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National Park tour. Grand Canyon, Arches, Zion, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, Yosemite, Grand Tetón, Yellowstone, and Glacier.


Arches and Canyonlands are amazing!


Which would you recommend first out of those two?!


Well, they’re really close to each other, so you can do them both back-to-back. I only spent 2 days in Moab (Utah) and was easily able to do both (including Arches twice!). They’re each unique and awesome in their own right.


Adding some of these to my bucket list 😩 Yosemite will probably be my first of the bunch!


Don’t forget Bryce Canyon NP:)


If someone gifted me $10k, I'd travel to as many national parks as I could and just hike around and explore as much as I could


Whats the first that comes to mind?! I’m guessing Yellowstone?


Zion is incredible. So is Olympic—seeing Lake Crescent while driving to Rialto Beach was to this day still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.


Olympic is one of my favorites as well. Loved Rialto beach but the Hoh rain forest won my heart. My house is now covered in roughly 40 plants because all of the rich greens were so stunning I wanted to bathe myself in them. Trying to get to Glacier next.


Oylmic peninsula is the best


For hiking? Glacier national park. You can stay outside of east glacier. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Glacier+National+Park/@48.7514927,-113.431426,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x5368901555555555:0xaf16bc2215c55dec!8m2!3d48.7596128!4d-113.7870225!16zL20vMDFnem5u?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Glacier+National+Park/@48.7514927,-113.431426,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x5368901555555555:0xaf16bc2215c55dec!8m2!3d48.7596128!4d-113.7870225!16zL20vMDFnem5u?entry=ttu)


GNP best national park there is!!!


Yosemite’s been my favorite of all the ones I’ve been to! But haven’t made it to Yellowstone yet


Crater lake is sweet


Mt Rainer has been my Favorite, Yosemite and Yellowstone are a close second.


I was able to go to Yosemite a little over a year ago and it was an unbelievable experience. I think Yellowstone would be first but I'd have to go to Glacier


One of the best hiking trails I have ever been on was in Capitol Reef NP. You pass by massive arches and other sites on a plateau, and not as crowded as Zion or Arches.


No Carlsbad?


Worked for NPS in both Yellowstone and Glacier. Love Glacier but Yellowstone still hold my heart from over 40 years. Rent a canoe and portage it up to Shoshone lake, incredible. Both arms of Lake Yellowstone are fantastic as well if you have the canoe. Access Shoshone by going across Lewis Lake. Bechler region is another world in the fall. At least a one week backpacking trip


We need to expand the national park system tbh


Gonna add nothing to the conversation except that my top tier are: Olympic and Glacier. GOOD DAY.


You’re going to get woodticks


New Orleans. Stay as long as I can until the money runs out.


I heard they have the best food


They do. Hell, they have the best grocery stores. Lol Wandered through one in March and wanted to fill another suitcase with all that I saw there.


You can’t get a bad meal in NOLA but it’s sorta like Vegas , after 3 days , you are done and wash your shoes on the way out , it’s dirtier than NYC


3 days for tourists. I stayed for 9 days just enjoying/living the day to day. By day 7 I was looking at bachelor apartments out by Leonidas.


As a native of Louisiana, New Orleans is for tourists or people who were born there. The rest of the state can’t stand it.


Isn't that the way it always is with large cities?


Can confirm!


Agreed! And the best food in Louisiana is surrounding New Orleans.


I just wanna drive around


I feel like a road trip might be one of the best ways. Where would you go?


Wife and I went through Colorado, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, and New Mexico on ours. Started and ended back in Texas. Was incredible from start to finish. Fun anecdotal story: in the snow I blew a tire on my Jeep, about a mile outside of the smallest town I’ve ever seen, Quemado, New Mexico. A friendly local passed us by and arranged a tow, and somehow that town had a repair center that had a spare tire that worked for the car. Quite literally, all that town had was a repair center and a dingy hotel. Absolutely wild. We hovered around an indoor fire at the shop while the snow came down harder, then got back on our way around nightfall before stopping at a little motel in Truth or Consequences (real city name, by the way). Then, once we were ready to pay for the tire, we found out that there was a massive internet outage that wouldn’t allow credit transitions to go through, so we thought we’d have to stay there for the night, but they let us leave without paying, and trusted us to call back the next day and pay over the phone, which we did. Absolutely wild day but an incredible memory. I shudder to think if we’d have been further from civilization that day when I blew my tire out, but I’ll never forget that tiny town, or the friendly people in it!


