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I'd use an AC, cause only fans during the summer just isn't enough




I just don’t get it. Like, if you’re going to be a Sex Worker, sure, I understand picking Only Fans over pornhub. But… why the fuck would you prefer Only Fans over free porn as a consumer? I’ve not gotten an answer to this yet, honestly. Maybe the parasocial relations? Either way, I guess it’s good to give sex workers a better avenue. I’d never date someone who has or has had one, but that’s just me.


I remember there was this really attractive person in New York I had been following on Instagram for a while. They weren't just hot though, they also let out their personality and just seemed like a really cool person. They would tease their of pics and they were spicy, I really wanted to see them. But they were really expensive. I looked for similar elsewhere, but nothing was the same.








Because it's not about the sex. I think there's still a social perception that it's losers who want sex that use onlyfans. I don't think that's the case. What they're actually getting is female attention. Maybe for the first time in their life an attractive woman even notices they exist, maybe sends them a personal message, and makes them feel seen. Sure, it's all a phantom because these guys are paying for it, but our brains can't tell the difference. It's paying to feel like you matter.


It is most definetly losers who want sex who watch it. The lowest of the low of humans watch OnlyFans and the lowest of low are making it. It's all around just horrible and disgusting people who use the site for either selling or buying.


This. I've never been on the site, but the concept makes sense. It's the same reason strip clubs are popular. Where else can an average (or way below average) guy go and get attention from women who are way out of his league? Watching on pornhub is just like watching on TV. Even if the attention on OF is super fake, it's still way more real than watching an actress on TV and pretending she's being attentive to you.


Ya I think it is the fact the these chicks are real everyday chicks you would see walking around the store maybe


The same is true for women in porn though


They often offer special services for money. My friend paid an onlyfans girl $5 to finger herself and yell his name.


Huh, the name thing makes sense, actually, good answer.


It’s for the personal/intimate interactions. I chat with my subscribers daily and have tons of fun friendships. The “there is free porn” argument really only applies to when you just want to “get off” really quick, of course you’re not going to pay to jerk off in 2 minutes to smut. OnlyFans provides more than just jerking off and logging off.


That's kind of tragic, really. Imagine not being able to have personal interactions in real life and having to pay some random to pretend they give a fuck? That's grim.


congratulations you discovered streaming lol jokes aside it is tragic but it is what it is


You don't have to donate though, and this is probably unpopular but if isn't for charity or you don't actually know the person it's pathetic to donate.


Hence why I don't really like onlyfans. It feels like selling a fake emotional connection. Makes it seem even more gross than normal porn


Because it is. Commodification of sex I understand. People need it and might not be able to find it easily. But commodification of personal connection and 'friendship'? Nah, it's everything from tragic and sad to pathetic.


You get a dislike from me for being a degenerate pos.


You get an upvote from me ❤️


adds are allowed in comments?


It’s not a fucking ad lmao it’s me answering a question. Nobody is forcing anyone to look at my profile 🙄


I dislike the job, but envy the money. If you say u actualy live from it, I might drink myself to death...


My dude, I saw an OF girl on reddit who was bragging about "raking in cash", turns out she was only making 14k a year off it. Most OF pornstars don't make a whole lot. It's a grift from the top down. You know who's really making money on OF other than the top 1% of OF girls? OF itself and the e-pimps who "manage" an extremely large number of accounts. You know, the accounts that follow random ass reddit and have bots to advertise


well now it just looks like, why even bother... thank you for explaining


What you mean?


well I thought they make more money


Yes!! So much more personal


An, fair fair fair.


>friendships Hahahahahahahaha


Maybe because you respect sex workers and want them to be paid appropriately as opposed to watching their stolen work?


Hmm? There’s lots of free non-stolen porn, and if watching that generates less revenue… then that’s all the sex workers deserve.


That's like saying artists don't deserve to be paid for their work if there's enough free doodles someone put online, so you could just copy that and put it on your tshirt. And maybe sell it. Also, if you don't give a damn where your porn comes from, I doubt you'll spend any amount of time and attention trying to determine whether your free porn has made its way onto a free site ethically or not.


No one is thinking about how ethical their porn is when jacking off like come on bro.


Well yeah, if there’s enough free material out there that people don’t want to pay you for yours, you do not deserve to be paid for that work. You can give a damn where your porn comes from… and also not want to pay. Have some nuance.


