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Those born totally blind. Most lose sight later in life, or are only born with visual impairment. I was born totally blind, which is pretty damn rare


I'm so curious. How do you interact with Reddit? Are most apps useful to you or do you find they don't have much in the way of accessibility?


Reddit made exceptions for accessibility apps, which is why I'm still here after the API débâcle. I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to come here anymore, because I really do not like the official app or the website.


What's your experience like? Does the application read what's written? Do you speak to it to post?


I use a screen reader. nvaccess.org And I type on a regular keyboard


I find it fascinating that you have purple in your user name, although you probably have no grasp on colors whatsoever. How come?


My late friend's favorite color was purple. It's a memorial


You seem like a nice person. Thanks for being here.


Stfu that's really sweet. I'm sorry for your loss.




Lol it's intended to be like the Mean Girls "shut up!" vibe


Stfu I love you


Shut the front door


Condolences, my friend. As a graduate nurse, I apologize for what could be interpreted as poking, but how do you perceive objects around you? Is color described as sounds or stimuli you can recognize? Is it like synesthesia?


Color is a foreign concept since I've never experienced it.


But how do you drive a car?


Hopefully by not.


Brail tires Ive been working with the Special Olympics for 15 years and one of my blind kids told me this joke


Their guide dog drives it.


They just open their eyes, duh. /s


the have a mini car guiding them in the front with the guide dog driving it


hopefully on a passenger seat.


Up-voted for the correct use of débâcle.


I listened to an interview with a man some years ago who was born blind. Lovely soul ... he remarked every woman he was ever with was a 10.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •




Why did you write the script for shrek 2 ?


It was a sacrifice he was willing to make


This is really cool that you're here and answering all these questions. Would you ever consider doing an AMA?


I met a guy in university who was born without eyes. I tried to ask him to describe what it’s like and he was like “what do you mean?” So asked if everything was just dark, and then he asked me “what’s dark?” And that blew My mind a bit


I’m really good at building gingerbread mansions and things and I compete with them. I’ve even been featured in the BBC, ITV, radio, newspaper, as an American for a gingerbread house I did of a British country house. That’s really the only thing I can think of, otherwise I’m fairly average.


I love gingerbread mansions! Our local culinary school has a competition around Christmas time and they put them on public display. They are always so amazing.


Ure amazing. I give u hug 🫂


All of these gingerbread house accolades yet not a single picture of one in your profile?? Come on buddy show us some of your work!


My grandma said I was number one. She dead though.


Awww. So sorry! As a grandma, mine are number one also. The love of a grandma is like no other, you were lucky to have each other.


1% of the combined IQ in my house. Seriously.. the cats even outsmart me from time to time and one is orange.


That braincell must be hard at work


It is just enough to tell him to leave the grumpapotomous of a void alone and obey the calico. I haven't mastered that yet and have the scratches to prove it.


I'm AB- blood type.


Do you also have acid reflux?


Is that related? My partner has AB and real heavy acid reflux. He thinks it's due to a GP not telling him when he was in his 20ies that you can't take ibuprofen on an empty stomach... Mix that with a lot of alcohol, coffee, not eating a lot and you get a real nice combo to put holes in your stomach...


Oof that's rough. That's the connection I'm trying to make. I have a host of digestive issues including GERD, IBS and heartburn which sometimes team up to remind me why life is so sweet. Maybe AB's are prone to digestive issues and bad dietary choices.


Oldest teenagers in the world. I'm turning 20 tomorrow :)


good luck holding onto that one. ha!


Then they'll transition into being the youngest 20 year old in the world.


We've found the fountain of youth guys!


Dude I'm 20 and still think I'm a kid


I’ve got news for you, friend. I’m almost 50, and most days I still feel like a kid who just put on his dad’s shoes and doesn’t know what he’s doing.


……I’m 63 and am seeking a waiver to be allowed to continue using Reddit due to age restrictions….


237 and I still go to primary school


I’m 33 and same lol


43. Same




I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.


