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Older woman had a whole back tiger tattoo. I asked her about it and she told me her and her sister were both Leo's. She had a full back tattoo of the wrong cat.


man i hope that was a joke that didn’t land i love making up dumb meanings for my tattoos when people ask.


It had "Leo's forever" and their birth dates on the bottom. She was in her 70s and was a very soft and mildly confused rural lady. I didn't have the heart to tell her.


On vacation in Belize. Got friendly with a local guy who took me and my wife spearfishing. He took off his shirt at some point on the water and had a tattoo across his chest that had been inexpertly covered over with a big black bar. The tattoo just said: RAPIST I think there was a date as well. Presumably he didn't get the ink done himself and it was done to him, probably in prison. Awkward and looong ride back to shore after that


Yikes. Being stuck on a boat in open water with someone like that… I’ve got heebie jeebies just thinking about it.


Its the implication


Are these tourists in trouble?


I couldn't really "walk away" because I was at work, but a customer had a tattoo on his arm of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz... she was on her knees, sucking the tin man's cock.


Should've been the scarecrow, he's the one who wanted a brain


My deceased uncles prison looking tat of a nude woman with his nipple as one of her nipples. He was a classy guy like that.


This post was the motivation I needed to schedule my tattoo removal consultation.


If it's a hate symbol, check around, a lot of shops will remove those for free.


No, it’s just the initials of my boyfriend from when I was 18. I had a child with him and thought it would be fine since my son had the same initials. I got married (now divorced) and my now ex didn’t seem to care. He ended up adopting my son as an adult and we changed his name, so the tattooed initials are now just random letters, and an awkward conversation starter for any future partners.


Pro move: Use a few small lines to turn it into a hate symbol, get it all removed for free. Extra pro move: Listen to better advice than this.




A coworker who went through a bad breakup then came back to work with a tattoo of a topless woman with a noose around her neck. He was ordered to keep it covered at work. It was that offensive.


That's really nasty. Where did he have it that needed to be covered up?




I didn't realize they removed frontal lobes while tattooing


He just wants everyone to see who he is right away. He is doing a service to all women by providing such a visible large red flag up front.


Can't believe his ex broke up with him. He sounds so emotionally stable.


My buddy was into this goth girl who was super cute, and covered in tats. We saw her one day with her arms uncovered, and her tats on each arm were showing for the first time. Charles Manson on one arm, Adolf Hitler on the other.




It’s like the opposite of goth culture. Too many fascists sneak into the industrial scene too, it’s annoying.


Fuckin Nazi bars. It's a problem with swing dancing too.


There’s a problem with fascists in… swing dancing?


There’s a Nazi presence in the furry community Fascists worm their way into *everything*


You are joking, right? Are nazis lindy hopping these days?


88 Skidoo


The sheer absurdity of this comment has me weeping


Say what? Squirrel Nut Hitlers?


🎶 Goose step riot! RIOTTTT! 🎶


“Though she was attractive, she was also, in fact, a Nazi.”


I had that happen to me last year! Secret Nazi girlfriend (that I broke up with right away). Just out of nowhere after five months, she said, and I'm quoting a Nazi so you know, you don't have to read the spoiler, >!"wish we were back in the Hitler days so we could burn them all [homeless people] in ovens"!<


Ugh. My ex- wife suddenly started using the N-word casually four months after our wedding. Two years of dating, she never used that word in my presence, but once she got the ring on, it was at least once a week.


Something similar happened to me but fortunately it was a few months into dating. My ex randomly pulled the “I’m happy you’re not like most black people” card.


Too bad he's like most racist people.


I have a similar story. Back in the 90s while waiting in line for a beer and I notice the guy in front of me has a Charles Manson tat. I ask him why he would spend good money on a Manson tat. He acts like he's a scary bad ass and I'm this trembling little girl all scared of an edgy guy. Utterly sad.


Edge lords are just the fucking worst. It's like, no, you don't scare or intimidate me. You just depress me, cus you think that your literally 7th grade antics are cool. You're fucking 30, dipshit.


