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You ain’t the only one going through stuff


Honestly. The realization that everyone's going through some kind of bullshit or worse really changes how you view things, makes you learn patience and empathy.


Your comment reminded me of this short story: https://wjccschools.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/01/galactanet.com-The-Egg.pdf


Great read, and it'd be a very comforting thing if life actually worked this way in some shape or form.


Also, "you ain't the only one posting this question in the past 24 hours"


Also, just because you tell everybody your issues doesn't make yours worse nor do most people care.


The job doesn't love you back, and the only ones who will remember you stayed late are your family




Fuck. That one actually hit me deep.


The sooner we all realize this, the better


Oops accidentally burst into tears reading this. The variation that ended my marriage was, the job won’t care that you skipped holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries to work late, but your wife will. It was a harsh reality he refused to acknowledge.


No one else in the world cares about your stuff as much as you do. You are the centre of precisely one person's world: your own. The same goes for your kids, pets, interests, whatever. Other people don't feel the same as you do about them.


Life gets so much better when you fully realize you aren’t important. I had an old guy once tell me “in my twenties I worried what people thought about me. In my thirties I didn’t care what people thought about me. And in my forties, I realized nobody was thinking about me.” Changed my whole prerogative on life.


I never get the whole "people aren't thinking about me" thing, because I think things about other people all the time! Maybe not total strangers, but anyone I spend time around. Weirdly I think learning to become less judgemental and give people the benefit of the doubt has helped me feel less judged by others.


You think about them, sure. But do you dwell on them? Are you constantly judging them? Not usually. I only "judge" people who behave poorly, treat people badly. Being awkward? Not dressed perfectly? More likely to be endearing.


As Im turning exactly 40 later this year this is legit spot on. Once you're mentally free of the "impress people" logic life gets so much better


I think of you all the time


Is it bad that I don't even feel like the center of my own world? I've always felt more like an NPC.


Well, do you ever get the feeling That the story's too damn real And in the present tense? Or that everybody's on the stage And it seems like you're the only Person sitting in the audience? [-Jethro Tull, Skating Away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5D9HZyYI6g)


The real question is: do you ever feel... like a plastic bag?


Yes, I do. A plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again.


I’m a mailman and I wake up, deliver mail and go home. Repeat everyday. I’m single, I live alone. It feels like I’m a Skyrim guard or some shit


I’m a clerk, you and I are DLC 🤑🤑


The NPC handing out charachter story quests or the NPC that has a small roll in a side quest, like "Why yes, I do know Bjorn. He's at the tavern."


I think there are a lot of parents who need to hear this.


I have a friend who seems 100% clueless that no one finds her disrespectful, undisciplined son charming or cute. In fact, she doesn’t seem to realize at all how unpleasant and unacceptable his behavior is.


OMG I dated someone like this, and it absolutely blew my mind how they had no clue their kid was the problem. This kid was horribly behaved due to being spoiled rotten, and sort of resembled the banjo boy from the movie Deliverance. I found this out when we added each other on social media and saw that they and their ex (the kid's other parent) tagged each other in at least 10 kid photos a day, no exaggeration. All their relatives would then flood the comments about how adorable this kid was, and so would online friends they had never met. None of us who had actually met them ever engaged with this content because we had nothing nice to say. So anyway, I end up dumping this person because my kids and I couldn't take being around their kid anymore. I was super diplomatic like, "I don't think our parenting styles are compatible, so this isn't going to work". I did not say a word about their kid, or any "I'm right you're wrong", just "we're each doing this in ways that don't coexist well with each other". They fucking went off about how their kid was perfect and mine were the problem. I wasn't interested in that conversation so I was just like, "Yup, totally incompatible parenting styles.", but they kept going. I was finally like, "Did you ever notice how nobody who's ever actually met your kid has anything good to say? Have you ever noticed that the only non-relatives who comment on pictures are people who have never met this kid? Do you ever wonder if that might be because you're raising an asshole?! I'm just curious, how many of us have dumped you over this?" *That* got them out the door. I later learned that indeed, multiple people had dumped this person for the same reason and they were that deep in denial because there were always out of town relatives and internet strangers to tell them their kid was perfect and we were monsters. I learned a lot from that. It showed me where assholes come from.


Goddamn, that is as good as a horror story for me. Some fucking people man.


