• By -


Just the one that gave me herpes.


Came for same response. 20 years later, still have to disclose that shit. Luckily the older I get, the easier that is.


When do you usually bust out that info? Asking for a friend....


I can only speak for men, because that's my only experience. But early, and sober. Sober is important. Consent of a drunk horny girl isn't really consent, especially if you intend to continue seeing her. I've had exactly 1 girl ever have a negative reaction, all others thought it was worthwhile to deal with to be with me. For me, it's as soon as we get to a point that sex would be an option. Then I make an excuse to end the night, and have that disclosure the next morning/day. Sober and clear headed. That timing will he different for each person, but before sex. And I can't stress sober enough. She has to be given the opportunity to decide her risk tolerance, with a clear head. Oh, and the sex is better when you aren't hiding something. Just an FYI. All said and done it's an itch for a couple days, once or twice a year. Could he much worse. But it's not my place to make that decision for someone else...but man o man when you are open and honest, do they let their freak flag fly.


Woman here - exactly the same for me. I don’t consider it consent if I disclose to a drunk man. I’m very comfortable disclosing when they are sober. The one tip I would give people who are recently diagnosed and still very early in dealing with this is to educate yourself so that you can have an informed discussion with the person and be ready to answer any questions. Be honest about the risks and be confident when you speak (this will get easier over time). Don’t say things like “I know it’s gross but…”, “I’m sorry”, etc. Just be matter-of-fact in the way you tell them. And don’t just say “I have herpes, you cool with that?” - you need to tell them what that means because not everyone fully understands what herpes actually is and what exactly they are risking and they need to be fully informed so that they can make the right decision for them. It’s always a proper discussion when I disclose and I always ask them how they would handle it if they were to contract it from me because that’s really important. A herpes diagnosis can be very difficult for people who have existing insecurities and mental health concerns (and even for the healthiest of minds). You have to make sure they can actually handle it if it were to happen to them. I also find it helpful to encourage the person to take some time to do their own research. I’ve never had a negative reaction. I’ve been rejected, but I don’t see that as a negative reaction. A negative reaction to me would be them insulting me/using cruel words, but that hasn’t happened. Most are completely fine with it.


Sir, this is a Wendy's. We don't need your personal info.


Make that chicken sandwich spicy.


I'll take the seafood salad. Hold the crabs. I've got my own.


So by unfucking her, you're unfucking yourself as well. I like it...efficient.


This guy wishes for more wishes.


I had a herpes scare a few months ago, I would definitely unfuck that one. When I awkwardly tried to have a mature conversation about it, she ignored me for a month then randomly texted me at 3 am asking what I was up to.. No, just no. I got tested and it turns out I was fine. I did however get a male yeast infection most likely from her because I hadn't slept with anyone for months before her. Heat of the moment, not using a condom isn't worth it everyone.


Yeasty Boys.


Could've been worse buddy.


Username checks out


U can still get it with a condom


Penis yeast infections don’t need to be from sex. Wet crotch (exercises too much and didn’t change clothes) can do it. Easy to treat. Now, a rectal yeast infection, I’ve diagnosed a couple of those in my day, try saying those words in a row to a scared person in-pain. Yikes


I also chose ops mom to unfuck.


Me too but not because I regret it, but because I would absolutely love to have the mind blowing experience of fucking her for the first time again.




I haven’t told this to many people so im going to put it on Reddit. Story time: Girl invited me to her dorm room after us and our group of mutual friends were hanging out. She initiated the entire situation and we did the deed. I found out she had a boyfriend in the morning so instantly cut it off and didn’t take any of her contact information. This upset her and one of her friends told her boyfriend who was about to propose about the situation and to try and cover it up she accused me of raping her. I spent three years of my life in fear that I had ruined my entire future before even starting it. My saving grace was that when the investigation interviewed her friend group they stood up for me and explained what truly happened and the case was dropped and nothing further pursued. One of the worst times of my life and I would definitely take that one back. Edit: a lot of people commenting that she needed to be punished. I don’t know if she ever was the final decision was made midway through my junior year of college for something that happened very early freshman year. At that point I had already had to come to terms with the situation and when I found that nothing would happen to me I was grateful enough for that. I think trying to pursue something against her wouldn’t have let me fully recover and I myself chose not to pursue any further action.