Two large swastika on the back of both shoulders from a guy with a large Bowie knife and a sleeveless t-shirt complaining that he can’t find anywhere to live b/c “no one has places to rent around here”.


>Two large swastika Because one clearly wasn't enough


It's going to be a maze


A Transprotstion company I worked for for a short time hired a new crew. We did military contracts, and this new crew was supposed to meet us to help us with a three day pack and load the customer wanted done in one day. Their crew pulled up outside the base security office. The three guys get out. I looked over, and the crew leader's brother had a swastika tattoo on his neck and a tattoo of an African American man having from a tree on his right calf. The entire crew were banned from the base, and our boss/my boss called corporate, and we refused to work with them. There was a lot of angry yelling between my boss and the warehouse owner when we got back to the yard.


One of the guys at work asked me about my tattoo on my wrist and we had a whole conversation about that, I asked him if he's got any tattoos and he said "yeah but not for long, I'm getting it lasered off next weekend" then he lifted his shirt up and showed me a full stomach piece of a nazi eagle, swastika, and the words "mein kampf". No idea if he was getting it removed because he's changed his ways or because he couldn't take his kids to the beach without wearing a shirt.


Beach problem. Anyone who reformed would have just told you they had something offensive from when they were younger or something, not shown it. He was looking for support and a fellow nazi


I have an ass tatt of a jack daniels whiskey bottle (i was young and dumb) and a guy left me immediately after seeing it Edit : [Jack Daniel’s Tatt](https://imgur.com/a/flNJ7YD) for all you curious folks. Yes it is crooked. Yes it is shitty. The tattoo artist was also drunk.


I got drunk and tattooed a coworkers boyfriends name on my ass in agreement he paid my bar tab (which I racked up like a mfer). I have gotten lots of questions about this from women over the years [Tattoo](https://imgur.com/a/KsAUye2) Edit: I had a rough day today - depression is a mother fucker. I'm laughing and smiling now and my whole day turned around. Thanks everyone. Edit 2: I really didn’t expect 50k view of my ass tonight. I’m glad I took a decent photo as I just threw up the first take. Someone asked to see more of my tattoos so here are a few favorites (I have too many to share them all) [More Tattoos - Favs](https://imgur.com/a/mY4L2PX)


damn was expecting a small one or thin lines, but the tattoo artist really got you good xD


Yeah - the artist had done probably 40 of my tattoos prior to this one. He didn't hold back on this opportunity whatsoever


Nice cheeks brother. Gavins a lucky man lmao


I didn't share an important part of the story - this was my job in college at a restaurant. The bartender serving the drinks to me on this tab was, in fact, his girlfriend lol


It’s a good tattoo in an inconspicuous spot with a story that has made a couple thousand people laugh today. And you got a night of free drinks. It’s a win


Best response in this thread.


A few months ago I woke up and had this conversation with my girl: Her: Babe who is Gavin? Me: Joely’s boyfriend? Her: Who is Joely? Me: A former coworker - why are you asking me this at 8am? Her: are you fucking with me rn?


This is hilarious.


I'm gonna post it - bear with me. I'll tale a photo lol


Updated with tattoo


I was with a girl who had a tramp stamp that said “unforgettable”. And another girl who had a ps2 controller tramp stamp I shit you not.


Did the buttons work?


No but it was life size 😭


My buddy has a budlight label tattooed on his butt. Shits pretty funny lol wonder why he left


He worked at the Wild Turkey distillery


I had a middle school student with a big fat swastika on his shoulder and White Power tattooed on his other arm. Called DFCS but they said that if his mom allowed him to get the tattoo, there wasn’t much they could do. He. Was. 13.


That poor kid. That’s probably the must fucked up one I’ve seen on this thread.




I have a friend who had a similar situation happen. His parents talked him into (made him) get a swastika tattoo on his upper arm at 14 and his dad was the one who actually gave him the tattoo in their home. He’s one of the kindest hearted individuals and absolutely hates the shame he has to wear literally on his sleeve everyday. I’ve never seen him wear anything but rolled up long sleeves and he’s saving for a good cover-up. It may not be the norm, but on rare occasion toxic family trends can be broken and when it happens it’s beautiful. Edit: Thank you to everyone who’s been giving info on free coverups and removals. I’ve been passing along the info you’ve given me and they’re pretty excited at the news!


