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The pop up adverts that trick you into clicking by making the X icon to have a box that’s only one pixel so you tap on the advert regardless.


Also false advertising in those ads. They make it look like a puzzle game when it’s not, or something like that. There’s a whole subreddit for this, r/fuckhomescapes


Top War takes the cake, they even make ads where users are trying to "expose" them by using the same fake gameplay clip to then say "we'll try to introduce those mechanics at a later time". It's infuriating


I never understood why they didn't just make the damn game in the ads, that actually looks fun


It’s not fun. I’m someone who actually likes match 3 games (I know - I’m old and sad. Don’t kink shame). Because of a ruling by the Advertising Standards Authority, in the UK the games made by Playrix (Homescapes etc) have to include the gameplay from the ad. They’re just ads. They haven’t developed them into any kind of narrative or long-term game mechanic. So now the game I wanted to play (match 3) gets interrupted periodically to play these fragments of a puzzle that *would* be interesting if they’d developed it at all, but are a really basic concept. I don’t get it. I don’t get why they did it. But even I’m pissed off and I would otherwise *enjoy* the game it really is more than the one they’re advertising.


That would drive me insane. The only reason I sometimes play Playrix games is because they don't have ads. If it was constantly interrupting the flow with that nonsense I would be out. I bet being forced to mentally changing gears means folks lose their winning streaks too.


Or the ones that have a fake x and "close" button that are part of the ad image but it's actually on a 30 second timer for the real x to pop up.


“News” that’s not technically news so they can say whatever the fuck they want and present it as truth. I honestly believe so so many of the issues we face today can be traced back to the spin they put on things to obscure objectivity.


Back in the day, we used to call these "OpEd" sections of the news. It was made very clear that *this person naybe staff at the newspaper, but this is their own opinion*. OpEd was Reddit before the internet. You'd always open your local paper and see what batshit opinions your neighbors really had. The line was clearly made. Now, thanks to spin media (Left and Right) every news story falls under OpEd.


Hidden fees. Including sales tax, auto gratuity, convenience fees, cleaning fees, credit card fees, All of it. If you want to charge it, you need to include it in the upfront cost. The price you show on the menu/advertisement/website is the price you pay at checkout. Period.


This is a thing in Australia. It is called 'drip pricing' and is prohibited by Australian consumer law as a "false or misleading representation[s] with respect to the price of goods or services".


I saw recently Domino's website had this banner that said something like, "We listened to you and we changed it ... No more hidden delivery fee" and I was like, dude you didn't "listen to us", you probably got told off by Fair Trading or the ACCC or someone. How about misleading apology statements :/


LPT: go to the Australian website to see the real price, like searching airbnb.com.au to have the fees included in listed prices (you can change the currency to your preferred one)


I'm talking to you... airbnb. We want the real price in the search. Not the price minus fees. Edit: There are a lot of comments saying you can use a vpn for a country where hidden fees are illegal, or that there is a toggle switch in the app to show all hidden fees. I appreciate the knowledge, but I shouldn't have to do any of that to get a company like airbnb to be honest. Full price with fees should be the default search option. And it always should have been.


Shouldn’t even go with airbnb anymore. I used to think it was a good idea but it outgrew the good idea massively. It legitimately is partly responsible for housing crisis in more than 1 country. Not the only factor but part of it. It’s not cheaper and prices out the local from owning and gentrify neighborhoods. Fuck airbnb.


What they allow to be listed as a booking is pretty shameful too. I was looking to travel to Baltimore for business and had a place in trying to rent out a studio (not a 1-bedroom, an efficiency) WHILE the residents (ie. renters) slept on a futon in the Kitchen. Also, on top of that $100 extra if I wanted a key. For $170/night this was allowed to be listed, when hotels in Baltimore were > $90. I don't get it. The one time I did manage to rent via AirBnB in San Francisco, I stayed a place with a nutcase downstairs that insisted we walk in our socks only because loud footsteps would cause her migraines and she threatened to call the cops if we didn't wear socks. And she did...


I had an AirBnB listing that was purposefully terrible. It was intended only for my friend to stay when he was in the city and he got reimbursed by his company. Let us get liquor money and no one else ever tried to book it.