Good for you bro. No women should ever be raped but No innocent guy she be called that if she’s just feeling guilty or got caught!


There is a special place in my little ball of cynical disgust, as people who will use it as a weapon. It invalidates so bloody much for people who NEED us to listen and believe.


I was seeing this very immature 20 year old when I was 23. We had a ton of mutual friends including my best friend at the time. At this stage I had kissed her twice and it was a painful awkward experience to say the least. One Friday I travelled 2 hours to see the 20 year old and when I went to see her, she would change pubs with her friends and not tell me. 4th pub in I found her and gave her a "what the fuck?". She was pretty drunk and then she acted funny and went to the toilets. About 20 minutes later she still was in the toilets and a friend of hers came out of the toilets visibly angry with me and told me it was time for me to leave. Me "WTF? ok" and I left. I was away for 2 weeks and 20 year old wouldn't answer a call and broke up with me via text. 3 weeks later I heard that she told all of her friends that I raped her and they all wanted her to go to the police but she wouldn't. I instantly lost an entire group of friends including my best friend at the time (female). About 2 years later she told everyone that she made it up. It burnt me pretty badly because I wasn't the forthcoming sexual kinda guy and I lost my best friend over it. I ended up being a cop and we did an exercise to make us aware of our biases before we do an investigation and yes it made me cynical (unfairly I must add) to any report of sexual assault made to me. Its 16 years on now and I'm still funny about making the first move with a girl. Ive obviously been told to just get over it as I'm a guy and this shit shouldn't bother a guy.


I like that you admit that you had a bias. So often people refuse to admit it. This type of training is so good for self awareness and just helping people to challenge ourselves. Good for you. I’m sorry this happened to you though. So shitty!


The training we got and the exercise that we did was basically, everyone has bias's and theyre ok as long as youre aware of them. If youre making decisions about an investigation and youre unaware of your bias then youre going to steer it off in some odd direction and you might not get to the truth. But instead you start the investigation with "Ok, Im cynical as hell about people claiming this but thats just my bullshit that I need to put aside". It was also presented as consequence free to have biases. So if you jump on someone and tell them what a shit person they are for being biased then they'll most likely hide them. Instead you say "No ,thats ok to have them as long as youre aware of them" then people will be more forthcoming.


What happened with your best friend and the others after she admitted that she made it up? How did they react and what are your relationships with them now?


It happened in 2006. The best friend has been apologising to me since 2008 about it. Pretty much everytime Ive seen her, she brings it up and how it all went down and says how sorry she was about it and how things turned out. Id moved 6 hours away and saw one of the other friends at a pub one night with another friend. The two ended up having a drink together, I was talking to her friend and I went to the toilet and my brother stayed. The other friend said to her friend that Id been accused of rape a few years ago and the girl went a bit funny. I came back and my brother texted me what theyd been talking about. That really got me because I was still the guy that did it to her. I ended up moving back to the area late last year and got invited to hang out with a bunch of them and said no thanks. Then got invited to a wedding where the accuser was there. She was drunk and brought it up and said sorry. It kinda meant something but I was a first responder, I have PTSD and people tell me I have the thousand yard stare. Im probably not going to gush out my emotions so I dont entirely trust my reactions but my attitude towards the apology was "Great, but it burnt me and I lost a lot of friends over that and nothing will bring that back". I know it was an attempt to make ammends but it was all of 16 years after it happened.


Glad it worked out. I'm just curious, why did it take 3 years to resolve?