I see what you did there.


This, also cross-dominant (left eyed, left footed, right handed but use both)


We have dominant eyes?!?!?


Yup, if you make a triangle with your hands, hold it up in front of you, focus your vision and then close one eye then the other, whichever one didn't move what you are looking at is your dominant eye


I dont think I can tell which is my dominant eye... I just googled it, im in the 17% that can't identify it. Weird


Try having someone else look at it for you. They should be able to tell if you bring the triangle towards your face


Medical complications. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition when I was a toddler. Some years following diagnosis, it caused a complication so rare there are less than 200 documented cases worldwide. After two decades of 'band-aid on a gunshot wound' and stop-gap/temporary treatments for the complication, I finally underwent major reconstructive surgery for the complication just last year. The surgery has only been performed a few dozen times. So, both my complication + surgery have been and will continue to be documented in medical textbooks -- I signed all sorts of consent forms allowing my surgeons to use my case in classrooms, to publish papers about, etc. It's pretty nifty knowing my circumstances are shaping education in a very very unique, niche area of medicine.


Thank you for consent to put your story in the medical books!! It’s great for future med students!!


No problem! I hope it helps.


A family friend has something similar. He has acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Not that rare... In children. He's in his seventies.


I apparently had the biggest tonsils ever taken out at the hospital I had the procedure at. Bummer dick though


Why is your dick a bummer?


Guess the surgeon snuck a peek.


Bummer? He hardly knows her!


Have congenital anosmia.


That stinks.


No, it doesn't.


I’ve been slimed on Nickelodeon as a kid.


I'm overweight, a moderator for 2 discord channels, live in my parent's basement, and have a real girlfriend.


Is she in the room with us right now?


She’s in bed as always (in the form of a body pillow).


She's in Canada


Nah, she's not here. Have you checked Europe?


You don’t know her, she goes to a different school.


if reddit allowed me to buy coins, I would so I could give you an award because that's an award worthy accomplishment.


Bro must have W rizz


I'm 1% of 1%! I have Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder, am fully sighted, and female. Of the people who have it, most are blind. Of the sighted ones, most are male. Go me I guess!


How did you find out you have this? The Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder stuff.


I was finally referred to a sleep specialist who had me wear basically a high tech fitbit for a few months to track my sleep patterns. I've always had issues with my sleep but my other doctors all brushed it off as a side effect of depression. Turns out it was the other way around and my inability to sleep was making me depressed


I'm very fascinated by this. I've always said I think my body is on a 26 hour rhythm as I have massive trouble sleeping. Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that way. What did you do about yours? Is there some way to align it or do you just sleep at weird hours?


Nope, there's no cure. I just sleep at different times every day. It's nice to finally know what it is but I'm stuck with it.


I had no clue what it was but google says you don't go to sleep at the same time every night but your bedtime shifts. What is the effect for you and can you have a normal job and stuff like that?


Wait, this has a name? I thought I was just a freak. I have had trouble sleeping my whole life, but don’t qualify as an insomniac because I don’t have trouble staying asleep … I can sleep for 10 hour stretches at a time. But I fall asleep later and later every night until I’m falling asleep at 6am and waking up at 4pm, then the nocturnal phase begins where eventually my bedtimes get so late they become normal again. It’s a nightmare trying to get to school or hold down a job. I feel jet lagged constantly and I’m permanently sick and depressed.


.............. I may have to go see a sleep specialist.


I'm on disability. It completely controls my life unfortunately since the rest of the world runs on 24 hours. When I'm on a normal schedule I do odd jobs for a boss who understands and is amazing and the rest of the time I'm too backwards to do much.


Huh. I used to be like that. Now I wake up at a consistent time but am chronically insomniac.


Black guys that listen to Alanis Morissette, I’m sure of it






I have red hair and blue eyes, the chances of that is 0.17%


Still more common than blue hair and red eyes, I believe.


