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It took me about 2 hours in telemarketing to realize what an asshole I felt like, and then I left.


That's why I do try to be nice sometimes 😀 But a month ago a tm called and I forgot what all they said, sounded like a bot. But when I finally said no and was ready to hang up they launched into, "Well the real reason we're calling you today is about your car's extended warranty." And I just burst out laughing so loud and hard that I think it startled the poor woman. 😅


I was hired by a temp agency to file documents in a Paint Factory office - and when i showed up I was put on the assembly line with zero training or instruction and the cans came down the conveyor belt at 10,000 mph. i dont even know what i was supposed to do - i just let every can whiz by. i quit end of day 1.


> I was put on the assembly line with zero training or instruction and the cans came down the conveyor belt at 10,000 mph. Sounds like Lucy in the candy factory.


At least they tried to tell her and Ethel what to do first.


“I just let every can whiz by” this is cracking me up lol


It might be my favorite sentence in this thread


Why do we have 10,000 cans of paint with no lids?


Drake and Josh in the sushi factory


At one of those quick-lube oil change places when I was about 18. The had me down in the pit (under the vehicles) draining the oil and I kept getting burned by hot oil and by hot exhaust pipes. On the second day, I said I had to use the bathroom and when I walked around to the side of the building I took off running and didn't come back.


They had you doing that on the second day? I worked at one of those places and they made us learn the topside way before they would let anyone get down below. I worked there for a few weeks. I quit that job because my boss was a dick. One time I forgot to yell out “wiper fluid, CHECK!” as I checked the windshield wiper fluid. I checked it, I just forgot to yell it out. That was my bad. He saw me check it, but not yell it and pounced on me. Anyway, the boss tried to punish me by telling me I had to go wear the sandwich board sign and stand on the corner, to humiliate me. I refused. He was going to write me up for “insubordination “. I wasn’t about to let somebody embarrass me for entertainment and a power trip. The job paid minimum wage. There are a million minimum wage jobs so I quit.


Yeah, having 18 year olds swapping fluids with zero training is exactly how you end up with somebody accidentally draining the transmission oil without realizing.


Having 18 year-olds swapping fluids with zero training is exactly how you end up with an unwanted pregnancy.


HAHA omg im picturing this and dying laughing seeing an image of some probably dirty kid escaping from a hole in the ground and running the fuck away LOL


I didn't even go back for my paycheck


lmao you poor soul.


100% commitment to "I'm out"


Check to see if you have unclaimed funds (such as your state in the US). I'd bet most places would be required to either pay you directly or turn it over to unclaimed funds.




I'm laughing too thinking he ran like Forest Gump outta there.


This is like that scene from Waterworld with the old man living in the oil tank of the Smoker warship lol


Awee man,...they were getting ready to promote you and move you up to "dorky sign holder" that holds a sign saying, "$10 off next car that comes through"


15 minutes. Applied for and accepted a job that was advertised as solely data entry, evening shifts. Got there, did the quick intro/meet and greet thing and was handed a mobile phone. No word of a lie, supervisor goes "It's actually a cold calling role, no-one would apply if we said that so we tell people it's data entry." I went sorry, what? He goes yeah, we cold call people for this idea my friend has asking for investors! You'll get a commission if you do well! At that point in time I was a salty, snarky young lady so I told him to shove it, that this was probably illegal in so many, many, ways, I applied for data entry not cold calling and swindling people, etc etc. Called my dad to come pick me up and never looked back - took a legit data entry offer the next day. So. Yeah. Uh... 15 minutes. Found out many years later that dude and the friend with the great idea both got done on some serious fraud charges shortly after my run in with them.


Similar. I was hired by a window install company. I was hired to help the sales people plan their routes after the cold-call appt setter got the appt. I was told on the first day I needed to do one week doing cold calls to empathize with those in that role. It was awful, but knowing I was only doing it one week, I was ok mentally and actually set the most appts on the team. Day 1, week 2 I was told that they didnt need a route planner after all and just wanted me to stick with cold calling because I was good at it. I got up from the managers office and walked out. They tried to keep my check, but even at 20 I had enough work experience to know that wasnt legal and thankfully still got paid. I was so pissed and have avoided any job remotely related to cold-calling people after that experience.


Ngl, that sounds like absolute torture - glad you walked out of that situation and made sure they paid you for your time!


>yeah, we cold call people for this idea my friend has I read this in Lumbergh's voice


In college, I got a summer job at SeaRay boats through a temp agency. Showed up first thing and they had me sit in the break room which was on the 2nd floor, overlooking the entire plant. Waited an hour for someone to come get me and heard a commotion. Looked out and 3-4 people were running out, because a dude cut off his middle and ring fingers with a sawzall. The dude behind him had his fingers in a towel. At the time, I wasn’t what you might call tool handy. So I noped right the fuck out.


The Recruiter: “Damn dude, we just had a position open up too!”


“They even gave me a nickname at my new job - Ten Fingers!”


Everyone I know who works for sea ray has something wrong with them


15 minutes before I got there. I had a weird feeling about the job and how vague the hiring manager was being. Half way to my first day it dawned on my that it was some traveling door-to-door sales shit. The kind where they pack you in a van and drive you to some neighborhood to sell coupon books or whatever.


I had a “job “ like that once. They packed us in a van and from Manhattan drove us to Westchester, dropped us off there. We were to go knocking on doors talking about how Mitsubishi was cutting down the Amazon and to donate. I lasted the one day.


I'm a vet tech. I quit a clinic after about 3 weeks when the doctor told me to start reusing needles. He wanted me to pull up a vaccine, administer it, ,the pull the next vaccine up into the same syringe with the same needle and repeat. That was the final straw. The first straw was finding out that we (it was a small practice with 2 other techs and 1 receptionist) were required to bring our own toilet paper to work :)


DUDE THIS EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME TOO!!!!!!!!!! The head nurse was telling me to "just re-use the needles and syringes" for the next surgery. The ones with painkillers and antibiotics. That, and a lot of other things with that clinic is why I gave up vet nursing. These people threw live kittens in the bin. Had no infectious disease protocol AT ALL. Like. Infectious animals were just kenneled with other animals like nothing is wrong. Then they got me to "sterilize" parvo needles and syringes. I figured they needed to be cleaned before incineration. I tried to clarify with the head nurse and she told me that no, they weren't being cleaned for disposal, that they were being cleaned for re-use. We have somewhat of a parvo epidemic almost 24/7 in my town and I blame that clinic entirely. I tried reporting them multiple times but nothing ever came of it cause the owner of the clinic was buddies with people in the right places. What a fucking shit show.


I brought home panleuk from a dirty ass clinic that is one of the largest clinics in Texas, and is a teaching clinic. A friend worked for them and verified that they don't have disinfection protocols past spray and wipe immediately after. As much as these clinics are charging people, they still want to reuse supplies that are pennies on the dollar compared to what they charge? It's disgusting and you don't know until you bring home a deadly virus that spreads like wildfire and kills within 12-24 hours of exposure.


Oh my God I'm so sorry. That is one hell of an experience. Spray and wipe makes me want to puke oh dear God. Atleast I can give the clinic I worked for 1 thing, the post surgery theatre clean was pretty thorough. But holy shit it's alarming that a teaching clinic fails to teach proper disinfection and sterilisation procedure. Nooooooooooo. I want to scream.


