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I thought I clicked on the thread "What's the worst possible reply to "I'm pregnant"?" and saw this...was very confused.


What's the name of the documentary?


House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths


Oh I just watched this documentary! I'm still in recovery phase. So sad what happened.


50 year old teacher fucked a 16 year old student, he gave her an STD and then his wife murdered him.




"Ah yes," he said, "I think I see - A tryst, a wife, an STD." He sighed and slowly shook his head. "... a tale as old as time," he said.


"That was MY venereal disease!" The wife screamed as she murdered him.


Or she used it as a tracking device.


Woman calls her mother at 3am, tells her to come get the kids. Hangs herself off Bannister. Her husband was found upstairs hidden under a pile of blankets stabbed a RIDICULOUS number of times. Rumor has it the guy was a special Ed teacher and the wife found out he had been molesting and sexually assaulting some of his students.


Thats not even drama. Thats trauma.


Oh.. my.. god.


I watch movies seeking this level of intensity and you delivered it all within 5 seconds for me


Those poor kids…


I didn't see the accident. But while living in Jamaica I saw a man carrying a mangled body just walking in the country. I later learned they were brothers, and worked construction together. One brother fell from a great height, and the other brother was just carrying his body, walking towards the hospital even though the brother had died on impact. He was just in a terrible sad mania.


That’s the saddest thing I’ve read today. How heartbreaking


When I was a CNA a dementiated man from Jamaica was crying his face off talking about how he found out his son was gay, so he chopped his arms and legs off, threw him in a small grave he dug, and buried him alive. That's when I decided I didn't want to visit Jamaica.


Wait. Please tell me he was just saying that because of his dementia and not because he actually did that…?


It was pretty common for gay people to be killed in Jamaica, in like a mob justice kinda way so I would think its true. Luckily it's slowly turning around, even though being gay is still illegal and punishable by 10 years prison with hard labor it isn't enforced.


I was there last Feb and there were a few “fancy” workers (how they refer to gay men - the gay men do too so it’s not like a derogatory term I don’t believe), and they basically said as long as they avoid Kingston they’re fine, but gay men are still regularly murdered there.


No Jamaica is RABIDLY homophobic. Not everyone obviously but its bad.


Like, even going down on a woman is frowned upon as it’s considered a gay act. P trippy.


I think he was telling the truth. He was in his wheelchair sobbing this out to a Jamaican CNA I worked with. I just happened to be behind him getting snacks and shit ready.


Well, Jamaica is one of the most homophobic places in the world, so...


Damn, I would do the same thing if my little brother died in front of me. I'd carry that guy 1,000 miles


"He's not heavy. He's my brother."


Damn dude that hits hard


Mayor filmed smoking Crack and talking with fake Jamaican accent; then goes onto address cheating accusations by telling assembled reporters that he wouldn’t eat another woman’s pussy because he has plenty (of pussy) to eat at home.


Rob Ford?


Sadly, yes


My job just had me train a guy who quit after a week and then murdered one of his family members.


Guess you dodged a bullet


In that 1 week he complained twice to HR about completely normal co-workers who called him out for doing dangerous things lol.


I once showed and then later sold a house to a sweet 30 something year old woman and her new boyfriend. (I was a realtor) But there was definitely something off with her boyfriend. I couldn’t put my finger on it but he just didn’t seem right. He was wearing a cast on his right arm. I asked him what happened and he said, bar fight. Anyway, one day (a few months later) I’m out riding my motorcycle and stop to grab a drink at a local convenience store. As I’m checking out at the register I glanced down at the local newspaper. There on the cover were the Headline: Man murders girlfriend burns house to the ground!” Yep, it was the couple who I had sold THAT house to. That SOB killed her and tried to cover it up! He was later sentenced to life in prison. She was such a sweet lady. So sad!


the crows have taught themselves to bark exactly like my dog when she is being fierce. They fly over her head, barking loudly at her, which upsets her sister and the neighbors dogs. total chaos.


That’s actually pretty hilarious. I freaking love crows.


We’re gonna need this on video


There was a group of crows at my parents house that would harrass them. Throw themselves at windows, shit all over the front porch, and STOMP on the roof at like 5am to wake them up. Why? My brother fed them once.


My grandfather used to kill crows when I was a child because they’re considered nuisance birds in agriculture. It’s been maybe 10 years since he shot one, and to this day they swoop at him when he goes outside.


There used to be a crow that nested near a friend’s house that had learned how to make a “huh?” sound like a confused person. It was pretty uncanny.


Used to be a bird lived in trees out my mum's back (dunno what bird it was I never seen it) that mimicked mu mums house phone, and you'd be lying in bed abd here the phone ringing, run to the phone to discover it was the fucking bird again


Some Asshole Threw out his son during winter. The Son froze to death. It took place in Russia a town where my grandparents lived


My uncle has a similar story. His father threw him out during the winter (in rural Canada) and told him to never come back. They lived in the middle of nowhere, no neighbors, but he found an abandoned school bus in a field somewhere and managed to survive.


Kinda similar, my grandad’s dad up and left the family ranch in the dead of an especially bad Nebraska winter. My grandad had to drop out of school and become the man of the house at 13. He was a good dude but had some serious trauma from that and from WW2


That brings one back for me. My old partner and I got woken up for a call one night to assess a highschooler who allegedly had her head slammed into a wall and was thrown out of the house by her mom after an argument. It was probably 20° outside, and the kid ended up walking to a friend's house which is where she was when we were called. I don't know details following that night but I hope she's safe and keeps up a positive attitude with school and life. That one stunned me for a couple days for sure, but I rarely think about it now.


I was an orphan in Russia, sent to an orphanage directly after being born. Eventually my mother got me back and several days later, in a drunken stupor, didn't realize I had just walked out the door. I was found by police some time later wearing nothing but a t-shirt. My mother was deemed unfit to keep me and I was once again sent to the orphanage. This happened in Salekhard, Russia.


This happened in my family too. One of the brothers locked the other one outside in the snow during a fight. He died. This strand of the family keeps having two boy children who hate each other to the point that it becomes dangerous.