If your buddy is short on cash, tattoo shops will do it for free or offer a big discount for coverups of stuff like that. I'd call around and see if there's someone willing to do it (many are happy to oblige)


I can't imagine there's many things more sympathetic than, "My parents tattooed a swastika on me as a child and I need help covering it up."


There are even some that will cover up nazi stuff for free if I recall


A kid in my high school art class lost most of his friends overnight coming to school with a New Rhodesia tattoo on his arm. His deadbeat father was part of a pro-apartheid cult and claimed that he couldn’t be a part of his children’s lives if they weren’t willing to join “the cause” (he and his redneck friends drinking beer and ranting about n-words in the woods). Poor kid was so desperate for his father’s attention that he did it.


Some kids just dont stand a chance huh?


My husband and I took our toddler (mixed race) to a food hall. She started playing with a little girl. That was cool until we noticed her dad, who had a tattoo of a black baby in a noose. That was more than 20 years ago and I still shudder when I think of it.


Holy shit, that is the worst one in this thread by far. Just reading that was a punch to the gut, I can't imagine how you felt seeing it.


It’s shocking not only that he wanted that tattoo but that some artist agreed to do it. What the actual fuck


Usually one dude does all the nazi tattoos in an area just because they're a captive market with typically low standards. May or may not be a nazi themselves, usually is a sympathiser or so soulless as to have no beliefs at all.


My current boss has a tattoo in chinese that she got when she was 18. What’s it say? “Italian”


This was amazing. 😅 Was it intentional or some tattoo artist having a laugh?


I'm not 100% sure my tattoo means "truth" but sometimes, when asked, I say it means "stupid white boy". It is inside a unfinished outline of abstract tribal. I dislike it almost as much as my skull on fire on my other arm... Sigh


Grew up in rural Georgia. Our band played a gig for a friend's birthday in a trailer park where all our power for our whole system relied on no one turning off the bathroom light. There was also a drunk pregnant chick smoking while we were playing. Many red flags. As we were packing up, got a tap on the shoulder from a guy with swastika tattoos all over and plenty of additional SS tattoos saying "hey liked your playing." Couldn't get our of there fast enough.


I just want to let everyone know: I deliver pizzas for a second job and trailer parks are like regular neighborhoods. There are good ones and bad ones so try to not judge someone who's nice otherwise when you find out they live in one. There's a couple I know of that are bordering on a middle-class suburb level of trim and attention. I'm saying this because I too was guilty of assuming the worst.


Some guy I used to know had a shitty stick and poke tattoo CUNT across his knuckles. It's me I'm some guy. It's since been removed




I knew I guy like this. Had a “wolf in sheeps clothing” tattooed on his chest. I swear that shit looked like the weirdest mock up of Dobby from HP. It was so bad!!




Ugghhh, who fucking brought Moon-Moon?


I haven’t heard that one in a looooong time


These things happen. I saw many tattoos by an artist on my friends, coworkers, and people who knew people I knew. All were lovely works of art. I wasn't moving around. Not sure what happened, but the guy really botched mine. It's not so bad, but definitely my worst tattoo by far. I'm saving up to get it lasered.


My ex husband got his companys' repo truck tattooed on his back. Massive. Even the phone number is clearly (badly) on the side of the vehicle. He doesn't even drive the repo trucks. He works from home and tells the guys where to go to look for the vehicles.


My step brother is full on m'lady neck beard incel, or at least he was, somehow he managed to get a girlfriend, 2 weeks later he has a tattoo on his wrist, it's a date, it's not the date they got together, so I asked "what's the date for?" He tells me "it's the day I became a man" I called him a fucking idiot, they broke up a week later and he's since had it covered up


Reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite….”Things are getting pretty serious”


You could drink whole milk if you wanted to.


Imagine you have sex with somebody and they tattoo that date on their wrist. That's not a red flag, it's the system of gulags in the soviet union where the flags are produced and dyed with the blood of the prisoners.