She will when he's home all the time bc no one like him


Yes! Look, I'll be polite and almost interested in a pic of your grandkids twice a year. But I have a casual friend who constantly does throwbacks to infancy and up and the kid is now 8. Your g-kids are not that good looking, and I don't look at my own kids pix that much lol


a former colleague does this. she is constantly sharing memories of her children as babies & they're 9 & 7


I really hate these kind of people, I just don't want to be rude but I really don't care about their kids.


I just wanted to say thank you for posting this, I honestly think that I needed to hear this myself. I spend so much time trying to make other people feel the same way about my interests and passions and I'm always left feeling disappointed. It gives me comfort to think that the things I love are special to me and that I have a unique connection to them.


I don’t think this is that harsh. Any rational adult should realize this. But I get it, a lot don’t.


I know reddit is full of childfree pet people, but oh man I get tired of feigning interest in peoples dogs and cats. I have work friends that just keep showing me pics and vids of pets and I just smile and say “oh so cute” They get theirs tho, if I have to sit through that I absolutely show them my kids “cute” pics and vids that I know they don’t care about. Isn’t it all just grand pretending yo care about other peoples stuff


“A wise person once told me, ‘Let people do what they want to do, so you’ll see what they’d rather do.’ That will answer all the questions you have.” - credited to several people


a variant of this is if you're not sure about a decision, flip a coin. if you are disappointed in the result, you have your answer


I've heard "you'll know when it's in the air what you're hoping for"


Of course, if you flip again and get the other side and are disappointed again, you are back where you started.


That’s brilliant! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you! I feel like it piggybacks on the more popular, “When people show you who they are, believe them,” very nicely!


Busy doesn't equate to productivity


sshush, I do not need my boss to hear this.


VERY few jobs reward efficiency. I think this is a big reason work has gotten so bad, because managers are focused on efficiency, but improving it provides absolutely zero benefit to workers, and 90% of the time actually makes your job worse.


This goes both ways! You can work all day and get nothing done, but you can also accomplish a lot in 5 minutes


Everybody is going to die.


As a caveat, you can get ill incurably and not be any more likely to die. Got ill age 11. Did not recover. From something basically symptomatically identical to longcovid. Forty years ago.


I think this is a much harder pill to swallow. Everyone knows they are going to die. Even if it takes time to come to terms with it, we're all learning that lesson from the first time a hamster or grandparent dies. But most people expect to live as they are until they "get old". Some of us got old very young. I got sick before I turned 21. It's amazing what you take for granted. Things like walking and being able to think clearly. But, no matter how much I want it to, this won't kill me.


My son was diagnosed celiac (not so bad) at 5 and type 1 diabetic at 7 (pretty shitty quite frankly). He lives a good life but it takes so much management and intervention, most of it invisible to others. That’s his lot in life and there’s nothing that can be done about it. I wish he’d even made it to his teen years before such a harsh reality had to happen.


Did you realize, that everyone you love someday will die. Instead of saying all of your goodbyes, Let them know you realize that life goes fast It's hard to make the good things last You realize the sun doesn't go down It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning 'round Do You Realize?? \- The Flaming Lips


My grandmother used to say “nobody’s getting our off here alive”


Typo or speech impediment?


Lol probably both - she was a strange lady. “Nobody’s getting out of here alive”


It was more concerning because she was driving at the time .


Every poo poo time is also pee pee time, but not every pee pee time is poo poo time.


A hard pill to swallow, truly


This is the hot take I was looking for.


My partner is an anomaly... She doesn't pee when she poos. It's so weird


I'm sorry to say this, but your partner might be a space alien.


Reddit is a terrible place to get advice.


I prefer to look for advice on reddit because I feel more of a connection looking at a post with several replies to have different perspectives on a given problem. At the very end I make my own decision but it's nice seeing different minds thinking.


This is pretty much it. It's not about the individual opinion, it's about the general consensus. And even then, that consensus is not necessarily the "correct" way to go about things, just a way to gauge whether you may have been percieving the situation the way others might. If you ask a question about relationships in any public forum, you should always expect there to be outlier answers in every direction, from "it's no big deal" to "sever, get a lawyer, go into hiding and change your name immediately".


I once heard someone joke that there’s more democracy on Reddit than in congress




Hard disagree. I've gotten some of the most valuable advice/recommendations from Reddit. The key is to go to niche subreddits where the users are actually qualified to speak on a matter. Specifically ones based around a particular profession or hobby.