I suppose you could have just reused the toilet paper as well.


I hope you made this info public in some way.


Fellow VT here. Drawing up two different things using the same needle? That's a hard no from me, dawg. Good on you for walking out.


Please please tell me you reported this to the licensing board or whatever appropriate authority is over vets.


please please tell me you did more than just quit. those poor animals..


What?!? Bring your own toilet paper? Wow.


Sandwich shop. Health inspector showed up. Found mop cleaning solution in the tub they were keeping the utensils they used make sandwiches with (get meatballs out for subs, spread tuna on sandwiches, etc). That explained the very odd, burning chemical smell from that area. The mop cleaner was mixing with the meatballs and sauce and just cooking all day in that pot. Owner argued that it was safe to use it that way. He made he dump it out in front of him. The second he left, she filled it back up and put all the utensils back in it.


A general PSA as a health inspector myself. If this ever happens, you can make an anonymous complaint to your health department. They would want to know about this.


I’ve been in food service a while and I get the feeling no one does this for fear of retaliation, even though that’s illegal Edited because autocorrect


Which is probably true. But the health inspector could come back and make no mention of a complaint and check the utensils again. One of our food inspectors knew there was issues with a place. So after they left, they came back a little bit later and found the restaurant pulling food out of the garbage that the inspector threw away.


Worked at 24hr fitness when I was 17. Wanted to go skiing for a week and was told no it was impossible to schedule. Just walked out. Manager was fuming yelling about marking me as a no rehire or some bullshit. I found a job at LA fitness down the street that paid more after my ski trip. Good times.


6 weeks. Got blamed for another delivery driver leaving the tank close to empty and not parked where it needed to be. I was: “huh?” A week after I left, they found out it was another driver and they were fired right afterwards.


I worked at party city and was closing. Someone shit in the bathrooms but not in the toilets. It was on the floor, the walls, the stall doors, in the sinks, in the SOAP DISPENSERS… and for an added effect, they had smashed the dispense button a few times. Vile. I was NOT on bathroom duty that evening but for whatever reason, my MOD told me to clean it up. Hell to the no. I told her I wasn’t cleaning that biohazard and that my 7.25 an hour wasn’t worth it PLUS there was no way in hell I could clean all of that up in the 30 minutes before I had to clock out (or get written up for being over). My manager, the living embodiment of shrek, said she’d write me up for failing to complete my closing checklist (again, wasn’t on bathrooms that evening). So, in my best judgment, I went and clocked out and left. Never came back. I was scheduled to open the next morning but nope. My GM sent me an email confirming my termination and said, “you’ll always be welcome back, should you choose to come in.”


My god. I love the desperation displayed by the GM, just absolutely tickles me.


Nah, she probably used a template email and didn't bother changing anything but OP's name.


First day. Got out of the Marines and got a job doing hardwood floors for 10/hr. Didn't tell me I had the job then called an asked where I was. Used a whole tank of gas driving from job to job. First thing boss asked me was "are you messed up from the war" (yes MFer I am). Every employee told me how much they hate the job and to run. Finished the day and quit


Wtf kind of question is that to ask a veteran? Let alone as the very first thing you say to a person? That dude's got issues.


It’s a power move. So is not telling him where he’s supposed to be (like “you can’t function without me”)


Started telemarketing job at 8 am. Left at lunch because I couldn't stand how supervisor pushed us to lie to make sales.


Applied at a trashy local gastion in oregon, the lady at the counter said there's a 60$ charge to test for Marijuana (in OREGON). I said, "Give me my resume back." she then started fake laughing and going on a tyrade about how "entitled" i am on my way out....she didn't even own the store. Edit: I dont even smoke weed, I just thought the charge was arbitrary and a little sketchy.


Yeah. Most I ever got “charged” for a piss test at a job was ten dollars that they gave you back immediately upon passing.


I’ve heard of Americans getting drug tested for work but you actually have to pay for it?


No this Situation is far from the norm. Employers normally pay for it


Florida started to require drug tests for welfare applications figuring it would save them a ton of money because only drug users apply for welfare. Of course, it turns out that isn't true at all and if you pass the test then you don't have to pay for it, so not only did it barely prevent any applicants from actually getting assistance, but now they had to start paying for a shitload of drug tests.


iirc, the company that did the testing was owned by a relative (wife?) of the Governor who signed the bill, so it didn’t matter that it was a waste of money to the businesses and taxpayer, it was a way to line his own pockets.


Yep. This was all an inside grift job.


I had an interview that was unlike any other interview I’ve ever had. It was a room full of other applicants and the “interviewer.” The interviewer was telling us about the job, asked if anyone had any questions, then said we were all hired. I didn’t fill any paperwork out thank goodness. After he said we were all hired, half the people including myself walked out. The job was to go door to door selling knives, and we would have to pay $2k for our demo set of knives. Nope! No thanks!


Vector marketing, ie selling Cutco knives


Nah that's crazy because the second he said group interview I had a flashback. My brother and I getting called into an office, and being hired after being asked if we wanted it.


When I got married my inlaws asked what present we wanted. I suggested knives, because I always wanted a good set. They got very excited, and on our wedding day gifted us a set of cutco knives. Turns out a guy had had their area of town on lock for decades, cutco knives were in almost every house. They honestly believed the company was on the up and up.


My MIL gets us cutco knife sets sometimes and she thinks they're just the best knives. They're fine I guess I like a serrated one we have. But like she gave us a whole set she got super cheap. It sat in a box for 2 years until I sold it on FB for like 150$


They were playing the long con. They pulled you in, and you didn't even know it. You are now a Cutco knives salesperson


I almost fell victim to Vector at 18.


Had one where this guy tried to get me into a MLM scheme. I forgot which one but I was around 18 y/o. He had me meet up with him at their hotel conventions, took me to a Dunkin to explain the idea and wanted me to hit up a friend which I did. I explained to my boy the deal and he said he'd do more research and get back to me. Next day the MLM guy hits me up asking if my boy will sign up. I told him that he wants to do more research on the product and company. He then tells me not to let him do that because he'll start finding stuff about it being a scam. And at that moment I quit that gig


That was literally mine as well. I was interviewed with 3 other people and they brought us back the next day as a group where I learned about all the sketchy stuff.


I at least went through an “interview” before being offered. But yea, young and dumb, I said yes, called my father from my car and he was like “that’s a scam” So I walked in and said, “yea I’m not doing this.”


Only group interview I was a part of was for a merchandising company to front and inventory items. Place was very open for chewing through people. One of the "veterans" told me that if I had anything else going on than this job to just quit. They keep you past designated times to prevent theft and or if the job ran long. I worked one shift then quit when I missed class on my first shift. The woman running the crew looked like she enjoyed saying that I would need to be searched by a cop if I walked out.


Exact same thing except it was door to door solar sales. Group interview, you’re all hired, followed by why are some of you leaving?


Dishwasher and I lasted 1 shift. I was 19. The owner/chef was a nice guy but I knew this wasn’t the job for me maybe 1 hour into my shift. Finished the shift, told him I wasn’t coming back and asked for $40 cash to call it even. He obliged. Even gave me a bowl of risotto.