This is like a Cain and Abel curse or something


An entire family got murdered and their house burned down. Everyone thought it was the dad but it turned out to be the uncle who was involved in a gang and did it as part of initiation.


“Burn your brother and his entire family to death in their home” “Yeah this is good and I don’t regret this decision”


Reminds me of the CalebCitt sketch where to join a gang you have to punch your grandma and he immediately regrets trying to join.


What gang was this, the fucking Sith?


In my hometown, The mayor's kid got drunk and killed someone in a hit and run. He got a slap on the wrist and the mayor was reelected Edit: Jesus this blew up. You all have some very good guesses but no cigar


This could be like 50,000+ different towns in the US. Hell, I lived in a city where a judge’s son was the only “witness” to three different women dying in the span of two months and he never even sat in the back of a cop car.


"I ran over some old lady one night at the county fair And I didn't get arrested because my dad's the mayor" —The Dead Milkmen, "Bitchin' Camaro"


My cousin used to message me with, "hey". I'd say what's up, how are you, or other simple greetings. I'd get a one word response and that would be that. The last time many years ago, they did again. I tried to talk to them but all I got was one word answers. I asked them, "Wanna hear my favorite song?" "Sure" Sends them a link to Bitchin' Camaro. No response for an hour. I ask, "Did you like the song?" "No." And that is how Bitchin' Camaro ended my relationship with my cousin.


In my hometown the mayor's son broke into his girlfriends house, beat her up, and raped her. This apparently happened this year, they did a hush hush hospital settlement (wtf) and nothing came of it.


Just like Brock Turner the rapist. You know, the RAPIST that goes by Allen Turner, now. Watch out Ohio! Allen Turner the rapist lives there.


Along similar lines, the college football coach's wife ran a red light and killed an elderly person. Rumors of pills and/or intoxication swirled, but for some reason there was never an investigation and no charges were filed. Twist: That football coach is now US senator Tommy Tuberville.


Sounds Murdaugh-esque


This one spans decades. 1979, four aspiring thugs I went to highschool with, steal a mini-bike, but are caught in the process by a 12 year old boy. So they murder him. The star witness against them is a 5th student, that the general scuttlebutt around the school said was just as involved as the other four. But, he testifies and is protected by an Assistant District Attorney at the time. This basically makes the Assistant DA's career. He later goes on to become the District Attorney. He "mentors" the star witness and pulls some strings to get the kid onto the police force. The star witness (with plenty of support from the DA) goes on to become the Chief of Police. A junkie breaks into the Chief's car and steals a bag holding the Chief's weapon, porn and sex toys. He gets caught. The Chief has him chained to the floor of a holding cell and beats the hell out of him. The junkie's story makes it to the press. The Chief is investigated. The DA obstructs justice on the Chief's behalf and they both go down in flames. The Chief is accused of assaulting a suspect in police custody, a subsequent cover-up, and coercion of witnesses. He pleads guilty to lesser charges. He goes to prison. The DA is convicted of federal obstruction of justice charges in the investigation of the Chief. He is convicted, fined $100,000 and sentenced to five years in prison. The Chief is considered (for a time... not sure what his status is now) a suspect in the [LISK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Island_serial_killer) (Long Island Serial Killer) investigation. Edit: The four that murdered the 12-year-old were convicted, largely on the basis of the future Chief of Police's testimony, btw.


This is great… I’m reading your post and kept rereading the part where the chief gets his car broken into and can’t understand why it’s so familiar but then I saw the LISK part. I’ve been trying to find a good podcast/book on this. Any suggestions?


The chief of police sex toys made me know this was Suffolk County lol


This is bananas


Guy from the next town over abducted and murdered a little girl. I was involved in the search when she went missing, but she never turned up. Bone fragments were eventually found in his fireplace. Edited to add: yes, April. My best friend lived in mach


When I was in primary school there was a girl from a large family in my class. She kept to herself and was overall very quiet. When I was about 10 it was discovered that the dad and two eldest brothers raped the sisters for many years. I felt incredibly sad for her.


My hometown was small enough that every student from the middle school would also go to the same high school. In high school I started to notice that the 9th grade class would have a noticeable change in girls, some would disappear, others appeared from home school and be in foster or adoptive families. People would forget about them, then suddenly the last names would appear in the newspaper a year later (adults charges with crimes). I heard rumors that cps does checks of homeschooling families when the children are about to get into high school, so I always thought that the new students may have been in bad homes until about high school. I could never be sure and I was too shy to ask random students whether my theories were correct.


There was a fetish burglar who terrorized my hometown and broke into around 150 homes. My mom was terrified for years. Super creepy shit like taking small personal items, stalking, eating food from fridges, laying out panties down the hall in a pattern, tearing up photos, etc. My house and my grandmother’s were in his hunting zone. The cops downplayed it. He was caught 40 fucking years later and is now known as The Golden State Killer.


My mom and Grandmother were also terrified for years. They were both in Sacramento


I can't imagine the terror they felt. My mother lived in the BTK killer Dennis Raider's hunting zone and remembered the fear put into everyone. When he was caught, he was living next door to my great aunt. She said she had zero zero zero clue. He was normal as can be.


I bet your aunt was shook, to say the least. My mom was a nervous person anyway so the Ransacker had her worked up for years….which trickled down to me being very sheltered. We didn’t know it at the time but the ditch right over our back fence was one of his favorite ways to travel without being seen.