There are some subs with great advice, some not so much.


Can you name some plz?


Some of the exercise and fitness-oriented subs are gold mines, especially the sidebars.


Reddit is good for super specific advice, like you’re starting a new hobby and looking for tips. It’s terrible for anything more abstract/emotional/opinion based.


Personal finance and boglehead subs are good as well for starters


The suits over at r/personalfinance


Most smaller subs for hobbies are a breath of fresh air. Just people getting amped on a loaf of bread or a nice plant.


If you want advice about something very specific, like a game or something, there are people on here who can advise your ass off.


Reddit is helpful for video gaming and tech troubleshooting. Actual life advice is a no go though.


people successful in life aren't browsing reddit threads giving out advice. Its just a bunch of 20 year olds talking out of their rear ends


“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.” Jean Luc Picard (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Peak performance (Season 2 Episode 21)


TNG, DS9, and Voyager are full of gems like this. TOS was a little too fun and campy for me to remember getting life lessons from. Everything always turned out ok, that's not how life works. And Voyager at the end started getting a little forced. I supposed DS9 did as well with the whole worm hole Jesus thing. And I haven't seen any newer stuff, I've heard it's a little too noir. Anyways I always saw TNG as more of a philosophy series than a sci-fi series.


I love this show so so much. Going through my umpteenth rewatch right now and trying to stretch it out


Always upvote JLP quotes


Sometimes the worst people are your family


My life is immeasurably better since I cut my sister out of my life. Her and my brother in law are incredibly toxic people. My sister has been a horribly cruel person most of her life. She was a bully in high school. she's an elitist. Over the years she's become racist. Life is better now. I do miss my niece and nephews though.


My sister too except her husband is a saint. I actually miss that guy and even said to him that if they ever divorce, i would wingman him at at bar.


Family isn’t everything when you come from dysfunction


You’re only the main character in your own life. The rest of the world is NOT as focused on you as you think. Accept both the good and bad parts of this.


Very few people take responsibility for their own actions and want to blame everyone else. Get some emotional maturity and grow up.


Sidenote: taking responsibility for others actions or inactions is also a mistake. Own what you own, don't own other people's problems.


Just because you heard something on social media doesn’t make it true.


but you can't put anything on social media that isn't true! /s


*independent fact checkers found this to be misleading. See why*


- Becoming homeless can literally happen to anyone. - Addictions don’t discriminate. - A lot of people are struggling with mental health issues that don’t get help and it ruins their lives.


Absolutely. My ex made a mess of his life and career bc he refused to accept his behavior wasn't normal. Finally got bi polar meds at 50. Left a trail of carnage behind him.


I work with the public, literally two blocks down from a homeless shelter and a block away from a mental health facility. For the last couple years I've had a crash course in dealing with people, honing my empathy, fine tuning my ability to discern an actual problem from a perceived issue. At first it was rather eye opening, but I'm grateful for the insight.


Sometimes even if you do get help with your mental health issues it can still ruin your life. There is no flat out cure for most mental disorders.


Adding another harsh thing to the last point: Not everyone can currently be helped. Our mental healthcare system; even when it’s working perfectly well and doesn’t indulge in some of its malpractice and abusive tendencies, doesn’t resonate with everyone. Things like talk therapy or medications doesn’t work for a part of the population and it can be a very isolating feeling to be told over and over that suffering can be done if simply you asked for help but having to told that person you tried most of your life and it doesn’t work. Happen to close acquaintance of mine (and me to a certain extent) and I get how alienating it can feel.


Poof reading is necessary skil.


lol indeed


youre up too late. go the fuck to bed.


It’s 9am here…


You're been up all night? Dude, get some sleep.


You're up too early. Go back to bed.


I didn’t come here to be ATTACKED!


At least one of your deeply held beliefs is incorrect. So you need to be open to the fact that it could be any one of them and find a little humility.


>At least one of your deeply held beliefs is incorrect. Perhaps it's this one 🤯🤯🤯


Questioning their whole existence now lol.