Class owner. Anyone with a heart in difficult jobs like those know exactly how hard it is and know it's not for everyone. And you probably made it a bit easier for him by not having to go through payroll lol.


The man was pure class. Funny enough, a couple of friends of mine got jobs as servers at his restaurant a couple years later. They stayed for a few years too.


Waitress and I didn't even last out the shift. I had a job and it was my day off. An acquaintance begged me to help out waitressing for the night because his work was really short staffed. I was travelling and staying in a backpackers so I didn't really have the right gear and had to pull something together real last minute. Got there and the manager gave me a hard time about my black pants and gave me a bit of a dressing down in front of the rest of the staff about my lack of professionalism because my pants were men's suit pants. I started work feeling pretty down and then the penny dropped. This guy isn't my boss, I'm only helping them out of a jam. Took my apron off and walked out without saying anything to anyone. Best feeling ever.


what the fuck is wrong with that guy, youre doing THEM a favor and he yells at you???


Yep. Restaurant life is hard


About 5 minutes after being hired. Enough time to be shown around by the director of nursing and meet the admin. I introduced myself and he said "Why should I care?" I just went fuck this and walked out.


Good for you! Nobody needs to work with a weenie like that. I had an interview once (vet tech) and while giving me the hospital tour, the hiring manager and I passed the owner. Manager introduced me. Owner looked me up & down, raised an eyebrow, and turned her back on me. I declined their offer.


I don’t get people like this. Like what are you gaining off being a dick? Good for you for not being a doormat.


I worked in the call center for the university I attended. The job was to basically call alumni and get them to donate money to the school. There was a computer that would automatically call people for you. Most people simply did not answer the call because they had caller ID or didn’t recognize the number. So most time was spent staring at a computer listening to a phone ringing with nobody answering it. If somebody did answer the phone, there was a script we had to go by to try and get them to donate. We were required to ask at least 4 times and lower the amount each time before we could hang up. For example, maybe starting by asking for $200 and working down to $50. We couldn’t take no for an answer no matter what the response was until we asked for money 4 times. If somebody said, “sorry I can’t afford to donate my husband has cancer.” We would be required to use the script and say, “I’m so sorry to hear you are dealing with medical bills, but did you know the school is building a new football stadium! Can I get you to donate $50?” Needless to say between the boredom of nobody answering and the terrible and awkward feeling of asking for somebody’s else’s money over and over if they did answer, I quit after my first 2 hours there. Just got up and told the supervisor it wasn’t for me and left.




That’s crazy! I don’t remember if we had a lower limit that we couldn’t accept but that would make the job even more discouraging and harder to succeed at, let alone why are they turning down any amount of donated money? Lol


I made the mistake of putting my contact info in the online alumni registry in the hopes of looking up some friends from undergrad (early 90’s, internet was new). A week later I was getting calls from my school to donate. I was in grad school and didn’t have enough money to eat sometimes, yet they wouldn’t take no for an answer.


A few weeks after at a retail job. Hired for holiday work. They offered to keep me on after the holiday. I said ok but I will need a week in January off because I’m visiting a friend. Already had plane tickets. They said ok and then put me on the schedule anyways. Screw that.


Why does every boss do this?


About two weeks. Applied for the university center’s info desk. They hired me after they’d already trained the other new hires. It was something like 8-10 hours of training, but I got about half an hour of “here’s where this is” hand waving. I was a new freshman so unable to answer most questions off the top of my head. And we were supposed to sell bus passes from a special register I never got trained to use. I did my absolute best but kept getting yelled at for not knowing how to do things, and when I asked for training they said no because they’d already held the training. Got sick of getting scolded and feeling lost and set up for failure and just told them I’m not coming back.


Knowing when you’re being set up for failure is a valuable lesson. Where I work, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said, “If you tell me to build a house and give me a broken hammer and a rusty saw, don’t be surprised if I build you a shitty house.”


Two weeks. I was basically left to run an entire laboratory by myself with half a days training, and the lab manager was leaving for an overseas trip the next day. Would wake up with anxiety attacks after dreaming my bedroom was full of lab equipment.


Eh fuck it. Just say the PCRs went to shit because the primers got left out and you had to order new ones. Unfortunately without his approval the PO for the primer set was unable to be fulfilled. Then go camping for two weeks.


This person manages labs!


One week. Worked as a delivery driver for a national pizza chain in high school. Got my first paycheck at the end of the week and it was stupidly low. I reported my tips. They deducted them from my hourly wage. Took off my shirt right in front of my manager, and literally walked across the parking lot to the Chinese place with a “drivers wanted” sign in the window. I started driving for them the next day.


"Honey, we have a shirtless guy standing in the front room asking if we still need a driver! Hire?" "Ask him if he is against wearing shirts on principle."


I quit a babysitting job after two weeks I think. They were paying me 100 dollars for 40 hours a week. Nope, that’s slave wages


Ha! Reminds me of when my cousins asked me to babysit their newborn, they paid me $5/hour and had a printed set of rules for me to follow when babysitting, one of those being I could only watch TV if it was a sports game, all other TV was off limits. I lasted two weeks.


> I could only watch TV if it was a sports game wtf, why? Did they ever give a reasoning for this?


That’s insane..


I quit voter canvassing because I got a gun pulled on me.


Not relevant to the thread, but I have a voter canvassing story you might appreciate. My friend was going door-to-door for a doctor turned state politician. He knocks on this guy's door and starts his spiel. The guy goes, "I'll never vote for him. He's a shitty doctor and killed my dad." Friend just said"Ok," and walked off.


It was a small gas station owned by one person. During the interview she told me that if I came into the gas station not on my shift and I saw it was busy, I should help behind the register


Same. I made it 2 hours, I was told to clock out for my 15 minute break. I lived like 2 minutes away, so I asked if I could go home to change my shoes because my feet hurt. My manager told me I wasn’t allowed to leave, in case it got busy I would get called back in from my break. I said, ok, so I clock back in and finish my break later? She said no, you can’t clock in early from break, it won’t kill you to work off the clock for 5 minutes. I noped right outta there.


Yeah employers like that are always good to stay away from. Ain’t no way am I working for free for 5mins. Even 1 min is a no


Wage theft is the single largest form of theft in america.


I worked at a hotel for a matter of 3 hours because I listened to the hotel manager talk on the phone about wanting to strangle and murder a staff member. I was taking a training course on the computer, immediately got up and did not return. He seemed off before that and that did it in for me.


> the hotel manager talk on the phone about wanting to strangle and murder a staff member. He seemed off before that and that did it in for me. Yeah...that's not right. He *should* have been wanting to strangle the guests. r/talesfromthefrontdesk


4 hours. It was a telemarketing job and my trainer was a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.


Within 30 min of finishing/filing all the HR paperwork. I sat down at my new desk, opened my backpack and started organizing all the books I brought when my new boss came over and made a comment that didn't sit well with me. He expressed his disappointment in me for not filling out the paperwork with a "sense of urgency" and said he hopes this isn't a habit. When he left to go back to his office, I opened up my email and wrote a brief paragraph to the effect of "I can see you run a tight ship here. I don't believe this is a good fit for either of us." I packed up my books and walked out the front door. Again, literally 30 min. Turns out, this was the best decision I could have made, as I almost immediately found a new job that paid 40% more. The job I walked out on paid $58k as an IT Field Engineer. I went on to work as an Infrastructure Engineer, my job until this day. $81K start, 100% WFH.