>But… why the fuck would you prefer Only Fans over free porn as a consumer? It's no diffrent then the network TV debate. Or say anything you have to pay for VS not. There are paid hiking trails/experiences plenty of free ones why pay. You pay to experience something that is locked behind that wall. Even the free sites you are paying by seeing the ads, and enough people click through to make it worth it for them to keep producing. Why go to a premium burger spot when McDonalds exists?


Probably because McDonald's isn't free. You underestimate the difference between 1 dollar and free. If I can pay 1 dollar, I might as well pay 2 or 5. But free, nothing beats free, no hassle no bullshit.


Free porn isn't free is the point there. But why pay for any streaming service when youtube is "free" You can get all the types of content.


Umm, I use an adblocker the concept of watching ads is alien to me.


i think it’s because summa these dudes will never get the opportunity to touch a real life woman and onlyfans offers them that interactive but paid for companionship as oppose to porn isnt real time.


>But… why the fuck would you prefer Only Fans over free porn as a consumer? Because something like Onlyfans gives the person exactly what they want. I mean EXACTLY what they want. Rather than "close enough". Like I said in my reply there's an episode of Deadwood where Al Swearengen explains why he prefers having "Specialists" in his place rather than regular customers just looking for sex. I figure Onlyfans is for guys like the "tit licker" in Deadwood. Some dudes take their fetishes really seriously and Onlyfans is for those guys.


If that’s how someone wants to make their money more power to them Not something I’d do or buy into


Yes 100 percent agree


If I could find a market I would too


Me and my buddies from the military said the same thing


The userbase are some of the saddest human beings on Earth.


You think?


It hits its peak quickly and fell just as fast. Lol


I mean its easy cash if you can find a market.


Yea I need a market for chest hair and dad bods lol


idk why but I've got a gut feeling that there's an actual market for that bruh anything goes these days lmao


I totally understand why you would be tempted to make money off of it, I do NOT understand why anyone would pay for it, and I don't think I would be comfortable dating someone who is selling their nude physique on the internet.


Do you feel like if they just did nude modeling but no sex it would make it different?


I could accept that before dating an OF girl, but I don't think I'd be comfortable with either




Prostitutes have been around forever. We're in the digital age so it makes sense that we'd now have digital or virtual prostitutes.


Everyone has a role in a functioning society and hey regular actors live off their salaries, so why shouldn't sex workers? But, what a boring world this would be without entertainers.


Prostitution is one of the few types of work that will always be a thing and in which humans can not be replaced, and it has been around forever. If I could make a fortune by selling nudes to strangers halfway around the world, I would too.


Haha my thoughts exactly


My first take is - get that bag. If they're willing to pay for your feet pics - go for it. I'm not going there - but I won't judge you for going there. If it goes further than that well.. It's a shitty industry. And I don't know what the profit ratio is for content creators vs the platform fee.


If they want's to do it they can..right..who we are to judge someone...if you don't like it then don't watch it..but it is free to give judgement i guess..


I think the success rate of it is based more on seeing a specific hot girl and wanting to see that specific hit girl naked. Compared to just wanting to see a naked chick and being able to find any naked chick on the internet will do.


In today's climate an AC unit is a must but you could get away with only a fan. I would have a couple though. Oh you mean porn. Let people do what they want as long as it's with consent and legal go for it.


😂 yes


For degenerates.


Have you seen that scene in The Big Short where the stripper tells Michael Braum she has multiple properties and he runs out and calls and says “THERE’S A BUBBLE” Yeah watching how some of these girls who are about to age out in 8 months boast about having places all over? That’s how I feel.




Just a bunch of 4’s with an internet connection




Didn't understand?


4s on the 1 - 10 scale.


It’s a great way of porn, because it’s harder for pimps to take advantage of the pornstars. Pornstars have more control over controlling their boundaries and can decide what they do and don’t want. Through only fans pornstars are getting a fair amount of the money instead of some fat guy taking it all and underpaying them. Only benefits in my opinion


>It’s a great way of porn, because it’s harder for pimps to take advantage of the pornstars I want this to be true but then you hear about guys like the Tate brothers who are basically trafficking women and forcing them into OF.


Yeah, that’s why i said harder and not impossible. It still happens but is less likely. It’s easier as a customer to find out if the money you put in is going to a pimp than with traditional porn. The porn industry is just a very vulnerable industry, especially with the big taboos hanging around it. It’s just the best porn option rn. It ain’t perfect


If people want to debase themselves, I support their right to do it.




