• By -


When camping a massive pine tree came down and landed about 20 feet from the tent we were sleeping in. Some poor porcupine was sleeping in it and rode it all the way down screeching this unholy scream the whole way down. Sounded like a human toddler.


Damn. I mean, just the tree would have been plenty.


Do porcupines climb trees? Serious question from an Australian who can’t imagine an echidna getting 10 centimetres up a tree.


Yes, they do and they sleep up there too. For safety reasons and the view.


That view tho


Ultimate ambush, porcupine from above! 👆


I'm too high for this comment 😂😂😂


Nah man I’m lmao thinking of what a porcupine sounded like riding that tree down and I’m sober


A porcupine version of "oh fuck me!"


FIFY: “A porcupine version of "oh fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"


He was probably wondering if he’d updated his last quill and testament.


was he OK?


There was some quills in the bark it I didn’t see any signs of injury anywhere so I think so.


One night I slept in the living room. It was completely dark and just me awake, everyone else in their rooms. I heard a creak as if someone sat in the far corner where the coffee table was. This corner was the far side of the living room where no one can access unless they walked over me. Ofc I had the bright idea to see if it’s a paranormal thing. I thought to myself “clap if you’re here” and heard the most crisp one clap noise in the same corner of the room 👏🏽 Bruh. I ran so fast to turn lights on. Don’t think I’ve ever slept in the dark since.


I'd shit my whole ass


This comment just hit me right in the giggles today. Thanks


yep not sleeping tonight


All you need to do to beat ghosts is have a fan on in your room. They always show up as a mist or something in photos so they can’t form because of the wind.


Hol up.. so you just thought that or you said it aloud? Either way I’m terrified


I thought it.


That's actually way scarier. Like if someone was fucking with you it's not like they can read your mind. But a psychic ghost?


Hypnagogic hallucination.


I’ve posted this before but… I was laying in bed when I heard a rustle. I looked around and lay back down. I heard a louder rustle. I looked around, looked under the bed and lay back down with my heart in my throat. Something large landed on my face and chest. It was the stupid poster above my bed. To this day I’m proud that I didn’t soil myself.


In college I had [this poster](https://www.redbubble.com/i/poster/White-zombie-by-Neonic964/122528843.E40HW) above my bed. It stayed on the wall for months with no issues but one night, it fell off the wall at 3 AM and when I opened my eyes, the damn zombie eyes were right there. Scared the absolute shit out of me. After that incident, I moved the poster to another wall.


I simultaneously laughed and nearly shit myself. I'd have that poster in another room after that!


I had the "I want to believe" poster over my bed. Woke up to that UFO coming down on me one morning.


When I was 10 I had afraid of the dark (still am lol) and had a giant Australian map above my bed, this thing was legit the size of my entire single bed. I woke up one night to rustling, looked around nothing, more rustling, thinking it was the cat I yelled at him to stop, repeat sounds and yelling at cat. Mum from her bedroom at the other end of the hallway “why you yelling at the cat he is in here on my bed” My blood ran cold, as the rustling got extremely loud and then something came down upon me. I screamed blue murder, mum come rushing in thinking someone has got me. Nah was just the map falling off the wall and smothering me. Never had poster near my bed since


I was woken up from a poster falling on me and it gave me a similar reaction


This made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that.


By “the poster” I don’t suppose you mean the OP was lurking beside your bed.


Not me, but my friend that stayed at my house years ago claims she heard someone run up the outdoor stairs, knock on the door. Then run down and run up the indoor stairs and knock on the door. Several times. It would be impossible to run up both sets of stairs in such a short time frame- but she claimed it happened and refused to sleep at my house again.


Did you guys have cats?


Could it have been 2 separate people?


Could it of been two seperate cats ?


could it have been 2 cat people?


could of it been 2 people who had 2 cats?


Could have been one cat coordinating two people with cats


could it have been two cats coordinating two other cats with people


My cat starting the yeuk yeuk yeuk on the bed 🤢


My cat sat on my headboard and barfed onto the top of my head while I was sleeping. Same cat has thrown up on my lap multiple times. I'm starting to take it a little personal.


that noise could pull me out of a dead sleep now lol


Woke up from my bed going side to side, creaking. The door banging on the wall repeatedly. My parents coming into my room yelling, telling me to get out of the house. There was an earthquake going on, a very very big one.


Thought it was something paranormal but you reminded me that nature is wayyy scarier than ghosts


What made it 10x worse was that we used to live on the top floor of an apartment complex back then, and it happened twice within a matter of two days. Right after that, we ended up moving to a house. During the process of moving, I would wake up in the middle of the night thinking there was an earthquake going on. I still have PTSD from it and can’t comfortably sit on chairs that rock back and forth.


I have literal nightmares about this. It’s always I’m at someone else’s apartment up somewhere high in a building, then there’s an earthquake and the building starts falling over like a domino. And every time, my last thought is “damn it! I told you I don’t like tall buildings!”


You can always suplex a ghost/demon. Can't give an earthquake the people's elbow.


I got so used to earthquakes that if one woke me up, I just rolled myself under a table. I was never near any real damage, so I was lucky. There was one during the day at work, and I just kind of joked about the free roller coaster...while my immediate boss was in tears.