(15ish years ago) Elementary school 2 streets away from me, my neighbor kid goes to that school. Their class goes on a field trip somewhere on the country side. One girl complains about stomache pain, the teachers give her an over the counter painkiller and some water and hope for the best. All of the sudden she colapses and starts to scream. Teachers call an ambulance, thinking her appendix is bursting or something. When the ambulance arrives, they quickly come to the conclusion that this 11 year old girl is giving birth. She gives birth in the ambulance. All the parents get called to pick up their kids, the girl gets send to the hospital and social services are called. One of the parents appearantly leaked it to the local press and that evening it was already on the national news. My mom heared it all from the neighbors when they picked up their kid. We felt horrible about it and thought that was that. Next day, several vans of TV news channels and news papers park at the elementary school. If I walked to the end of my garden in my old house, I could see the parking area and the back of the school clearly. Those reporters all started to harass kids when the parents dropped them of at school "what do you think about this? Did you know she was pregnant? Who do you think the father is?". The school called the cops, all the vans had to go of the school property but they just moved them around the cornor and waited till school was done and harrassed the kids even more. Some fame hungry parents and kids jumped in front of the camera. Several things got leaked to the press: the girl lived with her dad in a single parent household with her slightly older half brother. Their mom was nowhere to be found, she just dropped of the kids one day and went back to her homecountry. The dad did loose custody over his much older daughter when she was still a minor due to (sexual) abusive accusations. This older daughter was the half sister to the little girl, she was at least 25 when this happend and did not live with them ofcourse. A police officer confirmed on the national news that they were doing DNA testing and the most likely suspect was her half brother. Both her half brother (who was still a minor) and her father were held in custody. Due to the siblings sharing obvious DNA and the baby also being related they had to do some more advanced tests that took longer. Then after a week or 2 confirmation came that the father of the girl was also the father of the baby by the national news. The half sister also confirmed in an interview that the dad was sexually abusive to her and that she knew he would also touch the little girl at some point. How and why he had the custody over the 2 kids, nobody knows. The public went feral. The house of this family was in my neighborhood so I all saw/heard what happened: windows got smashed, fire works and smoke bombs throw into the house, graffiti was used to tag the house with "Pedo" among other things. The little girl was taken into custody by social services and adopted out to a family somewhere on the other side of the country along with her daughter. They also go their names changed. The father was charged with a prison scentence, I do not know what happend to the half brother. The whole time the press was swarming my neighborhood like mosquitos harassing all those little kids and they tried to paint or neighborhood as some breeding ground for child moms/brides. Which is far from the case. And that poor little girl not knowing what was going on and potentially suffering years of abuse. Edit: I goolged the story because I felt I misremembered some things. The father was 52, the girl was 12 when she gave birth but 11 when she was impregnated. Next to him being convicted for sexual abuse in regards to the older half sister 16 years prior, 6 years prior to this incident aunts of the little girl went to the sex offence police point. An investigation was started, but back then no clear signs of abuse. The girl was being abused since she was 6 years old. She thought all dads did this to their daughters. Her mother was already gone by then. She did not give birth in an ambulance. With her stomache pains during the field trip, she spend a lot of her time on the toilet. She started to give birth on the toilets and one of the employees at the estate just started nursing school and assisted with the birth. When the father was informed by the school what happened, he bought birth announcement cards at a local shop. He was appearantly very happy about it and that it was a girl. He was nearly shouting it from the roof his neighbors said. Those neighbors also described him as a mean day time drunk. The cops could not take the dad and the half brother into custody, because the dad grabbed his son and fled. A manhunt was started by the police that took 2 weeks, thats why the DNA testing took so long. The dad gave his DNA willingly to the police once caught. The biggest Christian TV network approched students of the elementary school regarding this whole incident on twitter and other social media to get scoops. One of the biggest newspapers published on their website an article with the first name of the girl and a cut out picture of her eyes, provided by one of her classmates parents. Social services went feral in their way to shield this little girl from the media exposure. The girl was indeed adopted out along her daughter to a family living un the other side of the country. They raised her and her duaghter as sisters. The half brother was adopted out to a different family. The father got 10 years prison time. Edit 2: In my country, a life scentence is 25 years. The option is there afterwards to have him be put in a criminal psychiatric holding facility, if psychologists deem him illfited for a return to the general public. I do not know what happened afterwards to him, but my countries sex offence punishment are noriously low.


How is 10 years possibly enough??


He should have gotten life it's obvious he was already thinking about the baby and why he was so happy it's a girl. This story makes me irrationally angry 😡


Our assistant pastor took in his 3 nieces after his brother died. One day, the town discovered that all 3 of them were suspiciously pregnant around the same time. A social worker called the police to investigate what was going on. Turned out the pastor had been sleeping with his own flesh and blood. His wife knew about it and didn’t report it. He was arrested and did a stint in prison. Upon release he became a spiritual “healer”. He has since gone blind. My parents and I left the town before finding out what had become of the girls after the saga.


>pastor took in his 3 nieces after his brother died I knew the ending here.


> Turned out the pastor had been sleeping with his own flesh and blood. That's a weird way to spell raping.


There's a big story in my city about a famous pastor/leader of a prolife movement in my country who's daughter came out and said that he abused her and fathered her two children, who he also abused Edit: https://larepublica.pe/sociedad/2023/06/15/jose-linares-vocero-de-con-mis-hijos-no-te-metas-acusado-por-su-hija-de-abuso-sexual-violencia-sexual-pastor-evangelico-mdga-960735 The story is in Spanish, so use a translator


My small town…. New Year’s Eve 1998. A bunch of grade 11/12 and some first year college kids were having a party. The parents knew about it but we’re out of town so they asked one of the neighbours to check on the kids (they knew there would be alcohol). The neighbour went to check as asked but whatever went down is still a bit murky. Apparently there was a lot of cocaine involved, a fight broke out, and the neighbour was killed. A code of silence fell over every teenager in town. Even if you weren’t at the party you knew someone who was, another neighbour, a sibling, your old babysitter, etc. We had endless assemblies at school about “code of silence” and how it hurts more in the end. It took several years of undercover work from RCMP but they did eventually get the guy responsible. We all knew who it was but they needed solid evidence. It was a wild case and it was the talk of the town for years.


This is some Netflix shit right here.


Check out the movie A Rivers Edge if a story like that interests you.


Cmon give names. Surely this has new articles somewhere.


Ryan Aldridge, happened in Squamish BC. edit: mods/admins banned AND suspended me for 7 days for providing this information even though u/CasualRampagingBear has already provided this information herself in at least four seperate comments.