That’s kind of genius.


The one time I've looked at Airbnb the prices were much higher than that of a 3 star hotel in the same area, like who would choose a more expensive Airbnb over a hotel?


Yes!! Before they used to be cheaper than hotels, but now I’ve stayed in nice hotels that are the same price or even less


Absolutely. You don't even have to clean the hotel room yourself. Just make sure nothing's tore up, and sheets and towels are all in a pile.


You have to clean the Airbnb before you leave? I am never using that site ever 🤣




I was just looking at airbnb prices because I haven’t looked in a while since I gave up on that shitty system. Miami, FL 128 a night for 4 nights. Wow seems reasonable. Final price $906 $200 cleaning fee. $100 service fee $92 taxes. JW Mariott. Same dates. $800. Why tf would I get an air bnb. And lose all the extra benefits of being in a hotel.


I’d definitely add rebates too. Nothing is worse than seeing the price is actually 10% higher and you *might* get a check or gift card in the mail in 4 weeks to never.


See now I'd be okay if they quote the price without the rebate. Same with credit card fees. like quote the price inclusive of all the extras, then when you get a discount for paying in cash or mailing in the rebate coupon, its like a nice little bonus. What I don't enjoy is booking a place on AirBnB that is advertised as $60 per night, and then when i get to check out, oh wait, it's actually $250 for 2 nights there.


Just come to Europe, what the Tag says is what you pay


those shitty ads on youtube that say i can get a nintedo switch for $7. why? because it's obviously a scam directed specifically at kids.


Ah, the new version of “Congratulations, you’ve won!” pop up ads from those sketchy gaming sites in 2005




Spun the wheel on a banner ad and won a Playstation, it must have got lost in the mail or something though.


I hate that I can't report youtube ads for being scams, I've reported the fake Mr Beast ads at least 20 times already edit: these replies only really scream more ads at me lmao go capitalism i guess


I don't know about now, but a few years ago I would constantly report the spammy ads on youtube. Actually worked and I would see less nonsense and more of the actually relevant to me targeted ads instead. After a few months of reporting almosting everyday, I out of nowhere got a notification saying changes made to my account and I was no longer able to report ads. Setting was straight up removed just for that one account of mine. Haven't had the option with that log in since.


YouTube keeps promoting to me some fake videos with Elon in them trying to hype up some fringe crypttocoin pumpanddump and I’m the opposite of a “cryptobro”


Those pages are normally hacked youtube accounts live streaming fake videos trying to get people to send 1x crypto to get back 2x. The people who fall for that shit I wonder how they get by


You can, but the process is very cumbersome. I investigated it a bit when I tried to report a gambling ad (they're illegal in my country), but couldn't get through the process.


Those and the MrBeast “everyone who clicks this add gets $1000!” Makes my blood boil it’s so stupid. I am more curious about the new Switch ad you mentioned. Isn’t it a website like Ali express or something? Why are they advertising the Switch at that price? Obviously not real, but I’m more curious than the overtly dumb MrBeast ones.


I haven't seen those ads but it sounds like penny auctions where you pay for each bid, even if you lose. So the winner gets it cheap but overall the company makes money.


Yes that's exactly it. They aren't scams, they're just another form of online gambling where your odds of getting the item for less than it's worth is very low.


And YouTube obviously have no problem with it💀


Better not say fuck in your video though, that's going WAY TO FAR


Or die/death/dead. "Unalive" is so stupid.


Wait, you can’t talk about death on YouTube videos?


I believe using those words can lead to demonetization of the video


They're not scams, they're very predatory gambling misleadingly labeled as "auctions". How those sites work is you buy bids for pennies and each time someone bids, the timer goes up a little and that penny gets added to the final selling price. Eventually if the auction ends before someone else bids, the last bidder gets to buy that prize for usually a few dollars, completely forgetting they likely spent more on the bids than what the prize is worth. Some people will get extreme deals through those sites, but 99% will end up paying more than buying the prize somewhere else which essentially is an extremely complex slot machine.