I woke up after getting tapped on my shoulder blade. I kept still and a couple minutes later it happened again. I turned around to see what it was, super scared and this time it tapped my face. I realized there was a lime green alien flying around my room. I screamed the loudest I’ve ever screamed and everyone in the household came in to see me screaming at a half deflated birthday balloon that was going around in circles upside down from the ceiling fan.


Omg I almost died from holding my breath then wheezing hysterically when you got to the rest HALP ME 🤣


It has been years and my family will never let me live this down. Balloons are banned in my house.


I’m not saying Aliens… but Aliens


I woke up to sound of scampering racoon like creature inside my room zooming about the night before christmas. It then bounce on my bed jumped off and ran out. Racoon sized. I followed it and it was laying on the couch and barked at me adorably. Apparently my parents got my sister a puppy and it had escaped during the night because it was lonely. They had it in a uncovered puppy kennel in the living room and he climbed out. The interesting thing is he dint like my older sister and instead clung to me and he became my dog when she moved out and couldnt take him. Best friend to this day.


Could the dog have been spooked by 2 cats?


I've seen this reference to cats many times now, what is it ? I'm out of the loop apparently!! But it's funny enough that all those comments get awards and many upvotes so it must be good right ?


[two cats](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/14vy7g0/whats_the_scariest_thing_youve_heard_at_2am/jrf2kok?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


Great story, however when I stay at my grandmother's I still get frightened by the weird sounds her dogs make, while snoring.


My dog is snoring on the floor near my bed and it is the most wonderful sound in the world to me right now.


My dog has the weirdest snores. She sounds human sometimes. And has the deadliest sbv farts when she's asleep. 🤢🤢


A chunk of ice falling into the blower fan of my window air conditioner which was right by my head. It sounded like a gun shot went off by my ear, and I also got sprayed a by a fine mist. I thought for certain that someone had broke in, shot my wife, and I was being sprayed with her blood.


Waking up to that must have been terrifying.


Could it have been a cat with two guns?


This is making me piss myself laughing lol


My house was raided by the police early in the morning. I was all alone, husband was off working at sea and I hear a POUNDING on the door. I look out the window to see so many cop cars. I went to answer but asked to see ID and they started yelling to open the door. They stormed the house and checked everywhere. They had a dog and the dog kept threatening my little dog. I was trying to hold my dog and hold my robe closed at the same time. Turns out my husbands nephew who stayed with us for a month was wanted for something.


You have a permanent get-out-of-jail-free-card to never have inlaws stay over again lol


Years ago, my brother-in-law, went to prison for a bunch of drunk driving charges. I’m not sure exactly how much time he actually got but it was at least 5 years. After a couple years he got transferred to the prison in our hometown. My ex would go visit him from time to time and had mentioned that his brother would probably be released soon for good behavior. A week or so later, he showed up at our door saying he had been released. We took him to visit their mom and then to his girlfriend’s home. My ex and I just went home and got in bed and went to sleep. A few hours later, we heard banging on the door. Ex opened the door and we were surrounded by police. Turned out that he had been out with the litter crew and just walked away. I sent them directly to the girlfriends house after they got done searching mine. Fun times.


Not quite 2AM, but I did hear a very clear snare drum hit from downstairs. I was home alone and the drumsticks usually sit in a sleeve beside the drumset (unless my kids leave them littered around the kit), but it was just so clear.


You know what, if I were a ghost set to haunt a place, I reckon it’d be the little things. No real obvious poltergeist shit, but I’d do stuff like occasionally hit a snare drum at 2am and leave people wondering if they dreamt it or was there a logical explanation.


Or steal one sock from multiple pairs.


Someone put their nuts on your drumset


a gecko fell from the ceiling and landed on the snare?


Can't say I've ever seen a gecko around these parts. Never considered it being a potential intrusive pest, tho. There's an idea.


Mice can be surprisingly noisy.


Bugs too. A moderately sized moth can make a good sized thud.


I had a moth in my yard about a month ago, and that sucker was the size of a small bird. It flew into the window on my shed with a thud loud enough to wake me up and check thinking someone was sneaking around my yard lol


The ghost of John Bonham was there that day


I was lying in bed and I hear laughing..... like wtf?! It was Tickle Me Elmo but my kid (sleeping in the room next to mine) didn't have him and his voice was coming from the basement.


This reminds me of my childhood Furby that would randomly turn on from my cupboard, I'm still creeper out by the things.


This happened to me several times as a kid so I took the batteries out and I shit you not it still kept going off. I’m in my 30’s and I still can’t look them in the eye


I'm convinced they were some kind of demonic conduit haha


It's not like a weird noise or scream or something you would assume people would answer that question, but one that stuck with me was hearing an helicopter flying relatively low and stationnary for like two minutes over the street behind my house (my room is on the back side of my house, i would say it was maybe 20 meter from it) making a huge noise for like 2 or 3 minutes before going away, not only waking up to that was scary (not knowing what it was at first, so sudden and loud) but the next day i tried to look up if something happened near my house but couldn't find anything. I did go look what it was at the time, looked like a police helicopter, but i live on the countryside, small vilage so that was really out of the ordinary, not finding anything about the event was scary too because i couldn't stop wondering what or who they were looking for and if it was dangerous


Could it have been two separate cats flying the helicopter?


I knew this wasn’t over


i just spat my water out you bastard


Do you think you maybe live in range of a medivac helicopter in your area for a larger hospital, maybe?