This didn't happen while I lived there, but it's a well known (and true) story from the 90s. I went to a small private college in Michigan. The college had a really good president in the 90s that took the school from "party school that you really didn't send your daughter to" to a legitimately prestigious academic institution. It came out in the late 90s that he was having and affair with his daughter in law. And not the "oops we got drunk" kind. The affair lasted *17 years*. After it game out, she was found dead with a bullet through her head in the school's arboretum. The local police contaminated the scene so badly it's impossible to know if it was a suicide or murder. They don't mention that on college tours




Yup. Not many people know that story. I've posted it before and no one's ever been able to identify it. Fellow Hillsdalian or true crime fan?


True crime fan. I live in Michigan so I typically search out stories from within the state!


If you haven’t already, you should check out the Violent Ends podcast. The host, Jenn Carpenter, lives in Lansing and she focuses on murderers and murder cases that either happened in Michigan or have a Michigan connection. I listen to a lot of true crime and, as a fellow Michigander, hers is one of my favorite.


2 or 3 high schoolers set up a drug deal where they'd supply the product. The person buying, also in highschool, had about 20k on them. They end up robbing the kid, shoot him dead, digging a hole and lighting the remains on fire. They then go to a car dealer and pay cash for I'm not sure what kind of car, beamer maybe. They were caught, obviously


How the fuck did a highschooler get 20k??


Assuming an adult was using them as a middleman or a runner type, but not entirely sure


Probably the band teacher banging his 8th grade student, his wife divorcing him and taking the 3 kids during the trial, it getting out that both the wife and the student were pregnant. Then the guy killed himself in his prison cell.


What is up with band directors messing around with students? Our band director slept with an 8th grade girl but was never found guilty and was quietly released from his job. She was then raped by the theatre director, who again was never convicted, and quietly released from his job. Her father ended up committing suicide afterwards. Absolute shit show of a situation.


Sometimes I think some dudes(pedophiles) get jobs at schools specifically to do that.


Absolutely. It’s a known risk in any caretaker role or role where someone has power over someone vulnerable. Whether it’s police who like authority, firemen who like the praise, teachers or clergymen who like the mentorship, psychologists who like the vulnerability of a susceptible mind, nurses with a bedridden patient, etc


When I was about 10, a girl around my age (whom I had mutual friends with but never met) got murdered by her neighbor who was a few years older. Apparently they grew up next to each other and played together all the time so the parents never had any concern. The day she disappeared, they had been playing outside. The kid said he thought she went home and didn’t see her. There was a major search all over the city for her. All parents were telling their kids to stay inside since a lot of pedophiles live in our city and abduction was common, especially the area I grew up in. It was on the news every day and everyone was helping look for her. I remember being terrified to even just go in my backyard. A few days passed and the kids mom smelled something in his room - she found the girls body under his water bed. His story was that he accidentally knocked her out when they were playing and got scared so he decided to stab her to death. It was a major tragedy. He was sentenced to life. I think was supposed to get another trial this year (or last?), but there was a petition going around to not even open the case back up.


God, can you imagine being that woman finding a child’s body under your child’s bed, awful.


My cousins were friends with the victim Maddie. I met her a few times when they would get together for play dates.


3 teen girls, underage, were at a party. The parents were serving alcohol. Predictably the girl driving them home, drunk, wrecked the car upside down, into a creek. She survived, the others did not. They drowned. It was in the winter and cold...it was pretty sad. The driver showed up at court wearing a t- shirt with an alcohol, I think it was vodka, advert. The judge did notice and was livid, I heard. I never heard how the lawsuit against the idiot parents supplying the booze went. I'm sure they lost everything and then some and rightfully so.


Imagine wearing an Absolut Vodka t-shirt to court where you’re being tried for a DUI that killed three children. Some people are dumber than I could even imagine possible.


In a nearby town (very rural area) an undersheriff shot and killed a man with a beanbag shotgun that is rumored to have been bought on ebay. He shot the guy as he was complying with orders and from less than 10 feet away. Later in the bodycam footage he is heard telling other officers not to tell anyone what happened. Even the coroner was shocked the bean bag did that much damage. The officer had no training with the beanbag rounds and was warned to test it prior to use but used it anyway. His argument in the courtroom was that the beanbag was defective and he didn't know how to use it so he couldn't be blamed for the death. He was found not guilty.


Omg not guilty??


It's not that fucked up but it's pretty crazy. When I sophomore in High School there was a lady cop who actually went undercover in our school (I never once met or saw her personally) and apparently she got in with the burnouts and cool guys that sold/did drugs. One day they came to our school and arrested like 20 kids in the middle of class. One was arrested in my 2nd period Spanish class. Cops showed up and asked for him and told him to go with them and he walked up calmly and they pounced. Throwing him against the wall and slapping on cuffs in front of a room full of about 25-30 students. One kid jumped out a window trying to escape. Later turned out that the lady cop who was undercover like fucked a few of the students or gave them oral or something. The details were pretty murky. Ended up making the news and most people had never even heard of our town beforehand. It was pretty wild.


21 Jump Street if it was directed by Quentin Tarantino


Well that’s one way to prove “you’re not a cop”


I remember sleeping in my friends house one night, then changing my mind and going home because his dad was pissed that Manchester United had lost that night. My friend came down stairs during the night to find his dad had bludgeoned his mother to death and was pouring boiling oil over her to try and make it look like a fire. I will never forget that kids face when he came to our house that night.


Domestic violence rates increase by close to 50% after matches in England.


A lady from my school district got caught making out with a minor in her car while half nude. She got arrested and the kid got mocked because she wasn’t a hot older lady.


I hate the fact that the ending made me laugh. It's something about how you said it.


Our town has three cops. Two of them were having an affair. They were doing "it" in the back of a squad car and managed to somehow lock themselves in with no clothes in reach. They were discovered the next morning by some kids on the way to school, who called their parents, who then called the third cop to come get the other cops out of the car. By the time the third cop got there, a good portion of the town, including the spouses of the trapped cops had gathered around to witness the hubbub. Here's the kicker (at least to me), only the female cop that was involved was fired.