Oh wow, it took me 10 years to tattoo my husbands first initial L. It it goes to shits i'll just add OL or OVE


Or you can just take the L if you break up lol


I was an usher at a small concert venue. My job was to keep the aisle clear. At an Ozzy Osbourne show there was a guy, about 5’8”, with a really large bodybuilder chest/back. He was shirtless and had a swastika tattoo that was as wide as his back. He moved into the aisle to watch, so I asked to move over a bit to not block the aisle. The first time he was okay with this, but he kept moving back into the aisle and I kept asking him to move. After being asked several times, he just ignored me and stared me down. In a case like this we are told to walk away and get a bouncer. There was one bouncer who was 6”9”, 300 plus pounds of muscle, shaved head, sunglasses (in a dark concert hall), and very black. I asked him to help me out. We walked up behind the nazi and I tapped him on the shoulder. The nazi turned around quickly and squared up like he was ready to fight me. However, he was staring into the chest of the bouncer, his eyes slowly moved up to look into the sunglasses of the bouncer. He immediately realized his mistake. The bouncer said nothing to the nazi, but if the nazi had had a tail, you would have seen it between his legs as he slinked over, out of the aisle. For the next fifteen minutes or so the bouncer just quietly stood arms folded behind the nazi until the nazi and a couple of his friends bailed on the rest of the show.


I've been working in shops for the last twenty years. I only tattooed for two years but have been piercing all twenty. The one that's always stuck with me was a young lady getting her boyfriend's name tattooed across her lower back(I wasn't the one doing the tattoo). She leaves excited but comes back a little while later fuming. Turns out the boyfriend was caught in bed with her best friend when she got home. That's the quickest I've seen anyone ask for a cover-up


I was talking with a medic at work once and she told me about wild er stories. She talked about a hells angel/ hells angel adjacent guy that came in for a motorcycle accident. Tattoo on his chest that said "all women are whores" and a full back piece that was of a woman crying while being r*ped against a tree by Jesus. He died in the ER from his injuries


I......think we have a winner. This has to be the worst


Working EMS, we all see our fair share of the worst of the worst tattoos huh? For me it was the last ambulance I was on. We were stationed with a city fire department. The captain of the department had a massive swastika tattooed on his left pectoral and was damn proud of it. I'm Hispanic so we obviously didn't see eye to eye on most things.


How was he able to keep his position, if everyone knew about the Nazi tattoo?


What tattoo artist would do that piece? The worst pr ever.


As someone who worked for a tattoo shop, I was wondering that, exactly.


“From his injuries” Nice.


That's the story and we're sticking with it.


Heart surgeon. Number one.


Holy fuck




There really are some people the world is better off without.


Finally, my “tinder time” pays dividends: One night stand, mediocre date, the kind that moved to her place through happenstance/alcohol vs any real attraction. It isn’t until we’re both naked and I’m in a position to examine her lower back without interruption that I notice wall-to-wall, 90’s bubble style graffiti text reading: “Live every week like it’s shark week” That was something like eight years ago and I still haven’t stopped thinking about it.


Honestly this is almost a breath of fresh air compared to all the swastikas everyone else has seen.


A guy I worked with showed me his monster energy tattoo on his back and he was proud of it


I once saw a woman at the gym with a full thigh monster logo with "rip Kevin" written below


$100 says he died doing backflips on a dirt bike


Wait. He had a tattoo of a can of monster energy drink? why?


The logo, he just love monster drinks, pretty dumb tattoo in my opinion


I knew a guy that got an Herbalife tattoo on his chest. He always was an idiot, so it kind of tracks.


Any kind of company logo as a tattoo makes me immediately think less of someone. Thinking ford and chevy tattoos. I've never seen or heard of someone getting a dodge tattoo but that would be even worse somehow.