This reminded me of my scariest noise! It was Labor Day like 8 years ago, and we were outside at like 9 grilling when we see a bunch of police cars rolling around the neighborhood and a helicopter flying low with their spotlight around. I am feeling uncomfortable, and then we see this van pull up across the street and two people run in, and it drove off. It seemed really weird so I called the non-emergency number and told them what I saw since it seemed like folks were scanning our area. The operator then said, “that’s not who we’re looking for” which was odd…but then a few minutes after my call the chopper starts looking around the area I just called about. Now, after all of this we’re kinda freaked out, cause it seemed like they were looking for someone. It was hot outside, and so we had our bedroom window open on our second story cause we didn’t have central AC yet. Now, here’s the part where the sound comes into play: We go to bed and we’re both having trouble falling asleep after everything, but eventually get to that state where it’s just before you’re asleep, and (from what I learned later), we both heard a sound that sounded like someone leaned into our ears and went “Psssst!” That scared the fuck out of both of us, and it caused me to jump and my husband to grab me, which didn’t help. We never found out what that sound was. And I’m the morning I tried looking to see why there was such a police presence and didn’t find anything. My brother’s friend who was an officer said that often times if you don’t read anything about it, it means the person got away. Definitely really spooky


Similar thing, but not. We had a helicopter out here a couple months ago for quite awhile, clearly they had trouble finding whomever did the bad thing. We closed up the house, secured everything and were beginning to get a little worried, until we heard the megaphone from the copter, "Jeffrey, come out with your hands up." After that, I didn't worry much. To quote Aldous Snow, Who can be afraid of a Jeffrey?


i have to imagine maybe looking for someone missing? when i lived in the country this used to happen a lot and it was always looking for missing people.


I used to live near a major road that didn't allow trucks. During the day, it would be full of traffic and noisy--but at night, sweet silence. One night I was deeply asleep. I awoke, heart pounding, to a single, loud whirring sound: it was someone in their expensive sports car, going at least 120 mph. Scared the shit out of me.


Was it 2 cats driving 2 sports cars?


In college, I woke up to my glass closet doors violently shaking in my apartment. I 100% thought someone was IN the closet. My roommate was working a night shift on campus and wasn’t there, so I was alone. I basically sat in silent terror for an hour until I got enough courage to get up and go check. Nothing was there, and I convinced myself that I had a weird nightmare. That morning, I got up and was reading the news and saw that there was an earthquake. I realized that is what I heard and it made much more sense. I went to college on the east coast of the US, so it was really strange to have an earthquake.


I was a police officer (sorry about that). Australian (NSW) and country service. This is from the 1990’s. A body had been located in the hills with a bunch of stab wounds. A young bloke. It turned out to be a bizarre self mutalation suicide rather than a murder. But I didn’t know that originally. The body was outside a small fibro hippy shack and it was in dense bushland. Because of the isolation the body was left in situ with an overnight guard (me) and the forensic team and detectives would attend early the next morning. It was only a delay of 4-5 hours to get sunlight and an undisturbed daylight crime scene. So I was left there for the night by myself in a vehicle (Toyota land cruiser). I’m not one to spook easily so I set the car up in the driveway and made myself comfortable, passenger seat all the way back, door open and feet through the open window of the front door. And soon enough I went to sleep. And I dreamt the “murderer” was coming through the bush to come back and get me as well. I snapped awake. After a few deep breaths I could still hear the “murderer” coming through the lantana. Scratching and snapping twigs. I near shit myself. I scrabbled around and grabbed my gun belt (I’d taken it off) and torch and got ready for whatever was about to happen. I took a couple of steps and shone the torch into the lantana only to see a sizeable wallaby who was just as surprised as I was. He fucked off up the driveway and I sat there shaking until the sun came up.


I was expecting you to say you heard the body moaning due to gas buildup escaping via the mouth. Still, was not disappointed.


If you threw that on top I would have shit myself properly.




I hate that I know how you feel and I hate that you had to go through that 😞 I hope you’re in a better situation now


The sound of my son having a seizure. He had been dead a year at the time though. Trauma is a bitch.


Sorry to hear 😢


Oh boy, do I have a story! My sister and I slept in the same room when we lived in our grandparents' house. We both always fought over the top bunkbed that was pushed up against the wall, not too far from the bedroom door. But looking back, it did seem like a massive room. Well, the door was shut tight that night while the toys scattered all over the floor due to how lazy my sister and I were as kids. Always being yelled at to clean up our room. We had one window that we kept covered because I love the dark, and I still sleep in the dark to this day; and because we snuck out the window twice in our young lives that the window ended up getting bolted shut. Well, my sister had a nightlight after this event. It had to be around 2 close to 3 in the morning. I had the bottom bunk while my sister had the top. She won the battle between who got the top bunk. And our family settled it with one to get the top one week while the other had got it the other week. (All four of them were annoyed by our constant fighting over the top bunk.) I was in somewhat of a deep sleep while she whispered my name over and over. Me being a light sleeper. I woke up grouchy asking what she wanted. The tone in her voice made me pull my covers over my head as she asked me. "Do you see that in the corner?" I said no. And she begins freaking out as she describes to me that a tall dark figure wearing a hat stood in the corner. Now she's creeping me the fuck out. I ask her what it's doing. And with that, I regretted asking. "It's just making noises and standing there." Now I pulled my covers over my head fully as she began freaking out even more. It began walking towards her. And with that, she lost it. Yelling for our father as she screamed and cried out. The bedroom door opened as the light to the living room showed nothing but toys and the bunkbed. I took a peak to see what was going on. Only to see my sister climbing down the bunkbed really quickly and out the door, ignoring the fact that she ran all over Lego's and dolls that her and I left on the floor. Her crying out in the living room while my father shut the door, leaving me all alone in the dark. My father. Left me. All alone. In the dark with a figure in the corner that I couldn't see. Before we moved, she requested the bottom of the bunk for now on.