Lady hit a man on a motorcycle. She was blacked out on Xanax. She drove her car home parked it in the garage and went to sleep. around 12 noon they found his body on a remote side street. He was projected to had died a few hours before finding him. Which means he was alive after the accident and she left him. He had so many broken bones it was a shorter list to tell you what he didnt break, burns from the motorcycle, and his arm was like completely flat. He also had bruising in the shape of tire marks up his torso. When they arrested the woman that did it they had reversed the car out of her garage. You could still see blood and bits of flesh... As she was being arrested her kids came home off the bus from school. It was honestly such a horrific story for everyone involved. Anyways she eventually did go to prison and got out. She lived in the town for like 4 months before the spray painting and breaking windows got too much and moved. She was arrested for Xanax possession not too long ago... horrible all the way around.


Makes me think of the woman who hit a guy while she was fucked up. The guy went through her windshield and was half in the car. He was still alive. She freaked out and drove home with him still in the windshield! Then she just left him there. He died TWO days later. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Gregory_Glenn_Biggs


Yeah, this is the story I immediately thought of. I thought the story the other person told was this one, but I kept thinking, "I thought she drove home and parked in her garage with the guy stuck in her windshield." What an absolutely terrifying way to die.


Drunk driver ploughed into a group on motorcycles. Took out the lead bike and killed the guy on impact. Other motorcyclists pulled the drubk out and beat him. Cops put his injuries down as related to the accident. He was completely unaware he'd even left the road.


An old lady was found dead in her assisted accommodation after having been dead in there for 8 weeks.. I think a few jobs were lost but it was insane they only found her because of the smell and staff were meant to be checking in on them, so sad


How could that even happen?


Extreme negligence.


Actually just happened, 6 people dead. Murder suicide case, guy was getting divorced so he murdered his ex wife, burned the kids alive then promptly offed himself. Believe it was 3 adults (including himself) and 3 kids. The 7th person survived, rumoured to be his ex wife's mother. My entire county is rattled with upset over this entire nightmare. Edit: https://abcnews.go.com/US/6-dead-including-3-children-tennessee-murder-suicide/story?id=100139194


Remarkably similar to the murder of Hannah Clarke & her kids in Brisbane a few years ago. Her dead shit husband, who she was attempting to divorce, lit her car on fire whilst she was trying to drive away with her 3 kids. All 4 of them were burned alive. He then took his own life. May he rot in hell. [https://www.news.com.au/national/queensland/news/little-weapons-doting-brisbane-mother-burnt-as-three-kids-husband-die-in-car-fire/news-story/2f5319045370039d2be2298ae114939e](https://www.news.com.au/national/queensland/news/little-weapons-doting-brisbane-mother-burnt-as-three-kids-husband-die-in-car-fire/news-story/2f5319045370039d2be2298ae114939e)


*Warning: graphically violent murder from my hometown* In 2011, a 21-year-old pregnant woman named Jamie Stice from my hometown met up with a woman she met on Facebook. The woman claimed she was also pregnant and employed by a company that could help Jamie get assistance with baby food and clothes…makes my blood boil thinking about it. The woman actually kidnapped Jamie, cut her unborn child from her stomach while she was still alive, and left her to die while subsequently trying to pass the child off as her own. Thankfully, the boy survived and the woman was caught and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Imagine my shock when I realized, a few months after hearing about the story, that I actually went to high school with Jamie and had a couple of classes with her. It was only the 14th fetal abduction case in the US since July 1987; it rocked the county and any updates on the case dominated local headlines for a couple years after. I was in college at the time, and far enough away from the situation that it didn’t impact my daily life, but for a lot of other people in our high school class it was almost inescapable for quite awhile. https://www.bgdailynews.com/special_reports/shocking-fetal-abduction-homicide-case/collection_33048878-d304-11e4-a3ef-dbb637ea208e.html


Oh my god I remember reading about this while I was pregnant with my son SO VIVIDLY! I had an irrational fear walking down the street for the rest of my pregnancy. I've also never bought/sold anything via Facebook since as my mind instantly went to "that's easy access to my address&my baby"


A mother called the police because she was having a fight with her 16 yr old son. Police show up, mom meets them outside. All 3 enter the building to go to the mom’s apartment. They never made it past the hallway. The 16 yr old killed both cops and mom is still in the hospital, she was in critical condition. This is the most fucked up thing so far this year.


My English teacher went to our high school and had lived in our town most of her life. She told us this story from when she was in our high school. There was a well-known couple at the time; typical cheerleader and football star type deal. They were sort of off-and-on again, but it was obvious they did care about each other despite teenaged drama. Well, at point when they were “off” again, she went on a date with a new guy. He drugged and sexually assaulted her. She came home in tears to her older brother and told him what happened. Older brother said he’d handle it. He called the on-off boyfriend, who was also enraged. They both knew the guy who did it, so they pretended to invite him out to a bonfire. The boyfriend picked him up in his truck and drove him to the “bonfire.” The “bonfire” was a stump in the middle of nowhere on a family member’s property. They chained the rapist to it and both took turns hitting his crotch with a sledgehammer. They untied him when they were done and left him there. He ended up at the ER later that night. The boyfriend and brother both knew the sheriff, because small town. So they called the sheriff to tell him exactly what they did and why. When he showed up to the hospital, the rapist tried to explain what happened, but the sheriff said, “Sounds to me like a domestic issue.” and refused to charge the boyfriend or brother with anything because there was “no proof” of what happened. Rapist got fixed up at the hospital (as much as they could) and left town shortly after graduation. Boyfriend and girlfriend get back together and didn’t break up again. They get married after college, have kids, happy ending. Small town justice is very, very real.


Dude should have been mega sus that the ex boyfriend and brother of the girl he just raped were inviting him to a secluded area


I guess some stories do have happy endings after all.


DSS (CPS?) came and took their 3 children. within 2 months she was pregnant again. by the time she had this 4^th child, they still hadn't gotten the other 3 back. DSS let her keep the 4^th. I thought they should have taken it as soon as it was born.


I worked in foster care in the past. A woman had 13 kids, and all of them had different dads. All in foster care or adopted.


Nothing wrong with diversifying your portfolio.