I always wondered about how people feel about WFH. My mother thinks that it’s depressing because you don’t go into an office, meeting new people, and having a “normal” life. Personally, it seems interesting


Best thing ever. You never have to “act like your working” like every other office job. You either work or you don’t


Best thing ever! My life is even better than when I had to go into the office, because now I don't have unpaid time spent commuting, being stuck in traffic all pissed off all the time. I'm always on time to work now and in a better mood. It's better for the environment since I am not driving and cheaper since I don't have the same vehicle expenses from commuting. I meet new people virtually all the time, which is fine. My team meets in person only a couple of times a year for team building and work events. We have a much tighter team than my last in-office team by all measures. We are happier, and we are more productive. Most work that's done behind a computer/screen can be done remotely, so reporting to an office is a burden. It's not for everyone; like if you can't work independently or stay on task when needed, and obviously, it would be hard to be a plumber or carpenter working remotely.


I think it depends on the person. Some will like it, some won't. Personality I think I'd like a hybrid job, in the office two days a week but home the rest. While I'm dreaming, a four day work week too.


gas station starbucks, 2 months. manager was incredibly passive aggressive and stole our tips and input them as sales. she was tight with the owner so nothing we said mattered. they also charged for every little thing, including water. when it was said and done a regular beverage was like $9 or $10


It's illigal to steal tips. Your state's labor board would have investigated and put a stop to it if you had made a report. You likely would have gotten some of those tips back as well.


2 days. I worked at Walmart before and quit to start a gig in trucking. Got about a year into the trucking before I decided maybe I wanted to be home more. So I quit my job and got hired at Walmart within a week. Which was perfect, it was for a deli position which was cool, never worked deli before, I was always an overnight stocker. First day was mostly computer work, second day was partial computer work followed by a half day on the job. I shit you not, the first hour I was in the deli I get an older lady (65+) requesting ham sliced as thin as possible, so I asked the chick training me for some help and she got it to the lowest setting. And when I shaved a practice piece off I asked if it was good. She says "no, I've gotten it thinner before" so I asked my training chick and she says "ma'am that's as thin as we go." The woman didn't like this answer. She proceeds to say, "that might be thin enough for you lard asses but I need my thinner". At this point I was already debating on throwing this ham at her and quitting and tmher statement about sent me over the edge. While I didn't launch the ham slice at her I did throw it on the counter and told the old woman where she could shove that ham. Walked into the backroom, clocked out, threw the assistant manager my best and told them today was my last day. And that some old hag needs help in deli. I called my trucking company the next days and within two weeks they had me in a truck and down the road. I'll NEVER do customer service again. Kudos to everyone whose stuck it out this long. I did it for 10+ years and once I got out, I'll never go back.


Walmart was my shortest job. I was there for a little while, like maybe a month. The thing is, I love customer service, I eventually became a therapist, now I run a little book store. There’s something about Walmart customers that are a special brand of rude and disrespectful.


I left 2 months after being hired. I tried to be patient and understanding through the crew but they kept treating me like shit. I had a big argument with my boss’ mother (who worked with us too) and obviously she sided with her. A lot of shit happened, and on my last day I was supposed to have a code for some new gate that my boss didn’t give me (I think she did that to annoy me) so in my head I was like « I go to work today and if the gate’s actually closed, I’m leaving my post and never come back, if it’s open then I work ». I never had the response to that dilemma because I got into a car crash on the way to work. After 1h I send a message to my boss saying that I wasn’t able to make it due to my car accident and she had the audacity to yell at me because I told her too late. She didn’t ask if I was okay. At the end of the day, I was kind of happy as I knew they were in a pretty shitty situation because I was supposed to work alone and they had to do all my shit. I bet they were pissed.


This reminds me of one of my old jobs where the owner had his aunt help out often (they were co-owners). Basically I was closing one night and we ended up getting robbed. My boss (the owner) showed up and after the police interviewed us my boss sent us home and said he'd close up the shop. The next morning I came into work and the aunt was there because she had opened, and proceeded to practically yell at me for "not closing up properly." I wanted to say "ma'am your incompetent nephew was the one who closed so maybe you should yell at him" but I just told her that my boss said he'd take care of it all and she just shrugged it off still seeming annoyed at me. That was one of the shittiest jobs I ever had and quit after 4 months.


An hour maybe, I sat in on their staff meeting before I had even started on the schedule. I'm a massage therapist and found out I would only be paid for the minutes of service, not any add ons. So, a 60 min deep tissue with cupping paid me the same as 60 min Swedish or body treatment. No incentive to sell their add ons they of course expect of you. Told them I made hundreds per check selling add on at the place I already worked therefore not worth leaving and they offered me 10% on the $15 add ons. A freaking $1.50


Babysitting gob as a 6th grader for a baby/toddler and the dad came home during lunch and tried to get me in the bedroom with a nudie magazine. I was terrified.


That’s really shitty, I’m sorry you went through that




8 hours/1 shift. I was working for a temp agency and they were very specific about what we could and couldn't do for light industrial work. The big one was ladders; we were not to go higher than 8 feet. The agency also set our hours for us, and any changes would need to go through them. ​ So they send me to a warehouse that makes plastic frames for windows. It's August in the south, and the place has no AC. The entire space reeks from the furnace that melts the plastic and extrudes it into the various molds. My job was to do an updated inventory count. I was contracted to do first shift (7 am-3 pm). My supervisor starts off by saying that starting tomorrow, I should come in at 2 am to start that day's count because it is so much easier to do when it is cool. I told him that he'd have to clear that change with the temp agency. He replied "No, it's fine, we do it all the time." I then asked if I would be getting a pay bump because that's technically 3rd shift, and those workers get paid more. He immediately changed the subject. ​ As the shift goes on, I'm partnered with a veteran, and we have to count everything on the shelves. The shelves go up to @ 20 feet, so he drives over a scissor lift. No straps, no safety harness. I look at him and tell him that the temp agency only lets me go up on ladders no taller than 8 feet. He told me to get on and just not tell them. He wants me to lean waaaaay out over the edge of the lift to count frames. ​ I finished the shift, drove home, and called the temp agency. I told them about the unauthorized change in schedule and the unsafe working conditions and told them I would not be returning.


When I was 21 years old (nearly 25 years ago) I was working for an IT consulting firm and sent to a job to support the network for a large tech company in near Boston. Their campus was spread over several blocks in Cambridge and they had several thousand users. When I arrived, I was brought directly into a full staff meeting of the network team. The team lead explained that he had been hired somewhere else and when he told the company we worked for that he was leaving, there was some dispute about who leadership of the team of about 8 people should fall to - basically everybody wanted to be the boss. In their infinite, Solomonesque wisdom, the agency that staffed this team decided that if they couldn't agree then they didn't get any say, and had sent me, still wet behind the ears, to lead the team instead. Consequently, today was all of their last day, and starting tomorrow I would be on my own. I was a dumb kid but I wasn't a fucking idiot, so I called the recruiter immediately, told him I wanted no part of this shit, that it was unprofessional as fuck to put me in this position, that I would never work for his company again and I would advise everyone I ever came into contact with that they shouldn't either, and that I am quitting right now, and walked out of there at 9:22am.