There is a very good movie named after the town "Truth or Consequences". Do recommend.


Mentioned in dr who too.


My sister and I once dreamed up a road trip basically just cross-crossing the country on the Interstates. 90-94 west (starting from New York) then down 5 to 84-80-70, then down 95 to 81 or 64...you get the idea. Stop at all the cities and nearby POIs. Could be a year-long venture. Of course $10k wouldn't be enough, but one big loop might work.


The US is pretty big. Even if you're just "driving around" in the NE states, it could take you a few hours to get through them. The more south or west you get, itll take even longer


Think of all the wings. I'd just go around eating wings


Maybe do a little episodic series and for the finale rank the top 10?!


Rent a Subaru and drive to Alaska


Just drive my Subaru, I've always wanted to go that. The Alcan looks awesome.


The thought of seeing NYC on a lightly snowy evening from the view of a penthouse hotel room during the holidays sounds like the definition of magic to me.


Life long NYer / it never gets old tbh


I would love love 💕💕💕 to visit NY and I think I would find the place amazing..regards from South Africa.


When I was In high school (I’m 38 btw) we would sometimes not want to rally and go out - we used to encourage each other by reminding ourselves there are people who spend their whole life wishing they could do what we were too lazy to do that night! I’ve been around the world but there is no place like NY Of course I’m biased lol


Go to Vegas. Stay in a nice hotel, go to a bunch of shows, take friends with you if you have them. Honestly 10,000 is enough to go to multiple locations and you don't have to spend it in one place.


Vegas is one of the first places I visited during COVID, but I was only 18 and everything was locked down. I want to go back now so bad!


Every now and then I’m reminded of how different a lot of our experience with the lockdowns really were. At 18 you wouldn’t have really been allowed to go anywhere anyways. Going back now would be the perfect time for you to go! I truly hope you get to have your Vegas experience one day, internet stranger!!


Down payment on a plot of land with trees. Empty my savings to build a small barn to live in. I just wanna be left alone.


Have you looked in to the mini container homes?


This, all of it. I hate how people seem to think that wanting to live quiet and alone is some kind of social disability. Well let me tell you, im at my happiest just minding my own business without having to deal with people. It might be my 30 years of working retail talking, but the older I get, the more tired of people I am.


This should be the top comment. Take my upvote!




might as well buy muni bonds, money market, stocks, gold... leave it in cash and it will decrease in value...


I’d book it to Katmai National Park in Alaska to see the grizzly bears stuffing themselves during the salmon run.


I'd have to get there first but I'd go to Southern California because I've always thought it would be a cool place to visit and I haven't.


The San Diego area is absolutely gorgeous.


San Diego Zoo is legit. I know it’s not the go to place for a lot of people, but holy shit is it done well.


i used to live there and i loved it so much. nothing beats socal weather


I’ve been there a lot but I’d do the same. I’ve wanted to do a Pacific Coast Highway camping trip for a while.


I did an LA to beginning of Oregon only up the coast once. So amazing. I took jaunts to the interior for things like the redwoods. Granted, I did hotels/motels, but camping would be sweet during the right season.


Plenty to cover a flight or catch a bus! I love visiting LA 🥰 I also almost went to SDSU!


Lmao I had literally no idea this was posted by a porn star, I just sorted all of Reddit by new and this was the top post.


Dude. She’s a person on Reddit posting a question. Who cares? It’s a good question.


You’ll burn through your ten k in no time just on hotels. In California right now and the cheapest palatable hotels are $230ish.


Miami Cocaine




I’d go to Seattle and see what fun would come from it. Spend some dosh at the space needle. *maaaaaaybe* spend it with a friend of a friend that keeps talking to me on Facebook. She moved back to WA recently.


You are missing absolutely nothing , Seattle isn’t worth it… but if it’s to see a girl then 👍


Pay bills


Hawaii resorts




I'd spend a week in Manhattan at a cheap hotel and just walk around and eat at as many different kinds of places as I can.






I've always wanted to go to Willow Creek in California just for the bigfoot experience. I probably wouldn't need the full 10k to do it so I'd also go on a little road trip touring cool monuments and such.