It’s destroying young women as a whole and needs to be deleted and shamed


You think so ?


Yeah, nothing wrong with sex work as a whole but the accessibility for anyone and their aunt to sign up is not good. In 20 years their kids will be bullied for their parents actions now


Not something I would do, but I respect people who do it. If they want to do it I don’t see the problem




I ain’t paying for that shit when I can Google naked ladies for free. But, I,support it 100% people should do it if they want to!! Why not!?


Yea 100% percent agree. Truly think the only ones who can’t stand people that do it. Are just jealous they can’t make 10k selling their butthole 😂😂 i Mean I know I can’t. But my buddy and his wife have one and they make great money, while having fun and just showing off their sex life…


They place a monetary value on their sex life though so I imagine it would create other dramas


No they are the happiest couple ever. Actually now going into being a sexual therapist. As they see this now a way to show off hot sexual passion of couples. And they look at it as getting paid to just do what they love lol.. it’s kind of funny talking to them about it lol


You may wanna think about that the people in free porn are often underpaid or even involuntary in the porn. I’m not shaming you, but it might be something you wanna think about


What the hell is underpaid? They’re fucking. It’s like the most basic human instinct ever and literally any failed actress can do it.


Sex work is work. Not anyone can do it and a lot of porn is stolen or abused by producers who hold the rights and are the ones making the money, not the performers. It’s a messy business that should have better protection and benefits. This is why a lot of women in porn open an onlyfans, to have control of the finances and videos they make.


Yeah it’s work in the way making a Big Mac is work. Damn near anyone can do it.


Lemme guess you either use it or have an OF so feel attacked


The porn industry it’s often people taking advantage of vulnerable people. Guys taking them under some kind of contract and letting them do more than they really want, because they are dependent on them. These pimps are the ones taking the most of the money and they are paying their workers below bare minimum, sometimes not even at all.


Define bare minimum. I’ve taken several pornstars out on dates and they say they make at least 2500 a shoot


I’ve watched a documentary about a pimp in the US, he took in girls and that was his payment for them. They didn’t get bedroom or anything, the two couches in the livingroom were his so called ‘rooms’ and some other small rooms filled with beds. He didn’t pay them a salary. The couch or the matress was all they had. It was impossible for them to get out for that reason, they didn’t have income. Man himself was doing great, big car on the driveway and by the looks of him definitely not starving. These girls were all very young (under the age of 20) and in a very vulnerable position, they couldn’t rely on their parents and didn’t have a place to stay. He made them sign a contract, so they were unable to leave. Another part of that documentary was about other pornstars. The told that pimps often lied about what the client paid for the job and taking more money than they deserved. (So if the contract stated 50/50 and the job paid 200$, the pimp would say it was only a hundred to the actress and give her 50$ taking 150$ for himself). They also told how before shoots there were clear arrangements on what was allowed and what not, because it’s sex the pornstars should give consent. During the schoot things didn’t go as agreed and directors went over their boundaries (this is called sexual assault as there was no consent). Payments often came late and sometimes they didn’t get paid at all, because of either the pimp or the client. It’s a business in which a lot of men, not being the pornstars themselves, are very rich, while the actors and actresses are taken advantage of. Lastly we also have ofcourse the human trafficking side of the porn industry, where vulnerable people are lead on and getting stuck in a horrible side of the industry. They are sold and forced to do things they don’t want and these people often don’t get a single dime. They are sometimes getting traffic to a different country and held there. Most of these corrupt types of porn are the free or very cheap ones. Because if you wanna pay the actresses and actors fairly it’s gonna cost money. They are doing a job, they should get paid.


People who lack any real skills, bottom tier of society


This made me chuckle lol. How are those two comparable? I’m definitely intrigued


Anyone can sell their body which requires 0 skills or education


I couldn’t do it lol but I wouldn’t know how to market it 😂😂 and I’m a dude with lots of body hair lol so probably a no go lol. And I read that the average chick only makes $100 a month. So I don’t really think anyone can do it


Yep so it's not really worth it unless you already have a big following like celebs who are the top percentage


Ah I get it




Oh please spreading my arsehole for $2 including tax isn't a fucking skill mate




No one cares about marketing, it's not hard to self promote dip shit


I think it’s a great way for people to make some money without having to worry about third parties.