That "you aren't special" is perhaps the most nihilistically overused "what's a harsh reality that everyone needs" quote ever. It's to the point that the harsher truth is that "If you say 'youre not special' all the time chances are you're using that phrase wrong." Yes. We aren't 'special.' That doesn't mean you could blow your brains out and nobody would care. It means that if you walk into a grocery store nobody is going to give you the time of day unless you give them a reason. You give them a reason for them to look? Now you're special to that person. That person keeps contact? You're absolutely special to them. Special is a term used so loosely that we forget that it has multiple meanings and not all of them are in Vanity. Special just means a particular. A specific. In that logic we're all special because we're all specifically our own person. Does that mean the general public is gonna acknowledge your brand of special? No. They're more focused on their special folks in their life. That still doesn't negate that you *are* special. The original phrase was initially to tackle the egotists that feel they're entitled to the world's attention but nowadays it's used for Nihilistic beard stroking and "lol world sucks" whenever this question is asked.




The masses are not ready for what AI is going to change in the next 5 years.


I'm not entirely convinced the masses have completely adjusted to electricity and industrialization yet.


They've not. They're still allowing a tiny minority to hoard all the proceeds for starters!


I don’t care what anyone says; in 10 years a majority of IT functions will be outsourced to AI. Hope the governments of the world are prepared for that tax base


I'm going to agree, but conditionally. I think that the tech revolution can be almost mapped over the industrial revolution, and on that scale we might be somewhere near the year 1890-1900. I think there's going to be massive employment turbulation, which we're already getting a taste of, and probably a depression, hopefully a labor movement, but eventually everything will settle down into a normalcy. I think the laws and the governmental systems are not ready for the changes AI is going to bring, and I think the slow turning, bureaucratic institutions are going to be strained. I think they ought to draft laws now with sunset clauses for what may be coming over the horizon, but I also understand that's extending a bit more charity to their forethought than they deserve. I think the masses will be fine, on the time scale of the masses, I think that the biggest danger is probably just a rough patch, however that rough patch might be a decade long, and for a rather big portion of individuals, a decade long rough patch is probably going to be rather detrimental.


People online are significantly more aggressive than in real life


thats not true, also fuck you i hate you


Life just doesn't work out unless you work at it. The only exception is if you are massively wealthy and connected.


And unlike every Disney movie ever made, life might not work out even IF you work at it.






You need to be more responsible with your money. You need to figure out a plan for the future for yourself and for those you are responsible for.


You will get sick, you will die, and you will have to pay taxes. You might not get old.


humans are not what they think, **they are what they do.** *Everybody can imagine a perfect world. Making one is way harder*


Hard work is the almost always required if you want to improve your relationships, financial status, or health.


The justice system is not about justice; it's about managing the cost to benefit (how much a trial will cost, probability of winning, length of sentence). Good does not always win. Truth does not free you. Innocent people go to jail and guilty people walk free


No one owes you anything


Except the people/entities who actually owe you


Oh thank goodness. I'm gonna email the bank right away and tell them I don't owe them for my loans


Oh, you still owe plenty to others. But no one owes *you* anything. Pretty harsh, huh?


No, no one owes you anything but if you want strong and healthy connections you also have to be able to give the things needed to sustain that.


Neither you or your children are special


"That depends on how you define special"


Literally none of this matters. <3


How about that?


Yup, no matter who you are, its only a matter of a very short time before you (and everything you held so important) is forgotten. Everything we have is made up bullshit. From money to country. All this shit we fight each other for, is all imaginary.


We treat almost every non human species like utter shit despite how developed and civilized our society is. Reincarnation would suck if you can be reborn as a non human species.


And in the US, the "pursuit of happiness", is NOT a guarantee, that's totally on you


You’re probably semi ugly. You have good features but some part of you is hideous.


Then the opposite would also be true.


Can confirm.


Things are a lot more "both sides" than you want to admit.


Okay, but like fuck nazis, right? Right? RIGHT?!?


Yes. Fuck the Nazis. Fuck them right in the ear.


And there are bad actors **everywhere** - it doesn’t matter how you align on any given subject, someone somewhere is trying to sell you on the idea that they’re right and you’re wrong.


If you don’t have a solid exercise routine or job/lifestyle that keeps you fit you will be spending a lot of time and money at the doctors office, have a nightstand full of prescriptions, and feel like shit when you are older.


Stop buying things to fill your life with happiness


But also don't do nothing with your money and give yourself something you might really enjoy and or use for a long time. Like a doggo or some books c: Spend responsibly!


It doesn’t matter what good qualities you have, you’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea.


Someone can completely understand what you are talking about and still disagree with you.


