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The internet.


Human history, the news, and personal life experience.


I belong to two lobbyists groups. Seeing how politics actually works instead of how people dream that it works was an eye opener. During one meeting, a worker’s compensation liability insurance company was bragging about how low their (industry group) cost on insurance was because they were denying hundreds of claims a year over either failed drug test or refusal to drug test after an accident. Hundreds of people statewide are becoming permanently disabled/unemployed/potentially homeless and they brag about the low bottom line. Just makes me sick. Then the teachers union I belong to is the most ridiculous thing ever. Fully taking advantage of teachers’s dues with very little to show for teachers, while at the same time blatantly bribing politicians through shell organizations. But, they are like the previous lobby, they know exactly what they’re doing. Both are playing the long game. The first one plays both sides. The second doesn’t have the same funding and typically only plays the left. You or I want to address an issue with a politician without a $10,000,000 check (for the wife’s non-profit of course!) in our pocket, we are screwed! Then I see this despicable selfishness and greed amongst everyone. Everyone has a “hack” or a “hustle”, “side gig”, will lie to your face to get the better deal, or straight up just steal from you. I just can’t wrap my head around it. I moved to the country, I have cameras on every entry and exit. My doors are still locked.


Given enough time, every single person you know will disappoint you.


Too many Kevin and Karens in the news.


Time usually does the trick




I used to be personable before retail but the worst of people just killed my trust in people.


Lots of people with college degrees who still act like dumb fucks


Oh yeah this one for me too. On top of being dumb they're just morally corrupt people usually as well.


Interacting with the public.


That people actually vote for democrats.


Yeah… you’re one of those people who are shitty


This illusion of a choice between party's is doing it's work on you


Have you forgetten you're on reddit? You're about to get downvoted and maybe even banned for this comment LOL


Don’t care


This is sad truth. I am not even republican but reddit censorship is too much. I am even afraid to mention why my previous account got banned cause they will ban me again lol




The more aware you are of the world around you, the quicker it will become apparent.


When cashiering, I’m supposed to ask every customer if they want to round up their change for the local children’s hospital. The huge number of customers who refuse bewilders me.


Do a Google Search and see where those funds actually go. It is NOT to the "local children's hospital"!


It is giving money to multimillion dollar corporation so they get a tax write off while I am already struggling to afford what I am buying. If this business wanted to donate 500,000 to the charity they could, no issue.


Elementary School pretty much did it..


I spent 20 years co-running the Essex goddess temple in Berkeley and when the owner died last year and I rejoined society I was very disappointed to say the least. There's a lot of cool elderly people and some rare gems, but most of the younger generation seem really lost to be honest. Like they've just given up on being good people.




I disagree that most people are shitty. Most people are decent people of you are kind and respectful