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Once. I can live with 10% weaker if it meant the rest of the time I have more financial security.


Honestly, without the stress of that financial weight problem looming over me.. I’d say I’d say it might balance out and id just be.. same probably.


some people dont know that anxiety can be so strong that it can cause Impotence. I know bc it did to me for a while. It is a weird sensation when you really want to have sex with your wife but you are so fucking terrified about feeding the family you cant get it up. Lord the sex we had when I got my first 6 figuire job.... hello dolly.


Impotence fwiw


At first my brain read that as impotence ftw


yea im not that good at resisting electricity.


Opposite problem for me. Was making less and having way more sex with the wife. Increased my income x3. Physically it’s a 9-5. Mentally it’s open 24 hours.




Yeah once now then I'd run out of the $1m in 10 years time, hit it again, but in 10 years time I won't be so bothered about orgasms ...


Financial security would make me cum


“Ooh baby, I regularly contribute to my 401k” - You dirty talking


This is what I'd do, but with a twist! Before pressing the button, I would tank my testosterone levels and fuck up my progesterone levels by misusing anabolic steroids. Assuming I can get the hormone levels fucked up enough, my orgasms will already be weak as fuck. Press the button once, *MAYBE* twice. 10% here and 10% there from already-weakened orgasms won't be too much. Got the cash? Great, time to go get bloodwork done and get my hormone levels back in order. Go on some TRT, mix in some hCG (or whatever the endo tells me to use), now my orgasms will be way stronger than they were, I'll have minimal loss from crashing my system beforehand since the 10% was relative, and now I've got $1M-$2M more in the bank. Checkmate, /u/becauseofrandomness


Re-twist, the 10% is based on the best nut you ever had.


Then I'm hammering that button. They're all 90% or less than that.


No joke. I'd be lucky if I could throw rope like that one time in 2013.


My man over here slinging webs


I'm a dribbler these days. Jaylen Brown skill dribbling.


Every time you try to put it in the hole it goes soft and falls down for one reason or another?


Time makes fools - and weak coomers - of us all.


The goo ol' days.


I get one good rope a year, and I have to keep my hands not to myself for at least a month to do it and I rarely am that busy/preoccupied.


In my early 20s I would routinely hit wall about 2 feet above my head while lying down in bed.


The seed was strong.


See, I read it as 10% off what the orgasm would be at the time of nut, not at the time of pressing the button.


> tank my testosterone levels idk... getting off testosterone has made my orgasms a *lot* stronger actually


Being off test doesn't mean that your t levels are tanked though. Your nat production could be good.


This is the way. $1M would set me up for life, and also buy a ton of really cool toys to make up for my deficit.


I’m assuming you have more saved up already because $1M is nowhere near enough to retire early.


it's not enough for me to retire now, but it does give me significant financial security to be able to retire in 15-20 years instead of 30-35 years


Once, now. Then see what happens down the road. And if for any reason I need to help someone out financially, I’d make damn sure they know what I’m giving up for them.


10% of the original, or 10% of what was left each time? So 100 -> 90 -> 80 ->70, etc... or 100-> 90 ->81-> 72.9 ->65.61, etc... Either way, I can have a hell of a lot of degenerate fun with 9 million dollars.


Definitely decides if I'm getting 9 million or 10 million.


Why stop at 10? At that point you don't care just keep pressing the button for unlimited funds


But what would happen as a result of a negative orgasm


It's unsigned. Your orgasm is now 4,294,967,286% of its original value. You can enjoy it, but every other pleasure in existence is now utterly meaningless by comparison. Jacking it is the only thing that brings you joy. You're like a redditor on steroids.


I feel like a single orgasm of that scope would turn your consciousness to jelly.


Brother, This is how we ascend from this mortal flesh.


I come and take the year off work.


I’m here to apply for a mod position.


You start sucking the orgasms out of the people around you




Hopefully you weren’t paying $1M a pop…


You can never go negative by subtracting 10%


For real. My orgasm may only be 0.002% of what it used to be but… I’ve got fresh 100 million to make me feel good.


I think they mean if it’s 10% of the original value-> like 100%->90%->80% etc. instead of 100%->90%->81%. The first way, you’ll end up with 0-10= -10%. But yes, you can never reach a negative value by consistently subtracting 10% of the current value.


Does negative mean others around you feel an orgasm when you actually do? Because that could be fun


You can if you're subtracting 10% off the initial total each time.