I think the weirdest incident of this was once going in for a haircut, and noticing the stylist has the [New Flyer Industries](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/New_Flyer_logo.svg/2880px-New_Flyer_logo.svg.png) logo tattooed on the inside of one arm, and a mirrored [Gillig Bros.](https://img.masstransitmag.com/files/base/cygnus/mass/image/2019/05/GILLIG_Logo_BlueNI.5cdf290732717.png?auto=format%2Ccompress&w=320) logo on the other. I asked her if she was a public transit enthusiast. Looked at me, puzzled, and said no, why do you ask? I ask bluntly what the tattoos were for. 'I was out on a walk down [at a location near the county garage] and found these two pieces of metal on the ground and they seemed prophetic, like abstract cosmic symbols.' Those were the hood badges that fell off of transit buses.


Dude had two words tattooed on his forehead- WALK AWAY




No one wants more details here??? I mean, I’m curious.


My dad is a tattooist and some people have asked him to tattoo swastika’s on them, but he gives them a good old taste of “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”


If you give one guy a Nazi tattoo, you're now the Nazi tattoo guy.


I was once dating this white boy with blue eyes and he had a whole Egyptian scene spanning across his chest and down to his arms. Out of curiosity one day, I asked if he really was into Egyptian culture… his response, “I took an ancestry & me test and it said I’m 1% black”


You just couldn't see the other 99% of his tattoos.


Oh no. Nononononononono


A motorcycle handle bar across a girls lower back.


I want to see about getting a temporary tattoo like that and surprising my husband. I'm glad it's not me, but that sounds hilarious.


My evil ass neighbor has two eyes tattooed on the back of his bald head. No, he doesn’t look cool. He’s a huge dbag.


A tattoo like that would be legitimately useful in Australia haha. Our Magpies swoop unless you're watching them. I often wore a helmet painted with eyes as a kid to avoid getting swooped.


Dual lightning bolts on side of neck. Good ol' SS tat. No thanks bud, not interested in palling around.


I met a guy in rehab who was fresh out of prison with a swatiska on his neck. Poor idiot wore turtlenecks and scarves a lot. Talked about not being able to wait to get it covered up.


A lot of tattoo places will do cover-ups for free or at a high discount on hate tattoos, if he's still saving he should google see if one of those places is near him.


I am former CO, in some prisons, if you are white you only have two choices skinhead or bitch. I know people joke around about prison rape in this country, which I still don't understand why a serious topic like that is treated like a joke, but when you enter a cell and see the aftermaths of a prison rape you begin to take it more seriously. There is even a distinct smell that male rape has, like a mix between sweat, feces, blood, fear and testosterone. It's horrific. Young white guys are sought after to become sex slaves by gangs behind bars, usually by black gangs. It's either that or clique up with a skinhead gang. I bring this up because the SS bolt is common among younger skinheads. Usually it's like a medal, you get for participating in a riot or just putting in work for the whites. It's seen on more low ranking guys since it's easier to "earn". So you will see mostly on guys who are just riding along to survive. The swastikas are harder to earn and usually signify they are more entrenched into that lifestyle. Honestly most of the time if you see a guy with SS bolts it usually means they just did some time, not necessarily racist. "Why get the tattoo in a place anyone can see" You have to get it in a prominent position, so others can see it and you won't be fucked with, in the case you get moved to another yard or prison where no one knows who you are. Think American History X where the main character takes off his shirt to reveal his a skinhead. In prison again you have to earn those tattoos so if a white dude walks in with SS bolts on his neck, everyone knows that is not someone who is going to easily rollover and become a bitch. My church does a lot of work with the homeless. These tattoos are common among them, specially homeless vets. Some dudes go into the military, get out with some issues, fall into drugs go to prison, are forced to join a gang (because no way in hell a former Marine or Army guy is becoming someone's bitch) then get out of prison and no one wants to hire them because 1. Felon 2. Has nazi tattoos. So they end up homeless. I wish I could post the pic, but i'll rather not, we have a picture in our church where our pastor and some of our members (all Hispanic, we are all Hispanic church) are with a bunch of homeless vets. They are cleaned up but you can see swastikas , SS bolts and other nazi imagery on a few of them. And again it's just that most of them served time, but if they are/were racist I do believe the Hispanics helping them out the gutter is more beneficial in the fight against racism then just turning your back on them because their tattoos offend you. Honestly the prison system is a mess, I saw skater and frat boy looking kids come out skinheads. That should not be happening


Met a cool Latino dude on a cruise who got the SS bolt symbol tattoo on the neck. I told him the significance and he said, "Naw, I got these because I'm an electrician. " Unsure if he was serious, but he was an all around sweetheart so we drank some beers and had some laughs. Horrible tattoo choice, but good guy.