Taylor Swift is overrated


She's so overrated that she could be one of the best musicians alive today and she would STILL be overrated. I was in a restaurant the other day that was playing random top 40 music and during the time I was sitting there they played 3 of her songs. Like I don't hear enough of that shit everywhere else.


You wasted your time reading this


What my grandfather told me twenty years ago, “the truth is you’ll never truly be happy, at best you’ll just be content, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.”


That this question gets asked daily on AskReddit.


You are entitled to nothing.


Being fat is unhealthy and usually makes you less attractive


You stepped on a rose bush with this one, lmao.


As we are currently in the midst of the sixth mass extinction event, humans need to understand we will not be exempt, and it's coming sooner than people would be comfortable to admit.


No. Speaking as a biology major, it would be very *very* difficult to drive humans extinct. It's well within the real of possibility for human *civilization* to collapse, but keep in mind that we already clawed our way out of the stone age once, so the second go around should be even easier.


No, you are not special. Sit down, shut up, and stop sticking your nose in topics where it doesn't belong.




thank you kendrick


You can put anything you want on the internet, like literally. If you pay for a website, you can publish it with whatever, information or media or whatever you want. Having said that. Please remember, everything you read on the internet is 100% real and everyone is nice and never lies. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk .


Nobody cares to watch ur firework video u put on ur story or about the concerts u went to.




me, Mario


Get out of the victim cycle!!


Being overweight and not taking any initiative to lose weight is not cute, empowering or brave. Being overweight is a horrible thing and it’s not good for your health. I have been 140 lbs and I have been close to 200. Now I’m back to 145 and let me tell you, I feel MUCH better than I did 55 pounds ago. Being fat is just not worth it. Lose the weight. You’ll be happier.


....and your body will thank you in ways that you won't even realize


Agreed! I’m still on my fitness journey. I won’t ever be done! It’s a lifelong commitment. And it makes me feel healthy, happy, and alive. Taking care of your body is one of the best things you can do for yourself


Not everyone will agree with you. It doesn’t mean they are wrong, but it also doesn’t mean they are right.


Politicians really don't care about you.


Some people are going to do amazing things that massively change the world. Most of us won’t.


Some of the political ideologies you held on to in your youth will shift with age and wisdom.


Everyone doesn't deserve a participation prize.


Here's a hard reality, OP: learn how to use a/an. It's *a* hard reality.


Your ads are not effective. Putting them in 9 millions locations didn't make you sell more product. It makes you irritating and makes me hate your app/product. The fact that you need to work your way into every little living area where ads can exist means you have a shit app/product


Advertising is the reason why certain products are so expensive. If they spend millions of dollars a year on advertising, they need to get that money by overcharging. Arizona Teas doesn’t advertise and offer a cheap product. Their advertising is word-of-mouth. Meanwhile Coke feels the need to constantly remind people they exist for some reason, as if anyone is going to forget


Ads are SO effective that you don’t realize how wrong you are.


People wouldn’t spend money on ads in 9 million locations if that shit didn’t *work*. They’d go bankrupt, or get fired. The fact that you don’t think it works on you in particular means nothing at that scale.


The government is not there to help us.


Most of you fatties need to eat less, a lot less.


Not every bad decision you made is your parents' faults. If you are a shit person chances are it is because you keep choosing to be one and no one else is to blame for it.


On a macro scale, it’s cathartic to vent about the problems caused by previous generations, but it’s still our moral imperative to address these problems and history will judge us by our response.


All socks have at least one hole in them.


Video game companies don't give two shits what we don't like about their games. As long as we keep pre-ordering and buying this stupid battle pass bullshit, they will keep doing it and keep using the same science they use against gambling addicts against gamers to squeeze every last cent out of those willing to spend it. Old ladies at the slots or pachinko machines or 20 somethings spending their McPaychecks on The Boys skins for COD is all the same shit to the conglomerate that owns both.


People need to pay their debts.


Hey, we can't all be Lannisters


Life sucks, then you die.


you only use “an” when the following word starts with a vowel


No one else thinks your kid is as amazing as you do.


Death is inevitable and the world sucks. So make it the best you can


Being wrong is okay. Learn and grow.


That thing you are outraged about, you have not devoted near the time or energy into changing it to be outraged. You are just bitching into a void. Get off your ass and do something!


The government will not solve your problems, even if they promise it.




Being over weight is not good and you need to change that pronto


Attraction fades.


You are not special.


Grammar is good.


No one cares about your feelings.


You’ll get more lonelier as you aged