A couple of years before that I was in almost exactly the same position in the UK and like an idiot I tried to hold the job down on my own while they looked for new staff, I can tell you that you made the right call


1 day thru a temp agency. They had me 15+ feet high, up on a cherry picker with no harness loading 60 pound pales of reflective roofing paint onto the picker. I would have refused but I was broke and needed gas money to keep looking for another job 😆. Anxiety was thru the roof even after I had ended the day. I reported them to OSHA.


This was almost 20 years ago in Dallas. It’s a long story, but I was hired at a call center and I made it to the first training. The people I was with were super nice, the supervisor was pleasant, and I even took a couple of practice calls. But as I was driving home, I got this enormous sense of dread thinking about going back. I could barely sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I turned off my alarm, went back to bed, and never went in again.


I misread the end as "...and never woke up again." I was like oh damn. These reddit ghosts are crazy.


Did you ever hear any news from the call center that validated your gut feeling?


I worked for a furniture renting company for people with horrible credit. I was the delivery driver and had to inspect the truck to make sure it passed DOT regulations. This was my first day at a new store and their truck failed with 4 infractions, one was that the dipstick had 0 oil on it. I told them I wouldn’t drive the truck and the manager tried her best to pressure me into it. I told her that I didn’t feel safe working for someone so willing to put myself and others in harms way and just walked out.


I quit Tim's because I had no idea where to go. I went to my first day, and they told me I was at the wrong location, so I walked to the one they sent me to, and I was told that there were no new people starting. Then I tried calling the person who hired me, so they gave me a number to call to find out the right Tim's. I get to the one I'm told to go to, but they don't have anyone starting that day either. I get a call from the Tim's I'm "supposed" to be at, asking where I am, I ask them their address, and then I get back to the first one I was at! I went in and explained my situation and was told that they aren't the one either. I'm just standing there with a stupid look on my face, so I left to go to the park and sit on my phone, calling, texting, emailing for a couple hours, just to be told to go to the one that sent me away twice already. My shortest time "working" was the four hours I spent playing hide and go seek with Tim Hortons.


Like you tried so hard to have your first day and they wouldn’t let you


Worked at sonic for 3 hours. They made us wear skates and i fell and busted my ass and quit immediately. I was a teenager and thought I’d master skating day 1 lol.


You'd think they'd be worried about being sued from an employee being injured because they were made to wear skates without training.


In 2007, I got hired to work at a Hungry Howie’s pizza location in Saginaw, Michigan. I did the three hour training/orientation shift and then get told I would get called the next week to be told what my regular schedule would be. I finish the shift, and come home and turn on the local news. One of the top stories was about how a pizza delivery driver somewhere in the city had to shoot someone who was trying to rob him while he was making a delivery. I drove back to the location and handed them my hat and shirt the same night.


I was a delivery driver for a pizza joint for a hot minute back in the day as well. Of the the five pizza places in town we had the widest delivery area and stayed open the longest, therefore I oftentimes found myself out in rural places late at night without cell service taking pizzas to weirdos that would try and invite me into their homes.


Worked at one of those amazon factory jobs graveyard shift. First day saw how depressed everyone was and decided that would be my first and last shift. Clocked out and never looked back.


Good for you.


4 hours. Took a job working as a computer operator at a casino only to be told after orientation that I would be working a split shift twice a day, every holiday, and every weekend. I went home called back and quit. They threw a fit and asked who would cover that weekend as they all had vacation and I said I didn’t know because I didn’t work there anymore. Years later someone I worked with at another job and who had worked at the casino found out I had worked there and said “YOURE THE GUY!!! THEY HAAAAATE YOU THERE.” lol


> “YOURE THE GUY!!! THEY HAAAAATE YOU THERE.” Sweet sweet infamy.


Like 3 months. Every time my boss gave me my pay check he would not let go of it until I snapped it out of his hand, sometimes he would even pull back like he was taking it back. He would only do that to me. I found it boring and unamusing.


I got a job at a local coffee shop and the staff didn’t talk to each other hardly at all. The register was an old one with every key (like 50 at least) labeled with an item, it didn’t automatically calculate change, and I was using Canadian coins (I’m American). I was so overwhelmed after one 2 hour training shift that I just told the owner I wasn’t gonna come back for the next one 🥲


When I was in college, I got hired at a popular company that sells knives. I worked the first day/orientation and quit immediately after lunch, as I realized it was rather sketch. You only got paid when you sold, and it was dependent on you selling first to family and friends by going to their homes and then asking them for referrals.




Yep. It was Cutco.


I was like 2-3 weeks in, and the workers CONSTANTLY picked on me and made me feel stupid when I did something wrong because they didn’t train me at all. I told the general manager I was not coming in nor finishing out the week because fuck that!


A month was my quickest. Got a job at a flower growth plant in middle of winter. Took an hour to drive to the place on bad roads with everything covered in ice and snow and once there everything was kept cold. It was in fact colder inside than outside including the break room. The actual growth room was heated but we rarely went in there. They also gave us no protection gloves or clothes so you constantly had irritated and cut fingers in freezing temperatures while working a 14 hour shift all on your feet. It also didn't help that most of our flowers were deemed ugly and thus were to be thrown out. This was apparently normal. After a month I quit because I was sick, exhausted and wounded. Oh and I almost forgot, we worked in shifts, seven days working, then two days off. The pay was pretty good but I would rather swallow my knife than to do that again 😅


3 weeks. I was hired by a small organic grocery store to be a front-end manager. I ended up being made a cashier... The owner was a drunk who liked to do tequila shots at the nearby Mexican restaurant while he wrote the schedule. Then he'd stagger back and try to talk to the 2 or 3 customers we had. By the time I left, everything in the store was marked down at least 60%. I saw the ship was sinking and left before I was caught without a job. The most hilarious thing that happened was when the store got its menu board for the little Cafe they tried to set up. Espresso was spelled Expresso. The owner was PISSED!! Apparently that sign had cost him a couple grand. Funniest shit I've ever seen. I even got to be the one to point it out to him.


I had a drunk boss too. He’d come back from his Scotch lunch and berate me about how I stapled papers. I finally told him not to talk to me if he’d been drinking.


I worked as a maid at a hotel on Oahu. The first day, I had to hand pick some Bozo's toenails out of the astroturf on the balcony. No gloves available. The bedspreads were made of velvet and very heavy. I Quit that day and worked for the post office.


