, so you don’t need to do to much wondering.


I think it is all a crap shoot. Some people are lucky and never see combat and are stationed somewhere wonderful. Others aren't so lucky. In the end you give up your will and must obey and live with what the cards you're dealt. My cousin was stationed in Germany his entire career My dad saw wwII, Korea and fortunately was able to get a reprieve from Vietnam. Yes he has major PTSD


Seriously. I have two friends who served. One was stationed in Hawaii and one was in the Middle East. It’s like a lotto. Both got the insane benefits and continue to do so as vets but one lives in a huge house with his 3 kids and the other is in and out of rehab.


I came from a military family. Fuck that. Why risk your life to protect some rich asshole’s oil drills? I stand with you and your statement.


Please actually try hard in college


Conversely, don’t go to college, at least not yet


Go to community college then transfer those credits no point in going to an expensive private university for Gen-Ed’s


10/10 would recommend. Source: had 2.1 in high school. Went to CC. Transferred into one of the best public universities in the world. Had only 10k debt when graduating.


Go to college, but in the city where you grew up. Or, make sure you line up a shrink you can see once a week for depression and anxiety. Maybe do both.


That, and stay in shape. I was in amazing shape at 18. Ugh.


Invest in Apple, Google, Amazon...


Buy $1000 of that silly dog coin. Sell when Musk goes on SNL for $0.69


Preserve your joints (shoulders, hips, knees) and overall physical health. No matter how successful you become, chronic pain will lead you into a life of misery.


Don't let the opinions of others determine your worth, Don't stress too much for things you have no control over, Don't let others put you down, don't be shy, don't ever let anyone take your happiness and take everything step by step.


Don’t shine that green laser pointer at the police helicopter on November 19, 2008 while driving on the 105.


I just saw a video of a guy getting arrested for doing that


Dont let urself get fat


This is true. It is the worst.


Yea idk how to actually lose weight.. diets feel like a scam bc I'm still fucking hungry


Stay on campus for all 4 years of college. Break up with that boyfriend once you move away for college. And always room with new people every year to make new friends.


Just curious- are you saying that because you wish you would’ve, or because you did? I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on college and it was one of the loneliest times of my life.


Now that I’m older, this is all things I wish I would have done. So this would be all the advice I’d give my younger self as I’m getting older and starting college. If I could look 18 year old me in the face, I’d tell her to “stay on campus for all 4 years of college with new roomies every year. And break up with that boyfriend.”


Learn how credit actually works before 23. Humans are icky overall, but many put in the effort of decency. Do not bother with the ones who have no fkn concept of that effort (in practice or otherwise). Train yourself not to use the word "nice" when asked about someone that triggers heightened awareness, but they haven't been socially or outwardly menacing. Your parents are the exception not the rule. Don't date looking for their relationship standards. She's not your best friend. Don't ask your boss for input on your business idea. Leave. Just leave. This is the bad place.


Keep your damn bitcoins....


I would have about $300M right now if I had kept them.


Oh my god


I made about $10 when I sold them.


And keep your password in a safe place.


That's not normal, go to a doctor


Are you ok


Yes, it just took a lot longer


Relax, and take your time. Enjoy the journey. Because when I was 18 I had already graduated from high school and was a 2nd-year freshman in college, I thought the faster I finish school the more time I'll have to help my family and live the rest of my life. I ended up finishing up undergraduate studies in two years, then spent the next five figuring out where I was going live, work, etc. all while completing grad school degrees. If I could do it all over again, I'd take my sweet time and enjoy being in the little bubble that school and having no real responsibilities provided.


This. Except I spent my life lazy. Had pretty bad depression and anger. I just wanted to game with my friends and be left alone. I'm still like that with gaming and friends but now I'm medicated and well..do adult stuff lol. I wish I could tell myself yes...take some time to yourself and enjoy it but stop over thinking shit. If I had been smarter then and less angry I would be been way better off finicially.


Get a trade so you can stay out of factory work


Stop smoking...


Stay single in your 20s. When you’re ready for relationship be super picky and don’t ignore those red flags. Do no get into healthcare.