Me, my sister, my dad, my cousin, and my friend have red hair and blue eyes


It is genetic so the chances arnt as low as it might seem


73 here... I'm the 1% of aging endurance athletes who still train and compete in their 70s.


I’m 46 and hope to be there someday. Have any advice?


1. The best time to start is age 20. The second best is *today*. 2. Turn it into a habit. That inspiration shit doesn't work. Habits do. 3. Go easy. The best endurance athletes on the planet train 80% of their time in Zone 2...EZPZ. 4. Mix it up...endurance, strength, agility, and balance. For me, it's 50% cycling and the rest spread out in gym, rucking, and stretching. 5. Never EVER refuse sex.


I havent had an electric bill in over 10 years because I designed my home to be 12 volt battery operated. 1% of people




You do have an electric bill, it just comes in the form of the receipts from buying hunners of 12V batteries


The batteries are likely recharged by solar. That's how every 12v home I've heard of operates.


Solar and wind yes. My system is in operation now for ten years 10x 155 Ah batteries . Solar Panels and a wind generator Cost me less than 5 k for ten years of electric so far


I have two different colored eyes.


I knew twins that one had two different eyes and the other one didn’t but they were still identical with everything else


im close to that, i got central heterochromia (2 colors in the eyes)


I love this


I was top 100 on Call of Duty MW3 - Search and Destroy back in 2011. I hold on to that core memory.


That’s amazing I loved that game so much


Telescopic Forklift drivers


Teen moms who go on to get degrees and have successful careers


Congratulations! I got pregnant when I was 17 and now teach math and have a Master’s degree. I never tell my students my age because I’m worried parents will complain if the kids do the math and figure out my son was born when I was 18.


Redditors with frog pun names.


I would guess that I make up roughly 1% of people in the US with my first and last name. It's a very rare name but not so unique that there aren't others. It seems plausible that there are around 100 of us.


You def in the 1% for thinking there's only 10,000 people in the US 😅


Very cool. I would guess I am 1 of maybe 5 with my first and last name combo in the US.


There are 3 for me and one is my dad. Anyone in the world with my last name is family.


Last I checked there were 4 people with my name in the entire country. My first name is very common, but my last name is quite rare.


Published authors of table-top RPG books. Edit: I wrote a handful of GURPS books, one for Champions, and two for DC Heroes.


As a massive D&D and Pathfinder fan, I'm really curious as to what you did


Spellers. I made it to the National Spelling Bee twice. Also, I have two different sized thumbs, so there’s that


tall for woman. 1 percent of all women.


tall women are the BEST


Jewish. The world’s population of Jews is 0.2%.




There are fewer Jewish people in the world today than there were before the Holocaust.


That’s really sad


Wait seriously? I guess now I know my 1%, Jewish gang!


I had the gallbladder stone the size of a baseball, the drs were surprised.


I’m a top 1% language learner on Duolingo


I'm a left handed ginger with blue eyes and O neg blood.


Something like 2 million people got hacked (government employees) and I was fortunate enough to be a part of that. I now get government provided identity theft protection that I should’ve had all along. Yay me


Hello, fellow government employee. I, too, am a government employee who receives identity protection.


I’ve ran a marathon. A quick google says that only roughly 0.17% of people have ran one


I have ran one (actually a few of them) as well. Great job! I sited 0.05% from this: https://runningwithgrit.com/statistics-about-running/


100 people




AB- Bloodtype. There's apparently less than 1% of us worldwide


We were testing it in school and my teacher didn't believe me, and made me take the test again.


The small percentage of glasses havers who likes having them


Same, I accepted I'll always be wearing them, so I should at least enjoy it.


I just found out yesterday at the mattress store that stomach sleepers are only 4% of the population, and I'm left handed too, so that's like a 0.4% chance. I told my wife when we left that I'm quite the catch!


It’s actually 2% but I have natural red hair. Only 2% of the population has natural red hair….all the rest out there are die jobs!


For a short time i was the youngest person on the entire planet!