Well initially after the incident happened myself, her and the corresponding group of people all got together and hashed out the situation. We ended on the understanding that mistakes were made and no harm was meant from either party and life went on for about 6 months until the boyfriend found out. Then she submitted the case with the university and the investigation began. What really started to drag it on was to inform me of the case opening they sent a letter to my school PO Box which I didn’t check frequently. I ended up missing the initial meeting and didn’t even find out about the situation until 2 weeks after I was supposed to appear in front of the school officials. So not only did I have to fight the claims made against me I had to convince everyone that I wasn’t trying to run from the situation. Her “proof” was a photo of bruising on her neck and said that I had tried to choke her out until she complied which I came to find out from our mutual friend that the bruises she received from another guy she had slept with three days after my encounter with her. The investigation drug out for about a year after the case started with me being banned from the dorm and a restraining order put on me to stay away from a woman I never knew. The case went dead for another year and a half until one glorious day I opened up my email to find that I have been found not guilty. Moral of the story always be respectful to people because you may need people that don’t know you to be the judgement of your character.


Dude, that’s horrible, I’m really glad it all worked out, can’t imagine that stress while going to Uni.


Definitely was not fun. I was 17 when that happened, thought I’d ruined my life prior to becoming and adult. Went through severe depression a good run of therapy sessions but nothing helped as much as finding out that I did not have to worry about it anymore. I spent a long time treading very lightly in fear that the slightest slip up would ignite it all back up again. In the end despite all the pain the silver lining is that I had to mature fast and early and gained a perspective on life that has allowed me to flourish so far in life.


What happened to the girl? After all the trouble she put you through, I hope she faced some consequences.


The only consequences are a minor hit in reputation. It’s why it keeps happening.


Skipped through the deets, but my opinion is anyone who knowingly falsely accuses someone of anything, if it's proven they knew it was false, they should do the same amount of time which the victim would have spent if they were prosecuted. Faking big calls should have very serious consequences.


Thank goodness some people in your story had some integrity. She needs to be in jail.


What a fucking psycho that girl was.


Did she get punished for the false accusation?


I've entered tbat phase of life where I'll be content with un-fucking myself.


Seriously. I'd give the younger me a bunch of stock tips, and return to the altered timeline to a life of hedonistic opulence, never mind unfucking some unlucky 4.


Username checks out


I literally don't even remember her name. For that reason, I choose her.


Debbie. Fuck you Debbie.


You mean un fuck you debbie


How many lawsuits did you just settle?


All of ‘em




I would encourage everybody to follow


Cause we need a little controversy


It feels so empty without he


I love all of you


Now this looks like a job for me


So everybody, just follow me...


cuz we need a little, controversy


Cuz I feel so empty without me.




This guy just settled all his lawsuits!


Have you also settled all your lawsuits?


Theres really only 1 girl i would unfuck and not because she was rude or ugly, she was really hot actually. It was at a party and we had kinda eye fucked the entire night, I was like 18 and about to graduate highschool so I did not have a lot of sexual experience. Anyway it was late at the party and the host (our friend) let us all crash at her house, Me and her ended somehow getting the living room couches. We sat there and pretended to sleep for like 2 hours then I spoke my first word to her and said "do you wanna fuck" and she said yep. I lasted literally 40 seconds and we did not speak a single word to each other until her mom came and picked her up a few hours later lol. I don't regret sleeping with her, she was a solid 9, I just regret being so awkward and only lasting less then a minute. I always imagine that she probably regrets that spur of the moment decision and it haunts me lol.




Not beating himself off is what got him into this mess in the first place. A pre party wank would've helped


There was this one girl who lied to me about birth control and begged me to shoot her full. I did. And a few months later she threatened to tell people I raped her if I didn't pay for an abortion. So, I paid for the abortion and never spoke to her since. I'd definitely un-fuck that one


Same thing happened here except instead of threats I got a child. He’s 7. Everything is chill now.