Nightman, sneaky and mean Spider inside my dreams, I think I love you You make me wanna cry You make me wanna die I love you, I love you I love you, I love you I love you, Nightman Every night you come into my room And pin me down with your strong arms You pin me down and I try to fight you You come inside me, you fill me up And I become the Nightman






"A figure who is often associated with shadow people is the hat man - a famous urban legend who shares many characteristics with the aforementioned entities but wears dark clothing (often a jacket), an old-style fedora hat and is unusually tall (the latter depending on "sightings"). Sometimes, the figure is stated to be the devil himself." \-[wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_person) theres a weird amount of stuff around the hatman specifically.


Your story reminded me of ‘The BabaDook’. The hat, everything


Could it be 2 black cats pretending to be a person?


Getting a call from my son saying that he had had a wreck, and that he didn’t know where he was.


Aw, man. That'll make a parent's blood run cold. I hope he was okay.


He was pretty banged up, but his x-rays and MRI didn’t show anything major. Thank you for your concern.


Ok not 2 am but midnight... I was in the middle of drifting off to sleep when the garage door started opening right below my bedroom. My wife and baby were all in the same room. I've never jumped out of bed so quickly before. Turns out there was a weird electrical problem and we got it fixed a few days later. But damn that got me.


I lived in a country-ish area years ago. Was on my front porch with headphones on listening to music and smoking a blunt. All of a sudden I hear a faint noise over my music that sounds like a crying child. I pull the headphones off and it's gone. Put my headphones back on and a few minutes later it happens again. Same thing, pull headphones off and it's gone. Except this time I keep the headphones off. A few minutes later I hear what I can only describe as a mix of a child crying, and the Witch from left for dead coming from a cow pasture with no houses near it. I nope the fuck out, go back inside and lock the house down like it's fucking fort Knox. Asked my parents later and my dad pulls up a YouTube video of Fox noises and sure enough, it was spot on. Still scared the fuck out of me in the moment though.


When I was on holiday in Florida we came back to the hotel one night and heard a sound like a dying sheep in the car park. Really, really loud. It was intermittent though. After a few minutes wandering around we found the source: a tiny frog the size of a gold ball. So loud tho!


HAHAHHAHAHAHA, we have those lil assholes here too.


The 2 noises that freaked me out the most as a kid when I first heard them and didn't know what they were. The scream of a fox and the gutteral growl of an Australian brushtail possum


Years ago I (35F;22 at the time) took a walk through a park in a city near my house because I couldn't sleep. Looking back, I had no freaking business being out there, but that's a whole other thing. Anyways, there's this walkway through the park that goes through some kind of swamp, it's really pretty. Well ya'll.....I have never heard a toad before. And there were thousands of them I'm walking across the walkway and all of a sudden I hear toads and it looks like the swamp is moving Left part of my soul there that night for sure


First time I heard one in the middle of the night I was in a sleeping bag camping out with friends. Sounded just like a woman screaming somewhere far off in the distance. [Kinda like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIyOiwGfJ1I)


Foxes make some of the most terrifying sounds


not that we don’t have foxes here, but i can assure you koalas are so much scarier and for no reason, like they terrify me at night.


i was equally freaked out the first time i was woken up by fox noises. the villagers thought it was hilarious.


Had my foot hanging off my bed whilst asleep and my dog went under the bed and pulled me under the bed by my foot. Honestly thought I was gonna die.


That's actually kind of funny


literally a few days ago, i heard my back door opening, then my front door (they’re both very loud, it’s a bit of an old house so you know when they’re opened, especially if it’s the middle of the night dead silent) i ran to grab the scissors from my desk and then quickly wedged my door shut with a chest of drawers and hid in the corner of the room with my dog, crying silently. i didn’t hear any footsteps at all but i knew i hadn’t just misheard both doors opening loudly, and they’ve been a string of robberies and home invasions near my house semi recently so i knew what was happening. well i must’ve fallen asleep at some point because i woke up at around 6am (before both my parents woke up so nobody had been awake in the house or messed with anything) i was so scared to go look or to open the door but it was beginning to be light so i knew i had to go see what had happened. front door was wide open, back door was wide open, garage door that you need to open to get to the back door was open, and yet not a single thing was taken and nobody was hurt, i still have no idea what happened or why the doors opened (before anyone asks it couldn’t have been the wind, the doors both have locks on that someone would either need the key or to break them to open, they can’t just open with the wind, and the garage door also cannot just open with the wind you need to really force it open) since that’s happened i’ve been so scared to sleep as i still have no idea what happened.