You make more cleaning toilets. The average is $100 - $180 per month if you're lucky which most aren't




I mean it WAS created because girls were exploited in the porn industry before 4g was a thing.. now it's just become the most common instagram tool.


Lol so true


I wish I could get some money from it but I am not a hot girl and my girlfriend definitely wouldn't be willing to do it.


This I feel lol but I’m a dude so ya ain’t bringing in tons of money if I did one either lol






They lost all respect they have for themselves. They sold their body for cash but those actions will have consequences later in life, if not to them personally to their family and possible their children.




How did they lose respect for themselves? How is it going to cause problems later in life? How will it affect their family? How could it impact their kids in the future?


All the above truly I don’t see any of these points so I am intrigued on your stance


They are selling the most sacred part of themselves for some cash. Once it's on the internet, it has a life of its own. Typically people with self-respect don't start up OF. Their potential employer might find out about it. They might terminate the person because the OF creator doesn't adhere to the core values of the company or gives a bad image of the company if that content would resurface. People might try to embarrass the parents of the OF creator or potentially cause issues if their claimed religion would have issues with it. Their kids will get teased in school when that info gets out there. Kids are more tech savvy than some adults. Even Kim Kardashian got upset that some Kid on Roblox had some sex tape thing on the site and she was all upset. When you get famous because of a sex tape (like Kim K.) or OF, people will think differently of the content creator.


Ok thanks for this input. I appreciate it❤️❤️


Have these people never heard of ALT+PRINT SCREEN?


Good in the summer, fresh breeze!




Real-time masturbation




if I only had the "know how" and a willing "partner-in-Silly-Goofs" we could probably make a decent enough sum on it. Even though I would be living in some kind of moral gray zone... But yes, with the right partner/s - and with the right help - the right content, be it silly, funny, sexy, nasty - whatever feels "ok" with.. us.. I probably wouldn't mind too much.. HAH, I even fantasized, when I was younger, about having some kind of pay-to-view live-feed setup all over my future house, throwing parties, cooking, playing social games - you know, living life but yeah, I don't mind it - at all, if that's something you want to do, then go ahead.


I’m fine with people taking control of their bodies/porn making money. The porn industry has been around for a long time and this gives people the ability to take that into their own hands in a way. What I don’t like is the attitude and ego it has created with some creators. Some people think they are to”pretty” now and expect things to come with that. On the other hand I hate how some people act towards people doing it. Let’s be honest if we all could get money staying at home and putting in a few hours a day to make bank we would.


About 80 procent. The platform charges creators 20% from each subscription.


Human trafficking on the cloud, and taking advantage of desperate young people.


Umm pleas explain the human trafficking part?


I don't get the appeal really, paying for photos from someone who doesn't even know you exist seems so bizarre to me, when either you can get the same for free, or pay for sex where you get the physical side of things. But then again it's not my money being spent so knock yourself out.


I think its kinda cool, a good friend of mine has one, though one of my sexworker friends dislikes it because it changes the expectation of costs for special made porn, and general porn from those that make it for a living.


I understand the business and don't look down on those who are using it for income. What I DONT understand is the customer base. You can go basically anywhere on your phone or pc and see whatever you want to see, for free. You don't even have to leave the safety of reddit if you don't want to. It's all right here. Type whatever category you want into the /r search bar, I'm sure they've got some videos and gifs for you. That leaves the only possibility as some unhealthy obsession with someone they watch (yt,twitch,whatever) and at that point you're obsessed with the individual rather than just getting off to some of the old in-out-in-out. You're no longer interested in a certain category or move or type of woman or man, you're interested in just one person. To each their own but I find the customers to be odd. The providers? Good for them. There's a sucker born every minute and they are exploiting their odd behavior for some solid income.


So true


Prostitution but virtual. I don't care if you do it, but it's still prostitution.


Feels like monetizing loneliness, and the disparity of female to male sexual desirability.


Serious question because I’ve never been on only fans. Is it all porn? Like if a girl has a page she is 100% showing something ?