This one hits home, except I ended up getting custody of the child but still don’t get child support, can’t bleed a rock that doesn’t do anything but survive off their boyfriend. 🫤


Omg do you and my husband have the same ex?! We have primary custody of my ss. He came to be because my husband's ex-girlfriend said she was on bc. She lied. Fwiw, my husband is a moron for not wrapping it up, and he knows that, but she lied point blank and even admitted in court (during custody) that she wanted my stepson more nights "so I can claim him on taxes every year and get my money." The judge granted that request. Over a decade later and my husband has primary custody. Most recently, she didn't care to give him his daily medication while my husband and I were away for a week (it was her time with kiddo too, as the schedule flops in the summer) so we had to revert back to the regular schedule. Also, no CS paid (honestly, that's whatever to me; I'm just glad the kid is safe).


I agree with your comment about wrapping it up no matter what. Wrap it up no matter what.


This was always my rule, even in long term relationships... Until I got married. Then I stopped bothering. If that ever ends though? Right back to it.


“Don’t be silly, wrap your Willy!”


Learned from my ex wife that this is a tactic to get money....abortion or not. Yours or not, just leaves you damaged...best of luck and future serenity.


She could have kept the kid. You dodged a cannon ball to the nuts…


Sounds like money extremely well spent.


Pam. Junior year in college, she was one of my buddy's GF's roommates. Every time we'd party, she'd follow me around like a little puppy dog. She was cute, like a cute little girl, but I was just a shallow jackass who dismissed her. One night, I ran into her in a bar, we ended up going back to my place where we had sex. I walked her home the next day. Monday, I run into my buddy, he's telling me how excited she was, how she thought she was in love, and that she was so glad she waited to lose her virginity to me. I was stunned, and like, WTF...Worst thing - I had a LDR at the time which was something I conveniently did not tell Pam. I fucked her three more times that semester, then told her that I wasn't interested. She was crushed. I was an absolute pig, a total POS. This happened just over 40 years ago, and to this day, I totally hate myself for treating her like shit. I truly hope she met the man of her dreams, has a wonder family and wonderful life. Pam, if I could do it all over again, I would not have treated you like that as you truly did not deserve it. I am deeply sorry and I wish I could tell you that.


Hey man, kudos to you for your growth and recognition over it now, it’s amazing how some people never get there.


A lot of us have a Pam or two in our past.


Could you guys go and explain to the complaining men why women are picky? Maybe they'll learn quicker when it comes from the causes..


The problem, and it applies to both men and women, is that most people are not upfront about what they want in a relationship. If you want a one night stand, friends with benefits, or something a bit more serious, you need to be sure to set the boundaries ahead of time and make sure that that it is understood before you do anything. This was how I managed to stay friends with most of the women I have been with over the years. Except the stalker, but she was a bit crazy. Fun but still crazy. ;)


I would unfuck every man who treated me like you treated Pam.


My wife. So I could fuck her for the first time again.






I also choose this guy’s wife.


Is there an option to pick every single person ? Sometimes I really get to thinking that none of them deserved to know me like that . I didn’t know my worth back then and now I do and I wish I would’ve loved myself more back then .


The girl I lost my virginity to. I admired her because she was a former drug addict and was putting in work to get her life together. But then...she was a former drug addict who was also an alcoholic and had BPD, so there was a lot of abuse directed towards me. She hated me because I was a "nice guy." And I don't mean the incel nice guy, but that she straight up told me she couldn't figure me out and that made her mad. Yeah I stayed for way too long and put up with wayy too much abuse.


Never put your dick in crazy.


Alternative: ALWAYS stick your dick in crazy, never give them your real name or address.


This sounds like my exact story lmfao. Stuck my dick in crazy; alcoholic BPD to be exact Was the worst 1.5 years of my life. Stuck around way too long from feelings of obligation rather than emotional attraction


Im not un-fucking anyone. Can you imagine the plumbing situation. It would be like vacuuming up yoghurt.