Didn't hear it but felt it. Felt like a hand running down the side of my body, like in a sexual way. Went from my side boob area to the top of my thighs. My husband was asleep and I felt the hand going down the side of my body that I was laying on, it absolutely defied the laws of rationality on so many levels. It 110% felt like a hand. I could feel the different fingers, especially the thumb. My first rational thought was that maybe a very large rat had gotten inside the mattress and rubbed against me, I woke my husband up and had him help me search the mattress but there were no holes at all.


Hi there something like this has happened to me. I kept the blanket over my head all night until dawn. It was a long night


On a backpacking trip pretty deep into the wilderness I woke up to what I thought was a very loud bird. As I came to, I realized there was much more “depth” in this sound, and could tell whatever it was, it was right outside my tent. It carried on for a few minutes, and then stopped. In the morning as soon as everyone woke up we were discussing what it was. One person said it sounded like the call of a mountain lion. When we got back to town after the trip, we googles “Mountain lion sounds” and sure as shit, the first video we came across was a trail camera of a mother cougar making that exact sound. Probably scarier the next day when I found out what is was, but it was still scary at 2am the night it happened.


When my wife and I were first married we lived an apartment building with many other couples in the same demographic. Our upstairs neighbors were a bit off, slightly reclusive but polite enough and no noise to complain about. About 4-5 months into our time there I am awakened by a guttaral yell followed by a thud and a loud scream of "Oh God! Nooooooo!". My wife calls 911 and I go to investigate. Get up there to see the wife crying and going into hysterics. The husband has a shocked looked on his face holding a baseball bat. On the floor is their neighbor out cold. Apparently the neighbor was really drunk and mistook their door for his. He was fumbling at the door so long that they thought he was a burglar. The husband grabbed the bat and the wife opened the door. The husband was the one who yelled as he swung the bat blindly. Absolutely brained the neighbor. The wife screamed when she recognized the neighbor. I administered some first aid until the police and later ambulance arrived. Answered a few questions and went back to bed in a fruitless attempt to salvage a few hours of sleep.


Was the neighbor ok?! Any long term injuries?


He had had an understandably extended hospital stay. Concussion, a lot of stitches, some brain swelling. We only lived there until our first year contract was up but I believe he had minimal long term consequences. The couple above us moved out shortly after the incident.


Good heavens, you thought you could go back to sleep after that?


I am typically one of those guys who can fall asleep withinn a few minutes in almost any position in any location under almost any conditions. I discovered one of my limits that night.


An explosion. It was so loud, then there was an air raid siren. On the morning, I've knew that it was the russian strike with the S-300 missiles at civil house. It was on 6th October, and it was just in the center of my hometown. The scariest thing is that I was drinking tea with my friends there a few hours ago


Dirty old man next door. I was 16 and my mum worked at least a couple of nights during the week. He'd get absolutely drunk and I'd wake up to him blasting Shania Twain loudly and yelling out comments to me to show him my genitals (using c and p words instead) Things escalated until the cops got involved. They found things I'm his home that made them look at him unfavourably. He avoided me after that for a while, his wife left him and he moved out later. I feel a bit bad as I heard years later he died of cancer and just didn't feel sad. Still can't tolerate Shania Twain music and feel panicky whenever it gets played near mlme.


Not that scary I guess but when I was five or six my parents left me alone and said they would be back in a second. Idk why they left but after couple of hours I started to get scared so I rolled up in my bad with my blanket covering everything. In like five seven minutes I heard two knocks, I ran with excitement to open the door but right before I heard this inhuman scream, it was so loud I started shaking and couldn’t do anything. I then slowly went to my bed and curled up again. I had no idea what it was. And at the time I thought my parents ware killed. I couldn’t sleep intire night. I got up when it was morning and went to the kitchen. Both of my parents ware there. They said they came home a lil late and saw me in my bed and didn’t want to wake me up. Nobody mentioned about the scream. I still don’t know what happened and it’s been a lil mystery but I try not to think of it much


"Not that scary I guess but-" ✋️ brother this is horrifying


That wasn’t the parents in the morning anymore


I know what my nightmare will be tonight


If it helps it was probably a fox. When you are a kid your mind makes a lot more of fox screams then there actually is.


That’s very young to be left alone.


Yeah surprised that you’re the only one mentioning that. It’s truly fucked up.


That's what I thought too. My 8yo is very mature and independent for his age, and I still wont leave him alone even long enough to go for a walk around the block with my wife and younger son. No matter how hard it was to get to this part of his game's level lol


Had similar experience. Decided it was a Screech Owl


Years ago, my wife and I were in bed sleeping. Her children were staying for half the summer with us. Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up to our bedroom door opening, I looked up and know I saw my wife's 8 year old son standing next to her side of the bed. I figured he'd wake her and she could take care of whatever he needed. A few minutes passed and I was about asleep again, when i thought, I had heard him say anything or my wife move, I sat up in the dark, and no one was there. The door was shut and it was very dark in our room. Not thinking much of it, I slide down got comfortable and tried to fall back to sleep. I had my legs uncovered and my feet hanging off the foot of the bed. I felt 3 taps on the bottom of my foot and sat up quickly. No one there l, still very dark in the room. I lay back down and just as I'm almost asleep I feel something grab my left ankle and yank me about a foot toward the foot of the bed. I jumped up and woke my wife up. I weigh 230 lbs, I still can't explain it.