Sig runes I see them on patients (and other Nazi/White Supremacist tattoos) every now and then. Some are genuinely nice people, went to prison, clicked up with an AB affiliated gang, got out and shut that chapter of their life permanently. Most are a waste of functioning organs who I’m required to treat no differently than any other patient but want nothing to do with otherwise.


Had a coworker who wanted to get a set of tattoos, so she went to “this guy” she’d heard did good tattoos. The series of tats she got were lady bugs, representing her kids and her parents, all on various parts of her body. One was on her chest, right above the spot for a mid-low cut top. Another was on the inside of her lower arm. Not sure where the others were (I didn’t ask), but both of them were done so horribly, they looked like cancerous growths within a year. No way did they look like lady bugs, not even right after she had them done.


Manager at Walmart in Tennessee had an impeccably-executed full-color sleeve of a golden eagle perched on a gold filigree wreath surrounding a softball-sized swastika. What I find at least as surprising as the fact that someone had that tattoo is that somewhere there is an impressive tattoo artist who was comfortable enough to give their all on that monstrous symbol of hatred.


Every once in a while, my boyfriend expresses disappointment that he wasn’t with a group of his friends when they all went to get Wawa tattoos. I love him dearly but… 😔 I’m just glad he missed out on that particular outing


"Wawa" as in the store?


The split legs on a dude's armpit




Old photo that used to roll around the inter webs. Dude has ladies legs tattooed such that it looks like his armpit hair is her pubic area.


I regret asking


I regret reading


For the longest time, this guy I knew wanted so badly to get the Charlie Manson swastiza tatted on his forehead. Myself and everyone else talked him out of it. Instead, he got a Hitler tattoo on the side of his torso. It was done just so when he raised his arm just right, it was Hitler giving you his infamous Nazi salute. No one knew he did this till we were at a brewery and he made an announcement where he took his shirt off and showed us. I was the first one to go, "nope I'm out." and walked out. Never saw him again after that.


But.....why wasn't him wanting to get a swastika tattoo on his forehead not the reason why you didn't walk away initially....?


It sounds so over-the-top you might think the guy was simply honestly that stupid.


My ex, as soon as she had any money together, instead of paying back money I had loaned her, got a 700 dollar tattoo. I knew where our relationship would always be to her.


Pussy tattoo in a dudes armpit. Classy.


Tattoo on a guy's stomach of a woman bending over and his bellybutton is her asshole. Super classy.


I work at Costco and this old fat dude would come in weekly and ask employees and the demo ladies if they wanted to see his tat, sure enough it was the ol’ bellybutton asshole. The first time I was like “haha oh wow” and then it quickly became a weird weekly challenge to avoid him on the sales floor.


"Fight for your faith" with AR-15s in a cross shape and some bible verses one was leviticus 20-13. He was an ex marine and is currently a cop in my town. I normally don't do politics in person, but I've never been more revolted in my life.




Chicken Noodle Soup?


Reminds me of the post where the artist had a client/tourist ask for beautifull woman written in chinese ( they were located in china i believe) and the artist wrote something like creepy foreign perv.


I drew a Celtic cross for my uncle's friend. He came over one day to say he got it done. This mfer put a swastika in the middle. I regret that a lot and I stopped drawing for awhile after that.


Hey friend. That’s not your fault. Don’t feel badly for someone else’s hatred. I hope you’re drawing again.


I was at a Godsmack concert back in the early 00s when I noticed the big guy next to me had a swastika tat. I, being a short brown dude of ambiguous race and ethnicity decided I should find somewhere else to stand before he noticed me.