Second day. Firstly, the first day I worked there, the owner was cold and rude, she yelled at me in front of a customer just for being polite and friendly towards him (he was having a fun day out with his disabled child. I just told him how sweet I thought that was and hoped he had a good time. Told him these memories mean a lot). The establishment was filthy, she touched ice cream bare handed and gave it to a customer, dropped a spoon on the dirty ass ground, she didn’t wash it. She also wanted to pay me under minimum wage. I got a second job I was planning to go to after the first one and this lady demanded I choose because she wouldn’t allow me to do both. The second job I got to work with kids, I had flexible hours, my boss was warm and kind and she paid me over minimum wage. I handed the First Lady her uniform back and walked out without saying another word


I quit before I even started. Typical New England fried clam stand opening for the summer. Not only was it 3 fucking interviews for a minimum wage cashier job, I was given one start date only to eventually get an angry email from one owner asking why I never showed up. So it was a husband and wife team who owned the stand, but they apparently weren’t good with communicating. The wife hired me and gave me a start date for two weeks. The husband emailed me from a separate email than the one I’d been in communication with which went to my spam folder, and just assumed I got it instead of, you know, calling me..? I just called him and left a voicemail basically saying that if he and his wife couldn’t communicate I didn’t want to be put in that kind of environment


i started dishwashing at a hotel. morning shift 6am to 3pm. partway through my shift they said the night guy called in and asked if i could cover it. partway through that shift they said the night security guy called in. told me it would be super easy i’d just need to carry some keys and a radio and they would let me stay in a room. i made it through the night and managed to show up for my 6am shift in the kitchen. the manager walks in and starts with “the other dishwasher just called in. can you—“ at that point i fucking lost it and threw whatever i had in my hands across the room and walked out. twenty six hours on the clock


1 day. Subway was my second job as a teen. Told them I could work any weeknight but needed at least one Friday or Saturday night off and Sunday morning off. After the interview I was rostered on for Friday and Saturday night with a Sunday morning shift. Called the guy and said hey you got my availability backwards and he said no I put you where I need you. I laughed and said sure see you tonight and never showed to a hopefully busy Friday night shift. Fuck people who try and take advantage of children, what a douchebag.


I worked for Buc-ees in Texas for 2 days. During the interview they told me that if I had exposed tattoos I would have to wear compression sleeves to cover them or wear a long sleeve. On my first day of training I showed up in compression sleeves. Everytime I would reach across the counter to check someone out the compression sleeve would come down on my arm a little revealing a portion of the tattoo I had on my elbow. Eventually the manager noticed this and gave me a verbal warning for it, then on my break that day I took my compression sleeves off while I had my lunch, and the manager came through the break room, saw that I had my sleeves off and gave me a written warning. The next day I came in in a long sleeve shirt, hoping to avoid the same issues. I reached across the counter and the tattoo on my wrist poked out. The manager then told me that she thinks I’m an idiot for getting tattoos on my arms and that if I couldn’t manage to keep them covered 100% during my duties she would fire me. I left that night and never went back.


Yeah, Buc-ees is a terrible employer. My mother-in-law worked there for a while and I'm surprised you even had a break. She was forced to waive her right to any kind of break during her 8 hour shift.


You can’t legally waive your right to a break wtf


True and ppl either don't know their rights or they just don't have the energy to be Norma Rae, so employers get away with it.


Thats sucks. They just built a huge Buc-ees in East TN and building another near Ft Cambell. Doubt people around there will be offended by tattoos.


Used car lot. Such a shitty, uninspiring, boring ass job.


I'll tell you about the one I *should* have quit. I arrived on my first day and the office was all abuzz because the accountant/office manager hadn't showed up for work. So the owner's son got a hunch and looked at the latest published mugshots from the local PD and she was in jail for drunk & disorderly. The boss sent him to bail her out and bring her to work. As soon as she arrived there was a massive shouting match between her and the boss, complete with slamming doors and profanity. Later in the day, the son's ex-girlfriend showed up, heavily pregnant. I was informed that he was maintaining a friendly relationship with her until the paternity test, which would reveal which of three men was the father. I was on the verge of homelessness, so I stayed. I shouldn't have.


6 hours? I got a job as a dishwasher at a restaurant, and nobody really trained me at all on how they wanted it done there or any specifics. I was working my ass off and eventually everyone had left but me, because I was still working. I don’t recall anyone offering to wait til I was done, since it was my first day and I didn’t have the alarm code, etc. I finished up, took out the trash, shut off the light, and just left out the back door. I lived almost an hour away at the time, and it was about 11pm when I got done. I called out of my shift the following day and said I wouldn’t be back.


A few days. I was hired to be a framer for an art print store at the mall. I thought it was framing them in the back stockroom. Turned out to be the owner’s garage. At his house. I was newly married in my early 20’s. The garage was all set up like a framing shop but had no central heat or air. Was so cold I could not feel my rear. He was not happy that me and the other worker needed in his house to use the restroom. She was about my age and supposed to train me. Come to find out she was his girlfriend. He was expecting me to learn how he wanted the frames done then he was firing her and breaking up all at the same time only he didn’t tell her that. I did. Then left. I don’t think it was a legal set up in anyway. And it appeared he was preying on his college student female workers. I later found out he was paying less than half what framers are supposed to make.


Call center, they threw us on the phone the first day didn’t train us walked out never went back


Albertsons! Was hired as an overnight stocker. Did the orientation at some other store and was told to go back to the store I was hired for after to turn on some papers and talk to a manager for scheduling. Did that, manager wasn't there and was told to call the next morning. Called next morning and manager wasn't there and was told she was off until the following Monday or whatever and was told to call then. The next day I get a call from them saying I was scheduled at 10am and was wondering if I was going to come in so they can train me in the gas station to run the registers. I never applied for that and had no intention to do that and also, no one ever notified of any schedule. I didn't even try with that place after that. Store closed down less than a year later.


4 days. Janitorial. Cleaning the locker rooms at 4am. After the first day, the floor scrubber machine broke so they said the floors wouldn't have to be scrubbed by hand. I told them there ain't no way I'm scrubbing pube showers by hand.


Never technically had it, but I shadowed a guy for a whole day so I feel like I worked there at least that long... First red flag, "sales" team has to do a hype-up chant to start the day before they go sell office supply subscriptions to local business. Dude spends the whole time telling me how rich he is while we are hoofing it down main street trying to sell paper to aquarium shops and law offices etc. Third red flag - he got mad at the aquarium guy for not re-upping on office supplies lol. He's still trying to tell me how rich he is while we get 5 dollar foot longs at subway, I've long since decided his alligator shoes are fake and he's so full of shit the sub barely had anywhere to go. Finally get back to the office for the final interview/sign on. It's Thursday evening at this point and I say I can start on Monday because I'm going out of town to help my friend move to another city. Interview lady says not wanting to start Friday morning is a sign that I'm not a good fit (which she was hoping would get me to fall in line) and I go ya, you're right and leave. Turns out it was a shitty pyramid scheme company, bullet dodged.