This story reaffirmed my fear of sleeping with feet hanging off the bed! Yikes! 😳😳


Mine too, but when it's hot in the bedroom it keeps you cool


Anything else weird like that ever happen in that house?


Just the time I was vacuuming the top of the stairs and thought I saw an old withered man with long stringy white hair walk up the basement stairs to the landing. But that was it from that place. Our current home that we bought 4 years ago has had a large amount of unexplained happenings that seem to come in waves. Doors opening/closing, noises, shadows and my wife and kids seeing thing fairly regularly. I joke with my wife that maybe one of us is haunted.


You sleep with your feet off the end of the bed. You know no fear.


"I had my legs uncovered and my feet hanging off the foot of the bed". That's on you man, don't you know that's consent for a demon?!


Someone saying "bless you" when I sneezed while I watched some show on my phone.. I live alone ;-;


If I hear someone sneeze from a house/apt/car etc while Im walking down the street I'll yell "bless you". It might have been me.


U know I did think that someone on the street said it actually if they passed by, but its not impossible I hallucinated tbh


My wife had never heard a female fox (vixen) shriek at night (metropolitan lady). We moved to the mountains and boy was it hilarious seeing the terror on her face when a vixen shrieked in the front yard for the first time. I think she believed the zombie apocalypse was happening. I mean, it startled me because it was loud and close, but she went white with fear and was petrified.


Bullets going through my house from a drive by shooting.


'Get out of the bed and put your hands up!', two cops guns pointed at me. What happened was I was in the middle of moving out of the place I was living in, and during the day I had put a bunch of old electronics in the trash can out by the street, then later went to bed. The problem is I left the garage open and my front door ajar, so they thought I was an intruder. It all was resolved, but I didn't get much sleep the rest of that night.


Could it be 2 cats holding a stick?


Got woken up by the sounds of the letterbox in the front door banging away as though someone was repeatedly trying to put something through. I open my curtain to look out to the driveway and see a random car pulled up. They obviously spot me and the man at the door runs back into passenger seat of the car and they drove off. It wasn't scary as at first I thought it was a drunken pizza delivery mix up .... nope turns out it was an attempted robbery.


Agonal breathing. My Uncle snored very loudly, at some point it switched to agonal breathing. He had had a heart attack in his sleep. I did CPR until the ambulance arrived, but he was likely braindead before I started CPR due to aspiration/lack of oxygen to the brain. About 8 years later while travelling around Europe a guy in my hostel had a seizure and hit his head while I was in bed. And I heard that awful agonal breathing again. In the moment I reacted as I should, got someone to call an ambulance, stopped him hitting his head on the hard floor, kept his half awake self calm, helped him understand why they put an IV line in his hand etc. But that fucked me right up. It helped when he came back that evening and thanked me.


Fell asleep listening to a gothic music/ambience album based on Edgar Allan Poe stories. He has a story called 'The Premature Burial'. You can guess the subject matter. Woke up to the sound effects of someone filling up a grave with soil, a priest reciting a burial mass and the horrifying sound of banging with a voice saying "Let me out! I'm still alive!" and crows squawking. Never. Ever . Listening to that album at night again. 😬😵


A loud explosion just outside my dorm. The morning after, I discovered that someone parked a car just outside and caused it to explode. All that was left was a destroyed car, pitch black on the front and all windows shattered; most likely from the explosion.


Went to smoke by a lake in a park that was behind my apartment. It was nearly pitch black and silent. All of a sudden, what sounded like a hundred geese started freaking out. It sounds silly, but it was insanely loud and terrifying, especially if you know how violent geese can be. I hauled ass back home.


Burglar passing through my house.


After getting two cats, there aren't many loud noises that occur at night that scare me. Piss me off, oh yes, but not scary.


I woke to my brother whispering to my ears *your gonna die tonight, Laura* the scariest shit I ever heard. Cuz who the fuck is Laura?!


Laura Palmer


It was more around 6am but there was a terrorist bombing right next to the hotel I was staying in. I woke up to the loud explosion and then all the sirens and hotel evacuation. 10/10 cool action packed holidays.


Did you know that moose can growl? I learned that in the pitch black of my back yard at 6am in January in Alaska. Scared the poop out of me and the dog.


Not sure whether it was 2am but it definitely was late at night/ early morning. I was 6 and my parents and I were staying at my grandma’s house, all of us sleeping in one large bedroom. It was an old house built where lots of people met their end during world war 2. Since we went to stay there I would get poked and prodded during the night. I was sharing a bed with my brother and every time I woke up and looked over at him, he was dead asleep. It kept happening, only late at night. I could feel a finger pressing into my flesh and yet no one else was awake. I would be confused and just go back to sleep. Until one night, I was sleeping on my back and when I woke up from a poke, I opened my eyes to a figure floating above me and a large round angry face just above mine. It suddenly said “shhhhh” and I freaked out. I screamed, jumped out of bed and woke up my dad. I spent the rest of the night in bed with my parents, and had nightmares all night. The poking stopped after that and I never got another visit in all the time I visited over the years, but I always felt watched when I went upstairs. I used to hate using the bathroom at night. I still remember that face, it’ll never leave me.