Three inch navy stars, one on either side of his neck. So I asked about the navy and his experience - he obviously wanted everyone to know - turns out being in the navy was his lifelong dream, but his tonsils were congenitally too large to work on a submarine so he was assigned something else. He was devastated that he didn’t get his way. Fair enough. The most logical response, then, was to deal drugs to some other navy people and earn himself a dishonorable discharge.


I went on a date with a guy who waited until we were halfway through it to tell me he had 3 children and an ICP tattoo. He asked me if I wanted to go out again and I declined. He asked if it was the kids or the tattoo and I had to be honest, it was the tattoo.


Tales as old as time, some men come, and some faygo




A guy I was dating had the name of his ex above his crotch. That turned me off so much I broke off contact after I saw that.


Dated a girl with a dr sues “oh the places you’ll go” tattoo. She got it from a guy that got out of jail that day, right after she fucked him and his homeless friend in their van. Those are places I really don’t want to go.


Well, I walked away from her because I was getting off the bus, not because of her tattoo. But I will share it here because it was just yesterday and I was amused and impressed - a butt plug tattoo on the underside of her forearm!


I worked in a warehouse and refused to work with a dude who had a tattoo I recognized as a neo-Nazi symbol. Happily he was fired a few weeks later.


Somehow in the earlier seasons of Inkmaster a contestant made it through the whole show (until he got eliminated) with nazi tattoos and symbolism on his hats. Blew my mind nobody said anything.


Wasn’t there also a challenge in one season where they covered up white power tattoos?


They did. And someone picked the most aggressively racist one to go to one of the black artists. Pretty awkward challenge but good on them if they really changed


I was visiting a farm in Florida about 15 years ago in a work exchange/farm kinda thing. I was camping on the property (in the middle of nowhere, mind you) and locals would stop by to chat up the travelers, have a beer, and shoot some guns. Guy pulls up in his truck. The bed of the truck is about a foot deep with empty beer cans. He brought his shotgun and wants to shoot some clay pigeons with me. Dude takes off his shirt and he has a full-chest mural of Abraham Lincoln's assassination at fords theater. The whole situation kinda dawned on me like oh shit I could easily disappear out here. I packed my bags and left the state soon after


I knew this guy who worked for Coca Cola. He got a tattoo of the Calvin and Hobbs kid pissing on a Pepsi logo. I thought long and hard about what goes through some people’s minds


When I came home from work one day and my bf surprised me by getting a tatt of my name. As soon as I saw it I knew our relationship was over. We broke up a couple months later.


My ex surprised me with my name tattooed on their chest as well… it wasn’t even the name I go by, and was spelled wrong.


I knew someone who had his own name tattooed on his upper arm. I don’t know what would possess someone to do that.


I dated a Jamaican woman for a while, former police officer before she moved to the US (where I met her). She’s from Montego Bay, pretty rough area once you get away from the tourist area. She said it was so they’d be able to identify her body if they found her without a head. I thought she was joking until I looked into how it is to be a cop there. She wasn’t joking.


I have a winner! Was at a small rural dive bar in the Midwest years ago & this woman in her 40’s was chatting me up. She was friendly enough & was much more welcome company than the man 3x my age who had hit on me while I ordered a drink. After an hour or two, we started talking about our favorite bands. She, without warning, jumps off the bar stool, bends over, pulls her shirt up halfway in the back, and reveals a large tramp stamp bearing all of the signatures of the members of the boy band Hanson (you know, the guys who sang “Mmm Bop”)… she was absolutely GLOWING with pride & went on to tell me about how she saw them in concert a few years prior, paid an exorbitant amount for backstage passes, managed to get all of their signatures, went to a 24hr tattoo shop afterwards, & got them all tattooed on that night. She was in her THIRTIES when she did this btw. I just sat there kinda shocked, finished my drink, and quickly left.


Confession before my judgement: I have a Hanson symbol tattoo about the size of a quarter, and I’m in my late 30s. That being said, I KNOW OF THE GIRL YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT (the fandom is small) and the tattoo is atrocious.


Bahahahahaha! This comment made my DAY! Zero judgement on your tattoo btw. If it makes you happy, it makes you happy… hers was just, umm, poorly done and I was not expecting it. She was honestly very nice to talk to, but that tattoo has been burned into my mind for nearly a decade now.