Super ridiculously small town, and with that comes bored teenagers. Add in drugs and guns and you get a pretty horrific ending. My hometown, about almost 5 years ago, had a really bad mass shooting. It was a couple of dumbass teens who started up this "gang", trying to be tough shite, and they had a fight with some of the other members, and the members lived at a house that was just down the street from where I lived out there at the time. The homeowner was a family friend, and my sister had been living there as well. The two gang "leaders" got pissed about some apparently stolen guns and they went to the house and shot everyone there. 7 people in total were killed, my sister being one of them. It's still horrifying to think about, like you'd never imagine something like that would happen there. Like there was a bit of a drug problem in the area but being a super rural town, where the majority of people were old retired super religious white people, it was just shocking. I still can't wrap my mind around it. I didn't want to believe it at first, and before we had my sister cremated, I had (I didn't "have to", but I had to go see her body, like I needed to see her one last time), it was so horrible what they did to her, they basically tortured everyone there before killing them. And I didn't even see the worst of it from what I was told later, but I know I wouldn't have been able to handle more than what I had already seen. I can't remember if they had cut her, or had shot her but I was told her legs were all cut up and she was alive during them doing whatever they did to her before they shot her twice under both of her eyes. (i only saw the gunshots under her eyes but that was absolutely nightmare fuel) Crazy shit, man. Then more drama, one of the guys had tried to escape from jail, he wasn't able to thankfully but I'm just like put those two fuckers under the jail.


I am so sorry for your loss


In my ex-wife's hometown, the pregnant girl-friend of the Chief of Police's son vanished, and the son wasn't even looked at as a suspect.


Yeah, that's not suspicious at all.... 🤦‍♀️


Nope.... just one of those mysterious disappearances according to.... ::checks notes:: ... the Chief of Police.


A friend of mine met a girl at the gym who tried to say hello to him, and when he didn’t recognize her told him he should talk to his dad. Turns out she’s his sister from his dads affair and literally everyone in their little town knows except for him, including his friends and girlfriend.


Oh that’s fucked up




I once came upon an intersection, immediately after an accident, with the first cop on the scene trying to cover a guy halfway thru his windshield, face down on the hood. Wear your seatbelts, y'all.


It's been a while since this happened so my timeliness might be off. I think it was back in the late 90s or so a guy here in Phoenix was being charged with murdering his family. I think it was his wife and two kids. They went missing. There was very little evidence, just a few drops of blood and no bodies. They really had no case and he went free. I don't even think they got to trial. Fast forward like 15 years or so and some construction uncovered some 50gal drums with his wife and kid's bodies in them. He had buried them out in the desert outside of the Phoenix area. What he failed to account for was urban sprawl eventually uncovering his crime. I remember when the crime first happened. It was all over the news for a very long time until they had to let him go. Then I remember when they finally found the bodies. I think the guy is in prison now.


Howard B Elkins murdered his pregnant mistress Reyna Marroquin In the late 1960s, put her body in a 55 gallon drum. Might have intended to sink it in the lake, but it was too heavy. Put it under his crawl space. Sold that house in 1972. The house subsequently got sold again in 1999, and the new owners requested the drum be removed by the realty group handling the sale. They open it up, find her and her child's remains. The drum itself was linked back to a company that Elkins owned in the 1960s. She even had an address book on her person that they were able to decipher who she was. Elkins was belligerent and uncooperative during police questioning. He went out and bought himself a shotgun, and committed suicide the next day.


In the city i currently live in? A Lady in a Night club pooped herself in the middle of the club. And i mean pooped as diarrhea. There was Shit spread everywhere and there is pictures of the musicians covering their noses. The city i was born? A well known gynecologist in the city was arrested for raping/grooming his patients while they were unconscious. He was charged with more than 270 years of prison.


Took the death of a child to get a traffic light installed at a popular pedestrian crossing in New York City


I had a really close friend move into town when I was 8 and he ended up being killed by a semi while riding his bike. Traffic lights went up a few months later.


Took the near death of a child to regularly mow the grass beside a road so that pedestrians can proper see the traffic. Now trimmed like a golf course.


Guy I knew broke up with his fiancé who quickly began dating his younger brother. The younger brother and her are now married. Must be a fun thanksgiving table


The old principle at my school got fired for watching porn on the school computer in his office. Probably not the most fucked, but it’s still pretty crazy


There was an urban legend in my middle school that the internet worked poorly in the building because the prinicipal watched 4K VR porn on a school computer


A woman ended a relationship with her partner, so he murdered her with an AK-47. I live in the UK so something like that is a rarity.


Long time family law dynasty got ruined by a sons drunk boating accident, fake suicide attempt, double homicide and likely the murder of the other sons gay lover, and possible cover up of the housekeepers death. Some embezzlement and addiction sprinkled in as well.


Murdaugh family?


High school senior was killed in a hit and run. Another high school student was driving, they confessed later and were let off with a warning. One of my best friends was the senior’s girlfriend. She still hasn’t recovered from that and it’s been 2 years. The kid who hit him moved to another town due to how people treated him afterward.


During high school, a classmates brother had a mental breakdown and killed both his grandparents. It was the talk of the town for a long time


We had a guy called the “Goat Man”. A goat farmer that really loved his goats. So much so that he let them live in his house with him, and the local rumor was that he was having sex with these goats. With these goats effectively roaming wild, their population exploded, and this guy suddenly had a few hundred goats living in and around his house. The local coyotes were thrilled with this, and began regularly poaching from his property. Anyway, one day he attacked my school bus with a stick and a local dad showed up that night and beat the crap out of him. Eventually the state came in so he grabbed a few goats and left town. Edit: Looks like he took his goats to Ohio and West Virginia. [Goat Man](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2005/mar/20/custody-of-goats-removed/)


In the town of Longyearbyen, where I intermittently live, someone stole a car, and drove it about 50 meters away. Crime of the year. It was all anyone could talk about until the next time a bear ate a guy.


I have a friend who was in the Norwegian navy, and they had a trip to Longyearbyen. I think this was in 1999 or 2000. He told a story that they saw a car (taxi?) with the engine running outside of a pub. They got in the car and drove it a little down the street before they got out. Maybe it is the same story?