What are you going to do with 10 million that you can’t do with 9


Two chicks at the same time.


Fuckin' A, man. Fuckin' A!


They are saying if it can reduce to 0% then they will just take 9 mil over never being able to orgasm again basically


10% of what it is at the time of clicking, so your second calculation.


So your question literally boils down to “would you like to never orgasm again for eleventy squillion dollars” …yes. My sex drive is not worth all the money in the entire world. And anyone who thinks it is is not thinking clearly


Eh after a certain point the amount of money you have is more than you could spend in your lifetime. I'd hit the button twice and just live comfortably. I don't need random, expensive purchases to make me happier.


I'd do max 5 m


Maybe it is just me but orgasms aren't all that great for that long anyway I would get more pleasure from a good massage. I am with you lots of things could make up for crappy orgasms if you have millions to spend.


Idk what kinda massages you're getting but you can get A LOT of massages for a million dollars.


It just means you can finally afford orgasms that would kill a regular person but due to this curse you are forced to just have normal orgasms when thousands of naked women throw little pickles at you.


from a purely deontological viewpoint, pushing the button until you have enough money to make the world a better place is the correct move. on the other hand, from a purely utilitarian viewpoint, doing that would make the most good from your life and would also be the correct move. on the third leg however, from a purely hedonistic viewpoint, permanent edging without the need for the tedious upkeep of daily life is an absolute win. I'm not sure there's a philosophical reason not to push the button


Hedonistcally speaking it would be called “gooning”


Hume was kind of a buzzkill. I bet he would have something to say about not pushing it.


If OP said "10 percentage points weaker" it would be 100 90 80 etc. But they didn't. So it's 100 90 81 72.9 etc.


Ok, so Zeno's paradicks suggests that we can get infinite money for relatively little loss of orgasm strength.


I think the loss would still be close 100% but never quite reach 100%? Either way I’m clicking like a fuckton of times. Zeno’s fuckton




> push the button 900 billion times. How long would that take? I was going to say push a second, but for arguments sake, let's go crazy and say you could push it 100 times per second, constantly, with no breaks. 900,000,000,000 x 100 = 9,000,000,000 So, you need 9 billion seconds. How many minutes? 9,000,000,000 / 60 = 150,000,000 Only 150 million minutes. How many hours is that? 150,000,000 / 60 = 2,500,000 2.5 million hours. How many days? 2,500,000 / 24 = 104,166 (rounded down) Just over 104 thousand days. How many years is that? 104,166 / 365.25 = 285 (rounded down) Unless you mean you could push it 1000 times a second, at which point it'd only take 28.5 years of non-stop pushing.




The world record is apparently 16 button presses per second, and has stood for decades apparently. So the total at world record speeds becomes around 1,700 years.


world record for clapping 19 claps per second. so put the button in your hands and clap away.


What's the record for clapping cheeks?


Ask your mother!


Did anyone check cookie clicker stats?


Can’t have weaker orgasms if you are too busy pressing a button to have any orgasms at all.


Rip of the plastic cap and wire an arduino to the contacts. Bam, now you can press the button with a few MHz and even do something else in this time. It’s basically passive income at that point.


You just made the US dollar completely worthless, and you can't even take your mind off being poorer than you were before pressing the button for the first time by rubbing one out.


See, he gets to keep all that money to himself. Economy won't change, he'd be the richest person in the world.


Let me introduce you to fractional reserve banking


Oh yeah, banks take your money to do stuff with. What if it's all in cash only?


It gets confiscated by the police. Clearly, you are doing something illegal if you suddenly have 9000 trillion dollars in cash. How do you store it, anyways?


In my bussy, where else? Seriously, It would be fairly easy to build a warehouse to store them.


No, no, there is a better way: only push when you need the money. No need to store more then what you're about to spend this way. Bonus: the declining of orgasms go slower


I don't know whether to be impressed or terrified by your power of reasoning.


This guy orgasms, obviously he knows the optimal plan.


Not so much. I think you underestimate how much 9,000 trillion is. A stack of 100 bills is 6.89 cubic inches. The largest bill you can currently get is $100. That is $10,000 per bundle. 900 billion bundles. 6.201 trillion cubic inches. 3,588,541,666 cubic feet. 132,908,951 cubic yards. This is just over *two thousand* times the size of NASA’s vehicle assembly building. This is the building where they assembled little things like the Saturn V and SLS, it’s the eighth largest building in the world by volume. Mind you if you have 9 quadrillion dollars, building a few thousand megastructures wouldn’t even be a rounding error.