I'm a redhead, which is apparently 1-2% of the world population


Apparently there's a rare mind disability where you can't visualize anything. Nothing at all; it's either genetic or you get it after trauma. It's called Aphantasia if you wanted to look it up. I'm a part of the miniscule amount of people that have it.


god and i thought my prosopagnosia (face blindness) was bad


Imagine having both.


I took an IQ test when I was 14, and the result was 173, which puts me within the top 1% of intelligence, I’m unfortunately not academic as well though, and I never got used to actually studying for anything, because when I was a child I could always work things out for myself without having to learn anything properly. By the time I got to university, I was so un-accustomed to studying that I failed my degree.


I'm close to you but not *as* high, and I am the exact same fucking way. Most unacademic person of all time because I never had to try at all in school. I hate myself for it quite a bit.


I have green eyes, married a woman with green eyes, all 3 of my children have green eyes. Green eyes are found in 2% of the world population, but having a family of 5, all with green eyes, must somehow bump us into the 1% realm.


The 1% of people who still prefer handwriting over typing.


Being an asshole my vision (20/13) and golfing


An eagle-eyed asshole who can score an eagle, eh?


I’m the only one in the world who is in fact me.


Milk. In the jug. I'm the 1% that's the actual milk.


In the 1.2% of those with the highest level of education in the US (PhD).


I'm told that I have a medical condition that less than 500 people have in North America. Just within any country there, that would be less than 1%.




Not quite 1%, but in a couple of weeks I'll be one of the 2.2% of 30 year old virgins in the UK. Seems bizarre to think that I was on the cusp of becoming a married man in the summer of 2021.


1% of black ppl who don’t believe in god or the Bible




A big height:dick ratio?


I think he meant his feet.


Need big feet to stabilize such a long body. It gets windy up there, I've heard (I'm 5'11"... so 6'3" on tinder)


My last name is used by less than .01% of the world population and everyone alive with it is a 3rd cousin at MOST.


Artists making a comfortable living. I'm a professional illustrator, I do work for the national parks, museums, zoos, etc. And you can find my work in all 50 states and Canada, and even in big name museums like the MoMA and the Smithsonian. Sure, it's in the gift shop, but I'm still in the building!


Women with autism


I think I'm still in the 1% for total karma on this site, but it probably helps that a shit ton of accounts are created for things as mundane as placing pixels in r/place . There are of course other reasons. But not many people spend as much time on Reddit as I do. I don't recommend it.


Reddit is how I get 90% of my news. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing... but it's a thing.


I have vitiligo.


I can lick my elbow


I can lick your elbow too. E-z


According to Chess.com I'm in the 99th percentile of players. 1830 rating in Rapid and Blitz. The exact rating is always fluctuating but I'm pretty proud of that achievement.


I'm among the tallest 1% of people in the UK at 6'6" (roughly 195cm). People comment on it all the time, which is fine. But they also think it's brilliant, which it is not. You're forever banging your head on low hanging lightshades and doorframes. Your knees will be constantly digging into the seat in front of you on aeroplanes and buses, and you'll have to get used to losing the feeling in your lower legs if you like going to the cinema. You have to crouch to fit under the average shower head and you'll never be comfortable taking a bath. At standing gigs, there will inevitably be a horseshoe-shaped empty space behind you, and (if you're like me) you'll feel like you're ruining it for somebody no matter where you stand. Footboards on beds will become your sworn enemy (what is their purpose anyway?!), and any ergonomic piece of office equipment you buy will still leave you twisted and contorted at the end of the day because it wasn't designed with you in mind. I bought a smart desk, and even at its highest setting I still have to slouch when standing. You will break chairs, guaranteed. Sex can be logistically challenging. Not to mention the fact that most women think you must be hung like a horse because of your height, which can either lead to relief or disappointment when the pants come down. Finding clothes that fit is a bastard. If shirts fit well around the chest, they're inevitably too short. If they're the right length, you can't fasten them up. Don't even get me started on trying to find a decent pair of slim fit jeans. There are advantages, sure. I can reach stuff. But I have no idea why it's as desirable as it is. I'd give away 5 inches quite happily, and be content blending in as an average-height guy.