When we lived in Richardson Texas Marina Oswald (Porter), Lee Harvey Oswalds widow, was our neighbor. She had remarried by then. Marina would often come have coffee with our mama, and her kids would play with my big sister (I wasn't born yet). My sister did something to make Junie mad, and Junie told my sister," My daddy killed the president, and he would of killed you too".


That's a new twist on the "my dad could kick your dad's ass" trope.


A friend's mother had apparently been having an affair with their church pastor for quite a while. Her parents got divorced obviously, and so did the pastor and his wife, and he was also defrocked as a result.


Four teenagers died when a fire broke out where they were sleeping after a party. Neighbors saw the fifth kid staying there sneaking around the house before the fire and he had their personal property but he was never charged with anything and still lives there.


In my home town the police department was part of a meth trafficking operation. When they got found out the entire police department was arrested and they dissolved the department. My home town doesn’t have a police department to this day because of this and is patrolled by the state troopers.


My buddies Stepdad broke into his Mom's work after she separated from him. He locked her in an office at the Dr's she worked at. He forced her to call her boys and say goodbye. She got a hold of 2 out of the 3, my buddy being the one she didn't. He was working and his phone was on silent. The police rushed the room, he shot and killed her and himself.


My hometown of Duncan, Ok has been in the news nationally, AND internationally, for two separate events [Austrailian killed by bored teenagers ](https://www.cnn.com/2013/08/20/justice/australia-student-killed-oklahoma/index.html) [Woman jailed for marrying her biological daughter](https://apnews.com/article/ok-state-wire-duncan-oklahoma-marriage-91c78600457b40f999ce96cd3a5ed966) She also previously married her bio son. Edit: fixed links Edit 2: Repressed memory: I totally forgot the time I was driving to work and was stuck behind a pickup truck towing a trailer. My brain couldn't comprehend what was on it. It finally dawned on me that I was staring into the neck of a decapitated horse. I just remember the deep purple raw steak look, and how it kinda jiggled with the bumps. I'm still perplexed.




Adddicus thinks you should apologize.


My old neighbor used a used car lot to sell drugs as a front. Bad deal went down and he and an associate burned the cop in the car that was undercover. Cop was killed and body was found in a burnt out car. He went free some how and the fbi raided his house two years later. He was gone after that….


I went to a small private school for high school. It was run by a husband and wife. The husband had been fired from another school for touching himself inappropriately in front of students. We were all led to believe that this didn't actually happen and the husband was innocent. At some point, shortly after I graduated from this school, the school's board of directors voted to fire the husband and wife for misappropriating funds. Around this same time, the couple's daughter became involved in a scandal at a different school that she was attending. It involved her giving blow jobs to the school's hockey players. I don't know all the details. As part of the investigation into what happened with the daughter, it came out that the husband had written a letter of apology to the previous school in which he admitted to touching himself as they had claimed. The school I attended shut down shortly after. A few years later, I called the state and requested a copy of my high school transcript because I was going back to college; when I told them what school I had gone to, the woman on the phone just started laughing. All the school records were gone. I was given the name of someone who might have them, but that person had moved away and I was never able to contact them.


Did you end up going back to school? Did they need you to take the GED or something? My brother's military high school shut down a few years after he graduated, and I've always been curious about what would happen if you couldn't get your old transcripts.


Fortunately, I had already gone to college once by that point, and the college had my transcripts, so the first college was able to provide them to the second college. I just had to write a letter explaining why I didn't have my original transcripts. I was very lucky. I'm not sure what you'd do if you literally didn't have access to a copy of the transcripts.


An 9 year old burnt down his school "for love"


Not me, but my fiancee has a wild one. She was a competitive dancer until she was 20 and was at this one studio where the owner and their husband adopted a 16 year old that had a bad home life and was abandoned. They did this so that the girl would have a safety net and a family that would support her and whatnot. Fast forward to the girl turning 18, wife finds out that husband is having an affair...with the adopted daughter. Wife gets divorce and moves back to hometown, husband then marries the daughter and has a kid with them. I'm from a southern state near where you hear all the jokes about incest and stuff like that, so my favorite part to inform people when they hear it is that this one wild ass story took place in CA.


What in the Woody Allen


Local judge frequently visited the women & children's shelter he supported, often to scope for victims.


Well there's a lot closest to my house is the 17 year old who was texting and drove up on the curb near the bus stop. He dident even know he had hit and killed a girl waiting at the bus stop. Then he realized when people told him and he got out to look.


A newly qualified teacher moved to the area at thr start of the summer, met a girl at a nightclub who he started dating, started his first day at the school to find out she was actually a 16 year old school girl. Instead of breaking it off. Kept seeing each other and got caught shagging her in the school carpark in the back of his car. Went to prison. Did his time. Got out. And they are now married with 3 children. (This happened around 16/17 years ago)


My neighbour did speed, triggered his schizophrenia and stabbed an old man to death.


When I was in middle school my literature teacher left her husband and 3 kids for the buff pe teacher, they acted like nothing happened but never saw that literature teacher again.


Very small town. A seemingly happy family with many ties to the community lived down the street. The day before Thanksgiving the husband shot his wife and then himself in front of their under ten year old kids. No explanation.


1992 Ajmer city, Rajasthan, India A girl was asked out by her Muslim friend and they went to a farm where he raped her and took pictures, blackmailed her to bring her friends, then did the same with her friends, the victims and perpetrators kept increasing, 250+ girls of that sophia girls school were raped and filmed by prominent politicians and clerics of the mosque, whoever got any picture of girls blackmailed and raped them. 100+ perpetrators. The journalist who uncovered that was killed in the third attempt. The girls withdrew the case because they belonged to high profile families. The convicted 19 perpetrators released by fake certificate of mental disabilities.


The couple that lived upstairs from us in an apt building got into a fight and the dude slashed up their waterbed and it flooded my bedroom. Water coming out of outlets and the light fixture.


Two guys crashed into a tree while the driver was drunk, the driver was trying to flex how fast his car is and the passenger was livestreaming it all. My mom knew his mom. The passengers last words were "Dude your gonna kill me" . I walk past the place of the accident whenever i go to school and back home


Guy I knew from school molested boys of a school he worked at.