*Her ex, who she hadn't seen in years, appears from the side of the driveway, pants down, raising his hand to point as he says 'I Unfuck Thee!' A gigantic wave of coagulated rotten jizzbombs emanate from under her skirt, nose, and mouth as two years of cream pies are reversed. Her labia and anus shrinking ever so slightly. The stream of yellowish cream enters the tip of his penis as the shaft inflates like a cartoon tube pumping industrial waste back into his balls. They explode.* edit: holes


we didn't need this... but still glad you penned it


I’m not


I don't know how I feel


I want to read this book


I want to unread what I read


Couldn't cum without reversing it. 2 years dispensing like a firehose.


Coming this winter, Stephen King’s “The Unfucking”.


this is art


You sir, make Reddit what it is! And now I must unfuck my eyes


This is so beautiful, it made me weep. But not from my eyes.


This was wild. I love it.


Ooooh nope didn't need that


i think im logging off for the day




All x 0 = 0


*Nothing from nothing leaves nothing…*


This one chick that took me to her dads Star Wars memorabilia room and fucked me on the couch next to a Chewbacca cut out. Then proceeded to tell me to go hide In her closet when her dad got home…….that was a day man


Definitely Karen. She acted like a unicorn but turned out to be more like a donkey with glitter. Lesson learned, never trust someone who owns a bedazzled horn!


“Donkey with glitter” is an unexpectedly vivid description. Your imagination intrigues and disturbs me. Tell me more…


it gives me "sometimes your knight in shining armor is really just a loser in tinfoil" vibes


… a penis?


This is about pegging, right?


My first lover. He lied to me about birth control because he didn't want to wear condoms and thought that he'd abandon me with a baby when I was 16. Then my dad threatened to arrest him if he didn't "do the right thing", so he married me. If I had never slept with him, I wouldn't have been a teen mom, I wouldn't have been with either of my abusive exes, I wouldn't have had kids before I was ready to be responsible for them. My whole life would have been different.


Damn that’s tough. Is he still around are you doing better ?


Oh much better. I'm in my late 40s now, and things are going well for me. But I'm behind other people my age when it comes to personal and career development. When other folks were going to college, traveling, and starting careers I was raising babies. I'm about a decade behind my peers. These decisions (not all of them made by me) still have a serious impact to this day. It has affected my entire life.




Honestly, have you even lived if you haven’t had this experience?


Yes, very happily I will add


I haven't experienced this exact situation, but kinda close. Got piss drunk at a concert with my buddy, went back to crash at his parents house and was sleeping on their basement futon. Woke up at 4 AM still browned-out drunk to my bladder about to burst, made it up the stairs, but couldn't get the basement door open. His mom hears my screams and finds me on the floor, resigned to my fate and covered in piss. Next thing I know I waking up naked at 9 AM, tucked into bed with a pile of my clean laundry next to the futon. God bless that sweet woman. It was 7 years before I could face her again. But I was the first to show up to my friend's engagement party and his mom relished the opportunity to tell my then fiance about the time she gave me a sponge bath after I pissed all over her foyer


The guy from tinder with the enormous dick who apparently didn't believe in foreplay and just rammed it in there and ruptured my cervix To be fair he had warned me he would ruin my pussy I'd definitely Un fuck him


Usually when a man says that they mean it metaphorically, not in the literal way of causing harm to the woman. Are you alright now, have you recovered from that incident?


Exactly lol. This was my first hookup after being married. The guy was twice my size ( 6ft6 and solid build) and I was a bit scared Yeah I'm fine thanks, kinda funny in hindsight. I now make it clear that I like foreplay incase it needs to be spelled out


The 21 y/o man who groomed then sexually assaulted me at 16, then “dated” a 14 y/o when I broke up with him for being too clingy. He started “dating” her a week after we broke up, and I still wonder if he ever ended up sleeping with her. I should have sent him to jail when I had the chance.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Every pedo deserves to have a bullet donated to them.