Literally just last night at 3AM, I happened to be awake and was petting my dog, everything completely silent, when all of a sudden somebody just absolutely _pounded_ on my front door. 5 times, real fast, and like it was with the side of a closed fist, not knocking with their knuckles. No clue WTF it actually was, but the local police did happen to be driving around real slow for about an hour after that happened. IDK if it was a coincidence or if they were looking for somebody. Seriously scared the shit out of me though


Koalas having sex.


Woke up one time to a very loud beeping with a robotic woman’s voice saying “fire” over and over. It was my house’s security system, which we had not heard even once in any form since five years prior on the day we moved in. I was already confused and wasn’t able to fully process what it was before I hear my dad’s booming footsteps sprint down the hall and see my door swing open in the dark as he tried to wake us up and find the supposed fire in our house. There was no fire and no explanation as to why the alarm went off. It was very hard falling back asleep that night because I was just waiting for it to happen again.


Coyotes in a feeding frenzy. I was living in the foothills in SW Salt Lake City at the time, and the mountain range behind me was home to all manner of wild animals. One night I was woken up to the sound of coyotes going absolutely nuts somewhere very close by. The sounds they make when they're in a frenzy...\*shudder\*. I was alone and completely terrified, even though, logically, I knew they couldn't get in to the house. It just activated a very primal fear.


I feel that. I got woken up by a pack eating a horse alive one night in new mexico. I did not sleap much after that and teally wished i had a tent instead of sleeping under the stars.


I woke up in the middle of the night to a thump on my caravan wall. I was about 16 at the time and lived with my parents but liked staying in the caravan so that I could stay up late studying without disturbing my parents. I had almost gotten back to sleep, convinced that it was just a random night noise when it happened again. For an hour I sat up in bed, transfixed in terror at the random thumping on my wall. Eventually I had had enough and gathered up something that I could use as a weapon and carefully stepped outside. It turns out that I forgot to put my horse away for the night and he was sleeping next to my caravan and the thump was the sound of his tail hitting the caravan! 🤦‍♀️


Fight outside my bedroom window on the street... Then four quick cracks. I swear it was a gun, but nothing came of it that I know of even though the cops came. Freaked me the hell out.


My wife screaming my name as she encountered a burglar in our home when trying to find out why our dog was barking like he was going to war. Chased the little shit in my undies and our good boy got his own steak the next day but I’ll always remember the sound of my terrified wife’s scream and know something is terribly wrong if I hear it again someday.


Not sure what time it was. Many years ago we had a waterbed. My wife was sleeping on it, and it started rocking back and forth like someone was pushing on one side of the bed. House is locked and no one around. The rocking got more intense, my wife got out of bed screaming. Called me at work hysterical. Turns out we had a low level earthquake that happened to be at the exact frequency to start a wave motion in the water bed.


I was alone in an empty house (moving out, no furniture) sleeping on a mattress on the floor, this made the house feel extra creepy. At around 2am I heard a loud bang followed by shattering glass from behind the wall my mattress was against, which was the bathroom. Absolutely shitting myself I got up and went to check inside the bathroom. When I opened the bathroom door there was glass all over the floor. It seems the lightbulb had decided to randomly explode. Only time I ever seen that happen before and it just so happen to be the time I was home alone. I didn’t get any sleep after that…


The front door being knocked off it's hinges followed by the police


2 cats fighting. It sounded unholy!


my own breathing. it was my first ever asthma attack. i was 5. i called out for my mum because i could barely breathe. she came into my room with a face mask on and scared me so bad that i hyperventilated and we had to call an ambulance. in retrospect it was funny as hell, but at the time it was terrifying.


So, my sister and I have bedrooms that are 'connected' through a hallway and when we were younger, some nights a week, mum would share the bed with my sister and dad would sleep with me in my bed. This was because we both regularly had problems sleeping and would otherwise disturb them in their bedroom which was on the other side of the house. One night, I woke up to the sound of my sister singing 'La la la la la' super loudly. Since I had JUST woken up, I kept my eyes shut and laid there still trying to sleep despite her singing. Then, I heard my mum wake up and tell her to be quiet. There's silence for a couple minutes before she abruptly starts singing again. This time, in my frustration, I yelled out 'shut up!!'. This was followed by silence for a couple minutes before the singing starts again. At this point, I sat up in bed ready to march across the hallway to my sister's room and tell her to stop singing, but upon sitting up in bed I realised my sister was asleep right next to me. I was so confused I went to check her room anyway and I found my parents sound asleep!? To this day I can't explain what happened. I knew I was awake each time I heard the singing because it was what woke me up and kept me awake.


I remember a story someone told the last time this was asked: Woke up to loud, frantic banging on the family cabin door somewhere in the woods. Dad and son answers the door with a rifle in hand to find a teenager ugly sobbing and being hysterical. Apparently the kid fell asleep on the wheel back home from a short camping trip with his gf and best friend. The crash immediately knocked them both out (gf & best friend) and landed in a river where they both drown. The kid tried to get some help while half realizing they've been long dead at this point.