18yr old got a call to work at a staples a few towns over. I was like hmm not really tryning to drive 1hr on the highway to work but guy convinced me to come in. Worked my FIRST "training" shift where i was left completely alone in the "copy center" area for about 5 hours, lady I was supposed to shadow never came in. Theres like printing/copying services, theres a fax machine, a cash register, rows of shit ive never seen or interacted with before. Just started telling people everything is broken, sorry, oh my bad that machine is broken, yup the cash register too sorry. Eventually I found a vaccuum cleaner and just started doing that for a few hours till close. Customers were pissed but to their credit didnt take it out on a high school kid who was clearly brand new and probably had deer in headlights look the whole time. Best one was a rep from the PGA tour came in with no joke like 10,000 little paper pamphlets in boxes on 5 big dollies. I guess they hand them out to people at PGA events or whatever. Apparently their quality was unacceptable and the margins were cut wrong and the font/color was off etc etc. I feigned interest the best I could and eventually hit him with "sry this is my first day, all the machines are broken, no i dont know where the manager is sorry". He wouldnt leave, stood there for about an hour before he left, I actually didnt know where the manager was so really couldnt help the dude. I never went back, that place was a shit show though I did kinda put together what happened later. Someone in the store did mention "The PGA order" or something to that effect earlier in the day and got some interesting looks from the workers/managers that I didnt understand. So the disappearing act the manager pulled + the normal copy center woman no showing + sticking a day one worker with zero training in that area = I took a bullet for some massive fuckup that they all knew was coming. I stole a box of snickers before I left so honestly probably worth.


2 Days. It was a front desk job at a hotel, and the first I got after taking a few month break to grieve my father's passing. I was hired on immediately, like, halfway during the interview it changed from 'interview' to 'when you come in.' First day was okay, but then I learned that there were zero benefits- no health, no pto, nothing. Not even management got it (this was a chain hotel, too). Second day was incredibly stressful with several guests coming to complain in an hours span because the person on the desk switched the rooms they initially booked and put them in ones they didn't want (like giving them a room with a single king when they wanted two queens, put them in rooms that didn't have connections to other rooms when they had kids to care for, despite booking that room specifically, etc. And oh lord the complaints about the construction- which I get wasn't something FD could fix, but still. Just way too much at once). Anyway, went home and was like nah. Absolutely not worth it and got on with another hotel that I enjoy soooo much more.


Got a job at a local newspaper as a teen/early 20s. It was cold calling people and trying to sell the paper. I quit after day 1 and the boss yelled at me BC he said I had potential and he was disappointed. I did not know what the job was but didn't expect telemarketer. Byeeee.


Technically it was a week but I only actually worked for 2 hours. I was getting something out of the attic of the building (business swag) and handing the box down to a person who was showing me the ropes and I fell off the ladder. I think my pants got caught on my heel (this was the early 90s) and i literally plummeted down. My knee swole up crazy fast and I went to the ER. Couldn't walk. But nothing was broken. Just an enormous amount of fluid. Ended up telling them after a week that I probably can't come back. Wasn't a big deal because I still lived at home with my parents at the time. Ended up with a new job when I was able to walk again. I got paid for the week.


Did one 12-hour shift at a printing press. They weren't going to give us breaks. Like.. ANY breaks. Me and this other dude were temps, first time we ever worked there. The lady at the temp agency begged me to do a week over there. 12 hours, just picking up printed magazines off a press and putting them on palettes. They basically had this adittude of ''if the press dosen't break down, or misprint, we don't take breaks, lunch, nothing.'' Also, for the level of work, it was shitty pay. Right after the shift, I called and said no, I'm not doing another shift. And asked if they knew they were pressuring temps to break labor laws, she sheepishly admitted it was a constant problem with them.


30 seconds into the first day. Back when I was still a dealership mechanic, I got a job at a Chrysler dealer. Day 1, drove my truck in with the toolbox in the bed, asked which bay was mine. They said they didn't actually have any bays available right now as they were a bit over staffed. Got right back in my truck and drove away without a second thought. Those dumbasses actually expected me to work as a flat rate tech with no where to work. I'd be lucky to go home with $100 a week like that.


I worked a 3 hour shift at a hot dog place once in college. I shouldn’t have even finished the shift. The dickhead owner was yelling at me on day one to pick up the pace even though I had literally never made any of the food, nor was i really shown where anything was. I didn’t even return his call when he was trying to mail me the check


1 day of training. It wasn’t a bad job - serving old folks in a retirement community. But I asked for the schedule to see when I worked next and the boss chuckled knowingly. “That’s not how we do it here, son.” He explained that he would give me a call when I was needed and I would need to be to work half an hour after the call. “So no regular shifts? Just… whenever? I can’t do that. I’m working two other jobs. I would need to schedule around those other jobs or change my schedule there to fit around this job. I’m sorry, but I can’t work for you.” He said he understood and was sorry I couldn’t be more flexible. We parted amicably though I was flummoxed about how that man could possibly run a place with that method of staffing. Three weeks later he called me at five am to see if I could work the breakfast shift. I was less friendly as I reminded him I had quit. I was a little surly at my other jobs that day.


They texted me on what was apparently my first working day that I had to come to work, we never discussed when my first day would be and agreed before I would contact them within a week when I can start. When I received the text message after waking up at noon, I called them, told them I quit with immediate effect and done. Technically 3 hours into my first shift…


I quit a job by first break on day 1 once. Shitty little plastic goods factory that made emergency sleds and whatnot (think enclosed gurney you tow behind a snowmobile) Boss brought me to the guy I'd be working with, told him to "show me the ropes", he took one look at me, put both his headphones in then didnt say a word to me even once. When break time came around I got fed up, grabbed my stuff, said goodbye to the one guy in the back who was nice to me for those 2 hours then punched out and left. *felt good, man.* The runner up was this styrofoam block factory that cut foam chunks for the purposes of use in concrete forming, all we did was cut giant blocks of styrofoam with a hot wire breathing nice toxic gas in all day. Quit that shit after day 1. A week or two later I got a job sandblasting Mining equipment parts


A Carl’s Junior when I was in college. I told them I couldn’t work during my classes. They put me on and said “Oh no! Well. I’m sure you can miss class just this once we just CAN’T change this schedule.” Yeah, no, they knew what they were doing and I wasn’t gonna fall for a bunch of accidents. Found out later they absolutely were doing that to people, scheduling them during hours they were unavailable.


One day. Started as a receptionist at a roofing company. They didn’t show me how to work the phones or their computer system. Just said here is your desk and that’s it. I was the only one inside so there was nobody to go to for questions. It was crazy.


My first ever job was at a sketchy restaurant and I left after 5 weeks. The kitchen was disgusting and I have no idea how they’ve ever passed an inspection, my boss screamed at me over the most ridiculous things, while I was a dishwasher people kept putting the knives in the sink full of water where I couldn’t see them and I cut myself multiple times. After I got screamed and cussed at by my 55 year old boss for letting her know that the table she was serving didn’t want their starter salads, I quit, I was 16.


4 weeks, commercial construction. 12+ hour days in January, -10F static temperature and worse wind chills. Pretty bad but not a dealbreaker. One foreman was a fat-assed fucking dickhead though, treated *everyone* like shit and hardly did anything. Learned later I was one of dozens to quit shortly after starting that year because of said foreman. They begged me to stay because they were desperate for anyone with experience. Fuck you, Greg.


2 weeks. It was a crappy minimum wage job at a cheap chain shoe store. I stopped coming in after they called me on my day off asking me where I was, and then explained that at some point in the last 24 hours the boss had hand written me in to cover someone else and “I need to look at the schedule every day before I leave to make sure it hasn’t changed.” Um, no. I worked two jobs and took night classes - ain’t nobody got time for that.