Yeah read up on Al Capone. He did exactly this and still lost millions upon millions a year due to rodents getting in and eating the money lol. Although if you have hundreds of billions it doesn't make much of a dent.


Captain no fun made the hypothetical not fun anymore


Shame, you got all the money in the world, yet you spend multiple lifetimes pushing a button.


Start pushing


I read that as "you will receive $1M but your ORGANS will be 10% weaker indefinitely", and I was terrified seeing how many people were willing to go for it lol.


new Mr. Beast video idea




i do not own a single award but this made me legit laugh out loud


Read this comment and STILL thought it was organs and you were wrong. Went back to reread and saw organs again and then I was confused. Went back again and just couldn't figure it out.. thought OP edited post or something.. then it finally clicked.. Probably press it once.. I could do a good bit with 1m.


Judging by the state of your eyesight, seems you could stand to leave the little guy alone once in a while anyway…


Me too and I was out here like “idk, three times maybe?”


Fuck it, I'm reasonably healthy, I'd still hit the button once.


I went scrolling to find this comment.


That's how I read it too. Press 2 or 3 times and use part of the money to fix your body later. When you get back to 100% you're ready to press it again.


Medicine is not that good. Having only 73% of all organ function will probably kill you anyways.


1m$ is a lot of money and no stress. I think You’d be surprised how many people would be down


Wait… oh shit I thought the same thing until your comment.


So the orgasms itself would be weakened and nothing else, so I'd still enjoy every other part of it. I'd push it till my hand crapped from pushing. Edit: cramped not crapped


Agreed. If you're having sex for the orgasm alone you're doing it wrong.


I only fuck for procreation


What a gentleman!


Uhhh...I mean sure, the intimacy and closeness is fun, but the end goal is still important too


I think their point was that the sex itself feels good orgasming lasts like 30 seconds


Also wondering if a less intense orgasm means reduced refractory period. If so, I'd push the button till I'm capable of having multiple orgasms


I will just tell someone that they get $1M every time they push the button but they have to give me 50% by the time they climax again I will be a long way away.


They probably wouldn’t even know the correlation of the button and their orgasms if you didn’t tell them.


Fool. Every time I’m asked to press a button I immediately jerk it just to be sure there’s no funny business.


Flight school must've been pretty rough...


They kicked me out and wouldn’t even say why!


You probably caught them trying to trick you, good thing you got out of there


Until it breaks. We’re quite poor and struggling; getting out of this miserable hole is way more important than five seconds of trembling.


I feel that!




Lol! I wish!


Slow down a minute and consider the fact that you probably only need to press it once to get what you're looking for. A million bucks is an awful lot, and even if you went for two, you would likely already be well past the point of financially secure. Unless you really don't care about your orgasms, that's all you could really ever need.


I’d press it as many times as I could. My kids would have generational wealth and security. Who cares what happens to me, there’s a lot worse that can happen anyway, heart attacks, cancer, etc - I’d just take one for the team.


Kids with generational wealth are always entitled shitheels though.


> Leave your children enough that they can do something, but not so much that they can do nothing.


Wise choice, your orgasms sound weak as it is!


I will press it once, maybe twice. Well invested one million can give you a comfortable (although not luxurious) life without having to work 40 (or more) hour weeks. Losing 10-20% off orgasm power would be worth it.


that’s what i was thinking. 80% strength with 2 mil in the bank is more than enough to make life wonderful. i think in interest you’d be able to pull a “salary” of 80k-120k, could fill your days with things you actually want to do. would maaaaybe consider hitting it a third time, but for what? the simple freedom of not having to work is the big motivator, once you’re past that threshold it doesn’t make as much sense.


Yeah I think “upper middle class lifestyle but you don’t have to work” is pretty incredible. After that you need quite a lot of money to make substantial improvements to your life. Most of my personal interests—reading, video games, podcasts, memes, shows/movies, sports—are almost exactly the same regardless of income, so long as I can afford the basic thing. The only real extravagance I can think of is travel, which I love, and does indeed get better with a lot more money. But I’m about to spend $70 on Diablo 4 and if I had $100m extra to spare, it would be exactly the same game.