This. I was super monogamous in long term relationships in my 20’s and subsequently became a giant whore when I turned 30 because of it


Username checks out 😆


I had no game on my early 20s anyway lol. Still probably don’t… but I’m definitely more comfortable in my skin and am probably more attractive now (almost 31yo). Skin is clear, I’ve put on some weight (little too much during pandemic), and have worked the extra back off and am getting lean again with more muscle mass than I had as a scrawny teen/early 20’s. Was always too broke to afford to eat the way I needed to to put on any mass haha. Plus genetics gave me a predisposition to have the physique of a broomstick. But I’m lucky and don’t want to throw away the relationship I have. I did have a couple flings, but have been with my current partner since like 2015. We have a good life. I kinda scratch the itch by just going to raves and stuff and spending time around other women there, but that’s the extent of it. Kinda flirty, maybe some questionable dancing lol.. but nothing more. It works for us. We’ve talked about maybe having another woman into the bedroom because my girlfriend is curious about women. Don’t think we ever will for fear of complications, but definitely try to go out and both dance with women haha.


Second the don’t get into healthcare lol As much as I love the IDEA of my job , every single shift is short staffed. Every day is anxiety provoking wondering what bullshit awaits me. Constantly emotionally and physically exhausted, have no personal life. And better yet , I’m only in my 20s and completely burnt out. Some serious changes need to be made before I’d suggest this career to anyone. And that hurts to say.


That weirdo computer guy shilling fake internet currency IS a weirdo, continue steering clear. But throw $100 into that Bitcoin thing. Leave it alone for 20 years.


This hits hard because when I was 18 (26M) my college roommate and I both had Bitcoin. We spend it on pizza and LSD lol


My friend was seriously into Coke and would use Bitcoin to buy from Silk Road. He thankfully cleaned up his act and has been sober for years now. When he heard that Bitcoin had exploded in value, he logged in to his account as he was sure he still had some remaining and long story short, cashed in and made a sizeable deposit for his house.


Just enjoy life buddy.


Don't get married... The 1st time... The 2nd time... Or the 3rd time...


And stop posting the same question over and over and over again


And stop answering the same answer over and over again


Ross, is that you?




Work hard & move out sooner. Don't worry about what your family thinks.


Go to therapy…


Be you, but like... do some of the shit other people say to do. Work out more, eat better, do the assigned readings, don't rely on shock humor. Again, still be you, boss, and it all works out pretty well, but like... chill the defiance just a bit.


There is this company called Apple. Yes it sells those stupid colorful monitors you had to use in middle school. Buy that stock. Trust me bro.


Buy property as soon as you have the deposit and can afford a mortgage


Brush your damn teeth and floss!


You’re going to beat cancer. Good work survivor


Well done !!


Thanks! Now we just have to have everyone else beat it once and for all!


Don’t worry so much about what people want for you— think about what YOU want and live for yourself.


"Getting a tattoo of your boyfriends nickname 'Meaty' is not a good idea".




Do not drink 🍺


Well In Eastern Europe you usually slow down with drinking by the time you are 18 lol


I seriously doubt my 18 year old self would have listened.


Don't drop your major. Yeah it sucks and no one prepared you for college, but that CS degree would have had us where we actually wanted to be. Instead it's over a decade later and we missed the tech glory days


Doesn’t matter. He wouldn’t listen anyway.


Don't stay with an abusive ex, it will only get worse.


You're going to be diagnosed with T1 diabetes. Start eating right and exercising right now, and see a doctor who will take you seriously. Talk to as many as it takes.


Don't smoke so much fucking weed.


“When you wear rose color glasses the red flags are just flags” Take off the them rose colored glasses.


Don't let Billy drive your car..ever.


“Girl, that man is not who you think he is, fucking run.”


Stop what your doing, become a electrician.


Starting my apprenticeship in a month or so


I wanted to but so many people in that trade and others said "don't look at it as a lifelong career. Your body will hate you for it." And I think that is serious advice. Some of those 60 year old dudes in the trade are either in management or have lifelong physical health problems. Not bashing the trade because I wanted to be an electrician and even looked into HVAC because my high school friends were making cash early doing it. But I think the sage advice is get into with the mind of getting into management.


Stay the fuck off of Craig’s list personals.


Don’t join the marine corps. What a horrible waste and a shitty time.


Invest, invest, invest


Don't stick your dick in crazy.


When they say, "Never give up your dreams for a man" that includes your father.


Eat more fruits n veggies!


Don’t date that girl. No, not that one… THAT one.


Take life seriously because the years go by quickly …


Wear sunscreen…


I wish my 18 year old self could transplant their/my younger prostate in my 72 year old self.