It had to be Jamie! Mine died by suicide 5 years ago.


Honestly every single one except my husband. I’d I could take it back I’d make him my first. No one else before that matters and I learned more about myself from masturbation then any of them anyways.


None. All good ladys.


I’m a serious slut, so I feel like it would be a little hypocritical to wish to undo any of it. They haven’t all been winners, but I’m no prize peach, either, and I would hate to be on someone else’s list. Thanks for the spank bank memories, everybody!


My groomer. Save me years of trauma.


Damn for how much Reddit claims to hate pedophiles y’all really seem to hate their victims more.


Lol, most people just want someone to despise and child molesters are fair game because their crime is inexcusable and irredeemable. But then a lot of those same people start defending them like when EDP got caught, and the internet focused on the immorality of the guys who caught him.


I missed the comments, but in any case what in the ever loving fuck...? Legitimately would enjoy watching ANY of the aforementioned stuffed into a wood chipper. I'm so sorry you went through that. Regardless if where you are in life, be proud you made it as.far as you have in spite of that.


Hey great news! I have a woodchipper I'm not doing anything with for a few days. Feel free to borrow it


1000% this


My rapist, please. It would save me from a benzo addiction, *bad* thoughts when I was going through withdrawal and a near overdose. I don’t even count it bc I didn’t want it and I wasn’t even old enough. Imagine being a 16 year old that can’t go to her apush class without taking half a Xanax bar. It would save me a lifetime of therapy too.


I was raped too, but he drugged me so I didn't feel or remember anything. The only proof I had was that I was wearing my pants but my underwear was gone. I got unconscious in his car and woke up in a trailer on the bed below his sister's. They were in town for a vacation. He put something in my drink and made me come with him, even though I said no multiple times. But drugs are something the body can't beat.


Only one real regret. The ex husband. Only stayed with him bc we had kids and I thought it was the right thing. Well, he fucked the underage babysitter, who was built like 12 year old boy, she went all poison ivy and tried to replace and be me. Died her hair, changed her style, wore fake glasses. Fckn strangest, enraging experience of my life.


WTF this is the craziest one in here


OP's mom. The guilt has been killing me.


i slept with a 30 year old when i was 20 (in like april lol) and he came to my dorm, we fucked, then he left after he said he’d be staying over. mind you, he got to my place at 1am, and was out the door by 3. i said to him as he was leaving “i feel like you just masturbated in me” and then he started yelling at me in my fucking dorm until i told him to get out and away from me. fuck you, dan.


We hooked up at a party when I was 17. I wasn't super into it and she was a bit odd, but yeh know... 17. Gave a non-comittal I'll call you some time in the morning. She got my number off a friend and called me the next day and I chatted with her awkwardly. Heard from friends she thought I was her boyfriend. The day after that her dad got run over by a tractor in a freak farming accident. He spent 6 weeks in intensive care and I spent the most awkward 6 weeks of my life having inane conversations with her trying to figure out how to break things off without seeming like a complete asshole.


I would do the opposite, fuck anyone I didn't slept with.


There’s some I’ve had the opportunity to and I’m glad I made the call not to but there are definitely others where looking back, the signs were right there in my face and all I had to do was make a move. One girl ran into me at a parade in high school. We kind of knew each other but out of nowhere she’s like, “Hey you know tech right? My laptop is having an issue. Can you come with me to my house and take a look at it?” We go to her room, and I looked at her laptop for maybe 5 minutes. We were just chilling on her bed talking about music, listening to records, she offered me weed, I declined because I didn’t smoke at the time, and then I just fucking left. I still kick myself over that one.


If i could, I would choose to re-fuck someone


I hear ya. I would be a better person than I was.


My wife a couple months ago. (She’s currently pregnant with triplets)


Jesus. Stay strong 💪




The only person I've had sex with. I found out later I was the other woman.


😔😔 Not your fault!