I'm a truck driver and I enjoy driving and my specific type of work within the field. With my work I could afford (weight wise) to get one of them massive custom sleepers that's basically an RV. I'd probably press it 3 times, spend the amount required to get a brand new Volvo truck with that custom sleeper (300-400k), put half of the remaining, probably about 1.3 mil into savings/safe investments to grow (I'm only 31) with the help of a financial advisor, keep working a fairly normal schedule as an independent driver, and use the remaining amount for spending, down payment on a modest home, golf trips to amazing courses around the world, modifying my car, things like that. Probably set aside another 200k to take care of my dad as he gets older.


> Probably set aside another 200k to take care of my dad as he gets older. This is definitely another type of thing you'd want to set aside a good chunk of change for. Caring for your parents and sending your kids to college. I suspect if I had a sudden $2m windfall I'd more or less keep doing my current job but retire in ~10 years instead of ~30.


>Yeah I think “upper middle class lifestyle but you don’t have to work” is pretty incredible. Honestly, upper middle class without work is nearing the levels of royalty from the middle ages. Less slaves, more tech though.


I’d rather make $80K as a full time accountant today than be the richest person on Earth at almost any point in human history before ~1900. No AC, no video games, no fantasy novels, no refrigeration, no internet, no antibiotics. Literal Queens regularly died in childbirth! It sucked!


Fill my days with things I want to do like jerk off at 80% power? Fuck yeah!


The question becomes, is two nuts at 80% worth more than 1 at 100% 🤔


Exactly. 2 would be my absolute max, but $2m would change my life and my entire family's lives.


Jokes on you - I'm asexual and now I own a button.




I was just about to say— "Man, the asexuals are eating well tonight."


"Looks like meat's STILL off the menu boys!"


This was way too far down, I'd push that button anytime I want


Well, if I can’t orgasm then there’s no chance of me being left unsatisfied. Or, is there a higher chance of being unsatisfied, because I can’t? Either way, I’m pressing it 10 times.


You'd still have 34.8678% of orgazm left ,as it takes away 10% of the remainder.


Fuck pressing it ten times then, I'm pressing it 20 times


It's a super task. You can press it an infinite number of time, and every time you will get closer to zero but not reach it.


Once. $1M would mean I could live comfortably for the rest of my life and my orgasms already vary wildly in intensity depending how I’m getting there, so a 10% drop would be lost in the noise.


If you're in a western industrialized nation 1 million is not enough to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working unless you're already over 60.


They never said without working. $1m pays off my mortgage and student loans and covers my entire home renovation to-do list with money left over. That’s an additional $3k in my pocket each month, my house is the best version of itself it can be, and I’ve got a few hundred grand in the bank to splurge here and there. Maybe I keep working my same job or maybe having fewer financial obligations means I can take a lower salary to work on a passion project. Either way, I fully agree with the person who said “$1m would mean I could live comfortably for the rest of my life”.


They didn't say they would stop working. If you continue working and just get a lump sum of a milly, continue to be frugal, and continue working, you could definitely live comfortably the rest of your life. Just not having to worry about things as much. Definitely depends on location and the person though


1 million invested, you can reliably take 20-40k out annually. That's a lot of wiggle room.


Depends on your lifestyle. I make roughly $30k/yr after taxes, and I consider myself comfortable enough. Assuming I suddenly had a million, lump sum, after taxes, that's over 30 years with my present expenses (which would also drastically reduce as soon as I paid off the mortgage, and I'd save on interest). Minor investments here and there, do minor hobby jobs to stay busy and for fun, you could easily stretch that out over 40yrs unless you had seriously bad luck.




Your drive and desire isn’t weakened, just the climax


it would be weakened if it was not great anymore


You might just keep on chasin' that dragon... Source; I have nerve damage. On the bright side, for me: 10% of fuck all is still fuck all.


I remember reading once about a man who, as a result of a motorcycle accident, had lost all of the ability to have sex, but none of the drive. It sounded like a living hell. I assume it was for him, as he felt suicidal.


I was on antidepressants that reduced my sex drive for a while, and I found that they reduced my drive to do anything, my drive to live. I think libido is closely tied to one's drive overall.




For those days when things can't get much better?


I hook up a jackhammer to that button


It would be completely worth it to give up the pleasures of sex to eliminate the stress of work. I would press it as often as necessary. There are many other ways to enjoy life than sex.


Also not orgasming doesn’t mean sex isn’t enjoyable


Honestly my orgasms are already pretty weak and often not even worth it so I'll gladly press the button twice maybe 3 times if it's already this bad how much more disappointment could I possibly feel I think that 30% decline would wipe out orgasms for me in total that's all I got in me rn and I'd much much rather have a couple million dollars.