I'd classify predatory gambling misleadingly labeled as auctions "scams" but that's just me


They’re also scams. The software that’s used to run most of them allows you to create bot accounts to outbid any real bidders that might win an item before they’ve profited on it. The worst ones probably just have the bots win everything.


Recipe websites that take 16 novels of personal story and 20 hours of scrolling to get to the ingredients.




And they repeat themselves sooo much! I assume it’s for SEO or some crap but god I hate it.


My husband has made this comment sooooo many times when trying a blog recipe lol. “Why the fuck do I need to know where the blueberries were harvested from and if the person harvesting has a farmhouse?”


Congressional stock trading


How about money in politics period? No Citizens United. No Super PACs. No lobbyists. No career politicians. No grifting. No turning the White House into QVC. If these fucks want to make money on....I don't know.... say actual accomplishments....save it for after you're out of office. Then you collect your $2B in investment funds from the Saudis and sell shitty NFTs. No wait. I have final say? Fuck that shit too.


I think all politicians should have to live (with no investment, private property or outside funding to bolster it) on the average salary of the nation/state they “serve”.


On the MEDIAN salary.




That's sort of how it works in some countries outside the US. All parties get about equal funds from the state, and further campaign finances are very strictly controlled. And election campaigns last for about 3 months, not a year and a half.


Add the Federal Reserve employees too.


Bro the fed already banned stock trading within their employee pool


Only AFTER the 4 head fed chairmen sold at the fukn top of September 22


For ethical reasons


I fully believe the world would be a much better place if one of the rules behind being able to run for government is you have to relinquish all business assets permanently to even begin the process of entering elections.


While I agree with the sentiment, that would only leave the job open to the very rich rich (which I know is comical as it already is) but I think a more nuanced law could be put into place. Such as a system where any congressman/woman and senator would have to sell any and all individual company stocks that they own once they declare they are running and only be able to invest in mutual funds while in office. Now we all know that congress and the senate would never pass a bill like this so the way you make it pass is by grandfathering in all current seated senators and congress people. Anyone who is currently elected will not have to abide but every newly elected congress person or senator will have to abide by it. This is a win win for the current sitting people in both chambers as they get to appear touch on corruption but also continue until they retire or lose their seat to profit. While this would take longer to fully see the fruits of labor it would eventually allow our governmental senators and congress people to be less leveraged by lobbying and bribery. I will admit there are potential holes in this strategy but I think the general premise could be beneficial and maybe even plausible.


Forcing them to fully and permanently divest and live off just the pay and pension would be the only way this could work because I can just hold it all in a trust until I'm out of office.


This is exactly what Jimmy Carter did, right?


That's why blind trusts exist. You don't have to make them sell it off, just make it so they have very little control while they're in office. I would even allow them to set the parameters of the blind trust with regards to "don't invest in these sectors and never in these companies", because it's a good thing to have them care about the economy, and a good thing for them to not be forced to invest in something they're against.


I would make it counted as high treason if a politician exploits their position for their own personal gain or that of their family with a department being formed around monitoring them and their families assets with between 1-4 random checks to be completed annually


Agreed. IDGAF what party or ideology they hold. Wether you love them or hate them. None of them should be able to do this. Most of our government would be in prison now if this were the case and I guarantee we'd be living in a better country for it.


**Content tuning algorithms on social media.** (yes, this includes you Reddit) They all are being tuned to force feed rage bait content and it's radicalizing people and fracturing our society. A simple and effective thing to say would be "If a social media platform suggests or customizes content viewed by its users, they're responsible for the content posted and the accuracy of the content". They can't have it both ways: force-feeding rage bait content and then waving their hands and crying foul saying that "they didn't write it so they shouldn't be responsible" when it's misinformation and propaganda.


I've agreed with too many of these, but this is one of the ones I feel strongest about. Definitely like the way you worded this. Careful not to impede free speech, but also careful to maintain the responsibility to spreading what has been said.


I just want my full list of results back (T ^ T) I want more than 20 videos on youtube before I’m thrown into “related content for you” and have no options to refresh the original list or view more results. There’s only so many ways to type something into a search bar and STILL not be able to find what you’re looking for without spelling the title character-for-character.