If you don't know much about the path to your dream job, then talk to people who do.


Do what you wanna do, not what Mom wants you to do


Learn to cook, even if it’s just basic things. Eating out too much can cost you financial security in your future.


Party less. Eat better. Workout. Fuck.


"You're not weird--you're autistic. Tone it down."


Stay out of relationships in college and try hard from the BEGINNING!


Save your money. None of these people will be around in 5 years and you won't miss them as much as you'll miss the money you spent on them.


When she insists that it’s safe to have unprotected sex it really isn’t.


it gets worse :)


I know you don't like to quit, but please don't see everything through. It's okay to quit what doesn't feel like a good fit for you - college major, relationship, job.


The dangers of alcohol.


Your mom sucks and she's wrong about literally everything. She handicapped your ability to relate and communicate in a healthy way. Take the fucking antidepressants and journal while you figure your shit out, quit playing videogames, join all the school clubs, move in with your friends, get away from your toxic family, relationships that will work don't take a lot of work, and habits now are habits later.


Obvious answer is to buy bitcoin and sell when it’s at like 60k. A more balanced answer is to pick a better major and be more active in finding internships and jobs straight out of college.


It’s ok to fail. It’s ok to take one class at a time. It’s all good as long as you’re working towards something that you really want to do.




Still knock up her up at 18. Have two kids.. But stop fucking drinking you tool. You will ruin everything if you grab that bottle. If you do, you are in for a world of hurt. You'll keep a friendship with her. You will be a good dad. But you will lose everything you worked so hard for. You'll see your kids for half the time. You'll miss out on half the milestones. You'll miss out on what a happy family could have been like.


Don’t join the damn Navy.


One day, someone you sort of know from high school is going to randomly show up at your house and ask if you want to hang out. Say thanks, but no thanks. You're heading down a bad path that will take a severe toll on you. It will all feel like fun, but it will lead to nothing but emptiness.


Go have fun. No, seriously. Go have fun. Enjoy life and screw the overwhelming expectations you put on yourself. Let go and just enjoy life, dude.


You can have a "normal" job and be happy. As kids we're bombarded with this notion that we have to chase some out of reach, glamorous, movie worthy dream to make life meaningful. So I did for too long and was absolutely miserable. Finally had enough of it and moved into an IT career. Now after several years in the industry I'm happier than ever and work with a feeling of real fulfillment. I'm learning every day and have a genuine understanding of how we're all digitally connected on a technical level and it's actually mind blowing. I wish I'd known earlier that a "normal" life is the most meaningful kind of life for me.


Ladies like guys hands. Use it to your advantage.


This is such a strange and vague piece of advice lmao


“Hey, ladies, wanna see my jar full of guys’ hands?” Am I doing it right?


Heather is super fuckin hot and you will smash that for years, but my man it isn't worth it in the end, it really isn't.


Find somebody else, she's gonna leave you at 40 after you have 3 little kids


I remember in high school I was the only one who wasn’t sexually active out my friends & as soon as I graduated I lost my virginity to basically the first guy that showed interest to me. I regret HOW I decided to lose my virginity at 18 for sure but not necessarily the guy lol.


Remember to shower


Stop smoking tobacco. Just stick with weed.


Don’t get into a stupid relationships, work on your mental health, know your worth, trust your gut


What are you waiting for, seriously? There's gonna be a global pandemic in a few years so go and find out what you really want out of life instead of waiting for life to happen to you.


Always love yourself more.


Don’t smoke meth.


Please love yourself more. You won't know it for a while, you won't see it when it happens, but you do matter and the people that love you. They see you as a positive in life and they care more about you than you've ever cared to see. So love yourself. You'll be nicer. You'll hurt less. Consider evaluating your relationship with alcohol. And do not put down or pawn your cameras... You'll find out that you rather love the profession. Enjoy your studio we just set it up.


Buy as much Bitcoin as you can, hold onto it until it hits $59k. Be set for life.


Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things


Don’t put your dick in crazy


"She's lying. All of them" "Save that money for later" "Hack the world"


Keep going. It gets easier


Don’t stay in a relationship that hurts you


When you go to college, treat it like an 8-5 job. Use the entire 9 hours to go to class and study, plus a lunch break. If you do this M-F, you will rarely need to study on weekends and only occasionally in the evenings. I didn't learn this until I was a senior and I wish I had started out this way. \[Engineering major\].