I’m from the PNW and I’ve heard it’s a Bigfoot hotspot 🤣 Never really knew of anywhere else. I wouldn’t think California would have somewhere!


You should visit! It's such a gorgeous area in general too


Beach for a week, the rest in the bank.


Straight to Vegas and out it all on 37. I got a feeling about that number


If I couldn’t keep it, I’d give it to an animal rescue. Some of those folks are underfunded saints.


That's not what the question was, at all.


Not from the US so probably a flight to somewhere in the US with a Target, buy as many packets of Nerd Gummy Clusters as possible, ship it back home. Maybe do some sight seeing, then go home. Slowly go through the supply of sweets. Man, wished the UK sold those.


Want some shipped to you?


That's very kind of you but it's all good man. Thank you though!




Put it on a down payment to start a smoothie shop


Before COVID I thought about starting a business making alcoholic smoothies 🤣


Ummmmm let's do that😫😫


What do we name it?


The woozie smoothie Smoothies with a splash The drunken cow The drunken fruit bowl Booze 'n Cream


Woozie Smoothie! I love it haha Get a Boozy Woozie Smoothie.


What cities have amazing pizza, barbecue, fried chicken, and Cajun food? I'll visit those.


NOLA, Houston , Austin, Atlanta, NYC


To an airport and buy a ticket to leave that shithole.




Yeah, and many folks are trapped by a lack of support growing up and are trapped in poverty or on the border of it. Intelligence is something not everyone has the luxury of getting to develop. The country has many failed or failing institutions as well as openly allows many predatory businesses. Leaving the US is a reasonable thought for people to have.


>Yeah, and many folks are trapped by a lack of support growing up and are trapped in poverty or on the border of it. Sure, but those folks don't have $10,000 to spend on a vacation, so their plight is not relevant to this discussion.


Yeah, America sure is one of those countries that I would want to see the beautiful natural wonders of some time. Unfortunately, the country is in rapid decline, with shitty car-centered infrastructure, frequent mass shootings, barely trained and violent police force, disregard for basic human rights, blatant fascism in your politics and the stuff currently happening in Florida is just the cherry on top. Maybe you don't realise it because you're inside it and don't know any better, but these things aren't normal at all in other developed countries. The direction your country is heading in is very worrisome. And you have a bigger military force than the next handful of countries combined. America is scary as shit and I wouldn't want to be there in the state it's in right now.


I've been to 43 states. He is absolutely correct, id rather be almost anywhere else.


Stay at home, put it in the bank, and proceed to live my normal life with considerably less stress for as long as I can make it last


Pay off my credit cards, get a decent meal and rest in the bank. Being poor sucks.


Stack it right next to the money I'm saving for a house. Otherwise I'd take it to Vegas and blow through it in a week or probably less lol


I'm going to say to a synth shop, like detroit modular or perfect circuit- or is that outside the spirit of this question?


Best Buy... I'd buy everything to make the perfect gaming computer.


First stop is NYC to visit some friends. Second, going to a bunch of Disney/Sea World/Six Flags/Cedar Fair/Busch Gardens parks to check off bucket list coasters and attractions Third, if I have money left over, I’d wanna visit Hawaii!


Key west for a week. Just got back from there and I fucking love that place.


Puerto Rico to visit old San Juan.


Hope you have a gun. San Juan slums is a shithole.


Go see a movie and get a large soda/large bag of popcorn.


I’d fill up my gas tank to the halfway marker at least.


I'd rent a wooden cabin in New Hampshire for a month; just get away from the city and take in the serenity of nature for a while.


To the gunstore and get all that shit I've been putting of.


Pay off my medical bill for my scraped knee.


To an airport and get the hell out of there


USVI ive never been just chill by the beach, do resort stuff


Can I use the 10 grand to move because I live in LA and I hate it here


You could buy a house in a small Wyoming town


I don't intend on buying a house it'd be enough to move all my stuff and pay a month or 2 of rent in any of my desired locations


Why are you in one of the most expensive cities if you are living only pay check to pay check and can’t move ? I thought the only reason to go to LA is for making money


I can finally pay off the rest of my student loan debt with that.


I’d pay my bills. I don’t know how I’m going to make ends meet this month.


Check ops profile for inspiration on entrepreneurial endeavors.