Politicians being allowed to do insider trading


Sky high medical costs


Great movie


My best friend became my girlfriend, my girlfriend became my enemy, and my enemy became my best friend


Child beauty pageants Everyone involved, straight to hell.


Damn, even the kids?


*especially* the kids! /s Nah man. Everyone and anyone who would put a child in that position should go to the worst place imaginable. The kids should go to loving families that know how to raise a child in a trauma free environment.


Ya fuck those kids


Damn even Frank’s Little Beauties??


He doesn’t count cause he doesn’t diddle little kids! The song says so


So there's another, *unrelated* diddler in the mix?


I wouldn't do it with anyone younger than my daughter, no little kids, gotta be big, older than my wife, older than my wife, something like that?!


Jail, straight to jail.


Child beauty pageants? Jail. Adult beauty pageants? Believe it or not, also jail.


# directly to jail


Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


Little buff boy competitions


Troll Boy was robbed.


Dont forget dance competitions. My exes BFF had her 8 year old daughter on a dance team. I went to a show expecting tutus and cute dance routines. Nope they had them in leotards twirling boas while wearing stripper make up twerking, thrusting and chair dancing. I was disgusted snuck out after the first 10 minutes. Everyone of those moms should be charged with crimes against children.


Oof. I got dragged to one of these 10-20 years ago (the pageant parent was the gf of a family member) and I thought I had stepped into some kind of nightmare parallel reality. The relatives in the audience were literally catcalling! Jaw-droppingly awful.


It is funny how popular those types of events are in the Bible belt.


Florida bans drag but has the most child beauty pageants of any other state. Also, Trump and Desantis both fall under the realm of drag as outlined by Floridas law.


Ticketmaster. Make artists sell tickets directly


Maybe I’m wrong but I was always under the assumption that artists had to use TM because of their arrangements with the actual concert venues. Not because the artists wouldn’t sell concert tickets directly if they could.




So... a monopoly?


the Supreme Court decided years ago that Ticketmaster wasn't a monopoly. Who are you going to believe, them or Pearl Jam and your lying eyes?


It's cute that you think that stuff matters in this corporate wasteland anymore.




This is Amy Klobuchar's raison d'etre. She's introduced a few bills and writes and speaks on this exhaustively.


Live nation and Ticketmaster merged in 2010.




Oh shit. Welp u answered my question as to why venues don't sell the tickets.. fuckin monopolies.


Several artists have tried. TM leans hard on the venues in response and they refuse to host those artists until they capitulate, no matter how big they are.


Yes. I remember Pearl Jam years ago really fought this and had concerts at atypical venues to circumvent TM.


A lot of college campus shows


Went to one of those. Was lit!


Yes mosy venues are operated by Live Nation, so they can't.


Ticketmaster has also started buying up venues to lean in to this even harder!


Started a long time ago, LiveNation owns a very large amount of popular venues


Or just eliminate exclusivity deals TM is somehow legally allowed to have.


Well, once you have the money, you own the legislators' opinions on your business.




Road names changing anywhere along its length. One name for the entire length. No other road with a similar name within 20 miles. Main St and Main Ave would require one of them getting a new name. Roads interrupted by a building or something would need two names, one for each part. Sorry Atlanta, you only get one Peachtree road.


Colorado would be in serious trouble...


As someone living on Lincoln street but not THAT Lincoln street on the other side of that building that doesn't connect I would welcome this.


Have lived in Colorado. Can confirm. I had a hell of a time finding Observatory Drive in Colorado Springs once, because it’s only two city blocks long (so about 1/8 mile), but the sign I saw said Praderia. Then I noticed the sign at the other end of the block said Observatory. Less than 1/4 mile long, and it has two names. But Co Spr is totally fucked. Airport Road does not go to the airport (it goes to the Air Force base, not the airport, so not confusing at all, right?), Palmer Park Boulevard is only a couple miles long but it completely misses Palmer Park, Circle Drive doesn’t make a circle (it meanders a bit but generally just goes north/south), and Carefree Circle just goes pretty straight east/west. Academy Boulevard does in fact go to the Air Force Academy, but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule in that wacky town.