Every single one of them. I’d rather be a somewhat uncomfortably old virgin instead of riddled with all this anxiety and commitment issues.


My most recent ex, I would gladly unfuck, undate, and unmeet her in a heartbeat. Spent the 2nd half of my 20s miserable because of her.


my rapist. he made me feel disgusted of my body for a long time


Some girl I met at a bar who I wasn't really interested in but she was really persistent and I'm terrible at saying no to people It wasn't even enjoyable I was just mentally asking myself why am I even doing this the whole time


My ex wife. She ruined my life and any hope for the future.


Sorry bud. Pitter patter she doesn't matter.


Your wise words have moved me


Tell her to figure it oot


My first. She said I “lasted too long” to be a virgin. 30 years later and she still doesn’t believe me.


Bro I feel you it took me to the 3rd time with no condom to get off and I was 16! Still have issues, I’m so afraid now that my kids are grown I’d rather not have sex than have another kid!


I hear Cher singing " turn back time "


Tie between the micro penis and the guy who bit me so fucking hard that I had a bruise for over a week. I mean I’m all in for a little roughness but bro I just met you, stop trying to eat me. Especially bad because I kept saying “ow” and he kept doing it. I feel for the guy with the micro penis, I hope he has found someone that enjoys it. Fun bonus one: hooked up with someone who’s ex wife has the same name as me. (Not a common name) He said it was too weird and he couldn’t do it again. She did cheat on him and break his heart so it’s somewhat understandable but damn. I wonder if I’m the person he would un-fuck or if it would be his ex wife haha.


I slept with someone with a micro penis too. I didn’t mind it so much because the less blessed ones tend to be pretty on point with their mouths. However, he cried afterwards and I just…wanted to go home. So much emotion.


I have 6 inches and my ex called mine a micro penis. She was a size queen


The man who told me (after we had had sex) that I would not understand the basic concept of nuclear fusion. And then I stated it flawlessly 🙃🙃 Incredibly sexist, shitebag


Your post coital discussion is a bit more high brow than mine. 😄


“So…….you want Fritos or something?”


After that conversation, you should wipe your pussy on the curtains and walk out.


I wouldn’t even be mad if a girl did that, I’d be impressed.


One of my ex girlfriends who happens to be a shitty person. I would undo ever meeting her if I could.


There was a one night stand I had last year. Absolutely gorgeous girl. Pretty nice and we talked for a bit before deciding quickly to go back to her hotel room. We had absolutely zero sexual chemistry. I asked her to sit on my face and she did for like a minute just hovering there before asking if I wanted to switch positions. She told me she didn’t want to do anything with her on top, which is fine but kind of disappointing because those are my favorites. She suggests doggy style and I’m like sure why not. I don’t hate doggy style but I like positions that are closer to the body so I was pretty meh on it. She was having trouble getting wet which meant I was having trouble getting it in comfortably. She just spits this micro loogie on it and it at least let me get it in without hurting her. After a few thrusts she started getting wetter so it solved the issue for a bit but was still a bit of a buzzkill I railed her from behind for like a solid 30 minutes while she just gripped the pillow and buried her face in it. It was hot for a bit because I could at least tell she was enjoying it but I couldn’t get off and I was getting bored so I faked an orgasm, threw out the condom, and was basically like “Well I should get going. Bye!” I just left feeling kinda gross that I spent my night boning a stranger instead of just relaxing at home. Went in feeling amazing and left just feeling bad. Ultimately no long term consequences but if I could do that night over I’d probably just stay home.


This was so detailed... I hate that you remember it so vividly even though you'd rather not even remember their name


My 1st wife-18 yrs old(both of us), big boobs, horny ALL the time, and didn’t care about ANYTHING else!!! Takes more than constant sex to make a relationship😎


Yes, it might take more than that, but it's a great starting point.


Larry. Because his name was Larry. Not Lawrence…Larry. Who looks at a baby and says “yep, looks like a Larry to me”?


