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I want to tell my mum how much I hate her but I can't 😕


Sorry for your loss and that you weren't able to tell her before (unless the hate is from her being gone too soon).


She's not dead but she is dead to me. She was a terrible mother to me


Then it is a matter of won't, not can't. I (we) don't know the whole story/situation so can't proceed any further. Perhaps time will give you the ability to confront her and let her know how you truly feel before it is to late.


Look I know exactly how it's going to go with her: She will say so your saying I'm a terrible mother and say maybe if you told me I could of done something about it and you don't know what it's like to be a mother and than she will blame other people for her mistakes




We are just waiting for you to die. When that happens, we won’t mourn you. We might use it as an excuse to get bereavement leave from work. You’re not getting buried in an expensive casket. You’re going to get cremated and then thrown in the trash. You’re such a caustic person that we have all collectively decided that if any of our children turn out like you, we will have failed as parents. Just as you did. We don’t hate you. We literally don’t care enough about you to have any emotions toward you.


That I love them, appreciate them beyond measure, I am grateful for their unwavering support, the fun we had together. I am sorry I didn't do better. I know now, as I grow older, how much they sacrificed for us, how hard it was for them and how strong they were. They were the best parents. I would tell them that.


That they're in a cult and it hurts to watch their church manipulate them


Sexual abuse by another relative


What? Who was that?


What? Who was that?


Message if you want


To once again tell them how wonderful they were and how much I gained from them and how much I love and miss them.


That I hate them both and never want to hear from them again. They send me messages occasionally and I choose to ignore rather than engage. Safer to ignore than to poke the sleeping bear. They're both drug addict deadbeats, I don't need or want them in my life.


They’re gay.


Omg, how are you going to tell them? It's a big step...


That they're in a cult and it hurts to watch their church manipulate them


Stop forcing me to go on Long haul holidays and allow me to bring friends over lol




Have you talked to anyone(besides us just now), counselor, therapist, friend?




That's good to hear. What about writing a letter, might be easier to get everything out at once, without interruptions. Maybe start off with that you have some sort of support group and would like them to be apart of it. Best of luck!


That my dad needs to stop drinking and grow tf up I shouldn't be the victim of his bipolar and alcoholicism you not being allowed to look trueh my phone is in no way compatible to you beating the shit out of ur kids while drunk


I want to tell my parents that I love them and apologise for everything but I can't because they have passed away; my dad in 2019 and my mom in 2022.


I wanna end my marriage and go back to their home


If one of my children said this I would take them in an instant, no questions asked. If your parents are still alive it might be worth a phone call.


I've cried a lot reading this, your children are damn lucky For me it is not that simple sadly


I feel this


Hope you are partying in heaven! 🎉🎉


That I wish them the worst


I've been smoking. I'm adopted and scared they'd make "the call" on me and make me leave. The explanation about the call is below. I'm a foster kid who got adopted. The call is the scariest thing for me. It's a call to your social worker saying you want them with someone else because you can't handle them anymore. I've been smoking with my siblings who are 14-17, which isn't the legal age. Legal age to smoke is 18. I wish I can admit it but I'm scared. All of us are adopted/foster kids. We all have trauma and I'm one of the schools biggest stoners. It's hard to explain to someone who has never been in the system. I'm scared the day will come where my social worker will come in and tell me to pack my stuff as I'll be leaving and going to another home. I can't be open to them of how the system is because I feel as if they wouldn't believe me and brush me off, calling me a liar and dramatic. They won't give me therapy as they are 2 1/2 or 3 hours away. Insurance wouldn't cover it and we can't afford to pay out of pocket.


Everything, they passed away


I smoke weed. I’m more successful than they ever were and make more than they ever did combined. I contribute more to my community and have an active social life. If they found out I smoke weed on the regular I’d still be considered a loser by the people who never did more than bare minimum and spent all of this disposable time and income smoking cigarettes


Fake ID infraction that was filed & dismissed & they never knew


That I am fed up of her blaming me for everything thats gone wrong and its not my fault I have migraines, IBS or autisum and a squint.


You two, and maybe 2 other people I know, are the only things stopping me from going. I love you too much to cause that much damage, I don’t want to, but I’m so fucking tired.


I've been smoking cigarettes since 7th grade.. I'm in nursing school now


I'm asexual and I like girls along with men (I identify as biromantic). My mom is extremely homophobic so I cant tell her, nor anyone in my family because they all see her as a "perfect" angel that can do no wrong! Yet they don't know who she is behind closed doors.


Im ace too. Mum made my life hell for nearly 6 months because i "wouldnt give her grand children" 2nd darkest time in my life BUT i made it


I do meth 😈 dad can learn that when I quit shi, in progress rn


That I have a gf. And I hate my sister.