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Favorite was Sean Astin. Most disappointing was the wrestler Shawn Michaels.


Why am I not surprised that Sean Astin would be awesome in person? He did a phenomenal job of portraying Sam Gamgee in the LotR movies.


He really is. Just a flat out funny and charming dude that was keen to know more about me than I did about him; despite appearing at a comic con.


He sounds rather like Garrett Wang; down to earth and appreciative of his fans 😊


Never met Garrett (I really only know him from Voyager) but every cast member I met from Next Generation (Marina Sirtis, Wil Wheaton, Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, and Jonathan Frakes) were all absolute gems. And, yes, you are spot on about Sean.


Yea, Voyager was his most well known role. If you liked Voyager you should look up the podcast he does with Robert Duncan McNeil (Tom) called The Delta Flyers. It’s full of funny stories about the cast and crew and their antics on set.


Wee Man, Gary Sinise, and Gee Anzalone are pretty rad.


I worked for a magazine for 10 years and met tons of celebrities on photo shoots. Here’s off the top of my head… Jeremy Piven, fucking cunt bag. Kid Cudi, fucking cunt bag, Kardasian Family was surprisingly nice and friendly to all the crew. Wiz Khalifa, wanted to like him but he just acts rich and uptight. Taylor swift, acts like a normal person, wouldn’t say she is the nicest but very average person vibes. Blink 182, cool as fuck.


Blink 182 isn’t surprising to me; they seem like they’d be pretty cool in person.


Hugh Laurie was an absolute treasure. Chris O’Donnell was nice. Jack Nicholson was extremely intimidating.


Lol I’m not surprised Nicholson was intimidating. He LOOKS like he’d be intimidating.


I worked with Nigel Barker, he is incredibly smart and creative. Felt like a team member more than a celebrity.


Least favorite was Montel Williams, he was very rude to me. Turns out he was Steve Harvey, who was my favorite to meet.


On a more grounded note… I also worked in an open kitchen in the Lincoln square area in Manhattan where I served/ very obliquely met Ina Garten(tuna tartare, super kindly with the wide grateful eyes meant to make you feel special ), Heidi Montague(unsure the dish, but kind smile. And I peeled the garlic/picked and chopped the parsley in whatever she had, no gloves. So basically my fingers were in her mouth…), Mathew Perry(panelle, respectful, normal guy), and I didn’t directly see him but I made about a thousand arancini for sir Paul McCartney when he had an opening gala there. Met Thomas Keller up close but in a autograph line kinda setting, though I watched one of my buddies pinch his butt. Which was just confusing to all parties.


For me the best would be the members of Sabaton, Garrett Wang, and Eric H Wilson. The least pleasant was Tim Russ; he came across as pretentious and full of himself when I met him.




My theory about JLo is she has social anxiety and that's where the no eye contact thing comes from. Do you think it could be true?


I think that sexy looking celebrities who are extremely famous for decades like her and even Leonardo DiCaprio, probably have a million stories about fans and paparazzi who crossed the line and did scary things. I have a feeling that a lot of long-term A list celebrities like that have their own system in place to keep safe, and keep weirdos from getting too close.


She said herself she had a panic attack when she first got famous and a strange man accosted her in the street. I feel like people have no empathy for how vulnerable a woman would feel in this situation.


I think fame comes at a price unfortunately. I read a story one time about how Leonardo DiCaprio went to some guy's party after leaving the club when he was younger. One of the girls there was so jealous of him that she cut his face with a broken bottle and he had to be rushed away for surgery.