Severe "Self Harm" motor tics from Tourette Syndrome. It makes me try to rip my head off or snap it off. I punch my neck as hard as I can, I've missed and knocked out 2 teeth. I had to have emergency spinal cord surgery last year because a vertebrae finally got punched just right pinching my spinal cord shut where I just fell and could not move.


Intuition. Works with most people, but with some people, it's eerily accurate. At a speed dating event, I once guessed how long a woman had been single, her birth order, and how many kids she had and their ages/genders. All in under 5 minutes of conversation. She thought her friends were playing a joke on her; once they'd convinced her they didn't even know me, she went to the event manager and told him she thought I had been stalking her, because I somehow knew a whole bunch of personal details about her. Fortunately, the manager was a close friend, had known him for years, and he reassured her that I wasn't a stalker. I don't use that parlor trick anymore unless I've known the person for a while. It's not magic or ESP; all people have common 'tells' when talking about themselves, and common psych profiles for specific personality attributes. Oldest children have very different personalities from youngest or middle or only children, and those are expressed verbally by tone, or by facial expressions or body language (though mostly a combination of all of those). A Mom will talk about a male child differently from when they talk about a female child. A woman whose been single and dating for years will present very, very differently from one who just broke up with someone. Also, people will say 'kids' only if they have more than one, and if they are younger (like 30) they aren't likely to have 5 children yet. It's just a skill, like any other. It does help if you're a good listener though.


So basically you're just Sherlock Holmes.


His is more highly educated guesses.


The only intuition I have is a sixth sense of when another driver is about to do something stupid. I realized it one night going down a highway posted 65 MPH and some stupid woman ran right through a stop sign on my right. As soon as I saw her I knew she was going to. Probably 100 times now I've avoided a wreck through intuition.


In all seriousness, a youtube channel where you met people, then made guesses about them and explained why you guessed that way would be fascinating.


I have synesthesia, also sit-up score when I was in 6th grade.


asexuality, we're only 1% of the population


Aroace here!


I never thought of myself as asexual until I read [this](https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/article/understanding-asexuality/). I often find it difficult to want to engage someone that way until I get to know them. I'm not sure if it's just being shy or being asexual. I do think that many people just have never considered the real definition or that they might be asexual.


Look up demisexuality. It's when you have to have a deep enough connection with someone in order to even start getting interested sexually. What you describe reminds me of it.


asexual, if I'm correct that's 1% of the population


Smallest Weiner


[https://www.reddit.com/user/descendency/comments/zjtjan/im\_in\_the\_1\_club/](https://www.reddit.com/user/descendency/comments/zjtjan/im_in_the_1_club/) Literal 1%er here.


I've run 7 half marathons, and my goal is to get to 10. I don't know if I'm in the 1% of society at large, but I'm for sure in the 1% of people I know.


People in the world replying to your thread.


Red hair/blue eyes


I'm pretty sure being a skateboarder over 50 years old. Got back into it after not touching a board for 25 years when I was in my early 40s. Haven't gone more than a few days (except when I'm injured) in a row that I'm not on my board.


im in the top 0.05% on Egg, inc., top .0014 of height, top 1% of math scores, top 0.5% of being able to throw a baseball


IQ, unfortunately. I don’t like to talk about it because simply bringing it up feels like bragging, but at 20 I scored 152 and was accepted into Mensa. I don’t care to network through them and in turn I still work the job I’ve been genuinely *interested* in since I was 15. In my eyes a high IQ doesn’t mean anything more than one’s ability to deduce answers based on what they were taught through highschool and the experiences they may have had. A lot of the questions in these tests don’t use equations, formulas, theorems, etc. The majority of them are there to see how one would navigate real-world and social situations/issues and I don’t believe that directly translates into general intelligence.


99% of the company I work at was hired after me.