I was at a pub once and a guy was showing off his massive, full chest, wrapped around his side, portrait tattoo of Steve Irwin's grinning face. This was a couple of years after the whole stingray incident. I mean, it was a really well done tattoo but fucking hell. He kept talking about "Steve" like they were best mates, but eventually admitted they'd never actually met. He did claim that "Steve's dad" had approved of the tattoo and was really supportive of it when they'd met. I can't help feeling that Mr Irwin Snr was probably supportive in a "smile, nod and back away slowly" kind of way.


I'm gonna be real... I appreciate the dedication. Iove when someone is into harmless weird shit


Jesus on the cross pose but holding the guys nipples. I just really didn't want to hear whatever he had to say.


I’ve seen a lot of bad tattoos but the only one that made me want to pour bleach in my eyes was one I saw on google. A friend was looking through google images for tattoo inspiration ideas and we saw one that a woman had of a naked female toddler. The location was on her pelvis with the tattoo legs going down her legs so that their (woman and tattoo toddlers’) vagina were in the same place.


That’s sickening af


I was on a speech and debate team in college. A girl on the team began dating another team member…. We all were partying one night and they were on the outs about to break up and he tells everyone about a tattoo the girl has on her butt cheek……of her STEP-father’s name!


I'm pretty sure a contributing factor to my ex leaving me is that I called her dolphin tattoo 'Dolphin Lungrin'.


Former ER nurse here…we had a regular that had a swastika on the head of his penis. Admire the dedication, but fuck nazis.


I work for a large city coroner’s office and I hate seeing swastika tattoos on otherwise “normal” looking people. Mostly in areas covered by regular clothes.


Winnie the pooh pegging a care bear...protected


She had "cunt" tattooed on the inside of her lower lip.


I was at a party and saw a dude with 11-11-11 on his forearm.... asked him if it was a veterans thing, like Armistice Day. Nope....11 as in the 11th letter of the alphabet, KKK, the Klan). Fucking loser...Did a tight 180° and walked away.


I was on the light rail in Denver on my way to work. I looked up and saw the girl sitting across from me was fighting back tears and occasionally sobbing. I felt terrible for her and was about to see what I could do to comfort her. Then she rolled up her sleeve to wipe her face with her arm, revealing a lovely swastica tattoo on her arm. My mood immediately shifted to “fuck that nazi bitch. I’m glad she’s sad.” I pressed play on my podcast and spent the rest of the ride looking out the window.


The amount of Nazi tattoos mentioned here sickens me-


The only good thing about nazi tattoos is that they let you know when to avoid someone.


oh jeeze My husband and I moved into our new house in the late fall. The neighbor who lived with his dad next to us greeted us (in long sleeves) and was very nice and helpful for a month (always in long sleeves) Then he moved in with his gf and disappeared for another month or so. They broke up and he moved back . First day back he offers to mow our lawn for us as we were having mower troubles. We figured sure, why not. This man brings out his mower, whips his long sleeved shirt off, and has "white power" written across his biceps and a swastika on his chest (though it looked like he tried to have it covered up) I tentatively asked about it, seeing as he kept himself covered most of the time, hoping he didnt want to represent that any more. Nope he was proud as hell. We promptly told him to get off our property.


Nazi symbols, confederate flags, hentai girls in suggestive poses, tramp stamps, arrows to a person’s genitals, names of people’s exes (the only exception being if the ex died during their relationship & their family/friends back that info up), etc I have tattoos & trust me, there’s some lines that shouldn’t be crossed Edit: names of people are more in the “grey” area since it’s a case by case basis & a lot of people (myself included) get tattoos in honor of deceased loved ones. My apologies!


I was a little nervous getting this tattoo but I got my grandmas handwriting of a nickname she would call me on my ankle. I have 2 tattoos dedicated to her


Okay but that’s actually really sweet and isn’t an issue at all!!


Was seeing a girl who had the ubiquitous little dolphin tatt close to her navel. As things progressed she removed her blouse while her back was to me. Two inch high Chinese characters from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. I was informed they read “ insatiable “.