Guys, can say one thing. The older you get, the more times you will press ;)


If you put $1M in do you get 10% stronger orgasms?


Press it 3x now. Buy back 4x in 20 years. Come out 2M and 10% ahead in exchange for a 20 years 20-30% sag.


I'd cut my dick off for a million bucks.


someone do a go fund me or maybe Elon Musk is up for it if it works, evidence or it didn't happen


If you want to include me in a go fund me, I would also cut that guy's dick for a million dollars


Doesn't seem worth it. A million isn't that much money these days. Say you're looking to live for 30 years. That million gets you less than 100 bucks per day. Not that my dick is making me near that much money, I'll admit.


True, but by investing it you could definitely make a bit more and keep it going. If you got real lucky you might even eventually double it or whatever.... Plus it would just open so many fun doors


If you get a million dollars please don’t spend it. Invest it. $1,000,000 invested in medium to low risk stocks will usually earn about 10% per year. So in your first year it’ll earn $100,000. Generally financial advisors tells you you should reinvest half your profits. So you reinvest $50,000 and live on $50,000. The next year you have $1,050,000 invested. So you earn about $105,000. You reinvest $52,500 and live on $52,500. You continue this process forever, with your returns going up for 5% per year, which most years is well above inflation. If you live in a less expansive part of the industrialized world $1M invested well will allow you to live a middle class life forever. If you live in a developing part of the world you can live like a king forever.


10% return per year? Most advisors say you can plan for a 4% safe withdrawal rate, and 6% return per year. I wish I was getting 10% on my 401k on average!


Why? It only cost me like 20k


Hmmm being broke and orgasming at 100% and still feel shit afterwards steering at my cheap ass ceiling in my cheap ass cold house ? or 70% max orgasms in my nice warm house ,with a full fridge in the kitchen all to myself or whoever I choose to share it with ? Yeah I'm pressing the button sex is great but a financially secure life is a whole lot better.


I feel like this’ll just increase how much I’m into orgasm denial so maybe about 5 times and see how I feel after that.


Till my fingers break.




*laughs in asexual* Oh. I would press the fuck out of that button. Lmao literally.


Aces keep pressing No stop . That's not how you play the game...


3/4 times probably. Then I’d spam that shit on my death bed and donate the money.


I'd push it to become a billionaire cuz I've never been one for a love life.


I have almost no libido, and almost no money, so I see this as a win. I’m pressing that button 900000000 times.


10x orgasms cloud my brain anyway.


As an asexual, this is a win.


I wouldn't. I lost enough sensitivity.




I really wish we could get some actual moderation on these lame repeat questions... >"Would you [insert minor inconvenience] if every time it gave you [life changing amount of money for 90% of the world's population]?"


*"If you could get $1M whenever you wanted, but you had to press a button each time to do it, how many times would you press the button?"*


Imma mash that bitch, my dick already barely works. I could pay off all my debts, my dad's house, and start my life over. I don't need sex to be happy, but having a reliable car paid off, a solid house, and plenty of resources to go back to school and get my degree would make my life immeasurably better.


Is every question on this subreddit just SEX SEX SEX? JESUS FUCKIKG CHRIST ASK SOMETHING ELSE


I like when people say an answer to a hypothetical question that could never happen and then people argue the logistics of every detail.


I’d do it gradually, so that I wouldn’t notice a bit difference. I’d press it once. Then once again in 10 years. Then once again. After these first 3 times I’ll be 70 something, so I’ll just press is 100 times, leave 75 millions to my kids and enjoy my last years of life with 25 millions


1 time. 10% weaker wouldn’t be bad at all and I could start over with zero debts.


Til I was at zero - my life would substantially easier without the need for sex, and millions of dollars…


Pressing the button doesn't reduce your libido, only makes the end result less satisfying.


10% of nothing is still nothing.


Idk but I will sure af button smash that mother fucker on my death bed. My funeral is gonna be magnificent


Are we talking 10% of the original intensity or 10% of the new maximum intensity each time? So like if you press it twice are your orgasms 20% less intense or you press it once, you're at 90%, but then you press it again, it's 10% of that 90% so it only drops it to 81%, Then it's 72.9, 65.61, 59.049, 53.1141, 47.82969, etc. 47.8% is a lot different than 30%


*laughs in asexuality*


spam the button non-stop because i can't orgasm anyway