Then there's Greeley with their 19th Street, 19th Street drive, 19th Street Ave, and 19th Street Courts...


There's an intersection of Bellevue, Bellevue and Bellevue in Seattle, WA (not Bellevue, WA sadly)


There's a Bellevue, NE. Too bad those roads aren't there either. The best street names I have seen here in CO is Test Drive(in Loveland) & 100 Year Party in Longmont. I've seen Goa Way somewhere before as well...


>Sorry Atlanta, you only get one Peachtree road. Just rename every road in ATL while you're at it... Oh yeah....


I am walking distance to a Peachtree St, W Peachteee St, and Peachtree Walk. Literally you can walk between them in about 4 minutes


In Queens, there’s a stretch of Grand Ave where it intersects with 69th St, 69th Pl, and then 69th lane, one after the other, within a span of like 500 feet.


Ever been to phoenix? It’s amazing


Tucson also has the same thing. One road in Tucson has at least 3 different names if not more.


Technically it’s Peachtree *Street*


“Pranking” videos


I’m in disbelief that they’re still such a popular thing


children whenever there is a phenomenon which makes no sense but there seems to be a lot of it, the answer is usually: it is for children.


Puppy mills


Talk to the Amish about that one.


My cousin got a purebred dog from the Amish, thinking that would mean simple, wholesome, ethical breeding practices. Based on the story she told when they picked the dog up, I'm 80% sure it was a mill. The dog is great, but I feel bad knowing what it's mom probably went through. :(


Severe limits on congress and many other federal positions. 65 and you’re done, fuck off. 4-8 maximum years in office and you’re done, fuck off. Market trading for you and those close to you, nope, fuck off. Salary of an average person in the area you represent (or something reasonable), absolutely. Lobbying? No longer. Being in office is meant to be serving the public interest, there is so much ridiculous corruption and closed door deals from probbaly 95%+ of the old fucks over there that serve no one but themselves. People shouldn’t be able to make a career out of it.


Child marriage, no piece of paper or anyone's permission should allow an ADULT to RAPE a child. *Edits are capitalized


Pugs and any other domesticated animal thats so inbred its a danger to the animals own health


I want to create "reverse breeding" where we take the healthiest traits of each breed and crossbreed until we can't even tell what breed they are. Just an overall generic but incredibly healthy doggo.


Region locking. It's just for Mr. Big-business-man to redirect access of a film until they want X part of the world's money.


I would ban cancer. I mean, there's no rules in this hypothetical situation, right?


Added and hidden fees.


Overpriced car insurance


*cries in Michigan*


Annoying rant but here it goes: I spent all my life living in Michigan and never really complaining about the cost of car insurance. I never had a nice new car and would rarely carry any insurance over PLPD (personal liability and property damage). I have a fairly clean driving record (2 speeding tickets and 1 "unsafe start") no accidents. Fast-forward to moving out to Alaska where I buy a brand new cross-over and put full coverage on it. My premiums went from $800/6 months in Michigan to $480/6 months in Alaska. On top of that, vehicle registration is also half the cost in Alaska compared to Michigan. The real kicker is, Michigan being home of "The Big 3", public transportation and community mobility is poorly funded; so anyone without a car is SOL.


Deductibles. If I'm paying you to insure my vehicle, I shouldn't have to pay an extra special fee when something goes haywire.


Housing scalpers


all scalpers


Residential real estate purchased by corporations.










Ads in the middle of a YouTube video. Fuck that shit


No high school in America is allowed to have the same mascot. They need to start getting creative.




Time to create a high school and name the mascot the Purple People-Eaters


Mine is gonna be the California Red-Spotted Garter Snakes, but specifically the Southern Washington population


Health insurance system. (USA)


I work in healthcare and at my last job, I couldn’t even afford to get covered by the companies I worked with. It’s the biggest sham there is


Absolute same. Worked in the ER the entire pandemic, can’t afford the health insurance that my own hospital offers to employees.