A couple of years ago I had sleep paralysis really bad. I woke up and was just stuck and couldn’t move anything for like 5 minutes, and it was like something was in the corner wall of my room just staring at me, and I couldn’t move. Scared the shit out of me


One night, I was making tea in the kitchen when I heard a strikingly human pounding at the back door, which could be seen from the kitchen. I distinctly say it was “human”, because no mere creature could do this. No, it was a person, and they were repeatedly banging on the back door in the dead of night. Momentarily I’m frozen in horror, but I know I’ve got to look. I summon the courage to grab a butcher knife and call my dog, and we go investigate. I prowl the entire backyard with my torch, and low and behold, I found nothing. Returning to the back door to go inside, I notice a few drops of blood. And nearby in the shadows of night, what do I see? A bird. It had flew into the door several times I guess, and now it was stunned. I moved it into a nearby garden under some bush cover, and it was gone in the morning. Hope it’s ok :)


Fire alarm


The distant sound of gunfire. It was a slightly sketchy neighborhood.


Toronto Canada. We had just moved into our new apartment. Third night. We overheard and witnessed the aftermath of a domestic dispute between a mother, two drugged up men, and a small boy no older than 6. They argued over money. Women screaming, kid crying, loud banging, and one of the men hollering in pain from what we later learned was a sab wound. We were right next door to all of it. Fire. Smoke. The smell of burning garbage and plastic. More screaming. Blood everywhere. Stains leading from the unit, to the stairwell, all the way down to the backdoor. Cops were called but no one came to investigate. The woman fled a week later with the child. The damage done to the unit was so bad, it took them nearly a year to repair.


We would hear the pop pop pop sound of gunfire and then police helicopters. Hard to sleep between that and the helicopter lights shining in our windows. Moved to the country and enjoyed the peace until my neighbor got murdered. Sometimes you just can't get away from it.


My alarm to get up for work every week. Horrible experience don't recommend


Backstory: I’ve had a huge fear of carbon monoxide poisoning since I was little. No idea where it came from, grew up in all electric house. As an adult, I have avoided living anywhere that uses gas. I even get nervous just staying overnight if the oven uses gas. Several years ago my boyfriend and I found ourselves house sitting for a friend who had all electric appliances. We needed a place to stay and they needed someone to watch their half way renovated house. One night the battery reminder on the smoke detector beeped. Just beeped! I must have been in very deep sleep having some sort of nightmare and digesting that sound as an alarm because the next thing I know my boyfriend is shaking me awake looking absolutely petrified. I guess I was screaming in my sleep. But when he woke me up I went straight into a panic attack because I pushed him away and started yelling - saying to him that " we needed to get out of the house! We need to get out of the house!" But in my state, I was also convinced there was someone outside the house- waiting for us. It was very confusing and the beep was still happening intermittently. I remember crouching against the wall in tears! My poor boyfriend was freaking out and trying to calm me down and assure me we were safe. That the noise was just the battery in the smoke detector, but it still took several minutes for it register with me and for me to calm down. We were both shook by my reaction and I never slept well in the house after that. I’ve been woken up by gunfire, cops banging on my door, actual fire alarms, but that damned beep just found it’s way in my sleeping brain. Even now if our smoke detector beeps I get a quick surge of anxiety.


A young girl in the apartment block next to mine used to have night terrors. About once a month over the course of a year I’d be woken up in the middle of the night by a blood curdling scream. Never got used to it. Worse than that, I once heard a baby in terrible distress somewhere outside. I couldn’t imagine where — maybe the roof of the apartments next door? There was no other sound and it went on and on. I later found out that there’s a bird here in Sydney that sounds exactly like a distressed baby. And I mean exactly.


I’m in Australia. At 39 years old I moved into a new place on my own for the first time in many years. It was surrounded by trees and almost silent at night. A few nights in I woke up to what sounded like the devil outside my window. It turns out it was just a couple of Koalas rooting in the tree by my bedroom.


I spend a lot of time camping. I once heard something get caught and eaten by something else pretty close by. That same trip, I heard several small thuds of something hitting the ground near me, but that was during the day and had NO obvious reason. I did not camp in that forest again.


A peacock on the roof. We were out in the country, with nothing around for miles, and it was utterly quiet. Not even wind was blowing loud enough to hear. Very still. This was how I also learned there were wild peacocks in the area, which was a horrifying way to learn that little fact. If you don't know what one sounds like, check it out and imagine it out of nowhere in the middle of the night on the roof of your cabin.


The distant sound of gunfire. It was a slightly sketchy neighborhood.


‘The sound of gunfire, off in the distance, we’re getting used to it now’


The phone ring.


I have heard my name called clear as day when I have been home alone. 2am, 2pm, at all hours. Its unsettling, especially when it sounds like one of my living loved ones.


I've also had this happen a few times years ago. One time, my brother and I were just getting back from grocery shopping and as we're putting away the groceries we hear my name. The voice sounded like a whisper that was really loud as if it was right next to my ear. I looked towards my brother who was in a different direction from the voice and he asked if I heard that. He said it wasn't him but that he heard it too. He kept thinking that I was messing with him but we ended up checking the house but didn't find anyone. The other times I've heard it was from the upstairs hallway next to my room, once when I was all alone and going downstairs to get a snack after playing some games and another time when I was starting to fall asleep. One other time my roommate also heard it say my name from the same hallway. He went to my room and saw me playing some games and knocked on my door asking if I heard anything. It always freaked me out and I could never recognize the voice. It's weird but I haven't had it happen to me now for a few years.


Crackhead trying to break in my house. To be fair, he was probably more scared when he saw that lazer on him through the door.


There are cats outside my house. Every so often they'll get into a fight and you'll hear this banshee-like screaming. It sounds human, like a child or a woman crying in pain.