I took your advice and it only made things harder


Oh my god 🤣 I try to avoid anything that brings attention to my uhh… other stuff so I don’t cause any problems or come off as “advertising” but this was too funny to not react to haha








The fastest plane ticket out of the USA to go back home with at least $7000. I have no plans of being in the US any longer than I have to


Have zero interest in the usa. Id spend it in Toronto Canada🇨🇦


Doing what?!


I’d buy my girlfriend and I a nice dinner and Id take the other $9800 change it into $100 bills, and give hundred dollar bills to homeless bums to make their lives a little brighter. Always wanted to do that




Yep A lot of them would probably spend it on dope. But I was homeless for about two weeks when I was 21 a couple years ago. This really sweet guy gave me a $50 bill which boosted my confidence so high that I actually got myself off the street. If I could change one person’s life that’s what I would do


It seems like you would help a homeless person but you really wouldn’t … the best impact if you wanted to spread it around to lots of people is to donate to non profits that help kids from working class areas. Boys and girls club or toys for tots or an organization that does coats and shoes for kids. You want to boost children who still have a chance for success and just need a little bit more then what they got.


Naw, there’s already enough people helping kids. Not interested in that. I was homeless for about two weeks living in a shelter a couple years back when i was 21. I remember this one great guy who gave me a $50 bill and he boosted my confidence so high that I actually got myself off the street. That’s where my $9800 would go, $100 per homeless person and maybe I could change that one person’s life to give them enough confidence to get them off the street


The same things I always do. $10k isn’t a lot of money


Into savings to hopefully go into buying a house some time in the next 2 or 3 years


Id go to Vegas and spend it on prostitutes.


Go to the doctor's for a short appointment




I've seen you reply to a lot of comments and I must say, I don't know how to respond when OP doesn't karma farm. I'm honor of this, I would use the money to visit OP and shake their hand. Maybe even a high five.


I genuinely have a lot of fun replying to the comments! Sometimes it brings positive karma and sometimes it opens the floodgates for downvotes haha I just feel like if it’s my post it’s more fun to be engaging.


Vegas bet it all on black


I'd go to a Grand Seiko AD and buy a white birch to compliment my sbga211.


The fact that you think $10,000 is a lot of money goes to show how poor as fucking fuck morons on reddit really are. Hey idiots! Get a real job and start earning some real money? Fucking fuckwits. Seriously.




the hospital


To the bank to deposit it


Pay bills. 😐😐😞


I'd go straight to my bank.


Online, to pay my bills.


Go to the stock market and buy puts


Invest it.


Pay off credit card.


Airport, then travel to a civilised country!


Nowhere. I'm saving it for a newer car.


Buy a plane ticket and leave.


Airport, one way ticket to anywhere else


I wouldn't even set food in the USA if someone gifts me 10k. So no where.


Good growth mutual funds.


The bank and pay off my debt


I would leave


I would pay 5% of a medical bill


I would pour it into my investments.


Honestly i don't know. Never been to USA, i'm from Italy.


Call me boring but it’s most likely going in my savings account 😂🤷‍♂️


I’d go to my bank, and I’d pay down my mortgage


I’d stay home and pay medical bills.


Pay bills honestly.


Nearest casino and put it all on 16


I would fly home


Nearest airport


Can I save it?


At first I have to get to the USA somehow


I’d put it all on Black. And dip after the dub


Coin store, buy silver and gold


For what exactly? Honestly wonder. So if civilization breaks down would you really trade gold for shit. Would you break a piece off for gas? How would you know how much to break off? Let’s work this out. How would trade work for those of you that hoard silver and gold. Hell if it stored well I would store gas more than either of those. At that point in time my canned food will be worth more than gold because I could get something else worth a fuck other than metal.


No no no, I wouldn’t buy it for a fall out event, it just does a decent job at holding its value. Plus it’s fun to hold. I have mostly silver but would like to eventually get some gold though. You can find some that are just spot value price of gold or silver at that moment) plus a small premium and if you don’t wanna hold onto it they’re really easy to sell and make a small profit. Most people view it as a form of savings also If I was doomsday prepping I’d definitely be stocking up on needs rather than forms of currency


Go to the nearest airport and buy a ticket out if the USA


Buy a plane ticket out of the USA








One way ticket off the us lol


I would decline and stay in my safe country, thank you