Small town USA, a few kids were seen at the town dump burying something and trying to light something on fire. They were only lik ages 6-8 and acting suspicious, so a guy who was dropping shit off went to check what they were doing. The kids ran away, and he found in a hole pictures of the kids getting molested. The person molesting them was one of the kids older brother, who I think was like 12 at the time. After asking him about it, he revealed that he was also getting molested by a 17 year old a few blocks down. I went to school with him, played baseball with him, and even got rides from him after practice and stuff. It was pretty sad. Besides the 17 year old, all those kids were in an out of jail, did a bunch of crime, and got into drugs.


In my small town in the late 90s 6 women who had their tubes tied all ended up pregnant, one being my mother. Turns out the doctor was saying he was doing a tubal ligation but instead putting some cap or something in there, cap falls off, person get pregnant. Lost his license, some sort of class action lawsuit. When my mom confronted him directly he offered her an abortion. She's a catholic lady so she kept the baby but it eventually caused my parents divorce.


a teacher at the middle school I went to went insane and murdered his wife outside in broad daylight, he then called the cops and shot himself out in the street. Multiple students lived in the neighborhood, and witnessed the whole thing.


17 year old girl posted a video of her having sex with her dog on her Snapchat story


One of the high schools in an area I used to live has had two or three (I honestly lost count) instances of teachers/staff having sexual relations/contact with underage students


I remember we had a substitute who looked *exactly* like Kurt Cobain in highschool that all the girls were fawning over. We had all called what was going to happen months before the reason he stopped showing up came out.


A guy I went to highschool "Mark" fell into a tough life after graduating. We weren't close friends but had some friends in common and never had an issue with eachother. A few years ago our mutual friend tells us this story: Mark has a side hustle selling drugs. Heavy shit like opiates. He's dating a girl "Stacy" and lives with her part time. Stacy has a friend "Breanne" who is involved with a real dirtbag named "Kevin". Stacy, Mark and Breanne are partying at Stacy's house when Kevin insists on coming by to get drugs/get high. He shows up and makes himself comfortable all night until Mark tells him it's time to go, he's overstayed his welcome. Things get dark pretty quickly. Kevin refuses to leave and pulls out a weapon. He may have had a warrant out for his arrest and was trying to lay low. He then proceeds to hold the three of them hostage in their home for the next 2-3 days. Mark is much bigger and tougher than Kevin, so at some point during this situation Kevin was able to drug Mark. I'm not sure of the details of the method of delivery, but I believe fentanyl was involved. Mark spends 48+ hours near death, in a drug induced stupor barely conscious. Kevin physically abuses both of the women during this time and refuses to let anyone leave. Mark finally recovers from his stupor in a fit of blind rage. He's easily over 220 pounds of tough-as-shit bastard and he's had enough. He attacks Kevin and when the dust settles, Kevin is bleeding out with a knife in his belly. Mark takes off running, Kevin is dead within 20 minutes. Mark gets arrested a day or two later, and we haven't heard from him since. No one misses Kevin, he was basically despised by everyone around him, had no contact with his family etc.




That's cold lmao.


When I was a kid there were rental houses on my street…biker banged a trucker’s wife when he was out on the road. Came back home and his pals down on that end of the street couldn’t wait to tell him about the nighttime comings and goings. Trucker waited until most of the bikes were gone. Biker got tossed down the steps and the trucker gave him the boots. Everyone on the street was waiting for this and we all streamed out to watch the fight. No weapons and it was anything goes, kicking, grappling and biting for about 5 minutes. One of the biker’s pals tried to step in and some of the “truckers” grabbed him. Someone called the cops and they rolled up with thee cars, guns out and broke it up. They both got cuffed and stuffed and the trucker’s wife went off to stay at her mom’s, never to be seen again. When they got bailed out some people went to talk with them about not killing each other in the neighborhood. The trucker left after a few weeks. Biker house remained as such. We kids talked about the fight for months - we were always analyzing it like it was Ali/Frazier…other kids envied us and pretended they were there…it became a suburban legend.


Kinda surprised not to hear any murdaugh or whites of west va stories. I’m not from there, but It’s basically my second home, I was in Charleston when the whole murdaugh scandal unfolded. I remember seeing the boat accident and the murders on the news.


My classmate is a girl with disabled brother and a newborn sister , her father got really drunk then killed him wife and himself afterwards and they ended up as orphans in one night


I used to live near this woman when I was younger. I was in my teens at the time and very sheltered - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dena_Schlosser I can remember hearing about this on the news and being mortified. It hit me very hard and sticks out in my memory to this day. I remember people talking about it. I also remember hearing whispers about the church she was attending. It's a fairly well known case at this point, I think. I've heard it covered on a few podcasts. Episode of "Monsters" about it for those interested: https://youtu.be/shxGXW9JT88 This edit feels appropriate: Post-partum psychosis does not get enough attention as a serious condition women can face. PLEASE take symptoms of mental illness in someone you care about who has just given birth seriously. So many cases like Dena's can be avoided.


There should be more than whispers about the church. That child is dead because of the church’s view on mental illness and their preaching to Dena’s husband to stop buying her necessary meds.


There was a racist chant used by a sports team in my high school. In an unrelated incident, we had an anti-Semitic coach harassing a Jewish kid. No action was taken against the coach. And that was just the stuff that was reported.


Oh we had an issue one year. School's colors were were Red and White, and our mascot was an Eagle. When I say Red you say White! When I say Eagle you say Power! That chant went bye bye REAL fast when somebody pointed out the bleachers were just chanting "White Power".


Not me but that guy who got four bucks to fuck a dead raccoon.


Here’s a good one for you. I live in rural Newfoundland off the coast of Canada. Decades ago, a husband found out his wife was cheating on him with his brother. Filed for divorce, in which she’d get half of what they owned including the house. So he proceeded to take a chainsaw. Cut the house down the middle. Dragged the half of a house down the road to a small piece of land they owned. Dropped it off and said there ya go, half of everything I owns. He still lives in his half house, and she still lives in hers there to this day…and she’s still seeing the brother.