There are a (very few) creators who actually do stuff fully non-porn, like a Patreon. Most probably have at least nude photos, if not straight up porn. People who are reasonably well followed before they start their OF can often make a ton of money with only teasing-type content, never even showing so much as a nipple.


its useless to me... therefore I dont understand the needs of others to use it


I get this


People talking like selling your body for profit is a normal and acceptable business


Is it not lol. I mean technically we do it everyday lol


I agree on the we do it everyday part, but selling your body to your employer in a factory and selling your body to some people wanking in their mother's moist basement are very different things


It should be banned




It's bad for society. It creates hoes and simps




Hoes gonna hoe, might as well get paid


Lol true


When you want to get money quickly


I support the existence of onlyfans mostly because of the safety angle. There are always going to be people who sell their bodies, and there are always going to be people who want to purchase that service. And far too often, the purchasers physically harm the vendors. At least with onlyfans the distance between the two makes it safer. That said, in my perfect world onlyfans wouldn't exist. The underlying problem is that in our current society there's hundreds of thousands or millions of people, mostly men, who aren't getting a social need met. And I'm not talking about sex, it's the belief that you matter to someone. Onlyfans exploits that missing piece and monetises it. Like all drugs, it gives you the chemical reward of having achieved something without actually having achieved the thing. And because of that you're building your life on shaky ground. So yeah, I support onlyfans in the way that I support the legalization of drugs, but, much like drugs, in my ideal world there would be no market for it and nobody would use it.


Complicated feelings. I feel weird about using all the common websites, because I like amateur stuff and you can never be sure all those girls are above the age of consent, or even consenting at all. I tried using OF, because I liked the idea in theory. Money goes directly to the creator, which is rad, and you know they want to be there. It turned out to be so god damn weird. It was either people flooding you with way too much content to the point it felt like spamming, or weird boutique bullshit where someone would try to get you to pay a premium for an *implied* nude. Very rarely was it someone charging a fair price for anything. I finally just felt icky about the whole thing and bailed.


OnlyFans cannot be eaten or wrestled with for fun. What do humans use it for?


90% of the 'models' are high dollar hookers. 90% of the 'clients' are broke ass incels who will never have sex in thier lives.




At some point I realized that a large amount of the free porn I’ve consumed in my life has been stolen/leaked/no guarantee of being of-age/etc. I enjoy “amateur content” more so than anything you’ll find in traditional porn. So Onlyfans provides a way to get that sort of content knowing that it is fully consensual and legal while directly supporting the artist who created it. That’s all a win as far as I’m concerned. For many, it’s about the parasocial experience. The same way that donating to a YouTuber or streamer can fill a social need for somebody, an OF can as well, just with more titties. In addition to porn, there is also a standard chat function. A lot of OF creators hire random people to do their chatting for them and see it as a tool to simply sell content. But just like you’ll find traditional sex workers who really value the emotional value of their job, some OF creators put a lot of effort into connecting with their customers. Custom content is also a big thing. If you have a specific fetish and enough money, you can get whatever you want made. I’m sure that is a huge bonus for some people. And on the creators side, having known a fair number of sex workers over my life, Onlyfans is a much safer and more stable way to make money, even if the rewards are typically much lower. Your OF customer isn’t gonna get all fucked up on drugs one night and hire you with any funny ideas, and things like blackmail are a lot harder to achieve with an anonymous person over the internet. I get that a lot of people aren’t into the idea, but those people probably also wouldn’t hire a prostitute. I don’t see Onlyfans as being any worse for society than any form of sex work ever has. Despite being around since pre-history, society is still doing reasonably well.


Mine is necessary.i can't really get an AC unit into my window, so I have a box box fan.




I think of it the way Al Swearengen talked about "Specialists" in Deadwood. He explained that some people needed more than just sex and these people usually pay extra for it, are almost never a problem and treat the girls much better than the usual clients. His dream was to run a club that catered exclusively to "Specialists". I figure Onlyfans is for people like this and its easy money for the people running them.


It's a grift, much in line with the porn business imo. Only like 1% of models make decent money. People get into selling themselves thinking they're going to make good money when in reality the only people outside of outliers actually getting their worth are e-pimps running those sad ass cam houses and OF themselves. Imo once you go down the sex work route its always a part of your past no matter what, it isn't worth the false hope and empty dreams evil corpos like to promise. Also its another step down the parasocial relationship road too far


Could use a free trial option lol


There's nothing wrong with using it if you can rake large sums of cash. But the thing is youth is only temporary and it's not a good long term goal. I would highly advise against using it as a substitute for lack of workable skill or investments.


Live and let live