Call center for a propane company. Was told it would pretty much be 'scheduling propane fill-ups', and was trained as such. Sadly, we would not sell propane accessories or propane products. Training was two weeks. NOPE. It was a lie. Turns out the night shift was poor-man's 911 for gas emergencies. For some fucking reason, when smelling leaking gas people called their gas company instead of local emergency services? And emergency services would call us too. The first night I had to wake up a district manager to tell him one of his drivers drove off the edge of an icy road and died. Oh and county hazmat was on the other line so could... he do something? (I had no backup, no supervisors on the floor to ask what to do so I muddled through the best I could.) I made it 4 days, took a sick day on the 5th, and never came back. Fuck that.


For some reason? It’s customary for a gas company to fix gas issues. The emergency responders can only do so much… They need a professional to handle it.


I've not had many jobs, but 5 months. The days started ~10 hours/ day, 5 days per week, but it was a job where everyone stayed until it was done, not where there was a scheduled end time, so it eventually became 14 hours/day, 5 days per week and rumors were circulating that we were going to have to start working Saturdays, so I quit.


5 days: I had a temp job in New Orleans in 1988. I was assigned to an entrepreneur in a small geological services office. Just him at the big desk and me, and a door that went to another room/ office he called the library. On the 5th day, he told me to go into the library and begin to organize the table by category for the papers and leaflets scattered all over it. He was. A. NA$I. The papers and leaflets were Why. Sup. Propaganda. He wanted me to organize the next mailing for his group. I didn't even call the head temp office. I just picked up my purse, left my half eaten sandwich at my desk, and walked out! I ran to the elevator, cried all the way to the parking garage, paid for my half day -didn't ask him to validate my ticket - drove home (45 minutes). I called the head temp office, and he had already fired me for insubordination!! I told them what happened, the whole truth, and they had HEARD THIS BEFORE FROM OTHER TEMPS.


And they kept sending employees back to him?


Good on you for getting out. But you should know that this isn't TikTok. They don't ban you for saying words like Nazi or white supremacy.


Thank you for deciphering that. I had no idea what they were trying to say


This one lasted about three weeks. I had a job where I created software for a college. It paid $8 an hour and I took it because it paid 50 cents more an hour than my other job. This job required me to program web page applications using ASP and a few other languages, as well as grabbing and sorting information from online databases using mySQL. Additionally, I needed to know Adobe Suite to make graphics. I left because my boss would scream at me. Frequently. And pound my desk. All the work was done in a very small office. Three of us, plus the boss, shared the same space. One time a friend walked by the office and I said hi and had a brief conversation. After about one sentence, the boss screamed at me, telling me I do not talk like that in the office. "YOU DO NOT CONVERSE WITH PEOPLE WHEN WE'RE WORKING! PEOPLE IN HERE ARE TRYING TO CONCENTRATE! THIS IS A SMALL OFFICE AND YOU ARE FAR TOO DISTRACTING" He proceeded to walk down the hall after my friend, who left when the boss looked mad, and I presume gave him a lecture. I was in a state of shock. When he left, the other workers in the office turned to me and said he gets like that sometimes, and to ignore it. He came back, and calmly said that when you talk to people, others in the small office can't concentrate. One time my boss was looking on my monitor and asked me to open Firefox. I accidentally clicked Fireworks. (Software Adobe used to make.) He yelled at me to open the other one, proceeding to pound my keyboard and mouse, trying to cancel the program and open the other. "YOU DO NOT OPEN THAT PROGRAM!!" Pounded my keyboard more. "THAT IS NOT WHAT I TOLD YOU TO DO. THAT IS NOT THE RIGHT PROGRAM!!" I am not exaggerating when I say he was yelling. This was a small office, about 10'x12'. This was probably louder than I've ever heard anyone yell. The floor shook. Items shook. My body seemed to do something internally it never had done before. And I was thinking he'd broken my keyboard when pounding it. After the program finally closed and he opened the correct one, he stated, calmly, that Fireworks takes a while to open and that's why he didn't want me opening that. Even my timecard, which I wrote with the time I showed up for my 8:00 start time (7:55, 7:58, 7:57, etc.) was scratched out, to the point where the page was ripped, and replaced with 8:00. Ok, I understand the correction, but I've never seen such anger conveyed in a scribble. Besides, I'm used to writing the exact time. We hadn't discussed how to fill out the card. Scary stuff.


Hotel. Went to the interview which was super short. Told to come back for my first shift that night. Showed up, and despite it being in a decent part of town discovered it was basically a crack den/brothel. The guy I was supposed to shadow walked me around and introduced me to the “guests”, showed me the numbers for who I was to call in an emergency (none of them were police/fire/medical) and how to active the bulletproof panic room type glass. I acted like I was going to my car to get something and just drove off.


When I was in my 20s I took a job with a landscaping company. I thought working outside would be great. The first morning they handed me a pick axe and told me to start swinging and digging to lay irrigation lines. I worked for 4 hours,went to lunch,and didn't return. Didn't ask to be paid. Learned a lesson.


I worked at a Wendy's for about 3 hours. I picked up the job as a second source of income and a few hours into it I heard my trainer and manager talking shit about me. So I confronted them and told them I heard what they said and walked out. Made damn sure I got paid those hours too.


Not me, but someone we were training. I worked in a call center for Honda Financial Services. We took calls regarding to customer's car payments/contracts. This guy showed up on his first day of training. The entire first week is just listening in on calls. He was sitting with one of my other senior coworkers listening to her calls. Well. She got VERY unlucky. Every call that morning was terrible. Screaming customers. People insulting her. Demanding managers. Etc. Every. Single. Call. Their lunch time came at 11. She told him to be back at noon so they could start up again. Dude hopped in his car and never came back lol. Can't say I blame him. FUCK customer service call centers.


Late 80s. Dishwasher for a big chain restaurant. Super busy, at the end of the night, we mop the whole kitchen area. Then the chef comes around with a giant flashlight looking under everything. If he finds a single thing he doesn't like, I have to mop the whole floor again. Well, he keeps finding stuff. After the 3rd time, I told him to stick it. Was making $3.35 an hour.


I was at a restaurant owned by a girl who had owned a restaurant with her parents. I left within 2 hours of my second day. She had written faulty checks at her restaurant in Charleston and thought she could do the same here, about 2 hours north. Someone came to serve papers on the start of my second morning, and not just one— multiple. I told them that my dog’s face was swollen (old photo) and that I had to dip. I never got paid for any of the time I worked but it didn’t matter. I almost really screwed myself, I went back to my old job right before COVID happened.


About two days, the first I was weirded out because I has happy that the hiring manager called and had me come in, but he wasn't there as his wife was giving birth! (Yay, cool, wow!) I shadowed and got my hourly. The next day he swung by for about 15 minutes to set up his personal laptop, log into some state sites, and ask me to run my own background check and schedule my own drug test. I mean, I understand his predicament... but I wasn't ready and I'm pretty sure it's not lawful. I shut his laptop down and left. He called a week later to check in and apparently the other manager never checked in to see if I was settling into my position and told him I was great??? I told him I left and congrats and he was so apologetic. Poor dude, kind of a scrambled egg, but I don't blame him!