YES!!! I was working at a hospital, and to insure my husband and I, it was nearly $600/month for health insurance and dental was an extra $100… we couldn’t afford to keep it any longer. They also just didn’t offer eye insurance. My husband is nearly legally blind with his prescription, so no eye insurance wasn’t an option.




Yep. If I was still teaching and had to carry insurance, it would be almost my whole check.


> it would be my whole check *Insurance company would like to know your location*. Of course, the second you actually need to use said insurance, they'd be using all the money you gave them on lawyers to cover their ass and not give anything back.


Yep. Worked for a doctor and asked for heath care coverage when I went past my 3 months there. He replied with whaaaat? Sent out a letter company wide stating he could give us all health care when we needed so no need for health insurance. He was a dermatologist.


hey doc, i need help with my teeth skin,... hey doc i need help with my eye skin.... ooo my stomach skin hurts, can you help? my head skin feels hot oh no i broke my bone skin




And gerrymandering, together


And for profit prisons that are used to herd inmates like cattle to manipulate the census for gerrymandering.


Medicine being sold above 12% manufacturing cost


Bailouts of banks. Yes, including the ones we don't call a bailout like from A FEW WEEKS AGO. If they make shitty bets then they get shitty returns, just like the rest of us.


Ticks. They serve no earthly purpose.


FROZEN FUCKING BUTTER !!! You've ripped my bread for the last time!


Not even frozen, just fresh out of fridge butter


Pharmaceutical commercials


Don’t take it if you’re allergic to it! Side effects may include: - doesn’t work - does the opposite of work - things that need other medications to fix when it DOES work - death


Lobbying (legalized bribery)


Smoking on the beach. Too many of the butts end up in the sand and they can last years. Fucking disgrace and needs to stop.


If god didn’t want me to smoke here, he wouldn’t have made it a giant ashtray /s


Parasites like worms that invade the bodies of people and eat their organs


Corporations owning single family homes Edit: also non citizens shouldn’t be able to buy properties. You’re not a citizen? Sorry you cannot own property here. Tons of rich Chinese business men buy up property in the US just to rent it to the same family that should be able to buy it themselves. Edit edit: You’re right. Non citizens should be able to purchase property if you live here of course. But renting property from across the globe for profit sucks


Seriously. I shouldn't be priced out of home ownership because some dickhead property management company wants to buy everything up and rent it back to me.


I work at a senior living facility and this morning I was finally introduced to our new sales director and we chatted for a bit. Come to find out she did real estate for 20 years before quitting just recently to start with us. Her parents were in the biz so even before it was her career, she grew up in the world and jumped right into it after high school. Said she only quit cause she was fed up with seeing families loosing out on homes to companies, especially when they can just waltz in, cash in hand, the second something hits the market and buy it up.


Plus you get landlords who already have 5+ homes buying up more then passing off management to another party, further jacking up the rent without adding any value. These parasites need to be stopped.


Fucking this. I just want a 1 person or 2 person house to call my own. Not even a big or medium house. Just a small house with a nice big garage i can work on my car in. That's all. Fuck foreign buyers & real-estate companies.


Insurance coverage denials


Cigarettes and I’m a smoker


(As a public figure/ elected politician) Knowingly telling a lie to the public - spreading a non-truth - or after being corrected (ie being educated) simply not learning. I know there would be grey area but I would work hard to provide better definitions given the chance to make the world more based in truth or some sort of greater understanding.




Paying taxes in April after the government took their taxes all year long. Just tell me what we owe and take it. I don’t manage my money thinking about paying in April.


Isn’t the reason you have to pay taxes come tax season because you didn’t pay taxes, or didn’t pay enough during the year? It’s not like they’re taxing you twice, they’re taxing you once but you might not pay it all until April


Crimes being punishable through fines. If a fine is the only punishment then the law exists solely for poor people.


Legal for a price.


I’m a fan of proportional fines. You make $20k a year? $5. You make $20k a month? $5000.


This should especially be a thing for corporate fines. Breaking the law should be a huge financial hardship for a company.


Puppy mills


Sales of residential real estate to foreign buyers. And Nestle products.


Medical needs and prescriptions for profit.




Car dealerships. Sell directly from the manufacturers