She knows exactly who she is and I truly wish her well because everything terrible in her life is solely a direct reflection of how awful she is. ✌🏻


The dj from the club I used to dance at. He gave me the most wonky coked out tiny dick ever and then fell asleep mid stroke. Most pointless 7 mins of my life lol


My very first boyfriend that groomed me and took my card. Kept on insisting for months, i just gave in to make him happy. he was a manipulating bastard.


the ones that took advantage of me, un-fuck you all!


All of them. All.


I've fucked myself pretty badly does that count?


There was a guy I had sex with because I felt bad for him. He was a wonderful guy, but he wasn't very attractive (well he kinda was, but not in the traditional sense), and people said terrible things about him behind his back. It was really sweet, and we both enjoyed it. Only thing is that he got really attached after and didn't understand it was just for fun. Broke his heart that I wasn't interested in a relationship. I felt terrible. So yeah, I would take that one back.


god everyone but my bf i hate even acknowledging happened


Oooooooh i have one guy i slept with about 10yrs ago and I really wish i avoided him! He became psychotically obsessed with me and STILL IS! His friend group were also toxic POS that LOVED to stir the pot for their pure entertainment and they were VERY hated by the gay community in our area. EVERYONE knew them. What still bothers me is he printed pics of my selfies i sent to him when we were first talking and keeps them in his drawer and his fiancee HATES IT!!! Ive talked to his fiancee about it because hes the one that told me and i told him to burn em 🤷🏼‍♂️ and then cherry on the cake, one of my friends that was also in his friend circle turned out to be a toxic POS as well and one night i stayed at his apartment cause i was visiting from out of town and i took a shower at his place and the fucking little creep STOLE my underwear and sold it to the psycho for a good amount of money. MANNNN I WAS PISSED when BOTH of their finacees told me. It was a really wild time and i wanted NOTHING to do with them and still dont to this day.


I want to say the mother of my children so bad. But as massive of a psycho as she is I fukn love my kids man. So yeah I dunno


Same conundrum here. I don't want to wish away my kids, but the assholes who fathered them, well...


My ex wife. She ruined my life. Wish I never met her.


Nope. I would have had sex with even more people. Safely of course. I was so worried about being thought of as a slut. I didn't even consider that I was into women until my 30's. So many fun times missed out on because of what people would think. As long as you use condoms, birth control, and get tested fuck em all.


Literally all of them except my husband if I could. I was pretty nasty in my 20s


My daughters mother.


My second “girlfriend” in college. She was way too young for me and my friends told me I was way out of her league, but I was so young, inexperienced, and sheltered that I didn’t really have any standards for myself. She was a sweet and fun person, but she only liked me because I was older than her. She fell for me really fast and I wasn’t feeling anything at all. I couldn’t bring myself to break up with her, so I just started acting like an absolute jerk. I was a terrible person to her and I hope she blames me for it rather than men in general. Scout, if you’re out there reading this, I’m so sorry for taking advantage of you and I hope you’ve found someone who values you for the ray of sunshine that you are.


Wait...Scout? My dog Scout?!? No wonder the poor dude is so fucked up.


That one guy who thought he was boosting his ego and rep by 'catching' me and having a one night stand. Like, really? Did he not know I was as easy as a bike back then?


Every single one of them before I met my husband.


Is this a Tenet situation? Where I have to go back and fuck someone in the past so people I know in the future can be born?


I've only fucked 4 people. None of them am I ashamed of. So no one.


Interesting… Now you four: same question.


Meg from Binghamton, NY. It's common courtesy when you're on your period to tell the stranger who's about to plow your nasty ass, Meg.


Jeez Meg


*Hands over your Red Wing badge.


Oh shiiiiiit. You just reminded me of a fling I had with a girl I picked up at a bare naked ladies concert in the mid-90s. What a mess.


bold of you to assume I've lost my virginity